/* * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package * * Copyright (C) 2006 Nokia Corporation. * * Contact: Pekka Pessi * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ /**@CFILE tport_logging.c Logging transported messages. * * See tport.docs for more detailed description of tport interface. * * @author Pekka Pessi * @author Martti Mela * * @date Created: Fri Mar 24 08:45:49 EET 2006 ppessi */ #include "config.h" #include "msg_internal.h" #include "tport_internal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /**@var TPORT_LOG * * Environment variable determining if parsed message contents are logged. * * If the TPORT_LOG environment variable is set, the tport module logs the * contents of parsed messages. This eases debugging the signaling greatly. * * @sa TPORT_DUMP, TPORT_DEBUG, tport_log */ #ifdef DOXYGEN extern char const TPORT_LOG[]; /* dummy declaration for Doxygen */ #endif /**@var TPORT_DUMP * * Environment variable for transport data dump. * * The received and sent data is dumped to the file specified by TPORT_DUMP * environment variable. This can be used to save message traces and help * hairy debugging tasks. * * @sa TPORT_LOG, TPORT_DEBUG, tport_log */ #ifdef DOXYGEN extern char const TPORT_DUMP[]; /* dummy declaration for Doxygen */ #endif /**@var TPORT_CAPT * * Environment variable for transport data capturing. * * The received and sent data is dumped to the capture server specified by TPORT_CAPT * environment variable. This can be used to save message traces into database and help * hairy debugging tasks. * * @sa TPORT_LOG, TPORT_DEBUG, TPORT_CAPT, tport_log */ #ifdef DOXYGEN extern char const TPORT_CAPT[]; /* dummy declaration for Doxygen */ #endif /**@var TPORT_DEBUG * * Environment variable determining the debug log level for @b tport module. * * The TPORT_DEBUG environment variable is used to determine the debug logging * level for @b tport module. The default level is 3. * * @sa , tport_log, SOFIA_DEBUG */ #ifdef DOXYGEN extern char const TPORT_DEBUG[]; /* dummy declaration for Doxygen */ #endif /**Debug log for @b tport module. * * The tport_log is the log object used by @b tport module. The level of * #tport_log is set using #TPORT_DEBUG environment variable. */ su_log_t tport_log[] = { SU_LOG_INIT("tport", "TPORT_DEBUG", SU_DEBUG) }; /** Initialize logging. */ int tport_open_log(tport_master_t *mr, tagi_t *tags) { int n; int log_msg = mr->mr_log != 0; char const *dump = NULL; char const *capt = NULL;; if(mr->mr_capt_name) capt = mr->mr_capt_name; n = tl_gets(tags, TPTAG_LOG_REF(log_msg), TPTAG_DUMP_REF(dump), TPTAG_CAPT_REF(capt), TAG_END()); if (getenv("MSG_STREAM_LOG") != NULL || getenv("TPORT_LOG") != NULL) log_msg = 1; mr->mr_log = log_msg ? MSG_DO_EXTRACT_COPY : 0; if (getenv("TPORT_CAPT")) capt = getenv("TPORT_CAPT"); if (getenv("MSG_DUMP")) dump = getenv("MSG_DUMP"); if (getenv("TPORT_DUMP")) dump = getenv("TPORT_DUMP"); if(capt) { char *captname, *p, *host_s; char port[10]; su_addrinfo_t *ai = NULL, hints[1] = {{ 0 }}; unsigned len =0; if (mr->mr_capt_name && mr->mr_capt_sock && strcmp(capt, mr->mr_capt_name) == 0) return n; captname = su_strdup(mr->mr_home, capt); if (captname == NULL) return n; if(strncmp(captname, "udp:",4) != 0) { su_log("tport_open_log: capturing. Only udp protocol supported [%s]\n", captname); return n; } /* separate proto and host */ p = captname+4; if( (*(p)) == '\0') { su_log("malformed ip address\n"); return n; } host_s = p; if( (p = strrchr(p+1, ':')) == 0 ) { su_log("no host or port specified\n"); return n; } /*the address contains a port number*/ *p = '\0'; p++; if (atoi(p) <1024 || atoi(p)>65536) { su_log("invalid port number; must be in [1024,65536]\n"); return n; } memcpy(port, p, sizeof(p)); *p = '\0'; /* check if we have [] */ if (host_s[0] == '[') { len = strlen(host_s + 1) - 1; if(host_s[len+1] != ']') { su_log("bracket not closed\n"); return n; } memmove(host_s, host_s + 1, len); host_s[len] = '\0'; } /* and again */ captname = su_strdup(mr->mr_home, capt); if (captname == NULL) return n; su_free(mr->mr_home, mr->mr_capt_name); mr->mr_capt_name = captname; if (mr->mr_capt_sock) su_close(mr->mr_capt_sock), mr->mr_capt_sock = 0; /* HINTS && getaddrinfo */ hints->ai_flags = AI_NUMERICSERV; hints->ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints->ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; hints->ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP; if (su_getaddrinfo(host_s, port, hints, &ai)) { su_perror("capture: su_getaddrinfo()"); return n; } mr->mr_capt_sock = su_socket(ai->ai_family, ai->ai_socktype, ai->ai_protocol); if (mr->mr_capt_sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { su_perror("capture: invalid socket"); return n; } su_setblocking(mr->mr_capt_sock, 0); /* Don't block */ if (connect(mr->mr_capt_sock, ai->ai_addr, (socklen_t)(ai->ai_addrlen)) == -1) { if (errno != EINPROGRESS) { su_perror("capture: socket connect"); return n; } } su_freeaddrinfo(ai); } else if(mr->mr_capt_sock) { /* close capture server*/ su_close(mr->mr_capt_sock); mr->mr_capt_sock = 0; } if (dump) { time_t now; char *dumpname; if (mr->mr_dump && strcmp(dump, mr->mr_dump) == 0) return n; dumpname = su_strdup(mr->mr_home, dump); if (dumpname == NULL) return n; su_free(mr->mr_home, mr->mr_dump); mr->mr_dump = dumpname; if (mr->mr_dump_file && mr->mr_dump_file != stdout) fclose(mr->mr_dump_file), mr->mr_dump_file = NULL; if (strcmp(dumpname, "-")) mr->mr_dump_file = fopen(dumpname, "ab"); /* XXX */ else mr->mr_dump_file = stdout; if (mr->mr_dump_file) { time(&now); fprintf(mr->mr_dump_file, "dump started at %s\n\n", ctime(&now)); } } return n; } /** Create log stamp */ void tport_stamp(tport_t const *self, msg_t *msg, char stamp[128], char const *what, size_t n, char const *via, su_time_t now) { char label[24] = ""; char *comp = ""; char name[SU_ADDRSIZE] = ""; su_sockaddr_t const *su; unsigned short second, minute, hour; assert(self); assert(msg); second = (unsigned short)(now.tv_sec % 60); minute = (unsigned short)((now.tv_sec / 60) % 60); hour = (unsigned short)((now.tv_sec / 3600) % 24); su = msg_addr(msg); #if SU_HAVE_IN6 if (su->su_family == AF_INET6) { if (su->su_sin6.sin6_flowinfo) snprintf(label, sizeof(label), "/%u", ntohl(su->su_sin6.sin6_flowinfo)); } #endif if (msg_addrinfo(msg)->ai_flags & TP_AI_COMPRESSED) comp = ";comp=sigcomp"; su_inet_ntop(su->su_family, SU_ADDR(su), name, sizeof(name)); snprintf(stamp, 128, "%s "MOD_ZU" bytes %s %s/[%s]:%u%s%s at %02u:%02u:%02u.%06lu:\n", what, (size_t)n, via, self->tp_name->tpn_proto, name, ntohs(su->su_port), label[0] ? label : "", comp, hour, minute, second, now.tv_usec); } /** Dump the data from the iovec */ void tport_dump_iovec(tport_t const *self, msg_t *msg, size_t n, su_iovec_t const iov[], size_t iovused, char const *what, char const *how) { tport_master_t *mr; char stamp[128]; size_t i; assert(self); assert(msg); mr = self->tp_master; if (!mr->mr_dump_file) return; tport_stamp(self, msg, stamp, what, n, how, su_now()); fputs(stamp, mr->mr_dump_file); for (i = 0; i < iovused && n > 0; i++) { size_t len = iov[i].mv_len; if (len > n) len = n; if (fwrite(iov[i].mv_base, len, 1, mr->mr_dump_file) != len) break; n -= len; } fputs("\v\n", mr->mr_dump_file); fflush(mr->mr_dump_file); } /** Capture the data from the iovec */ void tport_capt_msg(tport_t const *self, msg_t *msg, size_t n, su_iovec_t const iov[], size_t iovused, char const *what) { int buflen = 0, error; su_sockaddr_t const *su, *su_self; struct hep_hdr hep_header; struct hep_iphdr hep_ipheader = {{0}}; #if SU_HAVE_IN6 struct hep_ip6hdr hep_ip6header = {{{{0}}}}; #endif int eth_frame_len = 8000; char* buffer; size_t i, dst = 0; tport_master_t *mr; assert(self); assert(msg); su = msg_addr(msg); su_self = self->tp_pri->pri_primary->tp_addr; mr = self->tp_master; /* If we don't have socket, go out */ if (!mr->mr_capt_sock) { su_log("error: capture socket is not open\n"); return; } /*buffer for