From 254bdd1954cab8efa812a47b2c38d5afdce34b18 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeffrey Stone <>
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2021 23:00:47 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Adding some Christmas stuff

 config/packages/daily.yaml    |   4 +
 config/packages/disney.yaml   | 263 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 config/packages/holidays.yaml | 231 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 490 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/config/packages/daily.yaml b/config/packages/daily.yaml
index 7de9497..5f3edd1 100755
--- a/config/packages/daily.yaml
+++ b/config/packages/daily.yaml
@@ -171,6 +171,8 @@ automation:
     - service: scene.turn_on
       entity_id: scene.normal_livingroom_lighting
     - service: script.sunset_garage_open
+    - service: switch.turn_on 
+      entity_id: switch.outdoor_lights
     - service: script.sundown_briefing
     - service: script.twitter_notify_image
@@ -210,6 +212,8 @@ automation:
     - service: homeassistant.turn_off
       entity_id: group.outside_lights
+    - service: switch.turn_off
+      entity_id: switch.outdoor_lights
     - service: script.twitter_notify_image
         tweet: >-
diff --git a/config/packages/disney.yaml b/config/packages/disney.yaml
index 852d5e0..06c72dd 100755
--- a/config/packages/disney.yaml
+++ b/config/packages/disney.yaml
@@ -60,6 +60,26 @@ input_boolean:
     name: Pixar Pier Loop
     name: Disney Random Area Loop
+  disneyland_christmas_loop:
+    name: Disneyland Christmas Loop
+  mainstreet_usa_christmas_loop:
+    name: Mainstreet Christmas Loop
+  disney_park_christmas_loop:
+    name: Disney Park Christmas Loop
+  christmas_around_disneyland:
+    name: Christmas Around Disneyland
+  worldshowcase_loop:
+    name: World Showcase Loop
+  toystoryland_loop:
+    name: Toy Story Land
+  aroundwdw:
+    name: Around WDW
+  arounddisneyland:
+    name: Around Disneyland
+  aroundmk:
+    name: Around Magic Kingdom
+  hauntedmansionloop:
+    name: Haunted Mansion Loop
   Disney Audio:
@@ -93,6 +113,17 @@ group:
       - input_boolean.epcot_entrance_loop
       - input_boolean.pixar_pier_loop
       - input_boolean.disney_random_area_loop
+      - input_boolnea.disneyland_christmas_loop
+      - input_boolean.mainstreet_usa_christmas_loop
+      - input_boolean.disney_park_christmas_loop
+      - input_boolean.christmas_around_disneyland
+      - input_boolean.hauntedmansionloop
+      - input_boolean.aroundmk
+      - input_boolean.arounddisneyland
+      - input_boolean.aroundwdw
+      - input_boolean.toystoryland_loop
+      - input_boolean.worldshowcase_loop
@@ -120,6 +151,222 @@ automation:
         message: "Disney audio functions are disabled because the audible notifications are off."
         title: "Audio Not Available"
+  - id: e1cb210e-0423-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
+    alias: Around WDW
+    trigger: 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.aroundwdw
+      to: 'on'
+      from: 'off'
+      id: start 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.aroundwdw
+      id: stop
+      from: 'on'
+      to: 'off'
+    action:
+    - choose:
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: start
+        sequence:
+        - service: script.local_audio
+          data:
+            media: "/media/disney/aroundwdw.mp3"
+            volume: .35
+            speaker: 'media_player.ha_blue'
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: stop
+        sequence:
+        - service: media_player.media_stop
+          entity_id: media_player.ha_blue
+        - service: script.turn_off
+          entity_id: script.local_audio
+      default: []
+    initial_state: true
+    mode: single
+  - id: e1cb2050-0423-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
+    alias: Around Magic Kingdom
+    trigger: 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.aroundmk
+      to: 'on'
+      from: 'off'
+      id: start 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.aroundmk
+      id: stop
+      from: 'on'
+      to: 'off'
+    action:
+    - choose:
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: start
+        sequence:
+        - service: script.local_audio
+          data:
+            media: "/media/disney/aroundmk.mp3"
+            volume: .35
+            speaker: 'media_player.ha_blue'
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: stop
+        sequence:
+        - service: media_player.media_stop
+          entity_id: media_player.ha_blue
+        - service: script.turn_off
+          entity_id: script.local_audio
+      default: []
+    initial_state: true
+    mode: single
+  - id: e1cb1f7e-0423-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
+    alias: Around Disneyland
+    trigger: 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.arounddisneyland
+      to: 'on'
+      from: 'off'
+      id: start 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.arounddisneyland
+      id: stop
+      from: 'on'
+      to: 'off'
+    action:
+    - choose:
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: start
+        sequence:
+        - service: script.local_audio
+          data:
+            media: "/media/disney/arounddisneyland.mp3"
+            volume: .35
+            speaker: 'media_player.ha_blue'
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: stop
+        sequence:
+        - service: media_player.media_stop
+          entity_id: media_player.ha_blue
+        - service: script.turn_off
+          entity_id: script.local_audio
+      default: []
+    initial_state: true
