From 89d5bb29bcde696a6b38e44dc1b900c2a0960832 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ccostan <>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2018 15:21:02 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Let's give this a shot #421.  Perfect timing since my Google
 ChromeCast Audios got jacked thanks to my new crappy router.

 config/configuration.yaml                     |   14 +-
 .../custom_components/media_player/   | 1077 +++++++++++++++++
 config/group/media_players.yaml               |    8 +-
 config/packages/alexa_tts.yaml                |   82 ++
 config/script/speech_engine.yaml              |    5 +-
 config/script/speech_processing.yaml          |   10 +-
 config/travis_secrets.yaml                    |    4 +-
 7 files changed, 1183 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 config/custom_components/media_player/
 create mode 100755 config/packages/alexa_tts.yaml

diff --git a/config/configuration.yaml b/config/configuration.yaml
index fd3d29e0..5579c9e0 100755
--- a/config/configuration.yaml
+++ b/config/configuration.yaml
@@ -233,13 +233,13 @@ climate:
   #   name: Living Room TV
   #   scan_interval: 180
-  - platform: amazon_polly
-    aws_access_key_id: !secret aws_access_key_ID
-    aws_secret_access_key: !secret aws_secret_access_key
-    region_name: 'us-east-1'
-    text_type: ssml
-    cache: True
+# tts:
+#   - platform: amazon_polly
+#     aws_access_key_id: !secret aws_access_key_ID
+#     aws_secret_access_key: !secret aws_secret_access_key
+#     region_name: 'us-east-1'
+#     text_type: ssml
+#     cache: True
 #    cache_dir: /data/tts
diff --git a/config/custom_components/media_player/ b/config/custom_components/media_player/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..02e82beb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/custom_components/media_player/
@@ -0,0 +1,1077 @@
+Support to interface with Alexa Devices.
+For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at
+VERSION 0.9.5
+import logging
+from datetime import timedelta
+import requests
+import voluptuous as vol
+from homeassistant import util
+from homeassistant.components.media_player import (
+    MediaPlayerDevice, DOMAIN, MEDIA_PLAYER_SCHEMA,
+from homeassistant.const import (
+from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv
+from homeassistant.helpers.service import extract_entity_ids
+from homeassistant.helpers.event import track_utc_time_change
+# from homeassistant.util.json import load_json, save_json
+# from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util
+                 SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE)
+_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+REQUIREMENTS = ['beautifulsoup4==4.6.0', 'simplejson==3.16.0']
+MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_SCANS = timedelta(seconds=15)
+MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_FORCED_SCANS = timedelta(seconds=1)
+ALEXA_DATA = "alexa_media"
+SERVICE_ALEXA_TTS = 'alexa_tts'
+ATTR_MESSAGE = 'message'
+    vol.Required(ATTR_MESSAGE): cv.string,
+CONF_DEBUG = 'debug'
+    vol.Required(CONF_EMAIL): cv.string,
+    vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string,
+    vol.Required(CONF_URL): cv.string,
+    vol.Optional(CONF_DEBUG, default=False): cv.boolean,
+def request_configuration(hass, config, setup_platform_callback,
+                          status=None):
+    """Request configuration steps from the user."""
+    configurator = hass.components.configurator
+    async def configuration_callback(callback_data):
+        """Handle the submitted configuration."""
+        hass.async_add_job(setup_platform_callback, callback_data)
+    # Get Captcha
+    if (status and 'captcha_image_url' in status and
+            status['captcha_image_url'] is not None):
+        config_id = configurator.request_config(
+            "Alexa Media Player - Captcha", configuration_callback,
+            description=('Please enter the text for the captcha.'
+                         ' Please enter anything if the image is missing.'
+                         ),
+            description_image=status['captcha_image_url'],
+            submit_caption="Confirm",
+            fields=[{'id': 'captcha', 'name': 'Captcha'}]
+        )
+    elif (status and 'securitycode_required' in status and
+            status['securitycode_required']):  # Get 2FA code
+        config_id = configurator.request_config(
+            "Alexa Media Player - 2FA", configuration_callback,
+            description=('Please enter your Two-Factor Security code.'),
+            submit_caption="Confirm",
+            fields=[{'id': 'securitycode', 'name': 'Security Code'}]
+        )
+    elif (status and 'claimspicker_required' in status and
+            status['claimspicker_required']):  # Get picker method
+        options = status['claimspicker_message']
+        config_id = configurator.request_config(
+            "Alexa Media Player - Verification Method", configuration_callback,
+            description=('Please select the verification method. '
+                         '(e.g., sms or email).<br />{}').format(
+                         options
+                         ),
+            submit_caption="Confirm",
+            fields=[{'id': 'claimsoption', 'name': 'Option'}]
+        )
+    elif (status and 'verificationcode_required' in status and
+            status['verificationcode_required']):  # Get picker method
+        config_id = configurator.request_config(
+            "Alexa Media Player - Verification Code", configuration_callback,
+            description=('Please enter received verification code.'),
+            submit_caption="Confirm",
+            fields=[{'id': 'verificationcode', 'name': 'Verification Code'}]
+        )
+    else:  # Check login
+        config_id = configurator.request_config(
+            "Alexa Media Player - Begin", configuration_callback,
+            description=('Please hit confirm to begin login attempt.'),
+            submit_caption="Confirm",
+            fields=[]
+        )
+    _CONFIGURING.append(config_id)
+    if (len(_CONFIGURING) > 0 and 'error_message' in status
+            and status['error_message']):
+        configurator.notify_errors(  # use sync to delay next pop
+            _CONFIGURING[len(_CONFIGURING)-1], status['error_message'])
+    if (len(_CONFIGURING) > 1):
+        configurator.async_request_done(_CONFIGURING.pop(0))
+def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices_callback,
+                   discovery_info=None):
+    """Set up the Alexa platform."""
