diff --git a/libs/freetdm/src/isdn/include/Q931.h b/libs/freetdm/src/isdn/include/Q931.h
index 247937e97d..f420b9d5ae 100644
--- a/libs/freetdm/src/isdn/include/Q931.h
+++ b/libs/freetdm/src/isdn/include/Q931.h
@@ -1,2412 +1,2412 @@
-  FileName:         Q931.h
-  Contents:         Header and definition for the ITU-T Q.931 stack. The 
-					header contents the following parts:
-					- Definition of codes
-                    - Definition of information elements (Q931ie_).
-                    - Definition of messages (Q931mes_).
-                    - Definitian of variables (var_).
-					- Function prototypes.
-  Description:		The Q.931 stack provided here covers ITU-T Q.931 w/Q.932
-					supplementary services for both PRI, BRI and variants. 
-					The stack is generic and designed to deal with variants as
-					needed.
-					The stack uses the following interface functions:
-					- Q931Initialize	Initialize the Q.931 stack.
-					- Q931Rx23			Receive a message from layer 2
-					- Q931Tx32			Send a message to layer 2
-					- Q931Rx43			Receive a message from layer 4 or above.
-					- Q931Tx34			Send a message to layer 4 or above.
-					- Q931TimeTick		Periodical timer processing.
-					- Q931ErrorProc		Callback for stack error message.
-					The protocol is a module with no external dependencies and
-					can easely be ported to any operating system like Windows,
-					Linux, rtos and others.
-  Related Files:	Q931.h				Q.931 Definitions
-					Q931.c				Q.931 Interface Functions.
-					Q931api.c			Low level L4 API functions.
-					Q932.h				Q.932 Suplementary Services
-					Q932mes.c			Q.932 encoders/coders
-					Q931mes.c			Q.931 Message encoders/coders
-					Q931ie.c			Q.931 IE encoders/coders
-					Q931StateTE.c		Generic Q.931 TE State Engine
-					Q931StateNT.c		Generic Q.931 NT State Engine
-  Design Note 1:	For each variant please add separate files starting with 
-					the	variant short-name as follows:
-					<variant>.h			Spesific headers needed.
-					<variant>mes.c		Message encoders/decores.
-					<variant>ie.c		IE encoders/decoders.
-					<variant>StateTE.c	TE side state engine.
-					<variant>StateNT.c	NT side state engine.
-  Design Note 2:	The stack is deliberatly made non-threading. Use 1 
-					thread per Trunk, but lock access from the timertick
-					and rx, tx functions. And make sure the callbacks only
-					dump messages to a queue, no time-consuming processing
-					inside stack processing. 
-					All stack processing is async 'fire and forget', meaning
-					that there are not, and should not be any time-consuming
-					processing within the stack-time. The best way to thread 
-					a stack is to use one single thread that signal 5 queues.
-					- Incoming L2 queue.
-					- Incoming L4 queue.
-					- Outgoing L2 queue.
-					- Outgoing L4 queue.
-					- Error/Trace queue.
-  Design Note 3:	DSP optimization. The L3 (Rx23) can be called directly
-					from a hdlc receiver without usage of queues for optimized 
-					processing. But keep in mind that Q.931 calls Tx34 or Tx32 
-					as part	of receiving a message from Layer 2.
-  License/Copyright:
-  Copyright (c) 2007, Jan Vidar Berger, Case Labs, Ltd. All rights reserved.
-  email:janvb@caselaboratories.com  
-  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
-  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are 
-  met:
-    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, 
-	  this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, 
-	  this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation 
-	  and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-    * Neither the name of the Case Labs, Ltd nor the names of its contributors 
-	  may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software 
-	  without specific prior written permission.
-#ifndef _Q931_NL
-#define _Q931_NL
-/* uncomment the #define below to add x.25 support to the Q.931				*/
-/* #define Q931_X25_SUPPORT */
-#include "stdio.h"
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning(disable:4100)
-  Error Codes
-#define Q931E_NO_ERROR					0
-#define Q931E_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE			-3001
-#define Q931E_ILLEGAL_IE				-3002
-#define Q931E_UNKNOWN_IE				-3003
-#define Q931E_BEARERCAP					-3004
-#define Q931E_HLCOMP					-3005
-#define Q931E_LLCOMP					-3006
-#define Q931E_INTERNAL                  -3007
-#define Q931E_MISSING_CB                -3008
-#define Q931E_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE        -3009
-#define Q931E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE			-3010
-#define Q931E_TOMANYCALLS               -3011
-#define Q931E_INVALID_CRV               -3012
-#define Q931E_CALLID                    -3013
-#define Q931E_CALLSTATE                 -3014
-#define Q931E_CALLEDSUB                 -3015
-#define Q931E_CALLEDNUM                 -3016
-#define Q931E_CALLINGNUM                -3017
-#define Q931E_CALLINGSUB                -3018
-#define Q931E_CAUSE                     -3019
-#define Q931E_CHANID                    -3020
-#define Q931E_DATETIME                  -3021
-#define Q931E_DISPLAY                   -3022
-#define Q931E_KEYPADFAC                 -3023
-#define Q931E_NETFAC                    -3024
-#define Q931E_NOTIFIND                  -3025
-#define Q931E_PROGIND                   -3026
-#define Q931E_RESTARTIND                -3027
-#define Q931E_SEGMENT                   -3028
-#define Q931E_SIGNAL                    -3029
-	Some speed optimization can be achieved by changing all variables to the 
-	word size of your processor. A 32 bit processor have to do a lot of extra 
-	work to read a packed 8 bit integer. Changing all fields to 32 bit integer 
-	will ressult in usage of some extra space, but speed up the stack.
-	The stack have been designed to allow L3UCHAR etc. to be any size of 8 bit
-	or larger.
-#define L3UCHAR		unsigned char		/* Min 8 bit						*/
-#define L3USHORT	unsigned short		/* Min 16 bit unsigned				*/
-#define L3UINT		unsigned int		/* Min 16 bit unsigned	            */
-#define L3INT       int                 /* Min 16 bit signed                */
-#define L3ULONG		unsigned long		/* Min 32 bit						*/
-#define L3BOOL      char				/* Min 1 bit, valuse 0 & 1 only		*/
-#define L3TRUE      1
-#define L3FALSE     0 
-	MAXTRUNKS sets how many physical trunks this system might have. This 
-	number should be keept at a minimum since it will use global space.
-	It is recommended that you leave MAXCHPERTRUNK as is
-#define Q931L4BUF  1000             /* size of message buffer               */
-#define Q931L2BUF	300				/* size of message buffer				*/
-#define Q931MAXTRUNKS	1			/* Total number of trunks that will be	*/
-									/* processed by this instance of the	*/
-									/* stack								*/
-#define Q931MAXCHPERTRUNK	32		/* Number of channels per trunk. The	*/
-									/* stack uses a static set of 32		*/
-									/* channels regardless if it is E1, T1	*/
-									/* or BRI that actually is used.		*/
-                                    /* Number of max active CRV per trunk.  */
-									/* Q.931 can have more calls than there */
-									/* are channels.						*/
-  The following defines control the dialect switch tables and should only be
-  changed when a new dialect needs to be inserted into the stack.   
-  This stack uses an array of functions to know which function to call as   
-  it receives a SETUP message etc. A new dialect can when schoose to use
-  the proc etc for standard Q.931 or insert a modified proc.
-  This technique has also been used to distinguish between user and network
-  mode to make the code as easy to read and maintainable as possible.
-  A message and IE index have been used to save space. These indexes allowes
-  the message or IE code to be used directly and will give back a new index
-  into the table.
-/* WARNING! Initialize Q931CreateDialectCB[] will NULL when increasing the  */
-/* Q931MAXDLCT value to avoid Q931Initialize from crashing if one entry is  */
-/* not used.																*/
-#define Q931MAXDLCT 2               /* Max dialects included in this        */
-                                    /* compile. User and Network count as   */
-                                    /* one dialect each.                    */
-#define Q931MAXMES  255             /* Number of messages                   */
-#define Q931MAXIE  255              /* Number of IE                         */
-#define Q931MAXSTATE 100			/* Size of state tables					*/
-  Call States for ITU-T Q.931 TE (User Mode)
-#define Q931_U0     0
-#define Q931_U1     1
-#define Q931_U2     2
-#define Q931_U3     3
-#define Q931_U4     4
-#define Q931_U6     6
-#define Q931_U7     7
-#define Q931_U8     8
-#define Q931_U9     9
-#define Q931_U10    10
-#define Q931_U11    11
-#define Q931_U12    12
-#define Q931_U15    15
-#define Q931_U17    17
-#define Q931_U19    19
-#define Q931_U25    25
-  Call States for ITU-T Q.931 NT (Network Mode)
-#define Q931_N0     (0x0100 | 0)
-#define Q931_N1     (0x0100 | 1)
-#define Q931_N2     (0x0100 | 2)
-#define Q931_N3     (0x0100 | 3)
-#define Q931_N4     (0x0100 | 4)
-#define Q931_N6     (0x0100 | 6)
-#define Q931_N7     (0x0100 | 7)
-#define Q931_N8     (0x0100 | 8)
-#define Q931_N9     (0x0100 | 9)
-#define Q931_N10     (0x0100 | 11)
-#define Q931_N11     (0x0100 | 11)
-#define Q931_N12     (0x0100 | 12)
-#define Q931_N15     (0x0100 | 15)
-#define Q931_N17     (0x0100 | 17)
-#define Q931_N19     (0x0100 | 19)
-#define Q931_N22     (0x0100 | 22)
-#define Q931_N25     (0x0100 | 25)
-  Q.931 Message codes
-#define Q931mes_ALERTING             0x01 /* 0000 0001                   */        
-#define Q931mes_CALL_PROCEEDING      0x02 /* 0000 0010                   */
-#define Q931mes_CONNECT              0x07 /* 0000 0111                   */
-#define Q931mes_CONNECT_ACKNOWLEDGE  0x0f /* 0000 1111                   */
-#define Q931mes_PROGRESS             0x03 /* 0000 0011                   */
-#define Q931mes_SETUP                0x05 /* 0000 0101                   */
-#define Q931mes_SETUP_ACKNOWLEDGE    0x0d /* 0000 1101                   */
-#define Q931mes_RESUME               0x26 /* 0010 0110                   */
-#define Q931mes_RESUME_ACKNOWLEDGE   0x2e /* 0010 1110                   */
-#define Q931mes_RESUME_REJECT        0x22 /* 0010 0010                   */
-#define Q931mes_SUSPEND              0x25 /* 0010 0101                   */
-#define Q931mes_SUSPEND_ACKNOWLEDGE  0x2d /* 0010 1101                   */
-#define Q931mes_SUSPEND_REJECT       0x21 /* 0010 0001                   */
-#define Q931mes_USER_INFORMATION     0x20 /* 0010 0000                   */
-#define Q931mes_DISCONNECT           0x45 /* 0100 0101                   */
-#define Q931mes_RELEASE              0x4d /* 0100 1101                   */
-#define Q931mes_RELEASE_COMPLETE     0x5a /* 0101 1010                   */
-#define Q931mes_RESTART              0x46 /* 0100 0110                   */
-#define Q931mes_RESTART_ACKNOWLEDGE  0x4e /* 0100 1110                   */
-#define Q931mes_CONGESTION_CONTROL   0x79 /* 0111 1001                   */
-#define Q931mes_INFORMATION          0x7a /* 0111 1011                   */
-#define Q931mes_NOTIFY               0x6e /* 0110 1110                   */
-#define Q931mes_STATUS               0x7d /* 0111 1101                   */
-#define Q931mes_STATUS_ENQUIRY       0x75 /* 0111 0101                   */
-#define Q931mes_SEGMENT              0x60 /* 0110 0000                   */
-/* Single octet information elements                                */
-#define Q931ie_SHIFT                            0x90 /* 1001 ----       */
-#define Q931ie_MORE_DATA                        0xa0 /* 1010 ----       */
-#define Q931ie_SENDING_COMPLETE                 0xa1 /* 1010 0000       */
-#define Q931ie_CONGESTION_LEVEL                 0xb0 /* 1011 ----       */
-#define Q931ie_REPEAT_INDICATOR                 0xd0 /* 1101 ----       */
-/* Variable Length Information Elements */
-#define Q931ie_SEGMENTED_MESSAGE                0x00 /* 0000 0000       */
-#define Q931ie_BEARER_CAPABILITY                0x04 /* 0000 0100       */
-#define Q931ie_CAUSE                            0x08 /* 0000 1000       */
-#define Q931ie_CALL_IDENTITY                    0x10 /* 0001 0000       */
-#define Q931ie_CALL_STATE                       0x14 /* 0001 0100       */
-#define Q931ie_CHANNEL_IDENTIFICATION           0x18 /* 0001 1000       */
-#define Q931ie_PROGRESS_INDICATOR               0x1e /* 0001 1110       */
-#define Q931ie_NETWORK_SPECIFIC_FACILITIES      0x20 /* 0010 0000       */
-#define Q931ie_NOTIFICATION_INDICATOR           0x27 /* 0010 0111       */
-#define Q931ie_DISPLAY                          0x28 /* 0010 1000       */
-#define Q931ie_DATETIME                         0x29 /* 0010 1001       */
-#define Q931ie_KEYPAD_FACILITY                  0x2c /* 0010 1100       */
-#define Q931ie_SIGNAL                           0x34 /* 0011 0100       */
-#define Q931ie_SWITCHOOK                        0x36 /* 0011 0110       */
-#define Q931ie_FEATURE_ACTIVATION               0x38 /* 0011 1000       */
-#define Q931ie_FEATURE_INDICATION               0x39 /* 0011 1001       */
-#define Q931ie_INFORMATION_RATE                 0x40 /* 0100 0000       */
-#define Q931ie_END_TO_END_TRANSIT_DELAY         0x42 /* 0100 0010       */
-#define Q931ie_TRANSIT_DELAY_SELECTION_AND_IND  0x43 /* 0100 0011       */
-#define Q931ie_PACKED_LAYER_BIMARY_PARAMETERS   0x44 /* 0100 0100       */
-#define Q931ie_PACKED_LAYER_WINDOW_SIZE         0x45 /* 0100 0101       */
-#define Q931ie_PACKED_SIZE                      0x46 /* 0100 0110       */
-#define Q931ie_CALLING_PARTY_NUMBER             0x6c /* 0110 1100       */
-#define Q931ie_CALLING_PARTY_SUBADDRESS         0x6d /* 0110 1101       */
-#define Q931ie_CALLED_PARTY_NUMBER              0x70 /* 0111 0000       */
-#define Q931ie_CALLED_PARTY_SUBADDRESS          0x71 /* 0111 0001       */
-#define Q931ie_REDIRECTING_NUMBER               0x74 /* 0111 0100       */
-#define Q931ie_TRANSIT_NETWORK_SELECTION        0x78 /* 0111 1000       */
-#define Q931ie_RESTART_INDICATOR                0x79 /* 0111 1001       */
-#define Q931ie_LOW_LAYER_COMPATIBILITY          0x7c /* 0111 1100       */
-#define Q931ie_HIGH_LAYER_COMPATIBILITY         0x7d /* 0111 1101       */
-#define Q931ie_USER_USER                        0x7e /* 0111 1110       */
-#define Q931ie_ESCAPE_FOR_EX                    0x7f /* 0111 1111       */
-  Global defines.
-typedef L3USHORT ie;                /* Special data type to hold a dynamic  */
-                                    /* or optional information element as   */
-                                    /* part of a message struct. MSB = 1    */
-                                    /* indicate that the ie is present, the */
-                                    /* last 15 bits is an offset ( or the   */
-                                    /* value for single octet ) to the      */
-                                    /* struct holding the ie. Offset = 0    */
-                                    /* is buf[1] etc.                       */
-                                    /* ie == 0xffff indicate error          */
-  Struct:        Q931ie_BearerCap
-  Description:   Bearer Capability Information Element.