ethernet frame*/ buffer = (void*)malloc(eth_frame_len); /* VOIP Header */ hep_header.hp_v = 1; hep_header.hp_f = su->su_family; /* Header Length */ hep_header.hp_l = sizeof(struct hep_hdr); /* PROTOCOL */ if(strcmp(self->tp_name->tpn_proto, "tcp") == 0) hep_header.hp_p = IPPROTO_TCP; else if(strcmp(self->tp_name->tpn_proto, "tls") == 0) hep_header.hp_p = IPPROTO_IDP; /* FAKE*/ else if(strcmp(self->tp_name->tpn_proto, "sctp") == 0) hep_header.hp_p = IPPROTO_SCTP; else hep_header.hp_p = IPPROTO_UDP; /* DEFAULT UDP */ /* Check destination */ if(strncmp("sent", what, 4) == 0) dst = 1; /* copy destination and source IPs*/ if(su->su_family == AF_INET) { memcpy(dst ? &hep_ipheader.hp_dst : &hep_ipheader.hp_src, &su->su_sin.sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(su->su_sin.sin_addr.s_addr)); memcpy(dst ? &hep_ipheader.hp_src : &hep_ipheader.hp_dst, &su_self->su_sin.sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(su_self->su_sin.sin_addr.s_addr)); hep_header.hp_l += sizeof(struct hep_iphdr); } #if SU_HAVE_IN6 else { memcpy(dst ? &hep_ip6header.hp6_dst : &hep_ip6header.hp6_src, &su->su_sin.sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(su->su_sin.sin_addr.s_addr)); memcpy(dst ? &hep_ip6header.hp6_src : &hep_ip6header.hp6_dst, &su_self->su_sin.sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(su_self->su_sin.sin_addr.s_addr)); hep_header.hp_l += sizeof(struct hep_ip6hdr); } #endif hep_header.hp_dport = dst ? su->su_port : su_self->su_port; hep_header.hp_sport = dst ? su_self->su_port : su->su_port; /* Copy hepheader */ memset(buffer, '\0', eth_frame_len); memcpy(buffer, &hep_header, sizeof(struct hep_hdr)); buflen = sizeof(struct hep_hdr); if(su->su_family == AF_INET) { memcpy(buffer + buflen, &hep_ipheader, sizeof(struct hep_iphdr)); buflen += sizeof(struct hep_iphdr); } #if SU_HAVE_IN6 else if(su->su_family == AF_INET6) { memcpy(buffer+buflen, &hep_ip6header, sizeof(struct hep_ip6hdr)); buflen += sizeof(struct hep_ip6hdr); } #endif else { su_perror("error: tport_logging: capture: unsupported protocol family"); goto done; } for (i = 0; i < iovused && n > 0; i++) { size_t len = iov[i].mv_len; if (len > n) len = n; /* if the packet too big for us */ if((buflen + len) > eth_frame_len) break; memcpy(buffer + buflen , (void*)iov[i].mv_base, len); buflen +=len; n -= len; } /* check if we have error i.e. capture server is down */ if ((error = su_soerror(mr->mr_capt_sock))) { su_perror("error: tport_logging: capture socket error"); goto done; } su_send(mr->mr_capt_sock, buffer, buflen, 0); done: /* Now we release it */ if(buffer) free(buffer); return; } /** Log the message. */ void tport_log_msg(tport_t *self, msg_t *msg, char const *what, char const *via, su_time_t now) { char stamp[128]; msg_iovec_t iov[80]; size_t i, iovlen = msg_iovec(msg, iov, 80); size_t linelen = 0, n, logged = 0, truncated = 0; int skip_lf = 0; #define MSG_SEPARATOR \ "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" #define MAX_LINELEN 2047 for (i = n = 0; i < iovlen && i < 80; i++) n += iov[i].mv_len; tport_stamp(self, msg, stamp, what, n, via, now); su_log("%s " MSG_SEPARATOR, stamp); for (i = 0; truncated == 0 && i < iovlen && i < 80; i++) { char *s = iov[i].mv_base, *end = s + iov[i].mv_len; if (skip_lf && s < end && s[0] == '\n') { s++; logged++; skip_lf = 0; } while (s < end) { if (s[0] == '\0') { truncated = logged; break; } n = su_strncspn(s, end - s, "\r\n"); if (linelen + n > MAX_LINELEN) { n = MAX_LINELEN - linelen; truncated = logged + n; } su_log("%s%.*s", linelen > 0 ? "" : " ", (int)n, s); s += n, linelen += n, logged += n; if (truncated) break; if (s == end) break; linelen = 0; su_log("\n"); /* Skip eol */ if (s[0] == '\r') { s++, logged++; if (s == end) { skip_lf = 1; continue; } } if (s[0] == '\n') s++, logged++; } } su_log("%s " MSG_SEPARATOR, linelen > 0 ? "\n" : ""); if (!truncated && i == 80) truncated = logged; if (truncated) su_log(" *** message truncated at "MOD_ZU" ***\n", truncated); }