diff --git a/config/packages/announcements.yaml b/config/packages/announcements.yaml
index 928b90e..46f593f 100755
--- a/config/packages/announcements.yaml
+++ b/config/packages/announcements.yaml
@@ -78,23 +78,14 @@ automation:
platform: template
value_template: "{{ states('sensor.time') == (state_attr('input_datetime.skylar_nightly_report', 'timestamp') | int | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', False)) }}"
- - service: script.skylar_nightly_briefing
- # - id: 15056866-5ac7-4b33-a371-ab9e449548d1
- # initial_state: true
- # alias: Nightly Report
- # trigger:
- # platform: template
- # value_template: "{{ states('sensor.time') == (state_attr('input_datetime.nightly_report', 'timestamp') | int | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', False)) }}"
- # action:
- # - service: script.nightly_briefing_report
+ - service: script.turn_on
+ entity_id: script.skylar_nightly_briefing
- id: 1d8f396a-f6ec-460d-97e3-d11900418f95
alias: Good Morning Report
initial_state: true
- # platform: template
- # value_template: "{{ states('sensor.time') == (state_attr('input_datetime.morning_report', 'timestamp') | int | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', False)) }}"
- platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.kitchen_occupancy
to: 'on'
@@ -127,68 +118,78 @@ automation:
alias: Master Bedroom Report
initial_state: true
- #platform: template
- #value_template: "{{ states('sensor.time') == (state_attr('input_datetime.daily_report', 'timestamp') | int | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', False)) }}"
platform: time
at: input_datetime.daily_report
- condition:
- - condition: time
- weekday:
- - mon
- - tue
- - wed
- - thu
- - fri
- - sat
- service: script.morning_wakeup_report
- id: 09bf89e7-180c-40fb-9543-5bd862e21049
alias: skylar morning alarm announcement
- platform: template
- value_template: "{{ states('sensor.time') == (state_attr('input_datetime.skylar_morning_report', 'timestamp') | int | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', False)) }}"
- condition:
- condition: template
- value_template: '{{ states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.offset_reached == True }}'
+ platform: time
+ at: input_datetime.skylar_morning_report
- service: scene.turn_on
entity_id: scene.skylar_room_morning
- - service: script.skylar_morning_briefing
+ - service: script.turn_on
+ entity_id: script.skylar_morning_briefing
- id: bbbafc52-eab1-44cd-ac24-4f9b7f4210b6
alias: set skylar morning report time
- platform: time
- at: '05:50:00'
+ at: '06:05:00'
- service: input_datetime.set_datetime
entity_id: input_datetime.skylar_morning_report
time: >
- {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.offset_reached == True %}
- 06:15
+ {% if states('input_boolean.school_today', 'on') %}
+ 06:25
{% else %}
{% endif %}
- # - id: set_morning_report_time
- # alias: set morning report time
- # trigger:
- # - platform: time
- # at: '05:50:30'
- # action:
- # - service: input_datetime.set_datetime
- # entity_id: input_datetime.morning_report
- # data_template:
- # time: >
- # {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.offset_reached == True %}
- # 07:10
- # {% else %}
- # 08:00
- # {% endif %}
+ - id: e1cb2f28-0423-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
+ alias: Skylar Event Starting soon
+ trigger:
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: calendar.skylar_events
+ attribute: offset_reached
+ to: True
+ action:
+ - service: script.status_annc
+ data:
+ who: '{{ states.sensor.room_presence.state }}'
+ call_interuption: 1
+ call_skylar_events: 1
+ - service: script.text_notify
+ data_template:
+ who: "all_ios"
+ message: Skylar has {{ states.calendar.skylar_events.attributes.message }} in 45 minutes.
+ - id: e1cb2e6a-0423-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
+ alias: School Pickup Reminder
+ trigger:
+ - platform: time
+ at: input_datetime.school_day_start_reminder
+ - platform: time
+ at: input_datetime.school_day_end_reminder
+ condition:
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: calendar.skylar_school
+ attribute: offset_reached
+ state: True
+ action:
+ - service: script.status_annc
+ data:
+ who: '{{ states.sensor.room_presence.state }}'
+ call_interuption: 1
+ call_school_pickup_reminder: 1
+ - service: script.text_notify
+ data_template:
+ who: "all_ios"
+ message: It's almost time to head for school.