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00000100 for Bearer Capability       */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR CodStand;               /* Coding Standard.                     */
-                                    /*  00 - ITU-T                          */
-                                    /*  01 - ISO/IEC                        */
-                                    /*  10 - National standard              */
-                                    /*  11 - Network side spesific          */
-    L3UCHAR ITC;                    /* Information Transfer Capability      */
-                                    /*  00000 - Speech                      */
-                                    /*  01000 - Unrestricted digital info   */
-                                    /*  01001 - Restricted digital info     */
-                                    /*  10000 - 3.1 kHz audio               */
-                                    /*  10001 - Unrestricted with tones     */
-                                    /*  11000 - Video                       */
-    L3UCHAR TransMode;              /* Transfer Mode.                       */
-                                    /*  00 - Circuit mode                   */
-                                    /*  10 - Packet mode                    */
-    L3UCHAR ITR;                    /* Information Transfer Rate.           */
-                                    /*  00000 - Packed mode                 */
-                                    /*  10000 - 64 kbit/s                   */
-                                    /*  10001 - 2 x 64 kbit/s               */
-                                    /*  10011 - 384 kbit/s                  */
-                                    /*  10101 - 1536 kbit/s                 */
-                                    /*  10111 - 1920 kbit/s                 */
-                                    /*  11000 - Multirat (64 kbit/s base)   */
-    L3UCHAR RateMul;                /* Rate Multiplier                      */
-    L3UCHAR Layer1Ident;			/* Layer 1 Ident.						*/
-    L3UCHAR UIL1Prot;               /* User Information Layer 1 Protocol    */
-									/*	00001 : ITU-T V.110, I.460 and X.30 */
-									/*  00010 : G.711 my-law				*/
-									/*  00011 : G.711 A-law					*/
-									/*  00100 : G.721						*/
-                                    /*  00101 : H.221 and H.242				*/
-									/*  00110 : H.223 and H.245				*/
-									/*  00111 : Non ITU-T Standard			*/
-									/*  01000 : ITU-T V.120					*/
-									/*  01001 : ITU-T X.31 HDLC flag stuff.	*/
-    L3UCHAR SyncAsync;              /* Sync/Async                           */
-									/*	0 : Syncronous data					*/
-									/*	1 : Asyncronous data				*/
-    L3UCHAR Negot;					/* Negotiation							*/
-									/*	0 : In-band negotiation not possib.	*/
-									/*  1 : In-band negotiation possible	*/
-    L3UCHAR UserRate;				/* User rate							*/
-									/*	00000 : I.460, V.110, X,30			*/
-									/*  00001 : 0.6 kbit/s x.1				*/
-									/*  00010 : 1.2 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  00011 : 2.4 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  00100 : 3.6 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  00101 : 4.8 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  00110 : 7.2 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  00111 : 8 kbit/s I.460				*/
-									/*  01000 : 9.6 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  01001 : 14.4 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  01010 : 16 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  01011 :	19.2 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  01100 : 32 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  01101 : 38.4 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  01110 : 48 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  01111 : 56 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  10000 : 57.6 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  10010 : 28.8 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  10100 : 24 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  10101 : 0.1345 kbit/s				*/
-									/*  10110 : 0.100 kbit/s				*/
-									/*  10111 : 0.075/1.2 kbit/s			*/
-									/*  11000 : 1.2/0.075/kbit/s			*/
-									/*  11001 : 0.050 kbit/s				*/
-									/*  11010 : 0.075 kbit/s				*/
-									/*  11011 : 0.110 kbit/s				*/
-									/*  11100 : 0.150 kbit/s				*/
-									/*  11101 : 0.200 kbit/s				*/
-									/*  11110 : 0.300 kbit/s				*/
-									/*  11111 : 12 kbit/s					*/
-    L3UCHAR InterRate;              /* Intermediate Rate                    */
-									/*	00 : Not used						*/
-									/*  01 : 8 kbit/s						*/
-									/*  10 : 16 kbit/s						*/
-									/*  11 : 32 kbit/s						*/
-    L3UCHAR NIConTx;				/* Network Indepentend Clock on transmit*/
-									/*	0 : Not required to send data  clc  */
-									/*  1 : Send data w/NIC clc				*/
-    L3UCHAR NIConRx;				/* NIC on Rx							*/
-									/*	0 : Cannot accept indep. clc		*/
-									/*  1 : data with indep. clc accepted	*/
-    L3UCHAR FlowCtlTx;              /* Flow control on Tx                   */
-									/*  0 : Send Flow ctrl not required		*/
-									/*  1 : Send flow ctrl required			*/
-    L3UCHAR FlowCtlRx;              /* Flow control on Rx                   */
-									/*  0 : cannot use receive flow ctrl	*/
-									/*  1 : Receive flow ctrl accepted		*/
-    L3UCHAR HDR;					/* HDR/No HDR							*/
-    L3UCHAR MultiFrame;             /* Multi frame support                  */
-									/*  0 : multiframe not supported		*/
-									/*  1 : multiframe supported			*/
-    L3UCHAR Mode;					/* Mode of operation					*/
-									/*	0 : bit transparent mode of operat.	*/
-									/*	1 : protocol sesitive mode of op.	*/
-    L3UCHAR LLInegot;				/* Logical link id negotiation (oct. 5b)*/
-									/*  0 : default LLI=256 only			*/
-									/*  1 : Full protocol negotiation		*/
-    L3UCHAR Assignor;               /* Assignor/assignee                    */
-									/*  0 : Default Asignee					*/
-									/*  1 : Assignor only					*/
-    L3UCHAR InBandNeg;              /* In-band/out-band negot.              */
-									/*  0 : negot done w/ USER INFO mes		*/
-									/*  1 : negot done in-band w/link zero	*/
-    L3UCHAR NumStopBits;            /* Number of stop bits					*/
-									/*  00 : Not used						*/
-									/*  01 : 1 bit							*/
-									/*  10 : 1.5 bits						*/
-									/*  11 : 2 bits							*/
-    L3UCHAR NumDataBits;            /* Number of data bits.                 */
-									/*  00 : not used						*/
-									/*  01 : 5 bits							*/
-									/*  10 : 7 bits							*/
-									/*  11 : 8 bits							*/
-    L3UCHAR Parity;					/* Parity Information					*/
-									/*	000 : Odd							*/
-									/*  010 : Even							*/
-									/*  011 : None							*/
-									/*  100 : Forced to 0					*/
-									/*  101 : Forced to 1					*/
-    L3UCHAR DuplexMode;				/* Mode duplex							*/
-									/*  0 : Half duplex						*/
-									/*  1 : Full duplex						*/
-    L3UCHAR ModemType;				/* Modem type, see Q.931 p 64			*/
-    L3UCHAR Layer2Ident;			/* Layer 2 Ident						*/
-    L3UCHAR UIL2Prot;               /* User Information Layer 2 Protocol    */
-									/*	00010 : Q.921/I.441					*/
-									/*  00110 : X.25						*/
-									/*  01100 : LAN logical link			*/
-    L3UCHAR Layer3Ident;            /* Layer 3 ident.						*/
-    L3UCHAR UIL3Prot;               /* User Information Layer 3 Protocol    */
-									/*	00010 : Q.931						*/
-									/*  00110 : X.25						*/
-									/*  01011 : ISO/IEC TR 9577				*/
-    L3UCHAR AL3Info1;				/* additional layer 3 info 1			*/
-    L3UCHAR AL3Info2;				/* additional layer 3 info 2			*/
-  Struct:       Q931ie_CallID
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00010000                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR CallId[1];				/* Call identity                        */
-  Struct:       Q931ie_CallState
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00010100                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR CodStand;               /* Coding Standard                      */
-    L3UCHAR CallState;              /* Call State Value                     */
-  Struct:		Q931ie_Cause
-  Description:	Cause IE as described in Q.850
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00010100                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR CodStand;               /* Coding Standard                      */
-	L3UCHAR Location;				/* Location								*/
-	L3UCHAR Recom;					/* Recommendation						*/
-	L3UCHAR Value;					/* Cause Value							*/
-	L3UCHAR	Diag[1];				/* Optional Diagnostics Field			*/
-  Struct:        Q931ie_CalledNum
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01110000                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR TypNum;                 /* Type of Number                       */
-    L3UCHAR NumPlanID;              /* Numbering plan identification        */
-    L3UCHAR Digit[1];				/* Digit (IA5)                          */
-  Struct:       Q931ie_CalledSub
-  Description:  Called party subaddress
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01110001                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR TypNum;                 /* Type of subaddress                   */
-    L3UCHAR OddEvenInd;             /* Odd/Even indicator                   */
-    L3UCHAR Digit[1];				/* digits                               */
-  Struct:       Q931ie_CallingNum
-  Description:  Calling party number
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01101100                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR TypNum;                 /* Type of number                       */
-    L3UCHAR NumPlanID;              /* Numbering plan identification        */
-    L3UCHAR PresInd;                /* Presentation indicator               */
-    L3UCHAR ScreenInd;              /* Screening indicator                  */
-    L3UCHAR Digit[1];				/* Number digits (IA5)                  */
-  Struct:        Q931ie_CallingSub
-  Description:   Calling party subaddress
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01101101                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR TypNum;                 /* Type of subaddress                   */
-    L3UCHAR OddEvenInd;             /* Odd/Even indicator                   */
-    L3UCHAR Digit[1];				/* digits                               */
-  Struct:       Q931ie_ChanID
-  Description:  Channel identification
-				Channel Identificationis one of the IE elements that differ
-				between BRI and PRI. IntType = 1 = BRI and ChanSlot is used
-				for channel number, while InfoChanSel is used for BRI.
-				ChanID is one of the most important IE as it is passed	
-				either though SETUP or CALL PROCEEDING to select the channel
-				to be used.
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00011000                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR IntIDPresent;           /* Int. id. present                     */
-    L3UCHAR IntType;                /* Interface Type                       */
-									/*	0 : Basic Interface	(BRI)			*/
-									/*  1 : Other interfaces, PRI etc.		*/
-    L3UCHAR PrefExcl;               /* Pref./Excl.                          */
-									/*	0 : Indicated channel is preffered	*/
-									/*  1 : Exclusive, no other accepted	*/
-    L3UCHAR DChanInd;               /* D-channel ind.                       */
-									/*  0 : chan is NOT D chan.				*/
-									/*  1 : chan is D chan					*/
-    L3UCHAR InfoChanSel;            /* Info. channel selection              */
-									/*  00 : No channel						*/
-									/*  01 : B1 channel						*/
-									/*  10 : B2 channel						*/
-									/*  11 : Any channel					*/
-    L3UCHAR InterfaceID;            /* Interface identifier                 */
-    L3UCHAR CodStand;		        /* Code standard                        */
-									/*  00 : ITU-T standardization coding	*/
-									/*  01 : ISO/IEC Standard				*/
-									/*  10 : National Standard				*/
-									/*  11 : Standard def. by network.		*/
-    L3UCHAR NumMap;                 /* Number/Map                           */
-									/*  0 : chan is in following octet		*/
-									/*  1 : chan is indicated by slot map	*/
-    L3UCHAR ChanMapType;            /* Channel type/Map element type        */
-									/*  0011 : B Channel units				*/
-									/*  0110 : H0 channel units				*/
-									/*  1000 : H11 channel units			*/
-									/*  1001 : H12 channel units			*/
-    L3UCHAR ChanSlot;               /* Channel number						*/
-  Struct:       Q931ie_DateTime
-  Description:  Date/time
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00101001                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR Year;                   /* Year                                 */
-    L3UCHAR Month;                  /* Month                                */
-    L3UCHAR Day;                    /* Day                                  */
-    L3UCHAR Hour;                   /* Hour                                 */
-    L3UCHAR Minute;                 /* Minute                               */
-    L3UCHAR Second;                 /* Second                               */
-	L3UCHAR Format;					/* Indicate presense of Hour, Min & sec */
-									/*	0 : Only Date						*/
-									/*  1 : Hour present					*/
-									/*  2 : Hour and Minute present			*/
-									/*  3 : Hour, Minute and Second present	*/
-  Struct:       Q931ie_Display
-  Description:  Display
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00101000                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR Display[1];             /* Display information (IA5)            */
-  Struct:       Q931ie_HLComp
-  Description:  High layer compatibility
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01111101                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR CodStand;               /* Coding standard                      */
-    L3UCHAR Interpret;              /* Interpretation                       */
-    L3UCHAR PresMeth;               /* Presentation methor of prot. profile */
-    L3UCHAR HLCharID;               /* High layer characteristics id.       */
-    L3UCHAR EHLCharID;              /* Extended high layer character. id.   */
-    L3UCHAR EVideoTlfCharID;        /* Ext. videotelephony char. id.        */
-  Struct:       Q931ie_KeypadFac
-  Description:  Keypad facility
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00101100                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR KeypadFac[1];           /* dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:       Q931ie_LLComp
-  Description:  Low layer compatibility
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01111100                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR CodStand;               /* Coding standard                      */
-                                    /*  00 - ITU-T                          */
-                                    /*  01 - ISO/IEC                        */
-                                    /*  10 - National standard              */
-                                    /*  11 - Network side spesific          */
-    L3UCHAR ITransCap;              /* Information transfer capability      */
-                                    /*  00000 - Speech                      */
-                                    /*  01000 - Unrestricted digital info   */
-                                    /*  01001 - Restricted digital info     */
-                                    /*  10000 - 3.1 kHz audio               */
-                                    /*  10001 - Unrestricted with tones     */
-                                    /*  11000 - Video                       */
-    L3UCHAR NegotInd;               /* Negot indic.                         */
-									/*	0 : Out-band neg. not possib.       */
-									/*  1 : Out-band neg. possible	        */
-    L3UCHAR TransMode;              /* Transfer Mode                        */
-                                    /*  00 : Circuit Mode                   */
-                                    /*  10 : Packed Mode                    */
-    L3UCHAR InfoRate;               /* Information transfer rate            */
-                                    /*  00000 - Packed mode                 */
-                                    /*  10000 - 64 kbit/s                   */
-                                    /*  10001 - 2 x 64 kbit/s               */
-                                    /*  10011 - 384 kbit/s                  */
-                                    /*  10101 - 1536 kbit/s                 */
-                                    /*  10111 - 1920 kbit/s                 */
-                                    /*  11000 - Multirat (64 kbit/s base)   */
-    L3UCHAR RateMul;                /* Rate multiplier                      */
-    L3UCHAR Layer1Ident;            /* Layer 1 ident.                       */
-    L3UCHAR UIL1Prot;               /* User information layer 1 protocol    */
-									/*	00001 : ITU-T V.110, I.460 and X.30 */
-									/*  00010 : G.711 my-law				*/
-									/*  00011 : G.711 A-law					*/
-									/*  00100 : G.721						*/
-                                    /*  00101 : H.221 and H.242				*/
-									/*  00110 : H.223 and H.245				*/
-									/*  00111 : Non ITU-T Standard			*/
-									/*  01000 : ITU-T V.120					*/
-									/*  01001 : ITU-T X.31 HDLC flag stuff.	*/
-    L3UCHAR SyncAsync;              /* Synch/asynch                         */
-									/*	0 : Syncronous data					*/
-									/*	1 : Asyncronous data				*/
-    L3UCHAR Negot;                  /* Negot                                */
-									/*	0 : In-band negotiation not possib.	*/
-									/*  1 : In-band negotiation possible	*/
-    L3UCHAR UserRate;               /* User rate                            */
-									/*	00000 : I.460, V.110, X,30			*/
-									/*  00001 : 0.6 kbit/s x.1				*/
-									/*  00010 : 1.2 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  00011 : 2.4 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  00100 : 3.6 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  00101 : 4.8 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  00110 : 7.2 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  00111 : 8 kbit/s I.460				*/
-									/*  01000 : 9.6 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  01001 : 14.4 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  01010 : 16 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  01011 :	19.2 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  01100 : 32 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  01101 : 38.4 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  01110 : 48 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  01111 : 56 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  10000 : 57.6 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  10010 : 28.8 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  10100 : 24 kbit/s					*/
-									/*  10101 : 0.1345 kbit/s				*/
-									/*  10110 : 0.100 kbit/s				*/
-									/*  10111 : 0.075/1.2 kbit/s			*/
-									/*  11000 : 1.2/0.075/kbit/s			*/
-									/*  11001 : 0.050 kbit/s				*/
-									/*  11010 : 0.075 kbit/s				*/
-									/*  11011 : 0.110 kbit/s				*/
-									/*  11100 : 0.150 kbit/s				*/
-									/*  11101 : 0.200 kbit/s				*/
-									/*  11110 : 0.300 kbit/s				*/
-									/*  11111 : 12 kbit/s					*/
-    L3UCHAR InterRate;              /* Intermediate rate                    */
-									/*	00 : Not used						*/
-									/*  01 : 8 kbit/s						*/
-									/*  10 : 16 kbit/s						*/
-									/*  11 : 32 kbit/s						*/
-    L3UCHAR NIConTx;				/* Network Indepentend Clock on transmit*/
-									/*	0 : Not required to send data  clc  */
-									/*  1 : Send data w/NIC clc				*/
-    L3UCHAR NIConRx;				/* NIC on Rx							*/
-									/*	0 : Cannot accept indep. clc		*/
-									/*  1 : data with indep. clc accepted	*/
-    L3UCHAR FlowCtlTx;              /* Flow control on Tx                   */
-									/*  0 : Send Flow ctrl not required		*/
-									/*  1 : Send flow ctrl required			*/
-    L3UCHAR FlowCtlRx;              /* Flow control on Rx                   */
-									/*  0 : cannot use receive flow ctrl	*/
-									/*  1 : Receive flow ctrl accepted		*/
-    L3UCHAR HDR;					/* HDR/No HDR							*/
-    L3UCHAR MultiFrame;             /* Multi frame support                  */
-									/*  0 : multiframe not supported		*/
-									/*  1 : multiframe supported			*/
-	L3UCHAR ModeL1;					/* Mode L1								*/
-									/*	0 : bit transparent mode of operat.	*/
-									/*	1 : protocol sesitive mode of op.	*/
-    L3UCHAR NegotLLI;               /* Negot. LLI                           */
-									/*  0 : default LLI=256 only			*/
-									/*  1 : Full protocol negotiation		*/
-    L3UCHAR Assignor;               /* Assignor/Assignor ee                 */
-									/*  0 : Default Asignee					*/
-									/*  1 : Assignor only					*/
-    L3UCHAR InBandNeg;              /* In-band negot.                       */
-									/*  0 : negot done w/ USER INFO mes		*/
-									/*  1 : negot done in-band w/link zero	*/
-    L3UCHAR NumStopBits;            /* Number of stop bits					*/
-									/*  00 : Not used						*/
-									/*  01 : 1 bit							*/
-									/*  10 : 1.5 bits						*/
-									/*  11 : 2 bits							*/
-    L3UCHAR NumDataBits;            /* Number of data bits.                 */
-									/*  00 : not used						*/
-									/*  01 : 5 bits							*/
-									/*  10 : 7 bits							*/
-									/*  11 : 8 bits							*/
-    L3UCHAR Parity;					/* Parity Information					*/
-									/*	000 : Odd							*/
-									/*  010 : Even							*/
-									/*  011 : None							*/
-									/*  100 : Forced to 0					*/
-									/*  101 : Forced to 1					*/
-    L3UCHAR DuplexMode;				/* Mode duplex							*/
-									/*  0 : Half duplex						*/
-									/*  1 : Full duplex						*/
-    L3UCHAR ModemType;				/* Modem type, see Q.931 p 89			*/
-    L3UCHAR Layer2Ident;            /* Layer 2 ident.                       */
-    L3UCHAR UIL2Prot;               /* User information layer 2 protocol    */
-                                    /*  00001 : Basic mode ISO 1745         */
-									/*	00010 : Q.921/I.441					*/
-									/*  00110 : X.25 single link			*/
-                                    /*  00111 : X.25 multilink              */
-                                    /*  01000 : Extended LAPB T.71          */
-                                    /*  01001 : HDLC ARM                    */
-                                    /*  01010 : HDLC NRM                    */
-                                    /*  01011 : HDLC ABM                    */
-									/*  01100 : LAN logical link			*/
-                                    /*  01101 : X.75 SLP                    */
-                                    /*  01110 : Q.922                       */
-                                    /*  01111 : Q.922 core aspect           */
-                                    /*  10000 : User specified              */
-                                    /*  10001 : ISO/IEC 7776 DTE-DCE        */
-    L3UCHAR ModeL2;                 /* Mode                                 */
-									/*	01 : Normal Mode of operation    	*/
-									/*	10 : Extended mode of operation  	*/
-    L3UCHAR Q933use;                /* Q.9333 use                           */
-    L3UCHAR UsrSpcL2Prot;           /* User specified layer 2 protocol info */
