/* * SpanDSP - a series of DSP components for telephony * * testadsi.c * * Written by Steve Underwood <steveu@coppice.org> * * Copyright (C) 2003 Steve Underwood * * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) #include <config.h> #endif #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <sys/signal.h> #include <sys/select.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <sys/time.h> #if defined(HAVE_LIBUNICALL) #include <linux/zaptel.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <sndfile.h> #include <tiffio.h> #include "unicall.h" //#include "../libmfcr2/libmfcr2.h" //#include "../libpri/libpri.h" #include "spandsp.h" #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE (!FALSE) int caller_mode = FALSE; static SNDFILE *rxhandle; static SNDFILE *txhandle; #if 0 int adsi_create_message(adsi_tx_state_t *s, uint8_t *msg) { int len; len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, -1, CLASS_SDMF_CALLERID, 0); len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, len, 0, "10011750", 8); len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, len, 0, "6095551212", 10); return len; } #endif #if 0 int adsi_create_message(adsi_tx_state_t *s, uint8_t *msg) { int len; len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, -1, CLIP_MDMF_CALLERID, 0); len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, len, CLIP_CALLTYPE, "\x81", 1); len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, len, CLIP_DATETIME, "10011750", 8); len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, len, CLIP_CALLER_NUMBER, "12345678", 8); len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, len, CLIP_DIALED_NUMBER, "87654321", 8); len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, len, CLIP_CALLER_NAME, "Steve Underwood", 15); return len; } #endif #if 0 int adsi_create_message(adsi_tx_state_t *s, uint8_t *msg) { int len; len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, -1, CLIP_MDMF_CALLERID, 0); len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, len, CLIP_NUM_MSG, "\x03", 1); return len; } #endif #if 0 int adsi_create_message(adsi_tx_state_t *s, uint8_t *msg) { int len; len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, -1, CLIP_MDMF_MSG_WAITING, NULL, 0); len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, len, CLIP_VISUAL_INDICATOR, "\x00", 1); return len; } #endif #if 0 int adsi_create_message(adsi_tx_state_t *s, uint8_t *msg) { int len; len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, -1, CLIP_MDMF_MSG_WAITING, NULL, 0); len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, len, CLIP_VISUAL_INDICATOR, "\xFF", 1); len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, len, CLIP_NUM_MSG, "\x05", 1); return len; } #endif #if 1 int adsi_create_message(adsi_tx_state_t *s, uint8_t *msg) { int len; len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, -1, CLASS_SDMF_MSG_WAITING, NULL, 0); len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, len, 0, "\x6F", 1); len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, len, 0, "\x6F", 1); len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, len, 0, "\x6F", 1); return len; } #endif #if 0 int adsi_create_message(adsi_tx_state_t *s, uint8_t *msg) { int len; len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, -1, CLASS_SDMF_MSG_WAITING, NULL, 0); len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, len, 0, "\x42", 1); len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, len, 0, "\x42", 1); len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, len, 0, "\x42", 1); return len; } #endif #if 0 int adsi_create_message(adsi_tx_state_t *s, uint8_t *msg) { int len; len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, -1, CLIP_MDMF_SMS, NULL, 0); len = adsi_add_field(s, msg, len, CLIP_DISPLAY_INFO, "\x00ABC", 4); return len; } #endif struct { pthread_t thread; int chan; int sig_fd; int fd; uc_call_t *call; uc_crn_t crn; int xxx; int cause; dtmf_rx_state_t dtmf_state; char dtmf[101]; int dtmf_ptr; char *tag; char originating_number[32]; char destination_number[32]; adsi_rx_state_t adsi_rx; adsi_tx_state_t adsi_tx; } chan_stuff[30]; tone_gen_descriptor_t tone_desc; tone_gen_state_t gen; void channel_read_adsi_channel(uc_t *uc, int chan, void *user_data, uint8_t *buf, int len); int channel_write_adsi_channel(uc_t *uc, int chan, void *user_data, uint8_t *buf, int max_len); int channel_error(uc_t *uc, int chan, void *user_data, int