Be sure to :star: my repo so you can keep up to date on the daily progress!
This section is for the packages. (It's being slowly built out)
**Twitter Account**
-You can see my home in action by following it's Twitter account [@BearStoneHA](
-Home Assistant live tweets activities in the house on it's own dedicated Social Media Account.
**Alarm System**
You can find out about how I swapped out my ADT for 3 NodeMCUs [here](
**Landscape Lighting**
For the ladnscape lights, I have 2 12v transformers in the backyard. One powers the front landscape lights and the other the backyard landscaping lights.
I have put 2 [GE ZWave Outdoor Power Module]( conneted to the transformers and controlled by my [Wink Hub]( They are set to turn on landscape lighting at sunset and turn off at random times before sunrise.

**Nest Protects**
You can find my [Nest protects]( write up [here](
 and thermostats [here](
You can also vist my [Blog]( for all of my [Home Automation Posts](