-    L3UCHAR WindowSize;             /* Window size (k)                      */
-    L3UCHAR Layer3Ident;            /* Layer 3 ident                        */
-    L3UCHAR UIL3Prot;				/* User Information Layer 3 protocol	*/
-									/*	00010 : Q.931						*/
-									/*  00110 : X.25						*/
-                                    /*  00111 : 8208                        */
-                                    /*  01000 : X.233 ...                   */
-                                    /*  01001 : 6473                        */
-                                    /*  01010 : T.70                        */
-									/*  01011 : ISO/IEC TR 9577				*/
-                                    /*  10000 : User specified              */
-    L3UCHAR OptL3Info;              /* Optional Leyer 3 info                */
-    L3UCHAR ModeL3;                 /* Mode of operation                    */
-                                    /*  01 : Normal packed seq. numbering   */
-                                    /*  10 : Extended packed seq. numbering */
-    L3UCHAR DefPackSize;            /* Default packet size                  */
-    L3UCHAR PackWinSize;            /* Packet window size                   */
-    L3UCHAR AddL3Info;              /* Additional Layer 3 protocol info     */
-  Struct:       Q931ie_NetFac;
-  Description:  Network-specific facilities
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00100000                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR LenNetID;               /* Length of network facilities id.     */
-    L3UCHAR TypeNetID;              /* Type of network identification       */
-    L3UCHAR NetIDPlan;              /* Network identification plan.         */
-    L3UCHAR NetFac;                 /* Network specific facility spec.      */
-    L3UCHAR NetID[1];               /* Network id. (IA5)                    */
-  Struct:       Q931ie_NotifInd;
-  Description:  Notification Indicator
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00100000                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-	L3UCHAR Notification;			/* Notification descriptor				*/
-  Struct:       Q931ie_ProgInd
-  Description:  Progress indicator
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00011110                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR CodStand;               /* Coding standard                      */
-    L3UCHAR Location;               /* Location                             */
-    L3UCHAR ProgDesc;               /* Progress description                 */
-  Struct;       Q931ie_Segment
-  Description:  Segmented message
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00000000                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR FSI;                    /* First segment indicator              */
-    L3UCHAR NumSegRem;              /* Number of segments remaining         */
-    L3UCHAR SegType;                /* Segment message type                 */
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00000000                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-  Struct:       Q931ie_Signal
-  Description:  Signal
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00000000                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR Signal;                 /* Signal value                         */
-                                    /*  00000000    Dial tone on            */
-                                    /*  00000001    Ring back tone on       */
-                                    /*  00000010    Intercept tone on       */
-                                    /*  00000011    Network congestion on   */
-                                    /*  00000100    Busy tone on            */
-                                    /*  00000101    Confirm tone on         */
-                                    /*  00000110    Answer tone on          */
-                                    /*  00000111    Call waiting tone       */
-                                    /*  00001000    Off-hook warning tone   */
-                                    /*  00001001    Pre-emption tone on     */
-                                    /*  00111111    Tones off               */
-                                    /*  01000000    Alerting on - pattern 0 */
-                                    /*  01000001    Alerting on - pattern 1 */
-                                    /*  01000010    Alerting on - pattern 2 */
-                                    /*  01000011    Alerting on - pattern 3 */
-                                    /*  01000100    Alerting on - pattern 4 */
-                                    /*  01000101    Alerting on - pattern 5 */
-                                    /*  01000110    Alerting on - pattern 6 */
-                                    /*  01000111    Alerting on - pattern 7 */
-                                    /*  01001111    Alerting off            */
-  Struct:       Q931ie_TransDelSelInd
-  description:  Transit delay selection and indication
-#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00000000                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3ULONG TxDSIValue;             /* Trans. delay sel. & ind. value       */ 
-  Struct:       Q931ie_TransNetSel
-  Description:  Transit network selection
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01111000                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR Type;                   /* Type of network identifier           */
-    L3UCHAR NetIDPlan;              /* Network idetification plan           */
-    L3UCHAR NetID[1];               /* Network identification(IA5)          */
-  Struct:       Q931ie_UserUser
-  Description:  User-user
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01111110                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR ProtDisc;               /* Protocol discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR User[1];                /* User information                     */
-  Struct:       Q931ie_ClosedUserGrp
-  Description:  Closed user group
-#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01000111                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR CUGInd;                 /* CUG indication                       */
-    L3UCHAR CUG[1];                 /* CUG index code (IA5)                 */
-  Struct:		Q931ie_CongLevel
-  Description:	Congestion Level
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01000111                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-	L3UCHAR CongLevel;				/* Conguestion Level					*/
-  Struct:       Q931ie_EndEndTxDelay
-  Description:  End to end transit delay
-#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01000010                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3ULONG CumTxDelay;             /* Cumulative transit delay value       */
-    L3ULONG ReqTxDelay;             /* Requested end to end transit delay   */
-    L3ULONG MaxTxDelay;             /* Maximum transit delay                */
-  Struct:       Q931ie_InfoRate
-  Description:  Information Rate
-#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01100000                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR InInfoRate;             /* Incoming information rate            */
-    L3UCHAR OutInfoRate;            /* Outgoing information rate            */
-    L3UCHAR MinInInfoRate;          /* Minimum incoming information rate    */
-    L3UCHAR MinOutInfoRate;         /* Minimum outgoing information rate    */
-  Struct:       Q931ie_PackParam
-  Description:  Packed layer binary parameters
-#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01000100                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR FastSel;                /* Fast selected                        */
-    L3UCHAR ExpData;                /* Exp. data                            */
-    L3UCHAR DelConf;                /* Delivery conf                        */
-    L3UCHAR Modulus;                /* Modulus                              */
-  Struct:       Q931ie_PackWinSize
-  Description:  Packed window size
-#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01000101                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR ForwardValue;           /* Forward value                        */
-    L3UCHAR BackwardValue;          /* Backward value                       */
-  Struct:       Q931ie_PackSize
-  Description:  Packet size
-#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01000110                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR ForwardValue;           /* Forward value                        */
-    L3UCHAR BackwardValue;          /* Backward value                       */
-  Struct:       Q931ie_RedirNum
-  Description:  Redirecting number
-#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01110100                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR TypeNum;                /* Type of number                       */
-    L3UCHAR NumPlanID;              /* Number plan identification           */
-    L3UCHAR PresInd;                /* Presentation indicator               */
-    L3UCHAR ScreenInd;              /* Screening indicator                  */
-    L3UCHAR Reason;                 /* Reason for redirection               */
-    L3UCHAR Digit[1];               /* Number digits (IA5)                  */
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01110100                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR RepeatInd;              /* 0010 Prioritized list for selecting  */
-                                    /* one possible.                        */
-typedef struct
-    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01110100                             */
-    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
-    L3UCHAR Class;                  /* Class                                */
-                                    /*  000 Indicate channels               */
-                                    /*  110 Single interface                */
-                                    /*  111 All interfaces                  */
-  Struct:       Q931mes_Header
-  Description:  Used to read the header & message code.
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT			Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-  Struct:       Q931mes_Generic
-  Description:  Generic header containing all IE's. This is not used, but is
-				provided in case a proprietary variant needs it.
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT			Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              Shift;
-    ie              MoreData;
-    ie              SendComplete;
-    ie              CongestionLevel;
-    ie              RepeatInd;
-    ie              Segment;        /* Segmented message                    */
-    ie              BearerCap;      /* Bearer Capability                    */
-    ie              Cause;          /* Cause                                */
-    ie              CallID;			/* Call Identity                        */
-    ie              ChanID;         /* Channel Identification               */
-    ie              ProgInd;        /* Progress Indicator                   */
-    ie              NetFac;         /* Network Spesific Facilities          */
-    ie              NotifInd;       /* Notification Indicator               */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    ie              DateTime;       /* Date/Time                            */
-    ie              KeypadFac;      /* Keypad Facility                      */
-    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
-    ie              InfoRate;       /* Information rate                     */
-    ie              EndEndTxDelay;  /* End to End Transmit Delay            */
-    ie              TransDelSelInd; /* Transmit Delay Sel. and Ind.         */
-    ie              PackParam;      /* Packed Layer Binary parameters       */
-    ie              PackWinSize;    /* Packet Layer Window Size             */
-    ie              PackSize;       /* Packed Size                          */
-    ie              ClosedUserGrp;  /* Closed User Group                    */
-    ie              RevChargeInd;   /* Reverse Charging Indicator           */
-    ie              CalledNum;      /* Called Party Number                  */
-    ie              CalledSub;      /* Called Party subaddress              */
-    ie              CallingNum;     /* Calling Party Number                 */
-    ie              CallingSub;     /* Calling Party Subaddress             */
-    ie              RedirNum;       /* Redirection Number                   */
-    ie              TransNetSel;    /* Transmit Network Selection           */
-    ie              RestartInd;     /* Restart Indicator                    */
-    ie              LLComp;         /* Low Layer Compatibility              */
-    ie              HLComp;         /* High Layer Compatibility             */
-    ie              UserUser;       /* User-user                            */
-    ie              Escape;         /* Escape for extension                 */
-	L3UCHAR			buf[1];			/* Buffer for IE's						*/
-  Struct:        Q931mes_Alerting
-  Description:   This message is send by the called party to indicate that
-                 the phone is ringing.
-				 The message consist of an header that MUST be identical with
-				 Q931mes_Header, a fixed number of IE flags w/offset, and
-				 a dynamic buffer storing normalized IE's.
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT			Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              BearerCap;      /* Bearer Capability                    */
-    ie              ChanID;         /* Channel Identification               */
-    ie              ProgInd;        /* Progress Indicator                   */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
-    ie              HLComp;         /* High Layer Compatibility             */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_CallProceeding
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT			Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              BearerCap;      /* Bearer Capability                    */
-    ie              ChanID;         /* Channel Identification               */
-    ie              ProgInd;        /* Progress Indicator                   */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    ie              HLComp;         /* High Layer Compatibility             */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_Connect
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              BearerCap;      /* Bearer Capability                    */
-    ie              ChanID;         /* Channel Identification               */
-    ie              ProgInd;        /* Progress Indicator                   */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    ie              DateTime;       /* Date/Time                            */
-    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
-    ie              LLComp;         /* Low Layer Compatibility              */
-    ie              HLComp;         /* High layer Compatibility             */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_ConnectAck
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_Disconnect
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              Cause;          /* Cause                                */
-    ie              ProgInd;        /* Progress Indicator                   */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
-#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
-	ie              UserUser;       /* User - user. Packed Mode.            */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_Information
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              SendComplete;   /* Sending Complete                     */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    ie              KeypadFac;      /* Keypad facility                      */
-    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
-    ie              CalledNum;      /* Called party number                  */
-#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
-    ie              Cause;          /* Cause (packed only)                  */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_Notify
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              BearerCap;      /* Bearer Capability                    */
-    ie              NotifInd;       /* Notification Indicator               */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_Progress
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              BearerCap;      /* Bearer Capability                    */
-    ie              Cause;          /* Cause                                */
-    ie              ProgInd;        /* Progress Indicator                   */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    ie              HLComp;         /* High Layer Compatibility             */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_Release
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              Cause;          /* Cause                                */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
-#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
-    ie              UserUser;       /* User-User packed mode                */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_ReleaseComplete
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              Cause;          /* Cause                                */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
-#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
-    ie              UserUser;       /* User-User packed mode                */
-    L3UCHAR          buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_Resume
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              CallID;         /* Call Identity                        */
-	L3UCHAR			buf[1];
-  Struct:        Q931mes_ResumeAck
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              ChanID;         /* Channel ID                           */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_ResumeReject
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              Cause;          /* Cause                                */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_Segment
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_Setup
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              SendComplete;   /* Sending Complete                     */
-    ie              RepeatInd;      /* Repeat Indicator                     */
-    ie              BearerCap;      /* Bearer Capability                    */
-    ie              ChanID;         /* Channel ID                           */
-    ie              ProgInd;        /* Progress Indicator                   */
-    ie              NetFac;         /* Network-specific facilities          */
-                                    /* Note:    Up to 4 NetFac's may be     */
-                                    /*          included.                   */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    ie              DateTime;       /* Date/Time                            */
-    ie              KeypadFac;      /* Keypad Facility                      */
-    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
-    ie              CallingNum;     /* Calling party number                 */
-    ie              CallingSub;     /* Calling party sub address            */
-    ie              CalledNum;      /* Called party number                  */
-    ie              CalledSub;      /* Called party sub address             */
-    ie              TransNetSel;    /* Transit network selection            */
-    ie              LLRepeatInd;    /* Repeat Indicator 2 LLComp            */
-    ie              LLComp;         /* Low layer compatibility              */
-    ie              HLComp;         /* High layer compatibility             */
-#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
-    /* Packed mode additions */
-    ie              IndoRate;       /* Information Rate                     */
-    ie              EndEndDelay;    /* End-end transit delay                */
-    ie              TransDelayInd;  /* TRansit delay selection and ind.     */
-    ie              PackParam;      /* Packed layer binary parameters       */
-    ie              PackWinSize;    /* Packed layer window size             */
-    ie              PackSize;       /* Packet Size                          */
-    ie              ClosedUserGrp;  /* Closed User Group                    */
-    ie              RevChargInd;    /* Reverse charhing indicator           */
-    ie              RedirNum;       /* Redirection number                   */
-    ie              UserUser;       /* User-user.                           */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_SetupAck
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              ChanID;         /* Channel ID                           */
-    ie              ProgInd;        /* Progress Indicator                   */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_Status
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              Cause;          /* Cause                                */
-    ie              CallState;      /* Call State                           */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_StatusEnquire
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_Suspend
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              CallID;         /* Call Identity                        */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_SuspendAck
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_SuspendReject
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              Cause;          /* Cause                                */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_CongestionControl
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              CongLevel;      /* Congestion level                     */
-    ie              Cause;          /* Cause                                */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_UserInformation
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              MoreData;       /* More data                            */
-    ie              UserUser;       /* User-user                            */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_Restart
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              ChanID;         /* Channel identification               */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    ie              RestartInd;     /* Restart indicator                    */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:        Q931mes_RestartAck
-typedef struct
-    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
-    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
-    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
-    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
-    ie              ChanID;         /* Channel identification               */
-    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
-    ie              RestartWin;     /* Restart Window                       */
-    ie              RestartInd;     /* Restart Indicator                    */
-    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
-  Struct:       Q931_TrunkInfo
-  Description:  TrunkInfo is the struct entry used to store Q.931 related 
-                information and state for E1/T1/J1 trunks and assosiated 
-                channels in the system. 
