//#define UDPTL_DEBUG
 * SpanDSP - a series of DSP components for telephony
 * udptl.c
 * Written by Steve Underwood <steveu@coppice.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2009 Steve Underwood
 * All rights reserved.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#include "config.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <memory.h>

#include "udptl.h"

#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE (!FALSE)

static int decode_length(const uint8_t *buf, int limit, int *len, int *pvalue)
    if (*len >= limit)
        return -1;
    if ((buf[*len] & 0x80) == 0)
        *pvalue = buf[(*len)++];
        return 0;
    if ((buf[*len] & 0x40) == 0)
        if (*len >= limit - 1)
            return -1;
        *pvalue = (buf[(*len)++] & 0x3F) << 8;
        *pvalue |= buf[(*len)++];
        return 0;
    *pvalue = (buf[(*len)++] & 0x3F) << 14;
    /* Indicate we have a fragment */
    return 1;
/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/

static int decode_open_type(const uint8_t *buf, int limit, int *len, const uint8_t ** p_object, int *p_num_octets)
    int octet_cnt;
    int octet_idx;
    int stat;
    int i;
    const uint8_t **pbuf;

    for (octet_idx = 0, *p_num_octets = 0;; octet_idx += octet_cnt)
        if ((stat = decode_length(buf, limit, len, &octet_cnt)) < 0)
            return -1;
        if (octet_cnt > 0)
            *p_num_octets += octet_cnt;

            pbuf = &p_object[octet_idx];
            i = 0;
            /* Make sure the buffer contains at least the number of bits requested */
            if ((*len + octet_cnt) > limit)
                return -1;

            *pbuf = &buf[*len];
            *len += octet_cnt;
        if (stat == 0)
    return 0;
/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/

static int encode_length(uint8_t *buf, int *len, int value)
    int multiplier;

    if (value < 0x80)
        /* 1 octet */
        buf[(*len)++] = value;
        return value;
    if (value < 0x4000)
        /* 2 octets */
        /* Set the first bit of the first octet */
        buf[(*len)++] = ((0x8000 | value) >> 8) & 0xFF;
        buf[(*len)++] = value & 0xFF;
        return value;
    /* Fragmentation */
    multiplier = (value < 0x10000) ? (value >> 14) : 4;
    /* Set the first 2 bits of the octet */
    buf[(*len)++] = 0xC0 | multiplier;
    return multiplier << 14;
/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/

static int encode_open_type(uint8_t *buf, int *len, const uint8_t *data, int num_octets)
    int enclen;
    int octet_idx;
    uint8_t zero_byte;

    /* If open type is of zero length, add a single zero byte (10.1) */
    if (num_octets == 0)
        zero_byte = 0;
        data = &zero_byte;
        num_octets = 1;
    /* Encode the open type */
    for (octet_idx = 0;; num_octets -= enclen, octet_idx += enclen)
        if ((enclen = encode_length(buf, len, num_octets)) < 0)
            return -1;
        if (enclen > 0)
            memcpy(&buf[*len], &data[octet_idx], enclen);
            *len += enclen;
        if (enclen >= num_octets)

    return 0;
/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/

int udptl_rx_packet(udptl_state_t *s, const uint8_t buf[], int len)
    int stat;
    int stat2;
    int i;
    int j;
    int k;
    int l;
    int m;
    int x;
    int limit;
    int which;
    int ptr;
    int count;
    int total_count;
    int seq_no;
    const uint8_t *msg;
    const uint8_t *data;
    int msg_len;
    int repaired[16];
    const uint8_t *bufs[16];
    int lengths[16];
    int span;
    int entries;