+    if ALEXA_DATA not in
+[ALEXA_DATA] = {}
+    email = config.get(CONF_EMAIL)
+    password = config.get(CONF_PASSWORD)
+    url = config.get(CONF_URL)
+    login = AlexaLogin(url, email, password, hass.config.path,
+                       config.get(CONF_DEBUG))
+    async def setup_platform_callback(callback_data):
+        _LOGGER.debug(("Status: {} got captcha: {} securitycode: {}"
+                      " Claimsoption: {} VerificationCode: {}").format(
+            login.status,
+            callback_data.get('captcha'),
+            callback_data.get('securitycode'),
+            callback_data.get('claimsoption'),
+            callback_data.get('verificationcode')))
+        login.login(captcha=callback_data.get('captcha'),
+                    securitycode=callback_data.get('securitycode'),
+                    claimsoption=callback_data.get('claimsoption'),
+                    verificationcode=callback_data.get('verificationcode'))
+        testLoginStatus(hass, config, add_devices_callback, login,
+                        setup_platform_callback)
+    testLoginStatus(hass, config, add_devices_callback, login,
+                    setup_platform_callback)
+def testLoginStatus(hass, config, add_devices_callback, login,
+                    setup_platform_callback):
+    """Test the login status."""
+    if 'login_successful' in login.status and login.status['login_successful']:
+        _LOGGER.debug("Setting up Alexa devices")
+        hass.async_add_job(setup_alexa, hass, config,
+                           add_devices_callback, login)
+        return
+    elif ('captcha_required' in login.status and
+          login.status['captcha_required']):
+        _LOGGER.debug("Creating configurator to request captcha")
+    elif ('securitycode_required' in login.status and
+            login.status['securitycode_required']):
+        _LOGGER.debug("Creating configurator to request 2FA")
+    elif ('claimspicker_required' in login.status and
+            login.status['claimspicker_required']):
+        _LOGGER.debug("Creating configurator to select verification option")
+    elif ('verificationcode_required' in login.status and
+            login.status['verificationcode_required']):
+        _LOGGER.debug("Creating configurator to enter verification code")
+    elif ('login_failed' in login.status and
+            login.status['login_failed']):
+        _LOGGER.debug("Creating configurator to start new login attempt")
+    hass.async_add_job(request_configuration, hass, config,
+                       setup_platform_callback,
+                       login.status)
+def setup_alexa(hass, config, add_devices_callback, login_obj):
+    """Set up a alexa api based on host parameter."""
+    alexa_clients =[ALEXA_DATA]
+    # alexa_sessions = {}
+    track_utc_time_change(hass, lambda now: update_devices(), second=30)
+    url = config.get(CONF_URL)
+    def update_devices():
+        """Update the devices objects."""
+        devices = AlexaAPI.get_devices(url, login_obj._session)
+        bluetooth = AlexaAPI.get_bluetooth(url, login_obj._session)
+        if ((devices is None or bluetooth is None)
+                and len(_CONFIGURING) == 0):
+            _LOGGER.debug("Alexa API disconnected; attempting to relogin")
+            login_obj.login_with_cookie()
+        new_alexa_clients = []
+        available_client_ids = []
+        for device in devices:
+            for b_state in bluetooth['bluetoothStates']:
+                if device['serialNumber'] == b_state['deviceSerialNumber']:
+                    device['bluetooth_state'] = b_state
+            available_client_ids.append(device['serialNumber'])
+            if device['serialNumber'] not in alexa_clients:
+                new_client = AlexaClient(config, login_obj._session, device,
+                                         update_devices, url)
+                alexa_clients[device['serialNumber']] = new_client
+                new_alexa_clients.append(new_client)
+            elif device['online']:
+                alexa_clients[device['serialNumber']].refresh(device)
+        if new_alexa_clients:
+            def tts_handler(call):
+                for alexa in service_to_entities(call):
+                    if call.service == SERVICE_ALEXA_TTS:
+                        message =
+                        alexa.send_tts(message)
+            def service_to_entities(call):
+                """Return the known devices that a service call mentions."""
+                entity_ids = extract_entity_ids(hass, call)
+                if entity_ids:
+                    entities = [entity for entity in new_alexa_clients
+                                if entity.entity_id in entity_ids]
+                else:
+                    entities = None
+                return entities
+  , SERVICE_ALEXA_TTS, tts_handler,
+                                   schema=ALEXA_TTS_SCHEMA)
+            add_devices_callback(new_alexa_clients)
+    update_devices()
+    # Clear configurator. We delay till here to avoid leaving a modal orphan
+    global _CONFIGURING
+    for config_id in _CONFIGURING:
+        configurator = hass.components.configurator
+        configurator.async_request_done(config_id)
+    _CONFIGURING = []
+class AlexaClient(MediaPlayerDevice):
+    """Representation of a Alexa device."""
