/* Copyright 2000-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as * applicable. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "apu.h" #include "apr_pools.h" #include "apr_dbd.h" #include <stdio.h> #define TEST(msg,func) \ printf("======== %s ========\n", msg); \ rv = func(pool, sql, driver); \ if (rv != 0) { \ printf("Error in %s: rc=%d\n\n", msg, rv); \ } \ else { \ printf("%s test successful\n\n", msg); \ } \ fflush(stdout); static int create_table(apr_pool_t* pool, apr_dbd_t* handle, const apr_dbd_driver_t* driver) { int rv = 0; int nrows; const char *statement = "CREATE TABLE apr_dbd_test (" "col1 varchar(40) not null," "col2 varchar(40)," "col3 integer)" ; rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement); return rv; } static int drop_table(apr_pool_t* pool, apr_dbd_t* handle, const apr_dbd_driver_t* driver) { int rv = 0; int nrows; const char *statement = "DROP TABLE apr_dbd_test" ; rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement); return rv; } static int insert_rows(apr_pool_t* pool, apr_dbd_t* handle, const apr_dbd_driver_t* driver) { int i; int rv = 0; int nrows; int nerrors = 0; const char *statement = "INSERT into apr_dbd_test (col1) values ('foo');" "INSERT into apr_dbd_test values ('wibble', 'other', 5);" "INSERT into apr_dbd_test values ('wibble', 'nothing', 5);" "INSERT into apr_dbd_test values ('qwerty', 'foo', 0);" "INSERT into apr_dbd_test values ('asdfgh', 'bar', 1);" ; rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement); if (rv) { const char* stmt[] = { "INSERT into apr_dbd_test (col1) values ('foo');", "INSERT into apr_dbd_test values ('wibble', 'other', 5);", "INSERT into apr_dbd_test values ('wibble', 'nothing', 5);", "INSERT into apr_dbd_test values ('qwerty', 'foo', 0);", "INSERT into apr_dbd_test values ('asdfgh', 'bar', 1);", NULL }; printf("Compound insert failed; trying statements one-by-one\n") ; for (i=0; stmt[i] != NULL; ++i) { statement = stmt[i]; rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement); if (rv) { nerrors++; } } if (nerrors) { printf("%d single inserts failed too.\n", nerrors) ; } } return rv; } static int invalid_op(apr_pool_t* pool, apr_dbd_t* handle, const apr_dbd_driver_t* driver) { int rv = 0; int nrows; const char *statement = "INSERT into apr_dbd_test1 (col2) values ('foo')" ; rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement); printf("invalid op returned %d (should be nonzero). Error msg follows\n", rv); printf("'%s'\n", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv)); statement = "INSERT into apr_dbd_test (col1, col2) values ('bar', 'foo')" ; rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement); printf("valid op returned %d (should be zero; error shouldn't affect subsequent ops)\n", rv); return rv; } static int select_sequential(apr_pool_t* pool, apr_dbd_t* handle, const apr_dbd_driver_t* driver) { int rv = 0; int i = 0; int n; const char* entry; const char* statement = "SELECT * FROM apr_dbd_test ORDER BY col1, col2"; apr_dbd_results_t *res = NULL; apr_dbd_row_t *row = NULL; rv = apr_dbd_select(driver,pool,handle,&res,statement,0); if (rv) { printf("Select failed: %s", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv)); return rv; } for (rv = apr_dbd_get_row(driver, pool, res, &row, -1); rv == 0; rv = apr_dbd_get_row(driver, pool, res, &row, -1)) { printf("ROW %d: ", i++) ; for (n = 0; n < apr_dbd_num_cols(driver, res); ++n) { entry = apr_dbd_get_entry(driver, row, n); if (entry == NULL) { printf("(null) ") ; } else { printf("%s ", entry); } } fputs("\n", stdout); } return (rv == -1) ? 