Merge branch 'nsg-4.3' of into nsg-4.3

This commit is contained in:
Mathieu Rene 2012-08-10 07:08:57 -04:00
commit 2dd7ab104d
4 changed files with 281 additions and 145 deletions

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ switch_status_t megaco_profile_status(switch_stream_handle_t *stream, megaco_pro
switch_status_t megaco_profile_xmlstatus(switch_stream_handle_t *stream, megaco_profile_t* mg_cfg);
switch_status_t megaco_profile_peer_xmlstatus(switch_stream_handle_t *stream, megaco_profile_t* mg_cfg);
switch_status_t handle_term_status_cli_cmd(switch_stream_handle_t *stream, megaco_profile_t* mg_profile, char* term_id);
switch_status_t handle_all_term_status_cli_cmd(switch_stream_handle_t *stream, megaco_profile_t* mg_profile);
void get_peer_xml_buffer(char* prntBuf, MgPeerSta* cfm);
void megaco_cli_print_usage(switch_stream_handle_t *stream);
switch_status_t handle_show_activecalls_cli_cmd(switch_stream_handle_t *stream, megaco_profile_t* mg_profile);
@ -188,21 +189,6 @@ switch_status_t mg_process_cli_cmd(const char *cmd, switch_stream_handle_t *stre
stream->write_function(stream, "-ERR No such profile\n");
}else if (!strcmp(argv[2], "termstatus")) {
/* mg <mg-profile> termstatus <term-id> */
if (zstr(argv[3])) {
goto usage;
handle_term_status_cli_cmd(stream, profile, argv[3]);
} else {
stream->write_function(stream, "-ERR No such profile\n");
}else if (!strcmp(argv[2], "show")) {
@ -214,12 +200,25 @@ switch_status_t mg_process_cli_cmd(const char *cmd, switch_stream_handle_t *stre
if(!strcasecmp(argv[3], "activecalls")){
/* mg <mg-profile> show activecalls */
handle_show_activecalls_cli_cmd(stream, profile);
}else if(!strcasecmp(argv[3], "alltermstatus")){
/* mg <mg-profile> show alltermstatus */
handle_all_term_status_cli_cmd(stream, profile);
}else if(!strcasecmp(argv[3], "termstatus")){
/* mg <mg-profile> show termstatus <term-id> */
if (zstr(argv[4])) {
goto usage;
handle_term_status_cli_cmd(stream, profile, argv[4]);
} else {
stream->write_function(stream, "-ERR No such profile\n");
}else {
@ -271,7 +270,6 @@ void megaco_cli_print_usage(switch_stream_handle_t *stream)
stream->write_function(stream, "Usage: Profile Specific\n");
stream->write_function(stream, "mg profile <profile-name> start \n");
stream->write_function(stream, "mg profile <profile-name> stop \n");
stream->write_function(stream, "mg profile <profile-name> termstatus <term-id> \n");
stream->write_function(stream, "mg profile <profile-name> status \n");
stream->write_function(stream, "mg profile <profile-name> xmlstatus \n");
stream->write_function(stream, "mg profile <profile-name> peerxmlstatus \n");
@ -280,6 +278,8 @@ void megaco_cli_print_usage(switch_stream_handle_t *stream)
stream->write_function(stream, "mg profile <profile-name> send ito notify \n");
stream->write_function(stream, "mg profile <profile-name> send cng <term-id> \n");
stream->write_function(stream, "mg profile <profile-name> show activecalls \n");
stream->write_function(stream, "mg profile <profile-name> show termstatus <term-id> \n");
stream->write_function(stream, "mg profile <profile-name> show alltermstatus \n");
stream->write_function(stream, "Usage: Logging \n");
stream->write_function(stream, "mg logging enable \n");
@ -698,7 +698,54 @@ void get_peer_xml_buffer(char* prntBuf, MgPeerSta* cfm)
switch_status_t handle_all_term_status_cli_cmd(switch_stream_handle_t *stream, megaco_profile_t* mg_profile)
void *val = NULL;
switch_hash_index_t *hi = NULL;
mg_termination_t *term = NULL;
const void *var;
stream->write_function(stream, "-ERR NULL profile\n");
stream->write_function(stream, " Termination Name");
stream->write_function(stream, "\t Termination State");
stream->write_function(stream, "\t Termination Type");
stream->write_function(stream, "\t Span-Id ");
stream->write_function(stream, "\t Channel-Id ");
for (hi = switch_hash_first(NULL, mg_profile->terminations); hi; hi = switch_hash_next(hi)) {
switch_hash_this(hi, &var, NULL, &val);
term = (mg_termination_t *) val;
if(!term) continue;
stream->write_function(stream, "\n");
stream->write_function(stream, " %s",(NULL != term->name)?term->name:"NULL");
if(MG_TERM_RTP == term->type){
stream->write_function(stream, "\t\t\t IN-SERVICE");
stream->write_function(stream, "\t\t\t %s",
(switch_test_flag(term, MG_IN_SERVICE))?"IN-SERVICE":"OUT-OF-SERVICE");
stream->write_function(stream, "\t\t %s",(MG_TERM_RTP == term->type)?"MG_TERM_RTP":"MG_TERM_TDM");
if(MG_TERM_TDM == term->type){
stream->write_function(stream, "\t\t %s",
(NULL != term->u.tdm.span_name)?term->u.tdm.span_name:"NULL");
stream->write_function(stream, "\t\t %d",term->;
stream->write_function(stream, "\t\t -");
stream->write_function(stream, "\t\t -");
stream->write_function(stream, "\n");
switch_status_t handle_term_status_cli_cmd(switch_stream_handle_t *stream, megaco_profile_t* mg_profile, char* term_id)
mg_termination_t* term = NULL;