+    def __init__(self, config, session, device, update_devices, url):
+        """Initialize the Alexa device."""
+        # Class info
+        self.alexa_api = AlexaAPI(self, session, url)
+        self.update_devices = update_devices
+        # Device info
+        self._device = None
+        self._device_name = None
+        self._device_serial_number = None
+        self._device_type = None
+        self._device_family = None
+        self._device_owner_customer_id = None
+        self._software_version = None
+        self._available = None
+        self._capabilities = []
+        # Media
+        self._session = None
+        self._media_duration = None
+        self._media_image_url = None
+        self._media_title = None
+        self._media_pos = None
+        self._media_album_name = None
+        self._media_artist = None
+        self._player_state = None
+        self._media_is_muted = None
+        self._media_vol_level = None
+        self._previous_volume = None
+        self._source = None
+        self._source_list = []
+        self.refresh(device)
+    def _clear_media_details(self):
+        """Set all Media Items to None."""
+        # General
+        self._media_duration = None
+        self._media_image_url = None
+        self._media_title = None
+        self._media_pos = None
+        self._media_album_name = None
+        self._media_artist = None
+        self._media_player_state = None
+        self._media_is_muted = None
+        self._media_vol_level = None
+    def refresh(self, device):
+        """Refresh key device data."""
+        self._device = device
+        self._device_name = device['accountName']
+        self._device_family = device['deviceFamily']
+        self._device_type = device['deviceType']
+        self._device_serial_number = device['serialNumber']
+        self._device_owner_customer_id = device['deviceOwnerCustomerId']
+        self._software_version = device['softwareVersion']
+        self._available = device['online']
+        self._capabilities = device['capabilities']
+        self._bluetooth_state = device['bluetooth_state']
+        self._source = self._get_source()
+        self._source_list = self._get_source_list()
+        session = self.alexa_api.get_state()
+        self._clear_media_details()
+        # update the session if it exists; not doing relogin here
+        if session is not None:
+            self._session = session
+        if 'playerInfo' in self._session:
+            self._session = self._session['playerInfo']
+            if self._session['state'] is not None:
+                self._media_player_state = self._session['state']
+                self._media_pos = (self._session['progress']['mediaProgress']
+                                   if (self._session['progress'] is not None
+                                       and 'mediaProgress' in
+                                       self._session['progress'])
+                                   else None)
+                self._media_is_muted = (self._session['volume']['muted']
+                                        if (self._session['volume'] is not None
+                                            and 'muted' in
+                                            self._session['volume'])
+                                        else None)
+                self._media_vol_level = (self._session['volume']
+                                                      ['volume'] / 100
+                                         if(self._session['volume'] is not None
+                                             and 'volume' in
+                                             self._session['volume'])
+                                         else None)
+                self._media_title = (self._session['infoText']['title']
+                                     if (self._session['infoText'] is not None
+                                         and 'title' in
+                                         self._session['infoText'])
+                                     else None)
+                self._media_artist = (self._session['infoText']['subText1']
+                                      if (self._session['infoText'] is not None
+                                          and 'subText1' in
+                                          self._session['infoText'])
+                                      else None)
+                self._media_album_name = (self._session['infoText']['subText2']
+                                          if (self._session['infoText'] is not
+                                              None and 'subText2' in
+                                              self._session['infoText'])
+                                          else None)
+                self._media_image_url = (self._session['mainArt']['url']
+                                         if (self._session['mainArt'] is not
+                                             None and 'url' in
+                                             self._session['mainArt'])
+                                         else None)
+                self._media_duration = (self._session['progress']
+                                                     ['mediaLength']
+                                        if (self._session['progress'] is not
+                                            None and 'mediaLength' in
+                                            self._session['progress'])
+                                        else None)
+    @property
+    def source(self):
+        """Return the current input source."""
+        return self._source
+    @property
+    def source_list(self):
+        """List of available input sources."""
+        return self._source_list
+    def select_source(self, source):
+        """Select input source."""
+        if source == 'Local Speaker':
+            self.alexa_api.disconnect_bluetooth()
+            self._source = 'Local Speaker'
+        elif self._bluetooth_state['pairedDeviceList'] is not None:
+            for devices in self._bluetooth_state['pairedDeviceList']:
+                if devices['friendlyName'] == source:
+                    self.alexa_api.set_bluetooth(devices['address'])
+                    self._source = source
+    def _get_source(self):
+        source = 'Local Speaker'
+        if self._bluetooth_state['pairedDeviceList'] is not None:
+            for device in self._bluetooth_state['pairedDeviceList']:
+                if device['connected'] is True:
+                    return device['friendlyName']
+        return source
+    def _get_source_list(self):
+        sources = []
+        if self._bluetooth_state['pairedDeviceList'] is not None:
+            for devices in self._bluetooth_state['pairedDeviceList']:
+                sources.append(devices['friendlyName'])
+        return ['Local Speaker'] + sources
+    @property
+    def available(self):
+        """Return the availability of the client."""
+        return self._available
+    @property
+    def unique_id(self):
+        """Return the id of this Alexa client."""
