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synced 2025-03-03 12:10:33 +00:00
2100 lines
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Executable File
2100 lines
71 KiB
Executable File
Floorplan for Home Assistant
By Petar Kozul
'use strict';
(function () {
if (typeof window.Floorplan === 'function') {
class Floorplan {
constructor() {
this.version = '';
this.doc = {};
this.hass = {};
this.openMoreInfo = () => { };
this.setIsLoading = () => { };
this.config = {};
this.timeDifference = undefined;
this.pageInfos = [];
this.entityInfos = [];
this.elementInfos = [];
this.cssRules = [];
this.entityTransitions = {};
this.lastMotionConfig = {};
this.logLevels = [];
this.handleEntitiesDebounced = {};
this.variables = [];
hassChanged(newHass, oldHass) {
this.hass = newHass;
if (!this.config) {
this.handleEntitiesDebounced(); // use debounced wrapper
/* Startup
init(options) {
this.doc = options.doc;
this.hass = options.hass;
this.openMoreInfo = options.openMoreInfo;
this.setIsLoading = options.setIsLoading;
window.onerror = this.handleWindowError.bind(this);
this.handleEntitiesDebounced = this.debounce(() => {
return this.handleEntities();
}, 100);
return this.loadConfig(options.config)
.then(config => {
this.config = config;
this.logInfo('VERSION', `Floorplan v${this.version}`);
if (!this.validateConfig(this.config)) {
return Promise.resolve();
return this.loadLibraries()
.then(() => {
return this.config.pages ? this.initMultiPage() : this.initSinglePage();
.catch(error => {
initMultiPage() {
return this.loadPages()
.then(() => {
return this.handleEntities(true);
initSinglePage() {
let imageUrl = this.getBestImage(this.config);
return this.loadFloorplanSvg(imageUrl)
.then((svg) => {
this.config.svg = svg;
return this.loadStyleSheet(this.config.stylesheet)
.then(() => {
return this.initFloorplan(svg, this.config)
.then(() => {
return this.handleEntities(true);
getLogLevels() {
if (!this.config.log_level) {
let allLogLevels = {
error: ['error'],
warning: ['error', 'warning'],
info: ['error', 'warning', 'info'],
debug: ['error', 'warning', 'info', 'debug'],
this.logLevels = allLogLevels[this.config.log_level.toLowerCase()];
/* Loading resources
loadConfig(configUrl) {
return this.fetchTextResource(configUrl, false)
.then(config => {
return Promise.resolve(YAML.parse(config));
loadLibraries() {
let promises = [];
if (this.isOptionEnabled(this.config.pan_zoom)) {
if (this.isOptionEnabled(this.config.fully_kiosk)) {
return promises.length ? Promise.all(promises) : Promise.resolve();
loadScript(scriptUrl) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = this.cacheBuster(scriptUrl);
script.onload = () => {
return resolve();
script.onerror = (err) => {
reject(new URIError(`${err.target.src}`));
loadPages() {
let configPromises = [Promise.resolve()]
.concat(this.config.pages.map(pageConfigUrl => {
return this.loadPageConfig(pageConfigUrl, this.config.pages.indexOf(pageConfigUrl));
return Promise.all(configPromises)
.then(() => {
let pageInfos = Object.keys(this.pageInfos).map(key => this.pageInfos[key]);
pageInfos.sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index); // sort ascending
let masterPageInfo = pageInfos.find(pageInfo => pageInfo.config.master_page);
if (masterPageInfo) {
masterPageInfo.isMaster = true;
let defaultPageInfo = pageInfos.find(pageInfo => !pageInfo.config.master_page);
if (defaultPageInfo) {
defaultPageInfo.isDefault = true;
let svgPromises = [Promise.resolve()]
.concat(pageInfos.map(pageInfo => this.loadPageFloorplanSvg(pageInfo, masterPageInfo)));
return Promise.all(svgPromises);
loadPageConfig(pageConfigUrl, index) {
return this.loadConfig(pageConfigUrl)
.then((pageConfig) => {
let pageInfo = this.createPageInfo(pageConfig);
pageInfo.index = index;
return Promise.resolve(pageInfo);
loadPageFloorplanSvg(pageInfo, masterPageInfo) {
let imageUrl = this.getBestImage(pageInfo.config);
return this.loadFloorplanSvg(imageUrl, pageInfo, masterPageInfo)
.then((svg) => {
svg.id = pageInfo.config.page_id; // give the SVG an ID so it can be styled (i.e. background color)
pageInfo.svg = svg;
return this.loadStyleSheet(pageInfo.config.stylesheet)
.then(() => {
return this.initFloorplan(pageInfo.svg, pageInfo.config);
getBestImage(config) {
let imageUrl = '';
if (typeof config.image === 'string') {
imageUrl = config.image;
else {
if (config.image.sizes) {
config.image.sizes.sort((a, b) => b.min_width - a.min_width); // sort descending
for (let pageSize of config.image.sizes) {
if (screen.width >= pageSize.min_width) {
imageUrl = pageSize.location;
return imageUrl;
createPageInfo(pageConfig) {
let pageInfo = { config: pageConfig };
// Merge the page's rules with the main config's rules
if (pageInfo.config.rules && this.config.rules) {
pageInfo.config.rules = pageInfo.config.rules.concat(this.config.rules);
this.pageInfos[pageInfo.config.page_id] = pageInfo;
return pageInfo;
loadStyleSheet(stylesheetUrl) {
if (!stylesheetUrl) {
return Promise.resolve();
return this.fetchTextResource(stylesheetUrl, false)
.then(stylesheet => {
let link = document.createElement('style');
link.type = 'text/css';
link.innerHTML = stylesheet;
let cssRules = this.getArray(link.sheet.cssRules);
this.cssRules = this.cssRules.concat(cssRules);
return Promise.resolve();
loadFloorplanSvg(imageUrl, pageInfo, masterPageInfo) {
return this.fetchTextResource(imageUrl, true)
.then(result => {
let svg = $(result).siblings('svg')[0];
svg = svg ? svg : $(result);
if (pageInfo) {
$(svg).attr('id', pageInfo.config.page_id);
$(svg).css('position', this.isPanel ? 'absolute' : 'relative');
$(svg).css('cursor', 'default');
$(svg).css('opacity', 0);
$(svg).attr('xmlns:xlink', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink');
if (pageInfo && masterPageInfo) {
let masterPageId = masterPageInfo.config.page_id;
let contentElementId = masterPageInfo.config.master_page.content_element;
if (pageInfo.config.page_id === masterPageId) {
else {
let $masterPageElement = $(this.doc).find('#' + masterPageId);
let $contentElement = $(this.doc).find('#' + contentElementId);
let height = Number.parseFloat($(svg).attr('height'));
let width = Number.parseFloat($(svg).attr('width'));
if (!$(svg).attr('viewBox')) {
$(svg).attr('viewBox', `0 0 ${width} ${height}`);
.attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin meet')
.attr('height', $contentElement.attr('height'))
.attr('width', $contentElement.attr('width'))
.attr('x', $contentElement.attr('x'))
.attr('y', $contentElement.attr('y'));
else {
// Enable pan / zoom if enabled in config
if (this.isOptionEnabled(this.config.pan_zoom)) {
svgPanZoom($(svg)[0], {
zoomEnabled: true,
controlIconsEnabled: true,
fit: true,
center: true,
return Promise.resolve(svg);
loadImage(imageUrl, svgElementInfo, entityId, rule) {
if (imageUrl.toLowerCase().indexOf('.svg') >= 0) {
return this.loadSvgImage(imageUrl, svgElementInfo, entityId, rule);
else {
return this.loadBitmapImage(imageUrl, svgElementInfo, entityId, rule);
