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# This Perl module provides a "packet socket" of the kind that
# XML-RPC For C/C++ uses for its "packet stream" variation on XML-RPC.
# This module does not use the XML-RPC For C/C++ libraries. It is
# pure Perl and layers on top of IO::Socket.
# By Bryan Henderson, San Jose CA 08.03.12.
# Contributed to the public domain by author.
package IO::PacketSocket;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter;
use Carp;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION @EXPORT);
use Errno qw(:POSIX);
use English;
use IO::Socket::INET
$VERSION = 1.00;
@ISA = qw(Exporter IO);
my ($TRUE, $FALSE) = (1,0);
my $ESC = chr(0x1B); # ASCII Escape
my $startDelim = $ESC . 'PKT';
my $endDelim = $ESC . 'END';
my $escapedEsc = $ESC . 'ESC';
sub createObject {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $errorRet;
# Description of why we can't create the object. Undefined if
# we haven't given up yet.
my $packetSocket;
$packetSocket = {};
bless ($packetSocket, $class);
if (defined($args{STREAMSOCKET})) {
$packetSocket->{STREAMSOCKET} = $args{STREAMSOCKET};
} else {
$errorRet = "You must specify STREAMSOCKET";
$packetSocket->{RECEIVE_BUFFER} = '';
if ($errorRet && !$args{ERROR}) {
carp("Failed to create PacketSocket object. $errorRet");
if ($args{ERROR}) {
$ {$args{ERROR}} = $errorRet;
if ($args{HANDLE}) {
$ {$args{HANDLE}} = $packetSocket;
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
$args{HANDLE} = \my $retval;
$args{ERROR} = undef;
return $retval;
sub escaped($) {
my ($x) = @_;
# Return $x, but properly escaped to be inside a packet socket
# packet.
$x =~ s{$ESC}{$escapedEsc}g;
return $x;
sub unescaped($) {
my ($x) = @_;
# Inverse of escaped()
$x =~ s{$escapedEsc}{$ESC}g;
return $x;
sub send() {
my($this, $payload) = @_;
my $retval;
my $packet = $startDelim . escaped($payload) . $endDelim;
$retval = $this->{STREAMSOCKET}->send($packet);
return $retval;
sub havePacket() {
my ($this) = @_;
return ($this->{RECEIVE_BUFFER} =~ m{$endDelim});
sub validatePacketStart($) {
my ($packetR) = @_;
my $delim = substr($$packetR, 0, 4);
if ($startDelim !~ m{^$delim}) {
die("Received bytes '$delim' are not in any packet. " .
"Sender is probably not using a packet socket");
sub recv() {
my ($this, $payloadR) = @_;
my $gotPacket;
my $eof;
my $escapedPacket;
$gotPacket = $FALSE;
$eof = $FALSE;
while (!$gotPacket && !$eof) {
$this->{STREAMSOCKET}->recv(my $buffer, 4096, 0);
if ($buffer eq '') {
$eof = $TRUE;
} else {
$this->{RECEIVE_BUFFER} .= $buffer;
if ($this->{RECEIVE_BUFFER} =~
m{^($startDelim)(.*?)($endDelim)(.*)}s) {
($escapedPacket, $this->{RECEIVE_BUFFER}) = ($2, $3);
$gotPacket = $TRUE;
$$payloadR = $eof ? '' : unescaped($escapedPacket);