/* $Id: tiff2ps.c,v 1.49 2011-05-31 17:10:18 bfriesen Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE * OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "tif_config.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* for atof */ #include <math.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include <unistd.h> #endif #ifdef NEED_LIBPORT # include "libport.h" #endif #include "tiffio.h" /* * Revision history * * 2010-Sep-17 * Richard Nolde: Reinstate code from Feb 2009 that never got * accepted into CVS with major modifications to handle -H and -W * options. Replaced original PlaceImage function with several * new functions that make support for multiple output pages * from a single image easier to understand. Added additional * warning messages for incompatible command line options. * Add new command line options to specify PageOrientation * Document Structuring Comment for landscape or portrait * and code to determine the values from ouput width and height * if not specified on the command line. * Add new command line option to specify document creator * as an alterntive to the string "tiff2ps" following model * of patch submitted by Thomas Jarosch for specifiying a * document title which is also supported now. * * 2009-Feb-11 * Richard Nolde: Added support for rotations of 90, 180, 270 * and auto using -r <90|180|270|auto>. Auto picks the best * fit for the image on the specified paper size (eg portrait * or landscape) if -h or -w is specified. Rotation is in * degrees counterclockwise since that is how Postscript does * it. The auto opption rotates the image 90 degrees ccw to * produce landscape if that is a better fit than portait. * * Cleaned up code in TIFF2PS and broke into smaller functions * to simplify rotations. * * Identified incompatible options and returned errors, eg * -i for imagemask operator is only available for Level2 or * Level3 Postscript in the current implmentation since there * is a difference in the way the operands are called for Level1 * and there is no function to provide the Level1 version. * -H was not handled properly if -h and/or -w were specified. * It should only clip the masked images if the scaled image * exceeds the maxPageHeight specified with -H. * * New design allows for all of the following combinations: * Conversion of TIFF to Postscript with optional rotations * of 90, 180, 270, or auto degrees counterclockwise * Conversion of TIFF to Postscript with entire image scaled * to maximum of values spedified with -h or -w while * maintaining aspect ratio. Same rotations apply. * Conversion of TIFF to Postscript with clipping of output * viewport to height specified with -H, producing multiple * pages at this height and original width as needed. * Same rotations apply. * Conversion of TIFF to Postscript with image scaled to * maximum specified by -h and -w and the resulting scaled * image is presented in an output viewport clipped by -H height. * The same rotations apply. * * Added maxPageWidth option using -W flag. MaxPageHeight and * MaxPageWidth are mutually exclusive since the aspect ratio * cannot be maintained if you set both. * Rewrote PlaceImage to allow maxPageHeight and maxPageWidth * options to work with values smaller or larger than the * physical paper size and still preserve the aspect ratio. * This is accomplished by creating multiple pages across * as well as down if need be. * * 2001-Mar-21 * I (Bruce A. Mallett) added this revision history comment ;) * * Fixed PS_Lvl2page() code which outputs non-ASCII85 raw * data. Moved test for when to output a line break to * *after* the output of a character. This just serves * to fix an eye-nuisance where the first line of raw * data was one character shorter than subsequent lines. * * Added an experimental ASCII85 encoder which can be used * only when there is a single buffer of bytes to be encoded. * This version is much faster at encoding a straight-line * buffer of data because it can avoid a lot of the loop * overhead of the byte-by-byte version. To use this version * you need to define EXP_ASCII85ENCODER (experimental ...). * * Added bug fix given by Michael Schmidt to PS_Lvl2page() * in which an end-of-data marker ('>') was not being output * when producing non-ASCII85 encoded PostScript Level 2 * data. * * Fixed PS_Lvl2colorspace() so that it no longer assumes that * a TIFF having more than 2 planes is a CMYK. This routine * no longer looks at the samples per pixel but instead looks * at the "photometric" value. This change allows support of * CMYK TIFFs. * * Modified the PostScript L2 imaging loop so as to test if * the input stream is still open before attempting to do a * flushfile on it. This was done because some RIPs close * the stream after doing the image operation. * * Got rid of the realloc() being done inside a loop in the * PSRawDataBW() routine. The code now walks through the * byte-size array outside the loop to determine the largest * size memory block that will be needed. * * Added "-m" switch to ask tiff2ps to, where possible, use the * "imagemask" operator instead of the "image" operator. * * Added the "-i #" switch to allow interpolation to be disabled. * * Unrolled a loop or two to improve performance. */ /* * Define EXP_ASCII85ENCODER if you want to use an experimental * version of the ASCII85 encoding routine. The advantage of * using this routine is that tiff2ps will convert to ASCII85 * encoding at between 3 and 4 times the speed as compared to * using the old (non-experimental) encoder. The disadvantage * is that you will be using a new (and unproven) encoding * routine. So user beware, you have been warned! */ #define EXP_ASCII85ENCODER /* * NB: this code assumes uint32 works with printf's %l[ud]. */ #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #endif int ascii85 = FALSE; /* use ASCII85 encoding */ int interpolate = TRUE; /* interpolate level2 image */ int level2 = FALSE; /* generate PostScript level 2 */ int level3 = FALSE; /* generate PostScript level 3 */ int printAll = FALSE; /* print all images in file */ int generateEPSF = TRUE; /* generate Encapsulated PostScript */ int PSduplex = FALSE; /* enable duplex printing */ int PStumble = FALSE; /* enable top edge binding */ int PSavoiddeadzone = TRUE; /* enable avoiding printer deadzone */ double maxPageHeight = 0; /* maximum height to select from image and print per page */ double maxPageWidth = 0; /* maximum width to select from image and print per page */ double splitOverlap = 0; /* amount for split pages to overlag */ int rotation = 0; /* optional value for rotation angle */ int auto_rotate = 0; /* rotate image for best fit on the page */ char *filename = NULL; /* input filename */ char *title = NULL; /* optional document title string */ char *creator = NULL; /* optional document creator string */ char pageOrientation[12]; /* set optional PageOrientation DSC to Landscape or Portrait */ int useImagemask = FALSE; /* Use imagemask instead of image operator */ uint16 res_unit = 0; /* Resolution units: 2 - inches, 3 - cm */ /* * ASCII85 Encoding Support. */ unsigned char ascii85buf[10]; int ascii85count; int ascii85breaklen; int TIFF2PS(FILE*, TIFF*, double, double, double, double, int); void PSpage(FILE*, TIFF*, uint32, uint32); void PSColorContigPreamble(FILE*, uint32, uint32, int); void PSColorSeparatePreamble(FILE*, uint32, uint32, int); void PSDataColorContig(FILE*, TIFF*, uint32, uint32, int); void PSDataColorSeparate(FILE*, TIFF*, uint32, uint32, int); void PSDataPalette(FILE*, TIFF*, uint32, uint32); void PSDataBW(FILE*, TIFF*, uint32, uint32); void PSRawDataBW(FILE*, TIFF*, uint32, uint32); void Ascii85Init(void); void Ascii85Put(unsigned char code, FILE* fd); void Ascii85Flush(FILE* fd); void PSHead(FILE*, double, double, double, double); void PSTail(FILE*, int); int psStart(FILE *, int, int, int *, double *, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double); int psPageSize(FILE *, int, double, double, double, double, double, double); int psRotateImage(FILE *, int, double, double, double, double); int psMaskImage(FILE *, TIFF *, int, int, int *, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double); int psScaleImage(FILE *, double, int, int, double, double, double, double, double, double); int get_viewport (double, double, double, double, double *, double *, int); int exportMaskedImage(FILE *, double, double, double, double, int, int, double, double, double, int, int); #if defined( EXP_ASCII85ENCODER) tsize_t Ascii85EncodeBlock( uint8 * ascii85_p, unsigned f_eod, const uint8 * raw_p, tsize_t raw_l ); #endif static void usage(int); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int dirnum = -1, c, np = 0; int centered = 0; double bottommargin = 0; double leftmargin = 0; double pageWidth = 0; double pageHeight = 0; uint32 diroff = 0; extern char *optarg; extern int optind; FILE* output = stdout; pageOrientation[0] = '\0'; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "b:d:h:H:W:L:i:w:l:o:O:P:C:r:t:acemxyzps1238DT")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'b': bottommargin = atof(optarg); break; case 'c': centered = 1; break; case 'C': creator = optarg; break; case 'd': /* without -a, this only processes one image at this IFD */ dirnum = atoi(optarg); break; case 'D': PSduplex = TRUE; break; case 'i': interpolate = atoi(optarg) ? TRUE:FALSE; break; case 'T': PStumble = TRUE; break; case 'e': PSavoiddeadzone = FALSE; generateEPSF = TRUE; break; case 'h': pageHeight = atof(optarg); break; case 'H': maxPageHeight = atof(optarg); break; case 'W': maxPageWidth = atof(optarg); break; case 'L': splitOverlap = atof(optarg); break; case 'm': useImagemask = TRUE; break; case 'o': switch (optarg[0]) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': diroff = (uint32) strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); break; default: TIFFError ("-o", "Offset must be a numeric value."); exit (1); } break; case 'O': /* XXX too bad -o is already taken */ output = fopen(optarg, "w"); if (output == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: Cannot open output file.