There are three locations in the DOS where OEMs may want to patch in information specific to their installation. The first is the location of the default switch character. This character is one byte at DEBUG location 1E5, and is set to '/'. To change it to '-' (XENIX compatible) do: DEBUG MSDOS.SYS >e1e5 XXXX:01E5 2F. <at this point give the desired new switch character in HEX and hit return> >w Writing YYYY Bytes >q If the byte at 1E5 is not 2F, look around in the immediate vacinity (do d1e0) for it. It is the only 2F in that area. The second is the location of the 24 bit user number and the 8 bit OEM number. These values are returned by the GET_VERSION system call. The user number is 3 bytes starting at debug location 683, The OEM number is one byte at debug location 686. The user number is initialized to 0, the OEM number to -1 and they immediatly follow the Microsoft Copyright message. If these bytes are not zero, look for the four bytes following the Copyright message which should be in the vacinity of 683. OEMs should request an OEM number from Microsoft if they want one of their very own, this prevents selecting one someone else already has. The third is the location of the editing template definitions. This is a table which defines the two byte edit function keys for system call 10 and for EDLIN. This table is at debug location 33EA, and should start with a 1B. If the byte at 33EA is not 1B, look around in the immediate vacinity. Here is what the default table looks like. It is a definition for the Zenith Z-19 terminal: ESCCHAR DB 1BH ;The Escape character, Nul (0) on IBM ESCTAB: DB "Z" ;5AH Put a ^Z in the template, F6 on IBM DB "S" ;53H Copy one char, --> on IBM DB "V" ;56H Skip one char, DEL on IBM DB "T" ;54H Copy to char, F2 on IBM DB "W" ;57H Skip to char, F4 on IBM DB "U" ;55H Copy line, F3 on IBM DB "E" ;45H Kill line, Not used on IBM DB "J" ;4AH Reedit line, F5 on IBM DB "D" ;44H Backspace, <-- on IBM DB "P" ;50H Toggle insert mode, INS on IBM DB "Q" ;51H Toggle insert mode, INS on IBM DB "R" ;52H Escape char, F7 on IBM DB "R" ;52H End of table, must be same as previos character