+        return self.device_serial_number
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        """Return the name of the device."""
+        return self._device_name
+    @property
+    def device_serial_number(self):
+        """Return the machine identifier of the device."""
+        return self._device_serial_number
+    @property
+    def device(self):
+        """Return the device, if any."""
+        return self._device
+    @property
+    def session(self):
+        """Return the session, if any."""
+        return self._session
+    @property
+    def state(self):
+        """Return the state of the device."""
+        if self._media_player_state == 'PLAYING':
+            return STATE_PLAYING
+        elif self._media_player_state == 'PAUSED':
+            return STATE_PAUSED
+        elif self._media_player_state == 'IDLE':
+            return STATE_IDLE
+        return STATE_STANDBY
+    def update(self):
+        """Get the latest details."""
+        self.update_devices(no_throttle=True)
+    @property
+    def media_content_type(self):
+        """Return the content type of current playing media."""
+        if self.state in [STATE_PLAYING, STATE_PAUSED]:
+            return MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC
+        return STATE_STANDBY
+    @property
+    def media_artist(self):
+        """Return the artist of current playing media, music track only."""
+        return self._media_artist
+    @property
+    def media_album_name(self):
+        """Return the album name of current playing media, music track only."""
+        return self._media_album_name
+    @property
+    def media_duration(self):
+        """Return the duration of current playing media in seconds."""
+        return self._media_duration
+    @property
+    def media_image_url(self):
+        """Return the image URL of current playing media."""
+        return self._media_image_url
+    @property
+    def media_title(self):
+        """Return the title of current playing media."""
+        return self._media_title
+    @property
+    def device_family(self):
+        """Return the make of the device (ex. Echo, Other)."""
+        return self._device_family
+    @property
+    def supported_features(self):
+        """Flag media player features that are supported."""
+        return SUPPORT_ALEXA
+    def set_volume_level(self, volume):
+        """Set volume level, range 0..1."""
+        if not (self.state in [STATE_PLAYING, STATE_PAUSED]
+                and self.available):
+            return
+        self.alexa_api.set_volume(volume)
+        self._media_vol_level = volume
+    @property
+    def volume_level(self):
+        """Return the volume level of the client (0..1)."""
+        return self._media_vol_level
+    @property
+    def is_volume_muted(self):
+        """Return boolean if volume is currently muted."""
+        if self.volume_level == 0:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def mute_volume(self, mute):
+        """Mute the volume.
+        Since we can't actually mute, we'll:
+        - On mute, store volume and set volume to 0
+        - On unmute, set volume to previously stored volume
+        """
+        if not (self.state == STATE_PLAYING and self.available):
+            return
+        self._media_is_muted = mute
+        if mute:
+            self._previous_volume = self.volume_level
+            self.alexa_api.set_volume(0)
+        else:
+            if self._previous_volume is not None:
+                self.alexa_api.set_volume(self._previous_volume)
+            else:
+                self.alexa_api.set_volume(50)
+    def media_play(self):
+        """Send play command."""
+        if not (self.state in [STATE_PLAYING, STATE_PAUSED]
+                and self.available):
+            return
+    def media_pause(self):
+        """Send pause command."""
+        if not (self.state in [STATE_PLAYING, STATE_PAUSED]
+                and self.available):
+            return
+        self.alexa_api.pause()
+    def turn_off(self):
+        """Turn the client off."""
+        # Fake it since we can't turn the client off
+        self.media_pause()
+    def media_next_track(self):
+        """Send next track command."""
+        if not (self.state in [STATE_PLAYING, STATE_PAUSED]
+                and self.available):
+            return
+    def media_previous_track(self):
+        """Send previous track command."""
+        if not (self.state in [STATE_PLAYING, STATE_PAUSED]
+                and self.available):
+            return
+        self.alexa_api.previous()
+    def send_tts(self, message):
+        """Send TTS to Device NOTE: Does not work on WHA Groups."""
+        self.alexa_api.send_tts(message)
+    def play_media(self, media_type, media_id, **kwargs):
+        """Send the play_media command to the media player."""
+        if media_type == "music":
+            self.alexa_api.send_tts("Sorry, text to speech can only be called "
+                                    " with the media player alexa tts service")
+        else:
+            self.alexa_api.play_music(media_type, media_id)
+    @property
+    def device_state_attributes(self):
+        """Return the scene state attributes."""
+        attr = {
+            'available': self._available,
+        }
+        return attr
+class AlexaLogin():
+    """Class to handle login connection to Alexa."""
+    def __init__(self, url, email, password, configpath, debug=False):
+        """Set up initial connection and log in."""
+        self._url = url
+        self._email = email
+        self._password = password
+        self._session = None
+        self._data = None
+        self.status = {}
+        self._cookiefile = configpath("{}.pickle".format(ALEXA_DATA))
+        self._debugpost = configpath("{}post.html".format(ALEXA_DATA))
+        self._debugget = configpath("{}get.html".format(ALEXA_DATA))
+        self._lastreq = None
+        self._debug = debug
+        self.login_with_cookie()
+    def login_with_cookie(self):
+        """Attempt to login after loading cookie."""