    ptr = 0;
    /* Decode seq_number */
    if (ptr + 2 > len)
        return -1;
    seq_no = (buf[0] << 8) | buf[1];
    ptr += 2;
    /* Break out the primary packet */
    if ((stat = decode_open_type(buf, len, &ptr, &msg, &msg_len)) != 0)
        return -1;
    /* Decode error_recovery */
    if (ptr + 1 > len)
        return -1;
    /* Our buffers cannot tolerate overlength packets */
    if (msg_len > LOCAL_FAX_MAX_DATAGRAM)
        return -1;
    /* Update any missed slots in the buffer */
    for (i = s->rx_seq_no; seq_no > i; i++)
        x = i & UDPTL_BUF_MASK;
        s->rx[x].buf_len = -1;
        s->rx[x].fec_len[0] = 0;
        s->rx[x].fec_span = 0;
        s->rx[x].fec_entries = 0;
    /* Save the new packet. Pure redundancy mode won't use this, but some systems will switch
       into FEC mode after sending some redundant packets. */
    x = seq_no & UDPTL_BUF_MASK;
    memcpy(s->rx[x].buf, msg, msg_len);
    s->rx[x].buf_len = msg_len;
    s->rx[x].fec_len[0] = 0;
    s->rx[x].fec_span = 0;
    s->rx[x].fec_entries = 0;
    if ((buf[ptr++] & 0x80) == 0)
        /* Secondary packet mode for error recovery */
        /* We might have the packet we want, but we need to check through
           the redundant stuff, and verify the integrity of the UDPTL.
           This greatly reduces our chances of accepting garbage. */
        total_count = 0;
            if ((stat2 = decode_length(buf, len, &ptr, &count)) < 0)
                return -1;
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if ((stat = decode_open_type(buf, len, &ptr, &bufs[total_count + i], &lengths[total_count + i])) != 0)
                    return -1;
            total_count += count;
        while (stat2 > 0);
        /* We should now be exactly at the end of the packet. If not, this is a fault. */
        if (ptr != len)
            return -1;
        if (seq_no > s->rx_seq_no)
            /* We received a later packet than we expected, so we need to check if we can fill in the gap from the
               secondary packets. */
            /* Step through in reverse order, so we go oldest to newest */
            for (i = total_count; i > 0; i--)
                if (seq_no - i >= s->rx_seq_no)
                    /* This one wasn't seen before */
                    /* Decode the secondary packet */
#if defined(UDPTL_DEBUG)
                    fprintf(stderr, "Secondary %d, len %d\n", seq_no - i, lengths[i - 1]);
                    /* Save the new packet. Redundancy mode won't use this, but some systems will switch into
                       FEC mode after sending some redundant packets, and this may then be important. */
                    x = (seq_no - i) & UDPTL_BUF_MASK;
                    memcpy(s->rx[x].buf, bufs[i - 1], lengths[i - 1]);
                    s->rx[x].buf_len = lengths[i - 1];
                    s->rx[x].fec_len[0] = 0;
                    s->rx[x].fec_span = 0;
                    s->rx[x].fec_entries = 0;
                    if (s->rx_packet_handler(s->user_data, bufs[i - 1], lengths[i - 1], seq_no - i) < 0)
                        fprintf(stderr, "Bad IFP\n");
        /* FEC mode for error recovery */

        /* Decode the FEC packets */
        /* The span is defined as an unconstrained integer, but will never be more
           than a small value. */
        if (ptr + 2 > len)
            return -1;
        if (buf[ptr++] != 1)
            return -1;
        span = buf[ptr++];

        x = seq_no & UDPTL_BUF_MASK;

        s->rx[x].fec_span = span;

        memset(repaired, 0, sizeof(repaired));
        repaired[x] = TRUE;

        /* The number of entries is defined as a length, but will only ever be a small
           value. Treat it as such. */
        if (ptr + 1 > len)
            return -1;
        entries = buf[ptr++];
        s->rx[x].fec_entries = entries;

        /* Decode the elements */
        for (i = 0; i < entries; i++)
            if ((stat = decode_open_type(buf, len, &ptr, &data, &s->rx[x].fec_len[i])) != 0)
                return -1;
            if (s->rx[x].fec_len[i] > LOCAL_FAX_MAX_DATAGRAM)
                return -1;

