############################################################################### # @author : Jeffrey Stone # @date : 02/19/2019 # @package : Announcements # @description : Daily Announcements. ############################################################################### ############################### # input_datetime - So the time report automation fires can be set in the UI ############################### input_datetime: morning_report: name: Morning Report has_date: false has_time: true nightly_report: name: Nightly Report has_date: false has_time: true skylar_morning_report: name: Skylar Dressed Announcement has_date: false has_time: true skylar_nightly_report: name: Skylar Bedtime Announcement has_date: false has_time: true ################################ # Announcment Automation - fires at the time of the above input_datetimes ################################ automation: - id: prebed_routine initial_state: true alias: Skylar Nightly Announcements trigger: platform: template value_template: "{{ states('sensor.time') == (state_attr('input_datetime.skylar_nightly_report', 'timestamp') | int | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', False)) }}" action: - service: script.ah_report data: call_interuption: 1 call_time_annc: 1 call_prebed_routine: 1 - id: nightly_report initial_state: true alias: Nightly Report trigger: platform: template value_template: "{{ states('sensor.time') == (state_attr('input_datetime.nightly_report', 'timestamp') | int | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', False)) }}" action: - service: script.ah_report data: call_greeting: 1 call_evening_greeting: 1 call_time_annc: 1 call_weather_alerts: 1 call_overnight_forecast: 1 call_freeze_warning: 1 call_upcoming_holidays: 1 call_reminders: 1 call_chores: 1 - id: good_morning_report alias: Good Morning Report initial_state: true trigger: platform: template value_template: "{{ states('sensor.time') == (state_attr('input_datetime.morning_report', 'timestamp') | int | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', False)) }}" action: - service: script.ah_report data: call_greeting: 1 call_morning_greeting: 1 call_time_annc: 1 call_weather_alerts: 1 call_todays_events: 1 call_current_conditions_outisde: 1 call_current_conditions_inside: 1 call_daily_forecast: 1 call_upcoming_birthdays: 1 call_reminders: 1 call_chores: 1 - service: script.twitter_notify data: message: 'I just provided a morning briefing including weather, and traffic conditions to the residents of Anchorage House. ' - id: skylar_morning_greeting alias: Skylar Morning Greeting initial_state: true trigger: platform: template value_template: "{{ states('sensor.time') == (state_attr('input_datetime.skylar_morning_report', 'timestamp') | int | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', False)) }}" condition: - condition: time weekday: - mon - tue - wed - thu - fri action: - service: script.ah_report data: call_interuption: 1 call_time_annc: 1 call_skylar_dressed: 1 call_school_today: 1 call_skylar_events: 1 call_clothes_suggestion: 1 - id: set_skylar_morning_report_time alias: set skylar morning report time trigger: - platform: time at: '05:50:00' action: - service: input_datetime.set_datetime entity_id: input_datetime.skylar_morning_report data_template: time: > {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.offset_reached == True %} 06:30 {% else %} 07:58 {% endif %} - id: set_morning_report_time alias: set morning report time trigger: - platform: time at: '05:50:30' action: - service: input_datetime.set_datetime entity_id: input_datetime.morning_report data_template: time: > {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.offset_reached == True %} 07:00 {% else %} 07:45 {% endif %} - alias: Announce Freeze Warning initial_state: 'on' trigger: - platform: state entity_id: input_boolean.freeze_warning to: 'on' action: - service: script.twitter_notify data_template: message: '{{ [ "Appears that the temperature will be below freezing tonight. I think I will stay inside.", "The temperature tonight will kill sensative plants, so I just made a weather announcement. I cannot through inaction allow another to come to harm.", "Winter is coming. Actually it is already here. I suggest sleeping with Dragon Glass." ] | random }}'