View File

@ -1073,7 +1073,11 @@ switch_status_t handle_mg_modify_cmd(megaco_profile_t* mg_profile, MgMgcoCommand
MgMgcoTermIdLst* termLst;
mg_termination_t* term = NULL;
switch_status_t ret;
MgMgcoAudRetParm *desc;
MgMgcoMediaDesc* inc_med_desc = NULL;
MgMgcoLocalDesc *local = NULL;
int err_code;
int mediaId;
/*MgMgcoAmmReq *cmd = &inc_cmd->u.mgCmdInd[0]->cmd.u.mod;*/
U32 txn_id = inc_cmd->transId.val;
@ -1267,6 +1271,49 @@ response:
/*mg_fill_mgco_termid(termId, (char*)"term1",&req->u.mgCmdRsp[0]->memCp);*/
if((MG_TERM_RTP == term->type) &&
((NOTPRSNT != inc_cmd->u.mgCmdInd[0]->cmd.u.mod.dl.num.pres) &&
(0 != inc_cmd->u.mgCmdInd[0]->cmd.u.mod.dl.num.val))) {
/* Whatever Media descriptor we have received, we can copy that and then
* whatever we want we can modify the fields */
/* Kapil - TODO - will see if there is any problem of coping the
* descriptor */
inc_med_desc = &inc_cmd->u.mgCmdInd[0]->cmd.u.mod.dl.descs[0]->;
if (mgUtlGrowList((void ***)&rsp.u.mgCmdRsp[0]->u.mod.audit.parms, sizeof(MgMgcoAudRetParm),
&rsp.u.mgCmdRsp[0]->u.mod.audit.num, &rsp.u.mgCmdRsp[0]->memCp) != ROK)
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG_CLEAN, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR,"Grow List failed\n");
/* copy media descriptor */
desc = rsp.u.mgCmdRsp[0]->u.mod.audit.parms[rsp.u.mgCmdRsp[0]->u.mod.audit.num.val-1];
desc->type.pres = PRSNT_NODEF;
desc->type.val = MGT_MEDIADESC;
mgUtlCpyMgMgcoMediaDesc(&desc->, inc_med_desc, &rsp.u.mgCmdRsp[0]->memCp);
/* see if we have received local descriptor */
if((NOTPRSNT != desc-> &&
(0 != desc->
for(mediaId=0; mediaId<desc->; mediaId++) {
if(MGT_MEDIAPAR_LOCAL == desc->[mediaId]->type.val) {
local = &desc->[mediaId]->u.local;
/* only for RTP */
if(SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE == mg_build_sdp(&desc->, inc_med_desc, mg_profile, term, &rsp.u.mgCmdRsp[0]->memCp)) {
if(term->mg_error_code && (*term->mg_error_code == MGT_MGCP_RSP_CODE_INCONSISTENT_LCL_OPT)){
mg_util_set_err_string(&errTxt, " Unsupported Codec ");
goto error;
/* We will always send one command at a time..*/
rsp.cmdStatus.pres = PRSNT_NODEF;
rsp.cmdStatus.val = CH_CMD_STATUS_END_OF_CMD;