-				The user should store this information outside this stack
-				and need to feed the interface functions with a pointer to
-				the trunk Info entry.
-typedef struct
-	enum _NetUser					/* Network/User Mode.                   */
-	{
-		Q931_TE=0,                  /*  0 : User Mode                       */
-        Q931_NT=1                   /*  1 : Network Mode                    */
-	}NetUser;
-    L3UCHAR     Dialect;            /* Q.931 Based dielact index.           */
-	enum _TrunkType					/* Trunk Line Type.                     */
-	{
-		Q931_TrType_E1=0,           /*  0 : E1 Trunk                        */
-        Q931_TrType_T1=1,           /*  1 : T1 Trunk                        */
-        Q931_TrType_J1=2,           /*  2 : J1 Trunk                        */
-        Q931_TrType_BRI=3           /*  3 : BRI Trunk                       */
-	}TrunkType;
-    L3UCHAR     Enabled;            /* Enabled/Disabled                     */
-                                    /*  0 = Disabled                        */
-                                    /*  1 = Enabled                         */
-	enum _TrState					/* Trunk State							*/
-	{
-		Q931_TrState_NoAlignment=0,	/* Trunk not aligned					*/
-		Q931_TrState_Aligning=1,	/* Aligning in progress					*/
-		Q931_TrState_Aligned=2		/* Trunk Aligned						*/
-	}TrunkState;
-    L3INT       LastCRV;            /* Last used crv for the trunk.         */
-    L3UCHAR L3Buf[Q931L4BUF];		/* message buffer for messages to be    */
-                                    /* send from Q.931 L4.                  */
-    L3UCHAR L2Buf[Q931L2BUF];		/* buffer for messages send to L2.      */
-	/* The auto flags below switch on/off automatic Ack messages. SETUP ACK */
-	/* as an example can be send by the stack in response to SETUP to buy   */
-	/* time in processing on L4. Setting this to true will cause the stack  */
-	/* to automatically send this.											*/
-	L3BOOL	autoSetupAck;			/* Indicate if the stack should send    */
-									/* SETUP ACK or not. 0=No, 1 = Yes.		*/
-	L3BOOL  autoConnectAck;			/* Indicate if the stack should send    */
-									/* CONNECT ACT or not. 0=No, 1=Yes.		*/
-	L3BOOL  autoRestartAck;			/* Indicate if the stack should send    */
-									/* RESTART ACK or not. 0=No, 1=Yes.		*/
-    /* channel array holding info per channel. Usually defined to 32		*/
-	/* channels to fit an E1 since T1/J1 and BRI will fit inside a E1.		*/
-    struct _charray
-    {
-		enum _ChanType{
-			Q931_ChType_NotUsed=0,	/* Unused Channel						*/
-			Q931_ChType_B=1,		/* B Channel (Voice)					*/		
-			Q931_ChType_D=2,		/* D Channel (Signalling)				*/
-			Q931_ChType_Sync=3		/* Sync Channel							*/
-		}ChanType;
-        L3UCHAR Available;          /* Channel Available Flag               */
-                                    /*  0 : Avaiabled                       */
-                                    /*  1 : Used                            */
-        L3INT   CRV;                /* Associated CRV                       */
-    }ch[Q931MAXCHPERTRUNK];
-    /* Active Call information indentified by CRV. See Q931AllocateCRV for  */
-	/* initialization of call table.										*/
-    struct _ccarray
-    {
-        L3UCHAR InUse;              /* Indicate if entry is in use.         */
-                                    /*  0 = Not in Use                      */
-                                    /*  1 = Active Call.                    */
-        L3UCHAR BChan;              /* Associated B Channel.                */
-									/* 0 - 31 valid B chan					*/
-									/* 255 = Not allocated					*/
-        L3INT   CRV;                /* Associated CRV.                      */
-        L3UINT  State;              /* Call State.                          */
-									/*  0 is Idle, but other values are		*/
-									/*  defined per dialect.				*/
-									/*  Default usage is 1-99 for TE and    */
-									/*  101 - 199 for NT.					*/
-        L3ULONG Timer;              /* Timer in ms. The TimeTick will check */
-									/* if this has exceeded the timeout, and*/
-									/* if so call the timers timeout proc.	*/
-        L3USHORT TimerID;           /* Timer Identification/State           */
-									/* actual values defined by dialect		*/
-                                    /*  0 : No timer running                */
-                                    /*  ITU-T Q.931:301 - 322 Timer running */
-    }call[Q931MAXCALLPERTRUNK];
-  Struct:		Q931State
-  Description:	Define a Q931 State, legal events and next state for each
-				event. Used to simplify the state engine logic. Each state
-				engine define it's own state table and the logic only need
-				to call a helper function to check if the message is legal
-				at this stage.
-typedef struct
-	L3INT		State;
-	L3INT		Message;
-	L3UCHAR		Direction;
-  Proc table external references. 
-  The proc tables are defined in Q931.c and initialized in Q931Initialize.
-extern L3INT (*Q931Proc  [Q931MAXDLCT][Q931MAXMES])   (Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *,L3INT);
-extern L3INT (*Q931Umes  [Q931MAXDLCT][Q931MAXMES])   (Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT IOff, L3INT Size);
-extern L3INT (*Q931Pmes  [Q931MAXDLCT][Q931MAXMES])   (Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-extern L3INT (*Q931Uie   [Q931MAXDLCT][Q931MAXIE] )   (Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE,L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-extern L3INT (*Q931Pie   [Q931MAXDLCT][Q931MAXIE] )   (Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-  Macro:        GetIETotoSize
-  Syntax:       L3INT GetIETotSize(InfoElem ie);
-  Description:  Compute the total size in bytes of an info element including 
-                size of 'header'.    
-#define Q931GetIETotSize(ie)    (((ie.InfoID & 0x80) !=0) ? 1:ie.LenIE)+2)
-  Macro:        IsIEPresent
-  Syntax:       BOOL IsIEPresent(ie InfoElement);
-  Description:  Return TRUE if the Information Element is included.
-#define Q931IsIEPresent(x)    ((x & 0x8000) != 0)
-  Macro:        GetIEOffset and GetIEValue
-  Syntax:       L3INT GetIEOffset(ie InfoElement)
-                L3INT GetIEValue(ie InfoElement)
-  Description:  Returns the offset (or the value )to the Information Element.
-  Note:         GetIEValue assumes that the 15 lsb bit is the value of a 
-                single octet information element. This macro can not be used
-                on a variable information element.
-#define Q931GetIEOffset(x) (x & 0x7fff)
-#define Q931GetIEValue(x) (x & 0x7fff)
-  Macro:        Q931GetIEPtr
-  Syntax:       void * Q931GetIEPtr(ie InfoElement, L3UCHAR * Buf);
-  Description:  Compute a Ptr to the information element.
-#define Q931GetIEPtr(ie,buf) (&buf[Q931GetIEOffset(ie)])
-  Macro:        SetIE
-  Syntax:       void SetIE(ie InfoElement, L3INT Offset);
-  Description:  Set an information element.
-#define Q931SetIE(x,o) {x = (ie)(o) | 0x8000;}
-  Macro:        IsQ931Ext
-  Syntax        BOOL IsQ931Ext(L3UCHAR c)
-  Description:  Return true Check if the msb (bit 8) is 0. This indicate
-                that the octet is extended.
-#define IsQ931Ext(x) ((x&0x80)==0)
-  Macro:        ieGetOctet
-  Syntax:       unsigned L3UCHAR ieGetOctet(L3INT e)
-  Description:  Macro to fetch one byte from an integer. Mostly used to 
-                avoid warnings.
-#define ieGetOctet(x) ((L3UCHAR)(x))
-  Macro:        NoWarning
-  Syntax:       void NoWarning(x)
-  Description:  Macro to suppress unreferenced formal parameter warnings
-                Used during creation of the stack since the stack is 
-                developed for Warning Level 4 and this creates a lot of 
-                warning for the initial empty functions.
-#define NoWarning(x) (x=x)
-  External references. See Q931.c for details.
-extern Q931_TrunkInfo Q931Trunk[Q931MAXTRUNKS];
-#include "Q932.h"
-  Q.931 Information Element Pack/Unpack functions. Implemented in Q931ie.c
-L3INT Q931Pie_BearerCap(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_ChanID(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_ProgInd(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_Display(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_Signal(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_HLComp(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_Segment(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_DateTime(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_Cause(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_SendComplete(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_KeypadFac(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_NotifInd(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_CallID(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_RepeatInd(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_NetFac(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_CallingNum(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_CallingSub(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_CalledNum(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_CalledSub(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_CalledNum(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_TransNetSel(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_LLComp(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_CallState(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_RestartInd(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Pie_UserUser(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
-L3INT Q931Uie_BearerCap(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3USHORT Q931Uie_CRV(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_ChanID(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_ProgInd(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_Display(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_Signal(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_HLComp(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_Segment(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_DateTime(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_Cause(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_SendComplete(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_KeypadFac(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_NotifInd(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_CallID(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_RepeatInd(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_NetFac(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_CallingNum(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_CallingSub(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_CalledNum(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_CalledSub(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_TransNetSel(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_LLComp(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_CallState(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_RestartInd(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-L3INT Q931Uie_UserUser(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
-  Q.931 Message Pack/Unpack functions. Implemented in Q931mes.c
-L3INT Q931Pmes_Alerting(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_CallProceeding(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_Connect(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_ConnectAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_Progress(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_Setup(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_SetupAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_Resume(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_ResumeAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_ResumeReject(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_Suspend(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_SuspendAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_SuspendReject(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_UserInformation(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_Disconnect(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_Release(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_ReleaseComplete(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_Restart(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_RestartAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_CongestionControl(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_Information(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_Notify(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_Segment(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_Status(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Pmes_StatusEnquiry(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
-L3INT Q931Umes_Alerting(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_CallProceeding(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_Connect(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_ConnectAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_Progress(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_Setup(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_SetupAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_Resume(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_ResumeAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_ResumeReject(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_Suspend(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_SuspendAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_SuspendReject(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_UserInformation(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_Disconnect(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_Release(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_ReleaseComplete(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_Restart(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_RestartAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_CongestionControl(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_Information(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_Notify(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_Segment(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_Status(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-L3INT Q931Umes_StatusEnquiry(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
-  Q.931 Process Function Prototyping. Implemented in Q931StateTE.c
-L3INT Q931ProcAlertingTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcCallProceedingTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcConnectTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcConnectAckTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcProgressTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcSetupTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcSetupAckTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcResumeTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcResumeAckTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcResumeRejectTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcSuspendTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcSuspendAckTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcSuspendRejectTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcUserInformationTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcDisconnectTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcReleaseTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcReleaseCompleteTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcRestartTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcRestartAckTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcCongestionControlTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcInformationTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcNotifyTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcStatusTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcStatusEnquiryTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcSegmentTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcAlertingNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcCallProceedingNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcConnectNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcConnectAckNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcProgressNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcSetupNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcSetupAckNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcResumeNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcResumeAckNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcResumeRejectNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcSuspendNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcSuspendAckNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcSuspendRejectNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcUserInformationNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcDisconnectNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcReleaseNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcReleaseCompleteNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcRestartNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcRestartAckNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcCongestionControlNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcInformationNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcNotifyNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcStatusNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcStatusEnquiryNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcSegmentNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcUnknownMessage(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-L3INT Q931ProcUnexpectedMessage(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
-  Interface Function Prototypes. Implemented in Q931.c
-void    Q931TimeTick(L3ULONG ms);
-L3INT   Q931Rx23(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * Mes, L3INT Size);
-L3INT   Q931Tx32(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * Mes, L3INT Size);
-L3INT   Q931Rx43(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * Mes, L3INT Size);
-L3INT   Q931Tx34(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * Mes, L3INT Size);
-void    Q931SetError(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3INT ErrID, L3INT ErrPar1, L3INT ErrPar2);
-void	Q931SetTx34CB(L3INT (*Q931Tx34Par)(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * Mes, L3INT Size));
-void	Q931SetTx32CB(L3INT (*Q931Tx32Par)(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * Mes, L3INT Size));
-void	Q931SetErrorCB(L3INT (*Q931ErrorPar)(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3INT,L3INT,L3INT));
-void    Q931CreateTE(L3UCHAR i);
-void    Q931CreateNT(L3UCHAR i);
-void    Q931SetMesCreateCB(L3INT (*callback)());
-void    Q931SetDialectCreateCB(L3INT (*callback)(L3INT));
-void    Q931SetHeaderSpace(L3INT space);
-void Q931SetMesProc(L3UCHAR mes, L3UCHAR dialect, 
-                L3INT (*Q931ProcFunc)(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom),
-                L3INT (*Q931UmesFunc)(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT IOff, L3INT Size),
-                L3INT (*Q931PmesFunc)(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize));
-void Q931SetIEProc(L3UCHAR iec, L3UCHAR dialect, 
-			   L3INT (*Q931PieProc)(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet),
-			   L3INT (*Q931UieProc)(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff)); 
-void Q931Initialize();
-void Q931AddDialect(L3UCHAR iDialect, void (*Q931CreateDialectCB)(L3UCHAR iDialect));
-L3INT Q931InitMesSetup(Q931mes_Setup *p);
-L3INT	Q931CreateCRV(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3INT * callIndex);
-L3INT	Q931AllocateCRV(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3INT iCRV, L3INT * callIndex);
-L3INT   Q931FindCRV(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3INT crv, L3INT *callindex);
-L3INT	Q931GetCallState(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3INT iCRV);
-L3INT	Q931StartTimer(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3INT callIndex, L3USHORT iTimer);
-L3INT	Q931StopTimer(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3INT callindex, L3USHORT iTimer);
-L3INT	Q931SetState(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3INT callIndex, L3INT iState);
-L3ULONG Q931GetTime();
-void	Q931AddStateEntry(L3UCHAR iD, L3INT iState, L3INT iMes, L3UCHAR cDir);
-L3BOOL	Q931IsEventLegal(L3UCHAR iD, L3INT iState, L3INT iMes, L3UCHAR cDir);
-  Q.931 Low Level API Function Prototyping. Implemented in Q931API.c
-ie Q931AppendIE(L3UCHAR *pm, L3UCHAR *pi);
-L3INT Q931GetUniqueCRV(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk);
-L3INT Q931InitIEBearerCap(Q931ie_BearerCap *p);
-L3INT Q931InitIEChanID(Q931ie_ChanID *p);
-L3INT Q931InitIEProgInd(Q931ie_ProgInd *p);
-L3INT Q931InitIENetFac(Q931ie_NetFac * pIE);
-L3INT Q931InitIEDisplay(Q931ie_Display * pIE);
-L3INT Q931InitIEDateTime(Q931ie_DateTime * pIE);
-L3INT Q931InitIEKeypadFac(Q931ie_KeypadFac * pIE);
-L3INT Q931InitIESignal(Q931ie_Signal * pIE);
-L3INT Q931InitIECallingNum(Q931ie_CallingNum * pIE);
-L3INT Q931InitIECallingSub(Q931ie_CallingSub * pIE);
-L3INT Q931InitIECalledNum(Q931ie_CalledNum * pIE);
-L3INT Q931InitIECalledSub(Q931ie_CalledSub * pIE);
-L3INT Q931InitIETransNetSel(Q931ie_TransNetSel * pIE);
-L3INT Q931InitIELLComp(Q931ie_LLComp * pIE);
-L3INT Q931InitIEHLComp(Q931ie_HLComp * pIE);
-L3INT Q931Disconnect(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3INT iTo, L3INT iCRV, L3INT iCause);
-L3INT Q931ReleaseComplete(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3INT iTo);
-#endif /* _Q931_NL */
+  FileName:         Q931.h
+  Contents:         Header and definition for the ITU-T Q.931 stack. The 
+					header contents the following parts:
+					- Definition of codes
+                    - Definition of information elements (Q931ie_).
+                    - Definition of messages (Q931mes_).