loadBitmapImage(imageUrl, svgElementInfo, entityId, rule) {
return this.fetchImageResource(imageUrl, false, true)
.then(imageData => {
this.logDebug('IMAGE', `${entityId} (setting image: ${imageUrl})`);
let svgElement = svgElementInfo.svgElement; // assume the target element already exists
if (!$(svgElement).is('image')) {
svgElement = this.createImageElement(svgElementInfo.originalSvgElement);
$(svgElement).append(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'title'))
.on('click', this.onEntityClick.bind({ instance: this, svgElementInfo: svgElementInfo, entityId: entityId, rule: rule }))
.css('cursor', 'pointer')
svgElementInfo.svgElement = this.replaceElement(svgElementInfo.svgElement, svgElement);
let existingHref = svgElement.getAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'xlink:href');
if (existingHref !== imageData) {
svgElement.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'xlink:href', imageUrl);
return Promise.resolve(svgElement);
loadSvgImage(imageUrl, svgElementInfo, entityId, rule) {
return this.fetchTextResource(imageUrl, true)
.then(result => {
this.logDebug('IMAGE', `${entityId} (setting image: ${imageUrl})`);
let svgElement = $(result).siblings('svg')[0];
svgElement = svgElement ? svgElement : $(result);
let height = Number.parseFloat($(svgElement).attr('height'));
let width = Number.parseFloat($(svgElement).attr('width'));
if (!$(svgElement).attr('viewBox')) {
$(svgElement).attr('viewBox', `0 0 ${width} ${height}`);
.attr('id', svgElementInfo.svgElement.id)
.attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin meet')
.attr('height', svgElementInfo.originalBBox.height)
.attr('width', svgElementInfo.originalBBox.width)
.attr('x', svgElementInfo.originalBBox.x)
.attr('y', svgElementInfo.originalBBox.y);
$(svgElement).find('*').append(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'title'))
.on('click', this.onEntityClick.bind({ instance: this, svgElementInfo: svgElementInfo, entityId: entityId, rule: rule }))
.css('cursor', 'pointer')
svgElementInfo.svgElement = this.replaceElement(svgElementInfo.svgElement, svgElement);
return Promise.resolve(svgElement);
replaceElement(prevousSvgElement, svgElement) {
let $parent = $(prevousSvgElement).parent();
return svgElement;
/* Initialization
initTimeDifference() {
this.hass.connection.socket.addEventListener('message', event => {
let data = JSON.parse(event.data);
// Store the time difference between the local web browser and the Home Assistant server
if (data.event && data.event.time_fired) {
let lastEventFiredTime = moment(data.event.time_fired).toDate();
this.timeDifference = moment().diff(moment(lastEventFiredTime), 'milliseconds');
initFullyKiosk() {
if (this.isOptionEnabled(this.config.fully_kiosk)) {
this.fullyKiosk = new FullyKiosk(this);
initPageDisplay() {
if (this.config.pages) {
Object.keys(this.pageInfos).map(key => {
let pageInfo = this.pageInfos[key];
$(pageInfo.svg).css('opacity', 1);
$(pageInfo.svg).css('display', pageInfo.isMaster || pageInfo.isDefault ? 'initial' : 'none'); // Show the first page
else {
// Show the SVG
$(this.config.svg).css('opacity', 1);
$(this.config.svg).css('display', 'initial');
initVariables() {
if (this.config.variables) {
for (let variable of this.config.variables) {
if (this.config.pages) {
for (let key of Object.keys(this.pageInfos)) {
let pageInfo = this.pageInfos[key];
if (pageInfo.config.variables) {
for (let variable of pageInfo.config.variables) {
initVariable(variable) {
let variableName;
let value;
if (typeof variable === 'string') {
variableName = variable;
else {
variableName = variable.name;
value = variable.value;
if (variable.value_template) {
value = this.evaluate(variable.value_template, variableName, undefined);
if (!this.entityInfos[variableName]) {
let entityInfo = { entityId: variableName, ruleInfos: [], lastState: undefined };
this.entityInfos[variableName] = entityInfo;
if (!this.hass.states[variableName]) {
this.hass.states[variableName] = {
entity_id: variableName,
state: value,
last_changed: new Date(),
attributes: [],
this.setVariable(variableName, value, [], true);
initStartupActions() {
let actions = [];
let startup = this.config.startup;
if (startup && startup.action) {
actions = actions.concat(Array.isArray(startup.action) ? startup.action : [startup.action]);
if (this.config.pages) {
for (let key of Object.keys(this.pageInfos)) {
let pageInfo = this.pageInfos[key];
let startup = pageInfo.config.startup;
if (startup && startup.action) {
actions = actions.concat(Array.isArray(startup.action) ? startup.action : [startup.action]);
for (let action of actions) {
if (action.service || action.service_template) {
let actionService = this.getActionService(action, undefined, undefined);
switch (this.getDomain(actionService)) {
case 'floorplan':
this.callFloorplanService(action, undefined, undefined);
this.callHomeAssistantService(action, undefined, undefined);
/* SVG initialization
initFloorplan(svg, config) {
if (!config.rules) {
return Promise.resolve();;
let svgElements = $(svg).find('*').toArray();
this.initLastMotion(config, svg, svgElements);
this.initRules(config, svg, svgElements);
return Promise.resolve();;
initLastMotion(config, svg, svgElements) {
// Add the last motion entity if required
if (config.last_motion && config.last_motion.entity && config.last_motion.class) {
this.lastMotionConfig = config.last_motion;
let entityInfo = { entityId: config.last_motion.entity, ruleInfos: [], lastState: undefined };
this.entityInfos[config.last_motion.entity] = entityInfo;
initRules(config, svg, svgElements) {
// Apply default options to rules that don't override the options explictly
if (config.defaults) {
for (let rule of config.rules) {
rule.hover_over = (rule.hover_over === undefined) ? config.defaults.hover_over : rule.hover_over;
rule.more_info = (rule.more_info === undefined) ? config.defaults.more_info : rule.more_info;
for (let rule of config.rules) {
if (rule.entity || rule.entities) {
this.initEntityRule(rule, svg, svgElements);
else if (rule.element || rule.elements) {
this.initElementRule(rule, svg, svgElements);
initEntityRule(rule, svg, svgElements) {
let entities = this.initGetEntityRuleEntities(rule);
for (let entity of entities) {
let entityId = entity.entityId;
let elementId = entity.elementId;
let entityInfo = this.entityInfos[entityId];
if (!entityInfo) {
entityInfo = { entityId: entityId, ruleInfos: [], lastState: undefined };
this.entityInfos[entityId] = entityInfo;
let ruleInfo = { rule: rule, svgElementInfos: {}, };
let svgElement = svgElements.find(svgElement => svgElement.id === elementId);
if (!svgElement) {
this.logWarning('CONFIG', `Cannot find element '${elementId}' in SVG file`);
let svgElementInfo = this.addSvgElementToRule(svg, svgElement, ruleInfo);
let $svgElement = $(svgElementInfo.svgElement);
if ($svgElement.length) {
svgElementInfo.svgElement = $svgElement[0];
// Create a title element (to support hover over text)
$svgElement.append(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'title'));
