# Makefile for SQLITE
# This makefile is suppose to be configured automatically using the
# autoconf.  But if that does not work for you, you can configure
# the makefile manually.  Just set the parameters below to values that
# work well for your system.
# If the configure script does not work out-of-the-box, you might
# be able to get it to work by giving it some hints.  See the comment
# at the beginning of configure.in for additional information.

# The toplevel directory of the source tree.  This is the directory
# that contains this "Makefile.in" and the "configure.in" script.
TOP = @srcdir@

# C Compiler and options for use in building executables that
# will run on the platform that is doing the build.

# C Compile and options for use in building executables that 
# will run on the target platform.  (BCC and TCC are usually the
# same unless your are cross-compiling.)

# Define -DNDEBUG to compile without debugging (i.e., for production usage)
# Omitting the define will cause extra debugging code to be inserted and
# includes extra comments when "EXPLAIN stmt" is used.

# Compiler options needed for programs that use the TCL library.

# The library that programs using TCL must link against.

# Compiler options needed for programs that use the readline() library.

# The library that programs using readline() must link against.

# Should the database engine be compiled threadsafe

# The pthreads library if needed

# Do threads override each others locks by default (1), or do we test (-1)

# The fdatasync library

# Flags controlling use of the in memory btree implementation
# TEMP_STORE is 0 to force temporary tables to be in a file, 1 to
# default to file, 2 to default to memory, and 3 to force temporary
# tables to always be in memory.

# Version numbers and release number for the SQLite being compiled.

# Filename extensions

# The following variable is "1" if the configure script was able to locate
# the tclConfig.sh file.  It is an empty string otherwise.  When this
# variable is "1", the TCL extension library (libtclsqlite3.so) is built
# and installed.

# The suffix used on shared libraries.  Ex:  ".dll", ".so", ".dylib"

# The directory into which to store package information for

# Some standard variables and programs
prefix = @prefix@
exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
libdir = @libdir@
LIBTOOL = ./libtool

# libtool compile/link/install
LTCOMPILE = $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(TCC)
LTLINK = $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CC --mode=link $(TCC)
LTINSTALL = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install $(INSTALL)

# nawk compatible awk.

# You should not have to change anything below this line

# Object files for the SQLite library.
LIBOBJ = alter.lo analyze.lo attach.lo auth.lo btree.lo build.lo \
         callback.lo complete.lo date.lo \
         delete.lo expr.lo func.lo hash.lo insert.lo loadext.lo \
         main.lo opcodes.lo os.lo os_unix.lo os_win.lo os_os2.lo \
         pager.lo parse.lo pragma.lo prepare.lo printf.lo random.lo \
         select.lo table.lo tokenize.lo trigger.lo update.lo \
         util.lo vacuum.lo \
         vdbe.lo vdbeapi.lo vdbeaux.lo vdbefifo.lo vdbemem.lo \
         where.lo utf.lo legacy.lo vtab.lo

# All of the source code files.
SRC = \
  $(TOP)/src/alter.c \
  $(TOP)/src/analyze.c \
  $(TOP)/src/attach.c \
  $(TOP)/src/auth.c \
  $(TOP)/src/btree.c \
  $(TOP)/src/btree.h \
  $(TOP)/src/build.c \
  $(TOP)/src/callback.c \
  $(TOP)/src/complete.c \
  $(TOP)/src/date.c \
  $(TOP)/src/delete.c \
  $(TOP)/src/expr.c \
  $(TOP)/src/func.c \
  $(TOP)/src/hash.c \
  $(TOP)/src/hash.h \
  $(TOP)/src/insert.c \
  $(TOP)/src/legacy.c \
  $(TOP)/src/loadext.c \
  $(TOP)/src/main.c \
  $(TOP)/src/os.c \
  $(TOP)/src/os_unix.c \
  $(TOP)/src/os_win.c \
  $(TOP)/src/os_os2.c \
  $(TOP)/src/pager.c \
  $(TOP)/src/pager.h \
  $(TOP)/src/parse.y \
  $(TOP)/src/pragma.c \
  $(TOP)/src/prepare.c \
  $(TOP)/src/printf.c \
  $(TOP)/src/random.c \
  $(TOP)/src/select.c \
  $(TOP)/src/shell.c \
  $(TOP)/src/sqlite.h.in \
  $(TOP)/src/sqliteInt.h \
  $(TOP)/src/table.c \
  $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c \
  $(TOP)/src/tokenize.c \
  $(TOP)/src/trigger.c \
  $(TOP)/src/utf.c \
  $(TOP)/src/update.c \
  $(TOP)/src/util.c \
  $(TOP)/src/vacuum.c \
  $(TOP)/src/vdbe.c \
  $(TOP)/src/vdbe.h \
  $(TOP)/src/vdbeapi.c \
  $(TOP)/src/vdbeaux.c \
  $(TOP)/src/vdbefifo.c \
  $(TOP)/src/vdbemem.c \
  $(TOP)/src/vdbeInt.h \
  $(TOP)/src/vtab.c \

