TITLE COPYRPOC ;Procedures called by COPY INCLUDE COMSW.ASM .xlist .xcref INCLUDE DOSSYM.ASM INCLUDE DEVSYM.ASM INCLUDE COMSEG.ASM .list .cref INCLUDE COMEQU.ASM DATARES SEGMENT PUBLIC DATARES ENDS TRANDATA SEGMENT PUBLIC EXTRN OVERWR:BYTE,FULDIR:BYTE,LOSTERR:BYTE EXTRN DEVWMES:BYTE,INBDEV:BYTE,NOSPACE:BYTE TRANDATA ENDS TRANSPACE SEGMENT PUBLIC EXTRN CFLAG:BYTE,NXTADD:WORD,DESTCLOSED:BYTE EXTRN PLUS:BYTE,BINARY:BYTE,ASCII:BYTE,FILECNT:WORD EXTRN WRITTEN:BYTE,CONCAT:BYTE,DESTBUF:BYTE,SRCBUF:BYTE EXTRN SDIRBUF:BYTE,DIRBUF:BYTE,DESTFCB:BYTE,MELCOPY:BYTE EXTRN FIRSTDEST:BYTE,DESTISDIR:BYTE,DESTSWITCH:WORD EXTRN DESTTAIL:WORD,DESTINFO:BYTE,INEXACT:BYTE EXTRN DESTVARS:BYTE,SRCINFO:BYTE,RDEOF:BYTE EXTRN USERDIR1:BYTE,NOWRITE:BYTE EXTRN SRCHAND:WORD,CPDATE:WORD,CPTIME:WORD EXTRN SRCISDEV:BYTE,BYTCNT:WORD,TPA:WORD,TERMREAD:BYTE EXTRN DESTHAND:WORD,DESTISDEV:BYTE,DIRCHAR:BYTE TRANSPACE ENDS TRANCODE SEGMENT PUBLIC BYTE PUBLIC SEARCH,SEARCHNEXT,DOCOPY,CLOSEDEST,FLSHFIL,SETASC PUBLIC BUILDNAME,COPERR EXTRN PRINT:NEAR,BUILDPATH:NEAR,RESTUDIR1:NEAR EXTRN COMPNAME:NEAR,ENDCOPY:NEAR ASSUME CS:TRANGROUP,DS:TRANGROUP,ES:TRANGROUP,SS:NOTHING SEARCHNEXT: MOV AH,DIR_SEARCH_NEXT TEST [SRCINFO],2 JNZ SEARCH ; Do serach-next if ambig OR AH,AH ; Reset zero flag return SEARCH: PUSH AX MOV AH,SET_DMA MOV DX,OFFSET TRANGROUP:DIRBUF INT int_command ; Put result of search in DIRBUF POP AX ; Restore search first/next command MOV DX,FCB INT int_command ; Do the search OR AL,AL return DOCOPY: mov [RDEOF],0 ; No EOF yet mov dx,offset trangroup:SRCBUF mov ax,OPEN SHL 8 INT int_command retc ; If open fails, ignore mov bx,ax ; Save handle mov [SRCHAND],bx ; Save handle mov ax,(FILE_TIMES SHL 8) INT int_command mov [CPDATE],dx ; Save DATE mov [CPTIME],cx ; Save TIME mov ax,(IOCTL SHL 8) INT int_command ; Get device stuff and dl,devid_ISDEV mov [SRCISDEV],dl ; Set source info jz COPYLP ; Source not a device cmp [BINARY],0 jz COPYLP ; ASCII device OK mov dx,offset trangroup:INBDEV ; Cannot do binary input jmp COPERR COPYLP: mov bx,[SRCHAND] mov cx,[BYTCNT] mov dx,[NXTADD] sub cx,dx ; Compute available space jnz GOTROOM call FLSHFIL CMP [TERMREAD],0 JNZ CLOSESRC ; Give up mov cx,[BYTCNT] GOTROOM: push ds mov ds,[TPA] ASSUME DS:NOTHING mov ah,READ INT int_command pop ds ASSUME DS:TRANGROUP jc CLOSESRC ; Give up if error mov cx,ax ; Get count jcxz CLOSESRC ; No more to read cmp [SRCISDEV],0 jnz NOTESTA ; Is a device, ASCII mode cmp [ASCII],0 jz BINREAD NOTESTA: MOV DX,CX MOV DI,[NXTADD] MOV AL,1AH PUSH ES MOV ES,[TPA] REPNE SCASB ; Scan for EOF POP ES JNZ USEALL INC [RDEOF] INC CX USEALL: SUB DX,CX MOV CX,DX BINREAD: ADD CX,[NXTADD] MOV [NXTADD],CX CMP CX,[BYTCNT] ; Is buffer full? JB TESTDEV ; If not, we may have found EOF CALL FLSHFIL CMP [TERMREAD],0 JNZ CLOSESRC ; Give up JMP