            /* Save the new FEC data */
            memcpy(s->rx[x].fec[i], data, s->rx[x].fec_len[i]);
#if 0
            fprintf(stderr, "FEC: ");
            for (j = 0; j < s->rx[x].fec_len[i]; j++)
                fprintf(stderr, "%02X ", data[j]);
            fprintf(stderr, "\n");
        /* We should now be exactly at the end of the packet. If not, this is a fault. */
        if (ptr != len)
            return -1;
        /* See if we can reconstruct anything which is missing */
        /* TODO: this does not comprehensively hunt back and repair everything that is possible */
        for (l = x; l != ((x - (16 - span * entries)) & UDPTL_BUF_MASK); l = (l - 1) & UDPTL_BUF_MASK)
            if (s->rx[l].fec_len[0] <= 0)
            for (m = 0; m < s->rx[l].fec_entries; m++)
                limit = (l + m) & UDPTL_BUF_MASK;
                for (which = -1, k = (limit - s->rx[l].fec_span * s->rx[l].fec_entries) & UDPTL_BUF_MASK; k != limit;
                        k = (k + s->rx[l].fec_entries) & UDPTL_BUF_MASK)
                    if (s->rx[k].buf_len <= 0)
                        which = (which == -1) ? k : -2;
                if (which >= 0)
                    /* Repairable */
                    for (j = 0; j < s->rx[l].fec_len[m]; j++)
                        s->rx[which].buf[j] = s->rx[l].fec[m][j];
                        for (k = (limit - s->rx[l].fec_span * s->rx[l].fec_entries) & UDPTL_BUF_MASK; k != limit;
                                k = (k + s->rx[l].fec_entries) & UDPTL_BUF_MASK)
                            s->rx[which].buf[j] ^= (s->rx[k].buf_len > j) ? s->rx[k].buf[j] : 0;
                    s->rx[which].buf_len = s->rx[l].fec_len[m];
                    repaired[which] = TRUE;
        /* Now play any new packets forwards in time */
        for (l = (x + 1) & UDPTL_BUF_MASK, j = seq_no - UDPTL_BUF_MASK; l != x; l = (l + 1) & UDPTL_BUF_MASK, j++)
            if (repaired[l])
#if defined(UDPTL_DEBUG)
                fprintf(stderr, "Fixed packet %d, len %d\n", j, l);
                if (s->rx_packet_handler(s->user_data, s->rx[l].buf, s->rx[l].buf_len, j) < 0)
                    fprintf(stderr, "Bad IFP\n");
    /* If packets are received out of sequence, we may have already processed this packet from the error
       recovery information in a packet already received. */
    if (seq_no >= s->rx_seq_no)
        /* Decode the primary packet */
#if defined(UDPTL_DEBUG)
        fprintf(stderr, "Primary packet %d, len %d\n", seq_no, msg_len);
        if (s->rx_packet_handler(s->user_data, msg, msg_len, seq_no) < 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "Bad IFP\n");

    s->rx_seq_no = (seq_no + 1) & 0xFFFF;
    return 0;
/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/

int udptl_build_packet(udptl_state_t *s, uint8_t buf[], const uint8_t msg[], int msg_len)
    uint8_t fec[LOCAL_FAX_MAX_DATAGRAM];
    int i;
    int j;
    int seq;
    int entry;
    int entries;
    int span;
    int m;
    int len;
    int limit;
    int high_tide;

    /* UDPTL cannot cope with zero length messages, and our buffering for redundancy limits their
       maximum length. */
    if (msg_len < 1 || msg_len > LOCAL_FAX_MAX_DATAGRAM)
        return -1;
    seq = s->tx_seq_no & 0xFFFF;

    /* Map the sequence number to an entry in the circular buffer */
    entry = seq & UDPTL_BUF_MASK;

    /* We save the message in a circular buffer, for generating FEC or
       redundancy sets later on. */
    s->tx[entry].buf_len = msg_len;
    memcpy(s->tx[entry].buf, msg, msg_len);

    /* Build the UDPTL packet */

    len = 0;
    /* Encode the sequence number */
    buf[len++] = (seq >> 8) & 0xFF;
    buf[len++] = seq & 0xFF;

    /* Encode the primary packet */
    if (encode_open_type(buf, &len, msg, msg_len) < 0)
        return -1;

