diff --git a/config/script/monthly_color_scene.yaml b/config/script/monthly_color_scene.yaml index 858a84e5..0a138128 100755 --- a/config/script/monthly_color_scene.yaml +++ b/config/script/monthly_color_scene.yaml @@ -38,38 +38,32 @@ monthly_color_scene: {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int >= 315 and now().strftime("%m%d")|int <= 317-%} st_patty - {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int >= 418 - and now().strftime("%m%d")|int <= 421-%} + {%- elif states('sensor.easter_countdown') | int < 4 -%} easter {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int == 504 -%} starwars {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int == 505 -%} cinco_de_mayo - {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int == 512 -%} + {%- elif states('sensor.mothers_countdown') | int < 4 -%} mothers_day - {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int == 616 -%} + {%- elif states('sensor.fathers_countdown') | int < 4 -%} fathers_day + {%- elif states('sensor.memorial_day_countdown') | int < 3 -%} + RWB {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int >= 704 and now().strftime("%m%d")|int <= 704-%} RWB + {%- elif states('sensor.labor_day_countdown') | int < 3 -%} + RWB {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int >= 1001 and now().strftime("%m%d")|int <= 1031-%} halloween - {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int >= 1128 - and now().strftime("%m%d")|int <= 1130-%} + {%- elif states('sensor.thanksgiving_day_countdown') | int < 4 -%} thanksgiving - {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int >= 1125 - and now().strftime("%m%d")|int <= 1221-%} - christmas - {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int >= 1222 - and now().strftime("%m%d")|int <= 1223-%} + {%- elif states('sensor.chanukkah_countdown') | int < 10 -%} hanukkah - {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int >= 1224 - and now().strftime("%m%d")|int <= 1225-%} + {%- elif states('sensor.christmas_countdown') | int < 30 -%} christmas - {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int >= 1226 - and now().strftime("%m%d")|int <= 1230-%} - hanukkah {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int == 1231 -%} new_years_day {%- else -%}