#!/usr/bin/perl # tplxml # by Troy Hanson 27 Feb 2006 # convert between tpl and XML # Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Troy Hanson http://tpl.sourceforge.net # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS # IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER # OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. use strict; use warnings; use XML::Parser; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin"; #locate Tpl.pm in same directory as tplxml use Tpl; use bytes; sub quote_chars { my $str = shift; $$str =~ s/&/&/g; #order matters $$str =~ s/</</g; $$str =~ s/>/>/g; } sub unquote_chars { my $str = shift; $$str =~ s/</</g; $$str =~ s/>/>/g; $$str =~ s/&/&/g; } sub hex_chars { my $str = shift; my $hex; for(my $i=0; $i < length $$str; $i++) { my $byte = unpack("C",substr($$str,$i,1)); $hex .= sprintf("%02x", $byte); } $$str = $hex; } sub unhex_chars { my $str = shift; my $bytes; for(my $i=0; $i < length $$str; $i+=2) { my $hexbyte = substr($$str,$i,2); $bytes .= pack("C", hex($hexbyte)); } $$str= $bytes; } sub tpl2xml { my $src = shift; my (@out,@args); # build list of references to hold output of unpacking my ($fmt,@fxlens) = peek_fmt($src); for(my ($i,$j,$k)=(0,0,0);$i<length($fmt);$i++) { push @args, [] if substr($fmt,$i,2) =~ /^[iucfIU]\#$/; # octothorpic push @args, \$out[$j++] if substr($fmt,$i,2) =~ /^[iuBscfIU][^\#]*$/; push @args, $fxlens[$k++] if substr($fmt,$i,1) eq "#"; } my $tpl = Tpl->tpl_map($fmt,@args); $tpl->tpl_load($src); $tpl->tpl_unpack(0); # construct xml preamble my $pre = qq{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE tplxml [ <!ELEMENT tplxml (A|i|u|I|U|B|s|c|f|fx)*> <!ATTLIST tplxml format CDATA #REQUIRED fxlens CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT i (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT u (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT I (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT U (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT B (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT s (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT c (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT f (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT A (el)*> <!ELEMENT el (A|i|u|I|U|B|s|c|f|fx)+> <!ELEMENT fx (i|u|I|U|c|f)*> ]>\n}; print $pre; my $fxattr = join ",", @fxlens; print qq{<tplxml format="$fmt" fxlens="$fxattr">\n}; tpl2xml_node($tpl,"A0",1); print qq{</tplxml>\n}; } sub tpl2xml_node { my $tpl = shift; my $node = shift; my $indent = shift; my $i = " " x $indent; for my $c (@{ $tpl->{$node} }) { if (ref($c)) { my ($type,$addr,$fxlen) = @$c; quote_chars $addr if $type eq 's'; hex_chars $addr if $type eq 'B'; if (not defined $fxlen) { print qq{$i<$type>$$addr</$type>\n}; # singleton } else { # all elements of octothorpic fixed-len array print qq{$i<fx>\n}; print qq{$i <$type>$addr->[$_]</$type>\n} for (0..$fxlen-1); print qq{$i</fx>\n}; } } else { # A node print qq{$i<A>\n}; my $idx = $1 if $c =~ /^A(\d+)$/; while($tpl->tpl_unpack($idx) > 0) { print qq{$i<el>\n}; tpl2xml_node($tpl,$c,$indent+1); print qq{$i</el>\n}; } print qq{$i</A>\n}; } } } sub xml2tpl { my $src = shift; my $p = new XML::Parser( Style => 'Tree' ); my $tree = $p->parse($$src); die "not a tpl xml document" unless $tree->[0] eq 'tplxml'; die "no format attribute" unless defined $tree->[1][0]->{format}; my $fmt = $tree->[1][0]->{format}; die "no fxlens attribute" unless defined $tree->[1][0]->{fxlens}; my @fxlens = split /,/, $tree->[1][0]->{fxlens}; # build list of references to variables for use in packing my (@args,@out); for(my ($i,$j,$k)=(0,0,0);$i<length($fmt);$i++) { push @args, [] if substr($fmt,$i,2) =~ /^[iucfIU]\#$/; # octothorpic push @args, \$out[$j++] if substr($fmt,$i,2) =~ /^[iuBscfIU][^\#]*$/; push @args, $fxlens[$k++] if substr($fmt,$i,1) eq "#"; } my $tpl = Tpl->tpl_map($fmt,@args); xml2tpl_dfs($tpl,$tree->[1]); $tpl->tpl_pack(0); print $tpl->tpl_dump; } sub xml2tpl_dfs { my $tpl = shift; my $xml = shift; my @next = @$xml; # ($attr,@tagvals) = $$xml; shift @next; # discard <tplxml> attributes my @tpltoks = @{ $tpl->{"A0"} }; #expected tokens when parsing TAG: while (@next) { my $xmltag = shift @next; my $xmlval = shift @next; # skip