diff --git a/scripts/FreeSWITCH-GizmoConfig.pl b/scripts/FreeSWITCH-GizmoConfig.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cfe1fee52d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/FreeSWITCH-GizmoConfig.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+# Simple script to add XML configuration for FreeSWITCH to use Gizmo5's phone network.
+# This software has no support, warranty or liability: use at your own risk.
+# Run without arguments for help.
+use strict;
+sub main () {
+ my ($command) = parseArgs();
+ my ($err) = checkArgs($command);
+ if ($err) {
+ usage($err);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if ($command->{action} && $command->{action} =~ /^add/i) {
+ if ($command->{object} && $command->{object} =~ /^gateway/i) {
+ ($err) = createGizmo5Gateway($command) unless ($err);
+ ($err) = createGizmo5DialPlan($command) unless ($err);
+ print "All files are in place. You must restart FreeSWITCH or run the console command: xml_reload\n" unless ($err);
+ print "for any changes to take effect.\n" unless ($err);
+ } elsif ($command->{object} && $command->{object} =~ /^callin/i) {
+ ($err) = createGizmo5Callin($command) unless ($err);
+ print "All files are in place. You must restart FreeSWITCH or run the console command: xml_reload\n" unless ($err);
+ print "for any changes to take effect.\n" unless ($err);
+ }
+ ### No support to remove yet.
+ } elsif ($command->{action} && $command->{action} =~ /^del/i) {
+ if ($command->{object} && $command->{object} =~ /^gateway/i) {
+ } elsif ($command->{object} && $command->{object} =~ /^callin/i) {
+ }
+ }
+ if ($err) {
+ print "Error: $err\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ exit(0);
+sub createGizmo5Callin($) {
+ my ($command) = @_;
+ my $template = <<"END_O_FILE";
+ $template =~ s/SIP_LOCALUSER/$command->{extension}/g;
+ $template =~ s/SIP_DID/$command->{did}/g;
+ return("Gizmo callin for $command->{did} appears to already exist at $command->{prefix}/conf/dialplan/public/01_gizmo-$command->{did}.xml") if (-e "$command->{prefix}/conf/dialplan/public/01_gizmo-$command->{did}.xml");
+ open(DEFAULT,">$command->{prefix}/conf/dialplan/public/01_gizmo-$command->{did}.xml") || return ("Unable to open $command->{prefix}/conf/dialplan/public/01_gizmo-$command->{did}.xml");
+ print DEFAULT $template;
+ close (DEFAULT);
+ return();
+sub createGizmo5DialPlan($) {
+ my ($command) = @_;
+ my $template = <<"END_O_FILE";
+ return ("Gizmo Default callout appears to already exist at $command->{prefix}/conf/dialplan/default/01_gizmo-$command->{username}.xml") if (-e "$command->{prefix}/conf/dialplan/default/01_gizmo-$command->{username}.xml");
+ open(DEFAULT,">$command->{prefix}/conf/dialplan/default/01_gizmo-$command->{username}.xml") || return("Unable to open $command->{prefix}/conf/dialplan/default/01_gizmo-$command->{username}.xml");
+ print DEFAULT $template;
+ close (DEFAULT);
+ $template = <<"END_O_FILE";
+ $template =~ s/SIP_DID/$command->{username}/g;
+ $template =~ s/SIP_LOCALUSER/$command->{extension}/g;
+ return("Gizmo Default callin appears to already exist at $command->{prefix}/conf/dialplan/public/01_gizmo-$command->{username}.xml") if (-e "$command->{prefix}/conf/dialplan/public/01_gizmo-$command->{username}.xml");
+ open(DEFAULT,">>$command->{prefix}/conf/dialplan/public/01_gizmo-$command->{username}.xml") || return("Unable to open $command->{prefix}/conf/dialplan/public/01_gizmo-$command->{username}.xml");
+ print DEFAULT $template;
+ close (DEFAULT);
