/* * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * Copyright (C) 2005-2014, Anthony Minessale II * * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Anthony Minessale II * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Anthony Minessale II * * switch_vidderbuffer.c -- Video Buffer * */ #include #include #define MAX_MISSING_SEQ 20 #define vb_debug(_vb, _level, _format, ...) if (_vb->debug_level >= _level) switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG_CLEAN, SWITCH_LOG_ALERT, "VB:%p level:%d line:%d ->" _format, (void *) _vb, _level, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__) struct switch_vb_s; typedef struct switch_vb_node_s { struct switch_vb_s *parent; switch_rtp_packet_t packet; uint32_t len; uint8_t visible; struct switch_vb_node_s *next; } switch_vb_node_t; struct switch_vb_s { struct switch_vb_node_s *node_list; uint32_t last_target_seq; uint32_t highest_read_ts; uint32_t highest_read_seq; uint32_t highest_wrote_ts; uint32_t highest_wrote_seq; uint16_t target_seq; uint16_t seq_out; uint32_t visible_nodes; uint32_t total_frames; uint32_t complete_frames; uint32_t frame_len; uint32_t min_frame_len; uint32_t max_frame_len; uint8_t write_init; uint8_t read_init; uint8_t debug_level; uint16_t next_seq; switch_inthash_t *missing_seq_hash; switch_inthash_t *node_hash; }; static inline switch_vb_node_t *new_node(switch_vb_t *vb) { switch_vb_node_t *np, *last = NULL; for (np = vb->node_list; np; np = np->next) { if (!np->visible) { break; } last = np; } if (!np) { switch_zmalloc(np, sizeof(*np)); if (last) { last->next = np; } else { vb->node_list = np; } } switch_assert(np); np->visible = 1; vb->visible_nodes++; np->parent = vb; return np; } static inline switch_vb_node_t *find_seq(switch_vb_t *vb, uint16_t seq) { switch_vb_node_t *np; for (np = vb->node_list; np; np = np->next) { if (!np->visible) continue; if (ntohs(np->packet.header.seq) == ntohs(seq)) { return np; } } return NULL; } static inline void hide_node(switch_vb_node_t *node) { node->visible = 0; node->parent->visible_nodes--; switch_core_inthash_delete(node->parent->node_hash, node->packet.header.seq); } static inline void hide_nodes(switch_vb_t *vb) { switch_vb_node_t *np; for (np = vb->node_list; np; np = np->next) { hide_node(np); } } static inline void drop_ts(switch_vb_t *vb, uint32_t ts) { switch_vb_node_t *np; int x = 0; for (np = vb->node_list; np; np = np->next) { if (!np->visible) continue; if (ts == np->packet.header.ts) { hide_node(np); x++; } } if (x) vb->complete_frames--; } static inline uint32_t vb_find_lowest_ts(switch_vb_t *vb) { switch_vb_node_t *np, *lowest = NULL; for (np = vb->node_list; np; np = np->next) { if (!np->visible) continue; if (!lowest || ntohl(lowest->packet.header.ts) > ntohl(np->packet.header.ts)) { lowest = np; } } return lowest ? lowest->packet.header.ts : 0; } static inline void drop_oldest_frame(switch_vb_t *vb) { uint32_t ts = vb_find_lowest_ts(vb); drop_ts(vb, ts); vb_debug(vb, 1, "Dropping oldest frame ts:%u\n", ntohl(ts)); } static inline void add_node(switch_vb_t *vb, switch_rtp_packet_t *packet, switch_size_t len) { switch_vb_node_t *node = new_node(vb); node->packet = *packet; node->len = len; memcpy(node->packet.body, packet->body, len); switch_core_inthash_insert(vb->node_hash, node->packet.header.seq, node); vb_debug(vb, (packet->header.m ? 1 : 2), "PUT packet last_ts:%u ts:%u seq:%u%s\n", ntohl(vb->highest_wrote_ts), ntohl(node->packet.header.ts), ntohs(node->packet.header.seq), packet->header.m ? " " : ""); if (!vb->write_init || ntohs(packet->header.seq) > ntohs(vb->highest_wrote_seq) || (ntohs(vb->highest_wrote_seq) > USHRT_MAX - 10 && ntohs(packet->header.seq) <= 10) ) { vb->highest_wrote_seq = packet->header.seq; } if (vb->write_init && htons(packet->header.seq) >= htons(vb->highest_wrote_seq) && (ntohl(node->packet.header.ts) > ntohl(vb->highest_wrote_ts))) { vb->complete_frames++; vb_debug(vb, 2, "WRITE frame ts: %u complete=%u/%u