 * Rage
 * Against
 * The
 * Garage
 * Door
 * Opener
 * Copyright (C) 2022  Paul Wieland

#include "ratgdo.h"
#include "ratgdo_state.h"

#include "esphome/core/log.h"

namespace esphome {
namespace ratgdo {

    static const char* const TAG = "ratgdo";
    static const int SYNC_DELAY = 1000;
    // MAX_CODES_WITHOUT_FLASH_WRITE is a bit of a guess
    // since we write the flash at most every every 5s
    // We want the rolling counter to be high enough that the
    // GDO will accept the command after an unexpected reboot
    // that did not save the counter to flash in time which
    // results in the rolling counter being behind what the GDO
    // expects.
    static const uint8_t MAX_CODES_WITHOUT_FLASH_WRITE = 10;

    void RATGDOComponent::setup()

        this->input_gdo_pin_->pin_mode(gpio::FLAG_INPUT | gpio::FLAG_PULLUP);

        if (this->input_obst_pin_ == nullptr || this->input_obst_pin_->get_pin() == 0) {
            // Our base.yaml is always going to set this so we check for 0
            // as well to avoid a breaking change.
            this->obstruction_from_status_ = true;
        } else {
            this->input_obst_pin_->attach_interrupt(RATGDOStore::isr_obstruction, &this->isr_store_, gpio::INTERRUPT_FALLING_EDGE);
        this->sw_serial_.begin(9600, SWSERIAL_8N1, this->input_gdo_pin_->get_pin(), this->output_gdo_pin_->get_pin(), true);

        ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Syncing rolling code counter after reboot...");

        // many things happening at startup, use some delay for sync
        set_timeout(SYNC_DELAY, [=] { this->sync(); });

    void RATGDOComponent::loop()
        if (this->transmit_pending_) {
            if (!this->transmit_packet()) {
        if (!this->obstruction_from_status_) {

    void RATGDOComponent::dump_config()
        ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Setting up RATGDO...");
        LOG_PIN("  Output GDO Pin: ", this->output_gdo_pin_);
        LOG_PIN("  Input GDO Pin: ", this->input_gdo_pin_);
        if (this->obstruction_from_status_) {
            ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "  Input Obstruction Pin: not used, will detect from GDO status");
        } else {
            LOG_PIN("  Input Obstruction Pin: ", this->input_obst_pin_);
        ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "  Rolling Code Counter: %d", *this->rolling_code_counter);
        ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "  Remote ID: %d", this->remote_id_);

    uint16_t RATGDOComponent::decode_packet(const WirePacket& packet)
        uint32_t rolling = 0;
        uint64_t fixed = 0;
        uint32_t data = 0;

        decode_wireline(packet, &rolling, &fixed, &data);

        uint16_t cmd = ((fixed >> 24) & 0xf00) | (data & 0xff);
        data &= ~0xf000; // clear parity nibble

        Command cmd_enum = to_Command(cmd, Command::UNKNOWN);

        if ((fixed & 0xfffffff) == this->remote_id_) { // my commands
            ESP_LOGV(TAG, "[%ld] received mine: rolling=%07" PRIx32 " fixed=%010" PRIx64 " data=%08" PRIx32, millis(), rolling, fixed, data);
            return static_cast<uint16_t>(Command::UNKNOWN);
        } else {
            ESP_LOGV(TAG, "[%ld] received rolling=%07" PRIx32 " fixed=%010" PRIx64 " data=%08" PRIx32, millis(), rolling, fixed, data);

        uint8_t nibble = (data >> 8) & 0xff;
        uint8_t byte1 = (data >> 16) & 0xff;
        uint8_t byte2 = (data >> 24) & 0xff;

        ESP_LOGV(TAG, "cmd=%03x (%s) byte2=%02x byte1=%02x nibble=%01x", cmd, Command_to_string(cmd_enum), byte2, byte1, nibble);

        if (cmd == Command::STATUS) {

            auto door_state = to_DoorState(nibble, DoorState::UNKNOWN);
            auto prev_door_state = *this->door_state;

