diff --git a/build/modules.conf.in b/build/modules.conf.in
index 5399f7adef..f570e66680 100644
--- a/build/modules.conf.in
+++ b/build/modules.conf.in
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ formats/mod_sndfile
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index e611dd90ba..c2d2dfcabf 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -1484,6 +1484,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile
+ src/mod/languages/mod_basic/Makefile
diff --git a/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/Makefile.am b/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38a47a706a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+include $(top_srcdir)/build/modmake.rulesam
+mod_LTLIBRARIES = mod_basic.la
+mod_basic_la_SOURCES = mod_basic.c my_basic.c
+mod_basic_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS)
+mod_basic_la_LIBADD = $(switch_builddir)/libfreeswitch.la
+mod_basic_la_LDFLAGS = -avoid-version -module -no-undefined -shared
diff --git a/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/mod_basic.2008.vcproj b/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/mod_basic.2008.vcproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe32298834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/mod_basic.2008.vcproj
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
diff --git a/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/mod_basic.2010.vcxproj b/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/mod_basic.2010.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b1ca20064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/mod_basic.2010.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ Debug
+ x64
+ Release
+ Win32
+ Release
+ x64
+ mod_basic
+ {11C9BC3D-45E9-46E3-BE84-B8CEE4685E39}
+ mod_basic
+ Win32Proj
+ DynamicLibrary
+ MultiByte
+ DynamicLibrary
+ MultiByte
+ DynamicLibrary
+ MultiByte
+ DynamicLibrary
+ MultiByte
+ <_ProjectFileVersion>10.0.30319.1
+ false
+ X64
+ false
+ MachineX64
+ false
+ X64
+ false
+ MachineX64
+ {202d7a4e-760d-4d0e-afa1-d7459ced30ff}
+ false
diff --git a/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/mod_basic.2012.vcxproj b/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/mod_basic.2012.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6732cde692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/mod_basic.2012.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ Debug
+ x64
+ Release
+ Win32
+ Release
+ x64
+ mod_basic
+ {11C9BC3D-45E9-46E3-BE84-B8CEE4685E39}
+ mod_basic
+ Win32Proj
+ DynamicLibrary
+ MultiByte
+ v110
+ DynamicLibrary
+ MultiByte
+ v110
+ DynamicLibrary
+ MultiByte
+ v110
+ DynamicLibrary
+ MultiByte
+ v110
+ <_ProjectFileVersion>10.0.30319.1
+ false
+ X64
+ false
+ MachineX64
+ false
+ X64
+ false
+ MachineX64
+ {202d7a4e-760d-4d0e-afa1-d7459ced30ff}
+ false
diff --git a/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/mod_basic.c b/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/mod_basic.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c94271ac49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/mod_basic.c
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+ * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2012, Anthony Minessale II
+ *
+ * Version: MPL 1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Anthony Minessale II
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ *
+ * Anthony Minessale II
+ *
+ *
+ * mod_basic.c -- BASIC Module
+ *
+ */
+#include "my_basic.h"
+/* Prototypes */
+/* SWITCH_MODULE_DEFINITION(name, load, shutdown, runtime)
+ * Defines a switch_loadable_module_function_table_t and a static const char[] modname
+ */
+SWITCH_MODULE_DEFINITION(mod_basic, mod_basic_load, mod_basic_shutdown, NULL);
+static struct {
+ int integer;
+} globals;
+static switch_status_t do_config(switch_bool_t reload)
+ memset(&globals, 0, sizeof(globals));
+static void _on_error(mb_interpreter_t* s, mb_error_e e, char* m, int p, unsigned short row, unsigned short col, int abort_code) {
+ mb_unrefvar(s);
+ if(SE_NO_ERR != e) {
+ "Error:\n [POS] %d, [ROW] %d, [COL] %d,\n [CODE] %d, [MESSAGE] %s, [ABORT CODE] %d\n", p, row, col, e, m, abort_code);
+ }
+typedef struct fs_data {
+ switch_core_session_t *session;
+ int argc;
+ char *argv[128];
+ switch_event_t *vars;
+} fs_data_t;
+static int fun_execute(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l)
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ fs_data_t *fsdata = (fs_data_t *) mb_get_user_data(s);
+ mb_value_t app;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_begin(s, l));
+ if ((result = mb_pop_value(s, l, &app)) != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if ((result = mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg)) != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (app.type == MB_DT_STRING && arg.type == MB_DT_STRING && fsdata->session) {
+ switch_core_session_execute_application(fsdata->session, app.value.string, arg.value.string);
+ } else {
+ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Bad args or no fsdata->session\n");
+ result = MB_FUNC_WARNING;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_end(s, l));
+ end:
+ return result;
+static int fun_setvar(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l)
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ fs_data_t *fsdata = (fs_data_t *) mb_get_user_data(s);
+ mb_value_t var;
+ mb_value_t val;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_begin(s, l));
+ if ((result = mb_pop_value(s, l, &var)) != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if ((result = mb_pop_value(s, l, &val)) != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (var.type == MB_DT_STRING && val.type == MB_DT_STRING && fsdata->session) {
+ switch_channel_t *channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(fsdata->session);
+ switch_channel_set_variable(channel, var.value.string, val.value.string);
+ } else {
+ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Bad args or no session\n");
+ result = MB_FUNC_WARNING;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_end(s, l));
+ end:
+ return result;
+static int fun_getarg(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l)
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ fs_data_t *fsdata = (fs_data_t *) mb_get_user_data(s);
+ mb_value_t idx;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_begin(s, l));
+ if ((result = mb_pop_value(s, l, &idx)) != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (idx.type == MB_DT_INT && fsdata->argc) {
+ if (idx.value.integer < fsdata->argc) {
+ mb_push_string(s, l, strdup(fsdata->argv[idx.value.integer]));
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Bad args or no session\n");
+ result = MB_FUNC_WARNING;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_end(s, l));
+ end:
+ return result;
+static int fun_getvar(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l)
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ fs_data_t *fsdata = (fs_data_t *) mb_get_user_data(s);
+ mb_value_t var;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_begin(s, l));
+ if ((result = mb_pop_value(s, l, &var)) != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (var.type == MB_DT_STRING && fsdata->session) {
+ switch_channel_t *channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(fsdata->session);
+ const char *value = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, var.value.string);
+ mb_push_string(s, l, strdup(value));
+ } else {
+ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Bad args or no session\n");
+ result = MB_FUNC_WARNING;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_end(s, l));
+ end:
+ return result;
+static int fun_api(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l)
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ fs_data_t *fsdata = (fs_data_t *) mb_get_user_data(s);
+ mb_value_t app;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_begin(s, l));
+ if ((result = mb_pop_value(s, l, &app)) != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if ((result = mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg)) != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (app.type == MB_DT_STRING && arg.type == MB_DT_STRING) {
+ switch_stream_handle_t stream = { 0 };
+ switch_api_execute(app.value.string, arg.value.string, fsdata->session, &stream);
+ mb_push_string(s, l, (char *) stream.data);
+ //switch_safe_free(stream.data);
+ } else {
+ result = MB_FUNC_WARNING;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_end(s, l));
+ end:
+ return result;
+static int fun_log(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l)
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ fs_data_t *fsdata = (fs_data_t *) mb_get_user_data(s);
+ mb_value_t level;
+ mb_value_t data;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_begin(s, l));
+ if ((result = mb_pop_value(s, l, &level)) != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if ((result = mb_pop_value(s, l, &data)) != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (level.type == MB_DT_STRING && data.type == MB_DT_STRING) {
+ switch_log_level_t fslevel = SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG;
+ fslevel = switch_log_str2level(level.value.string);
+ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(fsdata->session), fslevel, "%s\n", data.value.string);
+ } else {
+ result = MB_FUNC_WARNING;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_end(s, l));
+ end:
+ return result;
+static int bprint(const char *fmt, ...)
+ char *data = NULL;
+ va_list ap;
+ int ret = 0;
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ ret = switch_vasprintf(&data, fmt, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ if (data) {
+ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG_CLEAN, SWITCH_LOG_CONSOLE, "%s\n", data);
+ }
+ switch_safe_free(data);
+ return ret;
+ const char *file;
+ char *fdup = NULL;
+ mb_interpreter_t *bi = 0;
+ fs_data_t fsdata = { 0 };
+ char *mydata = NULL;
+ if (data) {
+ mydata = strdup((char *) data);
+ } else {
+ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "missing data\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ fsdata.argc = switch_split(mydata, ' ', fsdata.argv);
+ file = fsdata.argv[0];
+ if (zstr(file)) {
+ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "missing file\n");
+ }
+ if (!switch_is_file_path(file)) {
+ fdup = switch_mprintf("%s/%s", SWITCH_GLOBAL_dirs.script_dir, file);
+ switch_assert(fdup);
+ file = fdup;
+ }
+ mb_open(&bi);
+ mb_set_error_handler(bi, _on_error);
+ mb_set_printer(bi, bprint);
+ fsdata.session = session;
+ mb_set_user_data(bi, (void *) &fsdata);
+ mb_register_func(bi, "FS_EXECUTE", fun_execute);
+ mb_register_func(bi, "FS_GETARG", fun_getarg);
+ mb_register_func(bi, "FS_GETVAR", fun_getvar);
+ mb_register_func(bi, "FS_SETVAR", fun_setvar);
+ mb_register_func(bi, "FS_API", fun_api);
+ mb_register_func(bi, "FS_LOG", fun_log);
+ if (mb_load_file(bi, file) == MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ mb_run(bi);
+ } else {
+ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Error executing file\n");
+ }
+ mb_close(&bi);
+ switch_safe_free(fdup);
+ switch_safe_free(mydata);
+ basic_function(session, cmd);
+/* Macro expands to: switch_status_t mod_basic_load(switch_loadable_module_interface_t **module_interface, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) */
+ switch_api_interface_t *api_interface;
+ switch_application_interface_t *app_interface;
+ /* connect my internal structure to the blank pointer passed to me */
+ *module_interface = switch_loadable_module_create_module_interface(pool, modname);
+ switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_NOTICE, "Hello World!\n");
+ do_config(SWITCH_FALSE);
+ SWITCH_ADD_API(api_interface, "basic", "Basic API", basic_api_function, "syntax");
+ SWITCH_ADD_APP(app_interface, "basic", "", "", basic_function, "", SAF_NONE);
+ mb_init();
+ /* indicate that the module should continue to be loaded */
+ Called when the system shuts down
+ Macro expands to: switch_status_t mod_basic_shutdown() */
+ /* Cleanup dynamically allocated config settings */
+ mb_dispose();
+ If it exists, this is called in it's own thread when the module-load completes
+ If it returns anything but SWITCH_STATUS_TERM it will be called again automatically
+ Macro expands to: switch_status_t mod_basic_runtime()
+ while(looping)
+ {
+ switch_cond_next();
+ }
+/* For Emacs:
+ * Local Variables:
+ * mode:c
+ * indent-tabs-mode:t
+ * tab-width:4
+ * c-basic-offset:4
+ * End:
+ * For VIM:
+ * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 noet
+ */
diff --git a/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/my_basic.c b/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/my_basic.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c1077d4d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/my_basic.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5682 @@
+** This source file is part of MY-BASIC
+** For the latest info, see http://code.google.com/p/my-basic/
+** Copyright (c) 2011 - 2013 Tony & Tony's Toy Game Development Team
+** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+** this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+** the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+** use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
+** the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+** subject to the following conditions:
+** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+** copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# endif /* _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS */
+#endif /* _MSC_VER */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# include
+# include
+#else /* _MSC_VER */
+# include
+#endif /* _MSC_VER */
+#include "my_basic.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(push)
+# pragma warning(disable : 4127)
+# pragma warning(disable : 4996)
+#endif /* _MSC_VER */
+# pragma pack(1)
+#endif /* MB_COMPACT_MODE */
+** {========================================================
+** Data type declarations
+/** Macros */
+#define _VER_MAJOR 1
+#define _VER_MINOR 0
+#define _VER_REVISION 37
+#define _MB_VERSION ((_VER_MAJOR * 0x01000000) + (_VER_MINOR * 0x00010000) + (_VER_REVISION))
+#define _MB_VERSION_STRING "1.0.0037"
+/* Uncomment this line to treat warnings as error */
+/*#define _WARING_AS_ERROR*/
+/* Uncomment this line to use a comma to PRINT a new line as compatibility */
+/*#define _COMMA_AS_NEWLINE*/
+#define _NO_EAT_COMMA 2
+#if (defined _DEBUG && !defined NDEBUG)
+#endif /* (defined _DEBUG && !defined NDEBUG) */
+/* Helper */
+#ifndef sgn
+# define sgn(__v) ((__v) ? ((__v) > 0 ? 1 : -1) : (0))
+#endif /* sgn */
+#ifndef _countof
+# define _countof(__a) (sizeof(__a) / sizeof(*(__a)))
+#endif /* _countof */
+#ifndef islower
+# define islower(__c) ((__c) >= 'a' && (__c) <= 'z')
+#endif /* islower */
+#ifndef toupper
+# define toupper(__c) ((islower(__c)) ? ((__c) - 'a' + 'A') : (__c))
+#endif /* toupper */
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+# ifndef _strupr
+ static char* _strupr(char* __s) {
+ char* t = __s;
+ while(*__s) {
+ *__s = toupper(*__s);
+ ++__s;
+ }
+ return t;
+ }
+# endif /* _strupr */
+#endif /* _MSC_VER */
+#define DON(__o) ((__o) ? ((_object_t*)((__o)->data)) : 0)
+/* Hash table size */
+#define _HT_ARRAY_SIZE_SMALL 193
+#define _HT_ARRAY_SIZE_MID 1543
+#define _HT_ARRAY_SIZE_BIG 12289
+/* Max length of a single symbol */
+/* Max dimension of an array */
+typedef int (* _common_compare)(void*, void*);
+/* Container operation */
+#define _OP_RESULT_NORMAL 0
+#define _OP_RESULT_DEL_NODE -1
+typedef int (* _common_operation)(void*, void*);
+/** List */
+typedef _common_compare _ls_compare;
+typedef _common_operation _ls_operation;
+typedef struct _ls_node_t {
+ void* data;
+ struct _ls_node_t* prev;
+ struct _ls_node_t* next;
+ void* extra;
+} _ls_node_t;
+/** Dictionary */
+typedef unsigned int (* _ht_hash)(void*, void*);
+typedef _common_compare _ht_compare;
+typedef _common_operation _ht_operation;
+typedef struct _ht_node_t {
+ _ls_operation free_extra;
+ _ht_compare compare;
+ _ht_hash hash;
+ unsigned int array_size;
+ unsigned int count;
+ _ls_node_t** array;
+} _ht_node_t;
+/** enum / struct / union / const */
+/* Error description text */
+static const char* _ERR_DESC[] = {
+ "No error",
+ /** Common */
+ "Open MY-BASIC failed",
+ "A function with the same name already exists",
+ "A function with the name does not exists",
+ /** Parsing */
+ "Open file failed",
+ "Symbol too long",
+ "Invalid character",
+ /** Running */
+ "Not supported",
+ "Empty program",
+ "Syntax error",
+ "Invalid data type",
+ "Type does not match",
+ "Illegal bound",
+ "Too much dimensions",
+ "Operation failed",
+ "Dimension count out of bound",
+ "Out of bound",
+ "Label does not exist",
+ "No return point",
+ "Colon expected",
+ "Comma or semicolon expected",
+ "Array identifier expected",
+ "Open bracket expected",
+ "Close bracket expected",
+ "Array subscript expected",
+ "Structure not completed",
+ "Function expected",
+ "String expected",
+ "Variable or array identifier expected",
+ "Assign operator expected",
+ "Integer expected",
+ "ELSE statement expected",
+ "TO statement expected",
+ "UNTIL statement expected",
+ "Loop variable expected",
+ "Jump label expected",
+ "Invalid identifier usage",
+ "Calculation error",
+ "Divide by zero",
+ "Invalid expression",
+ "Out of memory",
+ /** Extended abort */
+ "Extended abort",
+/* Data type */
+#define _EOS '\n'
+#define _NULL_STRING "(empty)"
+#define _FNAN 0xffc00000
+#define _FINF 0x7f800000
+typedef enum _data_e {
+ _DT_NIL = -1,
+ _DT_ANY = 0,
+ _DT_INT,
+ _DT_VAR,
+ _DT_LABEL, /* Label type, used for GOTO, GOSUB statement */
+ _DT_SEP, /* Separator */
+ _DT_EOS, /* End of statement */
+} _data_e;
+typedef struct _func_t {
+ char* name;
+ mb_func_t pointer;
+} _func_t;
+typedef struct _var_t {
+ char* name;
+ struct _object_t* data;
+} _var_t;
+typedef struct _array_t {
+ char* name;
+ _data_e type;
+ unsigned int count;
+ void* raw;
+ int dimension_count;
+ int dimensions[_MAX_DIMENSION_COUNT];
+} _array_t;
+typedef struct _label_t {
+ char* name;
+ _ls_node_t* node;
+} _label_t;
+typedef struct _object_t {
+ _data_e type;
+ union {
+ int_t integer;
+ real_t float_point;
+ char* string;
+ void* usertype;
+ _func_t* func;
+ _var_t* variable;
+ _array_t* array;
+ _label_t* label;
+ char separator;
+ } data;
+ bool_t ref;
+ int source_pos;
+ unsigned short source_row;
+ unsigned short source_col;
+} _object_t;
+static const _object_t _OBJ_INT_UNIT = { _DT_INT, {1}, false, 0 };
+static const _object_t _OBJ_INT_ZERO = { _DT_INT, {0}, false, 0 };
+static _object_t* _OBJ_BOOL_TRUE = 0;
+static _object_t* _OBJ_BOOL_FALSE = 0;
+/* Parsing context */
+typedef enum _parsing_state_e {
+ _PS_NORMAL = 0,
+} _parsing_state_e;
+typedef enum _symbol_state_e {
+} _symbol_state_e;
+typedef struct _parsing_context_t {
+ char current_char;
+ char current_symbol[_SINGLE_SYMBOL_MAX_LENGTH + 1];
+ int current_symbol_nonius;
+ _object_t* last_symbol;
+ _parsing_state_e parsing_state;
+ _symbol_state_e symbol_state;
+} _parsing_context_t;
+/* Running context */
+typedef struct _running_context_t {
+ _ls_node_t* temp_values;
+ _ls_node_t* suspent_point;
+ _ls_node_t* sub_stack;
+ _var_t* next_loop_var;
+ mb_value_t intermediate_value;
+ int_t no_eat_comma_mark;
+ _ls_node_t* skip_to_eoi;
+} _running_context_t;
+/* Expression processing */
+typedef struct _tuple3_t {
+ void* e1;
+ void* e2;
+ void* e3;
+} _tuple3_t;
+static const char _PRECEDE_TABLE[19][19] = {
+ /* + - * / MOD ^ ( ) = > < >= <= == <> AND OR NOT NEG */
+ { '>', '>', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>' }, /* + */
+ { '>', '>', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>' }, /* - */
+ { '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '<', '<', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>' }, /* * */
+ { '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '<', '<', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>' }, /* / */
+ { '>', '>', '<', '<', '>', '<', '<', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>' }, /* MOD */
+ { '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '<', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>' }, /* ^ */
+ { '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '=', ' ', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<' }, /* ( */
+ { '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', ' ', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>', '>' }, /* ) */
+ { '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', ' ', '=', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<' }, /* = */
