minor tweaks
This commit is contained in:
@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ automation:
platform: state
entity_id: sensor.octoprint_job_percentage
- service_template: "input_boolean.turn_{{- 'on' if states('sensor.octoprint_job_percentage') | int > 25 else 'off' }}"
- service_template: "input_boolean.turn_{{- 'on' if states('sensor.octoprint_job_percentage') | int >= 25 else 'off' }}"
entity_id: input_boolean.twenty_five_percent
- service_template: "input_boolean.turn_{{- 'on' if states('sensor.octoprint_job_percentage') | int > 50 else 'off' }}"
- service_template: "input_boolean.turn_{{- 'on' if states('sensor.octoprint_job_percentage') | int >= 50 else 'off' }}"
entity_id: input_boolean.fifty_percent
- service_template: "input_boolean.turn_{{- 'on' if states('sensor.octoprint_job_percentage') | int > 75 else 'off' }}"
- service_template: "input_boolean.turn_{{- 'on' if states('sensor.octoprint_job_percentage') | int >= 75 else 'off' }}"
entity_id: input_boolean.seventy_five_percent
- service_template: "input_boolean.turn_{{- 'on' if states('sensor.octoprint_job_percentage') | int == 100 else 'off' }}"
entity_id: input_boolean.hundred_percent
@ -150,19 +150,16 @@ automation:
message: >-
{%- macro secondsToReadableString(seconds) %}
{%- set map = {'Week': (seconds / 604800) % 604800,
'Day': (seconds / 86400) % 7, 'Hour': (seconds / 3600) % 24,
'Minute': (seconds / 60) % 60, 'Second': (seconds % 60) } -%}
{%- set map = {'week': (seconds / 604800) % 604800,
'day': (seconds / 86400) % 7, 'hour': (seconds / 3600) % 24,
'minute': (seconds / 60) % 60 } -%}
{%- for item in map if map[item] | int > 0 -%}
{%- if loop.first %}{% elif loop.last %}, and {% else %}, {% endif -%}
{{- map[item]|int }} {{ item -}} {{- 's' if map[item]|int > 1 -}}
{%- endfor -%}
{% endmacro %}
3D Printer job is now {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }} complete.
{% if trigger.entity_id != 'input_boolean.hundred_percent' %}
Time Spent: {{ secondsToReadableString(states('sensor.octoprint_time_elapsed') |int) }}.
Time Left: {{ secondsToReadableString(states('sensor.octoprint_time_remaining') |int) }}.
{% endif %}
3D Printer job is now {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }} complete. {% if trigger.entity_id != 'input_boolean.hundred_percent' %} Will be done in {{ secondsToReadableString(states('sensor.octoprint_time_remaining') |int) }}.
{%- endif -%}
# When the printing is complete (100%), it waits for 2 minutes and turns off the printer.
Reference in New Issue