;;;;; Author: Travis Cross <tc@traviscross.com> [Unit] Description=freeswitch Wants=network-online.target Requires=network.target local-fs.target After=network.target network-online.target local-fs.target [Service] ; service Type=forking PIDFile=/run/freeswitch/freeswitch.pid Environment="DAEMON_OPTS=-nonat" Environment="USER=freeswitch" Environment="GROUP=freeswitch" EnvironmentFile=-/etc/default/freeswitch ExecStartPre=/bin/chown -R ${USER}:${GROUP} /var/lib/freeswitch /var/log/freeswitch /etc/freeswitch /usr/share/freeswitch /var/run/freeswitch ExecStart=/usr/bin/freeswitch -u ${USER} -g ${GROUP} -ncwait ${DAEMON_OPTS} TimeoutSec=45s Restart=always ; exec ;User=${USER} ;Group=${GROUP} LimitCORE=infinity LimitNOFILE=100000 LimitNPROC=60000 LimitSTACK=250000 LimitRTPRIO=infinity LimitRTTIME=infinity IOSchedulingClass=realtime IOSchedulingPriority=2 CPUSchedulingPolicy=rr CPUSchedulingPriority=89 UMask=0007 NoNewPrivileges=false ; alternatives which you can enforce by placing a unit drop-in into ; /etc/systemd/system/freeswitch.service.d/*.conf: ; ; User=freeswitch ; Group=freeswitch ; ExecStart= ; ExecStart=/usr/bin/freeswitch -ncwait -nonat -rp ; ; empty ExecStart is required to flush the list. ; ; if your filesystem supports extended attributes, execute ; setcap 'cap_net_bind_service,cap_sys_nice=+ep' /usr/bin/freeswitch ; this will also allow socket binding on low ports ; ; otherwise, remove the -rp option from ExecStart and ; add these lines to give real-time priority to the process: ; ; PermissionsStartOnly=true ; ExecStartPost=/bin/chrt -f -p 1 $MAINPID ; ; execute "systemctl daemon-reload" after editing the unit files. [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target