homeassistant: name: Home latitude: !secret MY_LATITUDE longitude: !secret MY_LONGITUDE elevation: 315 unit_system: imperial time_zone: America/New_York customize: !include customize.yaml auth_providers: - type: homeassistant packages: !include_dir_named packages system_health: default_config: person: frontend: themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes javascript_version: latest http: api_password: !secret MY_API_PASS #ssl_certificate: !secret SSL_CERT #ssl_key: !secret SSL_KEY #base_url: !secret BASEURL ssl_certificate: !secret ahsl_ssl_cert ssl_key: !secret ahsl_ssl_key base_url: !secret ahsl_base_url use_x_forwarded_for: True trusted_proxies: - - ::1 trusted_networks: - # - ip_ban_enabled: True login_attempts_threshold: 5 config: cloud: alexa: filter: include_domains: - switch - light - cover - scene - script - input_boolean - climate - sensor exclude_domains: - group - alert - automation entity_config: sensor.accurite_back_porch_temperature: name: Back Porch description: Back Porch Temperature sensor.accurite_garage_temperature: name: Garage description: Garage Temperature sensor.kat_location: name: Kats Location description: Kats Location sensor.jeff_location: name: Jeffs Location description: Jeffs Location sensor.jeff_ett_home: name: Jeffs Arrival description: Jeffs arrival in minutes sensor.kat_ett_home: name: Kats Arrival description: Kats arrival in minutes sensor.accurite_garage_humidity: name: Garage Humidity description: Garage Humidity alexa: # homekit: # filter: # include_domains: # - switch # - light # - cover # - scene # - input_boolean # - climate # - sensor # - binary_sensor weather: - platform: darksky api_key: !secret darksky_api name: Grayson conversation: device_tracker: - platform: icloud username: !secret ICLOUD_USER password: !secret ICLOUD_PASS track_new_devices: yes - platform: owntracks track_new_devices: yes - platform: life360 username: !secret life360_username password: !secret life360_password max_gps_accuracy: 200 prefix: life360 show_as_state: driving, moving, places #calendar: # - platform: caldav # url: !secret icloud_cal # username: !secret icloud_cal_user # password: !secret icloud_cal_pass # calendars: # - 'JKS Calendar' google: client_id: !secret google_client_id client_secret: !secret google_client_secret # geo_location: # - platform: usgs_earthquakes_feed # feed_type: 'past_day_all_earthquakes' discovery: updater: #include_used_components: true sun: #https://home-assistant.io/components/recorder/ recorder: purge_keep_days: 2 exclude: domains: - automation - weblink - updater entities: - sun.sun # Don't record sun data - sensor.last_boot # Comes from 'systemmonitor' sensor platform - sensor.date # purge_interval: 1 # purge_keep_days: 3 logbook: exclude: entities: - sensor.last_boot - sensor.date - sensor.ha_log - sensor.ha_uptime - sensor.cpu - sensor.date_time - sensor.ha_v2db - sensor.internet_time - sensor.last_boot_2 - sensor.load_15m - sensor.memory_use_percent - sensor.network_in_eth0 - sensor.network_out_eth0 - sensor.processor_use - sensor.time - sensor.time_date - sensor.time_utc #https://home-assistant.io/components/logger/ logger: default: info # # logs: # homeassistant.components.sensor.template: critical # homeassistant.components.cover: critical history: cast: speedtestdotnet: mqtt: broker: port: 1883 username: !secret MQTT_USER password: !secret MQTT_PASS camera: - platform: mjpeg name: Garage Door Cam mjpeg_url: !secret garage_cam media_player: - platform: vlc name: hass_speaker arguments: '--alsa-audio-device=hw:0,0' ffmpeg: ffmpeg_bin: /usr/bin/ffmpeg splunk: host: token: !secret splunkit port: 8088 cloudflare: email: !secret cloudflare_user api_key: !secret cloudflare_api zone: !secret cloudflare_zone records: - ah ### Includes ### alert: !include_dir_merge_named alerts/ group: !include groups.yaml automation: !include automations.yaml sensor: !include_dir_merge_list sensors binary_sensor: !include_dir_merge_list binary_sensors light: !include_dir_merge_list lights switch: !include_dir_merge_list switches script: !include scripts.yaml intent_script: !include intents/intents.yaml scene: !include scenes.yaml input_select: !include input_select.yaml input_boolean: !include input_boolean.yaml zone: !include zones.yaml python_script: #duckdns: # domain: !secret duckdns_domain # access_token: !secret duckdns_token ### Devices and Services # Disabled due to bug that causes too many open files - Need to track it down # cover: # - platform: myq # username: !secret myq_user # password: !secret myq_pass # type: chamberlain climate: platform: honeywell username: !secret HONEYWELL_USER password: !secret HONEYWELL_PASS region: us scan_interval: 600 map: # zwave: # usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0 # network_key: !secret zwave_key ### Custom Commands shell_command: alarm_off: pkill mpg123 tornado_alarm: mpg123 /media/audio/Tornado_Siren.mp3 door_chime: mpg123 /media/audio/Store_Door_Chime.mp3 security_alarm: mpg123 /media/audio/security_siren.mp3 security_alarm_intro: mpg123 /media/audio/Siren_Noise.mp3 welcome_haunted: mpg123 /media/audio/Welcome-Hunted.mp3 haunted_guest_welcome: mpg123 /media/audio/haunted_guest_welcome.mp3 haunted_mansion_preshow_full: mpg123 /media/audio/haunted_mansion_preshow_full.mp3 haunted_mansion_preshow_short: mpg123 /media/audio/haunted_mansion_preshow_short.mp3 haunted_mansion_hurry_back_short: mpg123 /media/audio/haunted_mansion_hurry_back_short.mp3 haunted_mansion_hurry_back_full: mpg123 /media/audio/haunted_mansion_hurry_back_full.mp3 happily_ever_after: mpg123 /media/audio/Happily_Ever_After_Audio.mp3 boo_to_you: mpg123 /media/audio/boo_to_you_audio.mp3 haunted_mansion_ride: mpg123 /media/audio/haunted_mansion_ride.mp3 wishes_preshow: mpg123 /media/audio/wishes_5_min.mp3 welcome_show: mpg123 /media/audio/welcome_show.mp3 monorail_waiting: mpg123 /media/audio/monorail_waiting.mp3 monorail_mk: mpg123 /media/audio/monorail.mp3 monorail_resort: mpg123 /media/audio/monorail_resort.mp3 welcome_to_mk: mpg123 /media/audio/welcome_magic_kingdom.mp3 welcome_show_crowd: mpg123 /media/audio/welcome_show_crowd.mp3 spaceship_earth_ride: mpg123 /media/audio/spaceship_earth_ride.mp3 dance_it: mpg123 /media/audio/move_it_shake_dance_audio.mp3 hass_vol_up: sudo amixer set PCM -- $[$(amixer get PCM|grep -o [0-9]*%|sed 's/%//')+5]% hass_vol_dn: sudo amixer set PCM -- $[$(amixer get PCM|grep -o [0-9]*%|sed 's/%//')-5]% reset_alexa_cookie: /home/homeassistant/bin/resetalexacookie tiki_room_audio: mpg123 /media/audio/tiki_room_audio.mp3 illuminations_audio: mpg123 /media/audio/illuminations.mp3 mk_audio: mpg123 /media/audio/magic_kingdom.mp3 usps: python3 /home/homeassistant/bin/usps.py backup: python /home/homeassistant/bin/dropbox.py