#------------------------------------------- # This is the configuration account for @BearStoneHA - My Home's automated twitter account. # @CCOSTAN # Original Repo : https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig #------------------------------------------- # homeassistant: # customize_glob: # "input_select.log_*": # icon: mdi:bug # # hidden: False #Random number - https://www.random.org/integers/?num=1&min=1&max=10&col=1&base=10&format=plain&rnd=new notify: - name: BearStoneHA platform: twitter consumer_key: !secret twitter_consumer_key consumer_secret: !secret twitter_consumer_secret access_token: !secret twitter_access_token access_token_secret: !secret twitter_access_token_secret ### Building out some Historical stats for tweeting. ##################### sensor: - platform: history_stats name: Doorbell Presses entity_id: binary_sensor.skybell_stone_door_button state: 'on' type: count end: '{{ now() }}' duration: hours: 24 - platform: history_stats name: HVAC Time entity_id: sensor.downstairs_thermostat_hvac_state state: 'on' type: time end: '{{ now() }}' duration: hours: 24 - platform: history_stats name: Landscaping Light time entity_id: group.landscaping state: 'on' type: time end: '{{ now() }}' duration: hours: 24 group: tweet_stats: entities: - sensor.doorbell_presses - sensor.landscaping_light_time ############################################################# automation: - alias: 'New Twitter follower!' hide_entity: True trigger: - platform: event event_type: new_follower condition: - condition: state entity_id: group.bed state: 'off' action: - service: media_player.play_media data_template: entity_id: - media_player.livingroomCC - media_player.bedroom_alarm_panel media_content_id: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig/master/sounds/twitter-chirp.mp3" media_content_type: audio/mp4 - service: script.tweet_engine data_template: tweet: >- {% set handle = trigger.event.data.value1 %} {% set location = trigger.event.data.location %} {% set phrases = [ "Thanks for the Follow " ~ handle ~ "! Chirp the Bird from " ~ location ~ "!!", "Hey " ~ handle ~ "Thanks for the Follow from " ~ location ~ " !", "New follower " ~ handle ~ " from " ~ location ~ ", I just sounded a chirp in the house.", "Boom! The " ~ location ~ " follow from " ~ handle ~ " makes me sound a chirp in the house.", "Wanna know who is super cool? "~ handle ~" IS!!! Thanks for making me CHIRP!", "If the AMP (http://amzn.to/2j18dlT) is on & I get a new follower like " ~ handle ~ ", I sound a chirp!" ] %} {% set hashtags = [ "#ThanksForTheFollow", "#FollowBack", "#ChirpTheHouse", "#FollowMe", "#MakingitChirp", "(http://www.vmwareinfo.com/2017/12/giving-house-twitter-account.html)", "(http://www.vmwareinfo.com/2017/11/building-digital-cuckoo-clock-with-home.html)" ] %} {{ phrases|random ~ " " ~ hashtags|random }} - alias: 'Closed Github Issue' hide_entity: True trigger: - platform: event event_type: closed_github action: - service: script.tweet_engine data_template: tweet: >- {% set repo = trigger.event.data.repo %} {% set issue = trigger.event.data.issue %} {% set issueurl = trigger.event.data.issueurl %} {% set phrases = [ "New Code Alert: " ~ issue ~ "(" ~ issueurl ~ "). Repo: (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig/commits/master) " ] %} {% set hashtags = [ "#Github", "#HomeAutomation", "#SmartHomeCode" ] %} {{ phrases|random ~ " " ~ hashtags|random }} - alias: 'Random House stats' hide_entity: True trigger: - platform: time hours: '/3' minutes: 01 seconds: 00 condition: - condition: template value_template: > {%- if states.automation.random_house_stats.attributes.last_triggered -%} {{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.automation.random_house_stats.attributes.last_triggered)) > 10000 }} {%- else -%} true {%- endif -%} action: - delay: '0{{ range(0,2) | random | int }}:{{ range(10,59) | random | int }}:00' - service: script.tweet_engine data_template: tweet: > {{ [ "The number of Doorbell presses yesterday was {{states.sensor.doorbell_presses.state}}", "The #Landscaping lights where on for about {{states.sensor.landscaping_light_time.attributes.value}} yesterday.", "So far, I have prevented {{states.sensor.pihole_ads_blocked_today.state}} ads from hitting the network via Pi-hole! http://www.pi-hole.net", "Pi-hole (http://www.pi-hole.net) has serviced {{states.sensor.pihole_dns_queries_today.state}} DNS requests today! #PiZero", "{{states.sensor.doorbell_presses.state}} people came to the door today and pressed the bell.", "The #Docker Host has been running for {{states.sensor.since_last_boot_templated.state}}", "The #Docker Host for Home Assistant is using {{states.sensor.disk_used_.state}}% of the hard drive currently. ", "The {{states.media_player.living_room_ultra.attributes.friendly_name}} #Roku is playing #{{states.media_player.living_room_ultra.attributes.app_name}}.", "The {{states.media_player.upstairs_living_room.attributes.friendly_name}} #Roku is playing #{{states.media_player.upstairs_living_room.attributes.app_name}}. (http://amzn.to/2lYZEup)", "I am running Home Assistant version {{states.sensor.ha_installed_version.state}} (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig)", "{{states.sensor.doorbell_presses.state}} doorbell presses occurred in the last 24 hours.", "I keep the average humidity of the house at {{states.sensor.downstairs_thermostat_humidity.state}} percent. Outside is {{states.sensor.dark_sky_humidity.state}} #Nest (http://amzn.to/2BWNk5N)", "Outside is {{states.sensor.dark_sky_temperature.state}}. I keep the average temperature at {{states.sensor.downstairs_thermostat_temperature.state}}. #Nest (http://amzn.to/2BWNk5N)", "I know that it will be {{states.sensor.dark_sky_minutely_summary.state}} So I will adjust the Heating/Cooling, irrigation and lighting accordingly. #Nest #Rachio #Hue", "Average internet stats are Download: {{states.sensor.speedtest_download.state}} Mbit/s & Upload {{states.sensor.speedtest_upload.state}} Mbit/s.", "Todays Sleep Number is {{states.sensor.sleepnumber_carlo_stacey_sleepnumber.state}}. Wifi connected Bed FTW! #SleepStat (http://amzn.to/2D10BcQ)", "Our Sleep Number is {{states.sensor.sleepnumber_carlo_carlo_sleepnumber.state}}. Wifi connected Bed! #SleepStat (http://amzn.to/2D10BcQ)", "The current UV index is {{states.sensor.dark_sky_uv_index.state}} and the Moon is {{states.sensor.moon.state}}. #Space", "Home Assistant has been running for {{states.sensor.ha_uptime.state}} minutes. (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig)", "My @getspectrum internet download speed is about {{states.sensor.speedtest_download.state}} Mbit/s and I am a #cordcutter. @TabloTV", "Average Cloud Coverage: {{states.sensor.dark_sky_cloud_coverage.state}}%, Average Temp: {{states.sensor.dark_sky_temperature.state}}°F #Solar (http://www.vmwareinfo.com/2018/01/going-green-to-save-some-green-in-2018.html)" ] | random + " #RandomStat"}}