+                    - Definitian of variables (var_).
+					- Function prototypes.
+  Description:		The Q.931 stack provided here covers ITU-T Q.931 w/Q.932
+					supplementary services for both PRI, BRI and variants. 
+					The stack is generic and designed to deal with variants as
+					needed.
+					The stack uses the following interface functions:
+					- Q931Initialize	Initialize the Q.931 stack.
+					- Q931Rx23			Receive a message from layer 2
+					- Q931Tx32			Send a message to layer 2
+					- Q931Rx43			Receive a message from layer 4 or above.
+					- Q931Tx34			Send a message to layer 4 or above.
+					- Q931TimeTick		Periodical timer processing.
+					- Q931ErrorProc		Callback for stack error message.
+					The protocol is a module with no external dependencies and
+					can easely be ported to any operating system like Windows,
+					Linux, rtos and others.
+  Related Files:	Q931.h				Q.931 Definitions
+					Q931.c				Q.931 Interface Functions.
+					Q931api.c			Low level L4 API functions.
+					Q932.h				Q.932 Suplementary Services
+					Q932mes.c			Q.932 encoders/coders
+					Q931mes.c			Q.931 Message encoders/coders
+					Q931ie.c			Q.931 IE encoders/coders
+					Q931StateTE.c		Generic Q.931 TE State Engine
+					Q931StateNT.c		Generic Q.931 NT State Engine
+  Design Note 1:	For each variant please add separate files starting with 
+					the	variant short-name as follows:
+					<variant>.h			Spesific headers needed.
+					<variant>mes.c		Message encoders/decores.
+					<variant>ie.c		IE encoders/decoders.
+					<variant>StateTE.c	TE side state engine.
+					<variant>StateNT.c	NT side state engine.
+  Design Note 2:	The stack is deliberatly made non-threading. Use 1 
+					thread per Trunk, but lock access from the timertick
+					and rx, tx functions. And make sure the callbacks only
+					dump messages to a queue, no time-consuming processing
+					inside stack processing. 
+					All stack processing is async 'fire and forget', meaning
+					that there are not, and should not be any time-consuming
+					processing within the stack-time. The best way to thread 
+					a stack is to use one single thread that signal 5 queues.
+					- Incoming L2 queue.
+					- Incoming L4 queue.
+					- Outgoing L2 queue.
+					- Outgoing L4 queue.
+					- Error/Trace queue.
+  Design Note 3:	DSP optimization. The L3 (Rx23) can be called directly
+					from a hdlc receiver without usage of queues for optimized 
+					processing. But keep in mind that Q.931 calls Tx34 or Tx32 
+					as part	of receiving a message from Layer 2.
+  License/Copyright:
+  Copyright (c) 2007, Jan Vidar Berger, Case Labs, Ltd. All rights reserved.
+  email:janvb@caselaboratories.com  
+  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
+  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are 
+  met:
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, 
+	  this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, 
+	  this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation 
+	  and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+    * Neither the name of the Case Labs, Ltd nor the names of its contributors 
+	  may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software 
+	  without specific prior written permission.
+#ifndef _Q931_NL
+#define _Q931_NL
+/* uncomment the #define below to add x.25 support to the Q.931				*/
+/* #define Q931_X25_SUPPORT */
+#include "stdio.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable:4100)
+  Error Codes
+#define Q931E_NO_ERROR					0
+#define Q931E_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE			-3001
+#define Q931E_ILLEGAL_IE				-3002
+#define Q931E_UNKNOWN_IE				-3003
+#define Q931E_BEARERCAP					-3004
+#define Q931E_HLCOMP					-3005
+#define Q931E_LLCOMP					-3006
+#define Q931E_INTERNAL                  -3007
+#define Q931E_MISSING_CB                -3008
+#define Q931E_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE        -3009
+#define Q931E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE			-3010
+#define Q931E_TOMANYCALLS               -3011
+#define Q931E_INVALID_CRV               -3012
+#define Q931E_CALLID                    -3013
+#define Q931E_CALLSTATE                 -3014
+#define Q931E_CALLEDSUB                 -3015
+#define Q931E_CALLEDNUM                 -3016
+#define Q931E_CALLINGNUM                -3017
+#define Q931E_CALLINGSUB                -3018
+#define Q931E_CAUSE                     -3019
+#define Q931E_CHANID                    -3020
+#define Q931E_DATETIME                  -3021
+#define Q931E_DISPLAY                   -3022
+#define Q931E_KEYPADFAC                 -3023
+#define Q931E_NETFAC                    -3024
+#define Q931E_NOTIFIND                  -3025
+#define Q931E_PROGIND                   -3026
+#define Q931E_RESTARTIND                -3027
+#define Q931E_SEGMENT                   -3028
+#define Q931E_SIGNAL                    -3029
+	Some speed optimization can be achieved by changing all variables to the 
+	word size of your processor. A 32 bit processor have to do a lot of extra 
+	work to read a packed 8 bit integer. Changing all fields to 32 bit integer 
+	will ressult in usage of some extra space, but speed up the stack.
+	The stack have been designed to allow L3UCHAR etc. to be any size of 8 bit
+	or larger.
+#define L3UCHAR		unsigned char		/* Min 8 bit						*/
+#define L3USHORT	unsigned short		/* Min 16 bit unsigned				*/
+#define L3UINT		unsigned int		/* Min 16 bit unsigned	            */
+#define L3INT       int                 /* Min 16 bit signed                */
+#define L3ULONG		unsigned long		/* Min 32 bit						*/
+#define L3BOOL      char				/* Min 1 bit, valuse 0 & 1 only		*/
+#define L3TRUE      1
+#define L3FALSE     0 
+	MAXTRUNKS sets how many physical trunks this system might have. This 
+	number should be keept at a minimum since it will use global space.
+	It is recommended that you leave MAXCHPERTRUNK as is
+#define Q931L4BUF  1000             /* size of message buffer               */
+#define Q931L2BUF	300				/* size of message buffer				*/
+#define Q931MAXTRUNKS	4			/* Total number of trunks that will be	*/
+									/* processed by this instance of the	*/
+									/* stack								*/
+#define Q931MAXCHPERTRUNK	32		/* Number of channels per trunk. The	*/
+									/* stack uses a static set of 32		*/
+									/* channels regardless if it is E1, T1	*/
+									/* or BRI that actually is used.		*/
+                                    /* Number of max active CRV per trunk.  */
+									/* Q.931 can have more calls than there */
+									/* are channels.						*/
+  The following defines control the dialect switch tables and should only be
+  changed when a new dialect needs to be inserted into the stack.   
+  This stack uses an array of functions to know which function to call as   
+  it receives a SETUP message etc. A new dialect can when schoose to use
+  the proc etc for standard Q.931 or insert a modified proc.
+  This technique has also been used to distinguish between user and network
+  mode to make the code as easy to read and maintainable as possible.
+  A message and IE index have been used to save space. These indexes allowes
+  the message or IE code to be used directly and will give back a new index
+  into the table.
+/* WARNING! Initialize Q931CreateDialectCB[] will NULL when increasing the  */
+/* Q931MAXDLCT value to avoid Q931Initialize from crashing if one entry is  */
+/* not used.																*/
+#define Q931MAXDLCT 2               /* Max dialects included in this        */
+                                    /* compile. User and Network count as   */
+                                    /* one dialect each.                    */
+#define Q931MAXMES  255             /* Number of messages                   */
+#define Q931MAXIE  255              /* Number of IE                         */
+#define Q931MAXSTATE 100			/* Size of state tables					*/
+  Call States for ITU-T Q.931 TE (User Mode)
+#define Q931_U0     0
+#define Q931_U1     1
+#define Q931_U2     2
+#define Q931_U3     3
+#define Q931_U4     4
+#define Q931_U6     6
+#define Q931_U7     7
+#define Q931_U8     8
+#define Q931_U9     9
+#define Q931_U10    10
+#define Q931_U11    11
+#define Q931_U12    12
+#define Q931_U15    15
+#define Q931_U17    17
+#define Q931_U19    19
+#define Q931_U25    25
+  Call States for ITU-T Q.931 NT (Network Mode)
+#define Q931_N0     (0x0100 | 0)
+#define Q931_N1     (0x0100 | 1)
+#define Q931_N2     (0x0100 | 2)
+#define Q931_N3     (0x0100 | 3)
+#define Q931_N4     (0x0100 | 4)
+#define Q931_N6     (0x0100 | 6)
+#define Q931_N7     (0x0100 | 7)
+#define Q931_N8     (0x0100 | 8)
+#define Q931_N9     (0x0100 | 9)
+#define Q931_N10     (0x0100 | 11)
+#define Q931_N11     (0x0100 | 11)
+#define Q931_N12     (0x0100 | 12)
+#define Q931_N15     (0x0100 | 15)
+#define Q931_N17     (0x0100 | 17)
+#define Q931_N19     (0x0100 | 19)
+#define Q931_N22     (0x0100 | 22)
+#define Q931_N25     (0x0100 | 25)
+  Q.931 Message codes
+#define Q931mes_ALERTING             0x01 /* 0000 0001                   */        
+#define Q931mes_CALL_PROCEEDING      0x02 /* 0000 0010                   */
+#define Q931mes_CONNECT              0x07 /* 0000 0111                   */
+#define Q931mes_CONNECT_ACKNOWLEDGE  0x0f /* 0000 1111                   */
+#define Q931mes_PROGRESS             0x03 /* 0000 0011                   */
+#define Q931mes_SETUP                0x05 /* 0000 0101                   */
+#define Q931mes_SETUP_ACKNOWLEDGE    0x0d /* 0000 1101                   */
+#define Q931mes_RESUME               0x26 /* 0010 0110                   */
+#define Q931mes_RESUME_ACKNOWLEDGE   0x2e /* 0010 1110                   */
+#define Q931mes_RESUME_REJECT        0x22 /* 0010 0010                   */
+#define Q931mes_SUSPEND              0x25 /* 0010 0101                   */
+#define Q931mes_SUSPEND_ACKNOWLEDGE  0x2d /* 0010 1101                   */
+#define Q931mes_SUSPEND_REJECT       0x21 /* 0010 0001                   */
+#define Q931mes_USER_INFORMATION     0x20 /* 0010 0000                   */
+#define Q931mes_DISCONNECT           0x45 /* 0100 0101                   */
+#define Q931mes_RELEASE              0x4d /* 0100 1101                   */
+#define Q931mes_RELEASE_COMPLETE     0x5a /* 0101 1010                   */
+#define Q931mes_RESTART              0x46 /* 0100 0110                   */
+#define Q931mes_RESTART_ACKNOWLEDGE  0x4e /* 0100 1110                   */
+#define Q931mes_CONGESTION_CONTROL   0x79 /* 0111 1001                   */
+#define Q931mes_INFORMATION          0x7a /* 0111 1011                   */
+#define Q931mes_NOTIFY               0x6e /* 0110 1110                   */
+#define Q931mes_STATUS               0x7d /* 0111 1101                   */
+#define Q931mes_STATUS_ENQUIRY       0x75 /* 0111 0101                   */
+#define Q931mes_SEGMENT              0x60 /* 0110 0000                   */
+/* Single octet information elements                                */
+#define Q931ie_SHIFT                            0x90 /* 1001 ----       */
+#define Q931ie_MORE_DATA                        0xa0 /* 1010 ----       */
+#define Q931ie_SENDING_COMPLETE                 0xa1 /* 1010 0000       */
+#define Q931ie_CONGESTION_LEVEL                 0xb0 /* 1011 ----       */
+#define Q931ie_REPEAT_INDICATOR                 0xd0 /* 1101 ----       */
+/* Variable Length Information Elements */
+#define Q931ie_SEGMENTED_MESSAGE                0x00 /* 0000 0000       */
+#define Q931ie_BEARER_CAPABILITY                0x04 /* 0000 0100       */
+#define Q931ie_CAUSE                            0x08 /* 0000 1000       */
+#define Q931ie_CALL_IDENTITY                    0x10 /* 0001 0000       */
+#define Q931ie_CALL_STATE                       0x14 /* 0001 0100       */
+#define Q931ie_CHANNEL_IDENTIFICATION           0x18 /* 0001 1000       */
+#define Q931ie_PROGRESS_INDICATOR               0x1e /* 0001 1110       */
+#define Q931ie_NETWORK_SPECIFIC_FACILITIES      0x20 /* 0010 0000       */
+#define Q931ie_NOTIFICATION_INDICATOR           0x27 /* 0010 0111       */
+#define Q931ie_DISPLAY                          0x28 /* 0010 1000       */
+#define Q931ie_DATETIME                         0x29 /* 0010 1001       */
+#define Q931ie_KEYPAD_FACILITY                  0x2c /* 0010 1100       */
+#define Q931ie_SIGNAL                           0x34 /* 0011 0100       */
+#define Q931ie_SWITCHOOK                        0x36 /* 0011 0110       */
+#define Q931ie_FEATURE_ACTIVATION               0x38 /* 0011 1000       */
+#define Q931ie_FEATURE_INDICATION               0x39 /* 0011 1001       */
+#define Q931ie_INFORMATION_RATE                 0x40 /* 0100 0000       */
+#define Q931ie_END_TO_END_TRANSIT_DELAY         0x42 /* 0100 0010       */
+#define Q931ie_TRANSIT_DELAY_SELECTION_AND_IND  0x43 /* 0100 0011       */
+#define Q931ie_PACKED_LAYER_BIMARY_PARAMETERS   0x44 /* 0100 0100       */
+#define Q931ie_PACKED_LAYER_WINDOW_SIZE         0x45 /* 0100 0101       */
+#define Q931ie_PACKED_SIZE                      0x46 /* 0100 0110       */
+#define Q931ie_CALLING_PARTY_NUMBER             0x6c /* 0110 1100       */
+#define Q931ie_CALLING_PARTY_SUBADDRESS         0x6d /* 0110 1101       */
+#define Q931ie_CALLED_PARTY_NUMBER              0x70 /* 0111 0000       */
+#define Q931ie_CALLED_PARTY_SUBADDRESS          0x71 /* 0111 0001       */
+#define Q931ie_REDIRECTING_NUMBER               0x74 /* 0111 0100       */
+#define Q931ie_TRANSIT_NETWORK_SELECTION        0x78 /* 0111 1000       */
+#define Q931ie_RESTART_INDICATOR                0x79 /* 0111 1001       */
+#define Q931ie_LOW_LAYER_COMPATIBILITY          0x7c /* 0111 1100       */
+#define Q931ie_HIGH_LAYER_COMPATIBILITY         0x7d /* 0111 1101       */
+#define Q931ie_USER_USER                        0x7e /* 0111 1110       */
+#define Q931ie_ESCAPE_FOR_EX                    0x7f /* 0111 1111       */
+  Global defines.
+typedef L3USHORT ie;                /* Special data type to hold a dynamic  */
+                                    /* or optional information element as   */
+                                    /* part of a message struct. MSB = 1    */
+                                    /* indicate that the ie is present, the */
+                                    /* last 15 bits is an offset ( or the   */
+                                    /* value for single octet ) to the      */
+                                    /* struct holding the ie. Offset = 0    */
+                                    /* is buf[1] etc.                       */
+                                    /* ie == 0xffff indicate error          */
+  Struct:        Q931ie_BearerCap
+  Description:   Bearer Capability Information Element.