            // opening duration calibration
            if (*this->opening_duration == 0) {
                if (door_state == DoorState::OPENING && prev_door_state == DoorState::CLOSED) {
                    this->start_opening = millis();
                if (door_state == DoorState::OPEN && prev_door_state == DoorState::OPENING && this->start_opening > 0) {
                    auto duration = (millis() - this->start_opening) / 1000;
                    this->set_opening_duration(round(duration * 10) / 10);
                if (door_state == DoorState::STOPPED) {
                    this->start_opening = -1;
            // closing duration calibration
            if (*this->closing_duration == 0) {
                if (door_state == DoorState::CLOSING && prev_door_state == DoorState::OPEN) {
                    this->start_closing = millis();
                if (door_state == DoorState::CLOSED && prev_door_state == DoorState::CLOSING && this->start_closing > 0) {
                    auto duration = (millis() - this->start_closing) / 1000;
                    this->set_closing_duration(round(duration * 10) / 10);
                if (door_state == DoorState::STOPPED) {
                    this->start_closing = -1;

            if (door_state == DoorState::OPEN) {
                this->door_position = 1.0;
            } else if (door_state == DoorState::CLOSED) {
                this->door_position = 0.0;
            } else {
                if (*this->closing_duration == 0 || *this->opening_duration == 0 || *this->door_position == DOOR_POSITION_UNKNOWN) {
                    this->door_position = 0.5; // best guess

            if (door_state == DoorState::OPENING && !this->moving_to_position) {
                this->position_sync_while_opening(1.0 - *this->door_position);
                this->moving_to_position = true;
            if (door_state == DoorState::CLOSING && !this->moving_to_position) {
                this->moving_to_position = true;

            if (door_state == DoorState::OPEN || door_state == DoorState::CLOSED || door_state == DoorState::STOPPED) {

            this->door_state = door_state;
            this->light_state = static_cast<LightState>((byte2 >> 1) & 1); // safe because it can only be 0 or 1
            this->lock_state = static_cast<LockState>(byte2 & 1); // safe because it can only be 0 or 1
            this->motion_state = MotionState::CLEAR; // when the status message is read, reset motion state to 0|clear
            this->motor_state = MotorState::OFF; // when the status message is read, reset motor state to 0|off

            if (this->obstruction_from_status_) {
                // ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Obstruction: reading from byte2, bit2, status=%d", ((byte2 >> 2) & 1) == 1);
                this->obstruction_state = static_cast<ObstructionState>((byte1 >> 6) & 1);
                // This isn't very fast to update, but its still better
                // than nothing in the case the obstruction sensor is not
                // wired up.
                ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Obstruction: reading from GDO status byte1, bit6=%s", ObstructionState_to_string(*this->obstruction_state));

            if (door_state == DoorState::CLOSED && door_state != prev_door_state) {

            ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Status: door=%s light=%s lock=%s",
        } else if (cmd == Command::LIGHT) {
            if (nibble == 0) {
                this->light_state = LightState::OFF;
            } else if (nibble == 1) {
                this->light_state = LightState::ON;
            } else if (nibble == 2) { // toggle
                this->light_state = light_state_toggle(*this->light_state);
            ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Light: action=%s state=%s",
                nibble == 0 ? "OFF" : nibble == 1 ? "ON"
                                                  : "TOGGLE",
        } else if (cmd == Command::MOTOR_ON) {
            this->motor_state = MotorState::ON;
            ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Motor: state=%s", MotorState_to_string(*this->motor_state));
        } else if (cmd == Command::OPEN) {
            this->button_state = (byte1 & 1) == 1 ? ButtonState::PRESSED : ButtonState::RELEASED;
            ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Open: button=%s", ButtonState_to_string(*this->button_state));
        } else if (cmd == Command::OPENINGS) {
            // nibble==0 if it's our request
            // update openings only from our request or if it's not unknown state
            if (nibble == 0 || *this->openings != 0) {
                this->openings = (byte1 << 8) | byte2;
                ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Openings: %d", *this->openings);
            } else {
                ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Ignoreing openings, not from our request");
        } else if (cmd == Command::MOTION) {
            this->motion_state = MotionState::DETECTED;
            if (*this->light_state == LightState::OFF) {
            ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Motion: %s", MotionState_to_string(*this->motion_state));
        } else if (cmd == Command::SET_TTC) {
            auto seconds = (byte1 << 8) | byte2;
            ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Time to close (TTC): %ds", seconds);

        return cmd;

    void RATGDOComponent::encode_packet(Command command, uint32_t data, bool increment, WirePacket& packet)
        auto cmd = static_cast<uint64_t>(command);
        uint64_t fixed = ((cmd & ~0xff) << 24) | this->remote_id_;
        uint32_t send_data = (data << 8) | (cmd & 0xff);