+ { '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '>', '>', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '>', '>', '>', '>' }, /* > */
+ { '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '>', '>', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '>', '>', '>', '>' }, /* < */
+ { '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '>', '>', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '>', '>', '>', '>' }, /* >= */
+ { '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '>', '>', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '>', '>', '>', '>' }, /* <= */
+ { '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '>', '>', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '>', '>', '>', '>' }, /* == */
+ { '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '>', '>', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '>', '>', '>', '>' }, /* <> */
+ { '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '>', '>', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '>', '>', '<', '>' }, /* AND */
+ { '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '>', '>', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '>', '>', '<', '>' }, /* OR */
+ { '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '>', '>', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '>', '>', '>', '>' }, /* NOT */
+ { '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '>', '>', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '<', '=' } /* NEG */
+static _object_t* _exp_assign = 0;
+#define _instruct_fun_num_num(__optr, __tuple) \
+ do { \
+ _object_t opndv1; \
+ _object_t opndv2; \
+ _tuple3_t* tpptr = (_tuple3_t*)(*__tuple); \
+ _object_t* opnd1 = (_object_t*)(tpptr->e1); \
+ _object_t* opnd2 = (_object_t*)(tpptr->e2); \
+ _object_t* val = (_object_t*)(tpptr->e3); \
+ opndv1.type = \
+ (opnd1->type == _DT_INT || (opnd1->type == _DT_VAR && opnd1->data.variable->data->type == _DT_INT)) ? \
+ _DT_INT : _DT_REAL; \
+ opndv1.data = opnd1->type == _DT_VAR ? opnd1->data.variable->data->data : opnd1->data; \
+ opndv2.type = \
+ (opnd2->type == _DT_INT || (opnd2->type == _DT_VAR && opnd2->data.variable->data->type == _DT_INT)) ? \
+ _DT_INT : _DT_REAL; \
+ opndv2.data = opnd2->type == _DT_VAR ? opnd2->data.variable->data->data : opnd2->data; \
+ if(opndv1.type == _DT_INT && opndv2.type == _DT_INT) { \
+ val->type = _DT_REAL; \
+ val->data.float_point = (real_t)__optr((real_t)opndv1.data.integer, (real_t)opndv2.data.integer); \
+ } else { \
+ val->type = _DT_REAL; \
+ val->data.float_point = (real_t)__optr( \
+ opndv1.type == _DT_INT ? opndv1.data.integer : opndv1.data.float_point, \
+ opndv2.type == _DT_INT ? opndv2.data.integer : opndv2.data.float_point); \
+ } \
+ if(val->type == _DT_REAL && (real_t)(int_t)val->data.float_point == val->data.float_point) { \
+ val->type = _DT_INT; \
+ val->data.integer = (int_t)val->data.float_point; \
+ } \
+ } while(0)
+#define _instruct_num_op_num(__optr, __tuple) \
+ do { \
+ _object_t opndv1; \
+ _object_t opndv2; \
+ _tuple3_t* tpptr = (_tuple3_t*)(*__tuple); \
+ _object_t* opnd1 = (_object_t*)(tpptr->e1); \
+ _object_t* opnd2 = (_object_t*)(tpptr->e2); \
+ _object_t* val = (_object_t*)(tpptr->e3); \
+ opndv1.type = \
+ (opnd1->type == _DT_INT || (opnd1->type == _DT_VAR && opnd1->data.variable->data->type == _DT_INT)) ? \
+ _DT_INT : _DT_REAL; \
+ opndv1.data = opnd1->type == _DT_VAR ? opnd1->data.variable->data->data : opnd1->data; \
+ opndv2.type = \
+ (opnd2->type == _DT_INT || (opnd2->type == _DT_VAR && opnd2->data.variable->data->type == _DT_INT)) ? \
+ _DT_INT : _DT_REAL; \
+ opndv2.data = opnd2->type == _DT_VAR ? opnd2->data.variable->data->data : opnd2->data; \
+ if(opndv1.type == _DT_INT && opndv2.type == _DT_INT) { \
+ if((real_t)(opndv1.data.integer __optr opndv2.data.integer) == ((real_t)opndv1.data.integer __optr (real_t)opndv2.data.integer)) { \
+ val->type = _DT_INT; \
+ val->data.integer = opndv1.data.integer __optr opndv2.data.integer; \
+ } else { \
+ val->type = _DT_REAL; \
+ val->data.float_point = (real_t)((real_t)opndv1.data.integer __optr (real_t)opndv2.data.integer); \
+ } \
+ } else { \
+ val->type = _DT_REAL; \
+ val->data.float_point = (real_t) \
+ ((opndv1.type == _DT_INT ? opndv1.data.integer : opndv1.data.float_point) __optr \
+ (opndv2.type == _DT_INT ? opndv2.data.integer : opndv2.data.float_point)); \
+ } \
+ if(val->type == _DT_REAL && (real_t)(int_t)val->data.float_point == val->data.float_point) { \
+ val->type = _DT_INT; \
+ val->data.integer = (int_t)val->data.float_point; \
+ } \
+ } while(0)
+#define _instruct_int_op_int(__optr, __tuple) \
+ do { \
+ _object_t opndv1; \
+ _object_t opndv2; \
+ _tuple3_t* tpptr = (_tuple3_t*)(*__tuple); \
+ _object_t* opnd1 = (_object_t*)(tpptr->e1); \
+ _object_t* opnd2 = (_object_t*)(tpptr->e2); \
+ _object_t* val = (_object_t*)(tpptr->e3); \
+ opndv1.type = \
+ (opnd1->type == _DT_INT || (opnd1->type == _DT_VAR && opnd1->data.variable->data->type == _DT_INT)) ? \
+ _DT_INT : _DT_REAL; \
+ opndv1.data = opnd1->type == _DT_VAR ? opnd1->data.variable->data->data : opnd1->data; \
+ opndv2.type = \
+ (opnd2->type == _DT_INT || (opnd2->type == _DT_VAR && opnd2->data.variable->data->type == _DT_INT)) ? \
+ _DT_INT : _DT_REAL; \
+ opndv2.data = opnd2->type == _DT_VAR ? opnd2->data.variable->data->data : opnd2->data; \
+ if(opndv1.type == _DT_INT && opndv2.type == _DT_INT) { \
+ val->type = _DT_INT; \
+ val->data.integer = opndv1.data.integer __optr opndv2.data.integer; \
+ } else { \
+ val->type = _DT_INT; \
+ val->data.integer = \
+ ((opndv1.type == _DT_INT ? opndv1.data.integer : (int_t)(opndv1.data.float_point)) __optr \
+ (opndv2.type == _DT_INT ? opndv2.data.integer : (int_t)(opndv2.data.float_point))); \
+ } \
+ } while(0)
+#define _instruct_connect_strings(__tuple) \
+ do { \
+ char* _str1 = 0; \
+ char* _str2 = 0; \
+ _tuple3_t* tpptr = (_tuple3_t*)(*__tuple); \
+ _object_t* opnd1 = (_object_t*)(tpptr->e1); \
+ _object_t* opnd2 = (_object_t*)(tpptr->e2); \
+ _object_t* val = (_object_t*)(tpptr->e3); \
+ val->type = _DT_STRING; \
+ if(val->data.string) { \
+ safe_free(val->data.string); \
+ } \
+ _str1 = _extract_string(opnd1); \
+ _str2 = _extract_string(opnd2); \
+ val->data.string = (char*)mb_malloc(strlen(_str1) + strlen(_str2) + 1); \
+ memset(val->data.string, 0, strlen(_str1) + strlen(_str2) + 1); \
+ strcat(val->data.string, _str1); \
+ strcat(val->data.string, _str2); \
+ } while(0)
+#define _instruct_compare_strings(__optr, __tuple) \
+ do { \
+ char* _str1 = 0; \
+ char* _str2 = 0; \
+ _tuple3_t* tpptr = (_tuple3_t*)(*__tuple); \
+ _object_t* opnd1 = (_object_t*)(tpptr->e1); \
+ _object_t* opnd2 = (_object_t*)(tpptr->e2); \
+ _object_t* val = (_object_t*)(tpptr->e3); \
+ val->type = _DT_INT; \
+ _str1 = _extract_string(opnd1); \
+ _str2 = _extract_string(opnd2); \
+ val->data.integer = strcmp(_str1, _str2) __optr 0; \
+ } while(0)
+#define _proc_div_by_zero(__s, __tuple, __exit, __result) \
+ do { \
+ _object_t opndv1; \
+ _object_t opndv2; \
+ _tuple3_t* tpptr = (_tuple3_t*)(*__tuple); \
+ _object_t* opnd1 = (_object_t*)(tpptr->e1); \
+ _object_t* opnd2 = (_object_t*)(tpptr->e2); \
+ _object_t* val = (_object_t*)(tpptr->e3); \
+ opndv1.type = \
+ (opnd1->type == _DT_INT || (opnd1->type == _DT_VAR && opnd1->data.variable->data->type == _DT_INT)) ? \
+ _DT_INT : _DT_REAL; \
+ opndv1.data = opnd1->type == _DT_VAR ? opnd1->data.variable->data->data : opnd1->data; \
+ opndv2.type = \
+ (opnd2->type == _DT_INT || (opnd2->type == _DT_VAR && opnd2->data.variable->data->type == _DT_INT)) ? \
+ _DT_INT : _DT_REAL; \
+ opndv2.data = opnd2->type == _DT_VAR ? opnd2->data.variable->data->data : opnd2->data; \
+ if((opndv2.type == _DT_INT && opndv2.data.integer == 0) || (opndv2.type == _DT_REAL && opndv2.data.float_point == 0.0f)) { \
+ if((opndv1.type == _DT_INT && opndv1.data.integer == 0) || (opndv1.type == _DT_REAL && opndv1.data.float_point == 0.0f)) { \
+ val->type = _DT_REAL; \
+ val->data.integer = _FNAN; \
+ } else { \
+ val->type = _DT_REAL; \
+ val->data.integer = _FINF; \
+ } \
+ _handle_error_on_obj((__s), SE_RN_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, ((__tuple) && *(__tuple)) ? ((_object_t*)(((_tuple3_t*)(*(__tuple)))->e1)) : 0, MB_FUNC_WARNING, __exit, __result); \
+ } \
+ } while(0)
+#define _set_tuple3_result(__l, __r) \
+ do { \
+ _object_t* val = (_object_t*)(((_tuple3_t*)(*(__l)))->e3); \
+ val->type = _DT_INT; \
+ val->data.integer = __r; \
+ } while(0)
+/* ========================================================} */
+** {========================================================
+** Private function declarations
+/** List */
+static int _ls_cmp_data(void* node, void* info);
+static int _ls_cmp_extra(void* node, void* info);
+static _ls_node_t* _ls_create_node(void* data);
+static _ls_node_t* _ls_create(void);
+static _ls_node_t* _ls_front(_ls_node_t* node);
+static _ls_node_t* _ls_back(_ls_node_t* node);
+static _ls_node_t* _ls_at(_ls_node_t* list, int pos);
+static _ls_node_t* _ls_pushback(_ls_node_t* list, void* data);
+_ls_node_t* _ls_pushfront(_ls_node_t* list, void* data);
+_ls_node_t* _ls_insert(_ls_node_t* list, int pos, void* data);
+static void* _ls_popback(_ls_node_t* list);
+void* _ls_popfront(_ls_node_t* list);
+unsigned int _ls_remove(_ls_node_t* list, int pos);
+static unsigned int _ls_try_remove(_ls_node_t* list, void* info, _ls_compare cmp);
+unsigned int _ls_count(_ls_node_t* list);
+static unsigned int _ls_foreach(_ls_node_t* list, _ls_operation op);
+bool_t _ls_empty(_ls_node_t* list);
+static void _ls_clear(_ls_node_t* list);
+static void _ls_destroy(_ls_node_t* list);
+static int _ls_free_extra(void* data, void* extra);
+/** Dictionary */
+static unsigned int _ht_hash_string(void* ht, void* d);
+static unsigned int _ht_hash_int(void* ht, void* d);
+unsigned int _ht_hash_real(void* ht, void* d);
+unsigned int _ht_hash_ptr(void* ht, void* d);
+static int _ht_cmp_string(void* d1, void* d2);
+static int _ht_cmp_int(void* d1, void* d2);
+int _ht_cmp_real(void* d1, void* d2);
+int _ht_cmp_ptr(void* d1, void* d2);
+static _ht_node_t* _ht_create(unsigned int size, _ht_compare cmp, _ht_hash hs, _ls_operation freeextra);
+static _ls_node_t* _ht_find(_ht_node_t* ht, void* key);
+static unsigned int _ht_count(_ht_node_t* ht);
+unsigned int _ht_get(_ht_node_t* ht, void* key, void** value);
+unsigned int _ht_set(_ht_node_t* ht, void* key, void* value);
+unsigned int _ht_set_or_insert(_ht_node_t* ht, void* key, void* value);
+static unsigned int _ht_remove(_ht_node_t* ht, void* key);
+static unsigned int _ht_foreach(_ht_node_t* ht, _ht_operation op);
+bool_t _ht_empty(_ht_node_t* ht);
+static void _ht_clear(_ht_node_t* ht);
+static void _ht_destroy(_ht_node_t* ht);
+/** Memory operations */
+#define _MB_POINTER_SIZE (sizeof(intptr_t))
+#define _MB_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE(t, s) (*((size_t*)((char*)(t) - _MB_POINTER_SIZE)) = s)
+#define _MB_READ_CHUNK_SIZE(t) (*((size_t*)((char*)(t) - _MB_POINTER_SIZE)))
+static volatile size_t _mb_allocated = 0;
+#else /* _MB_ENABLE_ALLOC_STAT */
+static volatile size_t _mb_allocated = (size_t)(~0);
+#endif /* _MB_ENABLE_ALLOC_STAT */
+static void* mb_malloc(size_t s);
+void* mb_realloc(void** p, size_t s);
+static void mb_free(void* p);
+#define safe_free(__p) do { if(__p) { mb_free(__p); __p = 0; } else { mb_assert(0 && "Memory already released"); } } while(0)
+/** Expression processing */
+static bool_t _is_operator(mb_func_t op);
+static char _get_priority(mb_func_t op1, mb_func_t op2);
+static int _get_priority_index(mb_func_t op);
+static _object_t* _operate_operand(mb_interpreter_t* s, _object_t* optr, _object_t* opnd1, _object_t* opnd2, int* status);
+static bool_t _is_expression_terminal(mb_interpreter_t* s, _object_t* obj);
+static int _calc_expression(mb_interpreter_t* s, _ls_node_t** l, _object_t** val);
+static bool_t _is_print_terminal(mb_interpreter_t* s, _object_t* obj);
+/** Others */
+# define _handle_error(__s, __err, __pos, __row, __col, __ret, __exit, __result) \
+ do { \
+ _set_current_error(__s, __err); \
+ _set_error_pos(__s, __pos, __row, __col); \
+ __result = __ret; \
+ goto __exit; \
+ } while(0)
+#else /* _WARING_AS_ERROR */
+# define _handle_error(__s, __err, __pos, __row, __col, __ret, __exit, __result) \
+ do { \
+ _set_current_error(__s, __err); \
+ _set_error_pos(__s, __pos, __row, __col); \
+ if(__ret != MB_FUNC_WARNING) { \
+ __result = __ret; \
+ } \
+ goto __exit; \
+ } while(0)
+#endif /* _WARING_AS_ERROR */
+#define _handle_error_on_obj(__s, __err, __obj, __ret, __exit, __result) \
+ do { \
+ if(__obj) { \
+ _handle_error(__s, __err, (__obj)->source_pos, (__obj)->source_row, (__obj)->source_col, __ret, __exit, __result); \
+ } else { \
+ _handle_error(__s, __err, 0, 0, 0, __ret, __exit, __result); \
+ } \
+ } while(0)
+static void _set_current_error(mb_interpreter_t* s, mb_error_e err);
+static const char* _get_error_desc(mb_error_e err);
+static mb_print_func_t _get_printer(mb_interpreter_t* s);
+static bool_t _is_blank(char c);
+static bool_t _is_newline(char c);
+static bool_t _is_separator(char c);
+static bool_t _is_bracket(char c);
+static bool_t _is_quotation_mark(char c);
+static bool_t _is_comment(char c);
+static bool_t _is_identifier_char(char c);
+static bool_t _is_operator_char(char c);
+static int _append_char_to_symbol(mb_interpreter_t* s, char c);
+static int _cut_symbol(mb_interpreter_t* s, int pos, unsigned short row, unsigned short col);
+static int _append_symbol(mb_interpreter_t* s, char* sym, bool_t* delsym, int pos, unsigned short row, unsigned short col);
+static int _create_symbol(mb_interpreter_t* s, _ls_node_t* l, char* sym, _object_t** obj, _ls_node_t*** asgn, bool_t* delsym);
+static _data_e _get_symbol_type(mb_interpreter_t* s, char* sym, void** value);
+static int _parse_char(mb_interpreter_t* s, char c, int pos, unsigned short row, unsigned short col);
+static void _set_error_pos(mb_interpreter_t* s, int pos, unsigned short row, unsigned short col);
+static int_t _get_size_of(_data_e type);
+static bool_t _try_get_value(_object_t* obj, mb_value_u* val, _data_e expected);
+static int _get_array_index(mb_interpreter_t* s, _ls_node_t** l, unsigned int* index);
+static bool_t _get_array_elem(mb_interpreter_t* s, _array_t* arr, unsigned int index, mb_value_u* val, _data_e* type);
+static bool_t _set_array_elem(mb_interpreter_t* s, _array_t* arr, unsigned int index, mb_value_u* val, _data_e* type);
+static void _init_array(_array_t* arr);
+static void _clear_array(_array_t* arr);
+static void _destroy_array(_array_t* arr);
+static bool_t _is_string(void* obj);
+static char* _extract_string(_object_t* obj);
+static bool_t _is_internal_object(_object_t* obj);
+static int _dispose_object(_object_t* obj);
+static int _destroy_object(void* data, void* extra);
+static int _compare_numbers(const _object_t* first, const _object_t* second);
+static int _public_value_to_internal_object(mb_value_t* pbl, _object_t* itn);
+static int _internal_object_to_public_value(_object_t* itn, mb_value_t* pbl);
+static int _execute_statement(mb_interpreter_t* s, _ls_node_t** l);
+static int _skip_to(mb_interpreter_t* s, _ls_node_t** l, mb_func_t f, _data_e t);
+static int _skip_struct(mb_interpreter_t* s, _ls_node_t** l, mb_func_t open_func, mb_func_t close_func);
+static int _register_func(mb_interpreter_t* s, const char* n, mb_func_t f, bool_t local);
+static int _remove_func(mb_interpreter_t* s, const char* n, bool_t local);
+static int _open_constant(mb_interpreter_t* s);
+static int _close_constant(mb_interpreter_t* s);
+static int _open_core_lib(mb_interpreter_t* s);
+static int _close_core_lib(mb_interpreter_t* s);
+static int _open_std_lib(mb_interpreter_t* s);
+static int _close_std_lib(mb_interpreter_t* s);
+/* ========================================================} */
+** {========================================================
+** Lib declarations
+/** Macro */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# if _MSC_VER < 1300
+# define _do_nothing do { static int i = 0; ++i; printf("Unaccessable function called %d times\n", i); } while(0)
+# else /* _MSC_VER < 1300 */
+# define _do_nothing do { printf("Unaccessable function: %s\n", __FUNCTION__); } while(0)
+# endif /* _MSC_VER < 1300 */
+#else /* _MSC_VER */
+# define _do_nothing do { printf("Unaccessable function: %s\n", __FUNCTION__); } while(0)
+#endif /* _MSC_VER */
+/** Core lib */
+static int _core_dummy_assign(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_add(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_min(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_mul(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_div(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_mod(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_pow(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_open_bracket(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_close_bracket(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_neg(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_equal(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_less(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_greater(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_less_equal(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_greater_equal(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_not_equal(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_and(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_or(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_not(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_let(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_dim(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_if(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_then(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_else(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_for(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_to(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_step(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_next(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_while(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_wend(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_do(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_until(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_exit(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_goto(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_gosub(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_return(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_end(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _core_mem(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+#endif /* _MB_ENABLE_ALLOC_STAT */
+/** Std lib */
+static int _std_abs(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_sgn(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_sqr(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_floor(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_ceil(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_fix(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_round(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_rnd(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_sin(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_cos(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_tan(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_asin(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_acos(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_atan(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_exp(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_log(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_asc(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_chr(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_left(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_len(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_mid(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_right(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_str(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_val(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_print(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+static int _std_input(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+/** Lib information */
+static const _func_t _core_libs[] = {
+ { "#", _core_dummy_assign },
+ { "+", _core_add },
+ { "-", _core_min },
+ { "*", _core_mul },
+ { "/", _core_div },
+ { "MOD", _core_mod },
+ { "^", _core_pow },
+ { "(", _core_open_bracket },
+ { ")", _core_close_bracket },
+ { 0, _core_neg },
+ { "=", _core_equal },
+ { "<", _core_less },
+ { ">", _core_greater },
+ { "<=", _core_less_equal },
+ { ">=", _core_greater_equal },
+ { "<>", _core_not_equal },
