# ratgdo This is a port of the ratgdo software for the v2 board to esphome. > **ratgdo shields available to order** > Shields are available and shipping domestic USA via USPS. > > * [ratgdo shield only](https://square.link/u/xNP2Orez) $15 > * [ratgdo shield with ESP8266 D1 Clone](https://square.link/u/JaMwtjLL) $30 # [Visit the github.io page for instructions](https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/). [ratgdo on GitHub.io](https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/) # ESPHome config ```yaml --- substitutions: id_prefix: ratgdo friendly_name: "Garage" wifi_ssid: wifi_password: esphome: name: ${id_prefix} platform: ESP8266 board: esp01_1m api: id: api_server web_server: external_components: - source: type: git url: https://github.com/bdraco/esphome-ratgdo refresh: 1s ratgdo: id: ${id_prefix} binary_sensor: - platform: ratgdo type: motion id: ${id_prefix}_motion ratgdo_id: ${id_prefix} name: "${friendly_name} Motion" device_class: motion - platform: ratgdo type: obstruction id: ${id_prefix}_obstruction ratgdo_id: ${id_prefix} name: "${friendly_name} Obstruction" device_class: problem cover: - platform: ratgdo id: ratgdo_garage device_class: garage name: ${friendly_name} ratgdo_id: ${id_prefix} light: - platform: ratgdo id: ratgdo_light name: "${friendly_name} Light" ratgdo_id: ${id_prefix} uart: tx_pin: number: 2 inverted: true rx_pin: number: 4 inverted: true baud_rate: 9600 wifi: ssid: ${wifi_ssid} password: ${wifi_password} logger: level: VERBOSE ota: button: - platform: restart name: "${friendly_name} Restart" # Sync time with Home Assistant. time: - platform: homeassistant id: homeassistant_time ```