SHORT COPYLP TESTDEV: cmp [SRCISDEV],0 JZ CLOSESRC ; If file then EOF CMP [RDEOF],0 JZ COPYLP ; On device, go till ^Z CLOSESRC: mov bx,[SRCHAND] mov ah,CLOSE INT int_command return CLOSEDEST: cmp [DESTCLOSED],0 retnz ; Don't double close MOV AL,BYTE PTR [DESTSWITCH] CALL SETASC ; Check for B or A switch on destination JZ BINCLOS MOV BX,[NXTADD] CMP BX,[BYTCNT] ; Is memory full? JNZ PUTZ call TRYFLUSH ; Make room for one lousy byte jz NOCONC CONCHNG: ; Concat flag changed on us stc return NOCONC: XOR BX,BX PUTZ: PUSH DS MOV DS,[TPA] MOV WORD PTR [BX],1AH ; Add End-of-file mark (Ctrl-Z) POP DS INC [NXTADD] MOV [NOWRITE],0 ; Make sure our ^Z gets written MOV AL,[WRITTEN] XOR AH,AH ADD AX,[NXTADD] JC BINCLOS ; > 1 CMP AX,1 JZ FORGETIT ; WRITTEN = 0 NXTADD = 1 (the ^Z) BINCLOS: call TRYFLUSH jnz CONCHNG cmp [WRITTEN],0 jz FORGETIT ; Never wrote nothin MOV BX,[DESTHAND] MOV CX,[CPTIME] MOV DX,[CPDATE] CMP [INEXACT],0 ; Copy not exact? JZ DODCLOSE ; If no, copy date & time MOV AH,GET_TIME INT int_command SHL CL,1 SHL CL,1 ; Left justify min in CL SHL CX,1 SHL CX,1 SHL CX,1 ; hours to high 5 bits, min to 5-10 SHR DH,1 ; Divide seconds by 2 (now 5 bits) OR CL,DH ; And stick into low 5 bits of CX PUSH CX ; Save packed time MOV AH,GET_DATE INT int_command SUB CX,1980 XCHG CH,CL SHL CX,1 ; Year to high 7 bits SHL DH,1 ; Month to high 3 bits SHL DH,1 SHL DH,1 SHL DH,1 SHL DH,1 ; Most sig bit of month in carry ADC CH,0 ; Put that bit next to year OR DL,DH ; Or low three of month into day MOV DH,CH ; Get year and high bit of month POP CX ; Get time back DODCLOSE: MOV AX,(FILE_TIMES SHL 8) OR 1 INT int_command ; Set date and time MOV AH,CLOSE INT int_command INC [FILECNT] INC [DESTCLOSED] RET50: CLC return FORGETIT: MOV BX,[DESTHAND] CALL DODCLOSE ; Close the dest MOV DX,OFFSET TRANGROUP:DESTBUF MOV AH,UNLINK INT int_command ; And delete it MOV [FILECNT],0 ; No files transferred JMP RET50 TRYFLUSH: mov al,[CONCAT] push ax call FLSHFIL pop ax cmp al,[CONCAT] return FLSHFIL: ; Write out any data remaining in memory. ; Inputs: ; [NXTADD] = No. of bytes to write ; [CFLAG] <>0 if file has been created ; Outputs: ; [NXTADD] = 0 MOV [TERMREAD],0 cmp [CFLAG],0 JZ NOTEXISTS JMP EXISTS NOTEXISTS: call BUILDDEST ; Find out all about the destination CALL COMPNAME ; Source and dest. the same? JNZ PROCDEST ; If not, go ahead CMP [SRCISDEV],0 JNZ PROCDEST ; Same name on device OK CMP [CONCAT],0 ; Concatenation? MOV DX,OFFSET TRANGROUP:OVERWR JZ COPERRJ ; If not, overwrite error MOV [NOWRITE],1 ; Flag not writting (just seeking) PROCDEST: mov ax,(OPEN SHL 8) OR 1 CMP [NOWRITE],0 JNZ DODESTOPEN ; Don't actually create if NOWRITE set mov ah,CREAT xor cx,cx DODESTOPEN: mov dx,offset trangroup:DESTBUF INT int_command MOV DX,OFFSET TRANGROUP:FULDIR JC COPERRJ mov [DESTHAND],ax ; Save handle mov [CFLAG],1 ; Destination now exists mov bx,ax mov ax,(IOCTL SHL 8) INT int_command ; Get device stuff mov [DESTISDEV],dl ; Set dest info test dl,devid_ISDEV jz EXISTS ; Dest not a device mov al,BYTE PTR [DESTSWITCH] AND AL,ASWITCH+BSWITCH JNZ TESTBOTH MOV AL,[ASCII] ; Neither set, use current setting OR AL,[BINARY] JZ EXSETA ; Neither set, default to ASCII TESTBOTH: JPE EXISTS ; Both are set, ignore test AL,BSWITCH jz EXISTS ; Leave in cooked mode mov ax,(IOCTL SHL 8) OR 1 xor dh,dh or dl,devid_RAW mov [DESTISDEV],dl ; New value INT int_command ; Set device to RAW mode jmp short EXISTS COPERRJ: jmp SHORT COPERR EXSETA: ; What we read in may have been in binary mode, flag zapped write OK mov [ASCII],ASWITCH ; Set ASCII mode or [INEXACT],ASWITCH ; ASCII -> INEXACT EXISTS: cmp [NOWRITE],0 jnz NOCHECKING ; If nowrite don't bother with name check CALL COMPNAME ; Source and dest. the same? JNZ NOCHECKING ; If not, go ahead CMP [SRCISDEV],0 JNZ NOCHECKING ; Same name on device OK ; At this point we know in append (would have gotten overwrite error on first ; destination create otherwise), and user trying to specify destination which ; has been scribbled already (if dest had been named first, NOWRITE would ; be set). MOV DX,OFFSET TRANGROUP:LOSTERR ; Tell him he's not going to get it CALL PRINT MOV [NXTADD],0 ; Set return INC [TERMREAD] ; Tell Read to give up RET60: return NOCHECKING: mov bx,[DESTHAND] ; Get handle XOR CX,CX XCHG CX,[NXTADD] JCXZ RET60 ; If Nothing to write, forget it INC [WRITTEN] ; Flag that we wrote something CMP [NOWRITE],0 ; If NOWRITE set, just seek CX bytes JNZ SEEKEND XOR DX,DX PUSH DS MOV DS,[TPA] ASSUME DS:NOTHING MOV AH,WRITE INT int_command POP DS ASSUME DS:TRANGROUP MOV DX,OFFSET TRANGROUP:NOSPACE JC COPERR ; Failure sub cx,ax retz ; Wrote all supposed to test [DESTISDEV],devid_ISDEV jz COPERR ; Is a file, error test [DESTISDEV],devid_RAW jnz DEVWRTERR ; Is a raw device, error cmp [INEXACT],0 retnz ; INEXACT so OK dec cx retz ; Wrote one byte less (the ^Z) DEVWRTERR: MOV DX,OFFSET TRANGROUP:DEVWMES COPERR: CALL PRINT inc [DESTCLOSED] cmp [CFLAG],0 jz ENDCOPYJ ; Never actually got it open MOV bx,[DESTHAND] MOV AH,CLOSE ; Close the file INT int_command MOV DX,OFFSET TRANGROUP:DESTBUF MOV AH,UNLINK INT int_command ; And delete it MOV [CFLAG],0 ENDCOPYJ: JMP ENDCOPY SEEKEND: xor dx,dx ; Zero high half of offset xchg dx,cx ; cx:dx is seek location mov ax,(LSEEK SHL 8) OR 1 INT int_command ; Seek ahead in the file cmp [RDEOF],0 retz ; If a ^Z has been read we must set the file size to the current ; file pointer location MOV AH,WRITE INT int_command ; CX is zero, truncates file return SETASC: ; Given switch vector in AX, ; Set ASCII switch if A is set ; Clear ASCII switch if B is set ; BINARY set if B