+ { "AND", _core_and },
+ { "OR", _core_or },
+ { "NOT", _core_not },
+ { "LET", _core_let },
+ { "DIM", _core_dim },
+ { "IF", _core_if },
+ { "THEN", _core_then },
+ { "ELSE", _core_else },
+ { "FOR", _core_for },
+ { "TO", _core_to },
+ { "STEP", _core_step },
+ { "NEXT", _core_next },
+ { "WHILE", _core_while },
+ { "WEND", _core_wend },
+ { "DO", _core_do },
+ { "UNTIL", _core_until },
+ { "EXIT", _core_exit },
+ { "GOTO", _core_goto },
+ { "GOSUB", _core_gosub },
+ { "RETURN", _core_return },
+ { "END", _core_end },
+ { "MEM", _core_mem },
+#endif /* _MB_ENABLE_ALLOC_STAT */
+static const _func_t _std_libs[] = {
+ { "ABS", _std_abs },
+ { "SGN", _std_sgn },
+ { "SQR", _std_sqr },
+ { "FLOOR", _std_floor },
+ { "CEIL", _std_ceil },
+ { "FIX", _std_fix },
+ { "ROUND", _std_round },
+ { "RND", _std_rnd },
+ { "SIN", _std_sin },
+ { "COS", _std_cos },
+ { "TAN", _std_tan },
+ { "ASIN", _std_asin },
+ { "ACOS", _std_acos },
+ { "ATAN", _std_atan },
+ { "EXP", _std_exp },
+ { "LOG", _std_log },
+ { "ASC", _std_asc },
+ { "CHR", _std_chr },
+ { "LEFT", _std_left },
+ { "LEN", _std_len },
+ { "MID", _std_mid },
+ { "RIGHT", _std_right },
+ { "STR", _std_str },
+ { "VAL", _std_val },
+ { "PRINT", _std_print },
+ { "INPUT", _std_input },
+/* ========================================================} */
+** {========================================================
+** Private function definitions
+/** List */
+int _ls_cmp_data(void* node, void* info) {
+ _ls_node_t* n = (_ls_node_t*)node;
+ return (n->data == info) ? 0 : 1;
+int _ls_cmp_extra(void* node, void* info) {
+ _ls_node_t* n = (_ls_node_t*)node;
+ return (n->extra == info) ? 0 : 1;
+_ls_node_t* _ls_create_node(void* data) {
+ _ls_node_t* result = 0;
+ result = (_ls_node_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_ls_node_t));
+ mb_assert(result);
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(_ls_node_t));
+ result->data = data;
+ return result;
+_ls_node_t* _ls_create(void) {
+ _ls_node_t* result = 0;
+ result = _ls_create_node(0);
+ return result;
+_ls_node_t* _ls_front(_ls_node_t* node) {
+ _ls_node_t* result = node;
+ result = result->next;
+ return result;
+_ls_node_t* _ls_back(_ls_node_t* node) {
+ _ls_node_t* result = node;
+ result = result->prev;
+ return result;
+_ls_node_t* _ls_at(_ls_node_t* list, int pos) {
+ _ls_node_t* result = list;
+ int i = 0;
+ mb_assert(result && pos >= 0);
+ for(i = 0; i <= pos; ++i) {
+ if(!result->next) {
+ result = 0;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ result = result->next;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+_ls_node_t* _ls_pushback(_ls_node_t* list, void* data) {
+ _ls_node_t* result = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* tmp = 0;
+ mb_assert(list);
+ result = _ls_create_node(data);
+ tmp = _ls_back(list);
+ if(!tmp) {
+ tmp = list;
+ }
+ tmp->next = result;
+ result->prev = tmp;
+ list->prev = result;
+ return result;
+_ls_node_t* _ls_pushfront(_ls_node_t* list, void* data) {
+ _ls_node_t* result = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* head = 0;
+ mb_assert(list);
+ result = _ls_create_node(data);
+ head = list;
+ list = _ls_front(list);
+ head->next = result;
+ result->prev = head;
+ if(list) {
+ result->next = list;
+ list->prev = result;
+ }
+ return result;
+_ls_node_t* _ls_insert(_ls_node_t* list, int pos, void* data) {
+ _ls_node_t* result = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* tmp = 0;
+ mb_assert(list && pos >= 0);
+ list = _ls_at(list, pos);
+ mb_assert(list);
+ if(list) {
+ result = _ls_create_node(data);
+ tmp = list->prev;
+ tmp->next = result;
+ result->prev = tmp;
+ result->next = list;
+ list->prev = result;
+ }
+ return result;
+void* _ls_popback(_ls_node_t* list) {
+ void* result = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* tmp = 0;
+ mb_assert(list);
+ tmp = _ls_back(list);
+ if(tmp) {
+ result = tmp->data;
+ if(list != tmp->prev) {
+ list->prev = tmp->prev;
+ } else {
+ list->prev = 0;
+ }
+ tmp->prev->next = 0;
+ safe_free(tmp);
+ }
+ return result;
+void* _ls_popfront(_ls_node_t* list) {
+ void* result = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* tmp = 0;
+ mb_assert(list);
+ tmp = _ls_front(list);
+ if(tmp) {
+ result = tmp->data;
+ if(!tmp->next) {
+ list->prev = 0;
+ }
+ tmp->prev->next = tmp->next;
+ if(tmp->next) {
+ tmp->next->prev = tmp->prev;
+ }
+ safe_free(tmp);
+ }
+ return result;
+unsigned int _ls_remove(_ls_node_t* list, int pos) {
+ unsigned int result = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* tmp = 0;
+ mb_assert(list && pos >= 0);
+ tmp = _ls_at(list, pos);
+ if(tmp) {
+ if(tmp->prev) {
+ tmp->prev->next = tmp->next;
+ }
+ if(tmp->next) {
+ tmp->next->prev = tmp->prev;
+ } else {
+ list->prev = tmp->prev;
+ }
+ safe_free(tmp);
+ ++result;
+ }
+ return result;
+unsigned int _ls_try_remove(_ls_node_t* list, void* info, _ls_compare cmp) {
+ unsigned int result = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* tmp = 0;
+ mb_assert(list && cmp);
+ tmp = list->next;
+ while(tmp) {
+ if(cmp(tmp, info) == 0) {
+ if(tmp->prev) {
+ tmp->prev->next = tmp->next;
+ }
+ if(tmp->next) {
+ tmp->next->prev = tmp->prev;
+ }
+ if(list->prev == tmp) {
+ list->prev = 0;
+ }
+ safe_free(tmp);
+ ++result;
+ break;
+ }
+ tmp = tmp->next;
+ }
+ return result;
+unsigned int _ls_count(_ls_node_t* list) {
+ unsigned int result = 0;
+ mb_assert(list);
+ while(list->next) {
+ ++result;
+ list = list->next;
+ }
+ return result;
+unsigned int _ls_foreach(_ls_node_t* list, _ls_operation op) {
+ unsigned int idx = 0;
+ int opresult = _OP_RESULT_NORMAL;
+ _ls_node_t* tmp = 0;
+ mb_assert(list && op);
+ list = list->next;
+ while(list) {
+ opresult = (*op)(list->data, list->extra);
+ ++idx;
+ tmp = list;
+ list = list->next;
+ if(_OP_RESULT_NORMAL == opresult) {
+ /* Do nothing */
+ } else if(_OP_RESULT_DEL_NODE == opresult) {
+ tmp->prev->next = list;
+ if(list) {
+ list->prev = tmp->prev;
+ }
+ safe_free(tmp);
+ } else {
+ /* Do nothing */
+ }
+ }
+ return idx;
+bool_t _ls_empty(_ls_node_t* list) {
+ bool_t result = false;
+ mb_assert(list);
+ result = 0 == list->next;
+ return result;
+void _ls_clear(_ls_node_t* list) {
+ _ls_node_t* tmp = 0;
+ mb_assert(list);
+ tmp = list;
+ list = list->next;
+ tmp->next = 0;
+ tmp->prev = 0;
+ while(list) {
+ tmp = list;
+ list = list->next;
+ safe_free(tmp);
+ }
+void _ls_destroy(_ls_node_t* list) {
+ _ls_clear(list);
+ safe_free(list);
+int _ls_free_extra(void* data, void* extra) {
+ int result = _OP_RESULT_NORMAL;
+ mb_unrefvar(data);
+ mb_assert(extra);
+ safe_free(extra);
+ result = _OP_RESULT_DEL_NODE;
+ return result;
+/** Dictionary */
+unsigned int _ht_hash_string(void* ht, void* d) {
+ unsigned int result = 0;
+ _ht_node_t* self = (_ht_node_t*)ht;
+ char* s = (char*)d;
+ unsigned int h = 0;
+ mb_assert(ht);
+ for( ; *s; ++s) {
+ h = 5 * h + *s;
+ }
+ result = h % self->array_size;
+ return result;
+unsigned int _ht_hash_int(void* ht, void* d) {
+ unsigned int result = 0;
+ _ht_node_t* self = (_ht_node_t*)ht;
+ int_t i = *(int_t*)d;
+ mb_assert(ht);
+ result = (unsigned int)i;
+ result %= self->array_size;
+ return result;
+unsigned int _ht_hash_real(void* ht, void* d) {
+ real_t r = *(real_t*)d;
+ union {
+ real_t r;
+ int_t i;
+ } u;
+ u.r = r;
+ return _ht_hash_int(ht, &u.i);
+unsigned int _ht_hash_ptr(void* ht, void* d) {
+ union {
+ int_t i;
+ void* p;
+ } u;
+ u.p = d;
+ return _ht_hash_int(ht, &u.i);
+int _ht_cmp_string(void* d1, void* d2) {
+ char* s1 = (char*)d1;
+ char* s2 = (char*)d2;
+ return strcmp(s1, s2);
+int _ht_cmp_int(void* d1, void* d2) {
+ int_t i1 = *(int_t*)d1;
+ int_t i2 = *(int_t*)d2;
+ int_t i = i1 - i2;
+ int result = 0;
+ if(i < 0) {
+ result = -1;
+ } else if(i > 0) {
+ result = 1;
+ }
+ return result;
+int _ht_cmp_real(void* d1, void* d2) {
+ real_t r1 = *(real_t*)d1;
+ real_t r2 = *(real_t*)d2;
+ real_t r = r1 - r2;
+ int result = 0;
+ if(r < 0.0f) {
+ result = -1;
+ } else if(r > 0.0f) {
+ result = 1;
+ }
+ return result;
+int _ht_cmp_ptr(void* d1, void* d2) {
+ int_t i1 = *(int_t*)d1;
+ int_t i2 = *(int_t*)d2;
+ int_t i = i1 - i2;
+ int result = 0;
+ if(i < 0) {
+ result = -1;
+ } else if(i > 0) {
+ result = 1;
+ }
+ return result;
+_ht_node_t* _ht_create(unsigned int size, _ht_compare cmp, _ht_hash hs, _ls_operation freeextra) {
+ const unsigned int array_size = size ? size : _HT_ARRAY_SIZE_DEFAULT;
+ _ht_node_t* result = 0;
+ unsigned int ul = 0;
+ if(!cmp) {
+ cmp = _ht_cmp_int;
+ }
+ if(!hs) {
+ hs = _ht_hash_int;
+ }
+ result = (_ht_node_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_ht_node_t));
+ result->free_extra = freeextra;
+ result->compare = cmp;
+ result->hash = hs;
+ result->array_size = array_size;
+ result->count = 0;
+ result->array = (_ls_node_t**)mb_malloc(sizeof(_ls_node_t*) * result->array_size);
+ for(ul = 0; ul < result->array_size; ++ul) {
+ result->array[ul] = _ls_create();
+ }
+ return result;
+_ls_node_t* _ht_find(_ht_node_t* ht, void* key) {
+ _ls_node_t* result = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* bucket = 0;
+ unsigned int hash_code = 0;
+ mb_assert(ht && key);
+ hash_code = ht->hash(ht, key);
+ bucket = ht->array[hash_code];
+ bucket = bucket->next;
+ while(bucket) {
+ if(ht->compare(bucket->extra, key) == 0) {
+ result = bucket;
+ break;
+ }
+ bucket = bucket->next;
+ }
+ return result;
+unsigned int _ht_count(_ht_node_t* ht) {
+ unsigned int result = 0;
+ mb_assert(ht);
+ result = ht->count;
+ return result;
+unsigned int _ht_get(_ht_node_t* ht, void* key, void** value) {
+ unsigned int result = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* bucket = 0;
+ mb_assert(ht && key && value);
+ bucket = _ht_find(ht, key);
+ if(bucket) {
+ *value = bucket->data;
+ ++result;
+ }
+ return result;
+unsigned int _ht_set(_ht_node_t* ht, void* key, void* value) {
+ unsigned int result = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* bucket = 0;
+ mb_assert(ht && key);
+ bucket = _ht_find(ht, key);
+ if(bucket) {
+ bucket->data = value;
+ ++result;
+ }
+ return result;
+unsigned int _ht_set_or_insert(_ht_node_t* ht, void* key, void* value) {
+ unsigned int result = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* bucket = 0;
+ unsigned int hash_code = 0;
+ mb_assert(ht && key);
+ bucket = _ht_find(ht, key);
+ if(bucket) { /* Update */
+ bucket->data = value;
+ ++result;
+ } else { /* Insert */
+ hash_code = ht->hash(ht, key);
+ bucket = ht->array[hash_code];
+ bucket = _ls_pushback(bucket, value);
+ mb_assert(bucket);
+ bucket->extra = key;
+ ++ht->count;
+ ++result;
+ }
+ return result;
+unsigned int _ht_remove(_ht_node_t* ht, void* key) {
+ unsigned int result = 0;
+ unsigned int hash_code = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* bucket = 0;
+ mb_assert(ht && key);
+ bucket = _ht_find(ht, key);
+ hash_code = ht->hash(ht, key);
+ bucket = ht->array[hash_code];
+ result = _ls_try_remove(bucket, key, _ls_cmp_extra);
+ ht->count -= result;
+ return result;
+unsigned int _ht_foreach(_ht_node_t* ht, _ht_operation op) {
+ unsigned int result = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* bucket = 0;
+ unsigned int ul = 0;
+ for(ul = 0; ul < ht->array_size; ++ul) {
+ bucket = ht->array[ul];
+ if(bucket) {
+ result += _ls_foreach(bucket, op);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+bool_t _ht_empty(_ht_node_t* ht) {
+ return 0 == _ht_count(ht);
+void _ht_clear(_ht_node_t* ht) {
+ unsigned int ul = 0;
+ mb_assert(ht && ht->array);
+ for(ul = 0; ul < ht->array_size; ++ul) {
+ _ls_clear(ht->array[ul]);
+ }
+ ht->count = 0;
+void _ht_destroy(_ht_node_t* ht) {
+ unsigned int ul = 0;
+ mb_assert(ht && ht->array);
+ if(ht->free_extra) {
+ _ht_foreach(ht, ht->free_extra);
+ }
+ for(ul = 0; ul < ht->array_size; ++ul) {
+ _ls_destroy(ht->array[ul]);
+ }
+ safe_free(ht->array);
+ safe_free(ht);
+/** Memory operations */
+void* mb_malloc(size_t s) {
+ char* ret = NULL;
+ size_t rs = s;
+#endif /* _MB_ENABLE_ALLOC_STAT */
+ ret = (char*)malloc(rs);
+ mb_assert(ret);
+ _mb_allocated += s;
+ ret += _MB_POINTER_SIZE;
+#endif /* _MB_ENABLE_ALLOC_STAT */
+ return (void*)ret;
+void* mb_realloc(void** p, size_t s) {
+ char* ret = NULL;
+ size_t rs = s;
+ size_t os = 0; (void)os;
+ mb_assert(p);
+ if(*p) {
+ os = _MB_READ_CHUNK_SIZE(*p);
+ *p = (char*)(*p) - _MB_POINTER_SIZE;
+ }
+#endif /* _MB_ENABLE_ALLOC_STAT */
+ ret = (char*)realloc(*p, rs);
+ mb_assert(ret);
+ _mb_allocated -= os;
+ _mb_allocated += s;
+ ret += _MB_POINTER_SIZE;
+ *p = (void*)ret;
+#endif /* _MB_ENABLE_ALLOC_STAT */
+ return (void*)ret;
+void mb_free(void* p) {
+ mb_assert(p);
+ do {
+ size_t os = _MB_READ_CHUNK_SIZE(p);
+ _mb_allocated -= os;
+ p = (char*)p - _MB_POINTER_SIZE;
+ } while(0);
+#endif /* _MB_ENABLE_ALLOC_STAT */
+ free(p);
+/** Expression processing */
+bool_t _is_operator(mb_func_t op) {
+ /* Determine whether a function is an operator */
+ bool_t result = false;
+ result =
+ (op == _core_dummy_assign) ||
+ (op == _core_add) ||
+ (op == _core_min) ||
+ (op == _core_mul) ||
+ (op == _core_div) ||
+ (op == _core_mod) ||
+ (op == _core_pow) ||
+ (op == _core_open_bracket) ||
+ (op == _core_close_bracket) ||
+ (op == _core_equal) ||
+ (op == _core_greater) ||
+ (op == _core_less) ||
+ (op == _core_greater_equal) ||
+ (op == _core_less_equal) ||
+ (op == _core_not_equal) ||
+ (op == _core_and) ||
+ (op == _core_or);
+ return result;
+char _get_priority(mb_func_t op1, mb_func_t op2) {
+ /* Get the priority of two operators */
+ char result = '\0';
+ int idx1 = 0;
+ int idx2 = 0;
+ mb_assert(op1 && op2);
+ idx1 = _get_priority_index(op1);
+ idx2 = _get_priority_index(op2);
+ mb_assert(idx1 < _countof(_PRECEDE_TABLE) && idx2 < _countof(_PRECEDE_TABLE[0]));
+ result = _PRECEDE_TABLE[idx1][idx2];
+ return result;
+int _get_priority_index(mb_func_t op) {
+ /* Get the index of an operator in the priority table */
+ int result = 0;
+ mb_assert(op);
+ if(op == _core_dummy_assign) {
+ result = 8;
+ } else if(op == _core_add) {
+ result = 0;
+ } else if(op == _core_min) {
+ result = 1;
+ } else if(op == _core_mul) {
+ result = 2;
+ } else if(op == _core_div) {
+ result = 3;
+ } else if(op == _core_mod) {
+ result = 4;
+ } else if(op == _core_pow) {
+ result = 5;
+ } else if(op == _core_open_bracket) {
+ result = 6;
+ } else if(op == _core_close_bracket) {
+ result = 7;
+ } else if(op == _core_equal) {
+ result = 13;
+ } else if(op == _core_greater) {
+ result = 9;
+ } else if(op == _core_less) {
+ result = 10;
+ } else if(op == _core_greater_equal) {
+ result = 11;
+ } else if(op == _core_less_equal) {
+ result = 12;
+ } else if(op == _core_not_equal) {
+ result = 14;
+ } else if(op == _core_and) {
+ result = 15;
+ } else if(op == _core_or) {
+ result = 16;
+ } else if(op == _core_not) {
+ result = 17;
+ } else if(op == _core_neg) {
+ result = 18;
+ } else {
+ mb_assert(0 && "Unknown operator");
+ }
+ return result;
+_object_t* _operate_operand(mb_interpreter_t* s, _object_t* optr, _object_t* opnd1, _object_t* opnd2, int* status) {
+ /* Operate two operands */
+ _object_t* result = 0;
+ _tuple3_t tp;
+ _tuple3_t* tpptr = 0;
+ int _status = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && optr);
+ mb_assert(optr->type == _DT_FUNC);
+ if(!opnd1) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ result = (_object_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_object_t));
+ memset(result, 0, sizeof(_object_t));
+ memset(&tp, 0, sizeof(_tuple3_t));
+ tp.e1 = opnd1;
+ tp.e2 = opnd2;
+ tp.e3 = result;
+ tpptr = &tp;
+ _status = (optr->data.func->pointer)(s, (void**)(&tpptr));
+ if(status) {
+ *status = _status;
+ }
+ if(_status != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ if(_status != MB_FUNC_WARNING) {
+ safe_free(result);
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ _set_current_error(s, SE_RN_OPERATION_FAILED);
+ _set_error_pos(s, optr->source_pos, optr->source_row, optr->source_col);
+ }
+ return result;
+bool_t _is_expression_terminal(mb_interpreter_t* s, _object_t* obj) {
+ /* Determine whether an object is an expression termination */
+ bool_t result = false;
+ mb_assert(s && obj);
+ result =
+ (obj->type == _DT_EOS) ||
+ (obj->type == _DT_SEP) ||
+ (obj->type == _DT_FUNC &&
+ (obj->data.func->pointer == _core_then ||
+ obj->data.func->pointer == _core_else ||
+ obj->data.func->pointer == _core_to ||
+ obj->data.func->pointer == _core_step)
+ );
+ return result;
+int _calc_expression(mb_interpreter_t* s, _ls_node_t** l, _object_t** val) {
+ /* Calculate an expression */
+ int result = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _running_context_t* running = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* garbage = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* optr = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* opnd = 0;
+ _object_t* c = 0;
+ //_object_t* x = 0;
+ _object_t* a = 0;
+ _object_t* b = 0;
+ _object_t* r = 0;
+ _object_t* theta = 0;
+ char pri = '\0';
+ unsigned int arr_idx = 0;
+ mb_value_u arr_val;
+ _data_e arr_type;
+ _object_t* arr_elem = 0;
+ _object_t* guard_val = 0;
+ int bracket_count = 0;
+ bool_t hack = false;
+ _ls_node_t* errn = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ running = (_running_context_t*)(s->running_context);
+ ast = *l;
+ garbage = _ls_create();
+ optr = _ls_create();
+ opnd = _ls_create();
+ c = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ do {
+ if(c->type == _DT_STRING) {
+ if(ast->next) {
+ _object_t* _fsn = (_object_t*)ast->next->data;
+ if(_fsn->type == _DT_FUNC && _fsn->data.func->pointer == _core_add) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ (*val)->type = _DT_STRING;
+ (*val)->data.string = c->data.string;
+ (*val)->ref = true;
+ ast = ast->next;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ } while(0);
+ guard_val = c;
+ ast = ast->next;
+ _ls_pushback(optr, _exp_assign);
+ while(
+ !(c->type == _DT_FUNC &&
+ strcmp(c->data.func->name, "#") == 0) ||
+ !(((_object_t*)(_ls_back(optr)->data))->type == _DT_FUNC &&
+ strcmp(((_object_t*)(_ls_back(optr)->data))->data.func->name, "#") == 0)) {
+ if(!hack) {
+ if(c->type == _DT_FUNC && c->data.func->pointer == _core_open_bracket) {
+ ++bracket_count;
+ } else if(c->type == _DT_FUNC && c->data.func->pointer == _core_close_bracket) {
+ --bracket_count;
+ if(bracket_count < 0) {
+ c = _exp_assign;
+ ast = ast->prev;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hack = false;
+ if(!(c->type == _DT_FUNC && _is_operator(c->data.func->pointer))) {
+ if(_is_expression_terminal(s, c)) {
+ c = _exp_assign;
+ if(ast) {
+ ast = ast->prev;
+ }
+ if(bracket_count) {
+ _object_t _cb;
+ _func_t _cbf;
+ memset(&_cb, 0, sizeof(_object_t));
+ _cb.type = _DT_FUNC;
+ _cb.data.func = &_cbf;
+ _cb.data.func->name = ")";
+ _cb.data.func->pointer = _core_close_bracket;
+ while(bracket_count) {
+ _ls_pushback(optr, &_cb);
+ bracket_count--;
+ }
+ errn = ast;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(c->type == _DT_ARRAY) {
+ ast = ast->prev;
+ result = _get_array_index(s, &ast, &arr_idx);
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_CALCULATION_ERROR, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ ast = ast->next;
+ _get_array_elem(s, c->data.array, arr_idx, &arr_val, &arr_type);
+ arr_elem = (_object_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_object_t));
+ memset(arr_elem, 0, sizeof(_object_t));
+ _ls_pushback(garbage, arr_elem);
+ arr_elem->type = arr_type;
+ if(arr_type == _DT_REAL) {
+ arr_elem->data.float_point = arr_val.float_point;
+ } else if(arr_type == _DT_STRING) {
+ arr_elem->data.string = arr_val.string;
+ } else {
+ mb_assert(0 && "Unsupported");
+ }
+ _ls_pushback(opnd, arr_elem);
+ } else if(c->type == _DT_FUNC) {
+ ast = ast->prev;
+ result = (c->data.func->pointer)(s, (void**)(&ast));
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_CALCULATION_ERROR, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ c = (_object_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_object_t));
+ memset(c, 0, sizeof(_object_t));
+ _ls_pushback(garbage, c);
+ result = _public_value_to_internal_object(&running->intermediate_value, c);
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ _ls_pushback(opnd, c);
+ } else {
+ if(c->type == _DT_VAR && ast) {
+ _object_t* _err_var = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(_err_var->type == _DT_FUNC && _err_var->data.func->pointer == _core_open_bracket) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_INVALID_ID_USAGE, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ }
+ _ls_pushback(opnd, c);
+ }
+ if(ast) {
+ c = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ ast = ast->next;
+ } else {
+ c = _exp_assign;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ pri = _get_priority(((_object_t*)(_ls_back(optr)->data))->data.func->pointer, c->data.func->pointer);
+ switch(pri) {
+ case '<':