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00000100 for Bearer Capability       */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR CodStand;               /* Coding Standard.                     */
+                                    /*  00 - ITU-T                          */
+                                    /*  01 - ISO/IEC                        */
+                                    /*  10 - National standard              */
+                                    /*  11 - Network side spesific          */
+    L3UCHAR ITC;                    /* Information Transfer Capability      */
+                                    /*  00000 - Speech                      */
+                                    /*  01000 - Unrestricted digital info   */
+                                    /*  01001 - Restricted digital info     */
+                                    /*  10000 - 3.1 kHz audio               */
+                                    /*  10001 - Unrestricted with tones     */
+                                    /*  11000 - Video                       */
+    L3UCHAR TransMode;              /* Transfer Mode.                       */
+                                    /*  00 - Circuit mode                   */
+                                    /*  10 - Packet mode                    */
+    L3UCHAR ITR;                    /* Information Transfer Rate.           */
+                                    /*  00000 - Packed mode                 */
+                                    /*  10000 - 64 kbit/s                   */
+                                    /*  10001 - 2 x 64 kbit/s               */
+                                    /*  10011 - 384 kbit/s                  */
+                                    /*  10101 - 1536 kbit/s                 */
+                                    /*  10111 - 1920 kbit/s                 */
+                                    /*  11000 - Multirat (64 kbit/s base)   */
+    L3UCHAR RateMul;                /* Rate Multiplier                      */
+    L3UCHAR Layer1Ident;			/* Layer 1 Ident.						*/
+    L3UCHAR UIL1Prot;               /* User Information Layer 1 Protocol    */
+									/*	00001 : ITU-T V.110, I.460 and X.30 */
+									/*  00010 : G.711 my-law				*/
+									/*  00011 : G.711 A-law					*/
+									/*  00100 : G.721						*/
+                                    /*  00101 : H.221 and H.242				*/
+									/*  00110 : H.223 and H.245				*/
+									/*  00111 : Non ITU-T Standard			*/
+									/*  01000 : ITU-T V.120					*/
+									/*  01001 : ITU-T X.31 HDLC flag stuff.	*/
+    L3UCHAR SyncAsync;              /* Sync/Async                           */
+									/*	0 : Syncronous data					*/
+									/*	1 : Asyncronous data				*/
+    L3UCHAR Negot;					/* Negotiation							*/
+									/*	0 : In-band negotiation not possib.	*/
+									/*  1 : In-band negotiation possible	*/
+    L3UCHAR UserRate;				/* User rate							*/
+									/*	00000 : I.460, V.110, X,30			*/
+									/*  00001 : 0.6 kbit/s x.1				*/
+									/*  00010 : 1.2 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  00011 : 2.4 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  00100 : 3.6 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  00101 : 4.8 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  00110 : 7.2 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  00111 : 8 kbit/s I.460				*/
+									/*  01000 : 9.6 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  01001 : 14.4 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  01010 : 16 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  01011 :	19.2 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  01100 : 32 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  01101 : 38.4 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  01110 : 48 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  01111 : 56 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  10000 : 57.6 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  10010 : 28.8 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  10100 : 24 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  10101 : 0.1345 kbit/s				*/
+									/*  10110 : 0.100 kbit/s				*/
+									/*  10111 : 0.075/1.2 kbit/s			*/
+									/*  11000 : 1.2/0.075/kbit/s			*/
+									/*  11001 : 0.050 kbit/s				*/
+									/*  11010 : 0.075 kbit/s				*/
+									/*  11011 : 0.110 kbit/s				*/
+									/*  11100 : 0.150 kbit/s				*/
+									/*  11101 : 0.200 kbit/s				*/
+									/*  11110 : 0.300 kbit/s				*/
+									/*  11111 : 12 kbit/s					*/
+    L3UCHAR InterRate;              /* Intermediate Rate                    */
+									/*	00 : Not used						*/
+									/*  01 : 8 kbit/s						*/
+									/*  10 : 16 kbit/s						*/
+									/*  11 : 32 kbit/s						*/
+    L3UCHAR NIConTx;				/* Network Indepentend Clock on transmit*/
+									/*	0 : Not required to send data  clc  */
+									/*  1 : Send data w/NIC clc				*/
+    L3UCHAR NIConRx;				/* NIC on Rx							*/
+									/*	0 : Cannot accept indep. clc		*/
+									/*  1 : data with indep. clc accepted	*/
+    L3UCHAR FlowCtlTx;              /* Flow control on Tx                   */
+									/*  0 : Send Flow ctrl not required		*/
+									/*  1 : Send flow ctrl required			*/
+    L3UCHAR FlowCtlRx;              /* Flow control on Rx                   */
+									/*  0 : cannot use receive flow ctrl	*/
+									/*  1 : Receive flow ctrl accepted		*/
+    L3UCHAR HDR;					/* HDR/No HDR							*/
+    L3UCHAR MultiFrame;             /* Multi frame support                  */
+									/*  0 : multiframe not supported		*/
+									/*  1 : multiframe supported			*/
+    L3UCHAR Mode;					/* Mode of operation					*/
+									/*	0 : bit transparent mode of operat.	*/
+									/*	1 : protocol sesitive mode of op.	*/
+    L3UCHAR LLInegot;				/* Logical link id negotiation (oct. 5b)*/
+									/*  0 : default LLI=256 only			*/
+									/*  1 : Full protocol negotiation		*/
+    L3UCHAR Assignor;               /* Assignor/assignee                    */
+									/*  0 : Default Asignee					*/
+									/*  1 : Assignor only					*/
+    L3UCHAR InBandNeg;              /* In-band/out-band negot.              */
+									/*  0 : negot done w/ USER INFO mes		*/
+									/*  1 : negot done in-band w/link zero	*/
+    L3UCHAR NumStopBits;            /* Number of stop bits					*/
+									/*  00 : Not used						*/
+									/*  01 : 1 bit							*/
+									/*  10 : 1.5 bits						*/
+									/*  11 : 2 bits							*/
+    L3UCHAR NumDataBits;            /* Number of data bits.                 */
+									/*  00 : not used						*/
+									/*  01 : 5 bits							*/
+									/*  10 : 7 bits							*/
+									/*  11 : 8 bits							*/
+    L3UCHAR Parity;					/* Parity Information					*/
+									/*	000 : Odd							*/
+									/*  010 : Even							*/
+									/*  011 : None							*/
+									/*  100 : Forced to 0					*/
+									/*  101 : Forced to 1					*/
+    L3UCHAR DuplexMode;				/* Mode duplex							*/
+									/*  0 : Half duplex						*/
+									/*  1 : Full duplex						*/
+    L3UCHAR ModemType;				/* Modem type, see Q.931 p 64			*/
+    L3UCHAR Layer2Ident;			/* Layer 2 Ident						*/
+    L3UCHAR UIL2Prot;               /* User Information Layer 2 Protocol    */
+									/*	00010 : Q.921/I.441					*/
+									/*  00110 : X.25						*/
+									/*  01100 : LAN logical link			*/
+    L3UCHAR Layer3Ident;            /* Layer 3 ident.						*/
+    L3UCHAR UIL3Prot;               /* User Information Layer 3 Protocol    */
+									/*	00010 : Q.931						*/
+									/*  00110 : X.25						*/
+									/*  01011 : ISO/IEC TR 9577				*/
+    L3UCHAR AL3Info1;				/* additional layer 3 info 1			*/
+    L3UCHAR AL3Info2;				/* additional layer 3 info 2			*/
+  Struct:       Q931ie_CallID
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00010000                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR CallId[1];				/* Call identity                        */
+  Struct:       Q931ie_CallState
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00010100                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR CodStand;               /* Coding Standard                      */
+    L3UCHAR CallState;              /* Call State Value                     */
+  Struct:		Q931ie_Cause
+  Description:	Cause IE as described in Q.850
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00010100                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR CodStand;               /* Coding Standard                      */
+	L3UCHAR Location;				/* Location								*/
+	L3UCHAR Recom;					/* Recommendation						*/
+	L3UCHAR Value;					/* Cause Value							*/
+	L3UCHAR	Diag[1];				/* Optional Diagnostics Field			*/
+  Struct:        Q931ie_CalledNum
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01110000                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR TypNum;                 /* Type of Number                       */
+    L3UCHAR NumPlanID;              /* Numbering plan identification        */
+    L3UCHAR Digit[1];				/* Digit (IA5)                          */
+  Struct:       Q931ie_CalledSub
+  Description:  Called party subaddress
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01110001                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR TypNum;                 /* Type of subaddress                   */
+    L3UCHAR OddEvenInd;             /* Odd/Even indicator                   */
+    L3UCHAR Digit[1];				/* digits                               */
+  Struct:       Q931ie_CallingNum
+  Description:  Calling party number
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01101100                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR TypNum;                 /* Type of number                       */
+    L3UCHAR NumPlanID;              /* Numbering plan identification        */
+    L3UCHAR PresInd;                /* Presentation indicator               */
+    L3UCHAR ScreenInd;              /* Screening indicator                  */
+    L3UCHAR Digit[1];				/* Number digits (IA5)                  */
+  Struct:        Q931ie_CallingSub
+  Description:   Calling party subaddress
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01101101                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR TypNum;                 /* Type of subaddress                   */
+    L3UCHAR OddEvenInd;             /* Odd/Even indicator                   */
+    L3UCHAR Digit[1];				/* digits                               */
+  Struct:       Q931ie_ChanID
+  Description:  Channel identification
+				Channel Identificationis one of the IE elements that differ
+				between BRI and PRI. IntType = 1 = BRI and ChanSlot is used
+				for channel number, while InfoChanSel is used for BRI.
+				ChanID is one of the most important IE as it is passed	
+				either though SETUP or CALL PROCEEDING to select the channel
+				to be used.
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00011000                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR IntIDPresent;           /* Int. id. present                     */
+    L3UCHAR IntType;                /* Interface Type                       */
+									/*	0 : Basic Interface	(BRI)			*/
+									/*  1 : Other interfaces, PRI etc.		*/
+    L3UCHAR PrefExcl;               /* Pref./Excl.                          */
+									/*	0 : Indicated channel is preffered	*/
+									/*  1 : Exclusive, no other accepted	*/
+    L3UCHAR DChanInd;               /* D-channel ind.                       */
+									/*  0 : chan is NOT D chan.				*/
+									/*  1 : chan is D chan					*/
+    L3UCHAR InfoChanSel;            /* Info. channel selection              */
+									/*  00 : No channel						*/
+									/*  01 : B1 channel						*/
+									/*  10 : B2 channel						*/
+									/*  11 : Any channel					*/
+    L3UCHAR InterfaceID;            /* Interface identifier                 */
+    L3UCHAR CodStand;		        /* Code standard                        */
+									/*  00 : ITU-T standardization coding	*/
+									/*  01 : ISO/IEC Standard				*/
+									/*  10 : National Standard				*/
+									/*  11 : Standard def. by network.		*/
+    L3UCHAR NumMap;                 /* Number/Map                           */
+									/*  0 : chan is in following octet		*/
+									/*  1 : chan is indicated by slot map	*/
+    L3UCHAR ChanMapType;            /* Channel type/Map element type        */
+									/*  0011 : B Channel units				*/
+									/*  0110 : H0 channel units				*/
+									/*  1000 : H11 channel units			*/
+									/*  1001 : H12 channel units			*/
+    L3UCHAR ChanSlot;               /* Channel number						*/
+  Struct:       Q931ie_DateTime
+  Description:  Date/time
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00101001                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR Year;                   /* Year                                 */
+    L3UCHAR Month;                  /* Month                                */
+    L3UCHAR Day;                    /* Day                                  */
+    L3UCHAR Hour;                   /* Hour                                 */
+    L3UCHAR Minute;                 /* Minute                               */
+    L3UCHAR Second;                 /* Second                               */
+	L3UCHAR Format;					/* Indicate presense of Hour, Min & sec */
+									/*	0 : Only Date						*/
+									/*  1 : Hour present					*/
+									/*  2 : Hour and Minute present			*/
+									/*  3 : Hour, Minute and Second present	*/
+  Struct:       Q931ie_Display
+  Description:  Display
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00101000                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR Display[1];             /* Display information (IA5)            */
+  Struct:       Q931ie_HLComp
+  Description:  High layer compatibility
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01111101                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR CodStand;               /* Coding standard                      */
+    L3UCHAR Interpret;              /* Interpretation                       */
+    L3UCHAR PresMeth;               /* Presentation methor of prot. profile */
+    L3UCHAR HLCharID;               /* High layer characteristics id.       */
+    L3UCHAR EHLCharID;              /* Extended high layer character. id.   */
+    L3UCHAR EVideoTlfCharID;        /* Ext. videotelephony char. id.        */
+  Struct:       Q931ie_KeypadFac
+  Description:  Keypad facility
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00101100                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR KeypadFac[1];           /* dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:       Q931ie_LLComp
+  Description:  Low layer compatibility
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01111100                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR CodStand;               /* Coding standard                      */
+                                    /*  00 - ITU-T                          */
+                                    /*  01 - ISO/IEC                        */
+                                    /*  10 - National standard              */
+                                    /*  11 - Network side spesific          */
+    L3UCHAR ITransCap;              /* Information transfer capability      */
+                                    /*  00000 - Speech                      */
+                                    /*  01000 - Unrestricted digital info   */
+                                    /*  01001 - Restricted digital info     */
+                                    /*  10000 - 3.1 kHz audio               */
+                                    /*  10001 - Unrestricted with tones     */
+                                    /*  11000 - Video                       */
+    L3UCHAR NegotInd;               /* Negot indic.                         */
+									/*	0 : Out-band neg. not possib.       */
+									/*  1 : Out-band neg. possible	        */
+    L3UCHAR TransMode;              /* Transfer Mode                        */
+                                    /*  00 : Circuit Mode                   */
+                                    /*  10 : Packed Mode                    */
+    L3UCHAR InfoRate;               /* Information transfer rate            */
+                                    /*  00000 - Packed mode                 */
+                                    /*  10000 - 64 kbit/s                   */
+                                    /*  10001 - 2 x 64 kbit/s               */
+                                    /*  10011 - 384 kbit/s                  */
+                                    /*  10101 - 1536 kbit/s                 */
+                                    /*  10111 - 1920 kbit/s                 */
+                                    /*  11000 - Multirat (64 kbit/s base)   */
+    L3UCHAR RateMul;                /* Rate multiplier                      */
+    L3UCHAR Layer1Ident;            /* Layer 1 ident.                       */
+    L3UCHAR UIL1Prot;               /* User information layer 1 protocol    */
+									/*	00001 : ITU-T V.110, I.460 and X.30 */
+									/*  00010 : G.711 my-law				*/
+									/*  00011 : G.711 A-law					*/
+									/*  00100 : G.721						*/
+                                    /*  00101 : H.221 and H.242				*/
+									/*  00110 : H.223 and H.245				*/
+									/*  00111 : Non ITU-T Standard			*/
+									/*  01000 : ITU-T V.120					*/
+									/*  01001 : ITU-T X.31 HDLC flag stuff.	*/
+    L3UCHAR SyncAsync;              /* Synch/asynch                         */
+									/*	0 : Syncronous data					*/
+									/*	1 : Asyncronous data				*/
+    L3UCHAR Negot;                  /* Negot                                */
+									/*	0 : In-band negotiation not possib.	*/
+									/*  1 : In-band negotiation possible	*/
+    L3UCHAR UserRate;               /* User rate                            */
+									/*	00000 : I.460, V.110, X,30			*/
+									/*  00001 : 0.6 kbit/s x.1				*/
+									/*  00010 : 1.2 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  00011 : 2.4 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  00100 : 3.6 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  00101 : 4.8 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  00110 : 7.2 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  00111 : 8 kbit/s I.460				*/
+									/*  01000 : 9.6 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  01001 : 14.4 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  01010 : 16 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  01011 :	19.2 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  01100 : 32 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  01101 : 38.4 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  01110 : 48 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  01111 : 56 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  10000 : 57.6 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  10010 : 28.8 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  10100 : 24 kbit/s					*/
+									/*  10101 : 0.1345 kbit/s				*/
+									/*  10110 : 0.100 kbit/s				*/
+									/*  10111 : 0.075/1.2 kbit/s			*/
+									/*  11000 : 1.2/0.075/kbit/s			*/
+									/*  11001 : 0.050 kbit/s				*/
+									/*  11010 : 0.075 kbit/s				*/
+									/*  11011 : 0.110 kbit/s				*/
+									/*  11100 : 0.150 kbit/s				*/
+									/*  11101 : 0.200 kbit/s				*/
+									/*  11110 : 0.300 kbit/s				*/
+									/*  11111 : 12 kbit/s					*/
+    L3UCHAR InterRate;              /* Intermediate rate                    */
+									/*	00 : Not used						*/
+									/*  01 : 8 kbit/s						*/
+									/*  10 : 16 kbit/s						*/
+									/*  11 : 32 kbit/s						*/
+    L3UCHAR NIConTx;				/* Network Indepentend Clock on transmit*/
+									/*	0 : Not required to send data  clc  */
+									/*  1 : Send data w/NIC clc				*/
+    L3UCHAR NIConRx;				/* NIC on Rx							*/
+									/*	0 : Cannot accept indep. clc		*/
+									/*  1 : data with indep. clc accepted	*/
+    L3UCHAR FlowCtlTx;              /* Flow control on Tx                   */
+									/*  0 : Send Flow ctrl not required		*/
+									/*  1 : Send flow ctrl required			*/
+    L3UCHAR FlowCtlRx;              /* Flow control on Rx                   */
+									/*  0 : cannot use receive flow ctrl	*/
+									/*  1 : Receive flow ctrl accepted		*/
+    L3UCHAR HDR;					/* HDR/No HDR							*/
+    L3UCHAR MultiFrame;             /* Multi frame support                  */
+									/*  0 : multiframe not supported		*/
+									/*  1 : multiframe supported			*/
+	L3UCHAR ModeL1;					/* Mode L1								*/
+									/*	0 : bit transparent mode of operat.	*/
+									/*	1 : protocol sesitive mode of op.	*/
+    L3UCHAR NegotLLI;               /* Negot. LLI                           */
+									/*  0 : default LLI=256 only			*/
+									/*  1 : Full protocol negotiation		*/
+    L3UCHAR Assignor;               /* Assignor/Assignor ee                 */
+									/*  0 : Default Asignee					*/
+									/*  1 : Assignor only					*/
+    L3UCHAR InBandNeg;              /* In-band negot.                       */
+									/*  0 : negot done w/ USER INFO mes		*/
+									/*  1 : negot done in-band w/link zero	*/
+    L3UCHAR NumStopBits;            /* Number of stop bits					*/
+									/*  00 : Not used						*/
+									/*  01 : 1 bit							*/
+									/*  10 : 1.5 bits						*/
+									/*  11 : 2 bits							*/
+    L3UCHAR NumDataBits;            /* Number of data bits.                 */
+									/*  00 : not used						*/
+									/*  01 : 5 bits							*/
+									/*  10 : 7 bits							*/
+									/*  11 : 8 bits							*/
+    L3UCHAR Parity;					/* Parity Information					*/
+									/*	000 : Odd							*/
+									/*  010 : Even							*/
+									/*  011 : None							*/
+									/*  100 : Forced to 0					*/
+									/*  101 : Forced to 1					*/
+    L3UCHAR DuplexMode;				/* Mode duplex							*/
+									/*  0 : Half duplex						*/
+									/*  1 : Full duplex						*/
+    L3UCHAR ModemType;				/* Modem type, see Q.931 p 89			*/
+    L3UCHAR Layer2Ident;            /* Layer 2 ident.                       */
+    L3UCHAR UIL2Prot;               /* User information layer 2 protocol    */
+                                    /*  00001 : Basic mode ISO 1745         */
+									/*	00010 : Q.921/I.441					*/
+									/*  00110 : X.25 single link			*/
+                                    /*  00111 : X.25 multilink              */
+                                    /*  01000 : Extended LAPB T.71          */
+                                    /*  01001 : HDLC ARM                    */
+                                    /*  01010 : HDLC NRM                    */
+                                    /*  01011 : HDLC ABM                    */
+									/*  01100 : LAN logical link			*/
+                                    /*  01101 : X.75 SLP                    */
+                                    /*  01110 : Q.922                       */
+                                    /*  01111 : Q.922 core aspect           */
+                                    /*  10000 : User specified              */
+                                    /*  10001 : ISO/IEC 7776 DTE-DCE        */
+    L3UCHAR ModeL2;                 /* Mode                                 */
+									/*	01 : Normal Mode of operation    	*/
+									/*	10 : Extended mode of operation  	*/
+    L3UCHAR Q933use;                /* Q.9333 use                           */
+    L3UCHAR UsrSpcL2Prot;           /* User specified layer 2 protocol info */
+    L3UCHAR WindowSize;             /* Window size (k)                      */
+    L3UCHAR Layer3Ident;            /* Layer 3 ident                        */