@@ -198,64 +199,76 @@ script:
- - service: script.speech_engine
+ - service: script.status_annc
- who: '{{ states.sensor.alexa_audio.state }}'
- message: !include ../templates/speech/security_report.yaml
+ who: '{{ states.sensor.room_presence.state }}'
+ message: !include ../templates/speech/security_briefing.yaml
- event_briefing:
+ welcome_briefing:
+ - condition: state
+ entity_id: input_boolean.welcome_home
+ state: 'on'
+ - delay: 00:04:00
- service: script.speech_engine
- data_template:
- who: '{{ states.sensor.alexa_audio.state }}'
- message: !include ../templates/speech/event_briefing.yaml
+ data:
+ who: main
+ message: !include ../templates/speech/welcome_briefing.yaml
+ - delay: 00:02:00
+ - service: input_boolean.turn_off
+ entity_id: input_boolean.welcome_home
- service: script.speech_engine
- who: >
- {%- if is_state('media_player.theater_tv', 'on') %}
- theater
- {%- elif is_state('binary_sensor.skylar_room_occupancy', 'on') %}
- skylar_bedroom
- {% else %}
- main
- {%- endif %}
+ who: skylar_bedroom
message: !include ../templates/speech/skylar_morning_briefing.yaml
+ - service: script.text_notify
+ data:
+ who: "jeff"
+ message: "I just gave Skylars morning briefing."
- service: script.speech_engine
- data_template:
- who: main
+ data:
+ who: '{{ states.sensor.room_presence.state }}'
message: !include ../templates/speech/skylar_nightly_briefing.yaml
- nightly_briefing_report:
- sequence:
- - service: script.speech_engine
+ - service: script.text_notify
- who: main
- message: !include ../templates/speech/nightly_briefing.yaml
+ who: "all_ios"
+ message: "Time for Skylar to get ready for bed."
- service: script.speech_engine
- data_template:
- who: kitchen
+ data:
+ who: '{{ states.sensor.room_presence.state }}'
message: !include ../templates/speech/sundown_briefing.yaml
+ - service: script.text_notify
+ data_template:
+ who: "all_ios"
+ message: "Sun is almost down. Time to call it a day."
- service: script.speech_engine
- data_template:
+ data:
who: kitchen
- message: !include ../templates/speech/morning_briefing.yaml
+ message: !include ../templates/speech/daily_briefing.yaml
+ daily_briefing:
+ sequence:
+ - service: script.speech_engine
+ data:
+ who: '{{ states.sensor.room_presence.state }}'
+ message: !include ../templates/speech/daily_briefing.yaml
- service: script.speech_engine
- data_template:
+ data:
who: master_bedroom
message: !include ../templates/speech/morning_wakeup_report.yaml
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/templates/speech/daily_briefing.yaml b/config/templates/speech/daily_briefing.yaml
index 0e5bc54..21ef3c8 100755
--- a/config/templates/speech/daily_briefing.yaml
+++ b/config/templates/speech/daily_briefing.yaml
@@ -57,24 +57,9 @@
and {{ states.weather.home.state }}
{% endif %}
- {% if states.sensor.nws_alerts.state | int > 0 %}
- There are currently {{states.sensor.nws_alerts.state }} active weather alerts for our area.
- The National Weather Service Has issued,
- {% if states.sensor.nws_alerts.attributes.spoken_desc.split('\n\n-\n\n')[5] is defined %}
- a {{ states.sensor.nws_alerts.attributes.spoken_desc.split('\n\n-\n\n')[5] }}.
- {% elif states.sensor.nws_alerts.attributes.spoken_desc.split('\n\n-\n\n')[4] is defined %}
- a {{ states.sensor.nws_alerts.attributes.spoken_desc.split('\n\n-\n\n')[4] }}.
- {% elif states.sensor.nws_alerts.attributes.spoken_desc.split('\n\n-\n\n')[3] is defined %}
- a {{ states.sensor.nws_alerts.attributes.spoken_desc.split('\n\n-\n\n')[3] }}.