+ _ls_pushback(optr, c);
+ c = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ ast = ast->next;
+ break;
+ case '=':
+ //x = (_object_t*)_ls_popback(optr);
+ _ls_popback(optr);
+ c = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ ast = ast->next;
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ theta = (_object_t*)_ls_popback(optr);
+ b = (_object_t*)_ls_popback(opnd);
+ a = (_object_t*)_ls_popback(opnd);
+ r = _operate_operand(s, theta, a, b, &result);
+ if(!r) {
+ _ls_clear(optr);
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_OPERATION_FAILED, DON(errn), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ _ls_pushback(opnd, r);
+ _ls_pushback(garbage, r);
+ if(c->type == _DT_FUNC && c->data.func->pointer == _core_close_bracket) {
+ hack = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(errn) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_CLOSE_BRACKET_EXPECTED, DON(errn), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ c = (_object_t*)(_ls_popback(opnd));
+ if(!c || !(c->type == _DT_INT || c->type == _DT_REAL || c->type == _DT_STRING || c->type == _DT_VAR)) {
+ _set_current_error(s, SE_RN_INVALID_DATA_TYPE);
+ result = MB_FUNC_ERR;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ if(c->type == _DT_VAR) {
+ (*val)->type = c->data.variable->data->type;
+ (*val)->data = c->data.variable->data->data;
+ if(_is_string(c)) {
+ (*val)->ref = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ (*val)->type = c->type;
+ if(_is_string(c)) {
+ size_t _sl = strlen(_extract_string(c));
+ (*val)->data.string = (char*)mb_malloc(_sl + 1);
+ (*val)->data.string[_sl] = '\0';
+ memcpy((*val)->data.string, c->data.string, _sl + 1);
+ } else {
+ (*val)->data = c->data;
+ }
+ }
+ if(guard_val != c && _ls_try_remove(garbage, c, _ls_cmp_data)) {
+ _destroy_object(c, 0);
+ }
+ _ls_foreach(garbage, _destroy_object);
+ _ls_destroy(garbage);
+ _ls_foreach(optr, _destroy_object);
+ _ls_foreach(opnd, _destroy_object);
+ _ls_destroy(optr);
+ _ls_destroy(opnd);
+ *l = ast;
+ return result;
+bool_t _is_print_terminal(mb_interpreter_t* s, _object_t* obj) {
+ /* Determine whether an object is a PRINT termination */
+ bool_t result = false;
+ mb_assert(s && obj);
+ result =
+ (obj->type == _DT_EOS) ||
+ (obj->type == _DT_SEP && obj->data.separator == ':') ||
+ (obj->type == _DT_FUNC &&
+ (obj->data.func->pointer == _core_else)
+ );
+ return result;
+/** Others */
+void _set_current_error(mb_interpreter_t* s, mb_error_e err) {
+ /* Set current error information */
+ mb_assert(s && err >= 0 && err < _countof(_ERR_DESC));
+ s->last_error = err;
+const char* _get_error_desc(mb_error_e err) {
+ /* Get the description text of an error information */
+ mb_assert(err >= 0 && err < _countof(_ERR_DESC));
+ return _ERR_DESC[err];
+mb_print_func_t _get_printer(mb_interpreter_t* s) {
+ /* Get a print functor according to an interpreter */
+ mb_assert(s);
+ if(s->printer) {
+ return s->printer;
+ }
+ return printf;
+bool_t _is_blank(char c) {
+ /* Determine whether a char is a blank */
+ return (' ' == c) || ('\t' == c);
+bool_t _is_newline(char c) {
+ /* Determine whether a char is a newline */
+ return ('\r' == c) || ('\n' == c) || (EOF == c);
+bool_t _is_separator(char c) {
+ /* Determine whether a char is a separator */
+ return (',' == c) || (';' == c) || (':' == c);
+bool_t _is_bracket(char c) {
+ /* Determine whether a char is a bracket */
+ return ('(' == c) || (')' == c);
+bool_t _is_quotation_mark(char c) {
+ /* Determine whether a char is a quotation mark */
+ return ('"' == c);
+bool_t _is_comment(char c) {
+ /* Determine whether a char is a comment mark */
+ return ('\'' == c);
+bool_t _is_identifier_char(char c) {
+ /* Determine whether a char is an identifier char */
+ return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
+ (c == '_') ||
+ (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
+ (c == '$') ||
+ (c == '.');
+bool_t _is_operator_char(char c) {
+ /* Determine whether a char is an operator char */
+ return (c == '+') || (c == '-') || (c == '*') || (c == '/') ||
+ (c == '^') ||
+ (c == '(') || (c == ')') ||
+ (c == '=') ||
+ (c == '>') || (c == '<');
+int _append_char_to_symbol(mb_interpreter_t* s, char c) {
+ /* Parse a char and append it to current parsing symbol */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _parsing_context_t* context = 0;
+ mb_assert(s);
+ context = (_parsing_context_t*)(s->parsing_context);
+ if(context->current_symbol_nonius + 1 >= _SINGLE_SYMBOL_MAX_LENGTH) {
+ _set_current_error(s, SE_PS_SYMBOL_TOO_LONG);
+ ++result;
+ } else {
+ context->current_symbol[context->current_symbol_nonius] = c;
+ ++context->current_symbol_nonius;
+ }
+ return result;
+int _cut_symbol(mb_interpreter_t* s, int pos, unsigned short row, unsigned short col) {
+ /* Current symbol parsing done and cut it */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _parsing_context_t* context = 0;
+ char* sym = 0;
+ int status = 0;
+ bool_t delsym = false;
+ mb_assert(s);
+ context = (_parsing_context_t*)(s->parsing_context);
+ if(context->current_symbol_nonius && context->current_symbol[0] != '\0') {
+ sym = (char*)mb_malloc(context->current_symbol_nonius + 1);
+ memcpy(sym, context->current_symbol, context->current_symbol_nonius + 1);
+ status = _append_symbol(s, sym, &delsym, pos, row, col);
+ if(status || delsym) {
+ safe_free(sym);
+ }
+ result = status;
+ }
+ memset(context->current_symbol, 0, sizeof(context->current_symbol));
+ context->current_symbol_nonius = 0;
+ return result;
+int _append_symbol(mb_interpreter_t* s, char* sym, bool_t* delsym, int pos, unsigned short row, unsigned short col) {
+ /* Append cut current symbol to AST list */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _object_t* obj = 0;
+ _ls_node_t** assign = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* node = 0;
+ _parsing_context_t* context = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && sym);
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(s->ast);
+ result = _create_symbol(s, ast, sym, &obj, &assign, delsym);
+ if(obj) {
+ obj->source_pos = pos;
+ obj->source_row = row;
+ obj->source_col = col;
+ node = _ls_pushback(ast, obj);
+ if(assign) {
+ *assign = node;
+ }
+ context = (_parsing_context_t*)s->parsing_context;
+ context->last_symbol = obj;
+ }
+ return result;
+int _create_symbol(mb_interpreter_t* s, _ls_node_t* l, char* sym, _object_t** obj, _ls_node_t*** asgn, bool_t* delsym) {
+ /* Create a syntax symbol */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _data_e type;
+ union { _func_t* func; _array_t* array; _var_t* var; _label_t* label; real_t float_point; int_t integer; void* any; } tmp;
+ void* value = 0;
+ unsigned int ul = 0;
+ _parsing_context_t* context = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* glbsyminscope = 0;
+ mb_unrefvar(l);
+ mb_assert(s && sym && obj);
+ context = (_parsing_context_t*)s->parsing_context;
+ *obj = (_object_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_object_t));
+ memset(*obj, 0, sizeof(_object_t));
+ type = _get_symbol_type(s, sym, &value);
+ (*obj)->type = type;
+ switch(type) {
+ case _DT_INT:
+ tmp.any = value;
+ (*obj)->data.integer = tmp.integer;
+ safe_free(sym);
+ break;
+ case _DT_REAL:
+ tmp.any = value;
+ (*obj)->data.float_point = tmp.float_point;
+ safe_free(sym);
+ break;
+ case _DT_STRING: {
+ size_t _sl = strlen(sym);
+ (*obj)->data.string = (char*)mb_malloc(_sl - 2 + 1);
+ memcpy((*obj)->data.string, sym + sizeof(char), _sl - 2);
+ (*obj)->data.string[_sl - 2] = '\0';
+ *delsym = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case _DT_FUNC:
+ tmp.func = (_func_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_func_t));
+ memset(tmp.func, 0, sizeof(_func_t));
+ tmp.func->name = sym;
+ tmp.func->pointer = (mb_func_t)(intptr_t)value;
+ (*obj)->data.func = tmp.func;
+ break;
+ case _DT_ARRAY:
+ glbsyminscope = _ht_find((_ht_node_t*)s->global_var_dict, sym);
+ if(glbsyminscope && ((_object_t*)(glbsyminscope->data))->type == _DT_ARRAY) {
+ (*obj)->data.array = ((_object_t*)(glbsyminscope->data))->data.array;
+ (*obj)->ref = true;
+ *delsym = true;
+ } else {
+ tmp.array = (_array_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_array_t));
+ memset(tmp.array, 0, sizeof(_array_t));
+ tmp.array->name = sym;
+ tmp.array->type = (_data_e)(int)(long)(intptr_t)value;
+ (*obj)->data.array = tmp.array;
+ ul = _ht_set_or_insert((_ht_node_t*)s->global_var_dict, sym, *obj);
+ mb_assert(ul);
+ *obj = (_object_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_object_t));
+ memset(*obj, 0, sizeof(_object_t));
+ (*obj)->type = type;
+ (*obj)->data.array = tmp.array;
+ (*obj)->ref = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case _DT_VAR:
+ glbsyminscope = _ht_find((_ht_node_t*)s->global_var_dict, sym);
+ if(glbsyminscope && ((_object_t*)(glbsyminscope->data))->type == _DT_VAR) {
+ (*obj)->data.variable = ((_object_t*)(glbsyminscope->data))->data.variable;
+ (*obj)->ref = true;
+ *delsym = true;
+ } else {
+ tmp.var = (_var_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_var_t));
+ memset(tmp.var, 0, sizeof(_var_t));
+ tmp.var->name = sym;
+ tmp.var->data = (_object_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_object_t));
+ memset(tmp.var->data, 0, sizeof(_object_t));
+ tmp.var->data->type = (sym[strlen(sym) - 1] == '$') ? _DT_STRING : _DT_INT;
+ tmp.var->data->data.integer = 0;
+ (*obj)->data.variable = tmp.var;
+ ul = _ht_set_or_insert((_ht_node_t*)s->global_var_dict, sym, *obj);
+ mb_assert(ul);
+ *obj = (_object_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_object_t));
+ memset(*obj, 0, sizeof(_object_t));
+ (*obj)->type = type;
+ (*obj)->data.variable = tmp.var;
+ (*obj)->ref = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case _DT_LABEL:
+ if(context->current_char == ':') {
+ if(value) {
+ (*obj)->data.label = value;
+ (*obj)->ref = true;
+ *delsym = true;
+ } else {
+ tmp.label = (_label_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_label_t));
+ memset(tmp.label, 0, sizeof(_label_t));
+ tmp.label->name = sym;
+ *asgn = &(tmp.label->node);
+ (*obj)->data.label = tmp.label;
+ ul = _ht_set_or_insert((_ht_node_t*)s->global_var_dict, sym, *obj);
+ mb_assert(ul);
+ *obj = (_object_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_object_t));
+ memset(*obj, 0, sizeof(_object_t));
+ (*obj)->type = type;
+ (*obj)->data.label = tmp.label;
+ (*obj)->ref = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ (*obj)->data.label = (_label_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_label_t));
+ memset((*obj)->data.label, 0, sizeof(_label_t));
+ (*obj)->data.label->name = sym;
+ }
+ break;
+ case _DT_SEP:
+ (*obj)->data.separator = sym[0];
+ safe_free(sym);
+ break;
+ case _DT_EOS:
+ safe_free(sym);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return result;
+_data_e _get_symbol_type(mb_interpreter_t* s, char* sym, void** value) {
+ /* Get the type of a syntax symbol */
+ _data_e result = _DT_NIL;
+ union { real_t float_point; int_t integer; _object_t* obj; void* any; } tmp;
+ char* conv_suc = 0;
+ _parsing_context_t* context = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* lclsyminscope = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* glbsyminscope = 0;
+ size_t _sl = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && sym);
+ _sl = strlen(sym);
+ mb_assert(_sl > 0);
+ context = (_parsing_context_t*)s->parsing_context;
+ /* int_t */
+ tmp.integer = (int_t)strtol(sym, &conv_suc, 0);
+ if(*conv_suc == '\0') {
+ *value = tmp.any;
+ result = _DT_INT;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ /* real_t */
+ tmp.float_point = (real_t)strtod(sym, &conv_suc);
+ if(*conv_suc == '\0') {
+ *value = tmp.any;
+ result = _DT_REAL;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ /* string */
+ if(sym[0] == '"' && sym[_sl - 1] == '"' && _sl >= 2) {
+ result = _DT_STRING;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ /* _array_t */
+ glbsyminscope = _ht_find((_ht_node_t*)s->global_var_dict, sym);
+ if(glbsyminscope && ((_object_t*)(glbsyminscope->data))->type == _DT_ARRAY) {
+ tmp.obj = (_object_t*)(glbsyminscope->data);
+ *value = (void*)(intptr_t)(tmp.obj->data.array->type);
+ result = _DT_ARRAY;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ if(context->last_symbol && context->last_symbol->type == _DT_FUNC) {
+ if(strcmp("DIM", context->last_symbol->data.func->name) == 0) {
+ *value = (void*)(intptr_t)(sym[_sl - 1] == '$' ? _DT_STRING : _DT_REAL);
+ result = _DT_ARRAY;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ }
+ /* _func_t */
+ if(context->last_symbol && ((context->last_symbol->type == _DT_FUNC && context->last_symbol->data.func->pointer != _core_close_bracket)||
+ context->last_symbol->type == _DT_SEP)) {
+ if(strcmp("-", sym) == 0) {
+ *value = (void*)(intptr_t)(_core_neg);
+ result = _DT_FUNC;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ }
+ lclsyminscope = _ht_find((_ht_node_t*)s->local_func_dict, sym);
+ glbsyminscope = _ht_find((_ht_node_t*)s->global_func_dict, sym);
+ if(lclsyminscope || glbsyminscope) {
+ *value = lclsyminscope ? lclsyminscope->data : glbsyminscope->data;
+ result = _DT_FUNC;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ /* _EOS */
+ if(_sl == 1 && sym[0] == _EOS) {
+ result = _DT_EOS;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ /* separator */
+ if(_sl == 1 && _is_separator(sym[0])) {
+ result = _DT_SEP;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ /* _var_t */
+ glbsyminscope = _ht_find((_ht_node_t*)s->global_var_dict, sym);
+ if(glbsyminscope) {
+ if(((_object_t*)glbsyminscope->data)->type != _DT_LABEL) {
+ *value = glbsyminscope->data;
+ result = _DT_VAR;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ }
+ /* _label_t */
+ if(context->current_char == ':') {
+ if(!context->last_symbol || context->last_symbol->type == _DT_EOS) {
+ glbsyminscope = _ht_find((_ht_node_t*)s->global_var_dict, sym);
+ if(glbsyminscope) {
+ *value = glbsyminscope->data;
+ }
+ result = _DT_LABEL;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ }
+ if(context->last_symbol && context->last_symbol->type == _DT_FUNC) {
+ if(context->last_symbol->data.func->pointer == _core_goto || context->last_symbol->data.func->pointer == _core_gosub) {
+ result = _DT_LABEL;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ }
+ /* else */
+ result = _DT_VAR;
+ return result;
+int _parse_char(mb_interpreter_t* s, char c, int pos, unsigned short row, unsigned short col) {
+ /* Parse a char */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _parsing_context_t* context = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && s->parsing_context);
+ context = (_parsing_context_t*)(s->parsing_context);
+ context->current_char = c;
+ if(context->parsing_state == _PS_NORMAL) {
+ if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
+ c += 'A' - 'a';
+ }
+ if(_is_blank(c)) { /* \t ' ' */
+ result += _cut_symbol(s, pos, row, col);
+ } else if(_is_newline(c)) { /* \r \n EOF */
+ result += _cut_symbol(s, pos, row, col);
+ result += _append_char_to_symbol(s, _EOS);
+ result += _cut_symbol(s, pos, row, col);
+ } else if(_is_separator(c) || _is_bracket(c)) { /* , ; : ( ) */
+ result += _cut_symbol(s, pos, row, col);
+ result += _append_char_to_symbol(s, c);
+ result += _cut_symbol(s, pos, row, col);
+ } else if(_is_quotation_mark(c)) { /* " */
+ result += _cut_symbol(s, pos, row, col);
+ result += _append_char_to_symbol(s, c);
+ context->parsing_state = _PS_STRING;
+ } else if(_is_comment(c)) { /* ' */
+ result += _cut_symbol(s, pos, row, col);
+ result += _append_char_to_symbol(s, _EOS);
+ result += _cut_symbol(s, pos, row, col);
+ context->parsing_state = _PS_COMMENT;
+ } else {
+ if(context->symbol_state == _SS_IDENTIFIER) {
+ if(_is_identifier_char(c)) {
+ result += _append_char_to_symbol(s, c);
+ } else if(_is_operator_char(c)) {
+ context->symbol_state = _SS_OPERATOR;
+ result += _cut_symbol(s, pos, row, col);
+ result += _append_char_to_symbol(s, c);
+ } else {
+ _handle_error(s, SE_PS_INVALID_CHAR, pos, row, col, MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ } else if(context->symbol_state == _SS_OPERATOR) {
+ if(_is_identifier_char(c)) {
+ context->symbol_state = _SS_IDENTIFIER;
+ result += _cut_symbol(s, pos, row, col);
+ result += _append_char_to_symbol(s, c);
+ } else if(_is_operator_char(c)) {
+ if(c == '-') {
+ result += _cut_symbol(s, pos, row, col);
+ }
+ result += _append_char_to_symbol(s, c);
+ } else {
+ _handle_error(s, SE_PS_INVALID_CHAR, pos, row, col, MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ mb_assert(0 && "Impossible here");
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(context->parsing_state == _PS_STRING) {
+ if(_is_quotation_mark(c)) { /* " */
+ result += _append_char_to_symbol(s, c);
+ result += _cut_symbol(s, pos, row, col);
+ context->parsing_state = _PS_NORMAL;
+ } else {
+ result += _append_char_to_symbol(s, c);
+ }
+ } else if(context->parsing_state == _PS_COMMENT) {
+ if(_is_newline(c)) { /* \r \n EOF */
+ context->parsing_state = _PS_NORMAL;
+ } else {
+ /* Do nothing */
+ }
+ } else {
+ mb_assert(0 && "Unknown parsing state");
+ }
+ return result;
+void _set_error_pos(mb_interpreter_t* s, int pos, unsigned short row, unsigned short col) {
+ /* Set the position of a parsing error */
+ mb_assert(s);
+ s->last_error_pos = pos;
+ s->last_error_row = row;
+ s->last_error_col = col;
+int_t _get_size_of(_data_e type) {
+ /* Get the size of a data type */
+ int_t result = 0;
+ if(type == _DT_INT) {
+ result = sizeof(int_t);
+ } else if(type == _DT_REAL) {
+ result = sizeof(real_t);
+ } else if(type == _DT_STRING) {
+ result = sizeof(char*);
+ } else {
+ mb_assert(0 && "Unsupported");
+ }
+ return result;
+bool_t _try_get_value(_object_t* obj, mb_value_u* val, _data_e expected) {
+ /* Try to get a value(typed as int_t, real_t or char*) */
+ bool_t result = false;
+ mb_assert(obj && val);
+ if(obj->type == _DT_INT && (expected == _DT_ANY || expected == _DT_INT)) {
+ val->integer = obj->data.integer;
+ result = true;
+ } else if(obj->type == _DT_REAL && (expected == _DT_ANY || expected == _DT_REAL)) {
+ val->float_point = obj->data.float_point;
+ result = true;
+ } else if(obj->type == _DT_VAR) {
+ result = _try_get_value(obj->data.variable->data, val, expected);
+ }
+ return result;
+int _get_array_index(mb_interpreter_t* s, _ls_node_t** l, unsigned int* index) {
+ /* Calculate the index */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _object_t* arr = 0;
+ _object_t* len = 0;
+ _object_t subscript;
+ _object_t* subscript_ptr = 0;
+ mb_value_u val;
+ int dcount = 0;
+ unsigned int idx = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l && index);
+ subscript_ptr = &subscript;
+ /* Array name */
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(*l);
+ if(!ast || ((_object_t*)(ast->data))->type != _DT_ARRAY) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_ARRAY_IDENTIFIER_EXPECTED, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ arr = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ /* ( */
+ if(!ast->next || ((_object_t*)(ast->next->data))->type != _DT_FUNC || ((_object_t*)(ast->next->data))->data.func->pointer != _core_open_bracket) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_OPEN_BRACKET_EXPECTED,
+ (ast && ast->next) ? ((_object_t*)(ast->next->data)) : 0,
+ MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ ast = ast->next;
+ /* Array subscript */
+ if(!ast->next) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_EXPECTED, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ ast = ast->next;
+ while(((_object_t*)(ast->data))->type != _DT_FUNC || ((_object_t*)(ast->data))->data.func->pointer != _core_close_bracket) {
+ /* Calculate an integer value */
+ result = _calc_expression(s, &ast, &subscript_ptr);
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ len = subscript_ptr;
+ if(!_try_get_value(len, &val, _DT_INT)) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_TYPE_NOT_MATCH, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ if(val.integer < 0) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_ILLEGAL_BOUND, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ if(dcount + 1 > arr->data.array->dimension_count) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_DIMENSION_OUT_OF_BOUND, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ if(val.integer > arr->data.array->dimensions[dcount]) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_ARRAY_OUT_OF_BOUND, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ if(idx) {
+ idx *= (unsigned int)val.integer;
+ } else {
+ idx += (unsigned int)val.integer;
+ }
+ /* Comma? */
+ if(((_object_t*)(ast->data))->type == _DT_SEP && ((_object_t*)(ast->data))->data.separator == ',') {
+ ast = ast->next;
+ }
+ ++dcount;
+ }
+ *index = idx;
