#include "dry_contact.h" #include "ratgdo.h" #include "esphome/core/gpio.h" #include "esphome/core/log.h" #include "esphome/core/scheduler.h" #include "esphome/components/gpio/binary_sensor/gpio_binary_sensor.h" namespace esphome { namespace ratgdo { namespace dry_contact { static const char* const TAG = "ratgdo_dry_contact"; void DryContact::setup(RATGDOComponent* ratgdo, Scheduler* scheduler, InternalGPIOPin* rx_pin, InternalGPIOPin* tx_pin) { this->ratgdo_ = ratgdo; this->scheduler_ = scheduler; this->tx_pin_ = tx_pin; this->rx_pin_ = rx_pin; this->open_limit_reached_ = 0; this->last_open_limit_ = 0; this->close_limit_reached_ = 0; this->last_close_limit_ = 0; this->door_state_ = DoorState::UNKNOWN; } void DryContact::loop() { } void DryContact::dump_config() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Protocol: dry contact"); } void DryContact::sync() { ESP_LOG1(TAG, "Ignoring sync action"); } void DryContact::set_open_limit(bool state) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Set open_limit_reached to %d", state); this->last_open_limit_ = this->open_limit_reached_; this->last_close_limit_ = false; this->open_limit_reached_ = state; this->send_door_state(); } void DryContact::set_close_limit(bool state) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Set close_limit_reached to %d", state); this->last_close_limit_ = this->close_limit_reached_; this->last_open_limit_ = false; this->close_limit_reached_ = state; this->send_door_state(); } void DryContact::send_door_state(){ if(this->open_limit_reached_){ this->door_state_ = DoorState::OPEN; }else if(this->close_limit_reached_){ this->door_state_ = DoorState::CLOSED; }else if(!this->close_limit_reached_ && !this->open_limit_reached_){ if(this->last_close_limit_){ this->door_state_ = DoorState::OPENING; } if(this->last_open_limit_){ this->door_state_ = DoorState::CLOSING; } } this->ratgdo_->received(this->door_state_); } void DryContact::light_action(LightAction action) { ESP_LOG1(TAG, "Ignoring light action: %s", LightAction_to_string(action)); return; } void DryContact::lock_action(LockAction action) { ESP_LOG1(TAG, "Ignoring lock action: %s", LockAction_to_string(action)); return; } void DryContact::door_action(DoorAction action) { if (action == DoorAction::OPEN && this->door_state_ != DoorState::CLOSED) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "The door is not closed. Ignoring door action: %s", DoorAction_to_string(action)); return; } if (action == DoorAction::CLOSE && this->door_state_ != DoorState::OPEN) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "The door is not open. Ignoring door action: %s", DoorAction_to_string(action)); return; } ESP_LOG1(TAG, "Door action: %s", DoorAction_to_string(action)); this->tx_pin_->digital_write(1); this->scheduler_->set_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "", 500, [=] { this->tx_pin_->digital_write(0); }); } Result DryContact::call(Args args) { return {}; } } // namespace DryContact } // namespace ratgdo } // namespace esphome