+        import pickle
+        cookies = None
+        if (self._cookiefile):
+            try:
+                _LOGGER.debug(
+                    "Trying cookie from file {}".format(
+                        self._cookiefile))
+                with open(self._cookiefile, 'rb') as myfile:
+                    cookies = pickle.load(myfile)
+                    _LOGGER.debug("cookie loaded: {}".format(cookies))
+            except Exception as ex:
+                template = ("An exception of type {0} occurred."
+                            " Arguments:\n{1!r}")
+                message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args)
+                _LOGGER.debug(
+                    "Error loading pickled cookie from {}: {}".format(
+                        self._cookiefile, message))
+        self.login(cookies=cookies)
+    def reset_login(self):
+        """Remove data related to existing login."""
+        self._session = None
+        self._data = None
+        self._lastreq = None
+        self.status = {}
+    def get_inputs(self, soup, searchfield={'name': 'signIn'}):
+        """Parse soup for form with searchfield."""
+        data = {}
+        form = soup.find('form', searchfield)
+        for field in form.find_all('input'):
+            try:
+                data[field['name']] = ""
+                data[field['name']] = field['value']
+            except:  # noqa: E722 pylint: disable=bare-except
+                pass
+        return data
+    def test_loggedin(self, cookies=None):
+        """Function that will test the connection is logged in.
+        Attempts to get device list, and if unsuccessful login failed
+        """
+        if self._session is None:
+            '''initiate session'''
+            self._session = requests.Session()
+            '''define session headers'''
+            self._session.headers = {
+                'User-Agent': ('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) '
+                               'AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) '
+                               'Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36'),
+                'Accept': ('text/html,application/xhtml+xml, '
+                           'application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'),
+                'Accept-Language': '*'
+            }
+            self._session.cookies = cookies
+        get_resp = self._session.get('https://alexa.' + self._url +
+                                     '/api/devices-v2/device')
+        # with open(self._debugget, mode='wb') as localfile:
+        #     localfile.write(get_resp.content)
+        try:
+            from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
+            from simplejson import JSONDecodeError as SimpleJSONDecodeError
+            # Need to catch both as Python 3.5 appears to use simplejson
+        except ImportError:
+            JSONDecodeError = ValueError
+        try:
+            get_resp.json()
+        except (JSONDecodeError, SimpleJSONDecodeError) as ex:
+            # ValueError is necessary for Python 3.5 for some reason
+            template = ("An exception of type {0} occurred."
+                        " Arguments:\n{1!r}")
+            message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args)
+            _LOGGER.debug("Not logged in: {}".format(message))
+            return False
+        _LOGGER.debug("Logged in.")
+        return True
+    def login(self, cookies=None, captcha=None, securitycode=None,
+              claimsoption=None, verificationcode=None):
+        """Login to Amazon."""
+        from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+        import pickle
+        if (cookies is not None and self.test_loggedin(cookies)):
+            _LOGGER.debug("Using cookies to log in")
+            self.status = {}
+            self.status['login_successful'] = True
+            _LOGGER.debug("Log in successful with cookies")
+            return
+        else:
+            _LOGGER.debug("No valid cookies for log in; using credentials")
+        #  site = 'https://www.' + self._url + '/gp/sign-in.html'
+        #  use alexa site instead
+        site = 'https://alexa.' + self._url + '/api/devices-v2/device'
+        if self._session is None:
+            '''initiate session'''
+            self._session = requests.Session()
+            '''define session headers'''
+            self._session.headers = {
+                'User-Agent': ('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) '
+                               'AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) '
+                               'Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36'),
+                'Accept': ('text/html,application/xhtml+xml, '
+                           'application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'),
+                'Accept-Language': '*'
+            }
+        if self._lastreq is not None:
+            site = self._lastreq.url
+            _LOGGER.debug("Loaded last request to {} ".format(site))
+            html = self._lastreq.text
+            '''get BeautifulSoup object of the html of the login page'''
+            if self._debug:
+                with open(self._debugget, mode='wb') as localfile:
+                    localfile.write(self._lastreq.content)
+            soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
+            site = soup.find('form').get('action')
+            if site is None:
+                site = self._lastreq.url
+            elif site == 'verify':
+                import re
+                site ='(.+)/(.*)',
+                                 self._lastreq.url).groups()[0] + "/verify"
+        if self._data is None:
+            resp = self._session.get(site)
+            self._lastreq = resp
+            if resp.history:
+                _LOGGER.debug("Get to {} was redirected to {}".format(
+                    site,
+                    resp.url))
+                self._session.headers['Referer'] = resp.url
+            else:
+                _LOGGER.debug("Get to {} was not redirected".format(site))
+                self._session.headers['Referer'] = site
+            html = resp.text
+            '''get BeautifulSoup object of the html of the login page'''
+            if self._debug:
