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* Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
* codec.h
* This header file contains the calls to the internal encoder
* and decoder functions.
#include "structs.h"
int WebRtcIsac_EstimateBandwidth(
BwEstimatorstr* bwest_str,
Bitstr* streamdata,
WebRtc_Word32 packet_size,
WebRtc_UWord16 rtp_seq_number,
WebRtc_UWord32 send_ts,
WebRtc_UWord32 arr_ts,
enum IsacSamplingRate encoderSampRate,
enum IsacSamplingRate decoderSampRate);
int WebRtcIsac_DecodeLb(
float* signal_out,
ISACLBDecStruct* ISACdec_obj,
WebRtc_Word16* current_framesamples,
WebRtc_Word16 isRCUPayload);
int WebRtcIsac_DecodeRcuLb(
float* signal_out,
ISACLBDecStruct* ISACdec_obj,
WebRtc_Word16* current_framesamples);
int WebRtcIsac_EncodeLb(
float* in,
ISACLBEncStruct* ISACencLB_obj,
WebRtc_Word16 codingMode,
WebRtc_Word16 bottleneckIndex);
int WebRtcIsac_EncodeStoredDataLb(
const ISAC_SaveEncData_t* ISACSavedEnc_obj,
Bitstr* ISACBitStr_obj,
int BWnumber,
float scale);
int WebRtcIsac_EncodeStoredDataUb12(
const ISACUBSaveEncDataStruct* ISACSavedEnc_obj,
Bitstr* bitStream,
WebRtc_Word32 jitterInfo,
float scale);
int WebRtcIsac_EncodeStoredDataUb16(
const ISACUBSaveEncDataStruct* ISACSavedEnc_obj,
Bitstr* bitStream,
WebRtc_Word32 jitterInfo,
float scale);
WebRtc_Word16 WebRtcIsac_GetRedPayloadUb(
const ISACUBSaveEncDataStruct* ISACSavedEncObj,
Bitstr* bitStreamObj,
enum ISACBandwidth bandwidth);
* WebRtcIsac_RateAllocation()
* Internal function to perform a rate-allocation for upper and lower-band,
* given a total rate.
* Input:
* - inRateBitPerSec : a total bit-rate in bits/sec.
* Output:
* - rateLBBitPerSec : a bit-rate allocated to the lower-band
* in bits/sec.
* - rateUBBitPerSec : a bit-rate allocated to the upper-band
* in bits/sec.
* Return value : 0 if rate allocation has been successful.
* -1 if failed to allocate rates.
WebRtc_Word32 inRateBitPerSec,
double* rateLBBitPerSec,
double* rateUBBitPerSec,
enum ISACBandwidth* bandwidthKHz);
* WebRtcIsac_DecodeUb16()
* Decode the upper-band if the codec is in 0-16 kHz mode.
* Input/Output:
* -ISACdec_obj : pointer to the upper-band decoder object. The
* bit-stream is stored inside the decoder object.
* Output:
* -signal_out : decoded audio, 480 samples 30 ms.
* Return value : >0 number of decoded bytes.
* <0 if an error occurred.
int WebRtcIsac_DecodeUb16(
float* signal_out,
ISACUBDecStruct* ISACdec_obj,
WebRtc_Word16 isRCUPayload);
* WebRtcIsac_DecodeUb12()
* Decode the upper-band if the codec is in 0-12 kHz mode.
* Input/Output:
* -ISACdec_obj : pointer to the upper-band decoder object. The
* bit-stream is stored inside the decoder object.
* Output:
* -signal_out : decoded audio, 480 samples 30 ms.
* Return value : >0 number of decoded bytes.
* <0 if an error occurred.
int WebRtcIsac_DecodeUb12(
float* signal_out,
ISACUBDecStruct* ISACdec_obj,
WebRtc_Word16 isRCUPayload);
* WebRtcIsac_EncodeUb16()
* Encode the upper-band if the codec is in 0-16 kHz mode.
* Input:
* -in : upper-band audio, 160 samples (10 ms).
* Input/Output:
* -ISACdec_obj : pointer to the upper-band encoder object. The
* bit-stream is stored inside the encoder object.
* Return value : >0 number of encoded bytes.
* <0 if an error occurred.
int WebRtcIsac_EncodeUb16(
float* in,
ISACUBEncStruct* ISACenc_obj,
WebRtc_Word32 jitterInfo);
* WebRtcIsac_EncodeUb12()
* Encode the upper-band if the codec is in 0-12 kHz mode.
* Input:
* -in : upper-band audio, 160 samples (10 ms).
* Input/Output:
* -ISACdec_obj : pointer to the upper-band encoder object. The
* bit-stream is stored inside the encoder object.
* Return value : >0 number of encoded bytes.
* <0 if an error occurred.
int WebRtcIsac_EncodeUb12(
float* in,
ISACUBEncStruct* ISACenc_obj,
WebRtc_Word32 jitterInfo);
/************************** initialization functions *************************/
void WebRtcIsac_InitMasking(MaskFiltstr *maskdata);
void WebRtcIsac_InitPreFilterbank(PreFiltBankstr *prefiltdata);
void WebRtcIsac_InitPostFilterbank(PostFiltBankstr *postfiltdata);
void WebRtcIsac_InitPitchFilter(PitchFiltstr *pitchfiltdata);
void WebRtcIsac_InitPitchAnalysis(PitchAnalysisStruct *State);
/**************************** transform functions ****************************/
void WebRtcIsac_InitTransform();
void WebRtcIsac_Time2Spec(double *inre1,
double *inre2,
WebRtc_Word16 *outre,
WebRtc_Word16 *outim,
FFTstr *fftstr_obj);
void WebRtcIsac_Spec2time(double *inre,
double *inim,
double *outre1,
double *outre2,
FFTstr *fftstr_obj);
/******************************* filter functions ****************************/
void WebRtcIsac_AllPoleFilter(double *InOut,
double *Coef,
int lengthInOut,
int orderCoef);
void WebRtcIsac_AllZeroFilter(double *In,
double *Coef,
int lengthInOut,
int orderCoef,
double *Out);
void WebRtcIsac_ZeroPoleFilter(double *In,
double *ZeroCoef,
double *PoleCoef,
int lengthInOut,
int orderCoef,
double *Out);
/***************************** filterbank functions **************************/
void WebRtcIsac_SplitAndFilter(double *in,
double *LP,
double *HP,
double *LP_la,
double *HP_la,
PreFiltBankstr *prefiltdata);
void WebRtcIsac_FilterAndCombine(double *InLP,
double *InHP,
double *Out,
PostFiltBankstr *postfiltdata);
void WebRtcIsac_SplitAndFilterFloat(float *in,
float *LP,
float *HP,
double *LP_la,
double *HP_la,
PreFiltBankstr *prefiltdata);
void WebRtcIsac_FilterAndCombineFloat(float *InLP,
float *InHP,
float *Out,
PostFiltBankstr *postfiltdata);
/************************* normalized lattice filters ************************/
void WebRtcIsac_NormLatticeFilterMa(int orderCoef,
float *stateF,
float *stateG,
float *lat_in,
double *filtcoeflo,
double *lat_out);
void WebRtcIsac_NormLatticeFilterAr(int orderCoef,
float *stateF,
float *stateG,
double *lat_in,
double *lo_filt_coef,
float *lat_out);
void WebRtcIsac_Dir2Lat(double *a,
int orderCoef,
float *sth,
float *cth);
void WebRtcIsac_AutoCorr(double *r,
const double *x,
int N,
int order);