/* * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package * * Copyright (C) 2006 Nokia Corporation. * * Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ /**@CFILE tport_threadpool.c Multithreading transport * * See tport.docs for more detailed description of tport interface. * * @author Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com> * @author Martti Mela <Martti.Mela@nokia.com> * * @date Created: Fri Mar 24 08:45:49 EET 2006 ppessi */ #include "config.h" #undef HAVE_SIGCOMP #define SU_ROOT_MAGIC_T struct tport_threadpool #define SU_WAKEUP_ARG_T struct tport_s #define SU_MSG_ARG_T union tport_su_msg_arg #include "tport_internal.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <assert.h> #include <errno.h> #include <limits.h> #if HAVE_FUNC #elif HAVE_FUNCTION #define __func__ __FUNCTION__ #else static char const __func__[] = "tport_threadpool"; #endif /* ==== Thread pools =================================================== */ typedef struct threadpool threadpool_t; typedef struct { tport_primary_t tptp_primary; threadpool_t *tptp_pool; /**< Worker threads */ unsigned tptp_poolsize; } tport_threadpool_t; struct threadpool { /* Shared */ su_clone_r thrp_clone; tport_threadpool_t *thrp_tport; int thrp_killing; /* Threadpool is being killed */ /* Private variables */ su_root_t *thrp_root; int thrp_reg; struct sigcomp_compartment *thrp_compartment; su_msg_r thrp_rmsg; /* Slave thread counters */ int thrp_r_sent; int thrp_s_recv; unsigned thrp_rcvd_msgs; unsigned thrp_rcvd_bytes; /* Master thread counters */ int thrp_s_sent; int thrp_r_recv; int thrp_yield; }; typedef struct { threadpool_t *tpd_thrp; int tpd_errorcode; msg_t *tpd_msg; su_time_t tpd_when; unsigned tpd_mtu; #if HAVE_SIGCOMP struct sigcomp_compartment *tpd_cc; #endif struct sigcomp_udvm *tpd_udvm; socklen_t tpd_namelen; su_sockaddr_t tpd_name[1]; } thrp_udp_deliver_t; union tport_su_msg_arg { threadpool_t *thrp; thrp_udp_deliver_t thrp_udp_deliver[1]; }; int tport_threadpool_init_primary(tport_primary_t *, tp_name_t tpn[1], su_addrinfo_t *, tagi_t const *, char const **return_culprit); static void tport_threadpool_deinit_primary(tport_primary_t *pri); static int tport_thread_send(tport_t *tp, msg_t *msg, tp_name_t const *tpn, struct sigcomp_compartment *cc, unsigned mtu); tport_vtable_t const tport_threadpool_vtable = { /* vtp_name */ "udp", /* vtp_public */ tport_type_local, /* vtp_pri_size */ sizeof (tport_threadpool_t), /* vtp_init_primary */ tport_threadpool_init_primary, /* vtp_deinit_primary */ tport_threadpool_deinit_primary, /* vtp_wakeup_pri */ NULL, /* vtp_connect */ NULL, /* vtp_secondary_size */ 0, /* No secondary transports! */ /* vtp_init_secondary */ NULL, /* vtp_deinit_secondary */ NULL, /* vtp_shutdown */ NULL, /* vtp_set_events */ NULL, /* vtp_wakeup */ NULL, /* vtp_recv */ tport_recv_dgram, /* vtp_send */ tport_send_dgram, /* vtp_deliver */ NULL, /* vtp_prepare */ tport_thread_send, /* vtp_keepalive */ NULL, /* vtp_stun_response */ NULL, /* vtp_next_secondary_timer*/ NULL, /* vtp_secondary_timer */ NULL, }; static int thrp_udp_init(su_root_t *, threadpool_t *); static void thrp_udp_deinit(su_root_t *, threadpool_t *); static int thrp_udp_event(threadpool_t *thrp, su_wait_t *w, tport_t *_tp); static int thrp_udp_recv_deliver(threadpool_t *thrp, tport_t const *tp, thrp_udp_deliver_t *tpd, int events); static int thrp_udp_recv(threadpool_t *thrp, thrp_udp_deliver_t *tpd); #if HAVE_SIGCOMP static int thrp_udvm_decompress(threadpool_t *thrp, thrp_udp_deliver_t *tpd); #endif static void thrp_udp_deliver(threadpool_t *thrp, su_msg_r msg, union tport_su_msg_arg *arg); static void thrp_udp_deliver_report(threadpool_t *thrp, su_msg_r m, union tport_su_msg_arg *arg); static void thrp_udp_send(threadpool_t *thrp, su_msg_r msg, union tport_su_msg_arg *arg); static void thrp_udp_send_report(threadpool_t *thrp, su_msg_r msg, union tport_su_msg_arg *arg); /** Launch threads in the tport pool. */ int tport_threadpool_init_primary(tport_primary_t *pri, tp_name_t tpn[1], su_addrinfo_t *ai, tagi_t const *tags, char const **return_culprit) { tport_threadpool_t *tptp = (tport_threadpool_t *)pri; tport_t *tp = pri->pri_primary; threadpool_t *thrp; int i, N = tp->tp_params->tpp_thrpsize; assert(ai->ai_socktype == SOCK_DGRAM); if (tport_udp_init_primary(pri, tpn, ai, tags, return_culprit) < 0) return -1; if (N == 0) return 0; thrp = su_zalloc(tp->tp_home, (sizeof *thrp) * N); if (!thrp) return -1; su_setblocking(tp->tp_socket, 0); tptp->tptp_pool = thrp; tptp->tptp_poolsize = N; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { #if HAVE_SIGCOMP if (tport_has_sigcomp(tp)) thrp[i].thrp_compartment = tport_primary_compartment(tp->tp_master); #endif thrp[i].thrp_tport = tptp; if (su_clone_start(pri->pri_master->mr_root, thrp[i].thrp_clone, thrp + i, thrp_udp_init, thrp_udp_deinit) < 0) goto error; } tp->tp_events = 0; return 0; error: assert(!"tport_launch_threadpool"); return -1; } /** Kill threads in the tport pool. * * @note Executed by stack thread only. */ static void tport_threadpool_deinit_primary(tport_primary_t *pri) { tport_threadpool_t *tptp = (tport_threadpool_t *)pri; threadpool_t *thrp = tptp->tptp_pool; int i, N = pri->tptp_poolsize; if (!thrp) return; /* Prevent application from using these. */ for (i = 0; i < N; i++) thrp[i].thrp_killing = 1; /* Stop every task in the threadpool. */ for (i = 0; i < N; i++) su_clone_wait(pri->pri_master->mr_root, thrp[i].thrp_clone); su_free(pri->pri_home, tptp), tptp->tptp_pool = NULL; tptp->tptp_poolsize = 0; SU_DEBUG_3(("%s(%p): zapped threadpool\n", __func__, pri)); } static int thrp_udp_init(su_root_t *root, threadpool_t *thrp) { tport_t *tp = thrp->thrp_tport->tptp_primary->pri_primary; su_wait_t wait[1]; assert(tp); thrp->thrp_root = root; if (su_wait_create(wait, tp->tp_socket, SU_WAIT_IN | SU_WAIT_ERR) < 0) return -1; thrp->thrp_reg = su_root_register(root, wait, thrp_udp_event, tp, 0); if (thrp->thrp_reg == -1) return -1; return 0; } static