Addition of detectors which skip first few frames
of audio before they start to process it helps
to properly handle some Verizon voicemails.
The result of avmd test using this commit is
OK. All PASS [100]
Thi scommit also resolves:
FS-9588 Add script for outbound avmdy
FS-9589 Add resolution info to events
Now avmd detection is done in detector threads
processing audio frames with different resolution
and/or offsets. Detection decision is based on relative
standard deviation which dynamically adjusts to the signal.
Detection of amplitude, frequency and both simultaneously
is enabled and corresponding setting added to the configuration.
Frequency estimates are filtered with median filter.
This commit also resolves:
FS-9539 - Get estimates with different resolution
FS-9513 - Use adjustable thresholds
FS-9502 - Add detection mode setting
FS-9501 - Enable three modes of detection
FS-9407 - Add check of amplitude for NaN before appending to SMA buffer
FS-9139 - Unit test framework
Only send final PUT on Azure profiles
Fix core dump when reading Azure key from environment variable
Improve interface between mod_http_cache and storage providers
Remove debug
Remove out-of-date TODO
Add new configuration to example
Changes arising from Christopher Rienzo's comments
Add function to pointers to the profile to allow for better integration with the storage providers.
Add function to pointers to the profile to allow for better integration with the storage providers
Remove old header file inclusion
The member can hangup the call while we are playing the outbound announce audio to the agent, this
patch detects this and properly hangup the agent channel to avoid keeping it up with
just a silence call since there's no active bridge.
The agent-bridge-end event now has CC-Agent-Bridged: true if the bridge successfully happens,
variable cc_agent_bridged was added so we can track this in the agent and member CDRs.
If you want to play an audio to the agent to indicate the member hangup the call before the bridge
set the variable cc_bridge_failed_outbound_announce, for example:
<action application="set" data="cc_bridge_failed_outbound_announce=tone_stream://%(250,250,425);loops=3"/>
<action application="set" data="cc_bridge_failed_outbound_announce=your-caller-has-gone-away-audio"/>
prior to calling callcenter application.
These variables are documented at