View File

@ -452,24 +452,26 @@ void mgco_fill_t38_sdp_attr(CmSdpAttrSet *s, mg_termination_t* term, CmMemListCp
"CM_SDP_ATTR_T38_FAX: TYPE not present \n");
printf("f->[%s, len=%d]\n", f->, f->;
/* NOTE - Ideally i should not change ,whatever is coming we can return..due to
trillium issue forcefully coping the data...will remove once get trillium fix*/
if(f->type.val == CM_SDP_ATTR_T38_FAX_UNKNOWN) {
if((i==0) && term->u.rtp.t38_options->T38FaxRateManagement){
if(!strncasecmp((char*)f->,"transferredTCF",14) && term->u.rtp.t38_options->T38FaxRateManagement){
printf("KAPIL - adding FaxRateManagement \n");
MG_SET_TKNSTROSXL((f->,strlen("FaxRateManagement"),"FaxRateManagement", memCp);
term->u.rtp.t38_options->T38FaxRateManagement, memCp);
if((i==1) && term->u.rtp.t38_options->T38FaxUdpEC){
}else if((!strncasecmp((char*)f->,"t38UDPRedundancy",16)) && term->u.rtp.t38_options->T38FaxUdpEC){
printf("KAPIL - adding FaxUdpEC \n");
MG_SET_TKNSTROSXL((f->,strlen("FaxUdpEC"),"FaxUdpEC", memCp);
term->u.rtp.t38_options->T38FaxUdpEC, memCp);
}else if(!strncasecmp((char*)f->,"14400",5)){
char buf[10] = {0};
printf("KAPIL - adding MaxBitRate \n");
MG_SET_TKNSTROSXL((f->,strlen("MaxBitRate"),"MaxBitRate", memCp);
@ -2065,16 +2067,19 @@ switch_status_t mg_rem_unsupported_codecs (megaco_profile_t* mg_profile, mg_term
switch_status_t mg_build_sdp(MgMgcoMediaDesc* out, MgMgcoMediaDesc* inc, megaco_profile_t* mg_profile, mg_termination_t* term, CmMemListCp *memCp)
CmSdpU8OrNil *fmt = NULL;
CmSdpInfoSet *psdp = NULL;
CmSdpInfoSet *pRsdp = NULL;
char* ipAddress[4];
int i = 0x00;
int j = 0x00;
int choose_codec = 0x00;
int k = 0x00;
MgMgcoLocalDesc *local = NULL;
MgMgcoLocalDesc *remote = NULL;
int fresh_sdp = 0x00;
char* dup = NULL;
CmSdpMedProtoFmts *format=NULL;
@ -2107,17 +2112,51 @@ switch_status_t mg_build_sdp(MgMgcoMediaDesc* out, MgMgcoMediaDesc* inc, megaco_
for(i=0; i<out->num.val; i++) {
if(MGT_MEDIAPAR_LOCAL == out->parms[i]->type.val) {
local = &out->parms[i]->u.local;
} else if(MGT_MEDIAPAR_STRPAR == out->parms[i]->type.val){
MgMgcoStreamDesc *stream = &out->parms[i]->;
if((NOTPRSNT != stream->sl.pres.pres) && (NOTPRSNT != stream->sl.local.pres.pres)){
local = &stream->sl.local;
}else if(MGT_MEDIAPAR_REMOTE == out->parms[i]->type.val) {
remote = &out->parms[i]->u.remote;
if(remote && (NOTPRSNT != remote->sdp.numComp.pres) && (0 != remote->sdp.numComp.val)){
pRsdp = &(remote->sdp);
for(i=0; i< pRsdp->numComp.val; i++) {
/* fill media descriptors */
CmSdpMediaDescSet* med = &pRsdp->info[pRsdp->numComp.val-1]->mediaDescSet;
CmSdpMediaDesc* media;
if((NOTPRSNT != med->numComp.pres) || (0 != med->numComp.val)){
for(j =0;j < med->numComp.val; j++){
media = med->mediaDesc[j];
/* check for codec */
if((NOTPRSNT != media->field.par.numProtFmts.pres) ||
(0 != media->field.par.numProtFmts.val)){
for(k =0;k < media->field.par.numProtFmts.val; k++){
format = media->field.par.pflst[k];
if ((NOTPRSNT != format->protType.pres) &&
(CM_SDP_MEDIA_PROTO_UDPTL == format->protType.val)){
/* ideally whatever is received we can send back *
* due to issue in trillium , we need to manually copy the fields now */
mgco_fill_t38_sdp_attr(&media->attrSet, term, memCp);
if(!local || (NOTPRSNT == local->sdp.numComp.pres) || (0 == local->sdp.numComp.val)){
/* local sdp is not part of media descriptor, then add local sdp*/
mg_add_local_descriptor(out, mg_profile, term, memCp);