$svgElement.off('click').on('click', this.onEntityClick.bind({ instance: this, svgElementInfo: svgElementInfo, entityId: entityId, rule: ruleInfo.rule }));
$svgElement.css('cursor', 'pointer');
if ($svgElement.is('text') && ($svgElement[0].id === elementId)) {
let backgroundSvgElement = svgElements.find(svgElement => svgElement.id === ($svgElement[0].id + '.background'));
if (!backgroundSvgElement) {
else {
svgElementInfo.alreadyHadBackground = true;
$(backgroundSvgElement).css('fill-opacity', 0);
initGetEntityRuleEntities(rule) {
let targetEntities = [];
// Split out HA entity groups into separate entities
if (rule.groups) {
for (let entityId of rule.groups) {
let group = this.hass.states[entityId];
if (group) {
for (let entityId of group.attributes.entity_id) {
targetEntities.push({ entityId: entityId, elementId: entityId });
else {
this.logWarning('CONFIG', `Cannot find '${entityId}' in Home Assistant groups`);
// HA entity treated as is
if (rule.entity) {
rule.entities = [rule.entity];
// HA entities treated as is
if (rule.entities) {
let entityIds = rule.entities.filter(x => (typeof x === 'string'));
for (let entityId of entityIds) {
let entity = this.hass.states[entityId];
let isFloorplanVariable = (entityId.split('.')[0] === 'floorplan');
if (entity || isFloorplanVariable) {
let elementId = rule.element ? rule.element : entityId;
targetEntities.push({ entityId: entityId, elementId: elementId });
else {
this.logWarning('CONFIG', `Cannot find '${entityId}' in Home Assistant entities`);
let entityObjects = rule.entities.filter(x => (typeof x !== 'string'));
for (let entityObject of entityObjects) {
let entity = this.hass.states[entityObject.entity];
let isFloorplanVariable = (entityObject.entity.split('.')[0] === 'floorplan');
if (entity || isFloorplanVariable) {
targetEntities.push({ entityId: entityObject.entity, elementId: entityObject.element });
else {
this.logWarning('CONFIG', `Cannot find '${entityObject.entity}' in Home Assistant entities`);
return targetEntities;
initElementRule(rule, svg, svgElements) {
if (rule.element) {
rule.elements = [rule.element];
for (let elementId of rule.elements) {
let svgElement = svgElements.find(svgElement => svgElement.id === elementId);
if (svgElement) {
let elementInfo = this.elementInfos[elementId];
if (!elementInfo) {
elementInfo = { ruleInfos: [], lastState: undefined };
this.elementInfos[elementId] = elementInfo;
let ruleInfo = { rule: rule, svgElementInfos: {}, };
let svgElementInfo = this.addSvgElementToRule(svg, svgElement, ruleInfo);
let $svgElement = $(svgElementInfo.svgElement);
$svgElement.off('click').on('click', this.onElementClick.bind({ instance: this, svgElementInfo: svgElementInfo, elementId: elementId, rule: rule }));
$svgElement.css('cursor', 'pointer');
if ($svgElement.is('text') && ($svgElement[0].id === elementId)) {
let backgroundSvgElement = svgElements.find(svgElement => svgElement.id === ($svgElement[0].id + '.background'));
if (!backgroundSvgElement) {
else {
svgElementInfo.alreadyHadBackground = true;
$(backgroundSvgElement).css('fill-opacity', 0);
let actions = Array.isArray(rule.action) ? rule.action : [rule.action];
for (let action of actions) {
if (action) {
switch (action.service) {
case 'toggle':
for (let otherElementId of action.data.elements) {
let otherSvgElement = svgElements.find(svgElement => svgElement.id === otherElementId);
else {
this.logWarning('CONFIG', `Cannot find '${elementId}' in SVG file`);
addBackgroundRectToText(svgElementInfo) {
let svgElement = svgElementInfo.svgElement;
let bbox = svgElement.getBBox();
let rect = $(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'rect'))
.attr('id', svgElement.id + '.background')
.attr('height', bbox.height + 1)
.attr('width', bbox.width + 2)
.attr('x', bbox.x - 1)
.attr('y', bbox.y - 0.5)
.css('fill-opacity', 0);
addSvgElementToRule(svg, svgElement, ruleInfo) {
let svgElementInfo = {
entityId: svgElement.id,
svg: svg,
svgElement: svgElement,
originalSvgElement: svgElement,
originalStroke: svgElement.style.stroke,
originalFill: svgElement.style.fill,
originalClasses: this.getArray(svgElement.classList),
originalBBox: svgElement.getBBox(),
originalClientRect: svgElement.getBoundingClientRect(),
ruleInfo.svgElementInfos[svgElement.id] = svgElementInfo;
this.addNestedSvgElementsToRule(svgElement, ruleInfo);
return svgElementInfo;
addNestedSvgElementsToRule(svgElement, ruleInfo) {
$(svgElement).find('*').each((i, svgNestedElement) => {
ruleInfo.svgElementInfos[svgNestedElement.id] = {
entityId: svgElement.id,
svgElement: svgNestedElement,
originalSvgElement: svgNestedElement,
originalStroke: svgNestedElement.style.stroke,
originalFill: svgNestedElement.style.fill,
originalClasses: this.getArray(svgNestedElement.classList),
//originalBBox: svgNestedElement.getBBox(),
//originalClientRect: svgNestedElement.getBoundingClientRect(),
createImageElement(svgElement) {
return $(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'image'))
.attr('id', $(svgElement).attr('id'))
.attr('x', $(svgElement).attr('x'))
.attr('y', $(svgElement).attr('y'))
.attr('height', $(svgElement).attr('height'))
.attr('width', $(svgElement).attr('width'))[0];
return $('object')
.attr('type', $(svgElement).attr('image/svg+xml'))
.attr('id', $(svgElement).attr('id'))
.attr('x', $(svgElement).attr('x'))
.attr('y', $(svgElement).attr('y'))
.attr('height', $(svgElement).attr('height'))
.attr('width', $(svgElement).attr('width'))[0];
addClass(entityId, svgElement, className) {
if ($(svgElement).hasClass('ha-leave-me-alone')) {
if (!$(svgElement).hasClass(className)) {
this.logDebug('CLASS', `${entityId} (adding class: ${className})`);
if ($(svgElement).is('text')) {
$(svgElement).parent().find(`[id="${entityId}.background"]`).each((i, rectElement) => {
if (!$(rectElement).hasClass(className + '-background')) {
$(rectElement).addClass(className + '-background');
$(svgElement).find('*').each((i, svgNestedElement) => {
if (!$(svgNestedElement).hasClass('ha-leave-me-alone')) {
if (!$(svgNestedElement).hasClass(className)) {
removeClasses(entityId, svgElement, classes) {
for (let className of classes) {
if ($(svgElement).hasClass(className)) {
this.logDebug('CLASS', `${entityId} (removing class: ${className})`);
if ($(svgElement).is('text')) {
$(svgElement).parent().find(`[id="${entityId}.background"]`).each((i, rectElement) => {
if ($(rectElement).hasClass(className + '-background')) {
$(rectElement).removeClass(className + '-background');
$(svgElement).find('*').each((i, svgNestedElement) => {
if ($(svgNestedElement).hasClass(className)) {
setEntityStyle(svgElementInfo, svgElement, entityInfo, ruleInfo) {
let stateConfig = ruleInfo.rule.states.find(stateConfig => (stateConfig.state === entityInfo.lastState.state));
if (stateConfig) {
let stroke = this.getStroke(stateConfig);
if (stroke) {
svgElement.style.stroke = stroke;
else {
if (svgElementInfo.originalStroke) {
svgElement.style.stroke = svgElementInfo.originalStroke;
else {
// ???