+    mode: single
+  - id: e1cb1eb6-0423-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
+    alias: Haunted Mansion Loop
+    trigger: 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.hauntedmansionloop
+      to: 'on'
+      from: 'off'
+      id: start 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.hauntedmansionloop
+      id: stop
+      from: 'on'
+      to: 'off'
+    action:
+    - choose:
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: start
+        sequence:
+        - service: script.local_audio
+          data:
+            media: "/media/disney/haunted_mansion_loop.mp3"
+            volume: .35
+            speaker: 'media_player.ha_blue'
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: stop
+        sequence:
+        - service: media_player.media_stop
+          entity_id: media_player.ha_blue
+        - service: script.turn_off
+          entity_id: script.local_audio
+      default: []
+    initial_state: true
+    mode: single
+  - id: e1cb1d94-0423-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
+    alias: World Showcase Loop
+    trigger: 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.worldshowcase_loop
+      to: 'on'
+      from: 'off'
+      id: start 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.worldshowcase_loop
+      id: stop
+      from: 'on'
+      to: 'off'
+    action:
+    - choose:
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: start
+        sequence:
+        - service: script.local_audio
+          data:
+            media: "/media/disney/WorldShowcaseLoop.mp3"
+            volume: .35
+            speaker: 'media_player.ha_blue'
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: stop
+        sequence:
+        - service: media_player.media_stop
+          entity_id: media_player.ha_blue
+        - service: script.turn_off
+          entity_id: script.local_audio
+      default: []
+    initial_state: true
+    mode: single
+  - id: e1cb1cc2-0423-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
+    alias: Toystory Land Loop
+    trigger: 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.toystoryland_loop
+      to: 'on'
+      from: 'off'
+      id: start 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.toystoryland_loop
+      id: stop
+      from: 'on'
+      to: 'off'
+    action:
+    - choose:
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: start
+        sequence:
+        - service: script.local_audio
+          data:
+            media: "/media/disney/ToyStorylandLoop.mp3"
+            volume: .35
+            speaker: 'media_player.ha_blue'
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: stop
+        sequence:
+        - service: media_player.media_stop
+          entity_id: media_player.ha_blue
+        - service: script.turn_off
+          entity_id: script.local_audio
+      default: []
+    initial_state: true
+    mode: single
 # MK Mainstreet Audio
   - id: mk_loop_on
     alias: MK Loop On
@@ -429,7 +676,7 @@ automation:
     - service: media_player.media_stop
       entity_id: media_player.ha_blue
     - service: script.turn_off
-      entity_id: script.youtube_audio
+      entity_id: script.local_audio
 # Boo to You Parade  
   - id: boo_to_you_show_on
@@ -456,7 +703,7 @@ automation:
     - service: media_player.media_stop
       entity_id: media_player.ha_blue
     - service: script.turn_off
-      entity_id: script.youtube_audio
+      entity_id: script.local_audio
 # Holiday Wishes  
   - id: holiday_wishes_on
@@ -484,7 +731,7 @@ automation:
     - service: media_player.media_stop
       entity_id: media_player.ha_blue
     - service: script.turn_off
-      entity_id: script.youtube_audio
+      entity_id: script.local_audio
 # Magic Kingdom Welcome Show
   - id: welcome_show_on
@@ -499,7 +746,7 @@ automation:
         speaker: media_player.ha_blue
         media: /media/disney/ML_Welcome_Show.mp3
-        volume: .5
+        volume: .4
     - delay:
         minutes: 8
     - service: media_player.media_stop
@@ -530,11 +777,11 @@ automation:
       entity_id: input_boolean.mk_trolly_audio
       to: 'on'
-    - service: script.youtube_audio
+    - service: script.local_audio
         speaker: media_player.ha_blue
-        media: ""
-        volume: .5
+        media: /media/music/Voctave_Trolly_Song.mp3
+        volume: .4
   - id: trolly_audio_show_off
     alias: Trolly Audio Show Off
     initial_state: true
@@ -546,7 +793,7 @@ automation:
     - service: media_player.media_stop
       entity_id: media_player.ha_blue
     - service: script.turn_off
-      entity_id: script.youtube_audio
+      entity_id: script.local_audio
 # Pandora Ambient Audio
   - id: pandora_audio_on
diff --git a/config/packages/holidays.yaml b/config/packages/holidays.yaml
index f7c7c6d..4a806a1 100755
--- a/config/packages/holidays.yaml
+++ b/config/packages/holidays.yaml
@@ -91,6 +91,186 @@ automation:
     - service: input_boolean.turn_on
       entity_id: input_boolean.holiday_wishes
+  - id: e1cb2582-0423-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
+    alias: Mainstreet USA Christmas Loop
+    trigger: 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.mainstreet_usa_christmas_loop
+      to: 'on'
+      from: 'off'
+      id: start 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.mainstreet_usa_christmas_loop
+      id: stop
+      from: 'on'
+      to: 'off'
+    action:
+    - choose:
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: start
+        sequence:
+        - service: script.local_audio
+          data:
+            media: "/media/disney/MainStreetUSAChristmas.mp3"
+            volume: .35