- {% elif states.sensor.nws_alerts.attributes.spoken_desc.split('\n\n-\n\n')[2] is defined %}
- a {{ states.sensor.nws_alerts.attributes.spoken_desc.split('\n\n-\n\n')[2] }}.
- {% elif states.sensor.nws_alerts.attributes.spoken_desc.split('\n\n-\n\n')[1] is defined %}
- a {{ states.sensor.nws_alerts.attributes.spoken_desc.split('\n\n-\n\n')[1] }}.
- {% else %}
- a {{ states.sensor.nws_alerts.attributes.spoken_desc.split('\n\n-\n\n')[0] }}.
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
+ {% if states.sensor.gwinnett_active_alerts.state | int > 0 %}
+ There are currently {{states.sensor.gwinnett_active_alerts.state }} active weather alerts for our area.
+ {% endif %}
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.evening','on') %}
The overnight forecast says we can expect {{ states.sensor.nws_overnight_forecast.state }}
@@ -177,6 +162,8 @@
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.evening','on') %}
{% if states.sensor.halloween_countdown.state | int == 1 %}
@@ -209,26 +196,12 @@
{% else %}
{% endif %}
- {% if states.sensor.trip_disney.state | int == 120 %}
- There are only one hundred and twenty days until the next Disney Trip.
- {% endif %}
- {% if states.sensor.trip_disney.state | int == 60 %}
- There are only on sixty days until the next Disney Trip.
- {% endif %}
- {% if states.sensor.trip_disney.state | int < 32 %}
- {% if states.sensor.trip_disney.state | int > 1 %}
- There are {{ states.sensor.trip_disney.state }} days until the next Disney Trip!
- {% else %}
- There is {{ states.sensor.trip_disney.state }} day until the next Disney Trip!
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
{% if states.sensor.anniversary_our_wedding.state | int == 1 %}
Tomorrow is Jeff and Katherine's Wedding Anniversary.
{% endif %}
- {% if states.sensor.trip_disney.state | int == 1 %}
- Oh, and there is just one more sleep until the next Disney Trip!
- {% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if is_state('sensor.halloween_countdown','0') %}
Happy Halloween!
@@ -258,8 +231,8 @@
{{states.calendar.national_holidays.attributes.message | replace("&"," and ") }}.
{% if 'Chocolate' in event %}
{{ [
- 'Oh. You had me at Chocolate. ',
- 'And I like chocolate. This sounds fun.'
+ 'Oh. You had me at Chocolate. I like Chocolate.',
+ 'And I like chocolate. This sounds fun. More Chocolate please!'
]|random }}
{%- endif -%}
@@ -336,26 +309,27 @@
{%- endif -%}
- {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.offset_reached == True and is_state('calendar.school_holiday', 'off') %}
+ {% if is_state('input_boolean.school_today', 'on') and state_attr('input_datetime.school_day_end', 'timestamp') < as_timestamp(now()) %}
{{ [ 'Today is a school day.',
'It is a school day. '
] | random }}
Pickup today will be at {{(state_attr('input_datetime.school_day_end', 'timestamp') | int | timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p', False)) }}
- {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.description == 'digital-learning' %}
+ {% if 'Digital Learning' in states('sensor.school_event') %}
But it is a digital learning day so the commute will be short.
{% endif %}
- {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.description == 'early-release' %}
+ {% if 'Early Release' in states('sensor.school_event') %}
And It is early release!
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
- {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.offset_reached == True and is_state('calendar.school_holiday', 'off') %}
- {% if states.sensor.school_lunch.state == 'Nothing' %}
- Skylar will want to take his lunch today.
+ {% if is_state('input_boolean.school_today', 'on') %}
+ {% if is_state('sensor.school_lunch', 'Nothing') %}
+ I am not sure what the school menu is for today, so plan on Skylar taking his lunch
{% else %}
Today's school lunch is {{ states.sensor.school_lunch.state }}, so he might be interested in buying his lunch.
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
- {% if states.sensor.school_end_days2go.state |int <= 35 and states.sensor.school_end_days2go.state |int > 0 %}
+ {% if states.sensor.school_end_days2go.state | int <= 35 and states.sensor.school_end_days2go.state | int > 0 %}
{{ [ 'Oh, and look at that.',
'For those trying to keep count. ',
'In case you were wondering.',
@@ -366,10 +340,20 @@
{% if states.sensor.school_end_days2go.state | int == -1 -%}
Today is the first day of Summer Break!