cause); int signaling_error(uc_t *uc, void *user_data, int cause); void channel_read_adsi_channel(uc_t *uc, int chan, void *user_data, uint8_t *buf, int len) { int i; int xlen; int16_t pcm_buf[1024]; char *s; int outframes; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) pcm_buf[i] = alaw_to_linear(buf[i]); /*endfor*/ outframes = sf_writef_short(rxhandle, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK, pcm_buf, len); if (outframes != len) { printf("Failed to write %d samples\n", len); exit(2); } dtmf_rx(&chan_stuff[chan].dtmf_state, pcm_buf, len); xlen = dtmf_rx_get(&chan_stuff[chan].dtmf_state, chan_stuff[chan].dtmf + chan_stuff[chan].dtmf_ptr, 100 - chan_stuff[chan].dtmf_ptr); if (xlen > 0) { s = chan_stuff[chan].dtmf + chan_stuff[chan].dtmf_ptr; while (*s) { if (*s == '#') { uc_set_channel_read_callback(uc, 0, NULL, 0); uc_set_channel_write_callback(uc, 0, NULL, 0); if (uc_call_control(uc, UC_OP_DROPCALL, chan_stuff[chan].crn, (void *) UC_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING)) printf ("A Drop Call failed\n"); /*endif*/ break; } /*endif*/ s++; } /*endwhile*/ printf("Got '%s'\n", chan_stuff[chan].dtmf); chan_stuff[chan].dtmf_ptr += xlen; } /*endif*/ adsi_rx(&(chan_stuff[chan].adsi_rx), pcm_buf, len); } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ int channel_write_adsi_channel(uc_t *uc, int chan, void *user_data, uint8_t *buf, int max_len) { int16_t pcm_buf[1024]; int len; int i; static int block = 0; uint8_t adsi_msg[256]; int adsi_msg_len; if (++block == 100) { adsi_send_alert_tone(&(chan_stuff[chan].adsi_tx)); printf("Alert tone sent\n"); adsi_msg_len = adsi_create_message(&(chan_stuff[chan].adsi_tx), adsi_msg); if ((len = adsi_put_message(&(chan_stuff[chan].adsi_tx), adsi_msg, adsi_msg_len)) > 0) printf("Message put - %d bytes\n", len); } len = adsi_tx(&(chan_stuff[chan].adsi_tx), pcm_buf, max_len); sf_writef_short(txhandle, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK, pcm_buf, len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) buf[i] = linear_to_alaw(pcm_buf[i]); /*endfor*/ return len; } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ int channel_error(uc_t *uc, int chan, void *user_data, int cause) { printf("Error %d\n", cause); return 0; } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ int signaling_error(uc_t *uc, void *user_data, int cause) { printf("Error %d\n", cause); return 0; } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ static void initiate_call(uc_t *uc, int chan, uc_event_t *e) { uc_makecall_t makecall; uc_callparms_t *callparms; int ret; printf ("Initiating call\n"); if ((callparms = uc_new_callparms(NULL)) == NULL) return; /*endif*/ uc_callparm_originating_number(callparms, chan_stuff[chan].originating_number); uc_callparm_destination_number(callparms, chan_stuff[chan].destination_number); makecall.callparms = callparms; makecall.crn = 0; if (ret = uc_call_control(uc, UC_OP_MAKECALL, 0, (void *) &makecall) != UC_RET_OK) fprintf(stderr, "Make Call failed - %d\n", ret); /*endif*/ chan_stuff[chan].crn = makecall.crn; free(callparms); } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ static void handle_uc_event(uc_t *uc, void *user_data, uc_event_t *e) { int chan; chan = (int) user_data; printf ("-- %s (%d)\n", uc_event2str(e->e), chan); switch (e->e) { case UC_EVENT_DEVICEFAIL: break; case UC_EVENT_PROTOCOLFAIL: printf("-- Protocol failure on channel %d, cause %d\n", e->gen.channel, e->gen.data); break; case UC_EVENT_SIGCHANSTATUS: printf("-- Signalling channel status - %s\n", e->sigchanstatus.ok ? "Up" : "Down"); break; case UC_EVENT_ALARM: printf("-- Alarm - 0x%X 0x%X\n", e->alarm.raised, e->alarm.cleared); break; case UC_EVENT_FARBLOCKED: printf("-- Channel far end blocked! :-(\n"); chan_stuff[chan].xxx &= ~1; break; case UC_EVENT_FARUNBLOCKED: printf("-- Channel far end unblocked! :-)\n"); chan_stuff[chan].xxx |= 1; if (chan_stuff[chan].xxx == 3) { if (caller_mode) initiate_call(uc, chan, e); /*endif*/ } /*endif*/ break; case UC_EVENT_LOCALBLOCKED: printf("-- Channel local end blocked! :-(\n"); chan_stuff[chan].xxx &= ~2; break; case UC_EVENT_LOCALUNBLOCKED: printf("-- Channel local end unblocked! :-)\n"); chan_stuff[chan].xxx |= 2; if (chan_stuff[chan].xxx == 3) { if (caller_mode) initiate_call(uc, chan, e); /*endif*/ } /*endif*/ break; case UC_EVENT_DIALING: printf("-- Dialing on channel %d\n", e->gen.channel); break; case UC_EVENT_ACCEPTED: printf("-- Accepted