        ESP_LOGV(TAG, "[%ld] Encode for transmit rolling=%07" PRIx32 " fixed=%010" PRIx64 " data=%08" PRIx32, millis(), *this->rolling_code_counter, fixed, send_data);
        encode_wireline(*this->rolling_code_counter, fixed, send_data, packet);

        if (increment) {

    void RATGDOComponent::set_opening_duration(float duration)
        ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Set opening duration: %.1fs", duration);
        this->opening_duration = duration;

    void RATGDOComponent::set_closing_duration(float duration)
        ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Set closing duration: %.1fs", duration);
        this->closing_duration = duration;

    void RATGDOComponent::set_rolling_code_counter(uint32_t counter)
        ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Set rolling code counter to %d", counter);
        this->rolling_code_counter = counter;

    void RATGDOComponent::increment_rolling_code_counter(int delta)
        this->rolling_code_counter = (*this->rolling_code_counter + delta) & 0xfffffff;

    void RATGDOComponent::print_packet(const WirePacket& packet) const
        ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Counter: %d Send code: [%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X]",

    /*************************** OBSTRUCTION DETECTION ***************************/

    void RATGDOComponent::obstruction_loop()
        long current_millis = millis();
        static unsigned long last_millis = 0;
        static unsigned long last_asleep = 0;

        // the obstruction sensor has 3 states: clear (HIGH with LOW pulse every 7ms), obstructed (HIGH), asleep (LOW)
        // the transitions between awake and asleep are tricky because the voltage drops slowly when falling asleep
        // and is high without pulses when waking up

        // If at least 3 low pulses are counted within 50ms, the door is awake, not obstructed and we don't have to check anything else

        const long CHECK_PERIOD = 50;
        const long PULSES_LOWER_LIMIT = 3;

        if (current_millis - last_millis > CHECK_PERIOD) {
            // ESP_LOGD(TAG, "%ld: Obstruction count: %d, expected: %d, since asleep: %ld", 
            //     current_millis, this->isr_store_.obstruction_low_count, PULSES_EXPECTED,
            //     current_millis - last_asleep
            // );

            // check to see if we got more then PULSES_LOWER_LIMIT pulses
            if (this->isr_store_.obstruction_low_count > PULSES_LOWER_LIMIT) {
                this->obstruction_state = ObstructionState::CLEAR;
            } else if (this->isr_store_.obstruction_low_count == 0) {
                // if there have been no pulses the line is steady high or low
                if (!this->input_obst_pin_->digital_read()) {
                    // asleep
                    last_asleep = current_millis;
                } else {
                    // if the line is high and was last asleep more than 700ms ago, then there is an obstruction present
                    if (current_millis - last_asleep > 700) {
                        this->obstruction_state = ObstructionState::OBSTRUCTED;
            last_millis = current_millis;
            this->isr_store_.obstruction_low_count = 0;

    void RATGDOComponent::gdo_state_loop()
        static bool reading_msg = false;
        static uint32_t msg_start = 0;
        static uint16_t byte_count = 0;
        static WirePacket rx_packet;

        if (!reading_msg) {
            while (this->sw_serial_.available()) {
                uint8_t ser_byte = this->sw_serial_.read();
                if (ser_byte != 0x55 && ser_byte != 0x01 && ser_byte != 0x00) {
                    byte_count = 0;
                msg_start = ((msg_start << 8) | ser_byte) & 0xffffff;

                // if we are at the start of a message, capture the next 16 bytes
                if (msg_start == 0x550100) {
                    rx_packet[0] = 0x55;
                    rx_packet[1] = 0x01;
                    rx_packet[2] = 0x00;

                    reading_msg = true;
        if (reading_msg) {
            while (this->sw_serial_.available()) {
                uint8_t ser_byte = this->sw_serial_.read();
                rx_packet[byte_count] = ser_byte;

                if (byte_count == PACKET_LENGTH) {
                    reading_msg = false;
                    byte_count = 0;

    void RATGDOComponent::query_status()

    void RATGDOComponent::query_openings()

    /************************* DOOR COMMUNICATION *************************/
     * Transmit a message to the door opener over uart1
     * The TX1 pin is controlling a transistor, so the logic is inverted
     * A HIGH state on TX1 will pull the 12v line LOW
     * The opener requires a specific duration low/high pulse before it will accept
     * a message
    void RATGDOComponent::send_command(Command command, uint32_t data, bool increment)
        if (!this->transmit_pending_) { // have an untransmitted packet
            this->encode_packet(command, data, increment, this->tx_packet_);
        } else {
            // unlikely this would happed, we're ensuring any pending packet
            // is transmitted each loop before doing anyting else
            ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Have untransmitted packet, ignoring command: %s", Command_to_string(command));