\n", argv[0], optarg); exit(-2); } break; case 'P': switch (optarg[0]) { case 'l': case 'L': strcpy (pageOrientation, "Landscape"); break; case 'p': case 'P': strcpy (pageOrientation, "Portrait"); break; default: TIFFError ("-P", "Page orientation must be Landscape or Portrait"); exit (-1); } break; case 'l': leftmargin = atof(optarg); break; case 'a': /* removed fall through to generate warning below, R Nolde 09-01-2010 */ printAll = TRUE; break; case 'p': generateEPSF = FALSE; break; case 'r': if (strcmp (optarg, "auto") == 0) { rotation = 0; auto_rotate = TRUE; } else { rotation = atoi(optarg); auto_rotate = FALSE; } switch (rotation) { case 0: case 90: case 180: case 270: break; default: fprintf (stderr, "Rotation angle must be 90, 180, 270 (degrees ccw) or auto\n"); exit (-1); } break; case 's': printAll = FALSE; break; case 't': title = optarg; break; case 'w': pageWidth = atof(optarg); break; case 'z': PSavoiddeadzone = FALSE; break; case '1': level2 = FALSE; level3 = FALSE; ascii85 = FALSE; break; case '2': level2 = TRUE; ascii85 = TRUE; /* default to yes */ break; case '3': level3 = TRUE; ascii85 = TRUE; /* default to yes */ break; case '8': ascii85 = FALSE; break; case 'x': res_unit = RESUNIT_CENTIMETER; break; case 'y': res_unit = RESUNIT_INCH; break; case '?': usage(-1); } if (useImagemask == TRUE) { if ((level2 == FALSE) && (level3 == FALSE)) { TIFFError ("-m "," imagemask operator requres Postscript Level2 or Level3"); exit (1); } } if (pageWidth && (maxPageWidth > pageWidth)) { TIFFError ("-W", "Max viewport width cannot exceed page width"); exit (1); } if (pageHeight && (maxPageHeight > pageHeight)) { TIFFError ("-H", "Max viewport height cannot exceed page height"); exit (1); } /* auto rotate requires a specified page width and height */ if (auto_rotate == TRUE) { if ((pageWidth == 0) || (pageHeight == 0)) TIFFWarning ("-r auto", " requires page height and width specified with -h and -w"); if ((maxPageWidth > 0) || (maxPageHeight > 0)) { TIFFError ("-r auto", " is incompatible with maximum page width/height specified by -H or -W"); exit (1); } } if ((maxPageWidth > 0) && (maxPageHeight > 0)) { TIFFError ("-H and -W", " Use only one of -H or -W to define a viewport"); exit (1); } if ((generateEPSF == TRUE) && (printAll == TRUE)) { TIFFError(" -e and -a", "Warning: Cannot generate Encapsulated Postscript for multiple images"); generateEPSF = FALSE; } if ((generateEPSF == TRUE) && (PSduplex == TRUE)) { TIFFError(" -e and -D", "Warning: Encapsulated Postscript does not support Duplex option"); PSduplex = FALSE; } if ((generateEPSF == TRUE) && (PStumble == TRUE)) { TIFFError(" -e and -T", "Warning: Encapsulated Postscript does not support Top Edge Binding option"); PStumble = FALSE; } if ((generateEPSF == TRUE) && (PSavoiddeadzone == TRUE)) PSavoiddeadzone = FALSE; for (; argc - optind > 0; optind++) { TIFF* tif = TIFFOpen(filename = argv[optind], "r"); if (tif != NULL) { if (dirnum != -1 && !TIFFSetDirectory(tif, (tdir_t)dirnum)) return (-1); else if (diroff != 0 && !TIFFSetSubDirectory(tif, diroff)) return (-1); np = TIFF2PS(output, tif, pageWidth, pageHeight, leftmargin, bottommargin, centered); if (np < 0) { TIFFError("Error", "Unable to process %s", filename); } TIFFClose(tif); } } if (np) PSTail(output, np); else usage(-1); if (output != stdout) fclose(output); return (0); } static uint16 samplesperpixel; static uint16 bitspersample; static uint16 planarconfiguration; static uint16 photometric; static uint16 compression; static uint16 extrasamples; static int alpha; static int checkImage(TIFF* tif) { switch (photometric) { case PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR: if ((compression == COMPRESSION_JPEG || compression == COMPRESSION_OJPEG) && planarconfiguration == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { /* can rely on libjpeg to convert to RGB */ TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE, JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB); photometric = PHOTOMETRIC_RGB; } else { if (level2 || level3) break; TIFFError(filename, "Can not handle image with %s", "PhotometricInterpretation=YCbCr"); return (0); } /* fall thru... */ case PHOTOMETRIC_RGB: if (alpha && bitspersample != 8) { TIFFError(filename, "Can not handle %d-bit/sample RGB image with alpha", bitspersample); return (0); } /* fall thru... */ case PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED: case PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE: case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK: case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE: break; case PHOTOMETRIC_LOGL: case PHOTOMETRIC_LOGLUV: if (compression != COMPRESSION_SGILOG && compression != COMPRESSION_SGILOG24) { TIFFError(filename, "Can not handle %s data with compression other than SGILog", (photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_LOGL) ? "LogL" : "LogLuv" ); return (0); } /* rely on library to convert to RGB/greyscale */ TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SGILOGDATAFMT, SGILOGDATAFMT_8BIT); photometric = (photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_LOGL) ? PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK : PHOTOMETRIC_RGB; bitspersample = 8; break; case PHOTOMETRIC_CIELAB: /* fall thru... */ default: TIFFError(filename, "Can not handle image with PhotometricInterpretation=%d", photometric); return (0); } switch (bitspersample) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: case 16: break; default: TIFFError(filename, "Can not handle %d-bit/sample image", bitspersample); return (0); } if (planarconfiguration == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE && extrasamples > 0) TIFFWarning(filename, "Ignoring extra samples"); return (1); } #define PS_UNIT_SIZE 72.0F #define PSUNITS(npix,res) ((npix) * (PS_UNIT_SIZE / (res))) static char RGBcolorimage[] = "\ /bwproc {\n\ rgbproc\n\ dup length 3 idiv string 0 3 0\n\ 5 -1 roll {\n\ add 2 1 roll 1 sub dup 0 eq {\n\ pop 3 idiv\n\ 3 -1 roll\n\ dup 4 -1 roll\n\ dup 3 1 roll\n\ 5 -1 roll put\n\ 1 add 3 0\n\ } { 2 1 roll } ifelse\n\ } forall\n\ pop pop pop\n\ } def\n\ /colorimage where {pop} {\n\ /colorimage {pop pop /rgbproc exch def {bwproc} image} bind def\n\ } ifelse\n\ "; /* * Adobe Photoshop requires a comment line of the form: * * %ImageData: <cols> <rows> <depth> <main channels> <pad channels> * <block size> <1 for binary|2 for hex> "data start" * * It is claimed to be part of some future revision of the EPS spec. */ static void PhotoshopBanner(FILE* fd, uint32 w, uint32 h, int bs, int nc, char* startline) { fprintf(fd, "%%ImageData: %ld %ld %d %d 0 %d 2 \"", (long) w, (long) h, bitspersample, nc, bs); fprintf(fd, startline, nc); fprintf(fd, "\"\n"); } /* Convert pixel width and height pw, ph, to points pprw, pprh * using image resolution and resolution units from TIFF tags. * pw : image width in pixels * ph : image height in pixels * pprw : image width in PS units (72 dpi) * pprh : image height in PS units (72 dpi) */ static void setupPageState(TIFF* tif, uint32* pw, uint32* ph, double* pprw, double* pprh) { float xres = 0.0F, yres = 0.0F; TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, pw); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, ph); if (res_unit == 0) /* Not specified as command line option */ if (!TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT, &res_unit)) res_unit = RESUNIT_INCH; /* * Calculate printable area. */ if (!TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION, &xres) || fabs(xres) < 0.0000001) xres = PS_UNIT_SIZE; if (!TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, &yres) || fabs(yres) < 0.0000001) yres = PS_UNIT_SIZE; switch (res_unit) { case RESUNIT_CENTIMETER: xres *= 2.54F, yres *= 2.54F; break; case RESUNIT_INCH: break; case RESUNIT_NONE: /* Subsequent code assumes we have converted to inches! */ res_unit = RESUNIT_INCH; break; default: /* Last ditch guess for unspecified RESUNIT case * check that the resolution is not inches before scaling it. * Moved to end of function with additional check, RJN, 08-31-2010 * if (xres != PS_UNIT_SIZE || yres != PS_UNIT_SIZE) * xres *= PS_UNIT_SIZE, yres *= PS_UNIT_SIZE; */ break; } /* This is a hack to deal with images that have no meaningful Resolution Size * but may have x and/or y resolutions of 1 pixel per undefined unit. */ if ((xres > 1.0) && (xres != PS_UNIT_SIZE)) *pprw = PSUNITS(*pw, xres); else *pprw = PSUNITS(*pw, PS_UNIT_SIZE); if ((yres > 1.0) && (yres != PS_UNIT_SIZE)) *pprh = PSUNITS(*ph, yres); else *pprh = PSUNITS(*ph, PS_UNIT_SIZE); } static int isCCITTCompression(TIFF* tif) { uint16 compress; TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, &compress); return (compress == COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX3 || compress == COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4 || compress == COMPRESSION_CCITTRLE || compress == COMPRESSION_CCITTRLEW); } static tsize_t tf_bytesperrow; static tsize_t ps_bytesperrow; static tsize_t tf_rowsperstrip; static tsize_t tf_numberstrips; static char *hex = "0123456789abcdef"; /* * Pagewidth and pageheight are the output size in points, * may refer to values specified with -h and -w, or to * values read from the image if neither -h nor -w are used. * Imagewidth and imageheight are image size in points. * Ximages and Yimages are number of pages across and down. * Only one of maxPageHeight or maxPageWidth can be used. * These are global variables unfortunately. */ int get_subimage_count(double pagewidth, double pageheight, double imagewidth, double imageheight, int *ximages, int *yimages, int rotation, double scale) { int pages = 1; double splitheight = 0; /* Requested Max Height in points */ double splitwidth = 0; /* Requested Max Width in points */ double overlap = 0; /* Repeated edge width in points */ splitheight = maxPageHeight * PS_UNIT_SIZE; splitwidth = maxPageWidth * PS_UNIT_SIZE; overlap = splitOverlap * PS_UNIT_SIZE; pagewidth *= PS_UNIT_SIZE; pageheight *= PS_UNIT_SIZE; if ((imagewidth < 1.0) || (imageheight < 1.0)) { TIFFError("get_subimage_count", "Invalid image width or height"); return (0); } switch (rotation) { case 0: case 180: if (splitheight > 0) /* -H maxPageHeight */ { if (imageheight > splitheight) /* More than one vertical image segment */ { if (pagewidth) *ximages = (int)ceil((scale * imagewidth) / (pagewidth - overlap)); else *ximages = 1; *yimages = (int)ceil((scale * imageheight) / (splitheight - overlap)); /* Max vert pages needed */ } else { if (pagewidth) *ximages = (int)ceil((scale * imagewidth) / (pagewidth - overlap)); /* Max horz pages needed */ else *ximages = 1; *yimages = 1; /* Max