mod_enum can be used as a dialplan app, an api call from the console or as a dialplan interface.
Dialplan Interface:
put enum as the dialplan parameter in an endpoint module
i.e. instead of "XML" set it to "enum" or "enum,XML" for fall through.
Dialplan App:
This example will do a lookup and set the a variable that is the proper
dialstring to call all of the possible routes in order of preference according to
the lookup and the order of the routes in the enum.conf section.
<extension name="tollfree">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^(18(0{2}|8{2}|7{2}|6{2})\d{7})$">
<action application="enum" data="$1"/>
<action application="bridge" data="${enum_auto_route}"/>
You can also pick an alrernate root:
<action application="enum" data="$1"/>
API command:
at the console you can say:
enum <number> [<root>]
The root always defaults to the one in the enum.conf section.
git-svn-id: d0543943-73ff-0310-b7d9-9358b9ac24b2
Also i retract my pcre statement from before, i doubt a perl pack and hex call are going to work in pcre. The regex should give plenty of idea what you need to do in your language of choice though, thats the point :)
git-svn-id: d0543943-73ff-0310-b7d9-9358b9ac24b2
All values are now url encoded to ensure they don't have "dangerous" characters in them. make sure you url_decode in your language of choice when consuming events in plain format from the event socket.
For those perl or pcre heads out there you can use the following regex:
$value =~ s/\%([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})/pack('C', hex($1))/sego;
git-svn-id: d0543943-73ff-0310-b7d9-9358b9ac24b2
Thu Nov 16 07:23:30 Eastern Standard Time 2006
* nta.c: setting the local sequence number of nta_leg_t only when first reques
t is sent.
Application can now set the initial value of CSeq either in nta_leg_create()
or in nta_outgoing_*create() (or nta_msg_request_complete()).
* nua_session.c: fixed session timer negotiation when UAS does refreshing with
The session-expires header had "uac" even when uac did not support timer.
The UAS failed to send re-INVITEs.
Thanks for Chung Pak Lai for reporting this problem.
* bnf: added host_cmp().
* outbound.c: using host_cmp() to check if Via host and received parameter dif
Bug reported by Marc Blanchet.
* nua_session.c: fixed leak in incomin INVITE processing.
git-svn-id: d0543943-73ff-0310-b7d9-9358b9ac24b2
This addition lets you set artifical ringback on a channel
that is waiting for an originated call to be answered.
the syntax is
<action application="set" data="ringback=[data]"/>
where data is either the full path to an audio file
or a teletone generation script..
syntax of teletone scripts
0-9,a-d,*,# (standard dtmf tones)
variables: c,r,d,v,>,<,+,w,l,L,%
c (channels) - Sets the number of channels.
r (rate) - Sets the sample rate.
d (duration) - Sets the default tone duration.
v (volume) - Sets the default volume.
> (decrease vol) - factor to decrease volume by per frame (0 for even decrease across duration).
< (increase vol) - factor to increase volume by per frame (0 for even increase across duration).
+ (step) - factor to step by used by < and >.
w (wait) - default silence after each tone.
l (loops) - number of times to repeat each tone in the script.
L (LOOPS) - number of times to repeat the the whole script.
% (manual tone) - a generic tone specified by a duration, a wait and a list of frequencies.
standard tones can have custom duration per use with the () modifier
7(1000, 500) to generate DTMF 7 for 1 second then pause .5 seconds
UK Ring Tone [400+450 hz on for 400ms off for 200ms then 400+450 hz on for 400ms off for 2200ms]
US Ring Tone [440+480 hz on for 2000ms off for 4000ms]
ATT BONG [volume level 4000, even decay, step by 2, # key for 60ms with no wait, volume level 2000, 350+440hz {us dialtone} for 940ms
SIT Tone 913.8 hz for 274 ms with no wait, 1370.6 hz for 274 ms with no wait, 1776.7 hz for 380ms with no wait
ATTN TONE (phone's off the hook!) 1400+2060+2450+2600 hz for 100ms with 100ms wait
git-svn-id: d0543943-73ff-0310-b7d9-9358b9ac24b2