n:%u\n", ntohl(node->packet.header.ts), vb->complete_frames , vb->frame_len, vb->visible_nodes); vb->highest_wrote_ts = packet->header.ts; } else if (!vb->write_init) { vb->highest_wrote_ts = packet->header.ts; } if (!vb->write_init) vb->write_init = 1; if (vb->complete_frames > vb->max_frame_len) { drop_oldest_frame(vb); } } static inline void increment_seq(switch_vb_t *vb) { vb->target_seq = htons((ntohs(vb->target_seq) + 1)); } static inline void set_read_seq(switch_vb_t *vb, uint16_t seq) { vb->last_target_seq = seq; vb->target_seq = htons((ntohs(vb->last_target_seq) + 1)); } static inline switch_vb_node_t *vb_find_lowest_seq(switch_vb_t *vb) { switch_vb_node_t *np, *lowest = NULL; for (np = vb->node_list; np; np = np->next) { if (!np->visible) continue; if (!lowest || ntohs(lowest->packet.header.seq) > ntohs(np->packet.header.seq)) { lowest = np; } } return lowest; } static inline switch_status_t vb_next_packet(switch_vb_t *vb, switch_vb_node_t **nodep) { switch_vb_node_t *np = NULL, *node = NULL; switch_status_t status; if (np) status = 0, status++; if (!vb->target_seq) { if ((node = vb_find_lowest_seq(vb))) { vb_debug(vb, 2, "No target seq using seq: %u as a starting point\n", ntohs(node->packet.header.seq)); } else { vb_debug(vb, 1, "%s", "No nodes available....\n"); } } else if ((node = switch_core_inthash_find(vb->node_hash, vb->target_seq))) { vb_debug(vb, 2, "FOUND desired seq: %u\n", ntohs(vb->target_seq)); } else { int x; vb_debug(vb, 2, "MISSING desired seq: %u\n", ntohs(vb->target_seq)); for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) { increment_seq(vb); if ((node = switch_core_inthash_find(vb->node_hash, vb->target_seq))) { vb_debug(vb, 2, "FOUND incremental seq: %u\n", ntohs(vb->target_seq)); break; } else { vb_debug(vb, 2, "MISSING incremental seq: %u\n", ntohs(vb->target_seq)); } } } *nodep = node; if (node) { set_read_seq(vb, node->packet.header.seq); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } return SWITCH_STATUS_NOTFOUND; } static inline void free_nodes(switch_vb_t *vb) { switch_vb_node_t *np = vb->node_list, *cur; while(np) { cur = np; np = np->next; free(cur); } vb->node_list = NULL; } SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_vb_poll(switch_vb_t *vb) { return (vb->complete_frames >= vb->frame_len); } SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_vb_frame_count(switch_vb_t *vb) { return vb->complete_frames; } SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_vb_debug_level(switch_vb_t *vb, uint8_t level) { vb->debug_level = level; } SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_vb_reset(switch_vb_t *vb, switch_bool_t flush) { vb_debug(vb, 2, "RESET BUFFER flush: %d\n", (int)flush); vb->last_target_seq = 0; vb->target_seq = 0; if (flush) { //do_flush(vb); } } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_vb_create(switch_vb_t **vbp, uint32_t min_frame_len, uint32_t max_frame_len) { switch_vb_t *vb; switch_zmalloc(vb, sizeof(*vb)); vb->min_frame_len = vb->frame_len = min_frame_len; vb->max_frame_len = max_frame_len; //vb->seq_out = (uint16_t) rand(); switch_core_inthash_init(&vb->missing_seq_hash); switch_core_inthash_init(&vb->node_hash); *vbp = vb; return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_vb_destroy(switch_vb_t **vbp) { switch_vb_t *vb = *vbp; *vbp = NULL; switch_core_inthash_destroy(&vb->missing_seq_hash); switch_core_inthash_destroy(&vb->node_hash); free_nodes(vb); free(vb); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } SWITCH_DECLARE(uint32_t) switch_vb_pop_nack(switch_vb_t *vb) { switch_hash_index_t *hi = NULL; uint32_t nack = 0; uint16_t least = 0; int i = 0; void *val; const void *var; for (hi = switch_core_hash_first(vb->missing_seq_hash); hi; hi = switch_core_hash_next(&hi)) { uint16_t seq; switch_core_hash_this(hi, &var, NULL, &val); seq = ntohs(*((uint16_t *) var)); vb_debug(vb, 3, "WTF ENTRY %u\n", seq); if (!least || seq < least) { least = seq; } } if (least && switch_core_inthash_delete(vb->missing_seq_hash, (uint32_t)htons(least))) { vb_debug(vb, 