+ *l = ast;
+ return result;
+bool_t _get_array_elem(mb_interpreter_t* s, _array_t* arr, unsigned int index, mb_value_u* val, _data_e* type) {
+ /* Get the value of an element in an array */
+ bool_t result = true;
+ int_t elemsize = 0;
+ unsigned int pos = 0;
+ void* rawptr = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && arr && val && type);
+ mb_assert(index < arr->count);
+ elemsize = _get_size_of(arr->type);
+ pos = (unsigned int)(elemsize * index);
+ rawptr = (void*)((intptr_t)arr->raw + pos);
+ if(arr->type == _DT_REAL) {
+ val->float_point = *((real_t*)rawptr);
+ *type = _DT_REAL;
+ } else if(arr->type == _DT_STRING) {
+ val->string = *((char**)rawptr);
+ *type = _DT_STRING;
+ } else {
+ mb_assert(0 && "Unsupported");
+ }
+ return result;
+bool_t _set_array_elem(mb_interpreter_t* s, _array_t* arr, unsigned int index, mb_value_u* val, _data_e* type) {
+ /* Set the value of an element in an array */
+ bool_t result = true;
+ int_t elemsize = 0;
+ unsigned int pos = 0;
+ void* rawptr = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && arr && val);
+ mb_assert(index < arr->count);
+ elemsize = _get_size_of(arr->type);
+ pos = (unsigned int)(elemsize * index);
+ rawptr = (void*)((intptr_t)arr->raw + pos);
+ if(*type == _DT_INT) {
+ *((real_t*)rawptr) = (real_t)val->integer;
+ } else if(*type == _DT_REAL) {
+ *((real_t*)rawptr) = val->float_point;
+ } else if(*type == _DT_STRING) {
+ size_t _sl = strlen(val->string);
+ *((char**)rawptr) = (char*)mb_malloc(_sl + 1);
+ memcpy(*((char**)rawptr), val->string, _sl + 1);
+ } else {
+ mb_assert(0 && "Unsupported");
+ }
+ return result;
+void _init_array(_array_t* arr) {
+ /* Initialize an array */
+ int elemsize = 0;
+ mb_assert(arr);
+ elemsize = (int)_get_size_of(arr->type);
+ mb_assert(arr->count > 0);
+ mb_assert(!arr->raw);
+ arr->raw = (void*)mb_malloc(elemsize * arr->count);
+ if(arr->raw) {
+ memset(arr->raw, 0, elemsize * arr->count);
+ }
+void _clear_array(_array_t* arr) {
+ /* Clear an array */
+ char** strs = 0;
+ unsigned int ul = 0;
+ mb_assert(arr);
+ if(arr->raw) {
+ switch(arr->type) {
+ case _DT_INT: /* Fall through */
+ case _DT_REAL:
+ safe_free(arr->raw);
+ break;
+ case _DT_STRING:
+ strs = (char**)arr->raw;
+ for(ul = 0; ul < arr->count; ++ul) {
+ if(strs[ul]) {
+ safe_free(strs[ul]);
+ }
+ }
+ safe_free(arr->raw);
+ break;
+ default:
+ mb_assert(0 && "Unsupported");
+ break;
+ }
+ arr->raw = 0;
+ }
+void _destroy_array(_array_t* arr) {
+ /* Destroy an array */
+ mb_assert(arr);
+ _clear_array(arr);
+ safe_free(arr->name);
+ safe_free(arr);
+bool_t _is_string(void* obj) {
+ /* Determine whether an object is a string value or a string variable */
+ bool_t result = false;
+ _object_t* o = 0;
+ mb_assert(obj);
+ o = (_object_t*)obj;
+ if(o->type == _DT_STRING) {
+ result = true;
+ } else if(o->type == _DT_VAR) {
+ result = o->data.variable->data->type == _DT_STRING;
+ }
+ return result;
+char* _extract_string(_object_t* obj) {
+ /* Extract a string inside an object */
+ char* result = 0;
+ mb_assert(obj);
+ if(obj->type == _DT_STRING) {
+ result = obj->data.string;
+ } else if(obj->type == _DT_VAR && obj->data.variable->data->type == _DT_STRING) {
+ result = obj->data.variable->data->data.string;
+ }
+ return result;
+bool_t _is_internal_object(_object_t* obj) {
+ /* Determine whether an object is an internal one */
+ bool_t result = false;
+ mb_assert(obj);
+ result = (_exp_assign == obj) ||
+ (_OBJ_BOOL_TRUE == obj) || (_OBJ_BOOL_FALSE == obj);
+ return result;
+int _dispose_object(_object_t* obj) {
+ /* Dispose a syntax object */
+ int result = 0;
+ _var_t* var = 0;
+ mb_assert(obj);
+ if(_is_internal_object(obj)) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ switch(obj->type) {
+ case _DT_VAR:
+ if(!obj->ref) {
+ var = (_var_t*)(obj->data.variable);
+ safe_free(var->name);
+ mb_assert(var->data->type != _DT_VAR);
+ _destroy_object(var->data, 0);
+ safe_free(var);
+ }
+ break;
+ case _DT_STRING:
+ if(!obj->ref) {
+ if(obj->data.string) {
+ safe_free(obj->data.string);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case _DT_FUNC:
+ safe_free(obj->data.func->name);
+ safe_free(obj->data.func);
+ break;
+ case _DT_ARRAY:
+ if(!obj->ref) {
+ _destroy_array(obj->data.array);
+ }
+ break;
+ case _DT_LABEL:
+ if(!obj->ref) {
+ safe_free(obj->data.label->name);
+ safe_free(obj->data.label);
+ }
+ break;
+ case _DT_NIL: /* Fall through */
+ case _DT_INT: /* Fall through */
+ case _DT_REAL: /* Fall through */
+ case _DT_SEP: /* Fall through */
+ case _DT_EOS: /* Fall through */
+ case _DT_USERTYPE: /* Do nothing */
+ break;
+ default:
+ mb_assert(0 && "Invalid type");
+ break;
+ }
+ obj->ref = false;
+ obj->type = _DT_NIL;
+ memset(&obj->data, 0, sizeof(obj->data));
+ obj->source_pos = 0;
+ obj->source_row = 0;
+ obj->source_col = 0;
+ ++result;
+ return result;
+int _destroy_object(void* data, void* extra) {
+ /* Destroy a syntax object */
+ int result = _OP_RESULT_NORMAL;
+ _object_t* obj = 0;
+ mb_unrefvar(extra);
+ mb_assert(data);
+ obj = (_object_t*)data;
+ if(!_dispose_object(obj)) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ safe_free(obj);
+ result = _OP_RESULT_DEL_NODE;
+ return result;
+int _compare_numbers(const _object_t* first, const _object_t* second) {
+ /* Compare two numbers inside two _object_t */
+ int result = 0;
+ mb_assert(first && second);
+ mb_assert((first->type == _DT_INT || first->type == _DT_REAL) && (second->type == _DT_INT || second->type == _DT_REAL));
+ if(first->type == _DT_INT && second->type == _DT_INT) {
+ if(first->data.integer > second->data.integer) {
+ result = 1;
+ } else if(first->data.integer < second->data.integer) {
+ result = -1;
+ }
+ } else if(first->type == _DT_REAL && second->type == _DT_REAL) {
+ if(first->data.float_point > second->data.float_point) {
+ result = 1;
+ } else if(first->data.float_point < second->data.float_point) {
+ result = -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if((first->type == _DT_INT ? (real_t)first->data.integer : first->data.float_point) > (second->type == _DT_INT ? (real_t)second->data.integer : second->data.float_point)) {
+ result = 1;
+ } else if((first->type == _DT_INT ? (real_t)first->data.integer : first->data.float_point) > (second->type == _DT_INT ? (real_t)second->data.integer : second->data.float_point)) {
+ result = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int _public_value_to_internal_object(mb_value_t* pbl, _object_t* itn) {
+ /* Assign a public mb_value_t to an internal _object_t */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_assert(pbl && itn);
+ switch(pbl->type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ itn->type = _DT_INT;
+ itn->data.integer = pbl->value.integer;
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ itn->type = _DT_REAL;
+ itn->data.float_point = pbl->value.float_point;
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_STRING:
+ itn->type = _DT_STRING;
+ itn->data.string = pbl->value.string;
+ break;
+ default:
+ result = MB_FUNC_ERR;
+ break;
+ }
+ return result;
+int _internal_object_to_public_value(_object_t* itn, mb_value_t* pbl) {
+ /* Assign an internal _object_t to a public mb_value_t */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_assert(pbl && itn);
+ switch(itn->type) {
+ case _DT_INT:
+ pbl->type = MB_DT_INT;
+ pbl->value.integer = itn->data.integer;
+ break;
+ case _DT_REAL:
+ pbl->type = MB_DT_REAL;
+ pbl->value.float_point = itn->data.float_point;
+ break;
+ case _DT_STRING:
+ pbl->type = MB_DT_STRING;
+ pbl->value.string = itn->data.string;
+ break;
+ default:
+ result = MB_FUNC_ERR;
+ break;
+ }
+ return result;
+int _execute_statement(mb_interpreter_t* s, _ls_node_t** l) {
+ /* Execute the ast, core execution function */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _object_t* obj = 0;
+ _running_context_t* running = 0;
+ bool_t skip_to_eoi = true;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ running = (_running_context_t*)(s->running_context);
+ ast = *l;
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ switch(obj->type) {
+ case _DT_FUNC:
+ result = (obj->data.func->pointer)(s, (void**)(&ast));
+ break;
+ case _DT_VAR: /* Fall through */
+ case _DT_ARRAY:
+ result = _core_let(s, (void**)(&ast));
+ break;
+ case _DT_INT: /* Fall through */
+ case _DT_REAL: /* Fall through */
+ case _DT_STRING:
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_INVALID_EXPRESSION, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK && result != MB_FUNC_SUSPEND && result != MB_SUB_RETURN) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ if(ast) {
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(obj && obj->type == _DT_SEP && obj->data.separator == ':') {
+ skip_to_eoi = false;
+ }
+ ast = ast->next;
+ }
+ if(skip_to_eoi && running->skip_to_eoi && running->skip_to_eoi == _ls_back(running->sub_stack)) {
+ running->skip_to_eoi = 0;
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(obj->type != _DT_EOS) {
+ result = _skip_to(s, &ast, 0, _DT_EOS);
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *l = ast;
+ return result;
+int _skip_to(mb_interpreter_t* s, _ls_node_t** l, mb_func_t f, _data_e t) {
+ /* Skip current execution flow to a specific function */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* tmp = 0;
+ _object_t* obj = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ ast = *l;
+ mb_assert(ast && ast->prev);
+ do {
+ if(!ast) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_SYNTAX, DON(tmp), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ tmp = ast;
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ *l = ast;
+ ast = ast->next;
+ } while(!(obj->type == _DT_FUNC && obj->data.func->pointer == f) && obj->type != t);
+ return result;
+int _skip_struct(mb_interpreter_t* s, _ls_node_t** l, mb_func_t open_func, mb_func_t close_func) {
+ /* Skip current structure */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ int count = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _object_t* obj = 0;
+ _object_t* obj_prev = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l && open_func && close_func);
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(*l);
+ count = 1;
+ do {
+ if(!ast->next) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_STRUCTURE_NOT_COMPLETED, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ obj_prev = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ ast = ast->next;
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(obj->type == _DT_FUNC && obj->data.func->pointer == open_func) {
+ ++count;
+ } else if(obj->type == _DT_FUNC && obj->data.func->pointer == close_func &&
+ (obj_prev && obj_prev->type == _DT_EOS)) {
+ --count;
+ }
+ } while(count);
+ *l = ast;
+ return result;
+int _register_func(mb_interpreter_t* s, const char* n, mb_func_t f, bool_t local) {
+ /* Register a function to a MY-BASIC environment */
+ int result = 0;
+ _ht_node_t* scope = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* exists = 0;
+ char* name = 0;
+ mb_assert(s);
+ if(!n) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ scope = (_ht_node_t*)(local ? s->local_func_dict : s->global_func_dict);
+ exists = _ht_find(scope, (void*)n);
+ if(!exists) {
+ size_t _sl = strlen(n);
+ name = (char*)mb_malloc(_sl + 1);
+ memcpy(name, n, _sl + 1);
+ _strupr(name);
+ result += _ht_set_or_insert(scope, (void*)name, (void*)(intptr_t)f);
+ } else {
+ _set_current_error(s, SE_CM_FUNC_EXISTS);
+ }
+ return result;
+int _remove_func(mb_interpreter_t* s, const char* n, bool_t local) {
+ /* Remove a function from a MY-BASIC environment */
+ int result = 0;
+ _ht_node_t* scope = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* exists = 0;
+ char* name = 0;
+ mb_assert(s);
+ if(!n) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ scope = (_ht_node_t*)(local ? s->local_func_dict : s->global_func_dict);
+ exists = _ht_find(scope, (void*)n);
+ if(exists) {
+ size_t _sl = strlen(n);
+ name = (char*)mb_malloc(_sl + 1);
+ memcpy(name, n, _sl + 1);
+ _strupr(name);
+ result += _ht_remove(scope, (void*)name);
+ safe_free(name);
+ } else {
+ _set_current_error(s, SE_CM_FUNC_NOT_EXISTS);
+ }
+ return result;
+int _open_constant(mb_interpreter_t* s) {
+ /* Open global constant */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ unsigned long ul = 0;
+ mb_assert(s);
+ ul = _ht_set_or_insert((_ht_node_t*)(s->global_var_dict), "TRUE", (_OBJ_BOOL_TRUE));
+ mb_assert(ul);
+ ul = _ht_set_or_insert((_ht_node_t*)(s->global_var_dict), "FALSE", (_OBJ_BOOL_FALSE));
+ mb_assert(ul);
+ return result;
+int _close_constant(mb_interpreter_t* s) {
+ /* Close global constant */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_assert(s);
+ return result;
+int _open_core_lib(mb_interpreter_t* s) {
+ /* Open the core functional libraries */
+ int result = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ mb_assert(s);
+ for(i = 0; i < _countof(_core_libs); ++i) {
+ result += _register_func(s, _core_libs[i].name, _core_libs[i].pointer, true);
+ }
+ return result;
+int _close_core_lib(mb_interpreter_t* s) {
+ /* Close the core functional libraries */
+ int result = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ mb_assert(s);
+ for(i = 0; i < _countof(_core_libs); ++i) {
+ result += _remove_func(s, _core_libs[i].name, true);
+ }
+ return result;
+int _open_std_lib(mb_interpreter_t* s) {
+ /* Open the standard functional libraries */
+ int result = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ mb_assert(s);
+ for(i = 0; i < _countof(_std_libs); ++i) {
+ result += _register_func(s, _std_libs[i].name, _std_libs[i].pointer, true);
+ }
+ return result;
+int _close_std_lib(mb_interpreter_t* s) {
+ /* Close the standard functional libraries */
+ int result = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ mb_assert(s);
+ for(i = 0; i < _countof(_std_libs); ++i) {
+ result += _remove_func(s, _std_libs[i].name, true);
+ }
+ return result;
+/* ========================================================} */
+** {========================================================
+** Public functions definitions
+unsigned int mb_ver(void) {
+ /* Get the version number of this MY-BASIC system */
+ return _MB_VERSION;
+const char* mb_ver_string(void) {
+ /* Get the version text of this MY-BASIC system */
+int mb_init(void) {
+ /* Initialize the MY-BASIC system */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_assert(!_exp_assign);
+ _exp_assign = (_object_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_object_t));
+ memset(_exp_assign, 0, sizeof(_object_t));
+ _exp_assign->type = _DT_FUNC;
+ _exp_assign->data.func = (_func_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_func_t));
+ memset(_exp_assign->data.func, 0, sizeof(_func_t));
+ _exp_assign->data.func->name = (char*)mb_malloc(strlen("#") + 1);
+ memcpy(_exp_assign->data.func->name, "#\0", strlen("#") + 1);
+ _exp_assign->data.func->pointer = _core_dummy_assign;
+ mb_assert(!_OBJ_BOOL_TRUE);
+ if(!_OBJ_BOOL_TRUE) {
+ _OBJ_BOOL_TRUE = (_object_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_object_t));
+ memset(_OBJ_BOOL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(_object_t));
+ _OBJ_BOOL_TRUE->type = _DT_VAR;
+ _OBJ_BOOL_TRUE->data.variable = (_var_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_var_t));
+ memset(_OBJ_BOOL_TRUE->data.variable, 0, sizeof(_var_t));
+ _OBJ_BOOL_TRUE->data.variable->name = (char*)mb_malloc(strlen("TRUE") + 1);
+ memset(_OBJ_BOOL_TRUE->data.variable->name, 0, strlen("TRUE") + 1);
+ strcpy(_OBJ_BOOL_TRUE->data.variable->name, "TRUE");
+ _OBJ_BOOL_TRUE->data.variable->data = (_object_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_object_t));
+ memset(_OBJ_BOOL_TRUE->data.variable->data, 0, sizeof(_object_t));
+ _OBJ_BOOL_TRUE->data.variable->data->type = _DT_INT;
+ _OBJ_BOOL_TRUE->data.variable->data->data.integer = 1;
+ }
+ mb_assert(!_OBJ_BOOL_FALSE);
+ if(!_OBJ_BOOL_FALSE) {
+ _OBJ_BOOL_FALSE = (_object_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_object_t));
+ memset(_OBJ_BOOL_FALSE, 0, sizeof(_object_t));
+ _OBJ_BOOL_FALSE->type = _DT_VAR;
+ _OBJ_BOOL_FALSE->data.variable = (_var_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_var_t));
+ memset(_OBJ_BOOL_FALSE->data.variable, 0, sizeof(_var_t));
+ _OBJ_BOOL_FALSE->data.variable->name = (char*)mb_malloc(strlen("FALSE") + 1);
+ memset(_OBJ_BOOL_FALSE->data.variable->name, 0, strlen("FALSE") + 1);
+ strcpy(_OBJ_BOOL_FALSE->data.variable->name, "FALSE");
+ _OBJ_BOOL_FALSE->data.variable->data = (_object_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_object_t));
+ memset(_OBJ_BOOL_FALSE->data.variable->data, 0, sizeof(_object_t));
+ _OBJ_BOOL_FALSE->data.variable->data->type = _DT_INT;
+ _OBJ_BOOL_FALSE->data.variable->data->data.integer = 0;
+ }
+ return result;
+int mb_dispose(void) {
+ /* Close the MY-BASIC system */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_assert(_exp_assign);
+ safe_free(_exp_assign->data.func->name);
+ safe_free(_exp_assign->data.func);
+ safe_free(_exp_assign);
+ _exp_assign = 0;
+ mb_assert(_OBJ_BOOL_TRUE);
+ if(_OBJ_BOOL_TRUE) {
+ safe_free(_OBJ_BOOL_TRUE->data.variable->data);
+ safe_free(_OBJ_BOOL_TRUE->data.variable->name);
+ safe_free(_OBJ_BOOL_TRUE->data.variable);
+ safe_free(_OBJ_BOOL_TRUE);
+ }
+ mb_assert(_OBJ_BOOL_FALSE);
+ safe_free(_OBJ_BOOL_FALSE->data.variable->data);
+ safe_free(_OBJ_BOOL_FALSE->data.variable->name);
+ safe_free(_OBJ_BOOL_FALSE->data.variable);
+ safe_free(_OBJ_BOOL_FALSE);
+ }
+ return result;
+int mb_open(mb_interpreter_t** s) {
+ /* Initialize a MY-BASIC environment */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ht_node_t* local_scope = 0;
+ _ht_node_t* global_scope = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _parsing_context_t* context = 0;
+ _running_context_t* running = 0;
+ *s = (mb_interpreter_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(mb_interpreter_t));
+ memset(*s, 0, sizeof(mb_interpreter_t));
+ local_scope = _ht_create(0, _ht_cmp_string, _ht_hash_string, _ls_free_extra);
+ (*s)->local_func_dict = local_scope;
+ global_scope = _ht_create(0, _ht_cmp_string, _ht_hash_string, _ls_free_extra);
+ (*s)->global_func_dict = global_scope;
+ global_scope = _ht_create(0, _ht_cmp_string, _ht_hash_string, 0);
+ (*s)->global_var_dict = global_scope;
+ ast = _ls_create();
+ (*s)->ast = ast;
+ context = (_parsing_context_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_parsing_context_t));
+ memset(context, 0, sizeof(_parsing_context_t));
+ (*s)->parsing_context = context;
+ running = (_running_context_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_running_context_t));
+ memset(running, 0, sizeof(_running_context_t));
+ running->temp_values = _ls_create();
+ running->sub_stack = _ls_create();
+ (*s)->running_context = running;
+ _open_core_lib(*s);
+ _open_std_lib(*s);
+ result = _open_constant(*s);
+ mb_assert(MB_FUNC_OK == result);
+ return result;
+int mb_close(mb_interpreter_t** s) {
+ /* Close a MY-BASIC environment */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ht_node_t* local_scope = 0;
+ _ht_node_t* global_scope = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* ast;
+ _parsing_context_t* context = 0;
+ _running_context_t* running = 0;
+ mb_assert(s);
+ _close_std_lib(*s);
+ _close_core_lib(*s);
+ running = (_running_context_t*)((*s)->running_context);
+ _ls_foreach(running->temp_values, _destroy_object);
+ _ls_destroy(running->temp_values);
+ _ls_destroy(running->sub_stack);
+ safe_free(running);
+ context = (_parsing_context_t*)((*s)->parsing_context);
+ safe_free(context);
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)((*s)->ast);
+ _ls_foreach(ast, _destroy_object);
+ _ls_destroy(ast);
+ global_scope = (_ht_node_t*)((*s)->global_var_dict);
+ _ht_foreach(global_scope, _destroy_object);
+ _ht_destroy(global_scope);
+ global_scope = (_ht_node_t*)((*s)->global_func_dict);
+ _ht_foreach(global_scope, _ls_free_extra);
+ _ht_destroy(global_scope);
+ local_scope = (_ht_node_t*)((*s)->local_func_dict);
+ _ht_foreach(local_scope, _ls_free_extra);
+ _ht_destroy(local_scope);
+ _close_constant(*s);
+ safe_free(*s);
+ *s = 0;
+ return result;
+int mb_reset(mb_interpreter_t** s, bool_t clrf/* = false*/) {
+ /* Reset a MY-BASIC environment */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ht_node_t* global_scope = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* ast;
+ _parsing_context_t* context = 0;
+ _running_context_t* running = 0;
+ mb_assert(s);
+ (*s)->last_error = SE_NO_ERR;
+ running = (_running_context_t*)((*s)->running_context);
+ _ls_clear(running->sub_stack);
+ running->suspent_point = 0;
+ running->next_loop_var = 0;
+ running->no_eat_comma_mark = 0;
+ memset(&(running->intermediate_value), 0, sizeof(mb_value_t));
+ context = (_parsing_context_t*)((*s)->parsing_context);
+ memset(context, 0, sizeof(_parsing_context_t));