{%- endif %}
{% if is_state('calendar.skylar_events', 'on') %}
Skylar has {{ states.calendar.skylar_events.attributes.message }} today as well!
{% endif %}
- {%- endif -%}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if states.sensor.vacation_days2go.state | int < 32 %}
+ {% if states.sensor.vacation_days2go.state | int > 1 %}
+ There are {{ states.sensor.vacation_days2go.state }} days until {{ states.calendar.vacation.attributes.message }}!
+ {% else %}
+ Oh, and there is {{ states.sensor.vacation_days2go.state }} one more sleep until {{ states.calendar.vacation.attributes.message }}!
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
- {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.offset_reached == True and is_state('calendar.school_holiday', 'off') %}
- {{ [ 'Today is a school day.',
- 'It is a school day. '
- ] | random }}
- Pickup today will be at {{(state_attr('input_datetime.school_day_end', 'timestamp') | int | timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p', False)) }}
- {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.description == 'digital-learning' %}
- But it is a digital learning day so the commute will be short.
- {% endif %}
- {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.description == 'early-release' %}
- And It is early release which means pick up is at tweleve fifteen.
- {% endif %}
+ {% if is_state('input_boolean.school_today', 'on') and state_attr('input_datetime.school_day_end', 'timestamp') < as_timestamp(now()) %}
+ {{ [ 'Today is a school day.',
+ 'It is a school day. '
+ ] | random }}
+ Pickup today will be at {{(state_attr('input_datetime.school_day_end', 'timestamp') | int | timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p', False)) }}
+ {% if 'Digital Learning' in states('sensor.school_event') %}
+ But it is a digital learning day so the commute will be short.
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if 'Early Release' in states('sensor.school_event') %}
+ And It is early release!
{% endif %}
- {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.offset_reached == True and is_state('calendar.school_holiday', 'off') %}
- {% if states.sensor.school_lunch.state == 'Nothing' %}
- Today's lunch is not interesting, so plan on taking one.
- {% else %}
- Todays school lunch is {{ states.sensor.school_lunch.state }} .
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if is_state('calendar.school_holiday', 'on') %}
- And look at that. There is no school today. Because it is {{ states.calendar.school_holiday.attributes.message }}.
+ {% if states.sensor.school_end_days2go.state | int == 0 -%}
+ But today is the last day of School!
+ {%- endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if is_state('input_boolean.school_today', 'on') and state_attr('input_datetime.school_day_end', 'timestamp') < as_timestamp(now()) %}
+ {% if is_state('sensor.school_lunch', 'Nothing') %}
+ I am not sure what the school menu is for today, so plan on Skylar taking his lunch
+ {% else %}
+ Today's school lunch is {{ states.sensor.school_lunch.state }}, so he might be interested in buying his lunch.
{% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
- {% if is_state('calendar.skylar_events', 'on') %}
- Skylar has {{ states.calendar.skylar_events.attributes.message }} today as well!
- {% endif %}
+ {% if states.sensor.school_end_days2go.state | int == -1 -%}
+ Today is the first day of Summer Break!
+ {%- endif %}
+ {% if 'School Holiday' in states('sensor.school_event') and is_state('input_boolean.school_today', 'off') %}
+ There is no school today.
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if is_state('calendar.skylar_events', 'on') %}
+ Skylar has {{ states.calendar.skylar_events.attributes.message }} today as well!
+ {% endif %}
diff --git a/config/templates/speech/skylar_morning_briefing.yaml b/config/templates/speech/skylar_morning_briefing.yaml index 8c0503f..63a8422 100755 --- a/config/templates/speech/skylar_morning_briefing.yaml +++ b/config/templates/speech/skylar_morning_briefing.yaml @@ -57,31 +57,22 @@
- {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.offset_reached == True and is_state('calendar.school_holiday', 'off') %}
- Because you have school today!
- {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.description == 'digital-learning' %}
- But today is a digital learning day.
- {% endif %}
- {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.description == 'early-release' %}
- And guess what? It is early release!