let fill = this.getFill(stateConfig);
if (fill) {
svgElement.style.fill = fill;
else {
if (svgElementInfo.originalFill) {
svgElement.style.fill = svgElementInfo.originalFill;
else {
// ???
/* Entity handling (when states change)
handleEntities(isInitialLoad) {
let changedEntityIds = this.getChangedEntities(isInitialLoad);
changedEntityIds = changedEntityIds.concat(Object.keys(this.variables)); // always assume variables need updating
if (changedEntityIds && changedEntityIds.length) {
let promises = changedEntityIds.map(entityId => this.handleEntity(entityId, isInitialLoad));
return Promise.all(promises)
.then(() => {
return Promise.resolve(changedEntityIds);
else {
return Promise.resolve();
getChangedEntities(isInitialLoad) {
let changedEntityIds = [];
let entityIds = Object.keys(this.hass.states);
let lastMotionEntityInfo, oldLastMotionState, newLastMotionState;
if (this.lastMotionConfig) {
lastMotionEntityInfo = this.entityInfos[this.lastMotionConfig.entity];
if (lastMotionEntityInfo && lastMotionEntityInfo.lastState) {
oldLastMotionState = lastMotionEntityInfo.lastState.state;
newLastMotionState = this.hass.states[this.lastMotionConfig.entity].state;
for (let entityId of entityIds) {
let entityInfo = this.entityInfos[entityId];
if (entityInfo) {
let entityState = this.hass.states[entityId];
if (isInitialLoad) {
this.logDebug('STATE', `${entityId}: ${entityState.state} (initial load)`);
if (changedEntityIds.indexOf(entityId) < 0) {
else if (entityInfo.lastState) {
let oldState = entityInfo.lastState.state;
let newState = entityState.state;
if (entityState.last_changed !== entityInfo.lastState.last_changed) {
this.logDebug('STATE', `${entityId}: ${newState} (last changed ${moment(entityInfo.lastState.last_changed).format("DD-MMM-YYYY HH:mm:ss")})`);
if (changedEntityIds.indexOf(entityId) < 0) {
else {
if (!this.equal(entityInfo.lastState.attributes, entityState.attributes)) {
this.logDebug('STATE', `${entityId}: attributes (last updated ${moment(entityInfo.lastState.last_changed).format("DD-MMM-YYYY HH:mm:ss")})`);
if (changedEntityIds.indexOf(entityId) < 0) {
if (this.lastMotionConfig) {
if ((newLastMotionState !== oldLastMotionState) && (entityId.indexOf('binary_sensor') >= 0)) {
let friendlyName = entityState.attributes.friendly_name;
if (friendlyName === newLastMotionState) {
this.logDebug('LAST_MOTION', `${entityId} (new)`);
if (changedEntityIds.indexOf(entityId) < 0) {
else if (friendlyName === oldLastMotionState) {
this.logDebug('LAST_MOTION', `${entityId} (old)`);
if (changedEntityIds.indexOf(entityId) < 0) {
return changedEntityIds;
handleEntity(entityId, isInitialLoad) {
let entityState = this.hass.states[entityId];
let entityInfo = this.entityInfos[entityId];
entityInfo.lastState = Object.assign({}, entityState);
return this.handleEntityUpdateDom(entityInfo)
.then(() => {
this.handleEntityUpdateCss(entityInfo, isInitialLoad);
return Promise.resolve();
handleEntityUpdateDom(entityInfo) {
let promises = [];
let entityId = entityInfo.entityId;
let entityState = this.hass.states[entityId];
for (let ruleInfo of entityInfo.ruleInfos) {
for (let svgElementId in ruleInfo.svgElementInfos) {
let svgElementInfo = ruleInfo.svgElementInfos[svgElementId];
if ($(svgElementInfo.svgElement).is('text')) {
this.handleEntityUpdateText(entityId, ruleInfo, svgElementInfo);
else if (ruleInfo.rule.image || ruleInfo.rule.image_template) {
promises.push(this.handleEntityUpdateImage(entityId, ruleInfo, svgElementInfo));
return promises.length ? Promise.all(promises) : Promise.resolve();
handleElements(isInitialLoad) {
let promises = [];
Object.keys(this.elementInfos).map(key => {
let elementInfo = this.elementInfos[key];
let promise = this.handleElementUpdateDom(elementInfo)
.then(() => {
return this.handleElementUpdateCss(elementInfo, isInitialLoad);
return promises.length ? Promise.all(promises) : Promise.resolve();
handleElementUpdateDom(elementInfo) {
let promises = [];
for (let ruleInfo of elementInfo.ruleInfos) {
for (let svgElementId in ruleInfo.svgElementInfos) {
let svgElementInfo = ruleInfo.svgElementInfos[svgElementId];
if ($(svgElementInfo.svgElement).is('text')) {
this.handleEntityUpdateText(svgElementId, ruleInfo, svgElementInfo);
else if (ruleInfo.rule.image || ruleInfo.rule.image_template) {
promises.push(this.handleEntityUpdateImage(svgElementId, ruleInfo, svgElementInfo));
return promises.length ? Promise.all(promises) : Promise.resolve();
handleEntityUpdateText(entityId, ruleInfo, svgElementInfo) {
let svgElement = svgElementInfo.svgElement;
let state = this.hass.states[entityId] ? this.hass.states[entityId].state : undefined;
let text = ruleInfo.rule.text_template ? this.evaluate(ruleInfo.rule.text_template, entityId, svgElement) : state;
let tspan = $(svgElement).find('tspan');
if (tspan.length) {
else {
let title = $(svgElement).find('title');
if (title.length) {
if (!svgElementInfo.alreadyHadBackground) {
let rect = $(svgElement).parent().find(`[id="${entityId}.background"]`);
if (rect.length) {
if ($(svgElement).css('display') != 'none') {
let parentSvg = $(svgElement).parents('svg').eq(0);
if ($(parentSvg).css('display') !== 'none') {
let bbox = svgElement.getBBox();
.attr('x', bbox.x - 1)
.attr('y', bbox.y - 0.5)
.attr('height', bbox.height + 1)
.attr('width', bbox.width + 2)
.height(bbox.height + 1)
.width(bbox.width + 2);
handleEntityUpdateImage(entityId, ruleInfo, svgElementInfo) {
let svgElement = svgElementInfo.svgElement;
let imageUrl = ruleInfo.rule.image ? ruleInfo.rule.image : this.evaluate(ruleInfo.rule.image_template, entityId, svgElement);
if (imageUrl && (ruleInfo.imageUrl !== imageUrl)) {
ruleInfo.imageUrl = imageUrl;
if (ruleInfo.imageLoader) {
clearInterval(ruleInfo.imageLoader); // cancel any previous image loading for this rule
if (ruleInfo.rule.image_refresh_interval) {
let refreshInterval = parseInt(ruleInfo.rule.image_refresh_interval);
