#------------------------------------------- # @CCOSTAN # Original Repo : https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig # August Smart Lock support for my Front Door - [August Smart Lock](https://amzn.to/2SKGVDk) with Home Assistant. #------------------------------------------- ###################################################################### ## August Smart Lock - https://amzn.to/2SKGVDk ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------- # august: # login_method: email # username: !secret august_username # password: !secret august_password # Moved Authentication to UI Integrations # Added to the LOCK group # Added a check lock routine to the Briefing.yaml - Will check locks whenever there is a speech event. ###################################################################### ## Door Lock Status Announcements - Only during normal hours. ###################################################################### automation: - alias: 'Door Locked Announcement' id: a4294b3b-51f3-4e32-8e71-b9ef865add3b trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - lock.front_door from: 'unlocked' to: 'locked' for: '00:00:30' action: - service: script.speech_engine data: DoorLocked: "The {{ trigger.to_state.name }} is now {{ trigger.to_state.state }}." - alias: 'Door UnLocked Announcement' id: 5922becc-3249-40ea-bdb4-db97cc40c413 trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - lock.front_door to: 'unlocked' for: '00:10:00' action: - service: script.speech_engine data: DoorUnLocked: "The {{ trigger.to_state.name }} has been {{ trigger.to_state.state }} for 10 minutes. I will lock it in 10 minutes if it is still unlocked." - alias: 'August Battery Monitor' id: 82d6d09b-fba1-4320-8048-067043b490fc mode: single trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.front_door_battery below: 25 action: - service: script.notify_engine data: title: 'Low Battery' value1: 'The August Door lock is at {{ states("sensor.front_door_battery") }}% ' apns_id: 'Battery_Alert'