2017-01-06 02:10:15 -05:00
2015-10-23 20:27:25 -04:00
* FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
* Copyright (C) 2005-2015, Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org>
* Version: MPL 1.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org>
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
2017-01-06 02:10:15 -05:00
2015-10-23 20:27:25 -04:00
* Dragos Oancea <droancea@yahoo.com>
* switch_estimators.c -- Estimators and Detectors (try to read into the future: packet loss, jitter, RTT, etc)
#include <switch_estimators.h>
#include <switch.h>
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#include <switch_private.h>
#undef VERSION
#undef PACKAGE
#undef inline
#include <datatypes.h>
#include <switch_types.h>
#define KALMAN_SYSTEM_MODELS 3 /*loss, jitter, rtt*/
#define EST_LOSS 0
#define EST_JITTER 1
#define EST_RTT 2
/* This function initializes the Kalman System Model
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* xk+1 = A*xk + wk
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* zk = H*xk + vk
* xk = state variable (must exist in physical world - measurable )
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* zk = measurment
* wk,vk - white noise
* A = state trasition matrix , (n x n ) matrix
* H = state-to-measurment matrix , ( n x n ) matrix
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* Noise covariance:
* Q: Covariance matrix of wk, ( n x n ) diagonal matrix
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* R: Covariance matrix of vk , ( m x m ) diagonal matrix
* R: if you want to be affected less by the measurement and get the estimate with less variation, increase R
* Q: if you want to be affected more by the measurement and get the estimate with more variation, decrease Q
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* (Phil Kim book)
2016-10-07 10:46:08 -04:00
SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_kalman_init(kalman_estimator_t *est, float Q, float R)
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est -> val_estimate_last = 0 ;
est -> P_last = 0;
est -> Q = Q; /*accuracy of system model */ /* SYSTEM MODEL: TO BE DEDUCTED */
est -> R = R; /*accuracy of measurement*/ /* SYSTEM MODEL: TO BE DEDUCTED */
est -> K = 0;
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est -> val_estimate = 0 ;
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est -> val_measured = 0 ; // [0-100 %] or [0-5000] or [0-2sec]
CUSUM Kalman functions to detect sudden change over a predefined thereshold.
y(t) = sampled RTT
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x(t)= desired RTT
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x(t+1) = x(t) + delta(t)*v(t)
y(t) = x(t) + e(t)
Noisy characteristic of RTT captured by measurment noise e(t) with variance Re.
The step changes in the desired RTT x(t) is modeled as the process noise v(t)
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with variance Rv and the discrete variable delta(t) .
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If a change occurs at time t, then delta(t) = 1 otherwise delta(t) = 0.
avg(x(t)) = avg(x(t-1)) + K(t)(y(t) - avg(x(t-1)))
K(t) = P(t-1)/(P(t-1) + Re))
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P(t) = (1-K(t))P(t-1) + delta(t-1)* Rv
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e(t) = y(t) - avg(x(t))
g(t) = max(g(t-1) + e(t) - epsilon,0)
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if g(t) > 0 then
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delta(t) = 1 // alarm
g(t) = 0
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delta(t) = 0
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2017-01-06 02:10:15 -05:00
epsilon = 0.005
h = 0.05
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2016-10-07 10:46:08 -04:00
SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_bool_t) switch_kalman_cusum_init(cusum_kalman_detector_t *detect_change, float epsilon,float h)
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cusum_kalman_detector_t *detector_change = detect_change;
if (epsilon < 0 || h < 0) {
return FALSE;
detector_change -> val_estimate_last = 0;
detector_change -> val_desired_last = 0;
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detector_change -> P_last = 0;
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detector_change -> K_last = 0;
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detector_change -> delta = 0;
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detector_change -> measurement_noise_e = 0;
detector_change -> variance_Re = 0;
detector_change -> measurement_noise_v = 0;
detector_change -> variance_Rv = 0;
detector_change -> g_last = 0;
/*per system model*/
detector_change -> epsilon = epsilon;
detector_change -> h = h;
detector_change -> last_average = 0;
detector_change -> last_q = 0;
detector_change -> N = 0;
return TRUE;
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2016-10-07 10:46:08 -04:00
SWITCH_DECLARE (switch_bool_t) switch_kalman_cusum_detect_change(cusum_kalman_detector_t * detector, float measurement, float rtt_avg)
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float K=0;
float P=0;
float g=0;
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float desired_val;
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float current_average;
float current_q;
float sample_variance_Re = 0;
current_average = detector->last_average + (measurement - detector->last_average)/detector->N ;
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if (rtt_avg > current_average) {
current_average = rtt_avg;
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current_q = detector-> last_q + (measurement - detector->last_average) * (measurement - current_average);
if (detector->N != 0)
sample_variance_Re = sqrt(current_q/detector->N);
detector->variance_Re = sample_variance_Re;
detector->variance_Rv = sample_variance_Re;
if (sample_variance_Re != 0) {
K = detector->P_last / (detector->P_last + detector->variance_Re);
desired_val = detector->val_desired_last + K * (measurement - detector->variance_Re);
P = (1 - K) * detector->P_last + detector->delta * detector->variance_Rv;
detector->measurement_noise_e = measurement - desired_val;
g = detector->g_last + detector->measurement_noise_e - detector->epsilon;
if (g > detector->h) {
detector->delta = 1;
g = 0;
} else {
detector->delta = 0;
/* update last vals for calculating variance */
detector->last_average = current_average;
/* update lasts (cusum)*/
detector -> g_last = g;
detector -> P_last = P;
detector -> val_desired_last = desired_val;
if (detector->delta == 1) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
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/* Kalman filter abstract ( measure and estimate 1 single value per system model )
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* Given the measurment and the system model together with the current state ,
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* the function puts an estimate in the estimator struct */
2016-10-07 10:46:08 -04:00
SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_bool_t) switch_kalman_estimate(kalman_estimator_t * est, float measurement, int system_model)
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/*system model can be about: loss, jitter, rtt*/
float val_estimate;
float val_temp_est = est->val_estimate_last;
float P_temp = est->P_last + est->Q;
if (system_model >= KALMAN_SYSTEM_MODELS) {
/*sanitize input a little bit, just in case */
if (system_model == EST_LOSS ) {
if ((measurement > 100) && (measurement < 0)) {
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if (system_model == EST_JITTER) {
if ((measurement > 10000) && (measurement < 0)) {
if (system_model == EST_RTT) {
if ((measurement > 2 ) && (measurement < 0)) {
/* calculate the Kalman gain */
est->K = P_temp * (1.0/(P_temp + est->R));
/* real life measurement */
est->val_measured = measurement ;
val_estimate = val_temp_est + est->K * (est->val_measured - val_temp_est);
est->P = (1 - est->K) * P_temp;
/*update lasts*/
est->P_last = est->P;
/* save the estimated value (future) */
est->val_estimate_last = val_estimate;
2016-10-07 10:46:08 -04:00
SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_bool_t) switch_kalman_is_slow_link(kalman_estimator_t * est_loss, kalman_estimator_t * est_rtt)
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float thresh_packet_loss = 5; /* % */
float thresh_rtt = 0.8 ; /*seconds*/
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if ((est_loss->val_estimate_last > thresh_packet_loss) &&
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(est_rtt->val_estimate_last > thresh_rtt )) {
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