+ return();
+sub createGizmo5Gateway($) {
+ my ($command) = @_;
+ my $template = <<"END_O_FILE";
+ $template =~ s/SIP_USER/$command->{username}/g;
+ $template =~ s/SIP_PASS/$command->{password}/;
+ return "Gizmo Gateway appears to already exist at $command->{prefix}/conf/directory/default/01_gizmo-$command->{username}.xml" if (-e "$command->{prefix}/conf/directory/default/01_gizmo-$command->{username}.xml");
+ open(GIZMO,">$command->{prefix}/conf/directory/default/01_gizmo-$command->{username}.xml") || return ("Unable to open $command->{prefix}/conf/directory/default/01_gizmo-$command->{username}.xml to write");
+ print GIZMO $template;
+ close(GIZMO);
+ return();
+sub checkArgs($) {
+ my ($command) = @_;
+ my ($err) = 0;
+ return("Bad Action") if (!defined $command->{action} || $command->{action} !~ /^(add)/);
+ return("Bad Object") if (!defined $command->{object} || $command->{object} !~ /^(gateway|callin)$/i);
+ return("Bad Username") if ($command->{action} && $command->{action} =~ /^add/i && (!defined $command->{username} || $command->{username} !~ /^1747\d{7}$/));
+ return("Bad Extension") if ($command->{action} && $command->{action} =~ /^add/i && (!defined $command->{extension} || $command->{extension} eq '' ));
+ return("No Password Given") if ($command->{action} && $command->{action} =~ /^add/i && $command->{object} && $command->{object} =~ /^gateway/i && (!defined $command->{password} || $command->{password} eq ''));
+ return("No Local Extension Given") if ($command->{action} && $command->{action} =~ /^add/i && $command->{object} && $command->{object} =~ /^callin/i && (!defined $command->{extension} || $command->{extension} eq ''));
+ return("DID must be purely numeric") if ($command->{action} && $command->{action} =~ /^add/i && $command->{object} && $command->{object} =~ /^callin/i && (!defined $command->{did} || $command->{did} !~ /^\d+$/));
+ return("Cannot find FreeSWITCH install at $command->{prefix}") unless (-e "$command->{prefix}/conf" && -d "$command->{prefix}/conf");
+ return("Cannot write to FreeSWITCH install at $command->{prefix}") unless (-w "$command->{prefix}/conf");
+ return();
+sub parseArgs() {
+ my $command;
+ foreach (@ARGV) {
+ if (/^(.*)=(.*)/) {
+ $command->{lc($1)} = $2;
+ }
+ }
+ $command->{action} = $ARGV[0] || undef;
+ $command->{object} = $ARGV[1] || undef;
+ $command->{prefix} = '/usr/local/freeswitch' unless ($command->{prefix} && $command->{prefix} ne '');
+ return ($command);
+sub usage($) {
+ my ($err) = @_;
+ print STDERR "$err\n" if ($err);
+ print STDERR "Usage: ./FreeSWITCH-GizmoConfig.pl action object [arguments [...]]\n";
+ print STDERR "Valid actions:\n";
+ print STDERR "add gateway username=1747NNNNNNN password=xxxxxx extension=YourExtension [prefix=/usr/local/freeswitch]\n";
+ print STDERR "add callin did=NNNNNNNNN extension=YourExension [prefix=/usr/local/freeswitch]\n";
+ print STDERR "\n";
+ print STDERR "Example of adding user 17472075873:\n";
+ print STDERR "./FreeSWITCH-Gizmo.pl add gateway username=17472075873 password=Secret extension=1001\n";
+ print STDERR "\n";
+ print STDERR "Adding support for a US callin Number: +1-858-625-0499 (You must add a user that purchased the number to receive calls):\n";
+ print STDERR "./FreeSWITCH-Gizmo.pl add callin did=18586250499 extension=1001\n";
+ print STDERR "\n";
+ print STDERR "Adding support for a UK or other International callin Number: +44 20 7499-9000 :\n";
+ print STDERR "./FreeSWITCH-Gizmo.pl add callin did=442074999000 extension=brian\n";