/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */


#include "ccapi_types.h"
#include "peer_connection_types.h"

 * get Line on which this call is
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return cc_line_id_t - line ID
cc_lineid_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getLine(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get Call state
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return call state
cc_call_state_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getCallState(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get call attributes
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return call attributes
cc_call_attr_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getCallAttr(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get Call Type
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return call type
cc_call_type_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getCallType(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get Called party name
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return called party name
 * NOTE: The memory for return string doesn't need to be freed it will be freed when the info reference is freed
cc_string_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getCalledPartyName(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get Called party number
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return called party number
 * NOTE: The memory for return string doesn't need to be freed it will be freed when the info reference is freed
cc_string_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getCalledPartyNumber(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get Calling party name
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return calling party name
 * NOTE: The memory for return string doesn't need to be freed it will be freed when the info reference is freed
cc_string_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getCallingPartyName(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get Calling party number
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return calling party number
 * NOTE: The memory for return string doesn't need to be freed it will be freed when the info reference is freed
cc_string_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getCallingPartyNumber(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get Calling party number
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return calling party number
 * NOTE: The memory for return string doesn't need to be freed it will be freed when the info reference is freed
cc_string_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getAlternateNumber(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get Original Called party name
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return original called party name
 * NOTE: The memory for return string doesn't need to be freed it will be freed when the info reference is freed
cc_string_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getOriginalCalledPartyName(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get Original Called party number
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return original called party number
 * NOTE: The memory for return string doesn't need to be freed it will be freed when the info reference is freed
cc_string_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getOriginalCalledPartyNumber(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get last redirecting party name
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return last redirecting party name
 * NOTE: The memory for return string doesn't need to be freed it will be freed when the info reference is freed
cc_string_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getLastRedirectingPartyName(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get past redirecting party number
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return last redirecting party number
 * NOTE: The memory for return string doesn't need to be freed it will be freed when the info reference is freed
cc_string_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getLastRedirectingPartyNumber(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get placed call party name
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return placed party name
 * NOTE: The memory for return string doesn't need to be freed it will be freed when the info reference is freed
cc_string_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getPlacedCallPartyName(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get placed call party number
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return placed party number
 * NOTE: The memory for return string doesn't need to be freed it will be freed when the info reference is freed
cc_string_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getPlacedCallPartyNumber(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get call instance number
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return
 * NOTE: The memory for return string doesn't need to be freed it will be freed when the info reference is freed
cc_int32_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getCallInstance(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get call status prompt
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return call status
 * NOTE: The memory for return string doesn't need to be freed it will be freed when the info reference is freed
cc_string_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getStatus(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get call security   // TODO XLS has callagent security and endtoend security on call?
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return call security status
cc_call_security_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getSecurity(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get Call Selection Status
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return cc_boolean - TRUE => selected
cc_int32_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getSelectionStatus(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get GCID
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return GCID
 * NOTE: The memory for return string doesn't need to be freed it will be freed when the info reference is freed
cc_string_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getGCID(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get ringer loop count
 * @param handle - call handle
 * @return once Vs continuous
cc_boolean CCAPI_CallInfo_getIsRingOnce(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get ringer state.
 * @param handle - call handle
 * @return ringer state.
cc_boolean CCAPI_CallInfo_getRingerState(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get ringer mode
 * @param handle - call handle
 * @return ringer mode
int CCAPI_CallInfo_getRingerMode(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get onhook reason
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return onhook reason
cc_int32_t  CCAPI_CallInfo_getOnhookReason(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * is Conference Call?
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return boolean - is Conference
cc_boolean  CCAPI_CallInfo_getIsConference(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * getStream Statistics
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @param [in,out] stats - Array to get the stats
 * @param [in,out] count - in len of stats arraysize of stats / out stats copied
 * @return cc_return_t - CC_SUCCESS or CC_FAILURE
cc_return_t  CCAPI_CallInfo_getStreamStatistics(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle, cc_int32_t stats[], cc_int32_t *count);

 * has capability - is the feature allowed
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @param [in] feat_id - feature id
 * @return boolean - is Allowed
cc_boolean  CCAPI_CallInfo_hasCapability(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle, cc_int32_t feat_id);

 * get Allowed Feature set
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @param [in,out] feat_set - array of len CC_CALL_CAP_MAX
 * @return cc_return_t - CC_SUCCESS or CC_FAILURE
cc_return_t  CCAPI_CallInfo_getCapabilitySet(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle, cc_int32_t feat_set[]);

 * Call selection status
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return cc_boolean - selection status
cc_boolean  CCAPI_CallInfo_isCallSelected(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * INFO Package for RECEIVED_INFO event
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return cc_string_t - Info package header
cc_string_t  CCAPI_CallInfo_getINFOPack(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * INFO type for RECEIVED_INFO event
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return cc_string_t - content-type  header
cc_string_t  CCAPI_CallInfo_getINFOType(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * INFO body for RECEIVED_INFO event
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return cc_string_t - INFO body
cc_string_t  CCAPI_CallInfo_getINFOBody(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * Get the call log reference
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return cc_string_t - INFO body
 * NOTE: Memory associated with the call log is tied to the cc_callinfo_ref_t handle
 * this would be freed when the callinfo ref is freed.
cc_calllog_ref_t  CCAPI_CallInfo_getCallLogRef(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * returns the negotiated video direction for this call
 * @param [in] handle - call handle
 * @return cc_sdp_direction_t - video direction
cc_sdp_direction_t  CCAPI_CallInfo_getVideoDirection(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * Returns the Audio mute state for this call
 * @return boolean true=muted false=not muted
cc_boolean CCAPI_CallInfo_isAudioMuted(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * Returns the Video  mute state for this call
 * @return boolean true=muted false=not muted
cc_boolean CCAPI_CallInfo_isVideoMuted(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get SDP string CreateOffer and CreateAnswer callback
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return sdp
cc_string_t CCAPI_CallInfo_getSDP(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get status code from internal JSEP functions
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return status code
cc_int32_t  CCAPI_CallInfo_getStatusCode(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

 * get media stream table
 * @param [in] handle - call info handle
 * @return media track table
MediaStreamTable* CCAPI_CallInfo_getMediaStreams(cc_callinfo_ref_t handle);

#endif /* _CCAPIAPI_CALL_INFO_H_ */