specified ; Leave ASCII unchanged if neither or both are set ; Also sets INEXACT if ASCII is ever set. AL = ASCII on exit, flags set AND AL,ASWITCH+BSWITCH JPE LOADSW ; PE means both or neither are set PUSH AX AND AL,BSWITCH MOV [BINARY],AL POP AX AND AL,ASWITCH MOV [ASCII],AL OR [INEXACT],AL LOADSW: MOV AL,[ASCII] OR AL,AL return BUILDDEST: cmp [DESTISDIR],-1 jnz KNOWABOUTDEST ; Already done the figuring MOV DI,OFFSET TRANGROUP:USERDIR1 mov bp,offset trangroup:DESTVARS call BUILDPATH call RESTUDIR1 ; Now know all about the destination KNOWABOUTDEST: xor al,al xchg al,[FIRSTDEST] or al,al jnz FIRSTDST jmp NOTFIRSTDEST FIRSTDST: mov si,[DESTTAIL] ; Create an FCB of the original DEST mov di,offset trangroup:DESTFCB mov ax,PARSE_FILE_DESCRIPTOR SHL 8 INT int_command mov ax,word ptr [DESTBUF] ; Get drive cmp ah,':' jz DRVSPEC4 mov al,'@' DRVSPEC4: MOV CL,[ASCII] ; Save current ASCII setting sub al,'@' mov [DESTFCB],al mov al,[DESTINFO] mov ah,[SRCINFO] and ax,0202H or al,al jz NOTMELCOPY cmp al,ah jnz NOTMELCOPY cmp [PLUS],0 jz NOTMELCOPY inc [MELCOPY] ; ambig source, ambig dest, and pluses xor al,al jmp short SETCONC NOTMELCOPY: xor al,2 ; al=2 if unambig dest, =0 if ambig dest and al,ah shr al,1 ; al=1 if unambig dest AND ambig sorce ; Implies concatination SETCONC: or al,[PLUS] ; al=1 if concat mov [CONCAT],al shl al,1 shl al,1 mov [INEXACT],al ; Concat -> inexact copy cmp [BINARY],0 jnz NOTFIRSTDEST ; Binary explicitly given, all OK mov [ASCII],al ; Concat -> ASCII or cl,cl jnz NOTFIRSTDEST ; ASCII flag set before, DATA read correctly or al,al JZ NOTFIRSTDEST ; ASCII flag did not change states ; At this point there may already be binary read data in the read buffer. ; We need to find the first ^Z (if there is one) and trim the amount ; of data in the buffer correctly. MOV CX,[NXTADD] JCXZ NOTFIRSTDEST ; No data, everything OK MOV AL,1AH PUSH ES XOR DI,DI MOV ES,[TPA] REPNE SCASB ; Scan for EOF POP ES JNZ NOTFIRSTDEST ; No ^Z in buffer, everything OK DEC DI ; Point at ^Z MOV [NXTADD],DI ; New buffer NOTFIRSTDEST: mov bx,offset trangroup:DIRBUF+1 ; Source of replacement chars cmp [CONCAT],0 jz GOTCHRSRC ; Not a concat mov bx,offset trangroup:SDIRBUF+1 ; Source of replacement chars GOTCHRSRC: mov si,offset trangroup:DESTFCB+1 ; Original dest name mov di,[DESTTAIL] ; Where to put result BUILDNAME: mov cx,8 BUILDMAIN: lodsb cmp al,"?" jnz NOTAMBIG mov al,byte ptr [BX] NOTAMBIG: cmp al,' ' jz NOSTORE stosb NOSTORE: inc bx loop BUILDMAIN mov cl,3 cmp byte ptr [SI],' ' jz ENDDEST ; No extension mov al,'.' stosb BUILDEXT: lodsb cmp al,"?" jnz NOTAMBIGE mov al,byte ptr [BX] NOTAMBIGE: cmp al,' ' jz NOSTOREE stosb NOSTOREE: inc bx loop BUILDEXT ENDDEST: xor al,al stosb ; NUL terminate return TRANCODE ENDS END ����������������������������������������