FS-4558: add conference chat broadcasting

This commit is contained in:
Raymond Chandler 2012-09-04 14:02:02 -04:00
parent 455b22480c
commit c3aeed6409

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
* Rupa Schomaker <rupa@rupa.com>
* David Weekly <david@weekly.org>
* Joao Mesquita <jmesquita@gmail.com>
* Raymond Chandler <intralanman@freeswitch.org>
* mod_conference.c -- Software Conference Bridge
@ -334,6 +335,7 @@ typedef struct conference_obj {
switch_byte_t *not_talking_buf;
uint32_t not_talking_buf_len;
int pin_retries;
int broadcast_chat_messages;
int comfort_noise_level;
int is_recording;
int record_count;
@ -3587,6 +3589,9 @@ static void conference_loop_output(conference_member_t *member)
switch_event_del_header(event, "to");
switch_event_add_header(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM,
"to", "%s+%s@%s", CONF_CHAT_PROTO, member->conference->name, member->conference->domain);
} else {
switch_event_del_header(event, "to");
switch_event_add_header(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "to", "%s", member->conference->name);
@ -4467,6 +4472,51 @@ static switch_status_t conference_say(conference_obj_t *conference, const char *
return status;
/* send a message to every member of the conference */
static void chat_message_broadcast(conference_obj_t *conference, switch_stream_handle_t *stream, const char *data, const char *chat_from)
conference_member_t *member = NULL;
char *argv[2] = { 0 };
char *dup = NULL;
switch_core_session_message_t msg = { 0 };
switch_assert(conference != NULL);
switch_assert(stream != NULL);
if (!(dup = strdup(chat_from))) {
switch_separate_string(dup, '@', argv, (sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0])));
msg.string_array_arg[2] = data;
msg.from = __FILE__;
for (member = conference->members; member; member = member->next) {
if (member->session && !switch_test_flag(member, MFLAG_NOCHANNEL)) {
switch_core_session_t *lsession = NULL;
switch_channel_t *channel = NULL;
switch_caller_profile_t *caller_profile = NULL;
lsession = member->session;
channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(lsession);
caller_profile = switch_channel_get_caller_profile(channel);
if (!strcmp(argv[0], caller_profile->username)) {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "not sending message to sender [%s]\n", chat_from);
} else {
switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "sending message to [%s]\n", caller_profile->username);
switch_core_session_receive_message(lsession, &msg);
/* execute a callback for every member of the conference */
static void conference_member_itterator(conference_obj_t *conference, switch_stream_handle_t *stream, uint8_t non_mod, conf_api_member_cmd_t pfncallback, void *data)
@ -7849,7 +7899,9 @@ static switch_status_t chat_send(switch_event_t *message_event)
if (body != NULL && (lbuf = strdup(body))) {
/* special case list */
if (switch_stristr("list", lbuf)) {
if (conference->broadcast_chat_messages) {
chat_message_broadcast(conference, &stream, body, from);
} else if (switch_stristr("list", lbuf)) {
conference_list_pretty(conference, &stream);
/* provide help */
} else {
@ -7934,6 +7986,7 @@ static conference_obj_t *conference_new(char *name, conf_xml_cfg_t cfg, switch_c
uint32_t announce_count = 0;
char *maxmember_sound = NULL;
uint32_t rate = 8000, interval = 20;
int broadcast_chat_messages = 0;
int comfort_noise_level = 0;
int pin_retries = 3;
int ivr_dtmf_timeout = 500;
@ -8119,6 +8172,8 @@ static conference_obj_t *conference_new(char *name, conf_xml_cfg_t cfg, switch_c
} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "moderator-controls") && !zstr(val)) {
moderator_controls = val;
} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "broadcast-chat-messages") && !zstr(val) && switch_true(val)) {
broadcast_chat_messages = 1;
} else if (!strcasecmp(var, "comfort-noise") && !zstr(val)) {
int tmp;
tmp = atoi(val);
@ -8216,6 +8271,8 @@ static conference_obj_t *conference_new(char *name, conf_xml_cfg_t cfg, switch_c
conference->caller_id_number = switch_core_strdup(conference->pool, caller_id_number);
conference->caller_controls = switch_core_strdup(conference->pool, caller_controls);
conference->moderator_controls = switch_core_strdup(conference->pool, moderator_controls);
conference->broadcast_chat_messages = broadcast_chat_messages;
if (outcall_templ) {
conference->outcall_templ = switch_core_strdup(conference->pool, outcall_templ);