diff --git a/config/automation/System/door_chime.yaml b/config/automation/System/door_chime.yaml
index 5644dd50..7cde9a14 100755
--- a/config/automation/System/door_chime.yaml
+++ b/config/automation/System/door_chime.yaml
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
           {% if states.group.bed.state == 'off' %}
           {% else %}
-          media_player.bedroom_alarm_panel
+          media_player.bedroom
           {% endif %}
         media_content_id: >
           {% if trigger.to_state.state == 'on' %}
diff --git a/config/packages/phynplus.yaml b/config/packages/phynplus.yaml
index e5501775..96c96719 100755
--- a/config/packages/phynplus.yaml
+++ b/config/packages/phynplus.yaml
@@ -31,6 +31,14 @@ automation:
           who: 'family'
           url: 'https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig/raw/master/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/pipeleak.png'
+      - service: script.speech_engine
+        data_template:
+          value1: >
+            {{ [
+            "Phyn has detected a possible leak.  Please verify there are no leaks in the house. "
+            ] | random }}
+          call_no_announcement: 1
       - service: script.tweet_engine_image
           tweet: >
diff --git a/config/script/speech_engine.yaml b/config/script/speech_engine.yaml
index 8d13f2c4..eeee32bc 100755
--- a/config/script/speech_engine.yaml
+++ b/config/script/speech_engine.yaml
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ speech_engine:
             {% if media_player | length == 0 %}
               {% set media_player = [
-                'media_player.bedroom_alarm_panel'
+                'media_player.bedroom'
               ] %}
             {% endif %}
diff --git a/config/script/speech_processing.yaml b/config/script/speech_processing.yaml
index 0b6f80af..21b906ab 100755
--- a/config/script/speech_processing.yaml
+++ b/config/script/speech_processing.yaml
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ speech_processing:
           {% if states.group.bed.state == 'off' %}
           {% else %}
-          media_player.tap
+          media_player.bedroom
           {% endif %}
         message: >-
diff --git a/config/templates/speech/briefing.yaml b/config/templates/speech/briefing.yaml
index 429f5642..9a2511d5 100755
--- a/config/templates/speech/briefing.yaml
+++ b/config/templates/speech/briefing.yaml
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
   {%- elif states('sensor.fathers_countdown') | int < 30  -%}
       and don't forget, there are {{ states.sensor.fathers_countdown.state }} days until Fathers day!
   {%- elif states('sensor.easter_countdown') | int < 15  -%}
-      and don't forget, there are {{ states.sensor.easter_countdown.state }} days until Easter Sunday!  
+      and don't forget, there are {{ states.sensor.easter_countdown.state }} days until Easter Sunday!
   {%- elif states('sensor.thanksgiving_day_countdown') | int < 30  -%}
       and don't forget, there are {{ states.sensor.thanksgiving_day_countdown.state }} days until Thanksgiving!
   {%- elif states('sensor.halloween_countdown') | int < 30  -%}
@@ -225,13 +225,13 @@
   {# ********************************************* #}
   {% if call_no_announcement != 1 %}
-  {% if now().strftime('%H')|int < 12 and now().strftime('%H')|int > 6 %}
-      Good morning.
-  {% elif now().strftime('%H')|int >= 12 and now().strftime('%H')|int < 17 %}
-      Good afternoon.
-  {% else %}
-      Good evening.
-  {% endif %}
+    {% if now().strftime('%H')|int < 12 and now().strftime('%H')|int > 6 %}
+        Good morning.
+    {% elif now().strftime('%H')|int >= 12 and now().strftime('%H')|int < 17 %}
+        Good afternoon.
+    {% else %}
+        Good evening.
+    {% endif %}
   {% endif %}
   {# Called from Annoucenments #}
diff --git a/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/att_speedtest.png b/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/att_speedtest.png
index e69de29b..0445996d 100644
Binary files a/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/att_speedtest.png and b/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/att_speedtest.png differ
diff --git a/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/solar_readings.png b/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/solar_readings.png
index e69de29b..0445996d 100644
Binary files a/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/solar_readings.png and b/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/solar_readings.png differ