+                with open(self._debugget, mode='wb') as localfile:
+                    localfile.write(resp.content)
+            soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
+            '''scrape login page to get all the inputs required for login'''
+            self._data = self.get_inputs(soup)
+            site = soup.find('form', {'name': 'signIn'}).get('action')
+        # _LOGGER.debug("Init Form Data: {}".format(self._data))
+        '''add username and password to the data for post request'''
+        '''check if there is an input field'''
+        if "email" in self._data:
+            self._data['email'] = self._email.encode('utf-8')
+        if "password" in self._data:
+            self._data['password'] = self._password.encode('utf-8')
+        if "rememberMe" in self._data:
+            self._data['rememberMe'] = "true".encode('utf-8')
+        status = {}
+        _LOGGER.debug(("Preparing post to {} Captcha: {}"
+                       " SecurityCode: {} Claimsoption: {} "
+                       "VerificationCode: {}").format(
+            site,
+            captcha,
+            securitycode,
+            claimsoption,
+            verificationcode
+            ))
+        if (captcha is not None and 'guess' in self._data):
+            self._data['guess'] = captcha.encode('utf-8')
+        if (securitycode is not None and 'otpCode' in self._data):
+            self._data['otpCode'] = securitycode.encode('utf-8')
+            self._data['rememberDevice'] = ""
+        if (claimsoption is not None and 'option' in self._data):
+            self._data['option'] = claimsoption.encode('utf-8')
+        if (verificationcode is not None and 'code' in self._data):
+            self._data['code'] = verificationcode.encode('utf-8')
+        self._session.headers['Content-Type'] = ("application/x-www-form-"
+                                                 "urlencoded; charset=utf-8")
+        self._data.pop('', None)
+        if self._debug:
+            _LOGGER.debug("Cookies: {}".format(self._session.cookies))
+            _LOGGER.debug("Submit Form Data: {}".format(self._data))
+            _LOGGER.debug("Header: {}".format(self._session.headers))
+        '''submit post request with username/password and other needed info'''
+        post_resp =, data=self._data)
+        self._session.headers['Referer'] = site
+        self._lastreq = post_resp
+        if self._debug:
+            with open(self._debugpost, mode='wb') as localfile:
+                localfile.write(post_resp.content)
+        post_soup = BeautifulSoup(post_resp.content, 'html.parser')
+        login_tag = post_soup.find('form', {'name': 'signIn'})
+        captcha_tag = post_soup.find(id="auth-captcha-image")
+        '''another login required and no captcha request? try once more.
+        This is a necessary hack as the first attempt always fails.
+        TODO: Figure out how to remove this hack
+        '''
+        if (login_tag is not None and captcha_tag is None):
+            login_url = login_tag.get("action")
+            _LOGGER.debug("Performing second login to: {}".format(
+                login_url))
+            post_resp =,
+                                           data=self._data)
+            if self._debug:
+                with open(self._debugpost, mode='wb') as localfile:
+                    localfile.write(post_resp.content)
+            post_soup = BeautifulSoup(post_resp.content, 'html.parser')
+            login_tag = post_soup.find('form', {'name': 'signIn'})
+            captcha_tag = post_soup.find(id="auth-captcha-image")
+        securitycode_tag = post_soup.find(id="auth-mfa-otpcode")
+        errorbox = (post_soup.find(id="auth-error-message-box")
+                    if post_soup.find(id="auth-error-message-box") else
+                    post_soup.find(id="auth-warning-message-box"))
+        claimspicker_tag = post_soup.find('form', {'name': 'claimspicker'})
+        verificationcode_tag = post_soup.find('form', {'action': 'verify'})
+        '''pull out Amazon error message'''
+        if errorbox:
+            error_message = errorbox.find('h4').string
+            for li in errorbox.findAll('li'):
+                error_message += li.find('span').string
+            _LOGGER.debug("Error message: {}".format(error_message))
+            status['error_message'] = error_message
+        if captcha_tag is not None:
+            _LOGGER.debug("Captcha requested")
+            status['captcha_required'] = True
+            status['captcha_image_url'] = captcha_tag.get('src')
+            self._data = self.get_inputs(post_soup)
+        elif securitycode_tag is not None:
+            _LOGGER.debug("2FA requested")
+            status['securitycode_required'] = True
+            self._data = self.get_inputs(post_soup, {'id': 'auth-mfa-form'})
+        elif claimspicker_tag is not None:
+            claims_message = ""
+            options_message = ""
+            for div in claimspicker_tag.findAll('div', 'a-row'):
+                claims_message += "{}\n".format(div.string)
+            for label in claimspicker_tag.findAll('label'):
+                value = (label.find('input')['value']) if label.find(
+                    'input') else ""
+                message = (label.find('span').string) if label.find(
+                    'span') else ""
+                valuemessage = ("Option: {} = `{}`.\n".format(
+                    value, message)) if value != "" else ""
+                options_message += valuemessage
+            _LOGGER.debug("Verification method requested: {}".format(
+                claims_message, options_message))
+            status['claimspicker_required'] = True
+            status['claimspicker_message'] = options_message
+            self._data = self.get_inputs(post_soup, {'name': 'claimspicker'})
+        elif verificationcode_tag is not None:
+            _LOGGER.debug("Verification code requested:")
+            status['verificationcode_required'] = True
+            self._data = self.get_inputs(post_soup, {'action': 'verify'})
+        elif login_tag is not None:
+            login_url = login_tag.get("action")
+            _LOGGER.debug("Another login requested to: {}".format(
+                login_url))
+            status['login_failed'] = True
+        else:
+            _LOGGER.debug("Captcha/2FA not requested; confirming login.")