0 : 1; } static int select_random(apr_pool_t* pool, apr_dbd_t* handle, const apr_dbd_driver_t* driver) { int rv = 0; int n; const char* entry; const char* statement = "SELECT * FROM apr_dbd_test ORDER BY col1, col2"; apr_dbd_results_t *res = NULL; apr_dbd_row_t *row = NULL; rv = apr_dbd_select(driver,pool,handle,&res,statement,1); if (rv) { printf("Select failed: %s", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv)); return rv; } rv = apr_dbd_get_row(driver, pool, res, &row, 5) ; if (rv) { printf("get_row failed: %s", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv)); return rv; } printf("ROW 5: "); for (n = 0; n < apr_dbd_num_cols(driver, res); ++n) { entry = apr_dbd_get_entry(driver, row, n); if (entry == NULL) { printf("(null) ") ; } else { printf("%s ", entry); } } fputs("\n", stdout); rv = apr_dbd_get_row(driver, pool, res, &row, 1) ; if (rv) { printf("get_row failed: %s", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv)); return rv; } printf("ROW 1: "); for (n = 0; n < apr_dbd_num_cols(driver, res); ++n) { entry = apr_dbd_get_entry(driver, row, n); if (entry == NULL) { printf("(null) ") ; } else { printf("%s ", entry); } } fputs("\n", stdout); rv = apr_dbd_get_row(driver, pool, res, &row, 11) ; if (rv != -1) { printf("Oops! get_row out of range but thinks it succeeded!\n%s\n", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv)); return -1; } rv = 0; return rv; } static int test_transactions(apr_pool_t* pool, apr_dbd_t* handle, const apr_dbd_driver_t* driver) { int rv = 0; int nrows; apr_dbd_transaction_t *trans = NULL; const char* statement; /* trans 1 - error out early */ printf("Transaction 1\n"); rv = apr_dbd_transaction_start(driver, pool, handle, &trans); if (rv) { printf("Start transaction failed!\n%s\n", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv)); return rv; } statement = "UPDATE apr_dbd_test SET col2 = 'failed'"; rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement); if (rv) { printf("Update failed: '%s'\n", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv)); apr_dbd_transaction_end(driver, pool, trans); return rv; } printf("%d rows updated\n", nrows); statement = "INSERT INTO apr_dbd_test1 (col3) values (3)"; rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement); if (!rv) { printf("Oops, invalid op succeeded but shouldn't!\n"); } statement = "INSERT INTO apr_dbd_test values ('zzz', 'aaa', 3)"; rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement); printf("Valid insert returned %d. Should be nonzero (fail) because transaction is bad\n", rv) ; rv = apr_dbd_transaction_end(driver, pool, trans); if (rv) { printf("End transaction failed!\n%s\n", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv)); return rv; } printf("Transaction ended (should be rollback) - viewing table\n" "A column of \"failed\" indicates transaction failed (no rollback)\n"); select_sequential(pool, handle, driver); /* trans 2 - complete successfully */ printf("Transaction 2\n"); rv = apr_dbd_transaction_start(driver, pool, handle, &trans); if (rv) { printf("Start transaction failed!\n%s\n", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv)); return rv; } statement = "UPDATE apr_dbd_test SET col2 = 'success'"; rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement); if (rv) { printf("Update failed: '%s'\n", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv)); apr_dbd_transaction_end(driver, pool, trans); return rv; } printf("%d rows updated\n", nrows); statement = "INSERT INTO apr_dbd_test values ('aaa', 'zzz', 3)"; rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement); printf("Valid insert returned %d. Should be zero (OK)\n", rv) ; rv = apr_dbd_transaction_end(driver, pool, trans); if (rv) { printf("End transaction failed!