    bool RATGDOComponent::transmit_packet()
        auto now = micros();
        while (micros() - now < 1300) {
            if (this->input_gdo_pin_->digital_read()) {
                ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Collision detected, waiting to send packet");
                this->transmit_pending_ = true;
                return false;

        this->output_gdo_pin_->digital_write(true); // pull the line high for 1305 micros so the
                                                    // door opener responds to the message
        this->output_gdo_pin_->digital_write(false); // bring the line low

        delayMicroseconds(1260); // "LOW" pulse duration before the message start
        this->sw_serial_.write(this->tx_packet_, PACKET_LENGTH);
        this->transmit_pending_ = false;
        return true;

    void RATGDOComponent::sync()
        auto sync_step = [=]() {
            if (*this->door_state == DoorState::UNKNOWN) {
                return RetryResult::RETRY;
            if (*this->openings == 0) {
                return RetryResult::RETRY;
            return RetryResult::DONE;

        const uint8_t MAX_ATTEMPTS = 10;
            500, MAX_ATTEMPTS, [=](uint8_t r) {
                auto result = sync_step();
                if (result == RetryResult::RETRY) {
                    if (r == MAX_ATTEMPTS-2 && *this->door_state == DoorState::UNKNOWN) { // made a few attempts and no progress (door state is the first sync request)
                        // increment rolling code counter by some amount in case we crashed without writing to flash the latest value
                    if (r == 0) {
                        // this was last attempt, notify of sync failure
                        ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Triggering sync failed actions.");
                        this->sync_failed = true;
                return result;

    void RATGDOComponent::open_door()
        if (*this->door_state == DoorState::OPENING) {
            return; // gets ignored by opener


    void RATGDOComponent::close_door()
        if (*this->door_state == DoorState::CLOSING || *this->door_state == DoorState::OPENING) {
            return; // gets ignored by opener


    void RATGDOComponent::stop_door()
        if (*this->door_state != DoorState::OPENING && *this->door_state != DoorState::CLOSING) {
            ESP_LOGW(TAG, "The door is not moving.");

    void RATGDOComponent::toggle_door()
        if (*this->door_state == DoorState::OPENING) {
            return; // gets ignored by opener


    void RATGDOComponent::position_sync_while_opening(float delta, float update_period)
        if (*this->opening_duration == 0) {
            ESP_LOGW(TAG, "I don't know opening duration, ignoring position sync");
        auto updates = *this->opening_duration * 1000 * delta / update_period;
        auto position_update = delta / updates;
        auto count = int(updates);
        ESP_LOGV(TAG, "[Opening] Position sync %d times: ", count);
        // try to keep position in sync while door is moving
        set_retry("position_sync_while_moving", update_period, count, [=](uint8_t r) {
            ESP_LOGV(TAG, "[Opening] Position sync: %d: ", r);
            this->door_position = *this->door_position + position_update;
            return RetryResult::RETRY;

        // this would only get called if no status message is received after door stops moving
        // request a status message in that case, will get cancelled if a status message is received before
        set_timeout("door_status_update", (*this->opening_duration + 1) * 1000, [=]() {

    void RATGDOComponent::position_sync_while_closing(float delta, float update_period)
        if (*this->closing_duration == 0) {
            ESP_LOGW(TAG, "I don't know closing duration, ignoring position sync");
        auto updates = *this->closing_duration * 1000 * delta / update_period;
        auto position_update = delta / updates;
        auto count = int(updates);
        ESP_LOGV(TAG, "[Closing] Position sync %d times: ", count);
        // try to keep position in sync while door is moving
        set_retry("position_sync_while_moving", update_period, count, [=](uint8_t r) {
            ESP_LOGV(TAG, "[Closing] Position sync: %d: ", r);
            this->door_position = *this->door_position - position_update;
            return RetryResult::RETRY;

        // this would only get called if no status message is received after door stops moving
        // request a status message in that case
        set_timeout("door_status_update", (*this->closing_duration + 1) * 1000, [=]() {

    void RATGDOComponent::door_move_to_position(float position)
        if (*this->door_state == DoorState::OPENING || *this->door_state == DoorState::CLOSING) {
            ESP_LOGW(TAG, "The door is moving, ignoring.");

        auto delta = position - *this->door_position;
        if (delta == 0) {
            ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Door is already at position %.2f", position);

        auto duration = delta > 0 ? *this->opening_duration : *this->closing_duration;
        if (duration == 0) {
            ESP_LOGW(TAG, "I don't know duration, ignoring move to position");