on channel %d\n", e->gen.channel); if (uc_call_control(uc, UC_OP_ANSWERCALL, e->gen.crn, (void *) -1)) fprintf(stderr, "Answer Call failed\n"); /*endif*/ break; case UC_EVENT_DETECTED: printf("-- Detected on channel %d\n", e->gen.channel); break; case UC_EVENT_ALERTING: printf("-- Alerting on channel %d\n", e->gen.channel); /* This is just a notification of call progress. We need take no action at this point. */ break; case UC_EVENT_FARDISCONNECTED: printf("-- Far end disconnected on channel %d\n", e->fardisconnected.channel); /* Kill any outstanding audio processing */ uc_set_channel_read_callback(uc, 0, NULL, 0); uc_set_channel_write_callback(uc, 0, NULL, 0); if (uc_call_control(uc, UC_OP_DROPCALL, e->fardisconnected.crn, (void *) UC_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING)) fprintf(stderr, "C Drop Call failed\n"); /*endif*/ break; case UC_EVENT_DROPCALL: printf("-- Drop call on channel %d\n", e->gen.channel); if (uc_call_control(uc, UC_OP_RELEASECALL, e->gen.crn, NULL)) fprintf(stderr, "uc_ReleaseCall failed\n"); /*endif*/ break; case UC_EVENT_RELEASECALL: printf("-- Released on channel %d\n", e->gen.channel); if (caller_mode) initiate_call(uc, chan, e); /*endif*/ break; case UC_EVENT_OFFERED: printf("-- Offered on channel %d, CRN %d (ANI: %s, DNIS: %s)\n", e->offered.channel, e->offered.crn, e->offered.parms.originating_number, e->offered.parms.destination_number); if (!caller_mode) { switch (chan_stuff[chan].cause) { case 0: if (uc_call_control(uc, UC_OP_ACCEPTCALL, e->offered.crn, (void *) -1)) fprintf(stderr, "uc_AcceptCall failed\n"); /*endif*/ break; case 1: if (uc_call_control(uc, UC_OP_ANSWERCALL, e->offered.crn, (void *) -1)) fprintf(stderr, "uc_AnswerCall failed\n"); /*endif*/ break; case 2: if (uc_call_control(uc, UC_OP_DROPCALL, e->offered.crn, (void *) UC_CAUSE_USER_BUSY)) fprintf(stderr, "E Drop Call failed\n"); /*endif*/ break; case 3: if (uc_call_control(uc, UC_OP_DROPCALL, e->offered.crn, (void *) UC_CAUSE_UNASSIGNED_NUMBER)) fprintf(stderr, "F Drop Call failed\n"); /*endif*/ break; case 4: if (uc_call_control(uc, UC_OP_DROPCALL, e->offered.crn, (void *) UC_CAUSE_NETWORK_CONGESTION)) fprintf(stderr, "G Drop Call failed\n"); /*endif*/ break; case 5: if (uc_call_control(uc, UC_OP_DROPCALL, e->offered.crn, (void *) UC_CAUSE_DEST_OUT_OF_ORDER)) fprintf(stderr, "H Drop Call failed\n"); /*endif*/ break; } /*endswitch*/ if (++chan_stuff[chan].cause > 5) chan_stuff[chan].cause = 0; /*endif*/ } /*endif*/ break; case UC_EVENT_ANSWERED: printf("-- Answered on channel %d\n", e->gen.channel); uc_set_channel_read_callback(uc, 0, channel_read_adsi_channel, (void *) chan); printf("XXX read callback set\n"); uc_set_channel_write_callback(uc, 0, channel_write_adsi_channel, (void *) chan); printf("XXX write callback set\n"); adsi_tx_init(&(chan_stuff[chan].adsi_tx), ADSI_STANDARD_CLASS); printf("XXX ADSI inited\n"); dtmf_rx_init(&chan_stuff[chan].dtmf_state, NULL, NULL); printf("XXX DTMF inited\n"); break; case UC_EVENT_CONNECTED: printf("-- Connected on channel %d\n", e->gen.channel); if (uc_call_control(uc, UC_OP_DROPCALL, e->offered.crn, (void *) UC_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING)) printf ("I Drop Call failed\n"); /*endif*/ break; default: fprintf(stderr, "--!! Unknown signaling event %d\n", e->e); break; } /*endswitch*/ } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ static void *run_uc(void *arg) { uc_t *uc; uc_event_t *e; struct timeval tv = {0,0}; struct timeval *next; fd_set rfds; fd_set wfds; fd_set efds; int res; int dfd; int chan; chan = *((int *) arg); dfd = chan_stuff[chan].fd; uc = uc_new(dfd, dfd, "mfcr2", "cn", UC_MODE_CPE, 1); //uc = uc_new(dfd, dfd, "pri", "ctr4", UC_MODE_CPE, 1); if (uc == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create instance\n"); return NULL; } /*endif*/ uc_set_signaling_callback(uc, handle_uc_event, (void *) chan); uc_set_signaling_error_callback(uc, signaling_error, (void *) chan); uc_set_channel_error_callback(uc, 0, channel_error, (void *) chan); uc_set_logging(uc, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0, chan_stuff[chan].tag); uc_call_control(uc, UC_OP_UNBLOCK, 0, (void *) -1); for (;;) { FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_ZERO(&wfds); FD_ZERO(&efds); FD_SET(dfd, &rfds); FD_SET(dfd, &wfds); FD_SET(dfd, &efds); if ((next = uc_schedule_next(uc))) { gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); tv.tv_sec = next->tv_sec - tv.tv_sec; tv.tv_usec = next->tv_usec - tv.tv_usec; if (tv.tv_usec < 0) { tv.tv_usec += 1000000; tv.tv_sec -= 1; } /*endif*/ if (tv.tv_sec < 0) { tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; } /*endif*/ } /*endif*/ res = select(dfd + 1, &rfds, NULL, &efds, next ? &tv : NULL); e = NULL; if (res == 0) { uc_schedule_run(uc); } else if (res > 0) { e = uc_check_event(uc); } else if (errno != EINTR) { fprintf(stderr, "Error (%d) on select: %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } /*endif*/ if (e) { printf("Non-callback signaling event\n"); handle_uc_event(uc, (void *) chan, e); } /*endif*/ } /*endfor*/ return NULL; } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pthread_attr_t attr; struct zt_bufferinfo b; struct zt_gains g; int chan; int chanx; char dev_name[20]; AFfilesetup filesetup; int j; filesetup = afNewFileSetup(); if (filesetup == AF_NULL_FILESETUP) { fprintf(stderr, " Failed to create file setup\n"); exit(2); } afInitSampleFormat(filesetup, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK, AF_SAMPFMT_TWOSCOMP, 16); afInitRate(filesetup, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK, (float) SAMPLE_RATE); afInitFileFormat(filesetup, AF_FILE_WAVE); afInitChannels(filesetup, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK, 1); rxhandle = afOpenFile("rxadsi.wav", "w", filesetup); if (rxhandle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, " Failed to open adsi audio file\n"); exit(2); } txhandle = afOpenFile("txadsi.wav", "w", filesetup); if (txhandle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, " Failed to open adsi audio file\n"); exit(2); } uc_start(); pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); if (argc < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: testcall [call]\n"); exit(1); } /*endif*/ for (chan = 0; chan < 1/*30*/; chan++) { chan_stuff[chan].sig_fd = open("/dev/zap/channel", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); if (chan_stuff[chan].sig_fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open channel: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } /*endif*/ chan_stuff[chan].fd = chan_stuff[chan].sig_fd; /* Allow for the missing channel at TS16 */ if (chan < 15) chanx = chan + 1; else chanx = chan + 2; /*endif*/ if (ioctl(chan_stuff[chan].fd, ZT_SPECIFY, &chanx)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to specify channel %d: %s\n", chanx, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } /*endif*/ if (ioctl(chan_stuff[chan].fd, ZT_GET_BUFINFO, &b)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get buffer info on channel %d: %s\n", chanx, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } /*endif*/ printf ("%d %d %d %d %d %d\n", b.rxbufpolicy, b.txbufpolicy, b.numbufs, b.bufsize, b.readbufs, b.writebufs); b.rxbufpolicy = ZT_POLICY_IMMEDIATE; b.txbufpolicy = ZT_POLICY_IMMEDIATE; b.numbufs = 4; b.bufsize = 160; if (ioctl(chan_stuff[chan].fd, ZT_SET_BUFINFO, &b)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set buffer info on channel %d: %s\n", chanx, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } /*endif*/ if (ioctl(chan_stuff[chan].fd, ZT_GET_BUFINFO, &b)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get buffer info on channel %d: %s\n", chanx, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } /*endif*/ for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) { g.rxgain[j] = j; g.txgain[j] = j; } ioctl(chan_stuff[chan].fd, ZT_SETGAINS, &g); printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d\n", b.rxbufpolicy, b.txbufpolicy, b.numbufs, b.bufsize, b.readbufs, b.writebufs); if (argc > 1) caller_mode = TRUE; /*endif*/ chan_stuff[chan].chan = chan; sprintf(dev_name, "Chan %2d:", chanx); chan_stuff[chan].tag = strdup(dev_name); sprintf(chan_stuff[chan].originating_number, "%d", 987654321 + chan); sprintf(chan_stuff[chan].destination_number, "%d", 1234 + chan); printf("Thread for channel %d\n", chan); if (pthread_create(&chan_stuff[chan].thread, &attr, run_uc, &chan_stuff[chan].chan)) exit(2); /*endif*/ } /*endfor*/ for (;;) { sleep(5); printf("Main thread\n"); } /*endfor*/ exit(0); return 0; } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ #else int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("This program was not built with Unicall available\n"); } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ #endif /*- End of file ------------------------------------------------------------*/