# ratgdo

This is a port of the ratgdo software for the v2 board to esphome.

[Visit the github.io page to purchase boards](https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/).

This project is not affiliated with RATGDO or Paul Wieland. Please buy his boards to support his excellent work.

# ESPHome config

- [ESPHome config for v2 board with ESP8266 D1 Mini lite](https://github.com/ESPHome-RATGDO/esphome-ratgdo/blob/main/static/v2board_esp8266_d1_mini_lite.yaml)
- [ESPHome config for v2 board with ESP32 D1 Mini](https://github.com/ESPHome-RATGDO/esphome-ratgdo/blob/main/static/v2board_esp32_d1_mini.yaml)
- [Web Installer](https://esphome-ratgdo.github.io/esphome-ratgdo/)

![Home Assistant Screen Shot](static/hass.png)