# Source code for extensions
SRC += \
  $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1.c \
  $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1.h \
  $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1_hash.c \
  $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1_hash.h \
  $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1_porter.c \
  $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1_tokenizer.h \
  $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1_tokenizer1.c \

# Source code to the test files.
  $(TOP)/src/btree.c \
  $(TOP)/src/date.c \
  $(TOP)/src/func.c \
  $(TOP)/src/os.c \
  $(TOP)/src/os_os2.c \
  $(TOP)/src/os_unix.c \
  $(TOP)/src/os_win.c \
  $(TOP)/src/pager.c \
  $(TOP)/src/pragma.c \
  $(TOP)/src/printf.c \
  $(TOP)/src/test1.c \
  $(TOP)/src/test2.c \
  $(TOP)/src/test3.c \
  $(TOP)/src/test4.c \
  $(TOP)/src/test5.c \
  $(TOP)/src/test6.c \
  $(TOP)/src/test7.c \
  $(TOP)/src/test8.c \
  $(TOP)/src/test_autoext.c \
  $(TOP)/src/test_async.c \
  $(TOP)/src/test_md5.c \
  $(TOP)/src/test_schema.c \
  $(TOP)/src/test_server.c \
  $(TOP)/src/test_tclvar.c \
  $(TOP)/src/utf.c \
  $(TOP)/src/util.c \
  $(TOP)/src/vdbe.c \
  $(TOP)/src/vdbeaux.c \

# Header files used by all library source files.
HDR = \
   sqlite3.h  \
   $(TOP)/src/btree.h \
   $(TOP)/src/hash.h \
   opcodes.h \
   $(TOP)/src/os.h \
   $(TOP)/src/os_common.h \
   $(TOP)/src/sqlite3ext.h \
   $(TOP)/src/sqliteInt.h  \
   $(TOP)/src/vdbe.h \

# Header files used by extensions
HDR += \
  $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1.h \
  $(TOP)/ext/fts1/fts1_hash.h \

# Header files used by the VDBE submodule
   $(HDR) \

# This is the default Makefile target.  The objects listed here
# are what get build when you type just "make" with no arguments.
all:	sqlite3.h libsqlite3.la sqlite3$(TEXE) $(HAVE_TCL:1=libtclsqlite3.la)

Makefile: $(TOP)/Makefile.in

# Generate the file "last_change" which contains the date of change
# of the most recently modified source code file
last_change:	$(SRC)
	cat $(SRC) | grep '$$Id: ' | sort -k 5 | tail -1 \
          | $(NAWK) '{print $$5,$$6}' >last_change

libsqlite3.la:	$(LIBOBJ)
	$(LTLINK) -o libsqlite3.la $(LIBOBJ) $(LIBPTHREAD) \
		${ALLOWRELEASE} -rpath $(libdir) -version-info "8:6:8"

libtclsqlite3.la:	tclsqlite.lo libsqlite3.la
	$(LTLINK) -o libtclsqlite3.la tclsqlite.lo \
                -rpath $(libdir)/sqlite \
		-version-info "8:6:8"

sqlite3$(TEXE):	$(TOP)/src/shell.c libsqlite3.la sqlite3.h
		-o $@ $(TOP)/src/shell.c libsqlite3.la \

# This target creates a directory named "tsrc" and fills it with
# copies of all of the C source code and header files needed to
# build on the target system.  Some of the C source code and header
# files are automatically generated.  This target takes care of
# all that automatic generation.
target_source:	$(SRC) parse.c opcodes.c keywordhash.h $(VDBEHDR) 
	rm -rf tsrc
	mkdir -p tsrc
	cp $(SRC) $(VDBEHDR) tsrc
	rm tsrc/sqlite.h.in tsrc/parse.y
	cp parse.c opcodes.c keywordhash.h tsrc

# Rules to build the LEMON compiler generator
lemon$(BEXE):	$(TOP)/tool/lemon.c $(TOP)/tool/lempar.c
	$(BCC) -o lemon$(BEXE) $(TOP)/tool/lemon.c
	cp $(TOP)/tool/lempar.c .

