# I'm not sure where I got this, but it leverages a python script: https://github.com/thejeffreystone/home-assistant-configuration/blob/master/python_scripts/special_events.py
# To create a sensor just create an automation to fire around midnight.
# automation:
# - id: refresh_holioday_sensors
# alias: Refresh Holiday sensors
# initial_state: true
# trigger:
# - platform: time
# at: '00:00:07'
# - platform: homeassistant
# event: start
# action:
# - service: python_script.special_events
# data:
# name: Christmas
# type: holiday
# date: 25/12/2001
# Where Name equals the name of the event, type is the type of event, and date is the date in DD/MM/YYYY format
# Year only matters if your want to take advantage fo the years attribute which will tell you have many years since the event. Useful
# with birthdays and anniversaries.
# I use the Following types:
# birthday
# anniversary
# holiday
# trip
# The type will be used in the name of the sensor it creates. For example:
# sensor.trip_camping
# sensor.birthday_jeff
# sensor.holiday_christmas
# The state of the sensor will be the days until the event. For birthdays and anniversaries it will never be more than 365.
# For example {{ states.sensor.birthday_jeff.state }} will be the number of days until my next birthday.
# And {{ states.sensor.birthday_jeff.attributes.years }} will be my age, or the number of years since my birth (if you put the real year in)
# For events with a year in the future, the state will be number of days to that exact moment in time.