ruleInfo.imageLoader = setInterval((imageUrl, svgElement) => {
this.loadImage(imageUrl, svgElementInfo, entityId, ruleInfo.rule)
.catch(error => {
}, refreshInterval * 1000, imageUrl, svgElement);
return this.loadImage(imageUrl, svgElementInfo, entityId, ruleInfo.rule)
.catch(error => {
else {
return Promise.resolve();
handleEntitySetHoverOver(entityInfo) {
let entityId = entityInfo.entityId;
let entityState = this.hass.states[entityId];
for (let ruleInfo of entityInfo.ruleInfos) {
if (ruleInfo.rule.hover_over !== false) {
for (let svgElementId in ruleInfo.svgElementInfos) {
let svgElementInfo = ruleInfo.svgElementInfos[svgElementId];
this.handlEntitySetHoverOverText(svgElementInfo.svgElement, entityState);
handlEntitySetHoverOverText(element, entityState) {
let dateFormat = this.config.date_format ? this.config.date_format : 'DD-MMM-YYYY';
$(element).find('title').each((i, titleElement) => {
let lastChangedElapsed = moment().to(moment(entityState.last_changed));
let lastChangedDate = moment(entityState.last_changed).format(dateFormat);
let lastChangedTime = moment(entityState.last_changed).format('HH:mm:ss');
let lastUpdatedElapsed = moment().to(moment(entityState.last_updated));
let lastUpdatedDate = moment(entityState.last_updated).format(dateFormat);
let lastUpdatedTime = moment(entityState.last_updated).format('HH:mm:ss');
let titleText = `${entityState.attributes.friendly_name}\n`;
titleText += `State: ${entityState.state}\n\n`;
Object.keys(entityState.attributes).map(key => {
titleText += `${key}: ${entityState.attributes[key]}\n`;
titleText += '\n';
titleText += `Last changed: ${lastChangedDate} ${lastChangedTime}\n`;
titleText += `Last updated: ${lastUpdatedDate} ${lastUpdatedTime}`;
handleElementUpdateCss(elementInfo, isInitialLoad) {
if (!this.cssRules || !this.cssRules.length) {
for (let ruleInfo of elementInfo.ruleInfos) {
for (let svgElementId in ruleInfo.svgElementInfos) {
let svgElementInfo = ruleInfo.svgElementInfos[svgElementId];
this.handleUpdateElementCss(svgElementInfo, ruleInfo);
handleEntityUpdateCss(entityInfo, isInitialLoad) {
if (!this.cssRules || !this.cssRules.length) {
for (let ruleInfo of entityInfo.ruleInfos) {
for (let svgElementId in ruleInfo.svgElementInfos) {
let svgElementInfo = ruleInfo.svgElementInfos[svgElementId];
if (svgElementInfo.svgElement) { // images may not have been updated yet
let wasTransitionApplied = this.handleEntityUpdateTransitionCss(entityInfo, ruleInfo, svgElementInfo, isInitialLoad);
this.handleUpdateCss(entityInfo, svgElementInfo, ruleInfo, wasTransitionApplied);
handleEntityUpdateTransitionCss(entityInfo, ruleInfo, svgElementInfo, isInitialLoad) {
let entityId = entityInfo.entityId;
let entityState = this.hass.states[entityId];
let svgElement = svgElementInfo.svgElement;
let wasTransitionApplied = false;
if (ruleInfo.rule.states && ruleInfo.rule.state_transitions) {
let transitionConfig = ruleInfo.rule.state_transitions.find(transitionConfig => (transitionConfig.to_state === entityState.state));
if (transitionConfig && transitionConfig.from_state && transitionConfig.to_state && transitionConfig.duration) {
let elapsed = Math.max(moment().diff(moment(entityState.last_changed), 'milliseconds'), 0);
let remaining = (transitionConfig.duration * 1000) - elapsed;
let fromStateConfig = ruleInfo.rule.states.find(stateConfig => (stateConfig.state === transitionConfig.from_state));
let toStateConfig = ruleInfo.rule.states.find(stateConfig => (stateConfig.state === transitionConfig.to_state));
let fromColor = this.getFill(fromStateConfig);
let toColor = this.getFill(toStateConfig);
if (fromColor && toColor) {
if (remaining > 0) {
let transition = this.entityTransitions[entityId];
if (!transition) {
this.logDebug('TRANSITION', `${entityId} (created)`);
transition = {
entityId: entityId,
svgElementInfo: svgElementInfo,
ruleInfo: ruleInfo,
duration: transitionConfig.duration,
fromStateConfig: fromStateConfig,
toStateConfig: toStateConfig,
fromColor: fromColor,
toColor: toColor,
startMoment: undefined,
endMoment: undefined,
isActive: false,
this.entityTransitions[entityId] = transition;
// Assume the transition starts (or started) when the origin state change occurred
transition.startMoment = this.serverToLocalMoment(moment(entityState.last_changed));
transition.endMoment = transition.startMoment.clone();
transition.endMoment.add(transition.duration, 'seconds');
// If the transition is not currently running, kick it off
if (!transition.isActive) {
// If this state change just occurred, the transition starts as of now
if (!isInitialLoad) {
let nowMoment = moment();
transition.startMoment = nowMoment.clone();
transition.endMoment = transition.startMoment.clone();
transition.endMoment.add(transition.duration, 'seconds');
this.logDebug('TRANSITION', `${transition.entityId}: (start)`);
transition.isActive = true;
else {
// If the transition is currently running, it will be extended with latest start / end times
this.logDebug('TRANSITION', `${transition.entityId} (continue)`);
else {
this.setEntityStyle(svgElementInfo, svgElement, entityInfo, ruleInfo);
else {
this.setEntityStyle(svgElementInfo, svgElement, entityInfo, ruleInfo);
wasTransitionApplied = true;
return wasTransitionApplied;
handleUpdateCss(entityInfo, svgElementInfo, ruleInfo, wasTransitionApplied) {
let entityId = entityInfo.entityId;
let svgElement = svgElementInfo.svgElement;
let targetClass = undefined;
let obsoleteClasses = [];
if (ruleInfo.rule.class_template) {
targetClass = this.evaluate(ruleInfo.rule.class_template, entityId, svgElement);
// Get the config for the current state
if (ruleInfo.rule.states) {
let entityState = this.hass.states[entityId];
let stateConfig = ruleInfo.rule.states.find(stateConfig => (stateConfig.state === entityState.state));
if (stateConfig && stateConfig.class && !wasTransitionApplied) {
targetClass = stateConfig.class;
// Remove any other previously-added state classes
