/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef _SUBAPI_H_ #define _SUBAPI_H_ #include "ccsip_subsmanager.h" cc_rcs_t sub_int_subnot_register(cc_srcs_t src_id, cc_srcs_t dst_id, cc_subscriptions_t evt_pkg, void *callback_fun, cc_srcs_t dest_task, int msg_id, void *term_callback, int term_msg_id, long min_duration, long max_duration); cc_rcs_t sub_int_subscribe(sipspi_msg_t *msg_p); cc_rcs_t sub_int_subscribe_ack(cc_srcs_t src_id, cc_srcs_t dst_id, sub_id_t sub_id, uint16_t response_code, int duration); cc_rcs_t sub_int_notify(cc_srcs_t src_id, cc_srcs_t dst_id, sub_id_t sub_id, ccsipNotifyResultCallbackFn_t notifyResultCallback, int subsNotResCallbackMsgID, ccsip_event_data_t *eventData, subscriptionState subState); cc_rcs_t sub_int_notify_ack(sub_id_t sub_id, uint16_t response_code, uint32_t cseq); cc_rcs_t sub_int_subscribe_term(sub_id_t sub_id, boolean immediate, int request_id, cc_subscriptions_t event_package); cc_rcs_t sip_send_message(ccsip_sub_not_data_t *msg_data, cc_srcs_t dest_task, int msg_id); cc_rcs_t app_send_message(void *msg_data, int msg_len, cc_srcs_t dest_id, int msg_id); extern cc_rcs_t sub_send_msg (cprBuffer_t buf, uint32_t cmd, uint16_t len, cc_srcs_t dst_id); #endif