        if (delta > 0) { // open
        } else { // close
            delta = -delta;

        auto operation_time = duration * 1000 * delta;
        ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Moving to position %.2f in %.1fs", position, operation_time / 1000.0);
        this->moving_to_position = true;
        set_timeout("move_to_position", operation_time, [=] {
            this->moving_to_position = false;
            this->door_position = position;

    void RATGDOComponent::cancel_position_sync_callbacks()
        if (this->moving_to_position) {
            ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Cancelling position callbacks");
        moving_to_position = false;

    void RATGDOComponent::door_command(uint32_t data)
        data |= (1 << 16); // button 1 ?
        data |= (1 << 8); // button press
        this->send_command(Command::OPEN, data, false);
        set_timeout(100, [=] {
            auto data2 = data & ~(1 << 8); // button release
            this->send_command(Command::OPEN, data2);

    void RATGDOComponent::light_on()
        this->light_state = LightState::ON;
        this->send_command(Command::LIGHT, data::LIGHT_ON);

    void RATGDOComponent::light_off()
        this->light_state = LightState::OFF;
        this->send_command(Command::LIGHT, data::LIGHT_OFF);

    void RATGDOComponent::toggle_light()
        this->light_state = light_state_toggle(*this->light_state);
        this->send_command(Command::LIGHT, data::LIGHT_TOGGLE);

    // Lock functions
    void RATGDOComponent::lock()
        this->lock_state = LockState::LOCKED;
        this->send_command(Command::LOCK, data::LOCK_ON);

    void RATGDOComponent::unlock()
        this->lock_state = LockState::UNLOCKED;
        this->send_command(Command::LOCK, data::LOCK_OFF);

    void RATGDOComponent::toggle_lock()
        this->lock_state = lock_state_toggle(*this->lock_state);
        this->send_command(Command::LOCK, data::LOCK_TOGGLE);

    LightState RATGDOComponent::get_light_state() const
        return *this->light_state;

    void RATGDOComponent::subscribe_rolling_code_counter(std::function<void(uint32_t)>&& f)
        // change update to children is defered until after component loop
        // if multiple changes occur during component loop, only the last one is notified
        this->rolling_code_counter.subscribe([=](uint32_t state) { defer("rolling_code_counter", [=] { f(state); }); });
    void RATGDOComponent::subscribe_opening_duration(std::function<void(float)>&& f)
        this->opening_duration.subscribe([=](float state) { defer("opening_duration", [=] { f(state); }); });
    void RATGDOComponent::subscribe_closing_duration(std::function<void(float)>&& f)
        this->closing_duration.subscribe([=](float state) { defer("closing_duration", [=] { f(state); }); });
    void RATGDOComponent::subscribe_openings(std::function<void(uint16_t)>&& f)
        this->openings.subscribe([=](uint16_t state) { defer("openings", [=] { f(state); }); });
    void RATGDOComponent::subscribe_door_state(std::function<void(DoorState, float)>&& f)
        this->door_state.subscribe([=](DoorState state) {
            defer("door_state", [=] { f(state, *this->door_position); });
        this->door_position.subscribe([=](float position) {
            defer("door_state", [=] { f(*this->door_state, position); });
    void RATGDOComponent::subscribe_light_state(std::function<void(LightState)>&& f)
        this->light_state.subscribe([=](LightState state) { defer("light_state", [=] { f(state); }); });
    void RATGDOComponent::subscribe_lock_state(std::function<void(LockState)>&& f)
        this->lock_state.subscribe([=](LockState state) { defer("lock_state", [=] { f(state); }); });
    void RATGDOComponent::subscribe_obstruction_state(std::function<void(ObstructionState)>&& f)
        this->obstruction_state.subscribe([=](ObstructionState state) { defer("obstruction_state", [=] { f(state); }); });
    void RATGDOComponent::subscribe_motor_state(std::function<void(MotorState)>&& f)
        this->motor_state.subscribe([=](MotorState state) { defer("motor_state", [=] { f(state); }); });
    void RATGDOComponent::subscribe_button_state(std::function<void(ButtonState)>&& f)
        this->button_state.subscribe([=](ButtonState state) { defer("button_state", [=] { f(state); }); });
    void RATGDOComponent::subscribe_motion_state(std::function<void(MotionState)>&& f)
        this->motion_state.subscribe([=](MotionState state) { defer("motion_state", [=] { f(state); }); });
    void RATGDOComponent::subscribe_sync_failed(std::function<void(bool)>&& f)

} // namespace ratgdo
} // namespace esphome