void thrp_udp_deinit(su_root_t *root, threadpool_t *thrp) { if (thrp->thrp_reg) su_root_deregister(root, thrp->thrp_reg), thrp->thrp_reg = 0; su_msg_destroy(thrp->thrp_rmsg); } su_inline void thrp_yield(threadpool_t *thrp) { tport_t *tp = thrp->thrp_tport->tptp_primary->pri_primary; su_root_eventmask(thrp->thrp_root, thrp->thrp_reg, tp->tp_socket, 0); thrp->thrp_yield = 1; } su_inline void thrp_gain(threadpool_t *thrp) { tport_t *tp = thrp->thrp_tport->tptp_primary->pri_primary; int events = SU_WAIT_IN | SU_WAIT_ERR; su_root_eventmask(thrp->thrp_root, thrp->thrp_reg, tp->tp_socket, events); thrp->thrp_yield = 0; } static int thrp_udp_event(threadpool_t *thrp, su_wait_t *w, tport_t *tp) { #if HAVE_POLL assert(w->fd == tp->tp_socket); #endif for (;;) { thrp_udp_deliver_t *tpd; int events; if (!*thrp->thrp_rmsg) { if (su_msg_create(thrp->thrp_rmsg, su_root_parent(thrp->thrp_root), su_root_task(thrp->thrp_root), thrp_udp_deliver, sizeof (*tpd)) == -1) { SU_DEBUG_1(("thrp_udp_event(%p): su_msg_create(): %s\n", thrp, strerror(errno))); return 0; } } tpd = su_msg_data(thrp->thrp_rmsg)->thrp_udp_deliver; assert(tpd); tpd->tpd_thrp = thrp; events = su_wait_events(w, tp->tp_socket); if (!events) return 0; thrp_udp_recv_deliver(thrp, tp, tpd, events); if (*thrp->thrp_rmsg) { SU_DEBUG_7(("thrp_udp_event(%p): no msg sent\n", thrp)); tpd = su_msg_data(thrp->thrp_rmsg)->thrp_udp_deliver; memset(tpd, 0, sizeof *tpd); return 0; } if (thrp->thrp_yield || (thrp->thrp_s_sent - thrp->thrp_s_recv) > 0) return 0; su_wait(w, 1, 0); } } static int thrp_udp_recv_deliver(threadpool_t *thrp, tport_t const *tp, thrp_udp_deliver_t *tpd, int events) { unsigned qlen = thrp->thrp_r_sent - thrp->thrp_r_recv; SU_DEBUG_7(("thrp_udp_event(%p): events%s%s%s%s for %p\n", thrp, events & SU_WAIT_IN ? " IN" : "", events & SU_WAIT_HUP ? " HUP" : "", events & SU_WAIT_OUT ? " OUT" : "", events & SU_WAIT_ERR ? " ERR" : "", tpd)); if (events & SU_WAIT_ERR) { tpd->tpd_errorcode = tport_udp_error(tp, tpd->tpd_name); if (tpd->tpd_errorcode) { if (thrp->thrp_yield) su_msg_report(thrp->thrp_rmsg, thrp_udp_deliver_report); tpd->tpd_when = su_now(); su_msg_send(thrp->thrp_rmsg); thrp->thrp_r_sent++; return 0; } } if (events & SU_WAIT_IN) { if (thrp_udp_recv(thrp, tpd) < 0) { tpd->tpd_errorcode = su_errno(); assert(tpd->tpd_errorcode); if (su_is_blocking(tpd->tpd_errorcode)) return 0; } else if (tpd->tpd_msg) { int n = msg_extract(tpd->tpd_msg); (void)n; thrp->thrp_rcvd_msgs++; thrp->thrp_rcvd_bytes += msg_size(tpd->tpd_msg); } #if HAVE_SIGCOMP if (tpd->tpd_udvm && !tpd->tpd_msg) sigcomp_udvm_free(tpd->tpd_udvm), tpd->tpd_udvm = NULL; #endif assert(!tpd->tpd_msg || !tpd->tpd_errorcode); if (tpd->tpd_msg || tpd->tpd_errorcode) { if (qlen >= tp->tp_params->tpp_thrprqsize) { SU_DEBUG_7(("tport recv queue %i: %u\n", (int)(thrp - tp->tp_pri->tptp_pool), qlen)); thrp_yield(thrp); } if (qlen >= tp->tp_params->tpp_thrprqsize / 2) su_msg_report(thrp->thrp_rmsg, thrp_udp_deliver_report); tpd->tpd_when = su_now(); su_msg_send(thrp->thrp_rmsg); thrp->thrp_r_sent++; return 0; } } return 0; } #include <pthread.h> /** Mutex for reading from socket */ static pthread_mutex_t mutex[1] = { PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER }; /** Receive a UDP packet by threadpool. */ static int thrp_udp_recv(threadpool_t *thrp, thrp_udp_deliver_t *tpd) { tport_t const *tp = thrp->thrp_tport->pri_primary; unsigned char sample[2]; int N; int s = tp->tp_socket; pthread_mutex_lock(mutex); /* Simulate packet loss */ if (tp->tp_params->tpp_drop && su_randint(0, 1000) < tp->tp_params->tpp_drop) { recv(s, sample, 1, 0); pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex); SU_DEBUG_3(("tport(%p): simulated packet loss!\n", tp)); return 0; } /* Peek for first two bytes in message: determine if this is stun, sigcomp or sip */ N = recv(s, sample, sizeof sample, MSG_PEEK | MSG_TRUNC); if (N < 0) { if (su_is_blocking(su_errno())) N = 0; } else if (N <= 1) { SU_DEBUG_1(("%s(%p): runt of %u bytes\n", "thrp_udp_recv", thrp, N)); recv(s, sample, sizeof sample, 0); N = 0; } #if !HAVE_MSG_TRUNC else if ((N = su_getmsgsize(tp->tp_socket)) < 0) ; #endif else if ((sample[0] & 0xf8) == 0xf8) { #if HAVE_SIGCOMP if (thrp->thrp_compartment) { struct sigcomp_buffer *input; void *data; int dlen; tpd->tpd_udvm = sigcomp_udvm_create_for_compartment(thrp->thrp_compartment); input = sigcomp_udvm_input_buffer(tpd->tpd_udvm, N); assert(input); data = input->b_data + input->b_avail; dlen = input->b_size - input->b_avail; if (dlen < N) dlen = 0; tpd->tpd_namelen = sizeof(tpd->tpd_name); dlen = recvfrom(tp->tp_socket, data, dlen, 0, &tpd->tpd_name->su_sa, &tpd->tpd_namelen); SU_CANONIZE_SOCKADDR(tpd->tpd_name); if (dlen < N) { su_seterrno(EMSGSIZE); /* Protocol error */ N = -1; } else if (dlen == -1) N = -1; else { input->b_avail += dlen; input->b_complete = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex); N = thrp_udvm_decompress(thrp, tpd); if (N == -1) /* Do not report decompression errors as ICMP errors */ memset(tpd->tpd_name, 0, tpd->tpd_namelen); return N; } pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex); return N; } #endif recv(s, sample, 1, 0); pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex); /* XXX - send NACK ? */ su_seterrno(EBADMSG); N = -1; } else { /* receive as usual */ N = tport_recv_dgram_r(tp, &tpd->tpd_msg, N); } pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex); return N; } #if HAVE_SIGCOMP static int thrp_udvm_decompress(threadpool_t *thrp, thrp_udp_deliver_t *tpd) { struct sigcomp_udvm *udvm = tpd->tpd_udvm; struct sigcomp_buffer *output; msg_iovec_t iovec[msg_n_fragments] = {{ 0 }}; su_addrinfo_t *ai; tport_t *tp = thrp->thrp_tport->pri_primary; size_t n, m, i, dlen; int eos; void *data; ssize_t veclen; output = sigcomp_udvm_output_buffer(udvm, -1); if (sigcomp_udvm_decompress(udvm, output, NULL) < 0) { int error = sigcomp_udvm_errno(udvm); SU_DEBUG_3(("%s: UDVM error %d: %s\n", __func__, error, sigcomp_udvm_strerror(udvm))); su_seterrno(EREMOTEIO); return -1; } data = output->b_data + output->b_used; dlen = output->b_avail - output->b_used; /* XXX - if a message is larger than default output size... */ eos = output->b_complete; assert(output->b_complete); veclen = tport_recv_iovec(tp, &tpd->tpd_msg, iovec, dlen, eos); if (veclen <= 0) { n = -1; } else { for (i = 0, n = 0; i < veclen; i++) { m = iovec[i].mv_len; assert(dlen >= n + m); memcpy(iovec[i].mv_base, data + n, m); n += m; } assert(dlen == n); msg_recv_commit(tpd->tpd_msg, dlen, eos); /* Mark buffer as used */ /* Message address */ ai = msg_addrinfo(tpd->tpd_msg); ai->ai_flags |= TP_AI_COMPRESSED; ai->ai_family = tpd->tpd_name->su_sa.sa_family; ai->ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; ai->ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP; memcpy(ai->ai_addr, tpd->tpd_name, ai->ai_addrlen = tpd->tpd_namelen); SU_DEBUG_9(("%s(%p): sigcomp msg sz = %d\n", __func__, tp, n)); } return n; } #endif /** Deliver message from threadpool to the stack * * @note Executed by stack thread only. */ static void thrp_udp_deliver(su_root_magic_t *magic, su_msg_r m, union tport_su_msg_arg *arg) { thrp_udp_deliver_t *tpd = arg->thrp_udp_deliver; threadpool_t *thrp = tpd->tpd_thrp; tport_t *tp = thrp->thrp_tport->pri_primary; su_time_t now = su_now(); assert(magic != thrp); thrp->thrp_r_recv++; if (thrp->thrp_killing) { #if HAVE_SIGCOMP sigcomp_udvm_free(tpd->tpd_udvm), tpd->tpd_udvm = NULL; #endif msg_destroy(tpd->tpd_msg); return; } SU_DEBUG_7(("thrp_udp_deliver(%p): got %p delay %f\n", thrp, tpd, 1000 * su_time_diff(now, tpd->tpd_when))); if (tpd->tpd_errorcode) tport_error_report(tp, tpd->tpd_errorcode, tpd->tpd_name); else if (tpd->tpd_msg) { tport_deliver(tp, tpd->tpd_msg, NULL, &tpd->tpd_udvm, tpd->tpd_when); tp->tp_rlogged = NULL; } #if HAVE_SIGCOMP if (tpd->tpd_udvm) { sigcomp_udvm_free(tpd->tpd_udvm), tpd->tpd_udvm = NULL; } #endif } static void thrp_udp_deliver_report(threadpool_t *thrp, su_msg_r m, union tport_su_msg_arg *arg) { if (thrp->thrp_yield) { int qlen = thrp->thrp_r_sent - thrp->thrp_r_recv; int qsize = thrp->thrp_tport->pri_params->tpp_thrprqsize; if (qlen == 0 || qlen < qsize / 2) thrp_gain(thrp); } } /** Send a message to network using threadpool. * * @note Executed by stack thread only. */ static int tport_thread_send(tport_t *tp, msg_t *msg, tp_name_t const *tpn, struct sigcomp_compartment *cc, unsigned mtu) { threadpool_t *thrp = tp->tp_pri->tptp_pool; thrp_udp_deliver_t *tpd; int i, N = tp->tp_pri->tptp_poolsize; su_msg_r m; unsigned totalqlen = 0; unsigned qlen; if (!tp->tp_pri->tptp_pool) return tport_prepare_and_send(tp, msg, tpn, cc, mtu); SU_DEBUG_9(("tport_thread_send()\n")); if (thrp->thrp_killing) return (su_seterrno(ECHILD)), -1; qlen = totalqlen = thrp->thrp_s_sent - thrp->thrp_s_recv; /* Select thread with shortest queue */ for (i = 1; i < N; i++) { threadpool_t *other = tp->tp_pri->tptp_pool + i; unsigned len = other->thrp_s_sent - other->thrp_s_recv; if (len < qlen || (len == qlen && (other->thrp_s_sent - thrp->thrp_s_sent) < 0)) thrp = other, qlen = len; totalqlen += len; } if (totalqlen >= N * tp->tp_params->tpp_qsize) SU_DEBUG_3(("tport send queue: %u (shortest %u)\n", totalqlen, qlen)); if (su_msg_create(m, su_clone_task(thrp->thrp_clone), su_root_task(tp->tp_master->mr_root), thrp_udp_send, sizeof (*tpd)) != su_success) { SU_DEBUG_1(("thrp_udp_event(%p): su_msg_create(): %s\n", thrp, strerror(errno))); return -1; } tpd = su_msg_data(m)->thrp_udp_deliver; tpd->tpd_thrp = thrp; tpd->tpd_when = su_now(); tpd->tpd_mtu = mtu; tpd->tpd_msg = msg_ref_create(msg); #if HAVE_SIGCOMP tpd->tpd_cc = cc; #endif su_msg_report(m, thrp_udp_send_report); if (su_msg_send(m) == su_success) { thrp->thrp_s_sent++; return 0; } msg_ref_destroy(msg); return -1; } /** thrp_udp_send() is run by threadpool to send the message. */ static void thrp_udp_send(threadpool_t *thrp, su_msg_r m, union tport_su_msg_arg *arg) { thrp_udp_deliver_t *tpd = arg->thrp_udp_deliver; tport_t *tp = thrp->thrp_tport->pri_primary; msg_t *msg = tpd->tpd_msg; msg_iovec_t *iov, auto_iov[40], *iov0 = NULL; int iovlen, iovused, n; assert(thrp == tpd->tpd_thrp); thrp->thrp_s_recv++; { double delay = 1000 * su_time_diff(su_now(), tpd->tpd_when); if (delay > 100) SU_DEBUG_3(("thrp_udp_deliver(%p): got %p delay %f\n", thrp, tpd, delay)); else SU_DEBUG_7(("thrp_udp_deliver(%p): got %p delay %f\n", thrp, tpd, delay)); } if (!msg) { tpd->tpd_errorcode = EINVAL; return; } /* Prepare message for sending - i.e., encode it */ if (msg_prepare(msg) < 0) { tpd->tpd_errorcode = errno; return; } if (tpd->tpd_mtu != 0 && msg_size(msg) > tpd->tpd_mtu) { tpd->tpd_errorcode = EMSGSIZE; return; } /* Use initially the I/O vector from stack */ iov = auto_iov, iovlen = sizeof(auto_iov)/sizeof(auto_iov[0]); /* Get a iovec for message contents */ for (;;) { iovused = msg_iovec(msg, iov, iovlen); if (iovused <= iovlen) break; iov = iov0 = realloc(iov0, sizeof(*iov) * iovused); iovlen = iovused; if (iov0 == NULL) { tpd->tpd_errorcode = errno; return; } } assert(iovused > 0); tpd->tpd_when = su_now(); if (0) ; #if HAVE_SIGCOMP else if (tpd->tpd_cc) { tport_sigcomp_t sc[1] = {{ NULL }}; n = tport_sigcomp_vsend(tp, msg, iov, iovused, tpd->tpd_cc, sc); } #endif else n = tport_send_dgram(tp, msg, iov, iovused); if (n == -1) tpd->tpd_errorcode = su_errno(); if (iov0) free(iov0); } static void thrp_udp_send_report(su_root_magic_t *magic, su_msg_r msg, union tport_su_msg_arg *arg) { thrp_udp_deliver_t *tpd = arg->thrp_udp_deliver; threadpool_t *thrp = tpd->tpd_thrp; tport_t *tp = thrp->thrp_tport->pri_primary; assert(magic != thrp); SU_DEBUG_7(("thrp_udp_send_report(%p): got %p delay %f\n", thrp, tpd, 1000 * su_time_diff(su_now(), tpd->tpd_when))); if (tp->tp_master->mr_log) tport_log_msg(tp, tpd->tpd_msg, "sent", "to", tpd->tpd_when); if (tpd->tpd_errorcode) tport_error_report(tp, tpd->tpd_errorcode, msg_addr(tpd->tpd_msg)); msg_ref_destroy(tpd->tpd_msg); }