for (let otherStateConfig of ruleInfo.rule.states) {
if (!stateConfig || (otherStateConfig.state !== stateConfig.state)) {
if (otherStateConfig.class && (otherStateConfig.class !== targetClass) && (otherStateConfig.class !== 'ha-entity') && $(svgElement).hasClass(otherStateConfig.class)) {
if (svgElementInfo.originalClasses.indexOf(otherStateConfig.class) < 0) {
else {
if (svgElement.classList) {
for (let otherClassName of this.getArray(svgElement.classList)) {
if ((otherClassName !== targetClass) && (otherClassName !== 'ha-entity')) {
if (svgElementInfo.originalClasses.indexOf(otherClassName) < 0) {
// Remove any obsolete classes from the entity
if (obsoleteClasses.length) {
//this.logDebug(`${entityId}: Removing obsolete classes: ${obsoleteClasses.join(', ')}`);
this.removeClasses(entityId, svgElement, obsoleteClasses);
// Add the target class to the entity
if (targetClass && !$(svgElement).hasClass(targetClass)) {
let hasTransitionConfig = ruleInfo.rule.states && ruleInfo.rule.state_transitions;
if (hasTransitionConfig && !wasTransitionApplied) {
let transition = this.entityTransitions[entityId];
if (transition && transition.isActive) {
this.logDebug('TRANSITION', `${transition.entityId} (cancel)`);
transition.isActive = false;
this.addClass(entityId, svgElement, targetClass);
handleUpdateElementCss(svgElementInfo, ruleInfo) {
let entityId = svgElementInfo.entityId;
let svgElement = svgElementInfo.svgElement;
let targetClass = undefined;
if (ruleInfo.rule.class_template) {
targetClass = this.evaluate(ruleInfo.rule.class_template, entityId, svgElement);
let obsoleteClasses = [];
for (let otherClassName of this.getArray(svgElement.classList)) {
if ((otherClassName !== targetClass) && (otherClassName !== 'ha-entity')) {
if (svgElementInfo.originalClasses.indexOf(otherClassName) < 0) {
// Remove any obsolete classes from the entity
if (obsoleteClasses.length) {
this.removeClasses(entityId, svgElement, obsoleteClasses);
// Add the target class to the entity
if (targetClass && !$(svgElement).hasClass(targetClass)) {
this.addClass(entityId, svgElement, targetClass);
handleEntityTransition(transition) {
if (!transition.isActive) {
let nowMoment = moment();
let isExpired = (nowMoment >= transition.endMoment);
let ratio = isExpired ? 1 : (nowMoment - transition.startMoment) / (transition.endMoment - transition.startMoment);
let color = this.getTransitionColor(transition.fromColor, transition.toColor, ratio);
//this.logDebug('TRANSITION', `${transition.entityId} (ratio: ${ratio}, element: ${transition.svgElementInfo.svgElement.id}, fill: ${color})`);
transition.svgElementInfo.svgElement.style.fill = color;
if (isExpired) {
transition.isActive = false;
this.logDebug('TRANSITION', `${transition.entityId} (end)`);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
handleEntityUpdateLastMotionCss(entityInfo) {
if (!this.lastMotionConfig || !this.cssRules || !this.cssRules.length) {
let entityId = entityInfo.entityId;
let entityState = this.hass.states[entityId];
for (let ruleInfo of entityInfo.ruleInfos) {
for (let svgElementId in ruleInfo.svgElementInfos) {
let svgElementInfo = ruleInfo.svgElementInfos[svgElementId];
let svgElement = svgElementInfo.svgElement;
if (this.hass.states[this.lastMotionConfig.entity] &&
(entityState.attributes.friendly_name === this.hass.states[this.lastMotionConfig.entity].state)) {
if (!$(svgElement).hasClass(this.lastMotionConfig.class)) {
//this.logDebug(`${entityId}: Adding last motion class '${this.lastMotionConfig.class}'`);
else {
if ($(svgElement).hasClass(this.lastMotionConfig.class)) {
//this.logDebug(`${entityId}: Removing last motion class '${this.lastMotionConfig.class}'`);
/* Floorplan helper functions
isOptionEnabled(option) {
return ((option === null) || (option !== undefined));
isLastMotionEnabled() {
return this.lastMotionConfig && this.config.last_motion.entity && this.config.last_motion.class;
validateConfig(config) {
let isValid = true;
if (!config.pages && !config.rules) {
this.logWarning('CONFIG', `Cannot find 'pages' nor 'rules' in floorplan configuration`);
isValid = false;
else {
if (config.pages) {
if (!config.pages.length) {
this.logWarning('CONFIG', `The 'pages' section must contain one or more pages in floorplan configuration`);
isValid = false;
else {
if (!config.rules) {
this.logWarning('CONFIG', `Cannot find 'rules' in floorplan configuration`);
isValid = false;
let invalidRules = config.rules.filter(x => x.entities && x.elements);
if (invalidRules.length) {
this.logWarning('CONFIG', `A rule cannot contain both 'entities' and 'elements' in floorplan configuration`);
isValid = false;
invalidRules = config.rules.filter(x => !(x.entity || x.entities) && !(x.element || x.elements));
if (invalidRules.length) {
this.logWarning('CONFIG', `A rule must contain either 'entities' or 'elements' in floorplan configuration`);
isValid = false;
return isValid;
localToServerMoment(localMoment) {
let serverMoment = localMoment.clone();
if (this.timeDifference >= 0)
serverMoment.subtract(this.timeDifference, 'milliseconds');
serverMoment.add(Math.abs(this.timeDifference), 'milliseconds');
return serverMoment;
serverToLocalMoment(serverMoment) {
let localMoment = serverMoment.clone();
if (this.timeDifference >= 0)
localMoment.add(Math.abs(this.timeDifference), 'milliseconds');
localMoment.subtract(this.timeDifference, 'milliseconds');
return localMoment;
evaluate(code, entityId, svgElement) {
let entityState = this.hass.states[entityId];
let functionBody = (code.indexOf('${') >= 0) ? `\`${code}\`;` : code;
functionBody = (functionBody.indexOf('return') >= 0) ? functionBody : `return ${functionBody};`;
let func = new Function('entity', 'entities', 'hass', 'config', 'element', functionBody);
return func(entityState, this.hass.states, this.hass, this.config, svgElement);
/* Event handlers
onElementClick(e) {
this.instance.onActionClick(this.svgElementInfo, this.elementId, this.elementId, this.rule);