# Rules to build individual files
alter.lo:	$(TOP)/src/alter.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/alter.c

analyze.lo:	$(TOP)/src/analyze.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/analyze.c

attach.lo:	$(TOP)/src/attach.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/attach.c

auth.lo:	$(TOP)/src/auth.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/auth.c

btree.lo:	$(TOP)/src/btree.c $(HDR) $(TOP)/src/pager.h
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/btree.c

build.lo:	$(TOP)/src/build.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/build.c

callback.lo:	$(TOP)/src/callback.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/callback.c

complete.lo:	$(TOP)/src/complete.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/complete.c

date.lo:	$(TOP)/src/date.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/date.c

delete.lo:	$(TOP)/src/delete.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/delete.c

expr.lo:	$(TOP)/src/expr.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/expr.c

func.lo:	$(TOP)/src/func.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/func.c

hash.lo:	$(TOP)/src/hash.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/hash.c

insert.lo:	$(TOP)/src/insert.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/insert.c

legacy.lo:	$(TOP)/src/legacy.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/legacy.c

loadext.lo:	$(TOP)/src/loadext.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/loadext.c

main.lo:	$(TOP)/src/main.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) $(TEMP_STORE) -c $(TOP)/src/main.c

pager.lo:	$(TOP)/src/pager.c $(HDR) $(TOP)/src/pager.h
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/pager.c

opcodes.lo:	opcodes.c
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c opcodes.c

opcodes.c:	opcodes.h $(TOP)/mkopcodec.awk
	sort -n -b -k 3 opcodes.h | $(NAWK) -f $(TOP)/mkopcodec.awk >opcodes.c

opcodes.h:	parse.h $(TOP)/src/vdbe.c $(TOP)/mkopcodeh.awk
	cat parse.h $(TOP)/src/vdbe.c | $(NAWK) -f $(TOP)/mkopcodeh.awk >opcodes.h

os.lo:	$(TOP)/src/os.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/os.c

os_unix.lo:	$(TOP)/src/os_unix.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/os_unix.c

os_win.lo:	$(TOP)/src/os_win.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/os_win.c

os_os2.lo:	$(TOP)/src/os_os2.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/os_os2.c

parse.lo:	parse.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c parse.c

parse.h:	parse.c

parse.c:	$(TOP)/src/parse.y lemon$(BEXE) $(TOP)/addopcodes.awk
	cp $(TOP)/src/parse.y .
	./lemon$(BEXE) $(OPTS) parse.y
	mv parse.h parse.h.temp
	awk -f $(TOP)/addopcodes.awk parse.h.temp >parse.h

pragma.lo:	$(TOP)/src/pragma.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/pragma.c

prepare.lo:	$(TOP)/src/prepare.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) $(TEMP_STORE) -c $(TOP)/src/prepare.c

printf.lo:	$(TOP)/src/printf.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/printf.c

random.lo:	$(TOP)/src/random.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/random.c

select.lo:	$(TOP)/src/select.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/select.c

sqlite3.h:	$(TOP)/src/sqlite.h.in 
	sed -e s/--VERS--/$(RELEASE)/ $(TOP)/src/sqlite.h.in | \
	sed -e s/--VERSION-NUMBER--/$(VERSION_NUMBER)/ >sqlite3.h

table.lo:	$(TOP)/src/table.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/table.c

tclsqlite.lo:	$(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c

tokenize.lo:	$(TOP)/src/tokenize.c keywordhash.h $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/tokenize.c

keywordhash.h:	$(TOP)/tool/mkkeywordhash.c
	$(BCC) -o mkkeywordhash$(BEXE) $(OPTS) $(TOP)/tool/mkkeywordhash.c
	./mkkeywordhash$(BEXE) >keywordhash.h

trigger.lo:	$(TOP)/src/trigger.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/trigger.c

update.lo:	$(TOP)/src/update.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/update.c

utf.lo:	$(TOP)/src/utf.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/utf.c

util.lo:	$(TOP)/src/util.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/util.c

vacuum.lo:	$(TOP)/src/vacuum.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/vacuum.c