+            if self.test_loggedin():
+                _LOGGER.debug("Login confirmed; saving cookie to {}".format(
+                        self._cookiefile))
+                status['login_successful'] = True
+                with open(self._cookiefile, 'wb') as myfile:
+                    try:
+                        pickle.dump(self._session.cookies, myfile)
+                    except Exception as ex:
+                        template = ("An exception of type {0} occurred."
+                                    " Arguments:\n{1!r}")
+                        message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args)
+                        _LOGGER.debug(
+                            "Error saving pickled cookie to {}: {}".format(
+                                self._cookiefile,
+                                message))
+            else:
+                _LOGGER.debug("Login failed; check credentials")
+                status['login_failed'] = True
+        self.status = status
+class AlexaAPI():
+    """Class for accessing Alexa."""
+    def __init__(self, device, session, url):
+        """Initialize Alexa device."""
+        self._device = device
+        self._session = session
+        self._url = 'https://alexa.' + url
+        csrf = self._session.cookies.get_dict()['csrf']
+        self._session.headers['csrf'] = csrf
+    def _post_request(self, uri, data):
+        try:
+   + uri, json=data)
+        except Exception as ex:
+            template = ("An exception of type {0} occurred."
+                        " Arguments:\n{1!r}")
+            message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args)
+            _LOGGER.error("An error occured accessing the API: {}".format(
+                message))
+    def _get_request(self, uri, data=None):
+        try:
+            return self._session.get(self._url + uri, json=data)
+        except Exception as ex:
+            template = ("An exception of type {0} occurred."
+                        " Arguments:\n{1!r}")
+            message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args)
+            _LOGGER.error("An error occured accessing the API: {}".format(
+                message))
+            return None
+    def play_music(self, provider_id, search_phrase):
+        """Play Music based on search."""
+        data = {
+            "behaviorId": "PREVIEW",
+            "sequenceJson": "{\"@type\": \
+            \"\", \
+            \"startNode\":{\"@type\": \
+            \"\", \
+            \"type\":\"Alexa.Music.PlaySearchPhrase\",\"operationPayload\": \
+            {\"deviceType\":\"" + self._device._device_type + "\", \
+            \"deviceSerialNumber\":\"" + self._device.unique_id +
+            "\",\"locale\":\"en-US\", \
+            \"customerId\":\"" + self._device._device_owner_customer_id +
+            "\", \"searchPhrase\": \"" + search_phrase + "\", \
+             \"sanitizedSearchPhrase\": \"" + search_phrase + "\", \
+             \"musicProviderId\": \"" + provider_id + "\"}}}",
+            "status": "ENABLED"
+        }
+        self._post_request('/api/behaviors/preview',
+                           data=data)
+    def send_tts(self, message):
+        """Send message for TTS at speaker."""
+        data = {
+            "behaviorId": "PREVIEW",
+            "sequenceJson": "{\"@type\": \
+            \"\", \
+            \"startNode\":{\"@type\": \
+            \"\", \
+            \"type\":\"Alexa.Speak\",\"operationPayload\": \
+            {\"deviceType\":\"" + self._device._device_type + "\", \
+            \"deviceSerialNumber\":\"" + self._device.unique_id +
+            "\",\"locale\":\"en-US\", \
+            \"customerId\":\"" + self._device._device_owner_customer_id +
+            "\", \"textToSpeak\": \"" + message + "\"}}}",
+            "status": "ENABLED"
+        }
+        self._post_request('/api/behaviors/preview',
+                           data=data)
+    def set_media(self, data):
+        """Select the media player."""
+        self._post_request('/api/np/command?deviceSerialNumber=' +
+                           self._device.unique_id + '&deviceType=' +
+                           self._device._device_type, data=data)
+    def previous(self):
+        """Play previous."""
+        self.set_media({"type": "PreviousCommand"})
+    def next(self):
+        """Play next."""
+        self.set_media({"type": "NextCommand"})
+    def pause(self):
+        """Pause."""
+        self.set_media({"type": "PauseCommand"})
+    def play(self):
+        """Play."""
+        self.set_media({"type": "PlayCommand"})
+    def set_volume(self, volume):
+        """Set volume."""
+        self.set_media({"type": "VolumeLevelCommand",
+                        "volumeLevel": volume*100})
+    def get_state(self):
+        """Get state."""
+        try:
+            response = self._get_request('/api/np/player?deviceSerialNumber=' +
+                                         self._device.unique_id +
+                                         '&deviceType=' +
+                                         self._device._device_type +
+                                         '&screenWidth=2560')
+            return response.json()
+        except Exception as ex:
+            template = ("An exception of type {0} occurred."
+                        " Arguments:\n{1!r}")
+            message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args)
+            _LOGGER.error("An error occured accessing the API: {}".format(
+                message))
+            return None
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_bluetooth(url, session):
+        """Get paired bluetooth devices."""
+        try:
+            response = session.get('https://alexa.' + url +
+                                   '/api/bluetooth?cached=false')
+            return response.json()
+        except Exception as ex:
+            template = ("An exception of type {0} occurred."
+                        " Arguments:\n{1!r}")
+            message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args)
+            _LOGGER.error("An error occured accessing the API: {}".format(
+                message))
+            return None
+    def set_bluetooth(self, mac):
+        """Pair with bluetooth device with mac address."""