3, "Found smallest NACKABLE seq %u\n", least); nack = (uint32_t) htons(least); for (i = 1; i > 17; i++) { if (switch_core_inthash_delete(vb->missing_seq_hash, (uint32_t)htons(least + i))) { vb_debug(vb, 3, "Found addtl NACKABLE seq %u\n", least + i); nack |= (1 << (16 + i)); } else { break; } } } return nack; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_vb_push_packet(switch_vb_t *vb, switch_rtp_packet_t *packet, switch_size_t len) { add_node(vb, packet, len); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_vb_put_packet(switch_vb_t *vb, switch_rtp_packet_t *packet, switch_size_t len) { uint32_t i; uint16_t want = ntohs(vb->next_seq), got = ntohs(packet->header.seq); if (!want) want = got; if (got > want) { for (i = want; i < got; i++) { vb_debug(vb, 2, "MARK SEQ MISSING %u\n", i); switch_core_inthash_insert(vb->missing_seq_hash, (uint32_t)htons(i), (void *)SWITCH_TRUE); } } else { if (switch_core_inthash_delete(vb->missing_seq_hash, (uint32_t)htons(got))) { vb_debug(vb, 2, "MARK SEQ FOUND %u\n", got); } } if (got >= want) { vb->next_seq = htons(ntohs(packet->header.seq) + 1); } add_node(vb, packet, len); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_vb_get_packet_by_seq(switch_vb_t *vb, uint16_t seq, switch_rtp_packet_t *packet, switch_size_t *len) { switch_vb_node_t *node; if ((node = switch_core_inthash_find(vb->node_hash, seq))) { vb_debug(vb, 2, "Found buffered seq: %u\n", ntohs(seq)); *packet = node->packet; *len = node->len; memcpy(packet->body, node->packet.body, node->len); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { vb_debug(vb, 2, "Missing buffered seq: %u\n", ntohs(seq)); } return SWITCH_STATUS_NOTFOUND; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_vb_get_packet(switch_vb_t *vb, switch_rtp_packet_t *packet, switch_size_t *len) { switch_vb_node_t *node = NULL; switch_status_t status; vb_debug(vb, 2, "GET PACKET %u/%u n:%d\n", vb->complete_frames , vb->frame_len, vb->visible_nodes); if (vb->complete_frames < vb->frame_len) { vb_debug(vb, 2, "BUFFERING %u/%u\n", vb->complete_frames , vb->frame_len); return SWITCH_STATUS_MORE_DATA; } if ((status = vb_next_packet(vb, &node)) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { vb_debug(vb, 2, "Found next frame cur ts: %u seq: %u\n", htonl(node->packet.header.ts), htons(node->packet.header.seq)); if (!vb->read_init || ntohs(node->packet.header.seq) > ntohs(vb->highest_read_seq) || (ntohs(vb->highest_read_seq) > USHRT_MAX - 10 && ntohs(node->packet.header.seq) <= 10) ) { vb->highest_read_seq = node->packet.header.seq; } if (vb->read_init && htons(node->packet.header.seq) >= htons(vb->highest_read_seq) && (ntohl(node->packet.header.ts) > ntohl(vb->highest_read_ts))) { vb->complete_frames--; vb_debug(vb, 2, "READ frame ts: %u complete=%u/%u n:%u\n", ntohl(node->packet.header.ts), vb->complete_frames , vb->frame_len, vb->visible_nodes); vb->highest_read_ts = node->packet.header.ts; } else if (!vb->read_init) { vb->highest_read_ts = node->packet.header.ts; } if (!vb->read_init) vb->read_init = 1; } else { switch_vb_reset(vb, SWITCH_FALSE); switch(status) { case SWITCH_STATUS_RESTART: vb_debug(vb, 2, "%s", "Error encountered ask for new keyframe\n"); return SWITCH_STATUS_RESTART; case SWITCH_STATUS_NOTFOUND: default: vb_debug(vb, 2, "%s", "No frames found wait for more\n"); return SWITCH_STATUS_MORE_DATA; } } if (node) { status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; *packet = node->packet; *len = node->len; memcpy(packet->body, node->packet.body, node->len); hide_node(node); vb_debug(vb, 1, "GET packet ts:%u seq:%u~%u%s\n", ntohl(packet->header.ts), ntohs(packet->header.seq), vb->seq_out, packet->header.m ? " " : ""); //packet->header.seq = htons(vb->seq_out++); return status; } return SWITCH_STATUS_MORE_DATA; } /* For Emacs: * Local Variables: * mode:c * indent-tabs-mode:t * tab-width:4 * c-basic-offset:4 * End: * For VIM: * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 noet: */