+    L3UCHAR UIL3Prot;				/* User Information Layer 3 protocol	*/
+									/*	00010 : Q.931						*/
+									/*  00110 : X.25						*/
+                                    /*  00111 : 8208                        */
+                                    /*  01000 : X.233 ...                   */
+                                    /*  01001 : 6473                        */
+                                    /*  01010 : T.70                        */
+									/*  01011 : ISO/IEC TR 9577				*/
+                                    /*  10000 : User specified              */
+    L3UCHAR OptL3Info;              /* Optional Leyer 3 info                */
+    L3UCHAR ModeL3;                 /* Mode of operation                    */
+                                    /*  01 : Normal packed seq. numbering   */
+                                    /*  10 : Extended packed seq. numbering */
+    L3UCHAR DefPackSize;            /* Default packet size                  */
+    L3UCHAR PackWinSize;            /* Packet window size                   */
+    L3UCHAR AddL3Info;              /* Additional Layer 3 protocol info     */
+  Struct:       Q931ie_NetFac;
+  Description:  Network-specific facilities
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00100000                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR LenNetID;               /* Length of network facilities id.     */
+    L3UCHAR TypeNetID;              /* Type of network identification       */
+    L3UCHAR NetIDPlan;              /* Network identification plan.         */
+    L3UCHAR NetFac;                 /* Network specific facility spec.      */
+    L3UCHAR NetID[1];               /* Network id. (IA5)                    */
+  Struct:       Q931ie_NotifInd;
+  Description:  Notification Indicator
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00100000                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+	L3UCHAR Notification;			/* Notification descriptor				*/
+  Struct:       Q931ie_ProgInd
+  Description:  Progress indicator
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00011110                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR CodStand;               /* Coding standard                      */
+    L3UCHAR Location;               /* Location                             */
+    L3UCHAR ProgDesc;               /* Progress description                 */
+  Struct;       Q931ie_Segment
+  Description:  Segmented message
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00000000                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR FSI;                    /* First segment indicator              */
+    L3UCHAR NumSegRem;              /* Number of segments remaining         */
+    L3UCHAR SegType;                /* Segment message type                 */
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00000000                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+  Struct:       Q931ie_Signal
+  Description:  Signal
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00000000                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR Signal;                 /* Signal value                         */
+                                    /*  00000000    Dial tone on            */
+                                    /*  00000001    Ring back tone on       */
+                                    /*  00000010    Intercept tone on       */
+                                    /*  00000011    Network congestion on   */
+                                    /*  00000100    Busy tone on            */
+                                    /*  00000101    Confirm tone on         */
+                                    /*  00000110    Answer tone on          */
+                                    /*  00000111    Call waiting tone       */
+                                    /*  00001000    Off-hook warning tone   */
+                                    /*  00001001    Pre-emption tone on     */
+                                    /*  00111111    Tones off               */
+                                    /*  01000000    Alerting on - pattern 0 */
+                                    /*  01000001    Alerting on - pattern 1 */
+                                    /*  01000010    Alerting on - pattern 2 */
+                                    /*  01000011    Alerting on - pattern 3 */
+                                    /*  01000100    Alerting on - pattern 4 */
+                                    /*  01000101    Alerting on - pattern 5 */
+                                    /*  01000110    Alerting on - pattern 6 */
+                                    /*  01000111    Alerting on - pattern 7 */
+                                    /*  01001111    Alerting off            */
+  Struct:       Q931ie_TransDelSelInd
+  description:  Transit delay selection and indication
+#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 00000000                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3ULONG TxDSIValue;             /* Trans. delay sel. & ind. value       */ 
+  Struct:       Q931ie_TransNetSel
+  Description:  Transit network selection
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01111000                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR Type;                   /* Type of network identifier           */
+    L3UCHAR NetIDPlan;              /* Network idetification plan           */
+    L3UCHAR NetID[1];               /* Network identification(IA5)          */
+  Struct:       Q931ie_UserUser
+  Description:  User-user
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01111110                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR ProtDisc;               /* Protocol discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR User[1];                /* User information                     */
+  Struct:       Q931ie_ClosedUserGrp
+  Description:  Closed user group
+#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01000111                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR CUGInd;                 /* CUG indication                       */
+    L3UCHAR CUG[1];                 /* CUG index code (IA5)                 */
+  Struct:		Q931ie_CongLevel
+  Description:	Congestion Level
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01000111                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+	L3UCHAR CongLevel;				/* Conguestion Level					*/
+  Struct:       Q931ie_EndEndTxDelay
+  Description:  End to end transit delay
+#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01000010                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3ULONG CumTxDelay;             /* Cumulative transit delay value       */
+    L3ULONG ReqTxDelay;             /* Requested end to end transit delay   */
+    L3ULONG MaxTxDelay;             /* Maximum transit delay                */
+  Struct:       Q931ie_InfoRate
+  Description:  Information Rate
+#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01100000                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR InInfoRate;             /* Incoming information rate            */
+    L3UCHAR OutInfoRate;            /* Outgoing information rate            */
+    L3UCHAR MinInInfoRate;          /* Minimum incoming information rate    */
+    L3UCHAR MinOutInfoRate;         /* Minimum outgoing information rate    */
+  Struct:       Q931ie_PackParam
+  Description:  Packed layer binary parameters
+#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01000100                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR FastSel;                /* Fast selected                        */
+    L3UCHAR ExpData;                /* Exp. data                            */
+    L3UCHAR DelConf;                /* Delivery conf                        */
+    L3UCHAR Modulus;                /* Modulus                              */
+  Struct:       Q931ie_PackWinSize
+  Description:  Packed window size
+#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01000101                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR ForwardValue;           /* Forward value                        */
+    L3UCHAR BackwardValue;          /* Backward value                       */
+  Struct:       Q931ie_PackSize
+  Description:  Packet size
+#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01000110                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR ForwardValue;           /* Forward value                        */
+    L3UCHAR BackwardValue;          /* Backward value                       */
+  Struct:       Q931ie_RedirNum
+  Description:  Redirecting number
+#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01110100                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR TypeNum;                /* Type of number                       */
+    L3UCHAR NumPlanID;              /* Number plan identification           */
+    L3UCHAR PresInd;                /* Presentation indicator               */
+    L3UCHAR ScreenInd;              /* Screening indicator                  */
+    L3UCHAR Reason;                 /* Reason for redirection               */
+    L3UCHAR Digit[1];               /* Number digits (IA5)                  */
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01110100                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR RepeatInd;              /* 0010 Prioritized list for selecting  */
+                                    /* one possible.                        */
+typedef struct
+    L3UCHAR IEId;                   /* 01110100                             */
+    L3UCHAR Size;                   /* Length of Information Element        */
+    L3UCHAR Class;                  /* Class                                */
+                                    /*  000 Indicate channels               */
+                                    /*  110 Single interface                */
+                                    /*  111 All interfaces                  */
+  Struct:       Q931mes_Header
+  Description:  Used to read the header & message code.
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT			Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+  Struct:       Q931mes_Generic
+  Description:  Generic header containing all IE's. This is not used, but is
+				provided in case a proprietary variant needs it.
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT			Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              Shift;
+    ie              MoreData;
+    ie              SendComplete;
+    ie              CongestionLevel;
+    ie              RepeatInd;
+    ie              Segment;        /* Segmented message                    */
+    ie              BearerCap;      /* Bearer Capability                    */
+    ie              Cause;          /* Cause                                */
+    ie              CallID;			/* Call Identity                        */
+    ie              ChanID;         /* Channel Identification               */
+    ie              ProgInd;        /* Progress Indicator                   */
+    ie              NetFac;         /* Network Spesific Facilities          */
+    ie              NotifInd;       /* Notification Indicator               */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    ie              DateTime;       /* Date/Time                            */
+    ie              KeypadFac;      /* Keypad Facility                      */
+    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
+    ie              InfoRate;       /* Information rate                     */
+    ie              EndEndTxDelay;  /* End to End Transmit Delay            */
+    ie              TransDelSelInd; /* Transmit Delay Sel. and Ind.         */
+    ie              PackParam;      /* Packed Layer Binary parameters       */
+    ie              PackWinSize;    /* Packet Layer Window Size             */
+    ie              PackSize;       /* Packed Size                          */
+    ie              ClosedUserGrp;  /* Closed User Group                    */
+    ie              RevChargeInd;   /* Reverse Charging Indicator           */
+    ie              CalledNum;      /* Called Party Number                  */
+    ie              CalledSub;      /* Called Party subaddress              */
+    ie              CallingNum;     /* Calling Party Number                 */
+    ie              CallingSub;     /* Calling Party Subaddress             */
+    ie              RedirNum;       /* Redirection Number                   */
+    ie              TransNetSel;    /* Transmit Network Selection           */
+    ie              RestartInd;     /* Restart Indicator                    */
+    ie              LLComp;         /* Low Layer Compatibility              */
+    ie              HLComp;         /* High Layer Compatibility             */
+    ie              UserUser;       /* User-user                            */
+    ie              Escape;         /* Escape for extension                 */
+	L3UCHAR			buf[1];			/* Buffer for IE's						*/
+  Struct:        Q931mes_Alerting
+  Description:   This message is send by the called party to indicate that
+                 the phone is ringing.
+				 The message consist of an header that MUST be identical with
+				 Q931mes_Header, a fixed number of IE flags w/offset, and
+				 a dynamic buffer storing normalized IE's.
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT			Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              BearerCap;      /* Bearer Capability                    */
+    ie              ChanID;         /* Channel Identification               */
+    ie              ProgInd;        /* Progress Indicator                   */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
+    ie              HLComp;         /* High Layer Compatibility             */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_CallProceeding
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT			Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              BearerCap;      /* Bearer Capability                    */
+    ie              ChanID;         /* Channel Identification               */
+    ie              ProgInd;        /* Progress Indicator                   */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    ie              HLComp;         /* High Layer Compatibility             */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_Connect
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              BearerCap;      /* Bearer Capability                    */
+    ie              ChanID;         /* Channel Identification               */
+    ie              ProgInd;        /* Progress Indicator                   */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    ie              DateTime;       /* Date/Time                            */
+    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
+    ie              LLComp;         /* Low Layer Compatibility              */
+    ie              HLComp;         /* High layer Compatibility             */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_ConnectAck
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_Disconnect
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              Cause;          /* Cause                                */
+    ie              ProgInd;        /* Progress Indicator                   */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
+#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
+	ie              UserUser;       /* User - user. Packed Mode.            */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_Information
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              SendComplete;   /* Sending Complete                     */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    ie              KeypadFac;      /* Keypad facility                      */
+    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
+    ie              CalledNum;      /* Called party number                  */
+#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
+    ie              Cause;          /* Cause (packed only)                  */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_Notify
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              BearerCap;      /* Bearer Capability                    */
+    ie              NotifInd;       /* Notification Indicator               */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_Progress
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              BearerCap;      /* Bearer Capability                    */
+    ie              Cause;          /* Cause                                */
+    ie              ProgInd;        /* Progress Indicator                   */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    ie              HLComp;         /* High Layer Compatibility             */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_Release
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              Cause;          /* Cause                                */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
+#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
+    ie              UserUser;       /* User-User packed mode                */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_ReleaseComplete
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              Cause;          /* Cause                                */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
+#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
+    ie              UserUser;       /* User-User packed mode                */
+    L3UCHAR          buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_Resume
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              CallID;         /* Call Identity                        */
+	L3UCHAR			buf[1];
+  Struct:        Q931mes_ResumeAck
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              ChanID;         /* Channel ID                           */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_ResumeReject
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              Cause;          /* Cause                                */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_Segment
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_Setup
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              SendComplete;   /* Sending Complete                     */
+    ie              RepeatInd;      /* Repeat Indicator                     */
+    ie              BearerCap;      /* Bearer Capability                    */
+    ie              ChanID;         /* Channel ID                           */
+    ie              ProgInd;        /* Progress Indicator                   */
+    ie              NetFac;         /* Network-specific facilities          */
+                                    /* Note:    Up to 4 NetFac's may be     */
+                                    /*          included.                   */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    ie              DateTime;       /* Date/Time                            */
+    ie              KeypadFac;      /* Keypad Facility                      */
+    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
+    ie              CallingNum;     /* Calling party number                 */
+    ie              CallingSub;     /* Calling party sub address            */
+    ie              CalledNum;      /* Called party number                  */
+    ie              CalledSub;      /* Called party sub address             */
+    ie              TransNetSel;    /* Transit network selection            */
+    ie              LLRepeatInd;    /* Repeat Indicator 2 LLComp            */
+    ie              LLComp;         /* Low layer compatibility              */
+    ie              HLComp;         /* High layer compatibility             */
+#ifdef Q931_X25_SUPPORT
+    /* Packed mode additions */
+    ie              IndoRate;       /* Information Rate                     */
+    ie              EndEndDelay;    /* End-end transit delay                */
+    ie              TransDelayInd;  /* TRansit delay selection and ind.     */
+    ie              PackParam;      /* Packed layer binary parameters       */
+    ie              PackWinSize;    /* Packed layer window size             */
+    ie              PackSize;       /* Packet Size                          */
+    ie              ClosedUserGrp;  /* Closed User Group                    */
+    ie              RevChargInd;    /* Reverse charhing indicator           */
+    ie              RedirNum;       /* Redirection number                   */
+    ie              UserUser;       /* User-user.                           */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_SetupAck
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              ChanID;         /* Channel ID                           */
+    ie              ProgInd;        /* Progress Indicator                   */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    ie              Signal;         /* Signal                               */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_Status
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              Cause;          /* Cause                                */
+    ie              CallState;      /* Call State                           */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_StatusEnquire
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_Suspend
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              CallID;         /* Call Identity                        */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_SuspendAck
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_SuspendReject
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              Cause;          /* Cause                                */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_CongestionControl
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              CongLevel;      /* Congestion level                     */
+    ie              Cause;          /* Cause                                */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_UserInformation
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              MoreData;       /* More data                            */
+    ie              UserUser;       /* User-user                            */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_Restart
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              ChanID;         /* Channel identification               */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    ie              RestartInd;     /* Restart indicator                    */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:        Q931mes_RestartAck
+typedef struct
+    L3UINT          Size;           /* Size of message in bytes             */
+    L3UCHAR         ProtDisc;       /* Protocol Discriminator               */
+    L3UCHAR         MesType;        /* Message type                         */
+    L3INT           CRV;            /* Call reference value                 */
+    ie              ChanID;         /* Channel identification               */
+    ie              Display;        /* Display                              */
+    ie              RestartWin;     /* Restart Window                       */
+    ie              RestartInd;     /* Restart Indicator                    */
+    L3UCHAR         buf[1];         /* Dynamic buffer                       */
+  Struct:       Q931_TrunkInfo
+  Description:  TrunkInfo is the struct entry used to store Q.931 related 
+                information and state for E1/T1/J1 trunks and assosiated 
+                channels in the system. 