vdbe.lo:	$(TOP)/src/vdbe.c $(VDBEHDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/vdbe.c

vdbeapi.lo:	$(TOP)/src/vdbeapi.c $(VDBEHDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/vdbeapi.c

vdbeaux.lo:	$(TOP)/src/vdbeaux.c $(VDBEHDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/vdbeaux.c

vdbefifo.lo:	$(TOP)/src/vdbefifo.c $(VDBEHDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/vdbefifo.c

vdbemem.lo:	$(TOP)/src/vdbemem.c $(VDBEHDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/vdbemem.c

vtab.lo:	$(TOP)/src/vtab.c $(VDBEHDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/vtab.c

where.lo:	$(TOP)/src/where.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/src/where.c

tclsqlite-shell.lo:	$(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -DTCLSH=1 -o $@ -c $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c

tclsqlite-stubs.lo:	$(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c $(HDR)
	$(LTCOMPILE) -DTCL_USE_STUBS=1 -o $@ -c $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c

tclsqlite3:	tclsqlite-shell.lo libsqlite3.la
	$(LTLINK) -o tclsqlite3 tclsqlite-shell.lo \
		 libsqlite3.la $(LIBTCL)

testfixture$(TEXE):	$(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c libsqlite3.la $(TESTSRC)
                -DSQLITE_NO_SYNC=1 $(TEMP_STORE) \
		-o testfixture $(TESTSRC) $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c \
		libsqlite3.la $(LIBTCL)

fulltest:	testfixture$(TEXE) sqlite3$(TEXE)
	./testfixture $(TOP)/test/all.test

test:	testfixture$(TEXE) sqlite3$(TEXE)
	./testfixture $(TOP)/test/quick.test

sqlite3_analyzer$(TEXE):	$(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c libtclsqlite3.la \
				$(TESTSRC) $(TOP)/tool/spaceanal.tcl
	sed \
	  -e '/^#/d' \
	  -e 's,\\,\\\\,g' \
	  -e 's,",\\",g' \
	  -e 's,^,",' \
	  -e 's,$$,\\n",' \
	  $(TOP)/tool/spaceanal.tcl >spaceanal_tcl.h
                -o sqlite3_analyzer$(EXE) $(TESTSRC) $(TOP)/src/tclsqlite.c \
		libtclsqlite3.la $(LIBTCL)

# Rules used to build documentation
arch.html:	$(TOP)/www/arch.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/arch.tcl >arch.html

arch2.gif:	$(TOP)/www/arch2.gif
	cp $(TOP)/www/arch2.gif .

autoinc.html:	$(TOP)/www/autoinc.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/autoinc.tcl >autoinc.html

c_interface.html:	$(TOP)/www/c_interface.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/c_interface.tcl >c_interface.html

capi3.html:	$(TOP)/www/capi3.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/capi3.tcl >capi3.html

capi3ref.html:	$(TOP)/www/capi3ref.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/capi3ref.tcl >capi3ref.html

changes.html:	$(TOP)/www/changes.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/changes.tcl >changes.html

compile.html:	$(TOP)/www/compile.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/compile.tcl >compile.html

copyright.html:	$(TOP)/www/copyright.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/copyright.tcl >copyright.html

copyright-release.html:	$(TOP)/www/copyright-release.html
	cp $(TOP)/www/copyright-release.html .

copyright-release.pdf:	$(TOP)/www/copyright-release.pdf
	cp $(TOP)/www/copyright-release.pdf .

common.tcl:	$(TOP)/www/common.tcl
	cp $(TOP)/www/common.tcl .

conflict.html:	$(TOP)/www/conflict.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/conflict.tcl >conflict.html

datatypes.html:	$(TOP)/www/datatypes.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/datatypes.tcl >datatypes.html

datatype3.html:	$(TOP)/www/datatype3.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/datatype3.tcl >datatype3.html

docs.html:	$(TOP)/www/docs.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/docs.tcl >docs.html

download.html:	$(TOP)/www/download.tcl
	mkdir -p doc
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/download.tcl >download.html

faq.html:	$(TOP)/www/faq.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/faq.tcl >faq.html

fileformat.html:	$(TOP)/www/fileformat.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/fileformat.tcl >fileformat.html

formatchng.html:	$(TOP)/www/formatchng.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/formatchng.tcl >formatchng.html

index.html:	$(TOP)/www/index.tcl last_change
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/index.tcl >index.html

lang.html:	$(TOP)/www/lang.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/lang.tcl >lang.html

