/* * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package * * Copyright (C) 2006 Nokia Corporation. * * Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ /**@file resolve_sip.c Use sresolv library to resolve a SIP or SIPS domain. * * This is an example program for @b sresolv library. * * @author Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com> * * @par Created: Tue Jul 16 18:50:14 2002 ppessi * * */ #include <stdint.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> /* Typesafe */ #define SRES_CONTEXT_T struct context #include "sofia-sip/sresolv.h" #include "sofia-sip/su_string.h" char const name[] = "sip_resolve"; #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <poll.h> enum progress { querying_naptr, querying_srv, querying_cname, querying_a6, querying_aaaa, querying_a }; /* Application context */ struct context { sres_resolver_t *sres; int sr_exitcode; int sr_ready; char const *sr_canon; int sr_sips; char const *sr_tport; sres_query_t *sr_query; unsigned short sr_port; int sr_n_sockets; sres_socket_t *sr_sockets; struct pollfd *sr_pollfds; #if 0 char const *sr_domain; enum progress sr_progress; sres_naptr_record_t *sr_naptr; sres_srv_record_t *sr_srv; sres_cname_record_t *sr_cname; sres_aaaa_record_t *sr_aaaa; sres_a6_record_t *sr_a6; sres_a_record_t *sr_a; #endif }; static int query_srv(struct context *sr, char const *domain); static int query_a(struct context *sr, char const *domain); /* Process NAPTR records */ static void answer_to_naptr_query(sres_context_t *sr, sres_query_t *q, sres_record_t *answers[]) { int i; sr->sr_query = NULL; /* Sort NAPTR records by the order. */ sres_sort_answers(sr->sres, answers); for (i = 0; answers && answers[i]; i++) { sres_naptr_record_t const *na = answers[i]->sr_naptr; if (na->na_record->r_status) /* There was an error */ continue; printf("naptr: %s\n\t%d IN NAPTR %u %u \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %s\n", na->na_record->r_name, na->na_record->r_ttl, na->na_order, na->na_prefer, na->na_flags, na->na_services, na->na_regexp, na->na_replace); switch (na->na_flags[0]) { case 's': /* srv */ if (!su_casenmatch("SIP+", na->na_services, 4)) /* Something else but SIP */ break; query_srv(sr, na->na_replace); sres_free_answers(sr->sres, answers); return; case 'a': if (!su_casenmatch("SIP+", na->na_services, 4)) /* Something else but SIP */ break; query_a(sr, na->na_replace); sres_free_answers(sr->sres, answers); return; } } query_a(sr, /* sr->sr_uri->url_host */ sr->sr_canon); sres_free_answers(sr->sres, answers); } static int query_naptr(struct context *sr, char const *domain) { sres_record_t **answers; answers = sres_cached_answers(sr->sres, sres_type_naptr, domain); if (answers) { answer_to_naptr_query(sr, NULL, answers); return 0; } else { sr->sr_query = sres_query_make(sr->sres, answer_to_naptr_query, sr, sr->sr_sockets[0], sres_type_naptr, domain); return sr->sr_query ? 0 : -1; } } /* Process SRV records */ static void answer_to_srv_query(sres_context_t *sr, sres_query_t *q, sres_record_t *answers[]) { int i; sr->sr_query = NULL; sres_sort_answers(sr->sres, answers); /* Sort SRV records by the priority. */ for (i = 0; answers && answers[i]; i++) { sres_srv_record_t const *srv = answers[i]->sr_srv; if (srv->srv_record->r_status) /* There was an error */ continue; sr->sr_port = srv->srv_port; query_a(sr, srv->srv_target); return; } query_a(sr, /* sr->sr_uri->url_host */ sr->sr_canon); sres_free_answers(sr->sres, answers); } static int query_srv(struct context *sr, char const *domain) { sres_record_t **answers; answers = sres_cached_answers(sr->sres, sres_type_srv, domain); if (answers) { answer_to_srv_query(sr, NULL, answers); return 0; } else { sr->sr_query = sres_query_make(sr->sres, answer_to_srv_query, sr, sr->sr_sockets[0], sres_type_srv, domain); return sr->sr_query ? 0 : -1; } } /* Process A records */ static void answer_to_a_query(sres_context_t *sr, sres_query_t *q, sres_record_t *answers[]) { int i; sr->sr_query = NULL; for (i = 0; answers && answers[i]; i++) { char addr[64]; sres_a_record_t const *a = answers[i]->sr_a; if (a->a_record->r_status) continue; /* There was an error */ su_inet_ntop(AF_INET, &a->a_addr, addr, sizeof(addr)); printf("%s@%s:%u\n", sr->sr_tport, addr, sr->sr_port); sr->sr_exitcode = 0; } sres_free_answers(sr->sres, answers); sr->sr_ready = 1; } static int query_a(struct context *sr, char const *domain) { sres_record_t **answers; answers = sres_cached_answers(sr->sres, sres_type_a, domain); if (answers) { answer_to_a_query(sr, NULL, answers); return 0; } else { sr->sr_query = sres_query_make(sr->sres, answer_to_a_query, sr, sr->sr_sockets[0], sres_type_a, domain); return sr->sr_query ? 0 : -1; } } void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: resolve_sip [-s] [@dnsserver] domain\n"); exit(1); } int prepare_run(struct context *sr) { sr->sr_n_sockets = 1; sr->sr_sockets = calloc(1, sizeof(*sr->sr_sockets)); sr->sr_pollfds = calloc(1, sizeof(*sr->sr_pollfds)); if (!sr->sr_sockets || !sr->sr_pollfds || (sres_resolver_sockets(sr->sres, sr->sr_sockets, 1) == -1)) return 0; sr->sr_pollfds[0].fd = sr->sr_sockets[0]; sr->sr_pollfds[0].events = POLLIN | POLLERR; return 1; } void run(struct context *sr) { int i, n, events; n = sr->sr_n_sockets; while (!sr->sr_ready) { events = poll(sr->sr_pollfds, n, 500); if (events) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (sr->sr_pollfds[i].revents) sres_resolver_receive(sr->sres, sr->sr_pollfds[i].fd); } /* No harm is done (except wasted CPU) if timer is called more often */ sres_resolver_timer(sr->sres, sr->sr_sockets[0]); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct context sr[1] = {{ 0 }}; char const *dnsserver = NULL; sr->sr_exitcode = 1; sr->sr_tport = "*"; if (argv[1] && strcmp(argv[1], "-s") == 0) sr->sr_sips = 1, argv++; if (argv[1] && argv[1][0] == '@') dnsserver = argv++[1] + 1; if (argv[1] == NULL) usage(); sr->sres = sres_resolver_new(getenv("SRESOLV_CONF")); if (sr->sres) if (prepare_run(sr)) if (query_naptr(sr, sr->sr_canon = argv[1]) == 0) run(sr); sres_resolver_unref(sr->sres), sr->sres = NULL; return sr->sr_exitcode; }