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ switch_status_t config_profile(megaco_profile_t *profile, switch_bool_t reload)
for (mg_term = switch_xml_child(mg_phys_terms, "map"); mg_term; mg_term = mg_term->next) {
// <map termination-id-prefix="Term1/" termination-id-base="1" tech="freetdm" channel-prefix="wp2" channel-map"1-15,17-31"/>
const char *prefix = switch_xml_attr(mg_term, "termination-id-prefix");
//const char *sztermination_id_base = switch_xml_attr(mg_term, "termination-id-base");
const char *sztermination_id_base = switch_xml_attr(mg_term, "termination-id-base");
const char *tech = switch_xml_attr(mg_term, "tech");
const char *channel_prefix = switch_xml_attr(mg_term, "channel-prefix");
const char *channel_map = switch_xml_attr(mg_term, "channel-map");
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ switch_status_t config_profile(megaco_profile_t *profile, switch_bool_t reload)
int chanmap_count = 0;
int i = 0;
int startchan, endchan, j;
int mg_term_idx = (sztermination_id_base)?atoi(sztermination_id_base):1;
/* we can have following combinations *
* i) only one channel i.e. channel-map="1"
@ -103,14 +104,15 @@ switch_status_t config_profile(megaco_profile_t *profile, switch_bool_t reload)
startchan = atoi(chanmap[0]);
endchan = atoi(chanmap[1]);
for (j = startchan; j <= endchan; j++) {
mg_create_tdm_term(profile, tech, channel_prefix, prefix, j, j);
mg_create_tdm_term(profile, tech, channel_prefix, prefix, mg_term_idx, j);
/* case (i) */
p = channel_map_dup;
startchan = endchan = atoi(p);
mg_create_tdm_term(profile, tech, channel_prefix, prefix, startchan, startchan);
mg_create_tdm_term(profile, tech, channel_prefix, prefix, mg_term_idx, startchan);
@ -124,9 +126,10 @@ switch_status_t config_profile(megaco_profile_t *profile, switch_bool_t reload)
for (j = startchan; j <= endchan; j++) {
if (0 == i)
mg_create_tdm_term(profile, tech, channel_prefix, prefix, j, j);
mg_create_tdm_term(profile, tech, channel_prefix, prefix, mg_term_idx, j);
mg_create_tdm_term(profile, tech, channel_prefix, prefix, j, j-1);
mg_create_tdm_term(profile, tech, channel_prefix, prefix, mg_term_idx, j-1);