+				The user should store this information outside this stack
+				and need to feed the interface functions with a pointer to
+				the trunk Info entry.
+typedef struct
+	enum _NetUser					/* Network/User Mode.                   */
+	{
+		Q931_TE=0,                  /*  0 : User Mode                       */
+        Q931_NT=1                   /*  1 : Network Mode                    */
+	}NetUser;
+    L3UCHAR     Dialect;            /* Q.931 Based dielact index.           */
+	enum _TrunkType					/* Trunk Line Type.                     */
+	{
+		Q931_TrType_E1=0,           /*  0 : E1 Trunk                        */
+        Q931_TrType_T1=1,           /*  1 : T1 Trunk                        */
+        Q931_TrType_J1=2,           /*  2 : J1 Trunk                        */
+        Q931_TrType_BRI=3           /*  3 : BRI Trunk                       */
+	}TrunkType;
+    L3UCHAR     Enabled;            /* Enabled/Disabled                     */
+                                    /*  0 = Disabled                        */
+                                    /*  1 = Enabled                         */
+	enum _TrState					/* Trunk State							*/
+	{
+		Q931_TrState_NoAlignment=0,	/* Trunk not aligned					*/
+		Q931_TrState_Aligning=1,	/* Aligning in progress					*/
+		Q931_TrState_Aligned=2		/* Trunk Aligned						*/
+	}TrunkState;
+    L3INT       LastCRV;            /* Last used crv for the trunk.         */
+    L3UCHAR L3Buf[Q931L4BUF];		/* message buffer for messages to be    */
+                                    /* send from Q.931 L4.                  */
+    L3UCHAR L2Buf[Q931L2BUF];		/* buffer for messages send to L2.      */
+	/* The auto flags below switch on/off automatic Ack messages. SETUP ACK */
+	/* as an example can be send by the stack in response to SETUP to buy   */
+	/* time in processing on L4. Setting this to true will cause the stack  */
+	/* to automatically send this.											*/
+	L3BOOL	autoSetupAck;			/* Indicate if the stack should send    */
+									/* SETUP ACK or not. 0=No, 1 = Yes.		*/
+	L3BOOL  autoConnectAck;			/* Indicate if the stack should send    */
+									/* CONNECT ACT or not. 0=No, 1=Yes.		*/
+	L3BOOL  autoRestartAck;			/* Indicate if the stack should send    */
+									/* RESTART ACK or not. 0=No, 1=Yes.		*/
+    /* channel array holding info per channel. Usually defined to 32		*/
+	/* channels to fit an E1 since T1/J1 and BRI will fit inside a E1.		*/
+    struct _charray
+    {
+		enum _ChanType{
+			Q931_ChType_NotUsed=0,	/* Unused Channel						*/
+			Q931_ChType_B=1,		/* B Channel (Voice)					*/		
+			Q931_ChType_D=2,		/* D Channel (Signalling)				*/
+			Q931_ChType_Sync=3		/* Sync Channel							*/
+		}ChanType;
+        L3UCHAR Available;          /* Channel Available Flag               */
+                                    /*  0 : Avaiabled                       */
+                                    /*  1 : Used                            */
+        L3INT   CRV;                /* Associated CRV                       */
+    }ch[Q931MAXCHPERTRUNK];
+    /* Active Call information indentified by CRV. See Q931AllocateCRV for  */
+	/* initialization of call table.										*/
+    struct _ccarray
+    {
+        L3UCHAR InUse;              /* Indicate if entry is in use.         */
+                                    /*  0 = Not in Use                      */
+                                    /*  1 = Active Call.                    */
+        L3UCHAR BChan;              /* Associated B Channel.                */
+									/* 0 - 31 valid B chan					*/
+									/* 255 = Not allocated					*/
+        L3INT   CRV;                /* Associated CRV.                      */
+        L3UINT  State;              /* Call State.                          */
+									/*  0 is Idle, but other values are		*/
+									/*  defined per dialect.				*/
+									/*  Default usage is 1-99 for TE and    */
+									/*  101 - 199 for NT.					*/
+        L3ULONG Timer;              /* Timer in ms. The TimeTick will check */
+									/* if this has exceeded the timeout, and*/
+									/* if so call the timers timeout proc.	*/
+        L3USHORT TimerID;           /* Timer Identification/State           */
+									/* actual values defined by dialect		*/
+                                    /*  0 : No timer running                */
+                                    /*  ITU-T Q.931:301 - 322 Timer running */
+    }call[Q931MAXCALLPERTRUNK];
+  Struct:		Q931State
+  Description:	Define a Q931 State, legal events and next state for each
+				event. Used to simplify the state engine logic. Each state
+				engine define it's own state table and the logic only need
+				to call a helper function to check if the message is legal
+				at this stage.
+typedef struct
+	L3INT		State;
+	L3INT		Message;
+	L3UCHAR		Direction;
+  Proc table external references. 
+  The proc tables are defined in Q931.c and initialized in Q931Initialize.
+extern L3INT (*Q931Proc  [Q931MAXDLCT][Q931MAXMES])   (Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *,L3INT);
+extern L3INT (*Q931Umes  [Q931MAXDLCT][Q931MAXMES])   (Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT IOff, L3INT Size);
+extern L3INT (*Q931Pmes  [Q931MAXDLCT][Q931MAXMES])   (Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+extern L3INT (*Q931Uie   [Q931MAXDLCT][Q931MAXIE] )   (Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE,L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+extern L3INT (*Q931Pie   [Q931MAXDLCT][Q931MAXIE] )   (Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+  Macro:        GetIETotoSize
+  Syntax:       L3INT GetIETotSize(InfoElem ie);
+  Description:  Compute the total size in bytes of an info element including 
+                size of 'header'.    
+#define Q931GetIETotSize(ie)    (((ie.InfoID & 0x80) !=0) ? 1:ie.LenIE)+2)
+  Macro:        IsIEPresent
+  Syntax:       BOOL IsIEPresent(ie InfoElement);
+  Description:  Return TRUE if the Information Element is included.
+#define Q931IsIEPresent(x)    ((x & 0x8000) != 0)
+  Macro:        GetIEOffset and GetIEValue
+  Syntax:       L3INT GetIEOffset(ie InfoElement)
+                L3INT GetIEValue(ie InfoElement)
+  Description:  Returns the offset (or the value )to the Information Element.
+  Note:         GetIEValue assumes that the 15 lsb bit is the value of a 
+                single octet information element. This macro can not be used
+                on a variable information element.
+#define Q931GetIEOffset(x) (x & 0x7fff)
+#define Q931GetIEValue(x) (x & 0x7fff)
+  Macro:        Q931GetIEPtr
+  Syntax:       void * Q931GetIEPtr(ie InfoElement, L3UCHAR * Buf);
+  Description:  Compute a Ptr to the information element.
+#define Q931GetIEPtr(ie,buf) (&buf[Q931GetIEOffset(ie)])
+  Macro:        SetIE
+  Syntax:       void SetIE(ie InfoElement, L3INT Offset);
+  Description:  Set an information element.
+#define Q931SetIE(x,o) {x = (ie)(o) | 0x8000;}
+  Macro:        IsQ931Ext
+  Syntax        BOOL IsQ931Ext(L3UCHAR c)
+  Description:  Return true Check if the msb (bit 8) is 0. This indicate
+                that the octet is extended.
+#define IsQ931Ext(x) ((x&0x80)==0)
+  Macro:        ieGetOctet
+  Syntax:       unsigned L3UCHAR ieGetOctet(L3INT e)
+  Description:  Macro to fetch one byte from an integer. Mostly used to 
+                avoid warnings.
+#define ieGetOctet(x) ((L3UCHAR)(x))
+  Macro:        NoWarning
+  Syntax:       void NoWarning(x)
+  Description:  Macro to suppress unreferenced formal parameter warnings
+                Used during creation of the stack since the stack is 
+                developed for Warning Level 4 and this creates a lot of 
+                warning for the initial empty functions.
+#define NoWarning(x) (x=x)
+  External references. See Q931.c for details.
+extern Q931_TrunkInfo Q931Trunk[Q931MAXTRUNKS];
+#include "Q932.h"
+  Q.931 Information Element Pack/Unpack functions. Implemented in Q931ie.c
+L3INT Q931Pie_BearerCap(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_ChanID(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_ProgInd(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_Display(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_Signal(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_HLComp(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_Segment(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_DateTime(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_Cause(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_SendComplete(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_KeypadFac(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_NotifInd(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_CallID(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_RepeatInd(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_NetFac(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_CallingNum(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_CallingSub(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_CalledNum(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_CalledSub(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_CalledNum(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_TransNetSel(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_LLComp(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_CallState(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_RestartInd(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Pie_UserUser(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet);
+L3INT Q931Uie_BearerCap(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3USHORT Q931Uie_CRV(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_ChanID(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_ProgInd(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_Display(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_Signal(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_HLComp(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_Segment(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_DateTime(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_Cause(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_SendComplete(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_KeypadFac(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_NotifInd(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_CallID(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_RepeatInd(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_NetFac(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_CallingNum(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_CallingSub(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_CalledNum(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_CalledSub(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_TransNetSel(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_LLComp(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_CallState(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_RestartInd(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+L3INT Q931Uie_UserUser(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff);
+  Q.931 Message Pack/Unpack functions. Implemented in Q931mes.c
+L3INT Q931Pmes_Alerting(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_CallProceeding(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_Connect(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_ConnectAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_Progress(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_Setup(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_SetupAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_Resume(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_ResumeAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_ResumeReject(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_Suspend(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_SuspendAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_SuspendReject(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_UserInformation(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_Disconnect(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_Release(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_ReleaseComplete(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_Restart(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_RestartAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_CongestionControl(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_Information(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_Notify(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_Segment(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_Status(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Pmes_StatusEnquiry(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize);
+L3INT Q931Umes_Alerting(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_CallProceeding(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_Connect(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_ConnectAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_Progress(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_Setup(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_SetupAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_Resume(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_ResumeAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_ResumeReject(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_Suspend(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_SuspendAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_SuspendReject(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_UserInformation(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_Disconnect(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_Release(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_ReleaseComplete(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_Restart(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_RestartAck(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_CongestionControl(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_Information(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_Notify(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_Segment(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_Status(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+L3INT Q931Umes_StatusEnquiry(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT I, L3INT O);
+  Q.931 Process Function Prototyping. Implemented in Q931StateTE.c
+L3INT Q931ProcAlertingTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcCallProceedingTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcConnectTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcConnectAckTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcProgressTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcSetupTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcSetupAckTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcResumeTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcResumeAckTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcResumeRejectTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcSuspendTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcSuspendAckTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcSuspendRejectTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcUserInformationTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcDisconnectTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcReleaseTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcReleaseCompleteTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcRestartTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcRestartAckTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcCongestionControlTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcInformationTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcNotifyTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcStatusTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcStatusEnquiryTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcSegmentTE(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcAlertingNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcCallProceedingNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcConnectNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcConnectAckNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcProgressNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcSetupNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcSetupAckNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcResumeNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcResumeAckNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcResumeRejectNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcSuspendNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcSuspendAckNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcSuspendRejectNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcUserInformationNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcDisconnectNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcReleaseNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcReleaseCompleteNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcRestartNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcRestartAckNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcCongestionControlNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcInformationNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcNotifyNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcStatusNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcStatusEnquiryNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcSegmentNT(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcUnknownMessage(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+L3INT Q931ProcUnexpectedMessage(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom);
+  Interface Function Prototypes. Implemented in Q931.c
+void    Q931TimeTick(L3ULONG ms);
+L3INT   Q931Rx23(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * Mes, L3INT Size);
+L3INT   Q931Tx32(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * Mes, L3INT Size);
+L3INT   Q931Rx43(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * Mes, L3INT Size);
+L3INT   Q931Tx34(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * Mes, L3INT Size);
+void    Q931SetError(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3INT ErrID, L3INT ErrPar1, L3INT ErrPar2);
+void	Q931SetTx34CB(L3INT (*Q931Tx34Par)(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * Mes, L3INT Size));
+void	Q931SetTx32CB(L3INT (*Q931Tx32Par)(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3UCHAR * Mes, L3INT Size));
+void	Q931SetErrorCB(L3INT (*Q931ErrorPar)(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk,L3INT,L3INT,L3INT));
+void    Q931CreateTE(L3UCHAR i);
+void    Q931CreateNT(L3UCHAR i);
+void    Q931SetMesCreateCB(L3INT (*callback)());
+void    Q931SetDialectCreateCB(L3INT (*callback)(L3INT));
+void    Q931SetHeaderSpace(L3INT space);
+void Q931SetMesProc(L3UCHAR mes, L3UCHAR dialect, 
+                L3INT (*Q931ProcFunc)(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR * b, L3INT iFrom),
+                L3INT (*Q931UmesFunc)(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT IOff, L3INT Size),
+                L3INT (*Q931PmesFunc)(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3INT ISize, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *OSize));
+void Q931SetIEProc(L3UCHAR iec, L3UCHAR dialect, 
+			   L3INT (*Q931PieProc)(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3UCHAR *IBuf, L3UCHAR *OBuf, L3INT *Octet),
+			   L3INT (*Q931UieProc)(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, ie *pIE, L3UCHAR * IBuf, L3UCHAR * OBuf, L3INT *IOff, L3INT *OOff)); 
+void Q931Initialize();
+void Q931AddDialect(L3UCHAR iDialect, void (*Q931CreateDialectCB)(L3UCHAR iDialect));
+L3INT Q931InitMesSetup(Q931mes_Setup *p);
+L3INT	Q931CreateCRV(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3INT * callIndex);
+L3INT	Q931AllocateCRV(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3INT iCRV, L3INT * callIndex);
+L3INT   Q931FindCRV(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3INT crv, L3INT *callindex);
+L3INT	Q931GetCallState(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3INT iCRV);
+L3INT	Q931StartTimer(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3INT callIndex, L3USHORT iTimer);
+L3INT	Q931StopTimer(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3INT callindex, L3USHORT iTimer);
+L3INT	Q931SetState(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3INT callIndex, L3INT iState);
+L3ULONG Q931GetTime();
+void	Q931AddStateEntry(L3UCHAR iD, L3INT iState, L3INT iMes, L3UCHAR cDir);
+L3BOOL	Q931IsEventLegal(L3UCHAR iD, L3INT iState, L3INT iMes, L3UCHAR cDir);
+  Q.931 Low Level API Function Prototyping. Implemented in Q931API.c
+ie Q931AppendIE(L3UCHAR *pm, L3UCHAR *pi);
+L3INT Q931GetUniqueCRV(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk);
+L3INT Q931InitIEBearerCap(Q931ie_BearerCap *p);
+L3INT Q931InitIEChanID(Q931ie_ChanID *p);
+L3INT Q931InitIEProgInd(Q931ie_ProgInd *p);
+L3INT Q931InitIENetFac(Q931ie_NetFac * pIE);
+L3INT Q931InitIEDisplay(Q931ie_Display * pIE);
+L3INT Q931InitIEDateTime(Q931ie_DateTime * pIE);
+L3INT Q931InitIEKeypadFac(Q931ie_KeypadFac * pIE);
+L3INT Q931InitIESignal(Q931ie_Signal * pIE);
+L3INT Q931InitIECallingNum(Q931ie_CallingNum * pIE);
+L3INT Q931InitIECallingSub(Q931ie_CallingSub * pIE);
+L3INT Q931InitIECalledNum(Q931ie_CalledNum * pIE);
+L3INT Q931InitIECalledSub(Q931ie_CalledSub * pIE);
+L3INT Q931InitIETransNetSel(Q931ie_TransNetSel * pIE);
+L3INT Q931InitIELLComp(Q931ie_LLComp * pIE);
+L3INT Q931InitIEHLComp(Q931ie_HLComp * pIE);
+L3INT Q931Disconnect(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3INT iTo, L3INT iCRV, L3INT iCause);
+L3INT Q931ReleaseComplete(Q931_TrunkInfo *pTrunk, L3INT iTo);
+#endif /* _Q931_NL */