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)((*s)->ast);
+ _ls_foreach(ast, _destroy_object);
+ _ls_clear(ast);
+ global_scope = (_ht_node_t*)((*s)->global_var_dict);
+ _ht_foreach(global_scope, _destroy_object);
+ _ht_clear(global_scope);
+ if(clrf) {
+ global_scope = (_ht_node_t*)((*s)->global_func_dict);
+ _ht_foreach(global_scope, _ls_free_extra);
+ _ht_clear(global_scope);
+ }
+ result = _open_constant(*s);
+ mb_assert(MB_FUNC_OK == result);
+ return result;
+int mb_register_func(mb_interpreter_t* s, const char* n, mb_func_t f) {
+ /* Register a remote function to a MY-BASIC environment */
+ return _register_func(s, n, f, false);
+int mb_remove_func(mb_interpreter_t* s, const char* n) {
+ /* Remove a remote function from a MY-BASIC environment */
+ return _remove_func(s, n, false);
+int mb_attempt_func_begin(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Try attempting to begin a function */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _object_t* obj = 0;
+ _running_context_t* running = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(*l);
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(!(obj->type == _DT_FUNC)) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_STRUCTURE_NOT_COMPLETED, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ ast = ast->next;
+ running = (_running_context_t*)(s->running_context);
+ ++running->no_eat_comma_mark;
+ *l = ast;
+ return result;
+int mb_attempt_func_end(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Try attempting to end a function */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _running_context_t* running = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ running = (_running_context_t*)(s->running_context);
+ --running->no_eat_comma_mark;
+ return result;
+int mb_attempt_open_bracket(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Try attempting an open bracket */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _object_t* obj = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(*l);
+ ast = ast->next;
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(!(obj->type == _DT_FUNC && obj->data.func->pointer == _core_open_bracket)) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_OPEN_BRACKET_EXPECTED, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ ast = ast->next;
+ *l = ast;
+ return result;
+int mb_attempt_close_bracket(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Try attempting a close bracket */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _object_t* obj = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(*l);
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(!(obj->type == _DT_FUNC && obj->data.func->pointer == _core_close_bracket)) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_CLOSE_BRACKET_EXPECTED, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ ast = ast->next;
+ *l = ast;
+ return result;
+int mb_pop_int(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, int_t* val) {
+ /* Pop an integer argument */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ int_t tmp = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l && val);
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ tmp = arg.value.integer;
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ tmp = (int_t)(arg.value.float_point);
+ break;
+ default:
+ result = MB_FUNC_ERR;
+ goto _exit;
+ break;
+ }
+ *val = tmp;
+ return result;
+int mb_pop_real(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, real_t* val) {
+ /* Pop a float point argument */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ real_t tmp = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l && val);
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ tmp = (real_t)(arg.value.integer);
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ tmp = arg.value.float_point;
+ break;
+ default:
+ result = MB_FUNC_ERR;
+ goto _exit;
+ break;
+ }
+ *val = tmp;
+ return result;
+int mb_pop_string(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, char** val) {
+ /* Pop a string argument */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ char* tmp = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l && val);
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_STRING:
+ tmp = arg.value.string;
+ break;
+ default:
+ result = MB_FUNC_ERR;
+ goto _exit;
+ break;
+ }
+ *val = tmp;
+ return result;
+int mb_pop_value(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, mb_value_t* val) {
+ /* Pop an argument */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _object_t val_obj;
+ _object_t* val_ptr = 0;
+ _running_context_t* running = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l && val);
+ running = (_running_context_t*)(s->running_context);
+ val_ptr = &val_obj;
+ memset(val_ptr, 0, sizeof(_object_t));
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(*l);
+ result = _calc_expression(s, &ast, &val_ptr);
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ if(val_ptr->type == _DT_STRING && !val_ptr->ref) {
+ val_ptr = (_object_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_object_t));
+ memcpy(val_ptr, &val_obj, sizeof(_object_t));
+ _ls_pushback(running->temp_values, val_ptr);
+ }
+ if(running->no_eat_comma_mark < _NO_EAT_COMMA) {
+ if(ast && ((_object_t*)(ast->data))->type == _DT_SEP && ((_object_t*)(ast->data))->data.separator == ',') {
+ ast = ast->next;
+ }
+ }
+ result = _internal_object_to_public_value(val_ptr, val);
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ *l = ast;
+ return result;
+int mb_push_int(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, int_t val) {
+ /* Push an integer argument */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ arg.type = MB_DT_INT;
+ arg.value.integer = val;
+ mb_check(mb_push_value(s, l, arg));
+ return result;
+int mb_push_real(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, real_t val) {
+ /* Push a float point argument */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ arg.type = MB_DT_REAL;
+ arg.value.float_point = val;
+ mb_check(mb_push_value(s, l, arg));
+ return result;
+int mb_push_string(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, char* val) {
+ /* Push a string argument */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ arg.type = MB_DT_STRING;
+ arg.value.string = val;
+ mb_check(mb_push_value(s, l, arg));
+ return result;
+int mb_push_value(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, mb_value_t val) {
+ /* Push an argument */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _running_context_t* running = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ running = (_running_context_t*)(s->running_context);
+ running->intermediate_value = val;
+ return result;
+int mb_load_string(mb_interpreter_t* s, const char* l) {
+ /* Load a script string */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ char ch = 0;
+ int status = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ unsigned short row = 1;
+ unsigned short col = 0;
+ unsigned short _row = 0;
+ unsigned short _col = 0;
+ char wrapped = '\0';
+ _parsing_context_t* context = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && s->parsing_context);
+ context = (_parsing_context_t*)(s->parsing_context);
+ while(l[i]) {
+ ch = l[i];
+ if((ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') && (!wrapped || wrapped == ch)) {
+ wrapped = ch;
+ ++row;
+ col = 0;
+ } else {
+ wrapped = '\0';
+ ++col;
+ }
+ status = _parse_char(s, ch, i, _row, _col);
+ result = status;
+ if(status) {
+ _set_error_pos(s, i, _row, _col);
+ if(s->error_handler) {
+ (s->error_handler)(s, s->last_error, (char*)mb_get_error_desc(s->last_error),
+ s->last_error_pos,
+ s->last_error_row,
+ s->last_error_col,
+ result);
+ }
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ _row = row;
+ _col = col;
+ ++i;
+ };
+ status = _parse_char(s, _EOS, i, row, col);
+ context->parsing_state = _PS_NORMAL;
+ return result;
+int mb_load_file(mb_interpreter_t* s, const char* f) {
+ /* Load a script file */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ FILE* fp = 0;
+ char* buf = 0;
+ long curpos = 0;
+ long l = 0;
+ _parsing_context_t* context = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && s->parsing_context);
+ context = (_parsing_context_t*)(s->parsing_context);
+ fp = fopen(f, "rb");
+ if(fp) {
+ curpos = ftell(fp);
+ fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
+ l = ftell(fp);
+ fseek(fp, curpos, SEEK_SET);
+ buf = (char*)mb_malloc((size_t)(l + 1));
+ mb_assert(buf);
+ fread(buf, 1, l, fp);
+ fclose(fp);
+ buf[l] = '\0';
+ result = mb_load_string(s, buf);
+ mb_free(buf);
+ if(result) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ } else {
+ _set_current_error(s, SE_PS_FILE_OPEN_FAILED);
+ ++result;
+ }
+ context->parsing_state = _PS_NORMAL;
+ return result;
+int mb_run(mb_interpreter_t* s) {
+ /* Run loaded and parsed script */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _running_context_t* running = 0;
+ running = (_running_context_t*)(s->running_context);
+ if(running->suspent_point) {
+ ast = running->suspent_point;
+ ast = ast->next;
+ running->suspent_point = 0;
+ } else {
+ mb_assert(!running->no_eat_comma_mark);
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(s->ast);
+ ast = ast->next;
+ if(!ast) {
+ _set_current_error(s, SE_RN_EMPTY_PROGRAM);
+ _set_error_pos(s, 0, 0, 0);
+ result = MB_FUNC_ERR;
+ (s->error_handler)(s, s->last_error, (char*)mb_get_error_desc(s->last_error),
+ s->last_error_pos,
+ s->last_error_row,
+ s->last_error_col,
+ result);
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ }
+ do {
+ result = _execute_statement(s, &ast);
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK && result != MB_SUB_RETURN) {
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_SUSPEND && s->error_handler) {
+ if(result >= MB_EXTENDED_ABORT) {
+ s->last_error = SE_EA_EXTENDED_ABORT;
+ }
+ (s->error_handler)(s, s->last_error, (char*)mb_get_error_desc(s->last_error),
+ s->last_error_pos,
+ s->last_error_row,
+ s->last_error_col,
+ result);
+ }
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ } while(ast);
+ _ls_foreach(running->temp_values, _destroy_object);
+ _ls_clear(running->temp_values);
+ return result;
+int mb_suspend(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Suspend current execution and save the context */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast;
+ mb_assert(s && l && *l);
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(*l);
+ ((_running_context_t*)(s->running_context))->suspent_point = ast;
+ return result;
+mb_error_e mb_get_last_error(mb_interpreter_t* s) {
+ /* Get last error information */
+ mb_error_e result = SE_NO_ERR;
+ mb_assert(s);
+ result = s->last_error;
+ s->last_error = SE_NO_ERR;
+ return result;
+const char* mb_get_error_desc(mb_error_e err) {
+ /* Get error description text */
+ return _get_error_desc(err);
+int mb_set_error_handler(mb_interpreter_t* s, mb_error_handler_t h) {
+ /* Set an error handler to an interpreter instance */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_assert(s);
+ s->error_handler = h;
+ return result;
+int mb_set_printer(mb_interpreter_t* s, mb_print_func_t p) {
+ /* Set a print functor to an interpreter instance */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_assert(s);
+ s->printer = p;
+ return result;
+void mb_set_user_data(mb_interpreter_t* s, void *ptr)
+ mb_assert(s);
+ s->userdata = ptr;
+void *mb_get_user_data(mb_interpreter_t* s)
+ mb_assert(s);
+ return s->userdata;
+/* ========================================================} */
+** {========================================================
+** Lib definitions
+/** Core lib */
+int _core_dummy_assign(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator #, dummy assignment */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_unrefvar(s);
+ mb_unrefvar(l);
+ mb_assert(0 && "Do nothing, impossible here");
+ _do_nothing;
+ return result;
+int _core_add(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator + */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ if(_is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1) || _is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e2)) {
+ if(_is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1) && _is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e2)) {
+ _instruct_connect_strings(l);
+ } else {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_STRING_EXPECTED, (l && *l) ? ((_object_t*)(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1)) : 0, MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ _instruct_num_op_num(+, l);
+ }
+ return result;
+int _core_min(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator - */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ _instruct_num_op_num(-, l);
+ return result;
+int _core_mul(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator * */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ _instruct_num_op_num(*, l);
+ return result;
+int _core_div(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator / */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ _proc_div_by_zero(s, l, _exit, result);
+ _instruct_num_op_num(/, l);
+ return result;
+int _core_mod(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator MOD */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ _instruct_int_op_int(%, l);
+ return result;
+int _core_pow(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator ^ */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ _instruct_fun_num_num(pow, l);
+ return result;
+int _core_open_bracket(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator ( */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_unrefvar(s);
+ mb_unrefvar(l);
+ mb_assert(0 && "Do nothing, impossible here");
+ _do_nothing;
+ return result;
+int _core_close_bracket(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator ) */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_unrefvar(s);
+ mb_unrefvar(l);
+ mb_assert(0 && "Do nothing, impossible here");
+ _do_nothing;
+ return result;
+int _core_neg(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator - (negative) */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_begin(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_end(s, l));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ arg.value.integer = -(arg.value.integer);
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ arg.value.float_point = -(arg.value.float_point);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_value(s, l, arg));
+ return result;
+int _core_equal(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator = */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _tuple3_t* tpr = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ if(_is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1) || _is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e2)) {
+ if(_is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1) && _is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e2)) {
+ _instruct_compare_strings(==, l);
+ } else {
+ _set_tuple3_result(l, 0);
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_STRING_EXPECTED, (l && *l) ? ((_object_t*)(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1)) : 0, MB_FUNC_WARNING, _exit, result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ _instruct_num_op_num(==, l);
+ tpr = (_tuple3_t*)(*l);
+ if(((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->type != _DT_INT) {
+ ((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->type = _DT_INT;
+ ((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->data.integer = ((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->data.float_point != 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int _core_less(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator < */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _tuple3_t* tpr = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ if(_is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1) || _is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e2)) {
+ if(_is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1) && _is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e2)) {
+ _instruct_compare_strings(<, l);
+ } else {
+ if(_is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1)) {
+ _set_tuple3_result(l, 0);
+ } else {
+ _set_tuple3_result(l, 1);
+ }
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_STRING_EXPECTED, (l && *l) ? ((_object_t*)(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1)) : 0, MB_FUNC_WARNING, _exit, result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ _instruct_num_op_num(<, l);
+ tpr = (_tuple3_t*)(*l);
+ if(((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->type != _DT_INT) {
+ ((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->type = _DT_INT;
+ ((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->data.integer = ((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->data.float_point != 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int _core_greater(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator > */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _tuple3_t* tpr = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ if(_is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1) || _is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e2)) {
+ if(_is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1) && _is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e2)) {
+ _instruct_compare_strings(>, l);
+ } else {
+ if(_is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1)) {
+ _set_tuple3_result(l, 1);
+ } else {
+ _set_tuple3_result(l, 0);
+ }
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_STRING_EXPECTED, (l && *l) ? ((_object_t*)(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1)) : 0, MB_FUNC_WARNING, _exit, result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ _instruct_num_op_num(>, l);
+ tpr = (_tuple3_t*)(*l);
+ if(((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->type != _DT_INT) {
+ ((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->type = _DT_INT;
+ ((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->data.integer = ((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->data.float_point != 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int _core_less_equal(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator <= */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _tuple3_t* tpr = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ if(_is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1) || _is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e2)) {
+ if(_is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1) && _is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e2)) {
+ _instruct_compare_strings(<=, l);
+ } else {
+ if(_is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1)) {
+ _set_tuple3_result(l, 0);
+ } else {
+ _set_tuple3_result(l, 1);
+ }
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_STRING_EXPECTED, (l && *l) ? ((_object_t*)(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1)) : 0, MB_FUNC_WARNING, _exit, result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ _instruct_num_op_num(<=, l);
+ tpr = (_tuple3_t*)(*l);
+ if(((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->type != _DT_INT) {
+ ((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->type = _DT_INT;
+ ((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->data.integer = ((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->data.float_point != 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int _core_greater_equal(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator >= */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _tuple3_t* tpr = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ if(_is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1) || _is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e2)) {
+ if(_is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1) && _is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e2)) {
+ _instruct_compare_strings(>=, l);
+ } else {
+ if(_is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1)) {
+ _set_tuple3_result(l, 1);
+ } else {
+ _set_tuple3_result(l, 0);
+ }
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_STRING_EXPECTED, (l && *l) ? ((_object_t*)(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1)) : 0, MB_FUNC_WARNING, _exit, result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ _instruct_num_op_num(>=, l);
+ tpr = (_tuple3_t*)(*l);
+ if(((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->type != _DT_INT) {
+ ((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->type = _DT_INT;