\n%s\n", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv)); return rv; } printf("Transaction ended (should be commit) - viewing table\n"); select_sequential(pool, handle, driver); return rv; } static int test_pselect(apr_pool_t* pool, apr_dbd_t* handle, const apr_dbd_driver_t* driver) { int rv = 0; int i, n; const char *query = "SELECT * FROM apr_dbd_test WHERE col3 <= %s or col1 = 'bar'" ; const char *label = "lowvalues"; apr_dbd_prepared_t *statement = NULL; apr_dbd_results_t *res = NULL; apr_dbd_row_t *row = NULL; const char *entry = NULL; rv = apr_dbd_prepare(driver, pool, handle, query, label, &statement); if (rv) { printf("Prepare statement failed!\n%s\n", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv)); return rv; } rv = apr_dbd_pvselect(driver, pool, handle, &res, statement, 0, "3", NULL); if (rv) { printf("Exec of prepared statement failed!\n%s\n", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv)); return rv; } i = 0; printf("Selecting rows where col3 <= 3 and bar row where it's unset.\nShould show four rows.\n"); for (rv = apr_dbd_get_row(driver, pool, res, &row, -1); rv == 0; rv = apr_dbd_get_row(driver, pool, res, &row, -1)) { printf("ROW %d: ", i++) ; for (n = 0; n < apr_dbd_num_cols(driver, res); ++n) { entry = apr_dbd_get_entry(driver, row, n); if (entry == NULL) { printf("(null) ") ; } else { printf("%s ", entry); } } fputs("\n", stdout); } return (rv == -1) ? 0 : 1; } static int test_pquery(apr_pool_t* pool, apr_dbd_t* handle, const apr_dbd_driver_t* driver) { int rv = 0; const char *query = "INSERT INTO apr_dbd_test VALUES (%s, %s, %d)"; apr_dbd_prepared_t *statement = NULL; const char *label = "testpquery"; int nrows; apr_dbd_transaction_t *trans =0; rv = apr_dbd_prepare(driver, pool, handle, query, label, &statement); /* rv = apr_dbd_prepare(driver, pool, handle, query, NULL, &statement); */ if (rv) { printf("Prepare statement failed!\n%s\n", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv)); return rv; } apr_dbd_transaction_start(driver, pool, handle, &trans); rv = apr_dbd_pvquery(driver, pool, handle, &nrows, statement, "prepared", "insert", "2", NULL); apr_dbd_transaction_end(driver, pool, trans); if (rv) { printf("Exec of prepared statement failed!\n%s\n", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv)); return rv; } printf("Showing table (should now contain row \"prepared insert 2\")\n"); select_sequential(pool, handle, driver); return rv; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { const char *name; const char *params; apr_pool_t *pool = NULL; apr_dbd_t *sql = NULL; const apr_dbd_driver_t *driver = NULL; int rv; apr_initialize(); apr_pool_create(&pool, NULL); if (argc >= 2 && argc <= 3) { name = argv[1]; params = ( argc == 3 ) ? argv[2] : ""; apr_dbd_init(pool); setbuf(stdout,NULL); rv = apr_dbd_get_driver(pool, name, &driver); switch (rv) { case APR_SUCCESS: printf("Loaded %s driver OK.\n", name); break; case APR_EDSOOPEN: printf("Failed to load driver file apr_dbd_%s.so\n", name); goto finish; case APR_ESYMNOTFOUND: printf("Failed to load driver apr_dbd_%s_driver.\n", name); goto finish; case APR_ENOTIMPL: printf("No driver available for %s.\n", name); goto finish; default: /* it's a bug if none of the above happen */ printf("Internal error loading %s.\n", name); goto finish; } rv = apr_dbd_open(driver, pool, params, &sql); switch (rv) { case APR_SUCCESS: printf("Opened %s[%s] OK\n", name, params); break; case APR_EGENERAL: printf("Failed to open %s[%s]\n", name, params); goto finish; default: /* it's a bug if none of the above happen */ printf("Internal error opening %s[%s]\n", name, params); goto finish; } TEST("create table", create_table); TEST("insert rows", insert_rows); TEST("invalid op", invalid_op); TEST("select random", select_random); TEST("select sequential", select_sequential); TEST("transactions", test_transactions); TEST("prepared select", test_pselect); TEST("prepared query", test_pquery); TEST("drop table", drop_table); apr_dbd_close(driver, sql); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s driver-name [params]\n", argv[0]); } finish: apr_pool_destroy(pool); apr_terminate(); return 0; }