vert pages needed */ } } else { if (splitwidth > 0) /* -W maxPageWidth */ { if (imagewidth >splitwidth) { *ximages = (int)ceil((scale * imagewidth) / (splitwidth - overlap)); /* Max horz pages needed */ if (pageheight) *yimages = (int)ceil((scale * imageheight) / (pageheight - overlap)); /* Max vert pages needed */ else *yimages = 1; } else { *ximages = 1; /* Max vert pages needed */ if (pageheight) *yimages = (int)ceil((scale * imageheight) / (pageheight - overlap)); /* Max vert pages needed */ else *yimages = 1; } } else { *ximages = 1; *yimages = 1; } } break; case 90: case 270: if (splitheight > 0) /* -H maxPageHeight */ { if (imagewidth > splitheight) /* More than one vertical image segment */ { *yimages = (int)ceil((scale * imagewidth) / (splitheight - overlap)); /* Max vert pages needed */ if (pagewidth) *ximages = (int)ceil((scale * imageheight) / (pagewidth - overlap)); /* Max horz pages needed */ else *ximages = 1; } else { *yimages = 1; /* Max vert pages needed */ if (pagewidth) *ximages = (int)ceil((scale * imageheight) / (pagewidth - overlap)); /* Max horz pages needed */ else *ximages = 1; } } else { if (splitwidth > 0) /* -W maxPageWidth */ { if (imageheight > splitwidth) { if (pageheight) *yimages = (int)ceil((scale * imagewidth) / (pageheight - overlap)); /* Max vert pages needed */ else *yimages = 1; *ximages = (int)ceil((scale * imageheight) / (splitwidth - overlap)); /* Max horz pages needed */ } else { if (pageheight) *yimages = (int)ceil((scale * imagewidth) / (pageheight - overlap)); /* Max horz pages needed */ else *yimages = 1; *ximages = 1; /* Max vert pages needed */ } } else { *ximages = 1; *yimages = 1; } } break; default: *ximages = 1; *yimages = 1; } pages = (*ximages) * (*yimages); return (pages); } /* New version of PlaceImage that handles only the translation and rotation * for a single output page. */ int exportMaskedImage(FILE *fp, double pagewidth, double pageheight, double imagewidth, double imageheight, int row, int column, double left_offset, double bott_offset, double scale, int center, int rotation) { double xtran = 0.0; double ytran = 0.0; double xscale = 1.0; double yscale = 1.0; double splitheight = 0; /* Requested Max Height in points */ double splitwidth = 0; /* Requested Max Width in points */ double overlap = 0; /* Repeated edge width in points */ double subimage_height = 0.0; splitheight = maxPageHeight * PS_UNIT_SIZE; splitwidth = maxPageWidth * PS_UNIT_SIZE; overlap = splitOverlap * PS_UNIT_SIZE; xscale = scale * imagewidth; yscale = scale * imageheight; if ((xscale < 0.0) || (yscale < 0.0)) { TIFFError("exportMaskedImage", "Invalid parameters."); return (-1); } /* If images are cropped to a vewport with -H or -W, the output pages are shifted to * the top of each output page rather than the Postscript default lower edge. */ switch (rotation) { case 0: case 180: if (splitheight > 0) /* -H maxPageHeight */ { if (splitheight < imageheight) /* More than one vertical image segments */ { xtran = -1.0 * column * (pagewidth - overlap); subimage_height = imageheight - ((splitheight - overlap) * row); ytran = pageheight - subimage_height * (pageheight / splitheight); } else /* Only one page in vertical direction */ { xtran = -1.0 * column * (pagewidth - overlap); ytran = splitheight - imageheight; } } else { if (splitwidth > 0) /* maxPageWidth */ { if (splitwidth < imagewidth) { xtran = -1.0 * column * splitwidth; ytran = -1.0 * row * (pageheight - overlap); } else /* Only one page in horizontal direction */ { ytran = -1.0 * row * (pageheight - overlap); xtran = 0; } } else /* Simple case, no splitting */ { ytran = pageheight - imageheight; xtran = 0; } } bott_offset += ytran / (center ? 2 : 1); left_offset += xtran / (center ? 2 : 1); break; case 90: case 270: if (splitheight > 0) /* -H maxPageHeight */ { if (splitheight < imagewidth) /* More than one vertical image segments */ { xtran = -1.0 * column * (pageheight - overlap); /* Commented code places image at bottom of page instead of top. ytran = -1.0 * row * splitheight; */ if (row == 0) ytran = -1.0 * (imagewidth - splitheight); else ytran = -1.0 * (imagewidth - (splitheight - overlap) * (row + 1)); } else /* Only one page in vertical direction */ { xtran = -1.0 * column * (pageheight - overlap); ytran = splitheight - imagewidth; } } else { if (splitwidth > 0) /* maxPageWidth */ { if (splitwidth < imageheight) { xtran = -1.0 * column * splitwidth; ytran = -1.0 * row * (pagewidth - overlap); } else /* Only one page in horizontal direction */ { ytran = -1.0 * row * (pagewidth - overlap); xtran = 0; } } else /* Simple case, no splitting */ { ytran = pageheight - imageheight; xtran = 0; /* pagewidth - imagewidth; */ } } bott_offset += ytran / (center ? 2 : 1); left_offset += xtran / (center ? 2 : 1); break; default: xtran = 0; ytran = 0; } switch (rotation) { case 0: fprintf(fp, "%f %f translate\n", left_offset, bott_offset); fprintf(fp, "%f %f scale\n", xscale, yscale); break; case 180: fprintf(fp, "%f %f translate\n", left_offset, bott_offset); fprintf(fp, "%f %f scale\n1 1 translate 180 rotate\n", xscale, yscale); break; case 90: fprintf(fp, "%f %f translate\n", left_offset, bott_offset); fprintf(fp, "%f %f scale\n1 0 translate 90 rotate\n", yscale, xscale); break; case 270: fprintf(fp, "%f %f translate\n", left_offset, bott_offset); fprintf(fp, "%f %f scale\n0 1 translate 270 rotate\n", yscale, xscale); break; default: TIFFError ("exportMaskedImage", "Unsupported rotation angle %d. No rotation", rotation); fprintf( fp, "%f %f scale\n", xscale, yscale); break; } return (0); } /* Rotate an image without scaling or clipping */ int psRotateImage (FILE * fd, int rotation, double pswidth, double psheight, double left_offset, double bottom_offset) { if ((left_offset != 0.0) || (bottom_offset != 0)) fprintf (fd, "%f %f translate\n", left_offset, bottom_offset); /* Exchange width and height for 90/270 rotations */ switch (rotation) { case 0: fprintf (fd, "%f %f scale\n", pswidth, psheight); break; case 90: fprintf (fd, "%f %f scale\n1 0 translate 90 rotate\n", psheight, pswidth); break; case 180: fprintf (fd, "%f %f scale\n1 1 translate 180 rotate\n", pswidth, psheight); break; case 270: fprintf (fd, "%f %f scale\n0 1 translate 270 rotate\n", psheight, pswidth); break; default: TIFFError ("psRotateImage", "Unsupported rotation %d.", rotation); fprintf( fd, "%f %f scale\n", pswidth, psheight); return (1); } return (0); } /* Scale and rotate an image to a single output page. */ int psScaleImage(FILE * fd, double scale, int rotation, int center, double reqwidth, double reqheight, double pswidth, double psheight, double left_offset, double bottom_offset) { double hcenter = 0.0, vcenter = 0.0; /* Adjust offsets for centering */ if (center) { switch (rotation) { case 90: vcenter = (reqheight - pswidth * scale) / 2; hcenter = (reqwidth - psheight * scale) / 2; fprintf (fd, "%f %f translate\n", hcenter, vcenter); fprintf (fd, "%f %f scale\n1 0 translate 90 rotate\n", psheight * scale, pswidth * scale); break; case 180: hcenter = (reqwidth - pswidth * scale) / 2; vcenter = (reqheight - psheight * scale) / 2; fprintf (fd, "%f %f translate\n", hcenter, vcenter); fprintf (fd, "%f %f scale\n1 1 translate 180 rotate\n", pswidth * scale, psheight * scale); break; case 270: vcenter = (reqheight - pswidth * scale) / 2; hcenter = (reqwidth - psheight * scale) / 2; fprintf (fd, "%f %f translate\n", hcenter, vcenter); fprintf (fd, "%f %f scale\n0 1 translate 270 rotate\n", psheight * scale, pswidth * scale); break; case 0: default: hcenter = (reqwidth - pswidth * scale) / 2; vcenter = (reqheight - psheight * scale) / 2; fprintf (fd, "%f %f translate\n", hcenter, vcenter); fprintf (fd, "%f %f scale\n", pswidth * scale, psheight * scale); break; } } else /* Not centered */ { switch (rotation) { case 0: fprintf (fd, "%f %f translate\n", left_offset ? left_offset : 0.0, bottom_offset ? bottom_offset : reqheight - (psheight * scale)); fprintf (fd, "%f %f scale\n", pswidth * scale, psheight * scale); break; case 90: fprintf (fd, "%f %f translate\n", left_offset ? left_offset : 0.0, bottom_offset ? bottom_offset : reqheight - (pswidth * scale)); fprintf (fd, "%f %f scale\n1 0 translate 90 rotate\n", psheight * scale, pswidth * scale); break; case 180: fprintf (fd, "%f %f translate\n", left_offset ? left_offset : 0.0, bottom_offset ? bottom_offset : reqheight - (psheight * scale)); fprintf (fd, "%f %f scale\n1 1 translate 180 rotate\n", pswidth * scale, psheight * scale); break; case 270: fprintf (fd, "%f %f translate\n", left_offset ? left_offset : 0.0, bottom_offset ? bottom_offset : reqheight - (pswidth * scale)); fprintf (fd, "%f %f scale\n0 1 translate 270 rotate\n", psheight * scale, pswidth * scale); break; default: TIFFError ("psScaleImage", "Unsupported rotation %d", rotation); fprintf (fd, "%f %f scale\n", pswidth * scale, psheight * scale); return (1); } } return (0); } /* This controls the visible portion of the page which is displayed. * N.B. Setting maxPageHeight no longer sets pageheight if not set explicitly */ int psPageSize (FILE * fd, int rotation, double pgwidth, double pgheight, double reqwidth, double reqheight, double pswidth, double psheight) { double xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0, scale = 1.0; double splitheight; double splitwidth; double new_width; double new_height; splitheight = maxPageHeight * PS_UNIT_SIZE; splitwidth = maxPageWidth * PS_UNIT_SIZE; switch (rotation) { case 0: case 180: if ((splitheight > 0) || (splitwidth > 0)) { if (pgwidth != 0 || pgheight != 0) { xscale = reqwidth / (splitwidth ? splitwidth : pswidth); yscale = reqheight / (splitheight ? splitheight : psheight); scale = (xscale < yscale) ? xscale : yscale; } new_width = splitwidth ? splitwidth : scale * pswidth; new_height = splitheight ? splitheight : scale * psheight; if (strlen(pageOrientation)) fprintf (fd, "%%%%PageOrientation: %s\n", pageOrientation); else fprintf (fd, "%%%%PageOrientation: %s\n", (new_width > new_height) ? "Landscape" : "Portrait"); fprintf (fd, "%%%%PageBoundingBox: 0 0 %ld %ld\n", (long)new_width, (long)new_height); fprintf (fd, "1 dict begin /PageSize [ %f %f ] def currentdict end setpagedevice\n", new_width, new_height); } else /* No viewport defined with -H or -W */ { if ((pgwidth == 0) && (pgheight == 0)) /* Image not scaled */ { if (strlen(pageOrientation)) fprintf (fd, "%%%%PageOrientation: %s\n", pageOrientation); else fprintf (fd, "%%%%PageOrientation: %s\n", (pswidth > psheight) ? "Landscape" : "Portrait"); fprintf (fd, "%%%%PageBoundingBox: 0 0 %ld %ld\n", (long)pswidth, (long)psheight); fprintf(fd, "1 dict begin /PageSize [ %f %f ] def currentdict end setpagedevice\n", pswidth, psheight); } else /* Image scaled */ { if (strlen(pageOrientation)) fprintf (fd, "%%%%PageOrientation: %s\n", pageOrientation); else fprintf (fd, "%%%%PageOrientation: %s\n", (reqwidth > reqheight) ? "Landscape" : "Portrait"); fprintf (fd, "%%%%PageBoundingBox: 0 0 %ld %ld\n", (long)reqwidth, (long)reqheight); fprintf(fd, "1 dict begin /PageSize [ %f %f ] def currentdict end setpagedevice\n", reqwidth, reqheight); } } break; case 90: case 270: if ((splitheight > 0) || (splitwidth > 0)) { if (pgwidth != 0 || pgheight != 0) { xscale = reqwidth / (splitwidth ? splitwidth : pswidth); yscale = reqheight / (splitheight ? splitheight : psheight); scale = (xscale < yscale) ? xscale : yscale; } new_width = splitwidth ? splitwidth : scale * psheight; new_height = splitheight ? splitheight : scale * pswidth; if (strlen(pageOrientation)) fprintf (fd, "%%%%PageOrientation: %s\n", pageOrientation); else fprintf (fd, "%%%%PageOrientation: %s\n", (new_width > new_height) ? "Landscape" : "Portrait"); fprintf (fd, "%%%%PageBoundingBox: 0 0 %ld %ld\n", (long)new_width, (long)new_height); fprintf (fd, "1 dict begin /PageSize [ %f %f ] def currentdict end setpagedevice\n", new_width, new_height); } else { if ((pgwidth == 0) && (pgheight == 0)) /* Image not scaled */ { if (strlen(pageOrientation)) fprintf (fd, "%%%%PageOrientation: %s\n", pageOrientation); else fprintf (fd, "%%%%PageOrientation: %s\n", (psheight > pswidth) ? "Landscape" : "Portrait"); fprintf (fd, "%%%%PageBoundingBox: 0 0 %ld %ld\n", (long)psheight, (long)pswidth); fprintf(fd, "1 dict begin /PageSize [ %f %f ] def currentdict end setpagedevice\n", psheight, pswidth); } else /* Image scaled */ { if (strlen(pageOrientation)) fprintf (fd, "%%%%PageOrientation: %s\n", pageOrientation); else fprintf (fd, "%%%%PageOrientation: %s\n", (reqwidth > reqheight) ? "Landscape" : "Portrait"); fprintf (fd, "%%%%PageBoundingBox: 0 0 %ld %ld\n", (long)reqwidth, (long)reqheight); fprintf(fd, "1 dict begin /PageSize [ %f %f ] def currentdict end setpagedevice\n", reqwidth, reqheight); } } break; default: TIFFError ("psPageSize", "Invalid rotation %d", rotation); return (1); } fputs("<<\n /Policies <<\n /PageSize 3\n >>\n>> setpagedevice\n", fd); return (0); } /* end psPageSize */ /* Mask an image as a series of pages, each only showing a section defined * by the maxPageHeight or maxPageWidth options. */ int psMaskImage(FILE *fd, TIFF *tif, int rotation, int center, int *npages, double pixwidth, double pixheight, double left_margin, double bottom_margin, double pgwidth, double pgheight, double pswidth, double psheight, double scale) { int i, j; int ximages = 1, yimages = 1; int pages = *npages; double view_width = 0; double view_height = 0; if (get_viewport (pgwidth, pgheight, pswidth, psheight, &view_width, &view_height, rotation)) { TIFFError ("get_viewport", "Unable to set image viewport"); return (-1); } if (get_subimage_count(pgwidth, pgheight, pswidth, psheight, &ximages, &yimages, rotation, scale) < 1) { TIFFError("get_subimage_count", "Invalid image count: %d columns, %d rows", ximages, yimages); return (-1); } for (i = 0; i < yimages; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ximages; j++) { pages++; *npages = pages; fprintf(fd, "%%%%Page: %d %d\n", pages, pages); /* Write out the PageSize info for non EPS files */ if (!generateEPSF && ( level2 || level3 )) { if (psPageSize(fd, rotation, pgwidth, pgheight, view_width, view_height, pswidth, psheight)) return (-1); } fprintf(fd, "gsave\n"); fprintf(fd, "100 dict begin\n"); if (exportMaskedImage(fd, view_width, view_height, pswidth, psheight, i, j, left_margin, bottom_margin, scale, center, rotation)) { TIFFError("exportMaskedImage", "Invalid image parameters."); return (-1); } PSpage(fd, tif, pixwidth, pixheight); fprintf(fd, "end\n"); fprintf(fd, "grestore\n"); fprintf(fd, "showpage\n"); } } return (pages); } /* Compute scale factor and write out file header */ int psStart(FILE *fd, int npages, int auto_rotate, int *rotation, double *scale, double ox, double oy, double pgwidth, double pgheight, double reqwidth, double reqheight, double pswidth, double psheight, double left_offset, double bottom_offset) { double maxsource = 0.0; /* Used for auto rotations */ double maxtarget = 0.0; double xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0; double splitheight; double splitwidth; double view_width = 0.0, view_height = 0.0; double page_width = 0.0, page_height = 0.0; /* Splitheight and splitwidth are in inches */ splitheight = maxPageHeight * PS_UNIT_SIZE; splitwidth = maxPageWidth * PS_UNIT_SIZE; page_width = pgwidth * PS_UNIT_SIZE; page_height = pgheight * PS_UNIT_SIZE; /* If user has specified a page width and height and requested the * image to be auto-rotated to fit on that media, we match the * longest dimension of the image to the longest dimension of the * target media but we have to ignore auto rotate if user specified * maxPageHeight since this makes life way too complicated. */ if (auto_rotate) { if ((splitheight != 0) || (splitwidth != 0)) { TIFFError ("psStart", "Auto-rotate is incompatible with page splitting "); return (1); } /* Find longest edges in image and output media */ maxsource = (pswidth >= psheight) ? pswidth : psheight; maxtarget = (reqwidth >= reqheight) ? reqwidth : reqheight; if (((maxsource == pswidth) && (maxtarget != reqwidth)) || ((maxsource == psheight) && (maxtarget != reqheight))) { /* optimal orientaion does not match input orientation */ *rotation = 90; xscale = (reqwidth - left_offset)/psheight; yscale = (reqheight - bottom_offset)/pswidth; } else /* optimal orientaion matches input orientation */ { xscale = (reqwidth - left_offset)/pswidth; yscale = (reqheight - bottom_offset)/psheight; } *scale = (xscale < yscale) ? xscale : yscale; /* Do not scale image beyound original size */ if (*scale > 1.0) *scale = 1.0; /* Set the size of the displayed image to requested page size * and optimal orientation. */ if (!npages) PSHead(fd, reqwidth, reqheight, ox, oy); return (0); } /* N.B. If pgwidth or pgheight are set from maxPageHeight/Width, * we have a problem with the tests below under splitheight. */ switch (*rotation) /* Auto rotate has NOT been specified */ { case 0: case 180: if ((splitheight != 0) || (splitwidth != 0)) { /* Viewport clipped to maxPageHeight or maxPageWidth */ if ((page_width != 0) || (page_height != 0)) /* Image scaled */ { xscale = (reqwidth - left_offset) / (page_width ? page_width : pswidth); yscale = (reqheight - bottom_offset) / (page_height ? page_height : psheight); *scale = (xscale < yscale) ? xscale : yscale; /* if (*scale > 1.0) *scale = 1.0; */ } else /* Image clipped but not scaled */ *scale = 1.0; view_width = splitwidth ? splitwidth : *scale * pswidth; view_height = splitheight ? splitheight: *scale * psheight; } else /* Viewport not clipped to maxPageHeight or maxPageWidth */ { if ((page_width != 0) || (page_height != 0)) { /* Image scaled */ xscale = (reqwidth - left_offset) / pswidth; yscale = (reqheight - bottom_offset) / psheight; view_width = reqwidth; view_height = reqheight; } else { /* Image not scaled */ xscale = (pswidth - left_offset)/pswidth; yscale = (psheight - bottom_offset)/psheight; view_width = pswidth; view_height = psheight; } } break; case 90: case 270: if ((splitheight != 0) || (splitwidth != 0)) { /* Viewport clipped to maxPageHeight or maxPageWidth */ if ((page_width != 0) || (page_height != 0)) /* Image scaled */ { xscale = (reqwidth - left_offset)/ psheight; yscale = (reqheight - bottom_offset)/ pswidth; *scale = (xscale < yscale) ? xscale : yscale; /* if (*scale > 1.0) *scale = 1.0; */ } else /* Image clipped but not scaled */ *scale = 1.0; view_width = splitwidth ? splitwidth : *scale * psheight; view_height = splitheight ? splitheight : *scale * pswidth; } else /* Viewport not clipped to maxPageHeight or maxPageWidth */ { if ((page_width != 0) || (page_height != 0)) /* Image scaled */ { xscale = (reqwidth - left_offset) / psheight; yscale = (reqheight - bottom_offset) / pswidth; view_width = reqwidth; view_height = reqheight; } else { xscale = (pswidth - left_offset)/ psheight; yscale = (psheight - bottom_offset)/ pswidth; view_width = psheight; view_height = pswidth; } } break; default: TIFFError ("psPageSize", "Invalid rotation %d", *rotation); return (1); } if (!npages) PSHead(fd, (page_width ? page_width : view_width), (page_height ? page_height : view_height), ox, oy); *scale = (xscale < yscale) ? xscale : yscale; if (*scale > 1.0) *scale = 1.0; return (0); } int get_viewport (double pgwidth, double pgheight, double pswidth, double psheight, double *view_width, double *view_height, int rotation) { /* Only one of maxPageHeight or maxPageWidth can be specified */ if (maxPageHeight != 0) /* Clip the viewport to maxPageHeight on each page */ { *view_height = maxPageHeight * PS_UNIT_SIZE; /* * if (res_unit == RESUNIT_CENTIMETER) * *view_height /= 2.54F; */ } else { if (pgheight != 0) /* User has set PageHeight with -h flag */ { *view_height = pgheight * PS_UNIT_SIZE; /* Postscript size for Page Height in inches */ /* if (res_unit == RESUNIT_CENTIMETER) * *view_height /= 2.54F; */ } else /* If no width or height are specified, use the original size from image */ switch (rotation) { default: case 0: case 180: *view_height = psheight; break; case 90: case 270: *view_height = pswidth; break; } } if (maxPageWidth != 0) /* Clip the viewport to maxPageWidth on each page */ { *view_width = maxPageWidth * PS_UNIT_SIZE; /* if (res_unit == RESUNIT_CENTIMETER) * *view_width /= 2.54F; */ } else { if (pgwidth != 0) /* User has set PageWidth with -w flag */ { *view_width = pgwidth * PS_UNIT_SIZE; /* Postscript size for Page Width in inches */ /* if (res_unit == RESUNIT_CENTIMETER) * *view_width /= 2.54F; */ } else /* If no width or height are specified, use the original size from image */ switch (rotation) { default: case 0: case 180: *view_width = pswidth; break; case 90: case 270: *view_width = psheight; /* (*view_height / psheight) * psheight; */ break; } } return (0); } /* pgwidth and