onEntityClick(e) {
this.instance.onActionClick(this.svgElementInfo, this.entityId, this.elementId, this.rule);
onActionClick(svgElementInfo, entityId, elementId, rule) {
if (!rule || !rule.action) {
if (entityId && (rule.more_info !== false)) {
let calledServiceCount = 0;
let svgElement = svgElementInfo.svgElement;
let actions = Array.isArray(rule.action) ? rule.action : [rule.action];
for (let action of actions) {
if (action.service || action.service_template) {
let actionService = this.getActionService(action, entityId, svgElement);
switch (this.getDomain(actionService)) {
case 'floorplan':
this.callFloorplanService(action, entityId, svgElementInfo);
this.callHomeAssistantService(action, entityId, svgElementInfo);
if (!calledServiceCount) {
if (entityId && (rule.more_info !== false)) {
callFloorplanService(action, entityId, svgElementInfo) {
let svgElement = svgElementInfo ? svgElementInfo.svgElement : undefined;
let actionService = this.getActionService(action, entityId, svgElement);
let actionData = this.getActionData(action, entityId, svgElement);
switch (this.getService(actionService)) {
case 'class_toggle':
if (actionData) {
let classes = actionData.classes;
for (let otherElementId of actionData.elements) {
let otherSvgElement = $(svgElementInfo.svg).find(`[id="${otherElementId}"]`);
if ($(otherSvgElement).hasClass(classes[0])) {
else if ($(otherSvgElement).hasClass(classes[1])) {
else {
case 'page_navigate':
let page_id = actionData.page_id;
let targetPageInfo = page_id && this.pageInfos[page_id];
if (targetPageInfo) {
Object.keys(this.pageInfos).map(key => {
let pageInfo = this.pageInfos[key];
if (!pageInfo.isMaster) {
if ($(pageInfo.svg).css('display') !== 'none') {
$(pageInfo.svg).css('display', 'none');
$(targetPageInfo.svg).css('display', 'initial');
case 'variable_set':
if (actionData.variable) {
let attributes = [];
if (actionData.attributes) {
for (let attribute of actionData.attributes) {
let attributeValue = this.getActionValue(attribute, entityId, svgElement);
attributes.push({ name: attribute.attribute, value: attributeValue });
let value = this.getActionValue(actionData, entityId, svgElement);
this.setVariable(actionData.variable, value, attributes);
// Unknown floorplan service
getActionValue(action, entityId, svgElement) {
let value = action.value;
if (action.value_template) {
value = this.evaluate(action.value_template, entityId, svgElement);
return value;
setVariable(variableName, value, attributes, isInitialLoad) {
this.variables[variableName] = value;
if (this.hass.states[variableName]) {
this.hass.states[variableName].state = value;
for (let attribute of attributes) {
this.hass.states[variableName].attributes[attribute.name] = attribute.value;
for (let otherVariableName of Object.keys(this.variables)) {
this.hass.states[otherVariableName].last_changed = new Date(); // mark all variables as changed
// Simulate an event change to all entities
if (!isInitialLoad) {
this.handleEntitiesDebounced(); // use debounced wrapper
/* Home Assisant helper functions
callHomeAssistantService(action, entityId, svgElementInfo) {
let svgElement = svgElementInfo ? svgElementInfo.svgElement : undefined;
let actionService = this.getActionService(action, entityId, svgElement);
let actionData = this.getActionData(action, entityId, svgElement);
if (!actionData.entity_id && entityId) {
actionData.entity_id = entityId;
this.hass.callService(this.getDomain(actionService), this.getService(actionService), actionData);
getActionData(action, entityId, svgElement) {
let data = action.data ? action.data : {};
if (action.data_template) {
let result = this.evaluate(action.data_template, entityId, svgElement);
data = (typeof result === 'string') ? JSON.parse(result) : result;
return data;
getActionService(action, entityId, svgElement) {
let service = action.service;
if (action.service_template) {
service = this.evaluate(action.service_template, entityId, svgElement);
return service;
getDomain(actionService) {
return actionService.split(".")[0];
getService(actionService) {
return actionService.split(".")[1];
/* Logging / error handling functions
handleWindowError(msg, url, lineNo, columnNo, error) {
if (msg.toLowerCase().indexOf("script error") >= 0) {
this.logError('Script error: See browser console for detail');
else {
let message = [
'URL: ' + url,
'Line: ' + lineNo + ', column: ' + columnNo,
'Error: ' + JSON.stringify(error)
return false;
handleError(error) {
let message = error;
if (error.stack) {
message = `${error.stack}`;
else if (error.message) {
message = `${error.message}`;
this.log('error', message);
logError(message) {
this.log('error', message);
logWarning(area, message) {
this.log('warning', `${area} ${message}`);
logInfo(area, message) {
this.log('info', `${area} ${message}`);
logDebug(area, message) {
this.log('debug', `${area} ${message}`);
log(level, message) {
let text = `${moment().format("DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss")} ${level.toUpperCase()} ${message}`;
switch (level) {
case 'error':
case 'warning':
case 'error':
if (!this.config) {
// Always log messages before the config has been loaded
else if (!this.logLevels || !this.logLevels.length || (this.logLevels.indexOf(level) < 0)) {
let log = $(this.doc).find('#log');
$(log).find('ul').prepend(`<li class="${level}">${text}</li>`)
$(log).css('display', 'block');
/* CSS helper functions
getStroke(stateConfig) {
let stroke = undefined;
for (let cssRule of this.cssRules) {
if (cssRule.selectorText && cssRule.selectorText.indexOf(`.${stateConfig.class}`) >= 0) {
if (cssRule.style && cssRule.style.stroke) {
if (cssRule.style.stroke[0] === '#') {
stroke = cssRule.style.stroke;
else {
let rgb = cssRule.style.stroke.substring(4).slice(0, -1).split(',').map(x => parseInt(x));
stroke = `#${rgb[0].toString(16)[0]}${rgb[1].toString(16)[0]}${rgb[2].toString(16)[0]}`;
return stroke;