- {% endif %}
- {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.description == 'start_thanksgiving_break' %}
- Oh, One More Thing. Tomorrow is the first day of Thanksgiving Break.
- {% endif %}
- {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.description == 'start_winter_break' %}
- Oh, One More Thing. Tomorrow is the first day of Winter Break.
- {% endif %}
- {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.description == 'start_spring_break' %}
- Oh, One More Thing. Tomorrow is the first day of Spring Break.
- {% endif %}
- {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.description == 'start_fall_break' %}
- Oh, One More Thing. Tomorrow is the first day of Fall Break.
+ {% if is_state('input_boolean.school_today', 'on') and state_attr('input_datetime.school_day_end', 'timestamp') > as_timestamp(now()) %}
+ {{ [ 'Today is a school day.',
+ 'It is a school day. '
+ ] | random }}
+ Pickup today will be at {{(state_attr('input_datetime.school_day_end', 'timestamp') | int | timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p', False)) }}
+ {% if 'Digital Learning' in states('sensor.school_event') %}
+ But it is a digital learning day so the commute will be short.
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if 'Early Release' in states('sensor.school_event') %}
+ And It is early release!
{% endif %}
{% if states.sensor.school_end_days2go.state | int == 0 -%}
- Oh, One More Thing. Tomorrow is the first day of Summer Break! Emjoy the Last day of school this year!
- {%- endif %}
- {% else %}
- {% if is_state('calendar.school_holiday', 'on') %}
+ But today is the last day of School!
+ {%- endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if 'School Holiday' in states('sensor.school_event') and is_state('input_boolean.school_today', 'off') %}
And look at that. You do not have school today. Because it is {{ states.calendar.school_holiday.attributes.message }}.
{{ [ 'Guess today would be a good day to clean your room.',
'You could always do some chores.',
@@ -91,32 +82,24 @@
'Today would be a good day to spend some time with mom and dad.'
] | random }}
- {% endif %}
{% endif %}
+ {% if states.sensor.school_end_days2go.state | int == -1 -%}
+ Today is the first day of Summer Break!
+ {%- endif %}
- {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.offset_reached == True and is_state('calendar.school_holiday', 'off') %} + {% if is_state('input_boolean.school_today', 'on') and state_attr('input_datetime.school_day_end', 'timestamp') > as_timestamp(now()) %} {% if states.sensor.school_lunch.state == 'Nothing' %} - You are going to want to take your own lunch today. + I am not sure what is on the school menu today, so You may want to take your own lunch today. {% else %} Today's school lunch is {{ states.sensor.school_lunch.state }} {% endif %} {% endif %}
-- {% if is_state('calendar.school_holiday', 'on') %} - And look at that. You do not have school today. Because it is {{ states.calendar.school_holiday.attributes.message }}. - {{ [ 'Guess today would be a good day to clean your room.', - 'You could always do some chores.', - 'Lets try to keep the TV off today. okay?', - 'Want to play a nice game of chess? Sorry. I meant. want to play Thermal Nuclear War.', - 'I hope you enjoy your day off. You deserve it.', - 'Today would be a good day to spend some time with mom and dad.' - ] | random }} - {% endif %} -
+ {% if is_state('calendar.skylar_events', 'on') %} You have {{ states.calendar.skylar_events.attributes.message }} today as well! {% endif %} diff --git a/config/templates/speech/skylar_nightly_briefing.yaml b/config/templates/speech/skylar_nightly_briefing.yaml index 3064e27..6fc9a2e 100755 --- a/config/templates/speech/skylar_nightly_briefing.yaml +++ b/config/templates/speech/skylar_nightly_briefing.yaml @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ 'I cannot communicate with the bathtub. Or I would have started the water for you already. So you will have to start the bath, yourself', 'My sensors are detecting a strange smell. I am running diagnostics. But in the mean time, you should start a bath.', 'I hate to say it but, the day is coming to an end. Time to finish up your tasks, pick up any toys you have out, and get ready for bed.', - 'We have reached that time in every day when we must switch gears and start preparing for bed. If you would like to have story time you better get a move on.' + 'We have reached that time in every day when we must switch gears and start preparing for bed. If you would like to have story time you better get a move on.', 'Did you ever hear the one about the kid who never took a bath?