+ ((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->data.integer = ((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->data.float_point != 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int _core_not_equal(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator <> */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _tuple3_t* tpr = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ if(_is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1) || _is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e2)) {
+ if(_is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1) && _is_string(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e2)) {
+ _instruct_compare_strings(!=, l);
+ } else {
+ _set_tuple3_result(l, 1);
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_STRING_EXPECTED, (l && *l) ? ((_object_t*)(((_tuple3_t*)(*l))->e1)) : 0, MB_FUNC_WARNING, _exit, result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ _instruct_num_op_num(!=, l);
+ tpr = (_tuple3_t*)(*l);
+ if(((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->type != _DT_INT) {
+ ((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->type = _DT_INT;
+ ((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->data.integer = ((_object_t*)(tpr->e3))->data.float_point != 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int _core_and(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator AND */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ _instruct_num_op_num(&&, l);
+ return result;
+int _core_or(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator OR */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ _instruct_num_op_num(||, l);
+ return result;
+int _core_not(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Operator NOT */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_begin(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_end(s, l));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ arg.value.integer = (int_t)(!arg.value.integer);
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ arg.value.integer = (int_t)(!((int_t)arg.value.float_point));
+ arg.type = MB_DT_INT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_int(s, l, arg.value.integer));
+ return result;
+int _core_let(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* LET statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _object_t* obj = 0;
+ _var_t* var = 0;
+ _array_t* arr = 0;
+ unsigned int arr_idx = 0;
+ _object_t* val = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(*l);
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(obj->type == _DT_FUNC) {
+ ast = ast->next;
+ }
+ if(!ast || !ast->data) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_SYNTAX, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(obj->type == _DT_VAR) {
+ var = obj->data.variable;
+ } else if(obj->type == _DT_ARRAY) {
+ arr = obj->data.array;
+ result = _get_array_index(s, &ast, &arr_idx);
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ } else {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_VAR_OR_ARRAY_EXPECTED, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ ast = ast->next;
+ if(!ast || !ast->data) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_SYNTAX, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(obj->type != _DT_FUNC || strcmp(obj->data.func->name, "=") != 0) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_ASSIGN_OPERATOR_EXPECTED, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ ast = ast->next;
+ val = (_object_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_object_t));
+ memset(val, 0, sizeof(_object_t));
+ result = _calc_expression(s, &ast, &val);
+ if(var) {
+ if(val->type != _DT_ANY) {
+ _dispose_object(var->data);
+ var->data->type = val->type;
+ var->data->data = val->data;
+ var->data->ref = val->ref;
+ }
+ } else if(arr) {
+ mb_value_u _val;
+ if(val->type == _DT_INT) {
+ _val.integer = val->data.integer;
+ } else if(val->type == _DT_REAL) {
+ _val.float_point = val->data.float_point;
+ } else if(val->type == _DT_STRING) {
+ _val.string = val->data.string;
+ } else {
+ mb_assert(0 && "Unsupported");
+ }
+ _set_array_elem(s, arr, arr_idx, &_val, &val->type);
+ }
+ safe_free(val);
+ *l = ast;
+ return result;
+int _core_dim(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* DIM statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _object_t* arr = 0;
+ _object_t* len = 0;
+ mb_value_u val;
+ _array_t dummy;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ /* Array name */
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(*l);
+ if(!ast->next || ((_object_t*)(ast->next->data))->type != _DT_ARRAY) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_ARRAY_IDENTIFIER_EXPECTED, (ast && ast->next) ? ((_object_t*)(ast->next->data)) : 0, MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ ast = ast->next;
+ arr = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ memset(&dummy, 0, sizeof(_array_t));
+ dummy.type = arr->data.array->type;
+ dummy.name = arr->data.array->name;
+ /* ( */
+ if(!ast->next || ((_object_t*)(ast->next->data))->type != _DT_FUNC || ((_object_t*)(ast->next->data))->data.func->pointer != _core_open_bracket) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_OPEN_BRACKET_EXPECTED, (ast && ast->next) ? ((_object_t*)(ast->next->data)) : 0, MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ ast = ast->next;
+ /* Array subscript */
+ if(!ast->next) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_EXPECTED, (ast && ast->next) ? ((_object_t*)(ast->next->data)) : 0, MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ ast = ast->next;
+ while(((_object_t*)(ast->data))->type != _DT_FUNC || ((_object_t*)(ast->data))->data.func->pointer != _core_close_bracket) {
+ /* Get an integer value */
+ len = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(!_try_get_value(len, &val, _DT_INT)) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_TYPE_NOT_MATCH, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ if(val.integer <= 0) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_ILLEGAL_BOUND, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ if(dummy.dimension_count >= _MAX_DIMENSION_COUNT) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_DIMENSION_TOO_MUCH, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ dummy.dimensions[dummy.dimension_count++] = (int)val.integer;
+ if(dummy.count) {
+ dummy.count *= (unsigned int)val.integer;
+ } else {
+ dummy.count += (unsigned int)val.integer;
+ }
+ ast = ast->next;
+ /* Comma? */
+ if(((_object_t*)(ast->data))->type == _DT_SEP && ((_object_t*)(ast->data))->data.separator == ',') {
+ ast = ast->next;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Create or modify raw data */
+ _clear_array(arr->data.array);
+ *(arr->data.array) = dummy;
+ _init_array(arr->data.array);
+ if(!arr->data.array->raw) {
+ arr->data.array->dimension_count = 0;
+ arr->data.array->dimensions[0] = 0;
+ arr->data.array->count = 0;
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_OUT_OF_MEMORY, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ *l = ast;
+ return result;
+int _core_if(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* IF statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _object_t* val = 0;
+ _object_t* obj = 0;
+ _running_context_t* running = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ running = (_running_context_t*)(s->running_context);
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(*l);
+ ast = ast->next;
+ val = (_object_t*)mb_malloc(sizeof(_object_t));
+ memset(val, 0, sizeof(_object_t));
+ result = _calc_expression(s, &ast, &val);
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ mb_assert(val->type == _DT_INT);
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(val->data.integer) {
+ if(!(obj->type == _DT_FUNC && obj->data.func->pointer == _core_then)) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_INTEGER_EXPECTED, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ running->skip_to_eoi = _ls_back(running->sub_stack);
+ do {
+ ast = ast->next;
+ result = _execute_statement(s, &ast);
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ if(ast) {
+ ast = ast->prev;
+ }
+ } while(ast && ((_object_t*)(ast->data))->type == _DT_SEP && ((_object_t*)(ast->data))->data.separator == ':');
+ if(!ast) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(obj->type != _DT_EOS) {
+ running->skip_to_eoi = 0;
+ result = _skip_to(s, &ast, 0, _DT_EOS);
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ result = _skip_to(s, &ast, _core_else, _DT_EOS);
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(obj->type != _DT_EOS) {
+ if(!(obj->type == _DT_FUNC && obj->data.func->pointer == _core_else)) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_ELSE_EXPECTED, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ do {
+ ast = ast->next;
+ result = _execute_statement(s, &ast);
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ if(ast) {
+ ast = ast->prev;
+ }
+ } while(ast && ((_object_t*)(ast->data))->type == _DT_SEP && ((_object_t*)(ast->data))->data.separator == ':');
+ }
+ }
+ _destroy_object(val, 0);
+ *l = ast;
+ return result;
+int _core_then(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* THEN statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_unrefvar(s);
+ mb_unrefvar(l);
+ mb_assert(0 && "Do nothing, impossible here");
+ _do_nothing;
+ return result;
+int _core_else(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* ELSE statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_unrefvar(s);
+ mb_unrefvar(l);
+ mb_assert(0 && "Do nothing, impossible here");
+ _do_nothing;
+ return result;
+int _core_for(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* FOR statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* to_node = 0;
+ _object_t* obj = 0;
+ _object_t to_val;
+ _object_t step_val;
+ _object_t* to_val_ptr = 0;
+ _object_t* step_val_ptr = 0;
+ _var_t* var_loop = 0;
+ _tuple3_t ass_tuple3;
+ _tuple3_t* ass_tuple3_ptr = 0;
+ _running_context_t* running = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ running = (_running_context_t*)(s->running_context);
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(*l);
+ ast = ast->next;
+ to_val_ptr = &to_val;
+ step_val_ptr = &step_val;
+ ass_tuple3_ptr = &ass_tuple3;
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(obj->type != _DT_VAR) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_LOOP_VAR_EXPECTED, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ var_loop = obj->data.variable;
+ result = _execute_statement(s, &ast);
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ ast = ast->prev;
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(!(obj->type == _DT_FUNC && obj->data.func->pointer == _core_to)) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_TO_EXPECTED, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ ast = ast->next;
+ if(!ast) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_SYNTAX, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ to_node = ast;
+ ast = to_node;
+ result = _calc_expression(s, &ast, &to_val_ptr);
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(!(obj->type == _DT_FUNC && obj->data.func->pointer == _core_step)) {
+ step_val = _OBJ_INT_UNIT;
+ } else {
+ ast = ast->next;
+ if(!ast) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_SYNTAX, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ result = _calc_expression(s, &ast, &step_val_ptr);
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ }
+ if((_compare_numbers(step_val_ptr, &_OBJ_INT_ZERO) == 1 && _compare_numbers(var_loop->data, to_val_ptr) == 1) ||
+ (_compare_numbers(step_val_ptr, &_OBJ_INT_ZERO) == -1 && _compare_numbers(var_loop->data, to_val_ptr) == -1)) {
+ /* End looping */
+ if(_skip_struct(s, &ast, _core_for, _core_next) != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ _skip_to(s, &ast, 0, _DT_EOS);
+ goto _exit;
+ } else {
+ /* Keep looping */
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ while(!(obj->type == _DT_FUNC && obj->data.func->pointer == _core_next)) {
+ result = _execute_statement(s, &ast);
+ if(result == MB_LOOP_CONTINUE) { /* NEXT */
+ if(!running->next_loop_var || running->next_loop_var == var_loop) { /* This loop */
+ running->next_loop_var = 0;
+ result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ break;
+ } else { /* Not this loop */
+ if(_skip_struct(s, &ast, _core_for, _core_next) != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ _skip_to(s, &ast, 0, _DT_EOS);
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ } else if(result == MB_LOOP_BREAK) { /* EXIT */
+ if(_skip_struct(s, &ast, _core_for, _core_next) != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ _skip_to(s, &ast, 0, _DT_EOS);
+ result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ goto _exit;
+ } else if(result != MB_FUNC_OK && result != MB_SUB_RETURN) { /* Normally */
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ }
+ ass_tuple3.e1 = var_loop->data;
+ ass_tuple3.e2 = step_val_ptr;
+ ass_tuple3.e3 = var_loop->data;
+ _instruct_num_op_num(+, &ass_tuple3_ptr);
+ goto _to;
+ }
+ *l = ast;
+ return result;
+int _core_to(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* TO statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_unrefvar(s);
+ mb_unrefvar(l);
+ mb_assert(0 && "Do nothing, impossible here");
+ _do_nothing;
+ return result;
+int _core_step(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* STEP statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_unrefvar(s);
+ mb_unrefvar(l);
+ mb_assert(0 && "Do nothing, impossible here");
+ _do_nothing;
+ return result;
+int _core_next(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* NEXT statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _object_t* obj = 0;
+ _running_context_t* running = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ running = (_running_context_t*)(s->running_context);
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(*l);
+ result = MB_LOOP_CONTINUE;
+ ast = ast->next;
+ if(ast && ((_object_t*)(ast->data))->type == _DT_VAR) {
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ running->next_loop_var = obj->data.variable;
+ }
+ *l = ast;
+ return result;
+int _core_while(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* WHILE statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* loop_begin_node = 0;
+ _object_t* obj = 0;
+ _object_t loop_cond;
+ _object_t* loop_cond_ptr = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(*l);
+ ast = ast->next;
+ loop_cond_ptr = &loop_cond;
+ loop_begin_node = ast;
+ ast = loop_begin_node;
+ result = _calc_expression(s, &ast, &loop_cond_ptr);
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ mb_assert(loop_cond_ptr->type == _DT_INT);
+ if(loop_cond_ptr->data.integer) {
+ /* Keep looping */
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ while(!(obj->type == _DT_FUNC && obj->data.func->pointer == _core_wend)) {
+ result = _execute_statement(s, &ast);
+ if(result == MB_LOOP_BREAK) { /* EXIT */
+ if(_skip_struct(s, &ast, _core_while, _core_wend) != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ _skip_to(s, &ast, 0, _DT_EOS);
+ result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ goto _exit;
+ } else if(result != MB_FUNC_OK && result != MB_SUB_RETURN) { /* Normally */
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ }
+ goto _loop_begin;
+ } else {
+ /* End looping */
+ if(_skip_struct(s, &ast, _core_while, _core_wend) != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ _skip_to(s, &ast, 0, _DT_EOS);
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ *l = ast;
+ return result;
+int _core_wend(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* WEND statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_unrefvar(s);
+ mb_unrefvar(l);
+ mb_assert(0 && "Do nothing, impossible here");
+ _do_nothing;
+ return result;
+int _core_do(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* DO statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* loop_begin_node = 0;
+ _object_t* obj = 0;
+ _object_t loop_cond;
+ _object_t* loop_cond_ptr = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(*l);
+ ast = ast->next;
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(!(obj->type == _DT_EOS)) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_SYNTAX, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ ast = ast->next;
+ loop_cond_ptr = &loop_cond;
+ loop_begin_node = ast;
+ ast = loop_begin_node;
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ while(!(obj->type == _DT_FUNC && obj->data.func->pointer == _core_until)) {
+ result = _execute_statement(s, &ast);
+ if(result == MB_LOOP_BREAK) { /* EXIT */
+ if(_skip_struct(s, &ast, _core_do, _core_until) != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ _skip_to(s, &ast, 0, _DT_EOS);
+ result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ goto _exit;
+ } else if(result != MB_FUNC_OK && result != MB_SUB_RETURN) { /* Normally */
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ }
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(!(obj->type == _DT_FUNC && obj->data.func->pointer == _core_until)) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_UNTIL_EXPECTED, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ ast = ast->next;
+ result = _calc_expression(s, &ast, &loop_cond_ptr);
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ mb_assert(loop_cond_ptr->type == _DT_INT);
+ if(loop_cond_ptr->data.integer) {
+ /* End looping */
+ _skip_to(s, &ast, 0, _DT_EOS);
+ goto _exit;
+ } else {
+ /* Keep looping */
+ goto _loop_begin;
+ }
+ *l = ast;
+ return result;
+int _core_until(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* UNTIL statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_unrefvar(s);
+ mb_unrefvar(l);
+ mb_assert(0 && "Do nothing, impossible here");
+ _do_nothing;
+ return result;
+int _core_exit(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* EXIT statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ result = MB_LOOP_BREAK;
+ return result;
+int _core_goto(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* GOTO statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _object_t* obj = 0;
+ _label_t* label = 0;
+ _ls_node_t* glbsyminscope = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(*l);
+ ast = ast->next;
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(obj->type != _DT_LABEL) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_JUMP_LABEL_EXPECTED, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ label = (_label_t*)(obj->data.label);
+ if(!label->node) {
+ glbsyminscope = _ht_find((_ht_node_t*)s->global_var_dict, label->name);
+ if(!(glbsyminscope && ((_object_t*)(glbsyminscope->data))->type == _DT_LABEL)) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_LABEL_NOT_EXISTS, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ label->node = ((_object_t*)(glbsyminscope->data))->data.label->node;
+ }
+ mb_assert(label->node && label->node->prev);
+ ast = label->node->prev;
+ *l = ast;
+ return result;
+int _core_gosub(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* GOSUB statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _running_context_t* running = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ running = (_running_context_t*)(s->running_context);
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(*l);
+ result = _core_goto(s, l);
+ if(result == MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ _ls_pushback(running->sub_stack, ast);
+ }
+ return result;
+int _core_return(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* RETURN statement */
+ int result = MB_SUB_RETURN;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _running_context_t* running = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ running = (_running_context_t*)(s->running_context);
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)_ls_popback(running->sub_stack);
+ if(!ast) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_NO_RETURN_POINT, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ *l = ast;
+ return result;
+int _core_end(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* END statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ result = MB_FUNC_END;
+ return result;
+int _core_mem(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* MEM statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_begin(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_end(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_push_int(s, l, (int_t)_mb_allocated));
+ return result;
+#endif /* _MB_ENABLE_ALLOC_STAT */
+/** Std lib */
+int _std_abs(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the absolute value of a number */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ arg.value.integer = (int_t)abs(arg.value.integer);
