diff --git a/docs/ChangeLog b/docs/ChangeLog index 1f86d6798d..d65a13ce77 100644 --- a/docs/ChangeLog +++ b/docs/ChangeLog @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) + applications: add inline dp to multiple apps (MODAPP-337/r:14922) build: Fix build to account for FreeBSD sed issues (FSBUILD-184/r:14479) build: build unimrcp after sofia (r:14507) build: Fix mod_ldap not building on Linux (FSBUILD-189/r:14725) build: add --with-rundir configure param and -run freeswitch runtime param to adjust the location of the pid file (FSBUILD-188/r:14768) + build: fix compile on Ubuntu 8.10 (FSCORE-443/r:14928) + build: add mod_cidlookup (r:14930) + config: improvements to French language handling (MODASRTTS-20/r:14911) core: Add per-call logging (r:14509) core: Fix IVR menu timeout when caller presses no digits (DP-4/r:14548) core: refactor node allocation and make a copy of userdata in case the session gets killed before the logger module gets the node (r:14555) @@ -26,28 +30,87 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) core: CoreSession::originate: set the uuid on success (r:14773) core: add optional prefix arg to set_user (FSCORE-429/r:14789) core: try to improve autoflush and other silly audio glitches from edge cases and help (FSCORE-416/r:14800) + core: fix Windows mem leak (FSCORE-440/r:14882) + core: tolerate offset dtmf payload (zoiper) (r:14883) + core: Add the ability to seperate the spool and the storage directories for voicemail (BOUNTY-9/r:14889) + core: Add min_dtmf_duration setting to FS core and modified default_dtmf_duration in rfc2833 queing function to not be used as min (FSCORE-442/r:14893) + core: Remove crash protection (r:14919) + core: Move switch_util_quote_shell_arg to core functions (FSCORE-446:/r:14958) + core: add preprocess framework for agc ec etc, ALPHA, needs work (r:14960) + core: add i flag to bind_meta_app to do inline execute of the app (not wise to use unless app returns instantly) (r:14969) + core: fix using native_file as ringback on codecs that have passthru only (r:14980) + core: pita bypass media transfer fiasco fix (r:14983) + core: don't enforce existing file check on streams (r:15014) + docs: Add large Doxygen update (thanks Muhammed Shahzad) (r:14973) embedded_languages: Prevent unloading of embedded languages modules (also fixes MODLANG-121/r:14491) + embedded_languages: add session.hangupCause() (r:14912) + embedded_languages: add session.getState() (r:14924) + embedded_languages: Fix caller_profile old code forcing empty caller ID (FSCORE-450/r:15006) libdingaling: patch libdingaling to use next_tag instead of child (r:14624) libesl: automatically load ESL.so in PHP (r:14707) - libesl: fix php swig generation (ESL-20/r:14750) + libesl: fix php swig generation (ESL-20/r:14750) + libesl: disable duplicate headers on request param events (r:14909) + libesl: c# wrapper for esl lib (r:14955) + libstfu: add resize function (r:14871) + mod_alsa: update to new module api (r:14833) + mod_cdr_csv: try to rotate on failed write to cdr file (r:14948) mod_commands: add host_lookup api call (r:14667) mod_commands: add uuid_exists api call (r:14668) mod_commands: add non-destructive regex substitution (MODAPP-319/r:14727) mod_commands: add bg_system (like system but in the bg) (r:14746) mod_commands: add optional trailing & to sched_api to denote running the task in a sep thread (r:14765) + mod_commands: fix segfault (r:14961) mod_conference: Fix conference floor ownership being ceded too easily (MODAPP-323/r:14703) + mod_conference: Display callers' rates (r:14992) + mod_dialplan_xml: Fix anti-action not being supported for time-based conditions (DP-6/r:14901) + mod_dialplan_xml: add inline=true to actions to exec certian apps right away (also mod_dptools) (r:14906) + mod_dialplan_xml: Fix condition "week of year" calculation (DP-7/r:14968) mod_dingaling: fix segfault on unload (MODENDP-243/r:14588) + mod_dingaling: Fix mod_dingaling does not reads profile information from configuration file at runtime till whole module is reloaded (LBDING-15/r:14917) + mod_directory: initial commit of real code (MODAPP-325/r:14981) mod_dptools: add optional level argument to info app to choose the log level it logs on (r:14643) mod_dptools: jump to a specific offset with the playback by appending @@ to the path (r:14752) + mod_dptools: make continue_on_fail trigger explicit matching and only do default behaviour when it's not set (r:14972) + mod_dptools: att_xfer sometimes doesn't detect B leg hanging up on PSTN - this is a patch to hangup B and initiate the transfer of A to C by pressing * (DP-8/r:15013) + mod_erlang_event: Add support for simply sending an arbitrary message to an arbitrary registered process at a node (r:14875) + mod_erlang_event: Deprecate new_pid message in favor of get_pid which has an extra element, the call's UUID (r:14877) + mod_esf: Add ability to adjust multicast packet TTL with the config (MODAPP-338/r:14927) + mod_esf: fix compile error on windows (r:14934) + mod_event_socket: add unique-id check to sendevent to send and event to a session instead of the system (r:14874) + mod_event_socket: fix mem leak (MODEVENT-54/r:14891) + mod_event_socket: fix CHANNEL_HANGUP_COMPLETE missing under myevents (MODEVENT-56/r:15011) mod_fifo: fix mod_fifo not honoring member_timeout (MODAPP-322/r:14552) + mod_fifo: add fifo_position var (r:14806) + mod_fifo: add API: fifo_add_outbound to add outbound members to a FIFO (r:14809) + mod_fifo: allow to call outbound member on on-the-fly fifo, also add a settings params to delete or keep all dynamic fifo entry (MODAPP-332/r:14989) + mod_iax: avoiding buffer overflow in silly iax lib (r:14910) mod_lcr: fix possible null string passed to switch_log_printf (r:14514) mod_limit: set more chan vars in limit_function (r:14733) - mod_lua: add conjure-session code and make session available in api commands (r:14739) + mod_limit: fix counter-only mode in limit_hash_execute (r:14829) + mod_limit: add limit_ignore_transfer var (MODAPP-334/r:14830) + mod_limit: add limit_execute (like limit_hash_execute); allow -#s to act as counter only; add INFO level logs to limit similar to limit_hash (r:14870) + mod_limit: make limit work with neg count like limit_hash (r:14920) + mod_local_stream: add chime-list to local_stream (r:14966) + mod_lua: add conjure-session code and make session available in API commands (r:14739) mod_lua: make luarun use a new pool every call (r:14763) + mod_lua: fix seek function (MODLANG-124/r:14812) + mod_managed: Add utility function to create SWIGTYPE_p objects (r:14923) + mod_managed: Add ProgressMediaTime to ChannelVariables (r:15001) + mod_memcache: update to libmemcached 0.32 (r:14935) + mod_memcache: add --with-memcached=no to libmemcached configure (r:14938) + mod_opal: Added setting of outgoing number and display name from extension number so H.323/Q.931 fields are set correctly in ALERTING and CONNECT messages sent for incoming calls.(r:14900) mod_portaudio: fix compilation failure in mod_portaudio_stream (MODFORM-35/r:14531) mod_portaudio: add context param (r:14737) + mod_python: Fix segfault on multiple calls to Python (MODLANG-133/r:14847) + mod_python: Fix infinite recursion in python script causing crash (MODLANG-134/r:14898) + mod_skel_codec: Add (thanks Moy) (MODCODEC-14/r:14959) mod_skypiax: ubermegapatch, more stability, robustness, scalability. Memory leaks not yet investigated, we'll do next (r:14517) mod_skypiax: more stability, no dangling channels, MODSKYPIAX-42, added 'sk list' statistics (thanks Seven Du) MODENDP-236 (r:14533) + mod_skypiax: now it accepts a max of 1 call from the same skypename to the same skypename (multiple instances of user A calling multiple instances of user B) each 1.5 seconds (r:14834) + mod_skypiax: fires a custom event when an incoming CHATMESSAGE arrives. (r:14845) + mod_skypiax: added skypiax_chat command.(r:14857) + mod_skypiax: now outbound chatmessages follow the standard path, you can send them with: chat,||| or with: skypiax_chat, . (r:14884) + mod_snipe_hunt: add mod_snipe_hunt to tree (r:14937) mod_sofia: allow custom SIP X-headers in 180/183/200 messages (MODSOFIA-20/r:14482) mod_sofia: use switch_mprintf to securely parse the user parameters for the SQL query for reboot in mod_sofia (MODENDP-233/r:14484) mod_sofia: display the profile name on sofia status gateway xxx (r:14520) @@ -60,9 +123,30 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) mod_sofia: add 10 second media timeout waiting for codec establishment (MODSOFIA-22/r:14586) mod_sofia: Enable creation of sip compact headers from sofia profile configuration (MODENDP-246/r:14698) mod_sofia: Fix race with hold/unhold in proxy media (FSCORE-432/r:14797) + mod_sofia: ATTENTION BEHAVIOR CHANGE... you now have to explicitly set sip_invite_to_params to add params to the to field we will NO longer fall back to sip_invite_params in this case. (FSCORE-433/r:14849) + mod_sofia: Fix missing NOTIFY MWI when registering via proxy (MODSOFIA-26/r:14851) + mod_sofia: add set funcs for impls (r:14881) + mod_sofia: Segfault when receiving 30x response without contact header (MODENDP-247/r:14953) + mod_sofia: Added sip_rh_ response header addition capability (MODSOFIA-29/r:14967) + mod_sofia: new param force-subscription-domain (r:14971) + mod_sofia: improve bad timestamp detection (r:14979) + mod_sofia: Override the MWI User@Domain used per user/group/domain (MODENDP-241/r:14987) + mod_sofia: set extension=auto_to_user in gateway to make destination equal to user (r:15010) + mod_tts_commandline: Add new module (r:14827) + mod_tts_commandline: introduce the rate parameter, decrease useless verbosity (r:14885) + mod_tts_commandline: cut samples in half (suggested by anthm), ajust and clean log levels (r:14886) + mod_tts_commandline: add config (r:14887) + mod_tts_commandline: quote shell args, create an unique tempfile (r:14931) + mod_tts_commandline: improve, update config file (MODASRTTS-21/r:14932) + mod_vmd: fix glaring rwdeadlock in mod_vmd (r:14994) mod_voicemail: fix operator-ext/operator-extension duplicate config declaration (r:14498) mod_voicemail: allow profile to be specified sep from domain user@domain.com@myprofile (r:14756) + mod_voicemail: announce number of saved messages when there are no new messages (r:14964) + mod_voicemail: Add new api call to get user mailbox settings (MODAPP-325/r:14982) + mod_voicemail: Add ability to skip greeting and instructions when leaving voicemail (MODAPP-331/r:14990) + mod_xml_curl: Fix crash when using use-dynamic-url (XML-10/r:14850) mod_xml_rpc: Fix auth issue (XMLINT-54/r:14580) + support: add fscore_pb script for dumping core info directly to pastebin (r:14904) switch_utils: add a host lookup func (r:14653)