###################################################################################################### ###Script to send notifications to the ChromeCast Audios during normal hours and only when we are home! Call like this: # action: # service: script.dog_bark # data: # value1: 'Startup: Home Assistant is Up and Running!' ###################################################################################################### dog_bark: sequence: - wait_template: >- {{ not is_state('media_player.livingroomCC', 'playing') }} timeout: 00:01:30 - condition: template value_template: > {% if is_state('media_player.livingroomCC', 'playing') %} false {% else %} true {% endif %} - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.speech_notifications state: 'on' - condition: time after: "9:00:00" before: "20:00:00" - condition: state entity_id: group.bed state: 'off' - service: switch.turn_on entity_id: switch.lr_amp - service: media_player.turn_on entity_id: media_player.livingroomCC - service: media_player.volume_set entity_id: - media_player.livingroomCC data: volume_level: > {% if now().strftime("%H")|int < 12 and now().strftime("%H")|int > 6%} 0.45 {% elif now().strftime("%H")|int > 12 and now().strftime("%H")|int < 17%} 0.7 {% else %} 0.40 {% endif %} - service: media_player.play_media data: entity_id: - media_player.livingroomCC media_content_id: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig/master/config/sounds/dog-barking-2-bullmastiff.mp3" media_content_type: audio/mp4