pgheight specify page width and height in inches from -h and -w flags * lm and bm are the LeftMargin and BottomMargin in inches * center causes the image to be centered on the page if the paper size is * larger than the image size * returns the sequence number of the page processed or -1 on error */ int TIFF2PS(FILE* fd, TIFF* tif, double pgwidth, double pgheight, double lm, double bm, int center) { uint32 pixwidth = 0, pixheight = 0; /* Image width and height in pixels */ double ox = 0.0, oy = 0.0; /* Offset from current Postscript origin */ double pswidth, psheight; /* Original raw image width and height in points */ double view_width, view_height; /* Viewport width and height in points */ double scale = 1.0; double left_offset = lm * PS_UNIT_SIZE; double bottom_offset = bm * PS_UNIT_SIZE; uint32 subfiletype; uint16* sampleinfo; static int npages = 0; if (!TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_XPOSITION, &ox)) ox = 0; if (!TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_YPOSITION, &oy)) oy = 0; /* Consolidated all the tag information into one code segment, Richard Nolde */ do { tf_numberstrips = TIFFNumberOfStrips(tif); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, &tf_rowsperstrip); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, &bitspersample); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, &samplesperpixel); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, &planarconfiguration); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, &compression); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES, &extrasamples, &sampleinfo); alpha = (extrasamples == 1 && sampleinfo[0] == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA); if (!TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, &photometric)) { switch (samplesperpixel - extrasamples) { case 1: if (isCCITTCompression(tif)) photometric = PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE; else photometric = PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK; break; case 3: photometric = PHOTOMETRIC_RGB; break; case 4: photometric = PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED; break; } } /* Read image tags for width and height in pixels pixwidth, pixheight, * and convert to points pswidth, psheight */ setupPageState(tif, &pixwidth, &pixheight, &pswidth, &psheight); view_width = pswidth; view_height = psheight; if (get_viewport (pgwidth, pgheight, pswidth, psheight, &view_width, &view_height, rotation)) { TIFFError("get_viewport", "Unable to set image viewport"); return (1); } /* Write the Postscript file header with Bounding Box and Page Size definitions */ if (psStart(fd, npages, auto_rotate, &rotation, &scale, ox, oy, pgwidth, pgheight, view_width, view_height, pswidth, psheight, left_offset, bottom_offset)) return (-1); if (checkImage(tif)) /* Aborts if unsupported image parameters */ { tf_bytesperrow = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); /* Set viewport clipping and scaling options */ if ((maxPageHeight) || (maxPageWidth) || (pgwidth != 0) || (pgheight != 0)) { if ((maxPageHeight) || (maxPageWidth)) /* used -H or -W option */ { if (psMaskImage(fd, tif, rotation, center, &npages, pixwidth, pixheight, left_offset, bottom_offset, pgwidth, pgheight, pswidth, psheight, scale) < 0) return (-1); } else /* N.B. Setting maxPageHeight no longer sets pgheight */ { if (pgwidth != 0 || pgheight != 0) { /* User did not specify a maxium page height or width using -H or -W flag * but did use -h or -w flag to scale to a specific size page. */ npages++; fprintf(fd, "%%%%Page: %d %d\n", npages, npages); if (!generateEPSF && ( level2 || level3 )) { /* Write out the PageSize info for non EPS files */ if (psPageSize(fd, rotation, pgwidth, pgheight, view_width, view_height, pswidth, psheight)) return (-1); } fprintf(fd, "gsave\n"); fprintf(fd, "100 dict begin\n"); if (psScaleImage(fd, scale, rotation, center, view_width, view_height, pswidth, psheight, left_offset, bottom_offset)) return (-1); PSpage(fd, tif, pixwidth, pixheight); fprintf(fd, "end\n"); fprintf(fd, "grestore\n"); fprintf(fd, "showpage\n"); } } } else /* Simple rotation: user did not use -H, -W, -h or -w */ { npages++; fprintf(fd, "%%%%Page: %d %d\n", npages, npages); if (!generateEPSF && ( level2 || level3 )) { /* Write out the PageSize info for non EPS files */ if (psPageSize(fd, rotation, pgwidth, pgheight, view_width, view_height, pswidth, psheight)) return (-1); } fprintf(fd, "gsave\n"); fprintf(fd, "100 dict begin\n"); if (psRotateImage(fd, rotation, pswidth, psheight, left_offset, bottom_offset)) return (-1); PSpage(fd, tif, pixwidth, pixheight); fprintf(fd, "end\n"); fprintf(fd, "grestore\n"); fprintf(fd, "showpage\n"); } } if (generateEPSF) break; TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_SUBFILETYPE, &subfiletype); } while (((subfiletype & FILETYPE_PAGE) || printAll) && TIFFReadDirectory(tif)); return(npages); } static char DuplexPreamble[] = "\ %%BeginFeature: *Duplex True\n\ systemdict begin\n\ /languagelevel where { pop languagelevel } { 1 } ifelse\n\ 2 ge { 1 dict dup /Duplex true put setpagedevice }\n\ { statusdict /setduplex known { statusdict begin setduplex true end } if\n\ } ifelse\n\ end\n\ %%EndFeature\n\ "; static char TumblePreamble[] = "\ %%BeginFeature: *Tumble True\n\ systemdict begin\n\ /languagelevel where { pop languagelevel } { 1 } ifelse\n\ 2 ge { 1 dict dup /Tumble true put setpagedevice }\n\ { statusdict /settumble known { statusdict begin true settumble end } if\n\ } ifelse\n\ end\n\ %%EndFeature\n\ "; static char AvoidDeadZonePreamble[] = "\ gsave newpath clippath pathbbox grestore\n\ 4 2 roll 2 copy translate\n\ exch 3 1 roll sub 3 1 roll sub exch\n\ currentpagedevice /PageSize get aload pop\n\ exch 3 1 roll div 3 1 roll div abs exch abs\n\ 2 copy gt { exch } if pop\n\ dup 1 lt { dup scale } { pop } ifelse\n\ "; void PSHead(FILE *fd, double pagewidth, double pageheight, double xoff, double yoff) { time_t t; t = time(0); fprintf(fd, "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0%s\n", generateEPSF ? " EPSF-3.0" : ""); fprintf(fd, "%%%%Creator: %s\n", creator ? creator : "tiff2ps"); fprintf(fd, "%%%%Title: %s\n", title ? title : filename); fprintf(fd, "%%%%CreationDate: %s", ctime(&t)); fprintf(fd, "%%%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit\n"); /* NB: should use PageBoundingBox for each page instead of BoundingBox * * PageBoundingBox DSC added in PSPageSize function, R Nolde 09-01-2010 */ fprintf(fd, "%%%%Origin: %ld %ld\n", (long) xoff, (long) yoff); fprintf(fd, "%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %ld %ld\n", (long) ceil(pagewidth), (long) ceil(pageheight)); fprintf(fd, "%%%%LanguageLevel: %d\n", (level3 ? 3 : (level2 ? 2 : 1))); if (generateEPSF == TRUE) fprintf(fd, "%%%%Pages: 1 1\n"); else fprintf(fd, "%%%%Pages: (atend)\n"); fprintf(fd, "%%%%EndComments\n"); if (generateEPSF == FALSE) { fprintf(fd, "%%%%BeginSetup\n"); if (PSduplex) fprintf(fd, "%s", DuplexPreamble); if (PStumble) fprintf(fd, "%s", TumblePreamble); if (PSavoiddeadzone && (level2 || level3)) fprintf(fd, "%s", AvoidDeadZonePreamble); fprintf(fd, "%%%%EndSetup\n"); } } void PSTail(FILE *fd, int npages) { fprintf(fd, "%%%%Trailer\n"); if (generateEPSF == FALSE) fprintf(fd, "%%%%Pages: %d\n", npages); fprintf(fd, "%%%%EOF\n"); } static int checkcmap(TIFF* tif, int n, uint16* r, uint16* g, uint16* b) { (void) tif; while (n-- > 0) if (*r++ >= 256 || *g++ >= 256 || *b++ >= 256) return (16); TIFFWarning(filename, "Assuming 8-bit colormap"); return (8); } static void PS_Lvl2colorspace(FILE* fd, TIFF* tif) { uint16 *rmap, *gmap, *bmap; int i, num_colors; const char * colorspace_p; switch ( photometric ) { case PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED: colorspace_p = "CMYK"; break; case PHOTOMETRIC_RGB: colorspace_p = "RGB"; break; default: colorspace_p = "Gray"; } /* * Set up PostScript Level 2 colorspace according to * section 4.8 in the PostScript refenence manual. */ fputs("% PostScript Level 2 only.\n", fd); if (photometric != PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE) { if (photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR) { /* MORE CODE HERE */ } fprintf(fd, "/Device%s setcolorspace\n", colorspace_p ); return; } /* * Set up an indexed/palette colorspace */ num_colors = (1 << bitspersample); if (!TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_COLORMAP, &rmap, &gmap, &bmap)) { TIFFError(filename, "Palette image w/o \"Colormap\" tag"); return; } if (checkcmap(tif, num_colors, rmap, gmap, bmap) == 16) { /* * Convert colormap to 8-bits values. */ #define CVT(x) (((x) * 255) / ((1L<<16)-1)) for (i = 0; i < num_colors; i++) { rmap[i] = CVT(rmap[i]); gmap[i] = CVT(gmap[i]); bmap[i] = CVT(bmap[i]); } #undef CVT } fprintf(fd, "[ /Indexed /DeviceRGB %d", num_colors - 1); if (ascii85) { Ascii85Init(); fputs("\n<~", fd); ascii85breaklen -= 2; } else fputs(" <", fd); for (i = 0; i < num_colors; i++) { if (ascii85) { Ascii85Put((unsigned char)rmap[i], fd); Ascii85Put((unsigned char)gmap[i], fd); Ascii85Put((unsigned char)bmap[i], fd); } else { fputs((i % 8) ? " " : "\n ", fd); fprintf(fd, "%02x%02x%02x", rmap[i], gmap[i], bmap[i]); } } if (ascii85) Ascii85Flush(fd); else fputs(">\n", fd); fputs("] setcolorspace\n", fd); } static int PS_Lvl2ImageDict(FILE* fd, TIFF* tif, uint32 w, uint32 h) { int use_rawdata; uint32 tile_width, tile_height; uint16 predictor, minsamplevalue, maxsamplevalue; int repeat_count; char im_h[64], im_x[64], im_y[64]; char * imageOp = "image"; if ( useImagemask && (bitspersample == 1) ) imageOp = "imagemask"; (void)strcpy(im_x, "0"); (void)sprintf(im_y, "%lu", (long) h); (void)sprintf(im_h, "%lu", (long) h); tile_width = w; tile_height = h; if (TIFFIsTiled(tif)) { repeat_count = TIFFNumberOfTiles(tif); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH, &tile_width); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH, &tile_height); if (tile_width > w || tile_height > h || (w % tile_width) != 0 || (h % tile_height != 0)) { /* * The tiles does not fit image width and height. * Set up a clip rectangle for the image unit square. */ fputs("0 0 1 1 rectclip\n", fd); } if (tile_width < w) { fputs("/im_x 0 def\n", fd); (void)strcpy(im_x, "im_x neg"); } if (tile_height < h) { fputs("/im_y 0 def\n", fd); (void)sprintf(im_y, "%lu im_y sub", (unsigned long) h); } } else { repeat_count = tf_numberstrips; tile_height = tf_rowsperstrip; if (tile_height > h) tile_height = h; if (repeat_count > 1) { fputs("/im_y 0 def\n", fd); fprintf(fd, "/im_h %lu def\n", (unsigned long) tile_height); (void)strcpy(im_h, "im_h"); (void)sprintf(im_y, "%lu im_y sub", (unsigned long) h); } } /* * Output start of exec block */ fputs("{ % exec\n", fd); if (repeat_count > 1) fprintf(fd, "%d { %% repeat\n", repeat_count); /* * Output filter options and image dictionary. */ if (ascii85) fputs(" /im_stream currentfile /ASCII85Decode filter def\n", fd); fputs(" <<\n", fd); fputs(" /ImageType 1\n", fd); fprintf(fd, " /Width %lu\n", (unsigned long) tile_width); /* * Workaround for some software that may crash when last strip * of image contains fewer number of scanlines than specified * by the `/Height' variable. So for stripped images with multiple * strips we will set `/Height' as `im_h', because one is * recalculated for each strip - including the (smaller) final strip. * For tiled images and images with only one strip `/Height' will * contain number of scanlines in tile (or image height in case of * one-stripped image). */ if (TIFFIsTiled(tif) || tf_numberstrips == 1) fprintf(fd, " /Height %lu\n", (unsigned long) tile_height); else fprintf(fd, " /Height im_h\n"); if (planarconfiguration == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE && samplesperpixel > 1) fputs(" /MultipleDataSources true\n", fd); fprintf(fd, " /ImageMatrix [ %lu 0 0 %ld %s %s ]\n", (unsigned long) w, - (long)h, im_x, im_y); fprintf(fd, " /BitsPerComponent %d\n", bitspersample); fprintf(fd, " /Interpolate %s\n", interpolate ? "true" : "false"); switch (samplesperpixel - extrasamples) { case 1: switch (photometric) { case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK: fputs(" /Decode [0 1]\n", fd); break; case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE: switch (compression) { case COMPRESSION_CCITTRLE: case COMPRESSION_CCITTRLEW: case COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX3: case COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4: /* * Manage inverting with /Blackis1 flag * since there migth be uncompressed parts */ fputs(" /Decode [0 1]\n", fd); break; default: /* * ERROR... */ fputs(" /Decode [1 0]\n", fd); break; } break; case PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE: TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_MINSAMPLEVALUE, &minsamplevalue); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_MAXSAMPLEVALUE, &maxsamplevalue); fprintf(fd, " /Decode [%u %u]\n", minsamplevalue, maxsamplevalue); break; default: /* * ERROR ? */ fputs(" /Decode [0 1]\n", fd); break; } break; case 3: switch (photometric) { case PHOTOMETRIC_RGB: fputs(" /Decode [0 1 0 1 0 1]\n", fd); break; case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE: case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK: default: /* * ERROR?? */ fputs(" /Decode [0 1 0 1 0 1]\n", fd); break; } break; case 4: /* * ERROR?? */ fputs(" /Decode [0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]\n", fd); break; } fputs(" /DataSource", fd); if (planarconfiguration == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE && samplesperpixel > 1) fputs(" [", fd); if (ascii85) fputs(" im_stream", fd); else fputs(" currentfile /ASCIIHexDecode filter", fd); use_rawdata = TRUE; switch (compression) { case COMPRESSION_NONE: /* 1: uncompressed */ break; case COMPRESSION_CCITTRLE: /* 2: CCITT modified Huffman RLE */ case COMPRESSION_CCITTRLEW: /* 32771: #1 w/ word alignment */ case COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX3: /* 3: CCITT Group 3 fax encoding */ case COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4: /* 4: CCITT Group 4 fax encoding */ fputs("\n\t<<\n", fd); if (compression == COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX3) { uint32 g3_options; fputs("\t /EndOfLine true\n", fd); fputs("\t /EndOfBlock false\n", fd); if (!TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_GROUP3OPTIONS, &g3_options)) g3_options = 0; if (g3_options & GROUP3OPT_2DENCODING) fprintf(fd, "\t /K %s\n", im_h); if (g3_options & GROUP3OPT_UNCOMPRESSED) fputs("\t /Uncompressed true\n", fd); if (g3_options & GROUP3OPT_FILLBITS) fputs("\t /EncodedByteAlign true\n", fd); } if (compression == COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4) { uint32 g4_options; fputs("\t /K -1\n", fd); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_GROUP4OPTIONS, &g4_options); if (g4_options & GROUP4OPT_UNCOMPRESSED) fputs("\t /Uncompressed true\n", fd); } if (!(tile_width == w && w == 1728U)) fprintf(fd, "\t /Columns %lu\n", (unsigned long) tile_width); fprintf(fd, "\t /Rows %s\n", im_h); if (compression == COMPRESSION_CCITTRLE || compression == COMPRESSION_CCITTRLEW) { fputs("\t /EncodedByteAlign true\n", fd); fputs("\t /EndOfBlock false\n", fd); } if (photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK) fputs("\t /BlackIs1 true\n", fd); fprintf(fd, "\t>> /CCITTFaxDecode filter"); break; case COMPRESSION_LZW: /* 5: Lempel-Ziv & Welch */ TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_PREDICTOR, &predictor); if (predictor == 2) { fputs("\n\t<<\n", fd); fprintf(fd, "\t /Predictor %u\n", predictor); fprintf(fd, "\t /Columns %lu\n", (unsigned long) tile_width); fprintf(fd, "\t /Colors %u\n", samplesperpixel); fprintf(fd, "\t /BitsPerComponent %u\n", bitspersample); fputs("\t>>", fd); } fputs(" /LZWDecode filter", fd); break; case COMPRESSION_DEFLATE: /* 5: ZIP */ case COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE: if ( level3 ) { TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_PREDICTOR, &predictor); if (predictor > 1) { fprintf(fd, "\t %% PostScript Level 3 only."); fputs("\n\t<<\n", fd); fprintf(fd, "\t /Predictor %u\n", predictor); fprintf(fd, "\t /Columns %lu\n", (unsigned long) tile_width); fprintf(fd, "\t /Colors %u\n", samplesperpixel); fprintf(fd, "\t /BitsPerComponent %u\n", bitspersample); fputs("\t>>", fd); } fputs(" /FlateDecode filter", fd); } else { use_rawdata = FALSE ; } break; case COMPRESSION_PACKBITS: /* 32773: Macintosh RLE */ fputs(" /RunLengthDecode filter", fd); use_rawdata = TRUE; break; case COMPRESSION_OJPEG: /* 6: !6.0 JPEG */ case COMPRESSION_JPEG: /* 7: %JPEG DCT compression */ #ifdef notdef /* * Code not tested yet */ fputs(" /DCTDecode filter", fd); use_rawdata = TRUE; #else use_rawdata = FALSE; #endif break; case COMPRESSION_NEXT: /* 32766: NeXT 2-bit RLE */ case COMPRESSION_THUNDERSCAN: /* 32809: ThunderScan RLE */ case COMPRESSION_PIXARFILM: /* 32908: Pixar companded 10bit LZW */ case COMPRESSION_JBIG: /* 34661: ISO JBIG */ use_rawdata = FALSE; break; case COMPRESSION_SGILOG: /* 34676: SGI LogL or LogLuv */ case COMPRESSION_SGILOG24: /* 34677: SGI 24-bit LogLuv */ use_rawdata = FALSE; break; default: /* * ERROR... */ use_rawdata = FALSE; break; } if (planarconfiguration == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE && samplesperpixel > 1) { uint16 i; /* * NOTE: This code does not work yet... */ for (i = 1; i < samplesperpixel; i++) fputs(" dup", fd); fputs(" ]", fd); } fprintf( fd, "\n >> %s\n", imageOp ); if (ascii85) fputs(" im_stream status { im_stream flushfile } if\n", fd); if (repeat_count > 1) { if (tile_width < w) { fprintf(fd, " /im_x im_x %lu add def\n", (unsigned long) tile_width); if (tile_height < h) { fprintf(fd, " im_x %lu ge {\n", (unsigned long) w); fputs(" /im_x 0 def\n", fd); fprintf(fd, " /im_y im_y %lu add def\n", (unsigned long) tile_height); fputs(" } if\n", fd); } } if (tile_height < h) { if (tile_width >= w) { fprintf(fd, " /im_y im_y %lu add def\n", (unsigned long) tile_height); if (!TIFFIsTiled(tif)) { fprintf(fd, " /im_h %lu im_y sub", (unsigned long) h); fprintf(fd, " dup %lu gt { pop", (unsigned long) tile_height); fprintf(fd, " %lu } if def\n", (unsigned long) tile_height); } } } fputs("} repeat\n", fd); } /* * End of exec function */ fputs("}\n", fd); return(use_rawdata); } /* Flip the byte order of buffers with 16 bit samples */ static void PS_FlipBytes(unsigned char* buf, tsize_t count) { int i; unsigned char temp; if (count <= 0 || bitspersample <= 8) { return; } count--; for (i = 0; i < count; i += 2) { temp = buf[i]; buf[i] = buf[i + 1]; buf[i + 1] = temp; } } #define MAXLINE 36 int PS_Lvl2page(FILE* fd, TIFF* tif, uint32 w, uint32 h) { uint16 fillorder; int use_rawdata, tiled_image, breaklen = MAXLINE; uint32 chunk_no, num_chunks; uint64 *bc; unsigned char *buf_data, *cp; tsize_t chunk_size, byte_count; #if defined( EXP_ASCII85ENCODER ) tsize_t ascii85_l; /* Length, in bytes, of ascii85_p[] data */ uint8 * ascii85_p = 0; /* Holds ASCII85 encoded data */ #endif PS_Lvl2colorspace(fd, tif); use_rawdata = PS_Lvl2ImageDict(fd, tif, w, h); /* See http://bugzilla.remotesensing.org/show_bug.cgi?id=80 */ #ifdef ENABLE_BROKEN_BEGINENDDATA fputs("%%BeginData:\n", fd); #endif fputs("exec\n", fd); tiled_image = TIFFIsTiled(tif); if (tiled_image) { num_chunks = TIFFNumberOfTiles(tif); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_TILEBYTECOUNTS, &bc); } else { num_chunks = TIFFNumberOfStrips(tif); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS, &bc); } if (use_rawdata) { chunk_size = (tsize_t) bc[0]; for (chunk_no = 1; chunk_no < num_chunks; chunk_no++) if ((tsize_t) bc[chunk_no] > chunk_size) chunk_size = (tsize_t) bc[chunk_no]; } else { if (tiled_image) chunk_size = TIFFTileSize(tif); else chunk_size = TIFFStripSize(tif); } buf_data = (unsigned char *)_TIFFmalloc(chunk_size); if (!buf_data) { TIFFError(filename, "Can't alloc %lu bytes for %s.", (unsigned long) chunk_size, tiled_image ? "tiles" : "strips"); return(FALSE); } #if defined( EXP_ASCII85ENCODER ) if ( ascii85 ) { /* * Allocate a buffer to hold the ASCII85 encoded data. Note * that it is allocated with sufficient room to hold the * encoded data (5*chunk_size/4) plus the EOD marker (+8) * and formatting line breaks. The line breaks are more * than taken care of by using 6*chunk_size/4 rather than * 5*chunk_size/4. */ ascii85_p = _TIFFmalloc( (chunk_size+(chunk_size/2)) + 8 ); if ( !ascii85_p ) { _TIFFfree( buf_data ); TIFFError( filename, "Cannot allocate ASCII85 encoding buffer." ); return ( FALSE ); } } #endif TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_FILLORDER, &fillorder); for (chunk_no = 0; chunk_no < num_chunks; chunk_no++) { if (ascii85) Ascii85Init(); else breaklen = MAXLINE; if (use_rawdata) { if (tiled_image) byte_count = TIFFReadRawTile(tif, chunk_no, buf_data, chunk_size); else byte_count = TIFFReadRawStrip(tif, chunk_no, buf_data, chunk_size); if (fillorder == FILLORDER_LSB2MSB) TIFFReverseBits(buf_data, byte_count); } else { if (tiled_image) byte_count = TIFFReadEncodedTile(tif, chunk_no, buf_data, chunk_size); else byte_count = TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tif, chunk_no, buf_data, chunk_size); } if (byte_count < 0) { TIFFError(filename, "Can't read %s %d.", tiled_image ? "tile" : "strip", chunk_no); if (ascii85) Ascii85Put('\0', fd); } /* * for 16 bits, the two bytes must be most significant * byte first */ if (bitspersample == 16 && !TIFFIsBigEndian(tif)) { PS_FlipBytes(buf_data, byte_count); } /* * For images with alpha, matte against a white background; * i.e. Cback * (1 - Aimage) where Cback = 1. We will fill the * lower part of the buffer with the modified values. * * XXX: needs better solution */ if (alpha) { int adjust, i, j = 0; int ncomps = samplesperpixel - extrasamples; for (i = 0; i < byte_count; i+=samplesperpixel) { adjust = 255 - buf_data[i + ncomps]; switch (ncomps) { case 1: buf_data[j++] = buf_data[i] + adjust; break; case 2: buf_data[j++] = buf_data[i] + adjust; buf_data[j++] = buf_data[i+1] + adjust; break; case 3: buf_data[j++] = buf_data[i] + adjust; buf_data[j++] = buf_data[i+1] + adjust; buf_data[j++] = buf_data[i+2] + adjust; break; } } byte_count -= j; } if (ascii85) { #if defined( EXP_ASCII85ENCODER ) ascii85_l = Ascii85EncodeBlock(ascii85_p, 1, buf_data, byte_count ); if ( ascii85_l > 0 ) fwrite( ascii85_p, ascii85_l, 1, fd ); #else for (cp = buf_data; byte_count > 0; byte_count--) Ascii85Put(*cp++, fd); #endif } else { for (cp = buf_data; byte_count > 0; byte_count--) { putc(hex[((*cp)>>4)&0xf], fd); putc(hex[(*cp)&0xf], fd); cp++; if (--breaklen <= 0) { putc('\n', fd); breaklen = MAXLINE; } } } if ( !ascii85 ) { if ( level2 || level3 ) putc( '>', fd ); putc('\n', fd); } #if !defined( EXP_ASCII85ENCODER ) else Ascii85Flush(fd); #endif } #if defined( EXP_ASCII85ENCODER ) if ( ascii85_p ) _TIFFfree( ascii85_p ); #endif _TIFFfree(buf_data); #ifdef ENABLE_BROKEN_BEGINENDDATA fputs("%%EndData\n", fd); #endif return(TRUE); } void PSpage(FILE* fd, TIFF* tif, uint32 w, uint32 h) { char * imageOp = "image"; if ( useImagemask && (bitspersample == 1) ) imageOp = "imagemask"; if ((level2 || level3) && PS_Lvl2page(fd, tif, w, h)) return; ps_bytesperrow = tf_bytesperrow - (extrasamples * bitspersample / 8)*w; switch (photometric) { case PHOTOMETRIC_RGB: if (planarconfiguration == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { fprintf(fd, "%s", RGBcolorimage); PSColorContigPreamble(fd, w, h, 3); PSDataColorContig(fd, tif, w, h, 3); } else { PSColorSeparatePreamble(fd, w, h, 3); PSDataColorSeparate(fd, tif, w, h, 3); } break; case PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED: /* XXX should emit CMYKcolorimage */ if (planarconfiguration == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { PSColorContigPreamble(fd, w, h, 4); PSDataColorContig(fd, tif, w, h, 4); } else { PSColorSeparatePreamble(fd, w, h, 4); PSDataColorSeparate(fd, tif, w, h, 4); } break; case PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE: fprintf(fd, "%s", RGBcolorimage); PhotoshopBanner(fd, w, h, 1, 3, "false 3 colorimage"); fprintf(fd, "/scanLine %ld string def\n", (long) ps_bytesperrow * 3L); fprintf(fd, "%lu %lu 8\n", (unsigned long) w, (unsigned long) h); fprintf(fd, "[%lu 0 0 -%lu 0 %lu]\n", (unsigned long) w, (unsigned long) h, (unsigned long) h); fprintf(fd, "{currentfile scanLine readhexstring pop} bind\n"); fprintf(fd, "false 3 colorimage\n"); PSDataPalette(fd, tif, w, h); break; case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK: case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE: PhotoshopBanner(fd, w, h, 1, 1, imageOp); fprintf(fd, "/scanLine %ld string def\n", (long) ps_bytesperrow); fprintf(fd, "%lu %lu %d\n", (unsigned long) w, (unsigned long) h, bitspersample); fprintf(fd, "[%lu 0 0 -%lu 0 %lu]\n", (unsigned long) w, (unsigned long) h, (unsigned long) h); fprintf(fd, "{currentfile scanLine readhexstring pop} bind\n"); fprintf(fd, "%s\n", imageOp); PSDataBW(fd, tif, w, h); break; } putc('\n', fd); } void PSColorContigPreamble(FILE* fd, uint32 w, uint32 h, int nc) { ps_bytesperrow = nc * (tf_bytesperrow / samplesperpixel); PhotoshopBanner(fd, w, h, 1, nc, "false %d colorimage"); fprintf(fd, "/line %ld string def\n", (long) ps_bytesperrow); fprintf(fd, "%lu %lu %d\n", (unsigned long) w, (unsigned long) h, bitspersample); fprintf(fd, "[%lu 0 0 -%lu 0 %lu]\n", (unsigned long) w, (unsigned long) h, (unsigned long) h); fprintf(fd, "{currentfile line readhexstring pop} bind\n"); fprintf(fd, "false %d colorimage\n", nc); } void PSColorSeparatePreamble(FILE* fd, uint32 w, uint32 h, int nc) { int i; PhotoshopBanner(fd, w, h, ps_bytesperrow, nc, "true %d colorimage"); for (i = 0; i < nc; i++) fprintf(fd, "/line%d %ld string def\n", i, (long) ps_bytesperrow); fprintf(fd, "%lu %lu %d\n", (unsigned long) w, (unsigned long) h, bitspersample); fprintf(fd, "[%lu 0 0 -%lu 0 %lu] \n", (unsigned long) w, (unsigned long) h, (unsigned long) h); for (i = 0; i < nc; i++) fprintf(fd, "{currentfile line%d readhexstring pop}bind\n", i); fprintf(fd, "true %d colorimage\n", nc); } #define DOBREAK(len, howmany, fd) \ if (((len) -= (howmany)) <= 0) { \ putc('\n', fd); \ (len) = MAXLINE-(howmany); \ } #define PUTHEX(c,fd) putc(hex[((c)>>4)&0xf],fd); putc(hex[(c)&0xf],fd) void PSDataColorContig(FILE* fd, TIFF* tif, uint32 w, uint32 h, int nc) { uint32 row; int breaklen = MAXLINE, es = samplesperpixel - nc; tsize_t cc; unsigned char *tf_buf; unsigned char *cp, c; (void) w; tf_buf = (unsigned char *) _TIFFmalloc(tf_bytesperrow); if (tf_buf == NULL) { TIFFError(filename, "No space for scanline buffer"); return; } for (row = 0; row < h; row++) { if (TIFFReadScanline(tif, tf_buf, row, 0) < 0) break; cp = tf_buf; /* * for 16 bits, the two bytes must be most significant * byte first */ if (bitspersample == 16 && !HOST_BIGENDIAN) { PS_FlipBytes(cp, tf_bytesperrow); } if (alpha) { int adjust; cc = 0; for (; cc < tf_bytesperrow; cc += samplesperpixel) { DOBREAK(breaklen, nc, fd); /* * For images with alpha, matte against * a white background; i.e. * Cback * (1 - Aimage) * where Cback = 1. */ adjust = 255 - cp[nc]; switch (nc) { case 4: c = *cp++ + adjust; PUTHEX(c,fd); case 3: c = *cp++ + adjust; PUTHEX(c,fd); case 2: c = *cp++ + adjust; PUTHEX(c,fd); case 1: c = *cp++ + adjust; PUTHEX(c,fd); } cp += es; } } else { cc = 0; for (; cc < tf_bytesperrow; cc += samplesperpixel) { DOBREAK(breaklen, nc, fd); switch (nc) { case 4: c = *cp++; PUTHEX(c,fd); case 3: c = *cp++; PUTHEX(c,fd); case 2: c = *cp++; PUTHEX(c,fd); case 1: c = *cp++; PUTHEX(c,fd); } cp += es; } } } _TIFFfree((char *) tf_buf); } void PSDataColorSeparate(FILE* fd, TIFF* tif, uint32 w, uint32 h, int nc) { uint32 row; int breaklen = MAXLINE; tsize_t cc; tsample_t s, maxs; unsigned char *tf_buf; unsigned char *cp, c; (void) w; tf_buf = (unsigned char *) _TIFFmalloc(tf_bytesperrow); if (tf_buf == NULL) { TIFFError(filename, "No space for scanline buffer"); return; } maxs = (samplesperpixel > nc ? nc : samplesperpixel); for (row = 0; row < h; row++) { for (s = 0; s < maxs; s++) { if (TIFFReadScanline(tif, tf_buf, row, s) < 0) break; for (cp = tf_buf, cc = 0; cc < tf_bytesperrow; cc++) { DOBREAK(breaklen, 1, fd); c = *cp++; PUTHEX(c,fd); } } } _TIFFfree((char *) tf_buf); } #define PUTRGBHEX(c,fd) \ PUTHEX(rmap[c],fd); PUTHEX(gmap[c],fd); PUTHEX(bmap[c],fd) void PSDataPalette(FILE* fd, TIFF* tif, uint32 w, uint32 h) { uint16 *rmap, *gmap, *bmap; uint32 row; int breaklen = MAXLINE, nc; tsize_t cc; unsigned char *tf_buf; unsigned char *cp, c; (void) w; if (!TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_COLORMAP, &rmap, &gmap, &bmap)) { TIFFError(filename, "Palette image w/o \"Colormap\" tag"); return; } switch (bitspersample) { case 8: case 4: case 2: case 1: break; default: TIFFError(filename, "Depth %d not supported", bitspersample); return; } nc = 3 * (8 / bitspersample); tf_buf = (unsigned char *) _TIFFmalloc(tf_bytesperrow); if (tf_buf == NULL) { TIFFError(filename, "No space for scanline buffer"); return; } if (checkcmap(tif, 1<<bitspersample, rmap, gmap, bmap) == 16) { int i; #define CVT(x) ((unsigned short) (((x) * 255) / ((1U<<16)-1))) for (i = (1<<bitspersample)-1; i >= 0; i--) { rmap[i] = CVT(rmap[i]); gmap[i] = CVT(gmap[i]); bmap[i] = CVT(bmap[i]); } #undef CVT } for (row = 0; row < h; row++) { if (TIFFReadScanline(tif, tf_buf, row, 0) < 0) break; for (cp = tf_buf, cc = 0; cc < tf_bytesperrow; cc++) { DOBREAK(breaklen, nc, fd); switch (bitspersample) { case 8: c = *cp++; PUTRGBHEX(c, fd); break; case 4: c = *cp++; PUTRGBHEX(c&0xf, fd); c >>= 4; PUTRGBHEX(c, fd); break; case 2: c = *cp++; PUTRGBHEX(c&0x3, fd); c >>= 2; PUTRGBHEX(c&0x3, fd); c >>= 2; PUTRGBHEX(c&0x3, fd); c >>= 2; PUTRGBHEX(c, fd); break; case 1: c = *cp++; PUTRGBHEX(c&0x1, fd); c >>= 1; PUTRGBHEX(c&0x1, fd); c >>= 1; PUTRGBHEX(c&0x1, fd); c >>= 1; PUTRGBHEX(c&0x1, fd); c >>= 1; PUTRGBHEX(c&0x1, fd); c >>= 1; PUTRGBHEX(c&0x1, fd); c >>= 1; PUTRGBHEX(c&0x1, fd); c >>= 1; PUTRGBHEX(c, fd); break; } } } _TIFFfree((char *) tf_buf); } void PSDataBW(FILE* fd, TIFF* tif, uint32 w, uint32 h) { int breaklen = MAXLINE; unsigned char* tf_buf; unsigned char* cp; tsize_t stripsize = TIFFStripSize(tif); tstrip_t s; #if defined( EXP_ASCII85ENCODER ) tsize_t ascii85_l; /* Length, in bytes, of ascii85_p[] data */ uint8 *ascii85_p = 0; /* Holds ASCII85 encoded data */ #endif (void) w; (void) h; tf_buf = (unsigned char *) _TIFFmalloc(stripsize); if (tf_buf == NULL) { TIFFError(filename, "No space for scanline buffer"); return; } // FIXME memset(tf_buf, 0, stripsize); #if defined( EXP_ASCII85ENCODER ) if ( ascii85 ) { /* * Allocate a buffer to hold the ASCII85 encoded data. Note * that it is allocated with sufficient room to hold the * encoded data (5*stripsize/4) plus the EOD marker (+8) * and formatting line breaks. The line breaks are more * than taken care of by using 6*stripsize/4 rather than * 5*stripsize/4. */ ascii85_p = _TIFFmalloc( (stripsize+(stripsize/2)) + 8 ); if ( !ascii85_p ) { _TIFFfree( tf_buf ); TIFFError( filename, "Cannot allocate ASCII85 encoding buffer." ); return; } } #endif if (ascii85) Ascii85Init(); for (s = 0; s < TIFFNumberOfStrips(tif); s++) { tmsize_t cc = TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tif, s, tf_buf, stripsize); if (cc < 0) { TIFFError(filename, "Can't read strip"); break; } cp = tf_buf; if (photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE) { for (cp += cc; --cp >= tf_buf;) *cp = ~*cp; cp++; } /* * for 16 bits, the two bytes must be most significant * byte first */ if (bitspersample == 16 && !HOST_BIGENDIAN) { PS_FlipBytes(cp, cc); } if (ascii85) { #if defined( EXP_ASCII85ENCODER ) if (alpha) { int adjust, i; for (i = 0; i < cc; i+=2) { adjust = 255 - cp[i + 1]; cp[i / 2] = cp[i] + adjust; } cc /= 2; } ascii85_l = Ascii85EncodeBlock( ascii85_p, 1, cp, cc ); if ( ascii85_l > 0 ) fwrite( ascii85_p, ascii85_l, 1, fd ); #else while (cc-- > 0) Ascii85Put(*cp++, fd); #endif /* EXP_ASCII85_ENCODER */ } else { unsigned char c; if (alpha) { int adjust; while (cc-- > 0) { DOBREAK(breaklen, 1, fd); /* * For images with alpha, matte against * a white background; i.e. * Cback * (1 - Aimage) * where Cback = 1. */ adjust = 255 - cp[1]; c = *cp++ + adjust; PUTHEX(c,fd); cp++, cc--; } } else { while (cc-- > 0) { c = *cp++; DOBREAK(breaklen, 1, fd); PUTHEX(c, fd); } } } } if ( !ascii85 ) { if ( level2 || level3) fputs(">\n", fd); } #if !defined( EXP_ASCII85ENCODER ) else Ascii85Flush(fd); #else if ( ascii85_p ) _TIFFfree( ascii85_p ); #endif _TIFFfree(tf_buf); } void PSRawDataBW(FILE* fd, TIFF* tif, uint32 w, uint32 h) { uint64 *bc; uint32 bufsize; int breaklen = MAXLINE; tmsize_t cc; uint16 fillorder; unsigned char *tf_buf; unsigned char *cp, c; tstrip_t s; #if defined( EXP_ASCII85ENCODER ) tsize_t ascii85_l; /* Length, in bytes, of ascii85_p[] data */ uint8 * ascii85_p = 0; /* Holds ASCII85 encoded data */ #endif (void) w; (void) h; TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_FILLORDER, &fillorder); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS, &bc); /* * Find largest strip: */ bufsize = (uint32) bc[0]; for ( s = 0; ++s < (tstrip_t)tf_numberstrips; ) { if ( bc[s] > bufsize ) bufsize = (uint32) bc[s]; } tf_buf = (unsigned char*) _TIFFmalloc(bufsize); if (tf_buf == NULL) { TIFFError(filename, "No space for strip buffer"); return; } #if defined( EXP_ASCII85ENCODER ) if ( ascii85 ) { /* * Allocate a buffer to hold the ASCII85 encoded data. Note * that it is allocated with sufficient room to hold the * encoded data (5*bufsize/4) plus the EOD marker (+8) * and formatting line breaks. The line breaks are more * than taken care of by using 6*bufsize/4 rather than * 5*bufsize/4. */ ascii85_p = _TIFFmalloc( (bufsize+(bufsize/2)) + 8 ); if ( !ascii85_p ) { _TIFFfree( tf_buf ); TIFFError( filename, "Cannot allocate ASCII85 encoding buffer." ); return; } } #endif for (s = 0; s < (tstrip_t) tf_numberstrips; s++) { cc = TIFFReadRawStrip(tif, s, tf_buf, (tmsize_t) bc[s]); if (cc < 0) { TIFFError(filename, "Can't read strip"); break; } if (fillorder == FILLORDER_LSB2MSB) TIFFReverseBits(tf_buf, cc); if (!ascii85) { for (cp = tf_buf; cc > 0; cc--) { DOBREAK(breaklen, 1, fd); c = *cp++; PUTHEX(c, fd); } fputs(">\n", fd); breaklen = MAXLINE; } else { Ascii85Init(); #if defined( EXP_ASCII85ENCODER ) ascii85_l = Ascii85EncodeBlock( ascii85_p, 1, tf_buf, cc ); if ( ascii85_l > 0 ) fwrite( ascii85_p, ascii85_l, 1, fd ); #else for (cp = tf_buf; cc > 0; cc--) Ascii85Put(*cp++, fd); Ascii85Flush(fd); #endif /* EXP_ASCII85ENCODER */ } } _TIFFfree((char *) tf_buf); #if defined( EXP_ASCII85ENCODER ) if ( ascii85_p ) _TIFFfree( ascii85_p ); #endif } void Ascii85Init(void) { ascii85breaklen = 2*MAXLINE; ascii85count = 0; } static char* Ascii85Encode(unsigned char* raw) { static char encoded[6]; uint32 word; word = (((raw[0]<<8)+raw[1])<<16) + (raw[2]<<8) + raw[3]; if (word != 0L) { uint32 q; uint16 w1; q = word / (85L*85*85*85); /* actually only a byte */ encoded[0] = (char) (q + '!'); word -= q * (85L*85*85*85); q = word / (85L*85*85); encoded[1] = (char) (q + '!'); word -= q * (85L*85*85); q = word / (85*85); encoded[2] = (char) (q + '!'); w1 = (uint16) (word - q*(85L*85)); encoded[3] = (char) ((w1 / 85) + '!'); encoded[4] = (char) ((w1 % 85) + '!'); encoded[5] = '\0'; } else encoded[0] = 'z', encoded[1] = '\0'; return (encoded); } void Ascii85Put(unsigned char code, FILE* fd) { ascii85buf[ascii85count++] = code; if (ascii85count >= 4) { unsigned char* p; int n; for (n = ascii85count, p = ascii85buf; n >= 4; n -= 4, p += 4) { char* cp; for (cp = Ascii85Encode(p); *cp; cp++) { putc(*cp, fd); if (--ascii85breaklen == 0) { putc('\n', fd); ascii85breaklen = 2*MAXLINE; } } } _TIFFmemcpy(ascii85buf, p, n); ascii85count = n; } } void Ascii85Flush(FILE* fd) { if (ascii85count > 0) { char* res; _TIFFmemset(&ascii85buf[ascii85count], 0, 3); res = Ascii85Encode(ascii85buf); fwrite(res[0] == 'z' ? "!!!!" : res, ascii85count + 1, 1, fd); } fputs("~>\n", fd); } #if defined( EXP_ASCII85ENCODER) #define A85BREAKCNTR ascii85breaklen #define A85BREAKLEN (2*MAXLINE) /***************************************************************************** * * Name: Ascii85EncodeBlock( ascii85_p, f_eod, raw_p, raw_l ) * * Description: This routine will encode the raw data in the buffer described * by raw_p and raw_l into ASCII85 format and store the encoding * in the buffer given by ascii85_p. * * Parameters: ascii85_p - A buffer supplied by the caller which will * contain the encoded ASCII85 data. * f_eod - Flag: Nz means to end the encoded buffer with * an End-Of-Data marker. * raw_p - Pointer to the buffer of data to be encoded * raw_l - Number of bytes in raw_p[] to be encoded * * Returns: (int) < 0 Error, see errno * >= 0 Number of bytes written to ascii85_p[]. * * Notes: An external variable given by A85BREAKCNTR is used to * determine when to insert newline characters into the * encoded data. As each byte is placed into ascii85_p this * external is decremented. If the variable is decrement to * or past zero then a newline is inserted into ascii85_p * and the A85BREAKCNTR is then reset to A85BREAKLEN. * Note: for efficiency reasons the A85BREAKCNTR variable * is not actually checked on *every* character * placed into ascii85_p but often only for every * 5 characters. * * THE CALLER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT ASCII85_P[] IS * SUFFICIENTLY LARGE TO THE ENCODED DATA! * You will need at least 5 * (raw_l/4) bytes plus space for * newline characters and space for an EOD marker (if * requested). A safe calculation is to use 6*(raw_l/4) + 8 * to size ascii85_p. * *****************************************************************************/ tsize_t Ascii85EncodeBlock( uint8 * ascii85_p, unsigned f_eod, const uint8 * raw_p, tsize_t raw_l ) { char ascii85[5]; /* Encoded 5 tuple */ tsize_t ascii85_l; /* Number of bytes written to ascii85_p[] */ int rc; /* Return code */ uint32 val32; /* Unencoded 4 tuple */ ascii85_l = 0; /* Nothing written yet */ if ( raw_p ) { --raw_p; /* Prepare for pre-increment fetches */ for ( ; raw_l > 3; raw_l -= 4 ) { val32 = *(++raw_p) << 24; val32 += *(++raw_p) << 16; val32 += *(++raw_p) << 8; val32 += *(++raw_p); if ( val32 == 0 ) /* Special case */ { ascii85_p[ascii85_l] = 'z'; rc = 1; } else { ascii85[4] = (char) ((val32 % 85) + 33); val32 /= 85; ascii85[3] = (char) ((val32 % 85) + 33); val32 /= 85; ascii85[2] = (char) ((val32 % 85) + 33); val32 /= 85; ascii85[1] = (char) ((val32 % 85) + 33); ascii85[0] = (char) ((val32 / 85) + 33); _TIFFmemcpy( &ascii85_p[ascii85_l], ascii85, sizeof(ascii85) ); rc = sizeof(ascii85); } ascii85_l += rc; if ( (A85BREAKCNTR -= rc) <= 0 ) { ascii85_p[ascii85_l] = '\n'; ++ascii85_l; A85BREAKCNTR = A85BREAKLEN; } } /* * Output any straggler bytes: */ if ( raw_l > 0 ) { tsize_t len; /* Output this many bytes */ len = raw_l + 1; val32 = *++raw_p << 24; /* Prime the pump */ if ( --raw_l > 0 ) val32 += *(++raw_p) << 16; if ( --raw_l > 0 ) val32 += *(++raw_p) << 8; val32 /= 85; ascii85[3] = (char) ((val32 % 85) + 33); val32 /= 85; ascii85[2] = (char) ((val32 % 85) + 33); val32 /= 85; ascii85[1] = (char) ((val32 % 85) + 33); ascii85[0] = (char) ((val32 / 85) + 33); _TIFFmemcpy( &ascii85_p[ascii85_l], ascii85, len ); ascii85_l += len; } } /* * If requested add an ASCII85 End Of Data marker: */ if ( f_eod ) { ascii85_p[ascii85_l++] = '~'; ascii85_p[ascii85_l++] = '>'; ascii85_p[ascii85_l++] = '\n'; } return ( ascii85_l ); } /* Ascii85EncodeBlock() */ #endif /* EXP_ASCII85ENCODER */ char* stuff[] = { "usage: tiff2ps [options] input.tif ...", "where options are:", " -1 generate PostScript Level 1 (default)", " -2 generate PostScript Level 2", " -3 generate PostScript Level 3", " -8 disable use of ASCII85 encoding with PostScript Level 2/3", " -a convert all directories in file (default is first), Not EPS", " -b # set the bottom margin to # inches", " -c center image (-b and -l still add to this)", " -d # set initial directory to # counting from zero", " -D enable duplex printing (two pages per sheet of paper)", " -e generate Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) (implies -z)", " -h # set printed page height to # inches (no default)", " -w # set printed page width to # inches (no default)", " -H # split image if height is more than # inches", " -P L or P set optional PageOrientation DSC comment to Landscape or Portrait", " -W # split image if width is more than # inches", " -L # overLap split images by # inches", " -i # enable/disable (Nz/0) pixel interpolation (default: enable)", " -l # set the left margin to # inches", " -m use \"imagemask\" operator instead of \"image\"", " -o # convert directory at file offset # bytes", " -O file write PostScript to file instead of standard output", " -p generate regular PostScript", " -r # or auto rotate by 90, 180, 270 degrees or auto", " -s generate PostScript for a single image", " -t name set postscript document title. Otherwise the filename is used", " -T print pages for top edge binding", " -x override resolution units as centimeters", " -y override resolution units as inches", " -z enable printing in the deadzone (only for PostScript Level 2/3)", NULL }; static void usage(int code) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; int i; setbuf(stderr, buf); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n\n", TIFFGetVersion()); for (i = 0; stuff[i] != NULL; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", stuff[i]); exit(code); }