value1:"Lightning has been detected within {{(states('sensor.blitzortung_lightning_distance') | int / 1.69) | round (1, 'floor')}} Miles of our home. Be careful if outdoors."
value1:"Lightning has been detected within {{(states('sensor.blitzortung_lightning_distance') | int / 1.69) | round (1, 'floor')}} Miles of our home. Please make sure everyone is inside the house."
"{{ states('sensor.blitzortung_lightning_counter') }} lightning strike(s) have been detected within {{(states('sensor.blitzortung_lightning_distance') | int / 1.69) | round (1, 'floor')}} Miles of our home.",
"{{ states('sensor.blitzortung_lightning_counter') }} lightning strike(s) have been recorded {{(states('sensor.blitzortung_lightning_distance') | int / 1.69) | round (1, 'floor')}} miles by the house.",
"Yikes! {{ states('sensor.blitzortung_lightning_counter') }} lightning strike(s) were way too close; ({{(states('sensor.blitzortung_lightning_distance') | int / 1.69) | round (1, 'floor')}} miles too close in fact). Time to get everyone inside."