whitespace/newlines embedded between tags next TAG if ($xmltag eq "0" and $xmlval =~ /^\s+$/); # pack if necessary. consume tokens by look-ahead until non-pack token. while (@tpltoks > 0 and $tpltoks[0] =~ /^P(\d+)$/) { shift @tpltoks; $tpl->tpl_pack($1); } # If tpl format specifies a non-array type should appear at this point # in the XML tree, then validate the type matches the format and assign # the value from the XML to the variable from which it'll be packed my $tpltoken = shift @tpltoks; my $octothorpic=0; if (ref $tpltoken) { my ($tpltype,$tpladdr,$fxlen) = @$tpltoken; # This block is how we handle octothorpic (fixed length) arrays. # If $fxlen is defined then an octothorpic <fx> node is expected. # After finding the <fx> node we put its subnodes (the array elements) # onto the @next array for immediate parsing and we use $fxlen:$remaining # as a signet version of the $fxlen to induce the element-processing loop. if (defined $fxlen) { if ($fxlen =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)$/) { # $1==orig $fxlen, $2==remain $fxlen $octothorpic=1; unshift @tpltoks, [$tpltype, $tpladdr, $1.":".($2-1)] if $2 > 1; } else { # octothorpic array expected; look for <fx> parent node die "expected '<fx>' but got '<$xmltag>'" unless $xmltag eq 'fx'; @{ $tpladdr } = (); # Empty accumulator array for octothorpic values unshift @tpltoks, [$tpltype, $tpladdr, "$fxlen:$fxlen"]; # x:x signet shift @$xmlval; # discard 'A' attributes unshift @next, @$xmlval; #parse xml subtree now (dfs) next TAG; # proceed to children of <fx> node } } if ($tpltype ne $xmltag) { die "mismatch: xml has '$xmltag' where format specifies '$tpltype'"; } # expect @$xmlval to be ({},0,'value') i.e. a single, terminal text node if (@$xmlval > 3 || $xmlval->[1] ne '0') { die "error: xml tag '$xmltag' cannot enclose sub-tags"; } if ($octothorpic) { push @{ $tpladdr }, $xmlval->[2]; } else { $$tpladdr = $xmlval->[2]; } unquote_chars $tpladdr if $tpltype eq 's'; unhex_chars $tpladdr if $tpltype eq 'B'; } elsif ($tpltoken =~ /^A(\d+)$/) { # tpl format specifies an array should appear at this point in the XML if ($xmltag ne 'A') { die "mismatch: xml has '$xmltag' where format specifies 'A'"; } shift @$xmlval; # discard 'A' attributes # form token that means "replace me with tokens from A(n), x times" # (where x is the number of elements contained by this array). my $array_count=0; for(my $i=0; $i < @$xmlval; $i+=2) { $array_count++ if $xmlval->[$i] eq 'el'; } unshift @tpltoks, "N$1:$array_count" if $array_count > 0; unshift @next, @$xmlval; #parse xml subtree now (dfs) } elsif ($tpltoken =~ /^N(\d+):(\d+)$/) { if ($xmltag ne "el") { die "mismatch: xml has '$xmltag' where array 'el' is expected"; } # prepend A$1's tokens (and decremented N:count) to expected tokens my ($n,$elsleft) = ($1, ($2 - 1)); unshift @tpltoks, "N$n:$elsleft" if $elsleft > 0; unshift @tpltoks, "P$n"; # "pack me now" token unshift @tpltoks, @{ $tpl->{"A$1"} }; shift @$xmlval; # discard 'el' attributes unshift @next, @$xmlval; # proceed to parse el subtree (dfs) } else { die "internal error, unexpected token $tpltoken"; } } # pack if necessary. consume tokens by look-ahead until non-pack token. while (@tpltoks > 0 and $tpltoks[0] =~ /^P(\d+)$/) { shift @tpltoks; $tpl->tpl_pack($1); } if (@tpltoks > 0) { die "error: end of xml document reached but format requires more data"; } } sub peek_fmt { my $buf = shift; die "invalid tpl file" unless ($$buf =~ /^tpl/); my $flags = CORE::unpack("C", substr($$buf,3,1)); my $UF = ($flags & 1) ? "N" : "V"; # big or little endian fxlens my $fmt = (CORE::unpack("Z*", substr($$buf,8))); my $num_octothorpes = scalar (my @o = ($fmt =~ /#/g)); my @fxlens; my $fx = 8 + length($fmt) + 1; for(my $i=0; $i < $num_octothorpes; $i++) { my $fxlen_bytes = substr($$buf,$fx,4); my $fxlen = unpack($UF, $fxlen_bytes); push @fxlens, $fxlen; $fx += 4; } return ($fmt,@fxlens); } ########################################################################## # Slurp input file, auto-detect if conversion is to tpl or XML, and run. ########################################################################## undef $/; my $src = <>; our $to = (substr($src,0,3) eq "tpl") ? "xml" : "tpl"; xml2tpl(\$src) if $to eq "tpl"; tpl2xml(\$src) if $to eq "xml";