/****************************************************************************** ** ** list.c ** ** This file is part of the ABYSS Web server project. ** ** Copyright (C) 2000 by Moez Mahfoudh . ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ** ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ** ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ** FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ** DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS ** OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ** HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ** LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY ** OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ** SUCH DAMAGE. ** *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "bool.h" #include "mallocvar.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/util_int.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/string_int.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/abyss.h" #include "token.h" #include "thread.h" #include "data.h" /********************************************************************* ** List *********************************************************************/ void ListInit(TList * const sl) { sl->item=NULL; sl->size=sl->maxsize=0; sl->autofree=FALSE; } void ListInitAutoFree(TList * const sl) { sl->item=NULL; sl->size=sl->maxsize=0; sl->autofree=TRUE; } void ListFree(TList * const sl) { if (sl->item) { if (sl->autofree) { unsigned int i; for (i = sl->size; i > 0; --i) free(sl->item[i-1]); } free(sl->item); } sl->item = NULL; sl->size = 0; sl->maxsize = 0; } void ListFreeItems(TList * const sl) { if (sl->item) { unsigned int i; for (i = sl->size; i > 0; --i) free(sl->item[i-1]); } } bool ListAdd(TList * const sl, void * const str) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add an item to the end of the list. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool success; if (sl->size >= sl->maxsize) { uint16_t newSize = sl->maxsize + 16; void **newitem; newitem = realloc(sl->item, newSize * sizeof(void *)); if (newitem) { sl->item = newitem; sl->maxsize = newSize; } } if (sl->size >= sl->maxsize) success = FALSE; else { success = TRUE; sl->item[sl->size++] = str; } return success; } void ListRemove(TList * const sl) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remove the last item from the list. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ assert(sl->size > 0); --sl->size; } bool ListAddFromString(TList * const list, const char * const stringArg) { bool retval; if (!stringArg) retval = TRUE; else { char * buffer; buffer = strdup(stringArg); if (!buffer) retval = FALSE; else { bool endOfString; bool error; char * c; for (c = &buffer[0], endOfString = FALSE, error = FALSE; !endOfString && !error; ) { const char * t; NextToken((const char **)&c); while (*c == ',') ++c; t = GetToken(&c); if (!t) endOfString = TRUE; else { char * p; for (p = c - 2; *p == ','; --p) *p = '\0'; if (t[0] != '\0') { bool added; added = ListAdd(list, (void*)t); if (!added) error = TRUE; } } } retval = !error; xmlrpc_strfree(buffer); } } return retval; } bool ListFindString(TList * const sl, const char * const str, uint16_t * const indexP) { uint16_t i; if (sl->item && str) for (i=0;isize;i++) if (strcmp(str,(char *)(sl->item[i]))==0) { *indexP=i; return TRUE; }; return FALSE; } /********************************************************************* ** Buffer *********************************************************************/ bool BufferAlloc(TBuffer * const buf, xmlrpc_uint32_t const memsize) { /* ************** Implement the static buffers ***/ buf->staticid=0; buf->data=(void *)malloc(memsize); if (buf->data) { buf->size=memsize; return TRUE; } else { buf->size=0; return FALSE; }; } void BufferFree(TBuffer * const buf) { if (buf->staticid) { /* ************** Implement the static buffers ***/ } else free(buf->data); buf->size=0; buf->staticid=0; } bool BufferRealloc(TBuffer * const buf, xmlrpc_uint32_t const memsize) { if (buf->staticid) { TBuffer b; if (memsize<=buf->size) return TRUE; if (BufferAlloc(&b,memsize)) { memcpy(b.data,buf->data,buf->size); BufferFree(buf); *buf=b; return TRUE; } } else { void *d; d=realloc(buf->data,memsize); if (d) { buf->data=d; buf->size=memsize; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /********************************************************************* ** String *********************************************************************/ bool StringAlloc(TString * const stringP) { bool succeeded; stringP->size = 0; succeeded = BufferAlloc(&stringP->buffer, 256); if (succeeded) { *(char *)(stringP->buffer.data) = '\0'; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } bool StringConcat(TString * const stringP, const char * const string2) { uint32_t const len = strlen(string2); if (len + stringP->size + 1 > stringP->buffer.size) { bool succeeded; succeeded = BufferRealloc( &stringP->buffer, ((len + stringP->size + 1 + 256) / 256) * 256); if (!succeeded) return FALSE; } strcat((char *)(stringP->buffer.data), string2); stringP->size += len; return TRUE; } bool StringBlockConcat(TString * const stringP, const char * const string2, char ** const ref) { uint32_t const len = strlen(string2) + 1; if (len + stringP->size > stringP->buffer.size) { bool succeeded; succeeded = BufferRealloc( &stringP->buffer, ((len + stringP->size + 1 + 256) / 256) * 256); if (!succeeded) return FALSE; } *ref = (char *)(stringP->buffer.data) + stringP->size; memcpy(*ref, string2, len); stringP->size += len; return TRUE; } void StringFree(TString * const stringP) { stringP->size = 0; BufferFree(&stringP->buffer); } char * StringData(TString * const stringP) { return (char *)stringP->buffer.data; } /********************************************************************* ** Hash *********************************************************************/ static uint16_t Hash16(const char * const start) { const char * s; uint16_t i; s = start; i = 0; while(*s) i = i * 37 + *s++; return i; } /********************************************************************* ** Table *********************************************************************/ void TableInit(TTable * const t) { t->item=NULL; t->size=t->maxsize=0; } void TableFree(TTable * const t) { uint16_t i; if (t->item) { if (t->size) for (i=t->size;i>0;i--) { free(t->item[i-1].name); free(t->item[i-1].value); }; free(t->item); } TableInit(t); } bool TableFindIndex(TTable * const t, const char * const name, uint16_t * const index) { uint16_t i,hash=Hash16(name); if ((t->item) && (t->size>0) && (*indexsize)) { for (i=*index;isize;i++) if (hash==t->item[i].hash) if (strcmp(t->item[i].name,name)==0) { *index=i; return TRUE; }; }; return FALSE; } bool TableAddReplace(TTable * const t, const char * const name, const char * const value) { uint16_t i=0; if (TableFindIndex(t,name,&i)) { free(t->item[i].value); if (value) t->item[i].value=strdup(value); else { free(t->item[i].name); if (--t->size>0) t->item[i]=t->item[t->size]; }; return TRUE; } else return TableAdd(t,name,value); } bool TableAdd(TTable * const t, const char * const name, const char * const value) { if (t->size>=t->maxsize) { TTableItem *newitem; t->maxsize+=16; newitem=(TTableItem *)realloc(t->item,(t->maxsize)*sizeof(TTableItem)); if (newitem) t->item=newitem; else { t->maxsize-=16; return FALSE; } } t->item[t->size].name=strdup(name); t->item[t->size].value=strdup(value); t->item[t->size].hash=Hash16(name); ++t->size; return TRUE; } char * TableFind(TTable * const t, const char * const name) { uint16_t i=0; if (TableFindIndex(t,name,&i)) return t->item[i].value; else return NULL; } /********************************************************************* ** Pool *********************************************************************/ static TPoolZone * PoolZoneAlloc(uint32_t const zonesize) { TPoolZone * poolZoneP; MALLOCARRAY(poolZoneP, zonesize); if (poolZoneP) { poolZoneP->pos = &poolZoneP->data[0]; poolZoneP->maxpos = poolZoneP->pos + zonesize; poolZoneP->next = NULL; poolZoneP->prev = NULL; } return poolZoneP; } static void PoolZoneFree(TPoolZone * const poolZoneP) { free(poolZoneP); } bool PoolCreate(TPool * const poolP, uint32_t const zonesize) { bool success; bool mutexCreated; poolP->zonesize = zonesize; mutexCreated = MutexCreate(&poolP->mutexP); if (mutexCreated) { TPoolZone * const firstZoneP = PoolZoneAlloc(zonesize); if (firstZoneP != NULL) { poolP->firstzone = firstZoneP; poolP->currentzone = firstZoneP; success = TRUE; } else success = FALSE; if (!success) MutexDestroy(poolP->mutexP); } else success = FALSE; return success; } void * PoolAlloc(TPool * const poolP, uint32_t const size) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allocate a block of size 'size' from pool 'poolP'. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void * retval; if (size == 0) retval = NULL; else { bool gotMutexLock; gotMutexLock = MutexLock(poolP->mutexP); if (!gotMutexLock) retval = NULL; else { TPoolZone * const curPoolZoneP = poolP->currentzone; if (curPoolZoneP->pos + size < curPoolZoneP->maxpos) { retval = curPoolZoneP->pos; curPoolZoneP->pos += size; } else { uint32_t const zonesize = MAX(size, poolP->zonesize); TPoolZone * const newPoolZoneP = PoolZoneAlloc(zonesize); if (newPoolZoneP) { newPoolZoneP->prev = curPoolZoneP; newPoolZoneP->next = curPoolZoneP->next; curPoolZoneP->next = newPoolZoneP; poolP->currentzone = newPoolZoneP; retval= newPoolZoneP->data; newPoolZoneP->pos = newPoolZoneP->data + size; } else retval = NULL; } MutexUnlock(poolP->mutexP); } } return retval; } void PoolReturn(TPool * const poolP, void * const blockP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return the block at 'blockP' to the pool 'poolP'. WE ASSUME THAT IS THE MOST RECENTLY ALLOCATED AND NOT RETURNED BLOCK IN THE POOL. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TPoolZone * const curPoolZoneP = poolP->currentzone; assert((char*)curPoolZoneP->data < (char*)blockP && (char*)blockP < (char*)curPoolZoneP->pos); curPoolZoneP->pos = blockP; if (curPoolZoneP->pos == curPoolZoneP->data) { /* That emptied out the current zone. Free it and make the previous zone current. */ assert(curPoolZoneP->prev); /* entry condition */ curPoolZoneP->prev->next = NULL; PoolZoneFree(curPoolZoneP); } } void PoolFree(TPool * const poolP) { TPoolZone * poolZoneP; TPoolZone * nextPoolZoneP; for (poolZoneP = poolP->firstzone; poolZoneP; poolZoneP = nextPoolZoneP) { nextPoolZoneP = poolZoneP->next; free(poolZoneP); } MutexDestroy(poolP->mutexP); } const char * PoolStrdup(TPool * const poolP, const char * const origString) { char * newString; if (origString == NULL) newString = NULL; else { newString = PoolAlloc(poolP, strlen(origString) + 1); if (newString != NULL) strcpy(newString, origString); } return newString; }