pragma.html:	$(TOP)/www/pragma.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/pragma.tcl >pragma.html

lockingv3.html:	$(TOP)/www/lockingv3.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/lockingv3.tcl >lockingv3.html

oldnews.html:	$(TOP)/www/oldnews.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/oldnews.tcl >oldnews.html

omitted.html:	$(TOP)/www/omitted.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/omitted.tcl >omitted.html

opcode.html:	$(TOP)/www/opcode.tcl $(TOP)/src/vdbe.c
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/opcode.tcl $(TOP)/src/vdbe.c >opcode.html

mingw.html:	$(TOP)/www/mingw.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/mingw.tcl >mingw.html

nulls.html:	$(TOP)/www/nulls.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/nulls.tcl >nulls.html

quickstart.html:	$(TOP)/www/quickstart.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/quickstart.tcl >quickstart.html

speed.html:	$(TOP)/www/speed.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/speed.tcl >speed.html

sqlite.gif:	$(TOP)/art/SQLite.gif
	cp $(TOP)/art/SQLite.gif sqlite.gif

sqlite.html:	$(TOP)/www/sqlite.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/sqlite.tcl >sqlite.html

support.html:	$(TOP)/www/support.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/support.tcl >support.html

tclsqlite.html:	$(TOP)/www/tclsqlite.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/tclsqlite.tcl >tclsqlite.html

vdbe.html:	$(TOP)/www/vdbe.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/vdbe.tcl >vdbe.html

version3.html:	$(TOP)/www/version3.tcl
	tclsh $(TOP)/www/version3.tcl >version3.html

# Files to be published on the website.
DOC = \
  arch.html \
  arch2.gif \
  autoinc.html \
  c_interface.html \
  capi3.html \
  capi3ref.html \
  changes.html \
  compile.html \
  copyright.html \
  copyright-release.html \
  copyright-release.pdf \
  conflict.html \
  datatypes.html \
  datatype3.html \
  docs.html \
  download.html \
  faq.html \
  fileformat.html \
  formatchng.html \
  index.html \
  lang.html \
  lockingv3.html \
  mingw.html \
  nulls.html \
  oldnews.html \
  omitted.html \
  opcode.html \
  pragma.html \
  quickstart.html \
  speed.html \
  sqlite.gif \
  sqlite.html \
  support.html \
  tclsqlite.html \
  vdbe.html \

doc:	common.tcl $(DOC)
	mkdir -p doc
	mv $(DOC) doc

install:	sqlite3 libsqlite3.la sqlite3.h ${HAVE_TCL:1=tcl_install}
	$(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
	$(LTINSTALL) libsqlite3.la $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
	$(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(exec_prefix)/bin
	$(LTINSTALL) sqlite3 $(DESTDIR)$(exec_prefix)/bin
	$(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/include
	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 sqlite3.h $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/include
	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(TOP)/src/sqlite3ext.h $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/include
	$(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig; 
	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 sqlite3.pc $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig; 

tcl_install:	libtclsqlite3.la
	tclsh $(TOP)/tclinstaller.tcl $(VERSION)

	rm -f *.lo *.la *.o sqlite3$(TEXE) libsqlite3.la
	rm -f sqlite3.h opcodes.*
	rm -rf .libs .deps 
	rm -f lemon$(BEXE) lempar.c parse.* sqlite*.tar.gz
	rm -f mkkeywordhash$(BEXE) keywordhash.h
	rm -f $(PUBLISH)
	rm -f *.da *.bb *.bbg gmon.out
	rm -f testfixture$(TEXE) test.db
	rm -rf doc
	rm -f common.tcl
	rm -f sqlite3.dll sqlite3.lib sqlite3.def

distclean:	clean
	rm -f config.log config.status libtool Makefile config.h

# Windows section
dll: sqlite3.dll

REAL_LIBOBJ = $(LIBOBJ:%.lo=.libs/%.o)


sqlite3.def: $(REAL_LIBOBJ)
	echo 'EXPORTS' >sqlite3.def
	nm $(REAL_LIBOBJ) | grep ' T ' | grep ' _sqlite3_' \
		| sed 's/^.* _//' >>sqlite3.def

sqlite3.dll: $(REAL_LIBOBJ) sqlite3.def
	$(TCC) -shared -o sqlite3.dll sqlite3.def \
		-Wl,"--strip-all" $(REAL_LIBOBJ)