  {# Twitter Stats #}
  {%- macro getRandomStat() -%}
    {{- [
       "Thanks to Home Assistant and Amazon Polly and #AWS I have spoken for {{ states.sensor.speech_time.attributes.value }} in the last 7 days.",
       "I am constantly monitoring Anchorage House. For instance I know that the washer has ran for {{ states.sensor.washer_time.attributes.value }} in the last 7 days.",
       "I am using {{ states.sensor.sensor_count.state }} sensors to power {{ states.sensor.automation_count.state}} automations and {{ states.sensor.script_count.state}} scripts to automate Anchorage House thanks to Home Assistant.",
       "My config on Github (https://github.com/thejeffreystone/home-assistant-configuration) has {{ states.sensor.home_assistant_configuration.attributes.stargazers}} stars and counting.  Currently with {{ states.sensor.github_stats.attributes.open_issues }} open #Todo items.",
       "I am running Home Assistant version {{ states.sensor.installed_version.state }} (https://github.com/thejeffreystone/home-assistant-configuration)",
       "My configuration is at https://github.com/thejeffreystone/home-assistant-configuration and currently has {{ states.sensor.home_assistant_configuration.attributes.stargazers}} stargazers. You could be one too.",
       "My configuration is at https://github.com/thejeffreystone/home-assistant-configuration .The last commit was {{ states.sensor.home_assistant_configuration.attributes.latest_commit_message}}.",
       "The average temperature inside Anchorage House is {{states.sensor.inside_temp_stats.attributes.mean | round}} degrees fahrenheit.",
       "I have been running non-stop for {{states.sensor.time_online.state}} days",
       "We have watched the Roku for a total of {{states.sensor.roku_theater_time.attributes.value}} in the last 24 hours.",
       "The outside lights were on for a total of {{states.sensor.outside_lights.attributes.value}} in the last 24 hours.",
       "The average temperature in the garage is {{states.sensor.garage_temp_stats.attributes.mean | round}} degrees fahrenheit.",
       "The HVAC has cooled the house for {{states.sensor.cooling_last_month.attributes.value}} and heated for {{states.sensor.heating_last_month.attributes.value}} in the last month",
       "The HVAC has cooled the house for {{states.sensor.cooling_last_day.attributes.value}} and heated for {{states.sensor.heating_last_day.attributes.value}} in the last 24 hours",
       "Anchorage House averages {{ states.sensor.humidity_stats.attributes.mean | round}}% Humidity outside.",
       "On Average, Ancohrage House has {{states.sensor.visibility_stats.attributes.mean | round}} miles of visability.",
       "The wind blows an average of {{ states.sensor.wind_speed_stats.attributes.mean | round}} mph here at Anchorage House.",
       "The Washing Machine uses an an average of {{ states.sensor.washer_power_stats.attributes.mean | round}} watts here at Anchorage House.",
       "I am currently managing {{ states.sensor.lights_count.state }} lights and {{ states.sensor.tracker_count.state }} devices.",
       "Amazon Polly enables me to sound more lifelike by incorporating breathing into my speech using #SAML. #AWS",
       "According to my latest speed tests Anchorage House is getting
          {{ states.sensor.internet_test_down.attributes.max_value }} Mbps down and {{ states.sensor.internet_test_up.attributes.max_value }}
          Mbps up thanks to #ATTFiber. ",
       "How fast is your internet? I just checked
          am Im seeing {{ states.sensor.internet_test_down.attributes.max_value }} Mbps down and {{ states.sensor.internet_test_up.attributes.max_value }}
          Mbps up. Beat that. ", 
        "My speed is monitored using @home_assistant and https://github.com/thejeffreystone/speedtest_to_mqtt
          and is {{ states.sensor.internet_test_down.attributes.max_value }} Mbps down and {{ states.sensor.internet_test_up.attributes.max_value }}
          Mbps up."   
       ] | random -}}
  {%- endmacro -%}
  {%- macro getTags() -%}
    #homeassistant #iot #smarthome #Randomstats
  {%- endmacro -%}

  {# a macro that removes all newline characters, empty spaces, and returns formatted text  #}
    {%- macro cleanup(data) -%}
      {%- for item in data.split("\n")  if item | trim != "" -%}
        {{ item | trim }} {% endfor -%}
  {%- endmacro -%}
  {# a macro to call all macros :)  #}
    {%- macro mother_of_all_macros() -%}
      {{ getRandomStat() }}
      {{ getTags() }}
    {%- endmacro -%}
    {# Call the macro  #}
    {{- cleanup(mother_of_all_macros()) -}}