+        self._post_request('/api/bluetooth/pair-sink/' +
+                           self._device._device_type + '/' +
+                           self._device.unique_id,
+                           data={"bluetoothDeviceAddress": mac})
+    def disconnect_bluetooth(self):
+        """Disconnect all bluetooth devices."""
+        self._post_request('/api/bluetooth/disconnect-sink/' +
+                           self._device._device_type + '/' +
+                           self._device.unique_id, data=None)
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_devices(url, session):
+        """Identify all Alexa devices."""
+        try:
+            response = session.get('https://alexa.' + url +
+                                   '/api/devices-v2/device')
+            return response.json()['devices']
+        except Exception as ex:
+            template = ("An exception of type {0} occurred."
+                        " Arguments:\n{1!r}")
+            message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args)
+            _LOGGER.error("An error occured accessing the API: {}".format(
+                message))
+            return None
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/group/media_players.yaml b/config/group/media_players.yaml
index 506f3872..c73355b1 100755
--- a/config/group/media_players.yaml
+++ b/config/group/media_players.yaml
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
     - media_player.livingroomcc
-    - media_player.whole_house
     - media_player.living_room_tv
     - media_player.living_room_ultra
     - media_player.upstairs_living_room
-    - media_player.alarm_clock
     - media_player.bedroom_alarm_panel
+    - media_player.living_room
+    -
+    -
+    - media_player.justin_room
+    - media_player.tap
+    - media_player.upstairs
diff --git a/config/packages/alexa_tts.yaml b/config/packages/alexa_tts.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2d8e823b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/packages/alexa_tts.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#    @package          :     alexa_tts
+#    @description      :     alexa_tts settings
+  customize:
+    ################################################
+    ## Node Anchors
+    ################################################
+    package.node_anchors:
+      customize: &customize
+        package: 'alexa_tts'
+      hidden: &hidden
+        <<: *customize
+        hidden: true
+  - platform: alexa
+    email: !secret alexa_email
+    password: !secret alexa_password
+    url:
+  all_echoes:
+    view: yes
+    control: hidden
+    name: 'Alexa'
+    entities:
+      - media_player.living_room
+      -
+      -
+      - media_player.justin_room
+      - media_player.tap
+      - media_player.upstairs
+# automation:
+#   ## Announce what is typed as input
+#   - alias: Alexa TTS
+#     trigger:
+#       platform: state
+#       entity_id: input_select.alexa
+#     action:
+#       - service: media_player.volume_set
+#         data_template:
+#           entity_id: >
+#             {% if is_state('input_select.alexa', 'Living Room') %}
+#               media_player.livingroom
+#             {% elif is_state('input_select.alexa', 'This device') %}
+#               media_player.this_device
+#             {% elif is_state('input_select.alexa', 'None') %}
+#               false
+#             {% endif %}
+#           volume_level: '{{ states.input_number.alexa_volume.state | float /10 }}'
+#       - service: media_player.alexa_tts
+#         data_template:
+#           entity_id: >
+#             {% if is_state('input_select.alexa', 'Living Room') %}
+#               media_player.livingroom
+#             {% elif is_state('input_select.alexa', 'This device') %}
+#               media_player.this_device
+#             {% elif is_state('input_select.alexa', 'None') %}
+#               false
+#             {% endif %}
+#           message: "{{  states.input_text.alexa_tts.state }}"
+#       - delay: '00:00:02'
+#       - service: input_select.select_option
+#         data:
+#           entity_id: input_select.alexa
+#           option: None
diff --git a/config/script/speech_engine.yaml b/config/script/speech_engine.yaml
index c97778ee..c3982735 100755
--- a/config/script/speech_engine.yaml
+++ b/config/script/speech_engine.yaml
@@ -31,8 +31,9 @@ speech_engine:
         media_player: >-
             {% if media_player | length == 0 %}
               {% set media_player = [
-                'media_player.livingroomcc',
-                'media_player.bedroom_alarm_panel'
+                'media_player.living_room',
+                'media_player.bedroom_alarm_panel',
+                ''
               ] %}
             {% endif %}
diff --git a/config/script/speech_processing.yaml b/config/script/speech_processing.yaml
index 1b2a052d..36d1a555 100755
--- a/config/script/speech_processing.yaml
+++ b/config/script/speech_processing.yaml
@@ -58,19 +58,19 @@ speech_processing:
           {% endif %}
-    - service: tts.amazon_polly_say
+    - service: media_player.alexa_tts
         entity_id: >
           {% if == 'off' %}
-          media_player.livingroomCC
+          media_player.living_room
           {% else %}
           media_player.alarm_clock, media_player.bedroom_alarm_panel
           {% endif %}
         message: >-
-          <speak>
+          # <speak>
             {{ speech_message }}
-          </speak>
-        cache: true
+          # </speak>
+        # cache: true
     - service: input_boolean.turn_off
diff --git a/config/travis_secrets.yaml b/config/travis_secrets.yaml
index 330e7ebc..aa54c8f4 100755
--- a/config/travis_secrets.yaml
+++ b/config/travis_secrets.yaml
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ MQTT_username: MQTT_username
 MQTT_password: password
 ssl_certificate: fake_key.pem
 ssl_key: fake_key.pem
+alexa_email: carlo@vCloudInfo.COM
+alexa_password: YOUTUBE_vCloudInfo
 ifttt_key: iftttKEYPassphrase