Two new params added to autoload_configs/rayo.conf.xml
all: offer to all clients (default and old behavior)
first: offer to first client, fails over to next client in list
random: offer to random client, fails over to next random client
0: disable
> 0 and < 120000: time to wait for reply from offer. On timeout, next client is offered call.
If no other clients available, call is rejected. 5000 is default.
As an example of using mod_sofia's gateway parameter `contact-params`
we'd used the value `tport=tcp`. Looking around, it's clear this has
misled people into believing you can specify `tport=tcp` to make the
gateway use TCP or `tport=tls` to make the gateway use TLS. This does
not work.
The actual contact parameter is named `transport` rather than `tport`,
and you shouldn't use `transport` in `contact-params` because we
automatically add a `transport` to the Contact: based on the value of
`register-transport` (even if the gateway is set to not register).
It's clear why this would be confusing, so we'll just remove this as
an example.