+            speaker: 'media_player.ha_blue'
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: stop
+        sequence:
+        - service: media_player.media_stop
+          entity_id: media_player.ha_blue
+        - service: script.turn_off
+          entity_id: script.local_audio
+      default: []
+    initial_state: true
+    mode: single
+  - id: e1cb24ba-0423-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
+    alias: Disneyland Christmas Loop
+    trigger: 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.disneyland_christmas_loop
+      to: 'on'
+      from: 'off'
+      id: start 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.disneyland_christmas_loop
+      id: stop
+      from: 'on'
+      to: 'off'
+    action:
+    - choose:
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: start
+        sequence:
+        - service: script.local_audio
+          data:
+            media: "/media/disney/DisneylandChristmas.mp3"
+            volume: .35
+            speaker: 'media_player.ha_blue'
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: stop
+        sequence:
+        - service: media_player.media_stop
+          entity_id: media_player.ha_blue
+        - service: script.turn_off
+          entity_id: script.local_audio
+      default: []
+    initial_state: true
+    mode: single
+  - id: e1cb2348-0423-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
+    alias: Disney Park Christmas Loop
+    trigger: 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.disney_park_christmas_loop
+      to: 'on'
+      from: 'off'
+      id: start 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.disney_park_christmas_loop
+      id: stop
+      from: 'on'
+      to: 'off'
+    action:
+    - choose:
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: start
+        sequence:
+        - service: script.local_audio
+          data:
+            media: "/media/disney/DisneyParkHoliday.mp3"
+            volume: .35
+            speaker: 'media_player.ha_blue'
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: stop
+        sequence:
+        - service: media_player.media_stop
+          entity_id: media_player.ha_blue
+        - service: script.turn_off
+          entity_id: script.local_audio
+      default: []
+    initial_state: true
+    mode: single
+  - id: e1cb228a-0423-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
+    alias: Christmas Around Disneyland
+    trigger: 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.christmas_around_disneyland
+      to: 'on'
+      from: 'off'
+      id: start 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.christmas_around_disneyland
+      id: stop
+      from: 'on'
+      to: 'off'
+    action:
+    - choose:
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: start
+        sequence:
+        - service: script.local_audio
+          data:
+            media: "/media/disney/ChristmasAroundDisneyland.mp3"
+            volume: .35
+            speaker: 'media_player.ha_blue'
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: stop
+        sequence:
+        - service: media_player.media_stop
+          entity_id: media_player.ha_blue
+        - service: script.turn_off
+          entity_id: script.local_audio
+      default: []
+    initial_state: true
+    mode: single
+  - id: e1cb21cc-0423-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
+    alias: Disney Springs Christmas
+    trigger: 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.disney_springs_xmas
+      to: 'on'
+      from: 'off'
+      id: start 
+    - platform: state
+      entity_id: input_boolean.disney_springs_xmas
+      id: stop
+      from: 'on'
+      to: 'off'
+    action:
+    - choose:
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: start
+        sequence:
+        - service: script.local_audio
+          data:
+            media: "/media/disney/Disney_Springs_Xmas_Loop.mp3"
+            volume: .35
+            speaker: 'media_player.ha_blue'
+      - conditions:
+        - condition: trigger
+          id: stop
+        sequence:
+        - service: media_player.media_stop
+          entity_id: media_player.ha_blue
+        - service: script.turn_off
+          entity_id: script.local_audio
+      default: []
+    initial_state: true
+    mode: single
   - platform: rest
@@ -106,3 +286,54 @@ sensor:
     value_template: "{{ (value|replace(' days', '')) | int }}"
     unit_of_measurement: Days
     scan_interval: 43200    
+  fireworks1d_xmas:
+    sequence:
+    - service: wled.effect
+      target:
+        entity_id: light.wled_tree
+      data:
+        effect: "Fireworks 1D"
+        intensity: 51
+    - service: light.turn_on
+      data: 
+        entity_id: light.wled_tree
+        brightness: 127
+  blends_xmas:
+    sequence:
+    - service: wled.effect
+      target:
+        entity_id: light.wled_tree
+      data:
+        effect: "Blends"
+        intensity: 43
+    - service: light.turn_on
+      data: 
+        entity_id: light.wled_tree
+        brightness: 43
+  aurora_xmas:
+    sequence:
+    - service: wled.effect
+      target:
+        entity_id: light.wled_tree
+      data:
+        effect: "Aurora"
+        intensity: 128
+    - service: light.turn_on
+      data: 
+        entity_id: light.wled_tree
+        brightness: 255
+  twinklefox_xmas:
+    sequence:
+    - service: wled.effect
+      target:
+        entity_id: light.wled_tree
+      data:
+        effect: "Twinklefox"
+        intensity: 128
+    - service: light.turn_on
+      data: 
+        entity_id: light.wled_tree
+        brightness: 127
\ No newline at end of file