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)fabs(arg.value.float_point);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_value(s, l, arg));
+ return result;
+int _std_sgn(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the sign of a number */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ arg.value.integer = sgn(arg.value.integer);
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ arg.value.integer = sgn(arg.value.float_point);
+ arg.type = MB_DT_INT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_int(s, l, arg.value.integer));
+ return result;
+int _std_sqr(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the square root of a number */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)sqrt((real_t)arg.value.integer);
+ arg.type = MB_DT_REAL;
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)sqrt(arg.value.float_point);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_value(s, l, arg));
+ return result;
+int _std_floor(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the greatest integer not greater than a number */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ arg.value.integer = (int_t)(arg.value.integer);
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ arg.value.integer = (int_t)floor(arg.value.float_point);
+ arg.type = MB_DT_INT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_int(s, l, arg.value.integer));
+ return result;
+int _std_ceil(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the least integer not less than a number */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ arg.value.integer = (int_t)(arg.value.integer);
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ arg.value.integer = (int_t)ceil(arg.value.float_point);
+ arg.type = MB_DT_INT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_int(s, l, arg.value.integer));
+ return result;
+int _std_fix(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the integer format of a number */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ arg.value.integer = (int_t)(arg.value.integer);
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ arg.value.integer = (int_t)(arg.value.float_point);
+ arg.type = MB_DT_INT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_int(s, l, arg.value.integer));
+ return result;
+int _std_round(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the rounded integer of a number */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ arg.value.integer = (int_t)(arg.value.integer);
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ arg.value.integer = (int_t)(arg.value.float_point + (real_t)0.5f);
+ arg.type = MB_DT_INT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_int(s, l, arg.value.integer));
+ return result;
+int _std_rnd(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get a random value among 0 ~ 1 */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ real_t rnd = (real_t)0.0f;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_begin(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_end(s, l));
+ rnd = (real_t)(((real_t)(rand() % 101)) / 100.0f);
+ mb_check(mb_push_real(s, l, rnd));
+ return result;
+int _std_sin(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the sin value of a number */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)sin((real_t)arg.value.integer);
+ arg.type = MB_DT_REAL;
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)sin(arg.value.float_point);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_value(s, l, arg));
+ return result;
+int _std_cos(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the cos value of a number */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)cos((real_t)arg.value.integer);
+ arg.type = MB_DT_REAL;
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)cos(arg.value.float_point);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_value(s, l, arg));
+ return result;
+int _std_tan(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the tan value of a number */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)tan((real_t)arg.value.integer);
+ arg.type = MB_DT_REAL;
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)tan(arg.value.float_point);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_value(s, l, arg));
+ return result;
+int _std_asin(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the asin value of a number */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)asin((real_t)arg.value.integer);
+ arg.type = MB_DT_REAL;
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)asin(arg.value.float_point);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_value(s, l, arg));
+ return result;
+int _std_acos(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the acos value of a number */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)acos((real_t)arg.value.integer);
+ arg.type = MB_DT_REAL;
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)acos(arg.value.float_point);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_value(s, l, arg));
+ return result;
+int _std_atan(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the atan value of a number */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)atan((real_t)arg.value.integer);
+ arg.type = MB_DT_REAL;
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)atan(arg.value.float_point);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_value(s, l, arg));
+ return result;
+int _std_exp(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the exp value of a number */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)exp((real_t)arg.value.integer);
+ arg.type = MB_DT_REAL;
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)exp(arg.value.float_point);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_value(s, l, arg));
+ return result;
+int _std_log(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the log value of a number */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ switch(arg.type) {
+ case MB_DT_INT:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)log((real_t)arg.value.integer);
+ arg.type = MB_DT_REAL;
+ break;
+ case MB_DT_REAL:
+ arg.value.float_point = (real_t)log(arg.value.float_point);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_value(s, l, arg));
+ return result;
+int _std_asc(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the ASCII code of a character */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ char* arg = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_string(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ if(arg[0] == '\0') {
+ result = MB_FUNC_ERR;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_int(s, l, (int_t)arg[0]));
+ return result;
+int _std_chr(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the character of an ASCII code */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ int_t arg = 0;
+ char* chr = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_int(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ chr = (char*)mb_malloc(2);
+ memset(chr, 0, 2);
+ chr[0] = (char)arg;
+ mb_check(mb_push_string(s, l, chr));
+ return result;
+int _std_left(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get a number of characters from the left of a string */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ char* arg = 0;
+ int_t count = 0;
+ char* sub = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_string(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_int(s, l, &count));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ if(count <= 0) {
+ result = MB_FUNC_ERR;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ sub = (char*)mb_malloc(count + 1);
+ memcpy(sub, arg, count);
+ sub[count] = '\0';
+ mb_check(mb_push_string(s, l, sub));
+ return result;
+int _std_len(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the length of a string */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ char* arg = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_string(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_push_int(s, l, (int_t)strlen(arg)));
+ return result;
+int _std_mid(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get a number of characters from a given position of a string */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ char* arg = 0;
+ int_t start = 0;
+ int_t count = 0;
+ char* sub = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_string(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_int(s, l, &start));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_int(s, l, &count));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ if(count <= 0 || start < 0 || start >= (int_t)strlen(arg)) {
+ result = MB_FUNC_ERR;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ sub = (char*)mb_malloc(count + 1);
+ memcpy(sub, arg + start, count);
+ sub[count] = '\0';
+ mb_check(mb_push_string(s, l, sub));
+ return result;
+int _std_right(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get a number of characters from the right of a string */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ char* arg = 0;
+ int_t count = 0;
+ char* sub = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_string(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_int(s, l, &count));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ if(count <= 0) {
+ result = MB_FUNC_ERR;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ sub = (char*)mb_malloc(count + 1);
+ memcpy(sub, arg + (strlen(arg) - count), count);
+ sub[count] = '\0';
+ mb_check(mb_push_string(s, l, sub));
+ return result;
+int _std_str(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the string format of a number */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ mb_value_t arg;
+ char* chr = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_value(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ chr = (char*)mb_malloc(32);
+ memset(chr, 0, 32);
+ if(arg.type == MB_DT_INT) {
+ sprintf(chr, "%d", arg.value.integer);
+ } else if(arg.type == MB_DT_REAL) {
+ sprintf(chr, "%g", arg.value.float_point);
+ } else {
+ result = MB_FUNC_ERR;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ mb_check(mb_push_string(s, l, chr));
+ return result;
+int _std_val(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* Get the number format of a string */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ char* conv_suc = 0;
+ mb_value_t val;
+ char* arg = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_open_bracket(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_pop_string(s, l, &arg));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_close_bracket(s, l));
+ val.value.integer = (int_t)strtol(arg, &conv_suc, 0);
+ if(*conv_suc == '\0') {
+ val.type = MB_DT_INT;
+ mb_check(mb_push_value(s, l, val));
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ val.value.float_point = (real_t)strtod(arg, &conv_suc);
+ if(*conv_suc == '\0') {
+ val.type = MB_DT_REAL;
+ mb_check(mb_push_value(s, l, val));
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ result = MB_FUNC_ERR;
+ return result;
+int _std_print(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* PRINT statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _object_t* obj = 0;
+ _running_context_t* running = 0;
+ _object_t val_obj;
+ _object_t* val_ptr = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ val_ptr = &val_obj;
+ memset(val_ptr, 0, sizeof(_object_t));
+ running = (_running_context_t*)(s->running_context);
+ ++running->no_eat_comma_mark;
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(*l);
+ ast = ast->next;
+ if(!ast || !ast->data) {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_SYNTAX, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ do {
+ switch(obj->type) {
+ case _DT_INT: /* Fall through */
+ case _DT_REAL: /* Fall through */
+ case _DT_STRING: /* Fall through */
+ case _DT_VAR: /* Fall through */
+ case _DT_ARRAY: /* Fall through */
+ case _DT_FUNC:
+ result = _calc_expression(s, &ast, &val_ptr);
+ if(val_ptr->type == _DT_INT) {
+ _get_printer(s)("%d", val_ptr->data.integer);
+ } else if(val_ptr->type == _DT_REAL) {
+ _get_printer(s)("%g", val_ptr->data.float_point);
+ } else if(val_ptr->type == _DT_STRING) {
+ _get_printer(s)("%s", (val_ptr->data.string ? val_ptr->data.string : _NULL_STRING));
+ if(!val_ptr->ref) {
+ safe_free(val_ptr->data.string);
+ }
+ }
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ /* Fall through */
+ case _DT_SEP:
+ if(!ast) {
+ break;
+ }
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(obj->data.separator == ',') {
+#else /* _COMMA_AS_NEWLINE */
+ if(obj->data.separator == ';') {
+#endif /* _COMMA_AS_NEWLINE */
+ _get_printer(s)("\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_NOT_SUPPORTED, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ break;
+ }
+ if(!ast) {
+ break;
+ }
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(_is_print_terminal(s, obj)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(obj->type == _DT_SEP && (obj->data.separator == ',' || obj->data.separator == ';')) {
+ ast = ast->next;
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ } else {
+ _handle_error_on_obj(s, SE_RN_COMMA_OR_SEMICOLON_EXPECTED, DON(ast), MB_FUNC_ERR, _exit, result);
+ }
+ } while(ast && !(obj->type == _DT_SEP && obj->data.separator == ':') && (obj->type == _DT_SEP || !_is_expression_terminal(s, obj)));
+ --running->no_eat_comma_mark;
+ *l = ast;
+ if(result != MB_FUNC_OK) {
+ _get_printer(s)("\n");
+ }
+ return result;
+int _std_input(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l) {
+ /* INPUT statement */
+ int result = MB_FUNC_OK;
+ _ls_node_t* ast = 0;
+ _object_t* obj = 0;
+ char line[256];
+ char* conv_suc = 0;
+ mb_assert(s && l);
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_begin(s, l));
+ mb_check(mb_attempt_func_end(s, l));
+ ast = (_ls_node_t*)(*l);
+ obj = (_object_t*)(ast->data);
+ if(obj->data.variable->data->type == _DT_INT || obj->data.variable->data->type == _DT_REAL) {
+ gets(line);
+ obj->data.variable->data->type = _DT_INT;
+ obj->data.variable->data->data.integer = (int_t)strtol(line, &conv_suc, 0);
+ if(*conv_suc != '\0') {
+ obj->data.variable->data->type = _DT_REAL;
+ obj->data.variable->data->data.float_point = (real_t)strtod(line, &conv_suc);
+ if(*conv_suc != '\0') {
+ result = MB_FUNC_ERR;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(obj->data.variable->data->type == _DT_STRING) {
+ if(obj->data.variable->data->data.string) {
+ safe_free(obj->data.variable->data->data.string);
+ }
+ obj->data.variable->data->data.string = (char*)mb_malloc(256);
+ memset(obj->data.variable->data->data.string, 0, 256);
+ gets(line);
+ strcpy(obj->data.variable->data->data.string, line);
+ } else {
+ result = MB_FUNC_ERR;
+ goto _exit;
+ }
+ *l = ast;
+ return result;
+/* ========================================================} */
+# pragma pack()
+#endif /* MB_COMPACT_MODE */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* _MSC_VER */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
diff --git a/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/my_basic.h b/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/my_basic.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5813b6e366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mod/languages/mod_basic/my_basic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+** This source file is part of MY-BASIC
+** For the latest info, see http://code.google.com/p/my-basic/
+** Copyright (c) 2011 - 2013 Tony & Tony's Toy Game Development Team
+** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+** this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+** the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+** use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
+** the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+** subject to the following conditions:
+** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+** copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#ifndef __MY_BASIC_H__
+#define __MY_BASIC_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#ifndef MBAPI
+# define MBAPI
+#endif /* MBAPI */
+#endif /* MB_COMPACT_MODE */
+# pragma pack(1)
+#endif /* MB_COMPACT_MODE */
+#ifndef true
+# define true (!0)
+#ifndef false
+# define false (0)
+#ifndef bool_t
+# define bool_t int
+#ifndef byte_t
+# define byte_t unsigned char
+#ifndef int_t
+# define int_t int
+#ifndef real_t
+# define real_t float
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+# ifndef _strcmpi
+# define _strcmpi strcasecmp
+# endif /* _strcmpi */
+#endif /* _MSC_VER */
+#ifndef mb_assert
+# define mb_assert(__a) do { ((void)(__a)); assert(__a); } while(0)
+#endif /* mb_assert */
+#ifndef mb_unrefvar
+# define mb_unrefvar(__v) ((void)(__v))
+#endif /* mb_unrefvar */
+#ifndef MB_CODES
+# define MB_CODES
+# define MB_FUNC_OK 0
+# define MB_FUNC_BYE 1001
+# define MB_FUNC_WARNING 1002
+# define MB_FUNC_ERR 1003
+# define MB_FUNC_END 1004
+# define MB_FUNC_SUSPEND 1005
+# define MB_PARSING_ERR 3001
+# define MB_LOOP_BREAK 5001
+# define MB_LOOP_CONTINUE 5002
+# define MB_SUB_RETURN 5101
+# define MB_EXTENDED_ABORT 9001
+#endif /* MB_CODES */
+#ifndef mb_check
+# define mb_check(__r) { int __hr = __r; if(__hr != MB_FUNC_OK) { return __hr; } }
+#endif /* mb_check */
+#ifndef mb_reg_fun
+# define mb_reg_fun(__s, __f) mb_register_func(__s, #__f, __f)
+#endif /* mb_reg_fun */
+#ifndef mb_rem_fun
+# define mb_rem_fun(__s, __f) mb_remove_func(__s, #__f)
+#endif /* mb_rem_fun */
+struct mb_interpreter_t;
+typedef enum mb_error_e {
+ SE_NO_ERR = 0,
+ /** Common */
+ /** Parsing */
+ /** Running */
+ /** Extended abort */
+} mb_error_e;
+typedef enum mb_data_e {
+ MB_DT_NIL = -1,
+ MB_DT_INT = 0,
+} mb_data_e;
+typedef union mb_value_u {
+ int_t integer;
+ real_t float_point;
+ char* string;
+} mb_value_u;
+typedef struct mb_value_t {
+ mb_data_e type;
+ mb_value_u value;
+} mb_value_t;
+typedef void (* mb_error_handler_t)(struct mb_interpreter_t*, enum mb_error_e, char*, int, unsigned short, unsigned short, int);
+typedef int (* mb_func_t)(struct mb_interpreter_t*, void**);
+typedef int (* mb_print_func_t)(const char*, ...);
+typedef struct mb_interpreter_t {
+ void* local_func_dict;
+ void* global_func_dict;
+ void* global_var_dict;
+ void* ast;
+ void* parsing_context;
+ void* running_context;
+ mb_error_e last_error;
+ int last_error_pos;
+ unsigned short last_error_row;
+ unsigned short last_error_col;
+ mb_error_handler_t error_handler;
+ mb_print_func_t printer;
+ void* userdata;
+} mb_interpreter_t;
+MBAPI unsigned int mb_ver(void);
+MBAPI const char* mb_ver_string(void);
+MBAPI int mb_init(void);
+MBAPI int mb_dispose(void);
+MBAPI int mb_open(mb_interpreter_t** s);
+MBAPI int mb_close(mb_interpreter_t** s);
+MBAPI int mb_reset(mb_interpreter_t** s, bool_t clrf);
+MBAPI int mb_register_func(mb_interpreter_t* s, const char* n, mb_func_t f);
+MBAPI int mb_remove_func(mb_interpreter_t* s, const char* n);
+MBAPI int mb_attempt_func_begin(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+MBAPI int mb_attempt_func_end(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+MBAPI int mb_attempt_open_bracket(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+MBAPI int mb_attempt_close_bracket(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+MBAPI int mb_pop_int(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, int_t* val);
+MBAPI int mb_pop_real(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, real_t* val);
+MBAPI int mb_pop_string(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, char** val);
+MBAPI int mb_pop_value(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, mb_value_t* val);
+MBAPI int mb_push_int(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, int_t val);
+MBAPI int mb_push_real(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, real_t val);
+MBAPI int mb_push_string(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, char* val);
+MBAPI int mb_push_value(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l, mb_value_t val);
+MBAPI int mb_load_string(mb_interpreter_t* s, const char* l);
+MBAPI int mb_load_file(mb_interpreter_t* s, const char* f);
+MBAPI int mb_run(mb_interpreter_t* s);
+MBAPI int mb_suspend(mb_interpreter_t* s, void** l);
+MBAPI mb_error_e mb_get_last_error(mb_interpreter_t* s);
+MBAPI const char* mb_get_error_desc(mb_error_e err);
+MBAPI int mb_set_error_handler(mb_interpreter_t* s, mb_error_handler_t h);
+MBAPI int mb_set_printer(mb_interpreter_t* s, mb_print_func_t p);
+MBAPI void mb_set_user_data(mb_interpreter_t* s, void *ptr);
+MBAPI void *mb_get_user_data(mb_interpreter_t* s);
+# pragma pack()
+#endif /* MB_COMPACT_MODE */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __MY_BASIC_H__ */