#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# A handy little program to get the documentation of the available
# methods from an XML-RPC service (via XML-RPC Introspection) and
# print it out nicely formatted.
# (I wrote this in Perl because of all the spiffy report-generation
# features.)
# You'll need to get Ken MacLeod's Frontier::RPC2 module from CPAN to use
# this.
# Eric Kidd <eric.kidd@pobox.com>
# This script is part of xmlrpc-c, and may be used and distributed under
# the same terms as the rest of the package.

use strict;

# One global variable for use with Perl's format routines, and one for
# use inside an 'exec' block.
use vars qw/$helptext $method_list/;

# Try to load our Perl XML-RPC bindings, but fail gracefully.
eval {
    require Frontier::Client;
if ($@) {
    print STDERR <<"EOD";
This script requires Ken MacLeod\'s Frontier::RPC2 module. You can get this
from CPAN or from his website at http://bitsko.slc.ut.us/~ken/xml-rpc/ .

For installation instructions, see the XML-RPC HOWTO at:

    exit 1;

# Parse our command-line arguments.
if (@ARGV != 1 || $ARGV[0] eq "--help") {
    print STDERR "Usage: xml-rpc-api2txt serverURL\n";
    exit 1;

my $server = Frontier::Client->new(url => $ARGV[0]);

# Try (very carefully) to get our a list of methods from the server.
local $method_list;
eval {
    $method_list = $server->call('system.listMethods');
if ($@) {
    print STDERR <<"EOD";
An error occurred while trying to talk to the XML-RPC server:


This may have been caused by several things--the server might not support
introspection, it might not be an XML-RPC server, or your network might be
down. Try the following:

  xml-rpc-api2txt http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/api/sample.php

    exit 1;

# Enter the methods into a hashtable.
my @methods = sort @$method_list;
my %method_table;
foreach my $method (@methods) {
    $method_table{$method} = {};

# Get more information for the hash table. Since we need to make lots and
# lots of very small XML-RPC calls, we'd like to use system.multicall to
# reduce the latency.
if (defined $method_table{'system.multicall'}) {

    # This is messy but fast. Everybody hates HTTP round-trip lag, right?
    my @call;
    foreach my $method (@methods) {
	push @call, {methodName => 'system.methodSignature',
		     params => [$method]};
	push @call, {methodName => 'system.methodHelp',
		     params => [$method]};
    my @result = @{$server->call('system.multicall', \@call)};
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @methods; $i++) {
	my $method = $methods[$i];
	$method_table{$method}->{'signatures'} = $result[2*$i]->[0];
	$method_table{$method}->{'help'} = $result[2*$i+1]->[0];
} else {

    # This is easy but slow (especially over backbone links).
    foreach my $method (@methods) {
	my $signature = $server->call('system.methodSignature', $method);
	my $help = $server->call('system.methodHelp', $method);
	$method_table{$method}->{'signatures'} = $signature;
	$method_table{$method}->{'help'} = $help;

# Now, we need to dump the API.
print <<"EOD";

See http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/XML-RPC-HOWTO/index.html for instructions
on using XML-RPC with Perl, Python, Java, C, C++, PHP, etc.
foreach my $method (@methods) {
    print "\n";

    # Print a synopsis of the function.
    if ($method_table{$method}->{'signatures'} eq 'undef') {
	# No documentation. Bad server. No biscuit.
	print "unknown $method (...)\n";
    } else {
	for my $signature (@{$method_table{$method}->{'signatures'}}) {
	    my $return_type = shift @$signature;
	    my $arguments = join(", ", @$signature);
	    print "$return_type $method ($arguments)\n";
    print "\n";

    my $help = $method_table{$method}->{'help'};
    if ($help =~ /\n/) {
	# Text has already been broken into lines by the server, so just
	# indent it by two spaces and hope for the best.
	my @lines = split(/\n/, $help);
	my $help = "  " . join("\n  ", @lines);
	print "$help\n";
    } else {
	# Print our help text in a nicely-wrapped fashion using Perl's
	# formatting routines.
	$helptext = $method_table{$method}->{'help'};

format STDOUT =