getFill(stateConfig) {
let fill = undefined;
for (let cssRule of this.cssRules) {
if (cssRule.selectorText && cssRule.selectorText.indexOf(`.${stateConfig.class}`) >= 0) {
if (cssRule.style && cssRule.style.fill) {
if (cssRule.style.fill[0] === '#') {
fill = cssRule.style.fill;
else {
let rgb = cssRule.style.fill.substring(4).slice(0, -1).split(',').map(x => parseInt(x));
fill = `#${rgb[0].toString(16)}${rgb[1].toString(16)}${rgb[2].toString(16)}`;
return fill;
getTransitionColor(fromColor, toColor, value) {
return (value <= 0) ? fromColor :
((value >= 1) ? toColor : this.rgbToHex(this.mix(this.hexToRgb(toColor), this.hexToRgb(fromColor), value)));
/* General helper functions
fetchTextResource(resourceUrl, useCache) {
resourceUrl = this.cacheBuster(resourceUrl);
useCache = false;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let request = new Request(resourceUrl, {
cache: (useCache === true) ? 'reload' : 'no-cache',
.then((response) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.text();
else {
throw new Error(`Error fetching resource`);
.then((result) => resolve(result))
.catch((err) => {
reject(new URIError(`${resourceUrl}: ${err.message}`));
fetchImageResource(resourceUrl, useCache) {
resourceUrl = this.cacheBuster(resourceUrl);
useCache = false;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let request = new Request(resourceUrl, {
cache: (useCache === true) ? 'reload' : 'no-cache',
headers: new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=x-user-defined' }),
.then((response) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.arrayBuffer();
else {
throw new Error(`Error fetching resource`);
.then((result) => resolve(`data:image/jpeg;base64,${this.arrayBufferToBase64(result)}`))
.catch((err) => {
reject(new URIError(`${resourceUrl}: ${err.message}`));
/* Utility functions
getArray(list) {
return Array.isArray(list) ? list : Object.keys(list).map(key => list[key]);
arrayBufferToBase64(buffer) {
let binary = '';
let bytes = [].slice.call(new Uint8Array(buffer));
bytes.forEach((b) => binary += String.fromCharCode(b));
let base64 = window.btoa(binary);
// IOS / Safari will not render base64 images unless length is divisible by 4
while ((base64.length % 4) > 0) {
base64 += '=';
return base64;
base64Encodebase64Encode(str) {
let CHARS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
let out = "", i = 0, len = str.length, c1, c2, c3;
while (i < len) {
c1 = str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff;
if (i === len) {
out += CHARS.charAt(c1 >> 2);
out += CHARS.charAt((c1 & 0x3) << 4);
out += "==";
c2 = str.charCodeAt(i++);
if (i === len) {
out += CHARS.charAt(c1 >> 2);
out += CHARS.charAt(((c1 & 0x3) << 4) | ((c2 & 0xF0) >> 4));
out += CHARS.charAt((c2 & 0xF) << 2);
out += "=";
c3 = str.charCodeAt(i++);
out += CHARS.charAt(c1 >> 2);
out += CHARS.charAt(((c1 & 0x3) << 4) | ((c2 & 0xF0) >> 4));
out += CHARS.charAt(((c2 & 0xF) << 2) | ((c3 & 0xC0) >> 6));
out += CHARS.charAt(c3 & 0x3F);
// IOS / Safari will not render base64 images unless length is divisible by 4
while ((out.length % 4) > 0) {
out += '=';
return out;
cacheBuster(url) {
return `${url}${(url.indexOf('?') >= 0) ? '&' : '?'}_=${new Date().getTime()}`;
debounce(func, wait, immediate) {
let timeout;
return function () {
let context = this, args = arguments;
let later = function () {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
let callNow = immediate && !timeout;
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);
equal(a, b) {
if (a === b) return true;
let arrA = Array.isArray(a)
, arrB = Array.isArray(b)
, i;
if (arrA && arrB) {
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
if (!this.equal(a[i], b[i])) return false;
return true;
if (arrA != arrB) return false;
if (a && b && typeof a === 'object' && typeof b === 'object') {
let keys = Object.keys(a);
if (keys.length !== Object.keys(b).length) return false;
let dateA = a instanceof Date
, dateB = b instanceof Date;
if (dateA && dateB) return a.getTime() == b.getTime();
if (dateA != dateB) return false;
let regexpA = a instanceof RegExp
, regexpB = b instanceof RegExp;
if (regexpA && regexpB) return a.toString() == b.toString();
if (regexpA != regexpB) return false;
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, keys[i])) return false;
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
if (!this.equal(a[keys[i]], b[keys[i]])) return false;
return true;
return false;
/* Color functions
rgbToHex(rgb) {
return "#" + ((1 << 24) + (rgb[0] << 16) + (rgb[1] << 8) + rgb[2]).toString(16).slice(1);
hexToRgb(hex) {
// Expand shorthand form (e.g. "03F") to full form (e.g. "0033FF")
let shorthandRegex = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i;
hex = hex.replace(shorthandRegex, (m, r, g, b) => {
return r + r + g + g + b + b;
let result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
return result ? {
r: parseInt(result[1], 16),
g: parseInt(result[2], 16),
b: parseInt(result[3], 16)
} : null;
mix(color1, color2, weight) {
let p = weight;
let w = p * 2 - 1;
let w1 = ((w / 1) + 1) / 2;
let w2 = 1 - w1;
let rgb = [
Math.round(color1.r * w1 + color2.r * w2),
Math.round(color1.g * w1 + color2.g * w2),
Math.round(color1.b * w1 + color2.b * w2)
return rgb;
wrap(svgTextElement, width, content) {
let $text = $(svgTextElement);
let words = content.split(/\s+/).reverse();
let line = [];
let lineNumber = 0;
let lineHeight = 1.1; // ems
let x = $text.attr("x");
let y = $text.attr("y");
//let dy = 0; //parseFloat($text.attr("dy")),
let $tspan = $text.append("tspan")
.attr("x", x)
.attr("y", y)
.attr("dy", dy + "em")
let word;
while (word = words.pop()) {
$tspan.text(line.join(" "));
if ($tspan.node().getComputedTextLength() > width) {
$tspan.text(line.join(" "));
line = [word];
$tspan = $text.append("tspan")
.attr("x", x)
.attr("y", y)
.attr("dy", ++lineNumber * lineHeight + dy + "em")
window.Floorplan = Floorplan;