    /* Encode the appropriate type of error recovery information */
    switch (s->error_correction_scheme)
        /* Encode the error recovery type */
        buf[len++] = 0x00;
        /* The number of entries will always be zero, so it is pointless allowing
           for the fragmented case here. */
        if (encode_length(buf, &len, 0) < 0)
            return -1;
        /* Encode the error recovery type */
        buf[len++] = 0x00;
        if (s->tx_seq_no > s->error_correction_entries)
            entries = s->error_correction_entries;
            entries = s->tx_seq_no;
        /* The number of entries will always be small, so it is pointless allowing
           for the fragmented case here. */
        if (encode_length(buf, &len, entries) < 0)
            return -1;
        /* Encode the elements */
        for (i = 0; i < entries; i++)
            j = (entry - i - 1) & UDPTL_BUF_MASK;
            if (encode_open_type(buf, &len, s->tx[j].buf, s->tx[j].buf_len) < 0)
                return -1;
        span = s->error_correction_span;
        entries = s->error_correction_entries;
        if (seq < s->error_correction_span * s->error_correction_entries)
            /* In the initial stages, wind up the FEC smoothly */
            entries = seq / s->error_correction_span;
            if (seq < s->error_correction_span)
                span = 0;
        /* Encode the error recovery type */
        buf[len++] = 0x80;
        /* Span is defined as an inconstrained integer, which it dumb. It will only
           ever be a small value. Treat it as such. */
        buf[len++] = 1;
        buf[len++] = span;
        /* The number of entries is defined as a length, but will only ever be a small
           value. Treat it as such. */
        buf[len++] = entries;
        for (m = 0; m < entries; m++)
            /* Make an XOR'ed entry the maximum length */
            limit = (entry + m) & UDPTL_BUF_MASK;
            high_tide = 0;
            for (i = (limit - span * entries) & UDPTL_BUF_MASK; i != limit; i = (i + entries) & UDPTL_BUF_MASK)
                if (high_tide < s->tx[i].buf_len)
                    for (j = 0; j < high_tide; j++)
                        fec[j] ^= s->tx[i].buf[j];
                    for (; j < s->tx[i].buf_len; j++)
                        fec[j] = s->tx[i].buf[j];
                    high_tide = s->tx[i].buf_len;
                    for (j = 0; j < s->tx[i].buf_len; j++)
                        fec[j] ^= s->tx[i].buf[j];
            if (encode_open_type(buf, &len, fec, high_tide) < 0)
                return -1;

    if (s->verbose)
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    return len;
/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/

int udptl_set_error_correction(udptl_state_t *s, int ec_scheme, int span, int entries)
    switch (ec_scheme)
        s->error_correction_scheme = ec_scheme;
    case -1:
        /* Just don't change the scheme */
        return -1;
    if (span >= 0)
        s->error_correction_span = span;
    if (entries >= 0)
        s->error_correction_entries = entries;
    return 0;
/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/

int udptl_get_error_correction(udptl_state_t *s, int *ec_scheme, int *span, int *entries)
    if (ec_scheme)
        *ec_scheme = s->error_correction_scheme;
    if (span)
        *span = s->error_correction_span;
    if (entries)
        *entries = s->error_correction_entries;
    return 0;
/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/

int udptl_set_local_max_datagram(udptl_state_t *s, int max_datagram)
    s->local_max_datagram_size = max_datagram;
    return 0;
/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/

int udptl_get_local_max_datagram(udptl_state_t *s)
    return s->local_max_datagram_size;
/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/

int udptl_set_far_max_datagram(udptl_state_t *s, int max_datagram)
    s->far_max_datagram_size = max_datagram;
    return 0;
/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/

int udptl_get_far_max_datagram(udptl_state_t *s)
    return s->far_max_datagram_size;
/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/

udptl_state_t *udptl_init(udptl_state_t *s, int ec_scheme, int span, int entries, udptl_rx_packet_handler_t rx_packet_handler, void *user_data)
    int i;

    if (rx_packet_handler == NULL)
        return NULL;

    if (s == NULL)
        if ((s = (udptl_state_t *) malloc(sizeof(*s))) == NULL)
            return NULL;
    memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s));

    s->error_correction_scheme = ec_scheme;
    s->error_correction_span = span;
    s->error_correction_entries = entries;

    s->far_max_datagram_size = LOCAL_FAX_MAX_DATAGRAM;
    s->local_max_datagram_size = LOCAL_FAX_MAX_DATAGRAM;

    memset(&s->rx, 0, sizeof(s->rx));
    memset(&s->tx, 0, sizeof(s->tx));
    for (i = 0; i <= UDPTL_BUF_MASK; i++)
        s->rx[i].buf_len = -1;
        s->tx[i].buf_len = -1;

    s->rx_packet_handler = rx_packet_handler;
    s->user_data = user_data;

    return s;
/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/

int udptl_release(udptl_state_t *s)
    return 0;
/*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/
/*- End of file ------------------------------------------------------------*/