diff --git a/libs/libblade/flows/flow1.json b/libs/libblade/flows/flow1.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9fe5eea50a --- /dev/null +++ b/libs/libblade/flows/flow1.json @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +---> +GET /login HTTP/1.1 +Host: master.freeswitch.org +Upgrade: websocket +Connection: Upgrade +Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ== +Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: blade-1.0 +Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 + + +<--- +HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols +Upgrade: websocket +Connection: Upgrade +Sec-WebSocket-Accept: s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo= +Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: blade-1.0 + + +---> CONNECT TO THE MASTER NODE +{ + "jsonrpc": "2.0", + "method": "BLADE.connect", + "params": { + "blade": "1.0" + }, + "id": 1 +} + +<--- SUCCESS (TBD FAIL CASE) +{ + "jsonrpc": "2.0", + "id": 1, + "result": { + "blade": "1.0", + "connection-state": "connected", + "session-id": "5b696e8d-9875-45a5-b347-3b9fc288bad3", + "master-id": "5164f7f8-a6ca-4dd4-8f36-33db1dc9c35d", + "realm-list": [{"realm": "ls1.mydomain.com"}] + "allowed-blapi": ["BLADE"], + } +} + +---> REGISTER ADDITIONAL IDENTITY "foobar@ls1.mydomain.com/blah" +{ + "jsonrpc": "2.0", + "method": "BLADE.register", + "params": { + "identity": "foobar", + "realm": "ls1.mydomain.com", + "resource": "blah", + "session-id": "5b696e8d-9875-45a5-b347-3b9fc288bad3", + "master-id": "5164f7f8-a6ca-4dd4-8f36-33db1dc9c35d", + }, + "id": 2 +} + +<--- SUCCESS (TBD FAIL CASE) messages for this foobar IDENTITY will now go to this node. + { + "jsonrpc": "2.0", + "id": 2, + "result": { + "identity": "foobar", + "realm": "ls1.mydomain.com", + "resource": "blah", + "session-id": "5b696e8d-9875-45a5-b347-3b9fc288bad3", + "master-id": "5164f7f8-a6ca-4dd4-8f36-33db1dc9c35d", + } + } + +---> REGISTER SUBDOMAIN "myspace.ls1.mydomain.com" +{ + "jsonrpc": "2.0", + "method": "BLADE.register", + "params": { + "realm-zone": "myspace", + "realm": "ls1.mydomain.com", + "session-id": "5b696e8d-9875-45a5-b347-3b9fc288bad3", + "master-id": "5164f7f8-a6ca-4dd4-8f36-33db1dc9c35d", + }, + "id": 3 +} + +<--- SUCCESS (TBD FAIL CASE) messages for any IDENTITY at "myspace.ls1.mydomain.com" will now go to this node. + { + "jsonrpc": "2.0", + "id": 3, + "result": { + "realm-zone": "myspace", + "realm": "ls1.mydomain.com", + "realm-list": [{"realm": "ls1.mydomain.com", "zones": ["myspace"]}], + "session-id": "5b696e8d-9875-45a5-b347-3b9fc288bad3", + "master-id": "5164f7f8-a6ca-4dd4-8f36-33db1dc9c35d", + } + } + + + +---> PUBLISH API LSAPI "A single node must have exlusive access to the BLAPI's namespace with the master to publish" +// MAYBE ADD SCHEMA and method to fetch it. +{ + "jsonrpc": "2.0", + "method": "BLADE.publish", + "params": { + "blapi": "LSAPI", + "realm": "ls1.mydomain.com", + "session-id": "5b696e8d-9875-45a5-b347-3b9fc288bad3", + "master-id": "5164f7f8-a6ca-4dd4-8f36-33db1dc9c35d", + }, + "id": 4 +} + + +<--- SUCCESS (TBD FAIL CASE) +{ + "jsonrpc": "2.0", + "id": 4, + "result": { + "blapi": "LSAPI", + "allowed-blapi": ["BLADE", "LSAPI"], + "session-id": "5b696e8d-9875-45a5-b347-3b9fc288bad3", + "master-id": "5164f7f8-a6ca-4dd4-8f36-33db1dc9c35d", + } +} + + + +---> EXECUTE API +{ + "jsonrpc": "2.0", + "method": "BLADE.execute", + "params": { + "blapi": "LSAPI", + "params": { + "path": "/tmp/testing" + } + "session-id": "5b696e8d-9875-45a5-b347-3b9fc288bad3", + "master-id": "5164f7f8-a6ca-4dd4-8f36-33db1dc9c35d", + }, + "id": 5 +} + +<--- SUCCESS (TBD FAIL CASE) +{ + "jsonrpc": "2.0", + "id": 5, + "result": { + "blapi": "LSAPI", + "result": { + "listing": "-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 33881 May 3 17:22 blank_avatar.png\ndrwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Oct 26 2016 dash.js\n-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5266 May 3 17:20 foo.diff\n-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 485 May 3 17:22 ks.diff" + }, + + } +}